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Preschool Graduation Ideas: Planning for the Big Day!

nursery presentation for graduation party

It’s that time of year and you need to start thinking about preschool graduation ideas ! Where do you begin??  

Whether it’s your first year teaching or you just want to mix things up a bit (sick of singing the same songs year after year?), The Preschool Professor has lots of preschool graduation ideas for you!

Let's talk about the bigger considerations and then we'll look at the details of the program and the many resources to help you plan your Graduation Ceremony!

The details of your graduation program will be easier to plan once you've decided on the bigger, "logistical" pieces.  

We need to consider and plan "The 5 W's and the H" of preschool graduation ideas and planning!

Let's Get Started!

The 5 W's And the H of Preschool Graduation Ideas!

What?!  Well, as when we plan any presentation, we need to look at:

  • Who and 

1.  Why? Celebrating Milestones!

The transition from preschool to kindergarten marks a very important step in a child’s life. It is only appropriate to celebrate this moment with an event that will be as memorable as the rest of the year was.

2.  Where?  Location, Location, Location!

The first thing you will want to decide is the location where you will hold the preschool graduation ceremony.  You have many options for location for preschool graduation ideas!  Deciding on where will depend on how many people will be attending.  Many times grandparents, aunts, uncles, and neighbors may be invited in addition to the preschooler and his or her direct family!  The location you choose will need to accommodate seating for everyone!

You may have few or many choices available.  Some might be:

  • In your classroom
  • In a larger room (such as the cafeteria, gymnasium or other room in your facility).
  • In a local facility such as the local high school or church
  • In your playground!
  • Outside is a great idea if you can do it!  You can set up chairs for families and have a fun, informal but moving ceremony. 

If you choose outside, consider ahead of time the following:

Access to an electrical outlet (for a microphone, DVD player or CD player).

Back-up plan for inclement weather (where inside can you move it to if it rains?).

My personal preference is a location that is already familiar to the children.  Remember, they are still preschoolers and new places and environments are sometimes difficult to adapt to.  It creates anxiety and nervousness in many children (and adults)!

When I directed a preschool in a church, we used to have the celebration in the Sanctuary.  There was plenty of room for families to sit (in the pews) and the children were higher up in the chancel area (you know, that area where the Pastor stands during Sunday worship service).

This was the tradition for years.  We would all go upstairs for rehearsals often before the big day.

One year, we were not able to use the Sanctuary.  The carpets had some issues and were being replaced it was off limits to everyone for the week!

EEK!  Panic!  Our only other option was to hold the ceremony in the "big room" (as the children called it) just outside the classroom.

This was the Fellowship Hall of the church.  It is a room we used for an "indoor playground" in bad weather.  

After the ceremony, so many parents (who had children in our preschool program over the years) commented on how much they LOVED having graduation in this room instead of in the Sanctuary!

The children were more comfortable because it was a familiar space to them.  The parents felt it was more intimate because they weren't so far away from where they children were standing!  It became the new tradition from that year on!

Ultimately, you will need to decide the spaces available to you and once you make that decision, you can move on to the next "W" of preschool graduation ideas and planning....

3.  When?  Setting the Day and Time

This is another piece that leave us with many options to choose from.  What day do you have the program on?  During the week?  On a Saturday?  And what time of day do you hold it?  During class time?  In the evening?  This will depend on who is planning to attend.

During the Preschool Hours

Some teachers prefer to schedule a short but sweet ceremony during the last preschool day. 

The advantage is that you know that most of your students will be there as arrangements are already made for their children to be at school at that time.  But, in my opinion, this is the BOLD ONLY benefit.  

Their are many disadvantages to this (and the reason why we hold an evening graduation):

Parents may not be able to get time off from their jobs during the day or

Only one parent will be able to get time off and attend

Other family members (Grandparents especially!) LOVE to attend these celebrations of milestones and may not be able to attend during the day.

During a Weekend

Many preschools hold their celebrations on a Saturday or Sunday.  They are planned (the date) in advance so that families are aware at the beginning of the year.

This can work out very well.  However, you will need to consider the time of year.  May and June are a very busy time for many other graduations as well such as High School and College Graduations.  In addition, many schools have field days or other gatherings for their students and schools at this time of year.

Many of your preschoolers will have siblings, cousins or other family members who have these events going on.  So, weekends can be tricky in May and June.

Evening Celebration

Many preschools plan their celebration for an evening.  This has been the option that has worked best for us over the years.

The considerations for an evening celebration is the timing.  It is usually best if held after dinner time and being certain it ends before preschool bedtime!

This has been the option that worked best for us through the years.  We held the celebration from 6:00-7:30. One hour for the program and 1/2 hour for hanging out together and enjoying some snackage!

Once you have the location, the day and the time decided (and honestly, I recommend that you decide on this at the beginning of each school year!), you are ready to move on to the next "W" of preschool graduation ideas and planning.......

4.  What?  Informing and Communicating the Program with Families

You may have just recently chosen the day, time and place.  You may have chosen it at the beginning of the year and sent it out on your annual event calendar.

Regardless, it is time to begin the stream of communication about the details of your program!

What is the best way to do this?  ANY and EVERY way you can!  Do not solely rely on the newsletter---you know, the one that is sometimes found in the bottom of the backpack or in their cubbies or mailboxes weeks after it was distributed?  ;)

As with any communications, each parent has their own way of receiving information so utilize them all:

  • Highlight it front page and center in your newsletter
  • Post a colorful notice (use balloons if you want to!) on the door parents use to come in and out of the program.
  • Send emails to all parents
  • Post it on your Facebook Page
  • Tweet about it!
  • Postal Mail  This is the most important:  Use snail mail!  What?  You know, the good old-fashioned "Mail an Invitation!"!  

Address it to the family and list the return address as the preschool with the child's name as well:

Billy Preschooler

ABC Preschool

123 Main St.

Anytown, Your country 12345

Trust me, families WILL see and open this letter!

There are sooo many choices and ways to create invitations!  I have listed them on the Preschool Graduation Resource page (coming soon!)!

So now you know where you will hold the celebration, the day and time and have sent out invitations.  But HOW will you pull it all together?  Glad you asked!  Let's move on to the next "W" of preschool graduation ideas and planning.. ...

5.  Who?  Many Hands make Light Work!

This proverb is very true!  The more help you have, the more successful and fun your celebration will be! Assign tasks from your graduation ideas list or program to families!  Don't become a one engine train (or control freak!  ;)  ) about this!  

This is a celebration...for everyone involved:  The children, the families and the teachers and staff!  Let's plan together!

Decide on tasks you can assign to others such as:

  • Snacks:   A sign-up process for snacks for the graduation day (ask a parent to call parents to sign people up for snacks, plates, cups, napkins, tablecloths, etc.)
  • Decorations:  Will your director order them?  Do you have some from previous years?  Also, have the children create some artwork to hang on the walls!
  • Props:  Are your children singing songs or acting out a short play?  Ask families to create or gather the props you will need either for the scenery, costumes or to go along with the songs.
  • Set-up:  Do you need folding chairs or tables?  Ask parents to loan them to you!
  • Clean-up:  Can a family member or two stay a little later to help clean up after the program?  For that matter, can any come early to set up??!

Share the excitement, including sharing the tasks!  There are so many details you can delegate.  There are so many details that can overwhelm you.....bringing us to our final consideration....the "H" in preschool graduation planning ideas...

6.  How?  Keeping It Real without Really Losing Your Mind!

First let me direct you back to the first section of this page:  The "Why".

Don't forget WHY you are doing this!  It is to celebrate!  To enjoy the growth and development of your preschoolers--their skills AND their friendships throughout the year!  And, for many of the students, it is a time to say goodbye...the most bittersweet of the "Why".

Let's remember what your graduation program is NOT for:

  • It is NOT to impress parents or families with our amazing recreations of Pinterest ideas (though--go for it if you enjoy it!).
  • It is NOT to have the children "pull off" a "perfect" program!
  • It is NOT to (sorry......but it should be said!) "show off" our mad skills on how well we got children to "memorize, repeat and behavie" for 45 minutes to an hour!

Relax!  Enjoy this time with the students who have stolen your heart for the past year or more!  Enjoy this time with the families who have entrusted their children to you for the past year or more!

Enjoy planning a program that reflects your children's interests and abilities; your program's mission and that allows you all to celebrate this milestone together!

With that's time to brainstorm more preschool graduation ideas for your Graduation Celebration!

Planning The Program Details:   Preschool Graduation Ideas and Resources

Here are some pages for you to check out.  I hope you find them helpful!  If you have additional preschool graduation ideas to add to any of these pages, please share them!  You will find a submission form at the bottom of each of the pages in which you can share your ideas!  The more we share, the better prepared we are!

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How to Host a Memorable Preschool Graduation

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How to Host a Memorable Preschool Graduation

Preschool graduation is an essential milestone in a child's life. Graduating from preschool means a child is one step closer to starting kindergarten, which is a significant accomplishment. It's also a time for families to celebrate how far their child has come.

Preschool graduations give children a chance to show off the skills they have learned in the past year. Families get the opportunity to experience first-hand what their child has achieved throughout their time at preschool. 

Preschool graduation is a special day and there are a lot of things to consider when planning this event. This guide offers a few ideas to help make the day memorable.

three preschool aged children wearing blue graduation caps and gowns holding rolled, white diplomas

Celebrating milestones: Preschool graduation

Preschool graduation marks a pivotal milestone in a child's educational journey, celebrating their growth and the foundational skills they've acquired. This event not only signifies an important transition but also sets the stage for the beginning of a new and exciting chapter.

Preschool graduations are significant events that:

Celebrate children’s developmental milestones : A preschool graduation ceremony is a celebration, as it signifies children's ability to learn, grow, and take on more responsibility. It also shows that children are meeting developmental milestones, an essential step in children's lives that is worth celebrating.

Honor children and families for their time at your center : Preschool graduations are a chance to celebrate the children, families, and teachers who have worked together to make children’s learning and time at your center successful. 

  • Acknowledge teacher and family partnerships : Preschool graduations are also times to acknowledge the strong home-to-school connection that teachers and families have achieved. It is also an opportunity for families to consider how they can continue supporting their child's educational goals after they move on from preschool.

With brightwheel, you can strengthen relationships between staff and families with things like real-time messaging and daily reports . The app makes it easy for families to get in touch with you, and staff can quickly send messages, SMS alerts, or engaging newsletters to families.

Components of a preschool graduation ceremony

Preschool graduation ceremonies are special occasions that recognize young learners' achievements and readiness for the next step in their educational path. Here, we explore the essential components that make up a memorable preschool graduation ceremony:

  • Speeches: The preschool administrator or director generally congratulates children on their hard work and dedication to the school. They can talk about what children have learned in the past year and how it has helped them grow. They may also talk about what the future holds for them and give advice to families.
  • Receiving diplomas: The presentation of a preschool diploma is usually simple, with each child receiving a certificate from the school. The school may also present children with other mementos that symbolize their success. Families also sometimes bring gifts for their children, accompanied by a photo session.

Special school traditions: Traditions vary from school to school; this can be anything from a special song or dance performance to a more formal procession. Regardless of the specifics, these traditions are fun and memorable ways to mark the occasion.

Preschool graduation ideas

To help organize your event, consider choosing a preschool graduation theme with relevant activities that showcase what children have learned in the past year. The theme sets the tone for the ceremony and can transform a simple graduation into a captivating event that children, families, and teachers will remember for years to come.

Consider involving families and children in the planning process to build community and engagement with your program. They can assist with decorating the space, choosing the music, preparing refreshments, and cleaning up after the event.

Once you settle on a particular theme, incorporate it into every aspect of the event to make it fun and memorable for children. Here are ten ideas to consider for your preschool graduation ceremony.

1. Under the sea

This is a great way to bring the beauty of the ocean and its many creatures to the event. Here are some ideas to help bring this theme to life:

  • Decorate the graduation venue with blue and green streamers, balloons, and other under-the-sea-themed decorations
  • Give out seashells or other under-the-sea-themed favors to the graduates 

2. Out of this world 

This theme is a great way to inspire children to reach for the stars and celebrate their stellar achievements. Some ideas for decorating this theme include:

  • Hanging planet and star decorations from the ceiling
  • Setting up a rocket ship as a backdrop
  • Making space-themed crafts such as aliens, UFOs, and telescopes

3. Exploring the future

This theme is all about showing a future full of possibilities. Some popular activities include:

  • Having the children wear costumes inspired by their favorite futuristic movie or TV show
  • Playing games that reflect what life will be like in the future
  • Using virtual reality to “transport” your children to a different world for their big day

4. Growing garden

Just like a blooming plant, the growing garden theme represents the growth and development of the children over the past year. It can also be a reminder of the importance of learning and growing. Here are a few tips on how to prepare for this theme: 

  • Choose a location that has plenty of green space, such as a neighborhood park
  • Decorate the space with flowers and plants 
  • Use garden-themed props such as watering cans, baskets, and flower pots

5. Alphabet theme

An alphabet theme is a great way to incorporate learning into the festivities and will put your children’s letter knowledge on display. 

  • Decorate your venue with alphabet letter balloons
  • Sing songs that teach the alphabet, such as The Alphabet Song
  • Create awards for each child that correspond to a letter of the alphabet. For example, the "A" award can be for being an "amazing artist", the "B" award can be for being a "brave helper", and so on
  • You can also serve alphabet-themed food like alphabet soup

6. Reading books

A book-themed graduation ceremony is a great way to encourage a love for reading. Consider one book that your children have read the past year and use it as a base for your decor.

For example, children can dress up as their favorite book characters, and the ceremony can end with everyone reading aloud from their favorite book. Additionally, you can end the ceremony with a book-themed graduation song, such as The Reading Song or The More We Read Together.

7. Road trip 

A road trip-themed graduation ceremony is a great way to celebrate the end of preschool and the beginning of summer vacation. The decor can be based on popular travel destinations, and the graduate program can include activities related to road trips. Alternatively, the ceremony can have a special "road trip" down the graduation aisle, with children riding in toy cars or buses. 

8. Rainbow theme

What better way to celebrate than with a rainbow-themed graduation party? Imagine a sea of little graduates in their caps and gowns, each adorned with ribbons of different colors of the rainbow. Create this theme with plenty of colorful balloons, streamers, and tablecloths. And, of course, no graduation party is complete without a delicious cake, so be sure to include a rainbow cake in your plans!

9. Nature theme

Use animal prints, greenery, and rustic props like tree stumps and wooden signs for a nature-inspired theme. You can set up a mini zoo with stuffed animals or animal masks, or you can organize a nature walk with the children to explore the local flora and fauna. You can also have a storytelling session with animal-themed books.

10. Circus-themed ceremony 

For this theme, you can organize games, such as a ring toss, beanbag toss, or balloon darts, to keep the children entertained. You can also set up a photo booth with circus-themed props such as clown noses, mustaches, and hats so children can take photos with their friends and family. This is a great way to celebrate the children's accomplishments and send them off to kindergarten with a bang.

Sample preschool graduation program

Having an organized timeline can help you plan your graduation ceremony and activities. Even a very simple program can still create a memorable and engaging experience. Below is a sample program you can use to plan your event and adjust to suit the needs of your school's culture: 

  • 8:00 am: Processional by the graduating class.  The preschool staff will begin the ceremony by leading the children's procession, with each child escorted by a family member.
  • 8:05 am: Welcome speech.  Once everyone is seated, the preschool director will welcome children and guests. 
  • 8:10 am: Performance.  Usually the preschool class will be prepared to sing a short song or perform a simple dance.
  • 8:15 am: Presentation of diplomas.  After the performance, it’s time for children to receive their diplomas, presented by the preschool staff. Families can also come up on stage for a photo session.
  • 8:45 am: Final speech.  To wrap things up, the preschool director will thank families for their support throughout the year and end on an inspirational note. 
  • 8:50 am: Reception.  End the day with a small reception with refreshments.

Preschool graduation checklist

Here are some items to include on your preschool graduation checklist:

  • Decorations 
  • Graduation gowns
  • Graduation caps
  • Diplomas 
  • Invitations 
  • Refreshments
  • Cameras and video cameras
  • Gifts for children (optional)

Bottom line 

Graduating from preschool is a significant milestone for children and their families. It marks the end of an essential phase of their lives and the beginning of a new one.

When children graduate from preschool, they have their first taste of real achievement and are proud of what they’ve accomplished. With creativity and preparation, you can pull off a preschool graduation ceremony that both children and families will appreciate and remember forever.

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That's why we've created a set of PowerPoint design templates with a Kindergarten Graduation theme. These Kindergarten Graduation PowerPoint templates are a great choice for a wide variety of presentation needs. Spend your time wisely - download the Kindergarten Graduation PowerPoint Templates today.

Kindergarten Graduation PowerPoint Presentation Themes FAQ

What are kindergarten graduation powerpoint templates.

A PowerPoint template is a pattern or blueprint for your slides that you save as a .pptx or .potx file.

All the Kindergarten Graduation PowerPoint templates are natively built in PowerPoint, using placeholders on the slide master, color palettes, and other features in PowerPoint, and can contain layouts, theme colors, theme fonts, theme effects, background styles, and even content (according to Microsoft Office).

How to choose Kindergarten Graduation PowerPoint templates for presentations?

Choose after carefully studying the template features and viewing the big preview images. All the product information is on the product page in the description and a list of the features can be found in the horizontal scrolling bar under the Download button. You may download a few free templates before making the final decision.

Who are Kindergarten Graduation PowerPoint templates suitable for?

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30 Adorable Kindergarten Graduation Ideas for a Day They’ll Always Remember

Celebrate your students!

Kindergarten graduation ideas

Looking for creative and memorable ways to celebrate the end of kindergarten with your students? Look no further! We have a list of kindergarten graduation ideas that you can add to your plans. Whether your school has an official graduation ceremony or not, there are plenty of exciting and fun ways to commemorate your students’ achievements and growth throughout the year. From DIY decorations to graduation-themed games and activities, this list has everything you need to make your students’ graduation day a truly special and meaningful event.

1. Hold a graduation ceremony

Kindergarten students wearing red graduation caps and gowns

One of my favorite things at the end of each year is to watch my students put on their fancy clothes/cap and gown and receive a small rolled-up piece of paper to celebrate the end of the year. We sing a few songs and recite a poem or two. Parents are overjoyed and it’s a great time for all.

2. Hand out certificates or diplomas

Kindergarten graduation printable diplomas

Whether you hold a graduation or not, you can print off Kindergarten Graduate Certificates for your students. I give them away after graduation or put them in their end-of-the-year baggies with goodies that I send home like a memory book.

Buy it: Keri Brown

3. Have a photo booth frame

Creating a DIY graduation photo frame can be a fun and inexpensive way for students to showcase their graduation photos and memories.

4. Put together a slideshow

Kindergarten Slideshow featuring illustrations of kids with and their names

Gather all the pictures you’ve taken over the year and turn them into a kindergarten slideshow. For years, I would make DVDs of the pictures for parents to take home. Now, I make the video and turn it into a QR code. No worries about messing up a DVD. They can play the video for years to come.

5. Decorate the classroom

Kindergarten classroom decorated for a graduation ceremony

Decorate the classroom for graduation day. If the graduation ceremony is in your classroom, add colorful paper, arrange the chairs for students and families, and wish them well with simple grad decor.

Learn more: Keepin’ It Kool in KinderLand

6. Make a time capsule

Kindergarten Time Capsule as an example of kindergarten graduation ideas

Students can make a time capsule for their senior graduation. Parents can donate a shoebox, then students can fill it with their favorite things and memories from kindergarten. It’s a simple and very memorable idea to save for when they graduate high school.

Learn more: Joy’s Jots, Shots & Whatnots ADVERTISEMENT

7. Invite families

Kindergarten graduation invitation from teachers

I send a letter to invite families and friends to our kindergarten graduation or ceremony. It helps to build a little excitement.

Learn more: Enchanted Kinder Garden

8. Create class T-shirts

Two kindergarten students wearing green shirts to celebrate their graduation.

Self-portrait class shirts will be a keepsake that they’ll never forget. Students can draw themselves and then turn each drawing into a class shirt. How cute are these?

Learn more: One Sharp Bunch

9. Host a kindergarten picnic

Collage of four picnic foods for kids.

Have a picnic with all the kindergarten classes. Students can bring cookies, snacks, and juice to have a nice picnic outside with friends.

Learn more: Natural Beach Living

10. Make a memory book

Memory book for kindergarten.

Creating a kindergarten memory book is a wonderful way for students to preserve and cherish their memories of their first year of school.

Learn more: Sweet Sounds of Kindergarten

11. Write personalized notes

Framed kindergarten graduation letter with photo of student and teacher.

At the end of each year, I write a short note to each student. It can be a memory that we had together, something I really enjoyed about their personality, or just saying how much I loved having them in my classroom. I usually write these in their memory books, but you can put them anywhere. I found a wonderful example from Keepin’ It Kool in KinderLand.

12. Create a graduation wall

Wall with string and kindergarten students' graduation photos hanging from it.

A graduation wall can help students look toward the future. Have them take a picture with a sign. Then, you can add each picture to your editing software of choice and add what they want to be when they grow up in the font of your choice. This is perfect for those with less-than-stellar handwriting. Print the pictures off and you’ve got a wall to celebrate!

13. Celebrate with songs

Firework by Katy Perry lyrics quote as an example of kindergarten graduation ideas

Looking for song ideas for your kindergarten graduation? Sing and dance to one or more of these tunes from our list of the best graduation songs .

14. Hold a talent show

Microphone and program with text that says How To Host a School Talent Show

End the year with a showcase of your students’ amazing talents. Invite the entire school to come to watch.

Learn more: Firstieland

15. Read graduation books

Boy reading a book

Reading a kindergarten graduation book to students can be a fun and engaging activity that helps to build excitement and anticipation for the graduation ceremony. It can also provide an opportunity for students to reflect on their growth and achievements over the past year.

Learn more: Best Graduation Books for Kids of All Ages

16. Take cap-and-gown photos

Kindergarten girl wearing blue cap and gown.

Take photos of your students in their caps and gowns. I take my own cap-and-gown pictures and add them to our end-of-the-year slideshow. I’ve also made really cute fridge magnets out of the pictures for parents.

17. Make DIY graduation gifts

Close up of graduation cap decorated with yellow stars.

Create a DIY graduation cap for your students.

Learn more: Powerful Mothering

18. Frame a poem

Graduation poem framed with photo of kindergarten student.

Create an end-of-the-year graduation-themed play or skit with your students. They can sing, dance, and perform graduation skits for their families. Here are some of our favorite graduation poems to inspire students .

19. Fill a memory jar

Printouts of memory jars with student words and drawings inside them hung on the wall.

One activity that students can do near the end of the year is to think about all of the memories from the year. They can complete a printable memory jar and draw in their favorite moments from the year.

Learn more: LittleYellowStar

20. Look ahead to post-graduation

Self portraits made of construction paper featuring student writing about what they want to do after kindergarten graduation.

This adorable craft can be done before graduation. Students can create their mini selves and finish the sentence prompt with what they want to do after graduation.

Learn more: First and Kinder Blue Skies

21. Construct a DIY cupcake stand

DIY cupcake stand with graduation cap on top.

You can easily create this DIY cupcake stand themed for graduation. It will be the perfect complement to snacks and refreshments after the kindergarten graduation.

Learn more: Six Clever Sisters

22. Take a class photo

Graduation photo backdrop

A class photo to commemorate the year is a perfect end-of-the-year gift. You can even frame each photo for students or add a poem below.

23. Decorate graduation goodies

Graduation cap chocolate pops

How fun are these DIY graduation cap pops? Know a baker? Have them create some for your classroom or try them yourself.

24. Play “Pin the tassel on the cap”

Pin the tassel on the grad game.

Looking for game ideas for your kindergarten graduation? Students can play “Pin the tassel on the cap.” Print off a cap or create one with card stock. Then, allow students to pin paper tassels on the cap.

Learn more: By Sophia Lee

25. Make self-portraits

Graduation self portrait held by kindergarten students.

Students can use construction paper, glue, and crayons to make the cutest graduation self-portraits.

Learn more: KinderCraze

26. Create DIY tassels

Use this DIY tutorial video to help create quick and easy graduation tassels for your students. They can be placed on DIY graduation caps.

27. Celebrate with bubbles

Two bottles of bubbles with graduation labels as an example of kindergarten graduation ideas

Have a day of bubbles to celebrate graduation. Create this DIY set of bubbles by adding a printable wrapper to the bubble containers.

Learn more: A-Manda Creation

28. Make a pallet backdrop

Photo backdrop made from pallets and balloons as an example of kindergarten graduation ideas

Create a photo backdrop with balloons and a pallet. Find numbers for the graduation year.

Learn more: HubPages

29. Countdown

Alphabet Countdown bulletin board

Celebrate with an alphabet countdown. Go backwards from Z to A with themed days.

Learn more: Kindergarten Smorgasboard

30. Have a candy buffet

Candy buffet as an example of kindergarten graduation ideas

After the graduation, greet everyone with a candy assortment decorated just for the big day!

Learn more: Shower of Roses

What are your favorite kindergarten graduation ideas? Share in the comments below!

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This list of kindergarten graduation ideas will help you plan for your next class graduation. Easy DIY ideas are included.

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8 Nursery and Preschool Graduation Ceremony Ideas

Choose a Fun Theme

Whether it’s your first year as a nursery school teacher or your pre-school is venturing into the wonderful world of nursery graduation ceremonies , see our list of preschool graduation ideas and give your students a milestone to look back on in the future.

1. Choose a Fun Theme

Be creative with their big day and get everyone involved with a theme. This is helpful when choosing activities and planning the graduation programme. Will it be ‘What do you want to be when you grow up’ or ‘Futuristic’ or even based on a specific subject like ‘History’ or ‘Authors’. If your preschool has a topic close to their heart then make it personal and make sure all the students get involved and are excited.

5. ‘I Want to be a ____ When I Grow Up’ Wall

2. Create Your Own Diploma Certificates

Make each student a diploma to take home and treasure as a memento. Adding a personalised message for each student is great and really shows the parents how much you care. It could be a new skill they’ve learnt or something they overcame in the year. Preschool children love receiving certificates and will fill them with joy and a sense of accomplishment.

6. Preschool Graduation Goodie Bags

3. Have a Preschool Graduation Song Sing-a-long

It can be a nursery rhyme, an Elton John classic, or (if you can handle it) Baby Shark. Having a sing-a-long or performance from your nursery students is always fun and warms the hearts of many proud parents, guardians and family, helping build the perfect occasion. The song can match your chosen theme or be straight out of a Disney favourite like Bare Necessities or Toy Stories ‘You’ve got a friend in me’.

Have a Preschool Graduation Song Sing-a-long

4. Slideshow of Memories

If you have permission to gather memories throughout the year and show them on a slideshow presentation for the adults to admire and see what their little ones get up to in preschool. Another way to get parents permission is to ask them to send in snaps so you can make a memory reel of your students who graduated this year. Choose the right soundtrack and share your experiences of each child – there won’t be a dry eye in the house!

Create Your Own Diploma Certificates

5. ‘I Want to be a ____ When I Grow Up’ Wall

Ask each of your nursery children what they want to be when they grow up and create a big wall with their drawings and answers to show the world. This is always a special memory to look back on and is fun for the children. When the children are collecting their special award you can always include it on the certificate. For example, ‘Congratulations to Charlie Foster for graduating nursery and good luck with your job as an astronaut when you grow up’.

6. Preschool Graduation Goodie Bags

What’s a celebration without a goodie bag?! As well as a diploma certificate, reward the children with a bag full of goodies to say well done for doing well in the year. These can be as simple as a colouring book, crayons and some treats. You can even tie them in with your graduation ceremony theme idea. Be as creative as you like, the kids will love it.

7. Share A Few of My Favourite Things

Let the children share a few of their favourite things! It can be their favourite colour or favourite food, give them a chance to speak in front of an audience about themselves. This will be a great way to help them develop an important life skill. If you have some shy ones in the class then you can help them read it out. Another idea is to put them on a ‘Wall of Favourite Things’ with their handprint and a photo.

Slideshow of Memories

8. Focus on Fun with your Nursery Graduation Ceremony!

Planning a graduation day for your nursery class should be fun and a time for celebrating the achievements of the little ones you look after. Whatever you decide to include in your graduation programme, you know the parents and guardians will be full of pride looking up at their little ones in mini graduation gowns and hats . Good luck and congratulations from us for guiding your nursery class through a successful school year.

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24 adorable preschool graduation ceremony ideas.

Written by  Shutterfly Community Last Updated: Mar 11, 2022

Your little one is growing up right before your very eyes. They have completed preschool and are headed to elementary school. This is certainly a milestone for any child and deserves to be recognized. To celebrate this next step of their life, help host a preschool graduation ceremony with preschool graduation invitations . Their teacher is sure to appreciate all of your ideas and creativity.

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We have gathered 24 cute and creative preschool graduation ceremony ideas to inspire you. Remember to plan your celebration in advance so that friends and family can attend this event. Make a preschool yearbook for your child and include photos of this big day that they can look back on for years to come.

1. Buckets of Fun Grad Favor

blue buckets

Source: Lessons For Little Ones

After finishing pre-school, the kiddos are sure to be ready for summer! Help them celebrate this big step with a summer fun bucket. Include a pail to build sand castles, cute sunglasses and some colorful glow sticks for summer nights.

2. Dr. Seuss Outdoor Party

kindergarten graduation

Source: Catch My Party

Oh, the places they will go! Celebrate your little one heading to kindergarten with a fun-filled Dr. Seuss themed party. Use whimsical colors for some childlike charm.

3. Grad Cap Party Favors

jar of chocolates

Source: Shutterfly

Feed their sweet tooth with this adorable diy graduation party idea . Craft a graduation cap mason jar. Fill it with tasty treats in the colors of your child’s preschool colors or their favorite candy.

4. Sidewalk Chalk Photo

boy laying down

Source: Paging Fun Moms

Turn a fun activity into a precious momento. Write out what your preschool graduate wants to be when they grow up in sidewalk chalk and have them lay next to the writing. Snap a photo and create a custom framed print. In a few years, see if your preschool graduate has kept this same career goal.

5. Alphabet Inspired Food Labels

cookies on plate

Source: Moms and Munchkins

Now that your child is an expert at the alphabet, have them help you create food labels inspired by their favorite letters. Chose kid-friendly foods such as cookies, mozzarella sticks and peanut butter sandwiches.

6. Graduation Cap Cupcakes

cupcake grad hats

Source: Mom Loves Baking

These little treats deserve an A+. Flip a bite-sized brownie upside down and use melted chocolate to attach a chocolate square on top to resemble a graduation cap . Fashion a colorful tassel out of chocolates and rope candies.

7. School Supplies Cake

school supply tower

Give them something they can use as they take on elementary school. Fashion a tiered cake out of glue and art supplies. Add some creative touches with colorful ribbons and alphabet labels.

8. Children’s Art Photo Book

artwork photo book

Turn your child’s art into a photo book keepsake. Have them pick out their finest finger paint creations that you will both look fondly on for years to come.

9. Candy Class Rings

candy display

Source: My Life At Playtime

There truly is a class ring for everyone. As a party favor, hand out ring-shaped lollipops for class rings. Be sure to include your child’s graduation year on the label for a personalized touch.

10. Tissue Paper Sign

year sign

Source: Sugar Bee Crafts

Get crafty with this awesome tissue paper sign. Stick some colored tissue paper onto your child’s graduation year with a pencil and some glue to add a textural effect. Be sure to use your kid’s school colors. For an extra touch, include a graduation quote or saying .

11. Mason Jar Art Kit

jar of supplies

Personalized glassware makes for the perfect graduation party favor. Fill these mason jar mugs with some art supplies they can use through kindergarten. Make this mason jar idea unique by personalizing the mason jar with their name.

12. Dr. Seuss Cupcakes

colorful cupcakes

Turn your child’s favorite cupcakes into whimsical treats. Decorate chocolate and vanilla cupcakes with bright neon buttercream. Include some Dr. Seuss labels for childlike charm.

13. Dr. Seuss Treat Bags

globe candies

Source: A Little Claireification

These treats will have them begging for s’more! Take jumbo marshmallows and place on skewers. Dip them in chocolate and garnish with some crushed graham crackers for an irresistible snack.

14. S’more Pops

marshmallow pops

Source: Big Bear’s Wife

Spruce up some chocolate sandwich cookies with melted white chocolate and a fun assortment of sprinkles. For an extra special touch, organize these cookie pops in a metallic bucket filled with more candy in your child’s school colors.

15. School Colors Chocolate Covered Oreos

blue and white candy pops

Source: Your Homebased Mom

Spruce up the walls of the graduation ceremony with a handmade tassel garland. This simple craft can be made with yarn, scissors and tissue paper in your child’s school colors.

16. DIY Tassel Garland

tissue paper tassels

Source: Kumi Dreams

Reflect on how much the kids have grown with this adorable baby picture garland. Decorate the black and white photos with funny hats for some added entertainment. This is a great way to decorate any graduation ceremony.

17. Baby Picture Garland

baby picture garland

Source: The Savage Flower

This create-your-own banana split bar is the perfect twist on this dessert favorite. Include a variety of toppings like sprinkles, nuts and crushed up cookies so each graduate can customize their own banana split pop.

18. Banana Split Bites

banana pops

Source: Baker’s Royale

Encourage your preschool graduate to reflect on all they have learned with a last day of school survey. Let them show off how well they can spell their name and their newfound art skills.

19. Last Day of School Survey

paper and pencil

Source: Party Like a Cherry

Help the little graduates make an adorable keepsake they can actually use. Provide some colorful permanent markers so each student has the opportunity to sign each other’s pillow cases. It will become a naptime must-have.

20. End of the Year Signed Pillowcase

pillow case

Source: Simply Kinder

Here is a fun graduation party favor that will encourage them to reach for the stars. Print an encouraging Dr. Seuss quote on the goodie bag labels and fill your treat bags with globe-shaped candies. It will be a great reminder to show them that they have the whole world at their fingertips!

21. Personalized Notebook

red photo notebook

Create a personalized notebook with photos of your little one’s favorite preschool pals. It can serve as a sketchbook and a fun momento that they can take with them to kindergarten.

22. Photo Coasters

photo coasters

These photo coasters will add a lovely decorative element to any graduation party table. Use photos of your child and their classmates and with their teacher who made it all possible.

23. Jump Rope

pink rope

Source: Our Thrifty Ideas

Provide the kids with a fun activity as they head into summer vacation mode. Pick some colorful jump ropes and customize with an artsy label to give out as party favors.

24. Graduation Fruit Cups

fruit cups

Source: A Thrifty Mom

Keep them fueled up for graduation with this adorable fruit cup. All you need is some googly eyes, construction paper, string and a hint of creativity.

Commemorate your little one’s graduation from preschool by helping their teacher host a graduation ceremony or party. Invite all of the graduates and their parents and kick of the summer with a celebration. Be sure to send your child’s teacher off with a customized teacher appreciation gift  with an fun graduation quote for making an impact on their early education.

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Shutterfly Community is here to help capture and share life's most important moments. Discover thoughtful gifts, creative ideas and endless inspiration to create meaningful memories with family and friends.

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Oh the Places You’ll Go Graduation Party

Have you ever wondered what adventures await your little one after kindergarten? An Oh the Places You’ll Go graduation party marks a special milestone, filled with excitement and new beginnings.

As Dr. Seuss wisely says, “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” This charming message perfectly captures the spirit of this moment.

Kindergarten graduation is a time to celebrate your child’s growth, learning, and the friendships they have made. It’s a magical phase where curiosity knows no bounds and every day is a discovery.

As your child moves on to the next step in their educational journey, it’s important to cherish these early years and look forward to the bright future ahead.

Today, we’ll share tips on how to make this graduation memorable, ideas for celebrating at home, and ways to prepare your child for their next big adventure in first grade. Let’s dive into this joyous occasion and explore all the wonderful opportunities that await!

This is a special celebration of young graduates stepping into a new phase of life. Dr. Seuss’s words, “Kid, you’ll move mountains! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So get on your way!” capture the excitement and possibilities that lie ahead.

For kindergarteners, this milestone marks the end of their first school experience and the start of new adventures in elementary school.

Your little learner’s graduation is a time to celebrate growth, learning, and friendships. It’s a moment for parents, teachers, and students to reflect on the achievements of the past year and look forward to the future.

As young graduates don their caps and gowns, they celebrate both the end of kindergarten and the exciting beginnings to come, ready to explore all the opportunities ahead.

Are there any activities inspired by “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” that I can do with my child?

You can do several activities inspired by “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” with your child. Create a dream board where they can visualize and set future goals, make crafts such as a personalized “mountain” to symbolize challenges they’ll overcome, or write letters to their future selves reflecting on their dreams and aspirations. These activities help children think about their future positively and creatively.

Oh the Places You’ll Go Graduation

Graduation is a special time to celebrate new beginnings and exciting futures. Inspired by Dr. Seuss’s beloved book, we’ve gathered ideas to make your graduation celebration meaningful and memorable.

Here’s a list to help you honor this milestone with joy and inspiration.

Table Centerpieces

Elevate your 2024 graduation party with our charming Table Centerpieces. Crafted from durable wood and adorned with vibrant "Oh the Places You'll Go" designs, these three signs capture the essence of achievement.

Perfect for decorating your dining table or classroom, they bring warmth and joy to any space. Plus, they make thoughtful gifts for graduates of all ages. Celebrate the journey ahead with our delightful Table Centerpieces.

Door Banner

Add a festive touch to your graduation celebration with our "Oh the Places You'll Go" Door Banner set. Featuring two banners with classic designs, these decorations are easy to hang and durable enough for outdoor use.

Spread the joy of achievement with this charming addition to your party decor!

Elevate your graduation party with our "Oh the Places You'll Go" Tablecloth set. Each pack contains three durable plastic tablecloths adorned with festive text and centerpieces.

They're perfect for adding a joyful touch to the celebration. Cleanup is a breeze - simply dispose of them after use. Enjoy hassle-free party planning with our stylish tablecloths!

Pop Up Graduation Card

Celebrate the graduate's success with our charming Pop Up Graduation Card, inspired by Dr. Seuss's "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" It unfolds into a delightful 3D scene with a heartfelt message.

Plus, it has a spot for a gift card, cash, or check. Made with high-quality paper and accompanied by a matching envelope, it's a thoughtful way to mark their achievement.

Cupcake Topper

Add a magical touch to your kindergarten graduation cupcakes with our Oh The Places You'll Go Cupcake Toppers! With 40 adorable toppers in 10 different designs, they're perfect for celebrating your child's milestone.

Inspire big dreams and capture special memories with these charming decorations - a must-have for any proud parent!

Photo Booth Backdrop

Capture unforgettable memories with our Oh The Places You'll Go Photo Booth Backdrop! Made from durable polyester fabric, it's waterproof and won't fade. Just wipe or iron out any creases and it's ready to use.

Perfect for photos with family and friends at your graduation party!

Welcome guests to your Oh the Places You'll Go graduation party with this vibrant Door Cover! Made from durable polyester fabric, it's easy to hang and adds a festive touch to your door, porch, or window.

With its vibrant colors and eye-catching pattern, it sets the perfect atmosphere for your celebration. Perfect for creating a memorable backdrop or front door decoration!

Oh, The Places You'll Go Banner

Elevate your graduation party with this "Oh, The Places You'll Go" Banner! Made of high-quality cardstock, it features vibrant colors and hot air balloon designs. Easy to assemble and hang, it adds a whimsical touch to any celebration.

Celebrate the graduate's journey with our Oh the Places You'll Go Gift Bag! This large bag is perfect for holding a variety of gifts.

Featuring a classic Dr. Seuss illustration and matching graduation card, it's a delightful way to convey your congratulations and best wishes. Plus, our innovative card holder pocket inside keeps your card (sold separately) front and center.

Oh, the Places You’ll Go Balloon Set

Add a special touch to your graduation party with our Oh, the Places You’ll Go Balloon Set! These Mylar balloons feature quotes from the cherished Dr. Seuss book, bringing a whimsical atmosphere to your celebration.

Combine them with colorful latex balloons to create a delightful balloon arrangement for the recent grad or as decorations for your graduation party. This set includes 3 Mylar balloons, ideal for infusing your event with the spirit of adventure!

Oh The Places You’ll Go Centerpiece

Infuse your graduation party with joy using our Oh The Places You’ll Go Centerpiece! Crafted from durable wood, it showcases delightful designs like "Oh, the Places You'll Go" letters and cute cartoons, making it a perfect addition to the celebration. Whether indoors or outdoors, it adds brightness to any setting and serves as a thoughtful gift option.

Today Is Your Day Banner

Add flair to your graduation party with this Today Is Your Day Banner set! You'll receive 1 banner and 12 Dr. Seuss-themed hanging decorations. Crafted from high-quality materials, they're durable for multiple uses.

Easy to assemble, the banner comes pre-strung and the hanging swirls have attached hooks. With colorful designs, they bring a festive touch to any space. Plus, they're versatile - use them as room decor or a photo backdrop for extra fun!

As you prepare to celebrate your child’s graduation and witness their transition into a new chapter, take a moment to reflect on the journey they’ve undertaken. Dr. Seuss’s timeless wisdom in “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” reminds us of the boundless potential within each child.

As parents, you’ve played a vital role in nurturing their growth and supporting their dreams. Now, as they stand on the threshold of new adventures, guide them with love and encouragement.

So, how will you continue to inspire and support your child as they embark on their next big adventure?

Tara is the brains behind Homeschool Preschool, where her journey from preschool and public school teacher to homeschooling mom of three fuels her passion for early childhood education. With a blend of expertise and firsthand experience, Tara’s writings offer practical tips and engaging resources to support families in creating meaningful learning adventures at home.

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32 Kindergarten Graduation Party Ideas to Con-grad-ulate the Little Grads

Kindergarten Graduation Party Ideas

Updated on: Feb 20, 2024

Kindergarten graduation is an exciting time in a child's life. They will be feeling proud to finish their first official year of school, so it is a perfect time to celebrate! The most important thing for your youngster will be the fun activities, decorations, and favors provided at the party. Below is a list of kindergarten grad party ideas. Try out some of these kindergarten graduation celebration ideas to throw your child the best party in town.

Kindergarten Graduation Party Ideas: Decorations

1. graduation signs.

Celebrate and congratulate the little grads’ achievements with colorful signs for all your guests to see when they show up at your party. You can hang them indoors along the wall, put them right outside of your door, or even out in the yard. Look for graduation day decoration ideas for kindergarten students!

Kindergarten Graduation Party Decorations Backdrop Preschool Graduate Banner for Kids Pre-K Congrats Grad Background Class of 2022 Ceremony Supplies Congratulations Grad School Prom Party Favors

Kindergarten Graduation Party Decorations Backdrop Preschool Graduate Banner for Kids Pre-K Congrats Grad Background Class of 2022 Ceremony Supplies Congratulations Grad School Prom Party Favors

Package Includes: a kindergarten graduation backdrop and a long ribbon. The backdrop measures 71x43 inches, huge and stunning. They can be applied as welcoming front door signs or decorations for kids graduation party and activity, it can meet your party decoration needs Easy to hanging: the four corners of the kindergarten graduate banner are perforated so that you can hang them easily, you can hang it anywhere, like front door, ceilings, windows, gardens, patio, porch, entryway and others Durable and reusable: this graduation banner is made of thick polyester fabric, lightweight, durable and sturdy, no chemical smell, and washable without fading. You can fold it up to easy to storage for next time use after using 2022 Kindergarten graduation decoration: this graduation party decoration is great for kindergarten congrats grad theme party supplies, they can be hung on indoor or outdoor to welcome your family members or friends, make your graduation party look gorgeous Warm tip: it is normal that there is slight crease because the product is sent after folding. You could iron the back of the banner cloth or lay out the background before using for better results

nursery presentation for graduation party

2. Graduation Confetti

Another kindergarten graduation decoration is confetti. Spread colorful graduation cap confetti across the tables to delight your guests. You can also get confetti of the names of the grads for a personal touch.

2021 Graduation Confetti, Black and Gold Confetti, Graduation Hat Confetti, 2021 Confetti, Graduation Party Decoration, 100 PIECES

2021 Graduation Confetti, Black and Gold Confetti, Graduation Hat Confetti, 2021 Confetti, Graduation Party Decoration, 100 PIECES

Graduation Confetti - Graduation Party Decoration - Party Confetti Black Glitter Cardstock, Gold Glitter Cardstock (can customize some colors - see options) Product details: - Circles are approx. 1" wide; "2021" is approx 1.25" wide, grad caps are approx 1.25" wide - All pieces are Single-sided (white on back) What's included - 100 confetti pieces (50 grad caps, and 50 "2021" pieces) Please contact me if you have any questions! Thank you!

nursery presentation for graduation party

3. Graduation-Themed Backdrops

Make memorable kinder graduation pictures by photographing the amazing day with graduation photo backdrops . They are spacious enough to fit all the grad's friends, family members, and pets so everyone can be part of the celebration.

2022 Graduation Party Backdrop – Graduation Party Photo Booth, Graduation Party Decoration – 1 Set

2022 Graduation Party Backdrop – Graduation Party Photo Booth, Graduation Party Decoration – 1 Set

DURABLE MATERIAL: Our Graduation Backdrop is made of durable polyester material, and the proper warp and weft structure&density of the backdrop will keep the backdrop from wrinkles and develop a silky touch. The material also Echo-friendly, Machine washable. QUANTITY&DIMENTION: One set of Graduation Backdrop per Package. The backdrop measures 5x7 feet. It’s big enough to let you have photography with 5 or even more friends in the sametime, it’s perfect for your graduation party, the fantastic design makes it more Stereoscopic perception more attractive,Create a functional centerpiece at your Graduation Party. VARIETY&ADOLRABLE DESIGN: The Backdrop features with rich and variety Graduation favors such as: diploma scrolls, graduate cap and other graduation party favors. We have a lots of variety Designs on selling in our shop, there must be one that match your taste is waiting for you. Come and Get it, it will promise you a fantastic Graduation Party! EASY ASSEMBLE&REUSABLE: It’s easy to setup, only a few minutes and you will completely setup the backdrop. The high quality material and professional workmanship guarantee the Graduation backdrop can be survived from any living environment for very long time. So you can keep this backdrop and use it again and again if you have several kids.

4. Graduation Balloons

What's even better than regular balloons? Graduation balloons ! From caps and diplomas to cute little graduates, you can hang these balloons on furniture, tie them down in bunches beside the beverage and snacks table, and give some to grads to bring home after the party.

Graduation Party Decorations , Congrats Grad Balloons for 2023 Graduation Party Supplies,12 pcs Class Blue Balloons, 17 Inch

Graduation Party Decorations , Congrats Grad Balloons for 2023 Graduation Party Supplies,12 pcs Class Blue Balloons, 17 Inch

Our party decoration kit includes twelve 17” foil balloons printed with “CONGRATS GRAD”on the front and “class of 2023” on the back, one white straw, two ribbon rolls, and twenty glue points. Make your graduation party more memorable with this party decoration set! MUTIPLE COLORS: we have designed different colors according to different universities. The product design adopts the elements of graduation season that make the design more attractive and exquisite. You can easily create an elegant graduation party atmosphere. Regardless of the occasion, the balloon can create a joyful, festive, and warm atmosphere. Our decorative Blue Congrats Grad Balloon is just like that, it will make your graduation party more colorful,This foil balloon has a different pattern printed on the front and back, with “CONGRATS GRAD”on the front and “class of 2023” on the back and both sides can be used according to your own preferences. The headline is surrounded by ribbons and stars to show a cheerful atmosphere. Enliven your grad party with other beautiful graduation decorations! PERFECT DECORATIONS: prepare your graduation party by using these foil balloon. A little simple decoration can make your graduation party to attract the attention of all guests.

5. Graduation Sashes

To mark each guest's chair, you can use graduation sashes with their names on them and drape the sashes over the chairs.

2022 White Kindergarten Graduation Stole Unisex Preschool Graduation Sash for Kids Graduation Supplies Favors (12)

2022 White Kindergarten Graduation Stole Unisex Preschool Graduation Sash for Kids Graduation Supplies Favors (12)

Serviceable Material: our kindergarten graduation stole is made of quality polyester glossy fabric, seamless single layer stitching edge, reliable and lightweight, the surface letters are printed with color, will not easily fall or fade, can be applied repeatedly or kept for a long time Proper Size: each graduation sash is approx. 132 cm/ 51.97 inches long, 9.5 cm/ 3.74 inches wide, the right size for most boys and girls, also easy to match with the bachelor dress, so that your child can enjoy the kindergarten graduation ceremony Graduation Theme Design: each letter on our white sash is composed of different colors, and decorated with awards, graduation caps and other elements around, in line with the theme of graduation, bright colors, which can attract the attention of children Celebrate the Graduation of Kindergarten Students: our kindergarten graduation sash is an essential accessory for your child's kindergarten graduation ceremony, suitable for matching with the bachelor's cap, making your child look cute and knowledgeable, not only is it an eye catching decoration for the graduation party, but also a good prop for taking pictures Amount of Packaging: the package comes with 24 pieces of white stole, enough quantity and classic styles to wear at your child's graduation ceremony, as well as at theme shows or parties

Kindergarten Graduation Party Ideas: Favors

6. rubber duckies.

Ducks are popular toys for children, both in the bathtub and on land. Graduation ducks are an adorable gift for the little grads. You could make it fun by letting everyone pick a duck from a kiddie pool. Put a star on the bottom of a few of the ducks and those kids get prizes!

Fun Express Mini Glow in The Dark Graduation Duckies (Bulk Set of 24) Graduation Gifts and Party Supplies

Fun Express Mini Glow in The Dark Graduation Duckies (Bulk Set of 24) Graduation Gifts and Party Supplies

Sure to “quack” up any graduate, these ducks wear graduation caps and have their diplomas in hand! Toss a few of these glow-in-the-dark favors in goody bags and hand them out at the graduation party! Vinyl. Bulk set of 24 Size: 1 3/4" Duckies do not float upright. Expose items to daylight to activate glow.

7. Stuffed Animals with Graduation Caps

Cute stuffed animals wearing graduation caps may just become the children's new favorite cuddly companions! From bears to owls, everyone can choose their favorite animal to bring back home with them.

Plushland Plush Stuffed Animal Toys 12 Inches Present Gifts for Graduation Day, Personalized Text, Name or Your School Logo on Gown, Best for Any Grad School Kids (Black Gown)

Plushland Plush Stuffed Animal Toys 12 Inches Present Gifts for Graduation Day, Personalized Text, Name or Your School Logo on Gown, Best for Any Grad School Kids (Black Gown)

CUSTOMIZABLE: Its editable quality allows you to add anything on its gown; a name, a school logo, or your personal message. PLUSH ANIMAL TOY: This plush stuffed animal toy is very soft and beautiful. The graduation cap on its head expresses the pride of a new graduate. EASILY WASHABLE: This plush stuffed animal toy is very easy to wash because of its waterproof manufacturing. The internal cotton material is kept in a waterproof layer. EMBROIDERED EYES: Its embroidered eyes give it an attractive, real-life look that everyone will make any child feel more comforted. GRADUATE DAY GIFT: Show your pride by gifting this to you child on graduation day.

8. Bookmarks for School

Bookmarks are a must for the new grads as they go into 1st grade and beyond. They'll keep the kids motivated to learn and add some fun to reading.

Paper Bookmarks for Kids,160Pcs Colored Bookmarks Laminated Book Markers Reading Bookmarks Creative Optical Bookmarks for Stationery Supply

Paper Bookmarks for Kids,160Pcs Colored Bookmarks Laminated Book Markers Reading Bookmarks Creative Optical Bookmarks for Stationery Supply

Bookmarks Include: 160 Pcs of optical bookmarks in 10 styles,different patterns are printed on both sides., so there are 20 patterns in total. Bookmarks Size:1.96 x 5.51 inches in width and length.proper size for you to use, lightweight and easy to store and carry. Bookmarks Use: suitable for home,office,school,library,teacher,students, reading lover using. Material: quality card paper with a film on the surface, can protect the bookmark from faded or scratched,not easy to get worn, dust, can remain its original vibrant color even after long period of usages. Ideal Gift: color bookmarks in different styles as a gift for your friends, classmate, teacher, colleague or anyone who loves reading.

9. Grad Message Pens

Give guests a pen that not only makes for a good writing utensil, but also cheers on its user. The encouraging messages change with each click and are sure to bring smiles to everyone at the party.

10. Graduation Cap Party Favors Bags

Put all the favors into cellophane bags patterned with graduation caps to make the goodies easy to take home. Everyone can get bags in their favorite colors.

Kindergarten Graduation Party Ideas: Food Ideas

11. graduation cap cupcake toppers.

To make cupcakes special for your graduation party, you can order cupcakes with graduation cap toppers which can be personalized to include the faces of the new grads. If you want to bake them yourself as a more budget-friendly method, you can make edible caps by placing an upside-down Reese's Peanut Butter Cup on the frosted cupcake, top with a chocolate-covered graham cracker and use a skinny piece of licorice to create the tassel. Now's the time to be creative!

3-D Graduation Hat Picks / Graduation Party 2022 / Grad Cupcake Toppers (Pack of 12)

3-D Graduation Hat Picks / Graduation Party 2022 / Grad Cupcake Toppers (Pack of 12)

Celebrate the accomplishment of your graduate by adding these 3-D Black Graduation Hat picks to your cupcakes. Great for cake and cupcakes to add to an overall theme. Pack of 12 picks. Made with food-safe plastic. Dimensions: Black Grad Hat: 2.15 x 1.3 x 1.3 inches

12. Fruit Rollup Diploma

Buy some Fruit Roll-Ups and unwrap them. Tie a ribbon around the chewy treat to give the impression of a diploma. You could even attach each child's name using the ribbon and construction paper. Then, call each child to receive his or her diploma.

13. Lollipop Bouquet

Lollipops make a sweet bouquet that you can give out to your guests. Use construction paper and glue to create small graduation caps and apply them to each lollipop. Bundle the pops together with a ribbon to give to each child. Be sure to use a variety of flavors in the lollipop bouquet.

14. Chocolate Coin Medals

As a prize for games or just for everyone to grab, you can either buy chocolate coin medals or assemble your own by gluing ribbon string to a chocolate coin . Let the grads know they're #1!

15. Graduation Cookie Cutters

Cookie cutters are versatile, perfect for holding small candies as well as for baking. You can get classic graduation cap and tassel cutters, along with badge, shooting star, and trophy cutters.

Graduation Cap Cookie Cutter Mortarboard Hat, 4.5" Graduation Cookie Cutters 2022 by Ann Clark

Graduation Cap Cookie Cutter Mortarboard Hat, 4.5" Graduation Cookie Cutters 2022 by Ann Clark

Oh, the places you'll go with our Graduation Cap Cookie Cutter! Pair with the Diploma cookie cutter. Made in the USA; Manufactured in America with certified food safe American steel Variety; For over 30 years the Clark Family has specialized in original designs for creative baking Baking and Party Supplies; Cut, mold and decorate themed shapes for any holiday, party or event Create; Make fun shapes with cookie dough, fondant, biscuits, brownies, cakes, or craft clay

Kindergarten Graduation Party Ideas: Games/Activities

16. how well do you know the grad.

What better way to celebrate the grads by quizzing guests on how much they know about each of them? You can start with easy questions like favorite color or food, then move on to questions that are tougher to guess, like favorite TV show or dream vacation destination. You can use templates or make up your own questions. It’ll be a great way for guests and kids to bond with each other on this special day.

17. Kindergarten, Kindergarten, First Grade

Turn the friendly game of “Duck, Duck, Goose” into a Kindergarten grad-themed party game by changing the words to “Kindergarten, Kindergarten, First grade.”

18. Guessing Jar

Fill a large jar with pennies or small candies such as j elly beans, making sure to count them as you go. Then, have all of the children submit a guess for how many items are in the jar. The child with the closest guess gets to keep the jar and its contents.

19. Picture Frame Decorating

Set up a decorating table with plenty of graduation stickers and markers for this activity. Give each of the kids a DIY picture frame to decorate and take plenty of pictures at the party for them to put into their frames. You can even take a group photo of all the children in their graduation caps and print copies of the photo at the party for the kids to put immediately into their frames.

Graduation Stickers Set -- 10 Deluxe Sticker Sheets (Over 100 Stickers) Featuring Graduation Caps and Words of Congratulations (Graduation Decorations, Party Supplies, Party Favors)

Graduation Stickers Set -- 10 Deluxe Sticker Sheets (Over 100 Stickers) Featuring Graduation Caps and Words of Congratulations (Graduation Decorations, Party Supplies, Party Favors)

Graduation Stickers Set -- 10 Deluxe Sticker Sheets (Over 100 Stickers) Featuring Graduation Caps and Words of Congratulations (Graduation Decorations, Party Supplies, Party Favors). Includes 10 individually wrapped Graduation sticker packs with 5 different designs. Each sticker sheet features iconic Graduation designs - graduation caps, diplomas, words of encouragement, and more. Perfect to use as Graduation party supplies, decorations, gift card stickers, graduation photo album, graduation cap stickers and graduation scrapbook crafts. These Graduation stickers are also great for Graduation signs and decorations on gifts. The perfect to use as graduation party favors for any and all years.

20. Time Capsule

Ask each grad to bring a favorite thing from their Kindergarten years, such as a favorite painting that they did or a favorite photo of them in their Kindergarten class. Then, put all the items together in a time capsule to be opened on their high school graduation.

21. T-Shirts Painting

Give all of the grads a plain white T-shirt. Set up shallow bowls of fabric paints and have the kids use the paints to create handprints on each other’s shirts. Then, have them sign their name underneath their handprint with a sharpie and if they like, they can also write short messages to the owner of each shirt.

22. Piñata

Kids love piñata games. Find a graduation-themed piñata like a graduation hat piñata. Fill it with delicious candies or small trinkets and hang it up in a tree. Give each of the kids a turn at breaking open the piñata with blindfolds and piñata sticks .

Kindergarten Graduation Party Ideas: Party Supplies

23. graduation tablecloth.

Bring life to the table with rainbow graduation cap tablecloth. It’ll make the snacks and beverages table a great spot for photos.

24. Swirly Straws

Purchase fun straws with loops and swirls and crazy cups to use with the straws. Attach packets of Kool-Aid to the straws using a colored ribbon. Ecstatic kids won't be able to wait to drink their favorite drink through their new favorite straws.

Crazy Loop Straws, (Pack of 50) Homono Crazy Silly Colorful Reusable Drinking Straws Mega Pack BPA and PFOA Free

Crazy Loop Straws, (Pack of 50) Homono Crazy Silly Colorful Reusable Drinking Straws Mega Pack BPA and PFOA Free

Safe and Healthy: Environmentally-friendly degradable materials, BPA and PFOA free will let you feel relieved to use Ideal items: To add delight to your gatherings and make drinking more fun and exciting Package Contents:Total 50 pieces with Vibrant Shapes and Colors Length: 9.5 inches. Diameter:0.15 inches Friendly Service: 24 hours service with you, just send us an E-mail

25. Graduation Plates

Make the party food picture-perfect with plates celebrating the grads. The kids won’t waste a second in digging into their slices of cake when they’re sitting on these cheery plates.

Graduation Plates - Graduation Party Plates, Graduation Party Supplies, Grad Party Ideas, College Graduation, Graduation Decorations 2023

Graduation Plates - Graduation Party Plates, Graduation Party Supplies, Grad Party Ideas, College Graduation, Graduation Decorations 2023

These dessert-sizes party plates are perfect for serving up graduation treats! Graduation Plates • Quantity: Set of 8 • Size: Cake-Size, 7" • Material: Paper Plates Coordinating graduation party supplies: _______________________________________________________ Let's get social! Pin us: Like us: Follow us: Join our party family! Subscribe to our newsletter here: Stesha Party is a woman-owned small business located in Wilsonville, Oregon. Our purpose is to help you pull off the event of a lifetime. We stop at nothing to bring you the best in handmade and curated products, along with excellent customer service and lightning fast shipping. Thank you for choosing us to help you celebrate every moment! Visit for all your wedding, baby shower, and birthday party celebrations!

26. Customized Graduation Mugs

Make each grad feel special by giving them mugs with little versions of themselves in graduation attire and their names. They can be used for years and will serve as a wonderful memory of their kindergarten graduation parties.

27. Graduation Napkins

With all the sweet treats being passed around, the kids will need something nice to wipe their mouths and clean their spills with. Graduation napkins with congratulatory words and a pop of color are great for the job.

Graduation Napkins - Graduation Party Decorations, Party Supplies, Grad Party Decor, Graduation Favors, 2023 Graduation Party, Grad Napkins

Graduation Napkins - Graduation Party Decorations, Party Supplies, Grad Party Decor, Graduation Favors, 2023 Graduation Party, Grad Napkins

Pass these fun grad party napkins out with beverages, cake and ice cream! Graduation Napkins • Quantity: Set of 16 • Size: Beverage, 5" x 5" • Material: 2-Ply Paper Napkins Matching graduation party decor is available at: _______________________________________________________ Let's get social! Pin us: Like us: Follow us: Join our party family! Subscribe to our newsletter here: Stesha Party is a woman-owned small business located in Wilsonville, Oregon. Our purpose is to help you pull off the event of a lifetime. We stop at nothing to bring you the best in handmade and curated products, along with excellent customer service and lightning fast shipping. Thank you for choosing us to help you celebrate every moment! Visit for all your wedding, baby shower, and birthday party celebrations!

Kindergarten Graduation Party Ideas: Invitations

28. graduation cap invitation.

Invite friends and family to your post-ceremony party with a delightful and colorful cap-shaped card. They’ll be looking forward to the day after receiving their invitation. Just write your event details on the back and send them off.

29. Crayons and Grad Photo Invitation

Brighten up the faces of your to-be guests with invitations featuring a photo of the little grad and rainbow crayons. You can use a group photo of multiple grads in place of an individual photo.

Kindergarten Graduation Invitation with Photo for a Girl, Editable and Printable by you with Corjl, INSTANT DOWNLOAD

Kindergarten Graduation Invitation with Photo for a Girl, Editable and Printable by you with Corjl, INSTANT DOWNLOAD

Instantly edit, download and print this cute and colorful Kindergarten Graduation Photo Invitation for your little Girl. Add your own photo's! Just minutes after purchasing this listing, you'll have access to your invitation, and you can start editing right in your browser on your phone or computer with No waiting for designers and no software or fonts to download! ---------------------------------------- DEMO THIS TEMPLATE NOW ---------------------------------------- ♡ Check out this template in our demo area and play around with it before you purchase! Copy and paste the link in your browser: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR MORE GRADUATION OPTIONS AND VARIATIONS IN MY SHOP, CLICK HERE: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- FILES INCLUDED ----------------------- ♡ Instructions Manual ♡ Print Release form ♡ One 5" x 7" DIY Invitation/Template with an optional backside. ----------------------- EASY ORDERING ----------------------- 1. Do our free DEMO before you purchase (see the link at the top of this description if you missed it). 2. Make sure your Etsy EMAIL address is current and up to date. 3. PURCHASE this listing. 4. DOWNLOAD and READ the instructions via the email you will receive from us. 5. Corjl will send you an email within minutes with a link to ACCESS YOUR TEMPLATE. Click on the link and follow the prompts to create an account and access your item. If you do not see the link, make sure you are checking the email associated with your Etsy account. Also, check in your spam/junk folder. 6. Alternatively, GO TO CORJL.COM and enter the email OR username that is associated with your Etsy account & the order number (NOT transaction number) of your purchased item. Next, create an account to access your items. Your order number can be found on Etsy by going to YOU > PURCHASES & REVIEWS and by clicking on VIEW RECEIPT. The order number will be on the upper left-hand side of the receipt. 7. EDIT and SAVE the template, then DOWNLOAD as a PDF or JPEG. 8. PRINT and CUT on trim lines (if necessary) or send electronically via email, What's App or social media. ------------------- EASY TO USE ------------------- ♡ TEXT – Edit most text, change the font, the color, size, and position. ♡ LAYOUT – Move some things around, resize and rotate (You can't change the overall size of the template). ♡ PHOTOS – If the design lends itself to a picture you can insert one. ♡ BACKSIDE - Print with or without a backside. ♡ NO SOFTWARE OR FONTS TO INSTALL - Edit in your browser with the Corjl web application. ♡ SAVE and RETURN to your template at any time to continue editing (Please note: Each item purchased are only usable for one event). ♡ Your template will be AVAILABLE to you for SIX MONTHS and will expire after that. ♡ DOWNLOAD and SAVE as a high-quality PDF or JPEG. -------------- PRINTING -------------- ♡ My shop has partnered with PRINTS OF LOVE to offer clients affordable, high quality, online printing services. Simply follow this link: to select your print options. They handle the rest, and they also offer free US shipping and envelopes in most sizes! ♡ Print on WHITE 8.5" x 11" letter size or A4 paper (two per page) or print directly on 5"x 7" photo paper. ♡ We recommend nice HEAVY CARDSTOCK for the highest quality (100lb+ or 200gsm+). ♡ The other options are to print at HOME or have them printed at your LOCAL PRINT SHOP that accepts PDF or JPEG files. ♡ This design uses a large amount of ink, so we recommend getting it printed professionally. ♡ COLORS may PRINT DIFFERENTLY from what you see on your screen. Color variations may also occur between a photo lab, at home printer and a professional printer. ♡ Little Printables Shop is NOT RESPONSIBLE for any TYPO'S, ERRORS, or undesired COLORS that occur during the print process. It remains the client's responsibility to proofread all templates, even if the text is not editable. If the text is not editable by you and there is a typo, please contact me to correct it before you print. If you print it with the typo, Little Printables Shop can't take any responsibility for the printing costs. ♡ When purchasing ENVELOPES, these invitations use an A7 size (5 1/4 x 7 1/4) envelope. ------------------------- IMPORTANT INFO ------------------------- ♡ You can edit text on your phone/tablet. More advanced edits can be done on your computer. ♡ PSD (Photoshop) files are not included. You have to edit this invitation with ♡ You will receive the link to access your template within minutes after you've completed your purchase in your email inbox. ♡ You will not receive anything in the mail. NO PHYSICAL ITEMS WILL BE SHIPPED. ♡ When purchasing this product, you agree to use the designs for PERSONAL PURPOSES only - no commercial use allowed. ♡ Selling the designs, or any elements within them, in any other format including templates, websites, brochures, advertising or on any products is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. ♡ Each item purchased is only usable for ONE EVENT and your file will be available to you for SIX MONTHS. ♡ You will be able to DOWNLOAD your template 10 TIMES (you can save as many times as need before you download). If you need more downloads, please contact me. ----------------------- REFUND POLICY ----------------------- ♡ Since this is a digital file, I can't issue any refunds, and I don't usually accept cancellations. ♡ Before placing an order, please read the product description carefully and try the free demo to make sure you fully understand what you're purchasing. ♡ If you're not happy with your purchase or have any problems whatsoever, please don't hesitate to contact me via Etsy or email at lindi [!at] I am confident I will find a solution to your problem to make sure you are 101% happy with your purchase :) ♡ Customer satisfaction is my number one priority! Be sure to check out the rest of my designs here: Thanks so much for visiting my shop! Lindi ♡♡♡

30. Class Graduation Owl Invitation

If you're a teacher hosting a graduation party for your class, a cute owl-themed invitation is sure to get friends and family of your students excited to come.

31. Graduation Pool Party Invitation

If you will throw a pool party graduation on a hot summer day, a colorful pool-themed invitation is a splash-tastic way to get the word out to friends and family. You can customize the details. Spread the cheer even before the celebration begins!

Kindergarten Graduation Invitation, Kindergarten Graduation Invite, Graduation Pool Party Invitation, Kindergarten Graduation Party, Boy

Kindergarten Graduation Invitation, Kindergarten Graduation Invite, Graduation Pool Party Invitation, Kindergarten Graduation Party, Boy

PLEASE READ ALL DETAILS BEFORE PURCHASING!! This is an EDITABLE file you ★EDIT YOURSELF★ in Corjl (online editing software--NO DOWNLOADS NEEDED). Edit YOURSELF on your smartphone, tablet or computer! Editable Areas (You can even change the Font & Color!): ★ Name of Honoree ★ Address ★ Date/Time ★ Additional Info ★ RSVP Info ★ You will be able to add your own text and even images if you would like (Great option for backside!) ★ Upload your design to print online, send a digital invite, print at home or at a local print shop (you can save as JPEG, PDF or PNG) ★ File Includes 5x7 invitation as well background and Instructions ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ TRY IT BEFORE YOU BUY IT ★ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Copy and paste the link below in your browser to try it out! DEMO LINK: ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ If you would prefer, we can also edit for you for $12, please contact us via "Message Seller" with the invitation details. We will send a proof your way within 24 hrs. Once you have approved, we will send you a Custom Listing Link! ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★ For printed invitations or matching party items like plates, napkins, backdrops, balloons and even cookies or edible cupcake toppers, visit our ZAZZLE Shop: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ MATCHING ITEMS ON ZAZZLE ★ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★INVITATION (PRINTABLE ON THIS SITE)★ ★THANK YOU CARD★ ★PLATES★ ★NAPKINS★ ★WATER BOTTLE LABEL★ ★BALLOON★ ★BANNER★ ★YARD SIGN★ ★CUPCAKE TOPPER★ ★CAKE POP★ ★COOKIE★ ★FAVOR TAG★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ HOW TO ORDER...IT'S EASY! ★ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1. Add item to your cart and check out. 2. Once payment clears, you will be sent a link to the email address in your order/profile from Corjl to edit your file. BE SURE TO UPDATE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IF IT HAS CHANGED!! Be sure to check your junk/spam folder as well if you don't receive your link within 10 min of your order. ★★Alternatively, the file can also be accessed by going to and typing in your email address & order number. 3. Edit text to replace with your own--you can even change fonts & font colors! 4. Save & Download the file on your computer and print at home or at a local print shop, upload online, or send out as an evite! *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ IMPORTANT INFO: ★ These pictures will NOT have the watermarks OR the BDP Designs logo on the digital download or prints. Items are for PERSONAL USE ONLY and are not to be shared, resold, redistributed or used commercially. They are property of BDP Designs. ★★ Colors may vary due from monitors to printing as monitors and printers display and print colors differently. ★★ Please note, due to the nature of this product, we DO NOT allow REFUNDS OR CANCELLATIONS on Instant Download purchases. Please be sure to have read this listing in its entirety before purchasing*****

32. Graduation Thank You Cards

Following the grad party activities, thank your guests for coming to the celebration with little graduation-themed thank you cards . The lovely designs will keep your party in guests' minds for a long time.

Kindergarden Graduation Party Ideas: Conclusion

We can help you celebrate your kindergarten grads the best you can with all of our kindergarten party ideas! Kindergarten graduation is a memorable and exciting time as the kids look back on their achievements, move onto first grade, and continue to grow.

Written by Annie Replogle, Lauren Sastre and Jessica Bundy; Contributors: Becky Smith, Marianne Vanderbeke, Jack Leduc and Alana Jones

Alana Jones

East Carolina University

  • Kindergarten Graduation Party Ideas (Contributor)

Visit profile:

Jack Wassel

University of Minnesota Twin Cities

  • Maid of Honor Speech (Author)

Table of Contents

nursery presentation for graduation party

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How to Plan a Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony

What to do for a kindergarten graduation ceremony, start with a theme.

  • A Space Theme for Your Shooting Stars
  • Rolling Out the Red Carpet
  • “Traveling” to the First Grade
  • Summer Vacation
  • Kinder “Garden”
  • Disney—Everybody Loves Disney!

Order Graduation Caps and Gowns

Your students deserve to feel accomplished..

Make sure their graduation is a day they’ll be applauded for their efforts.

Send Out Customized Invitations

Perform a dress rehearsal, get in the party spirit by decorating your classroom, create a fun photo booth, have a talent show.

  • Singing a Solo
  • Performing a Dance Routine
  • Playing an Instrument
  • Reciting a Short Skit
  • Doing Magic Tricks

Hand out Graduation Gifts

Let stageclip help you plan your next kindergarten graduation.

Whether you’re having an in-person or virtual graduation ceremony, StageClip is here to help.

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30 Best Preschool Graduation Ideas & Activities

Prek graduation certficate and hat

5 Preschool Graduation Themes

5 preschool graduation gifts, 5 preschool graduation songs, 5 preschool graduation crafts, 5 pre-k graduation activities, 5 preschool graduation-themed snacks, 5. graduation cap cupcakes.

Celebrating a preschool graduation marks a special milestone in a child’s life. It’s a day filled with joy, pride, and nostalgia as we watch our little ones take their first big step toward a future full of learning and discovery.

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Finding the right preschool graduation ideas can turn this occasion into an unforgettable celebration for the children and their families. From creative themes and catchy songs to handmade crafts , engaging activities , thoughtful gifts, and delicious snacks, there are countless ways to make this day extra special. 

This blog post aims to share innovative and fun preschool graduation ideas to ensure your celebration is as unique and memorable as the little graduates. Let’s dive in and discover how to make this important day a cherished memory for years.

1. Adventure Awaits

Adventure await theme

This theme sets the stage for a journey into the future, making it a perfect pick for pre k graduation ideas. Decorate with maps, compasses, and miniature hot air balloons to inspire adventure. It’s a way to show kids that learning is an exciting journey that’s just beginning.

2. Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

Oh The Places You'll Go! Graduation theme

Drawing inspiration from the Dr. Seuss classic, this theme fills the preschool graduation with bright colors and whimsical designs. It encourages children to dream big about their future. Use book pages and iconic imagery for decorations to remind everyone of the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

3. Superheroes in Training

Superheroes in Training board

This theme taps into the children’s love for superheroes, making it a powerful preschool graduation idea for teachers. Decorate with capes, masks, and cityscapes to create a backdrop that celebrates each child’s potential and unique powers. It’s a fun way to acknowledge the strengths and abilities they’ve developed during their preschool years.

4. Garden Party

Outdoor preschool graduation decoration

Embrace growth and new beginnings with a garden party theme. Use flowers, butterflies, and garden tools as decorations to symbolize each child’s growth and learning. This theme is perfect for a springtime preschool graduation, offering a natural and refreshing setting for the celebration.

5. Storybook Characters

Encourage kids to come dressed as their favorite characters, making the preschool graduation part feel like a living storybook. This theme celebrates the joy of reading and imagination. Use books as decorations and create a storytelling corner to highlight the importance of stories in learning and development.

1. Customized Learning Journey Map

Design a “learning journey” map or passport that includes milestones or achievements the child can reach by playing different educational games . Each time they complete a game or reach a milestone, they can add a sticker or a stamp to their map or passport. This physical representation of their progress in the digital games adds a tangible element to the gift, making it more memorable.

2. Educational Toys

A toy package

Educational toys are perfect for keeping learning going even after preschool. Choose toys that challenge their minds, like puzzles , building blocks, or science kits . These gifts encourage learning and exploration, helping children develop their problem-solving skills , creativity , and curiosity about the world around them.

3. Growth Chart

A growth chart is a meaningful gift that helps families track their children’s growth. It’s not just a way to measure height; it’s a keepsake that captures memories of their development. You can find charts with fun designs or themes that fit the child’s interests, making it a personalized addition to their room.

4. Art Supplies

Art supplies

Art supplies are a great way to encourage creativity and expression. A set of crayons, markers, paints, or clay can provide endless hours of fun. It allows children to express themselves through art, developing their creativity and fine motor skills. Plus, it’s a fun activity they can enjoy with friends and family.

5. Personalized Storybooks

Personalized storybooks are special gifts that make the child the star of their own story. These books can include the child’s name, appearance, and even their friends or family in the storyline. It’s a wonderful way to encourage reading and make them feel special. Plus, it’s a keepsake they can treasure for years to come.

1. “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” from Toy Story

Youve got a friend in me sog cover

This song is a heartwarming choice for a preschool graduation party, reminding kids and adults alike about the value of friendship. It’s a cheerful tune that can bring smiles and a sense of togetherness, making it a perfect addition to the celebration.

2. “Can’t Stop the Feeling!” by Justin Timberlake

This song will surely get everyone dancing with its upbeat rhythm and positive lyrics. It’s a fantastic way to add energy and joy to the event, making it a memorable moment for the little graduates.

3. “Count on Me” by Bruno Mars

Count on me song cover

This song’s message about support and friendship perfectly fits the preschool graduation theme. It’s an excellent choice for preschool graduation ideas for teachers, as it can be used to highlight the supportive community children have had during their preschool years.

4. “We Are the Champions” by Queen

Although not a traditional kids’ song, its empowering lyrics can make the children proud of their accomplishments. It’s a great way to end the preschool graduation party on a high note, celebrating their journey and success.

5. “The Bare Necessities” from The Jungle Book

Song cover of The Bare Necessities

This classic song is fun, easy to sing along to, and encourages kids to look at the bright side of life. It’s a lighthearted and joyful song that can add a touch of whimsy to the graduation ceremony, making it enjoyable for children and adults alike.

1. Graduation Photo Frames

A preschooler graduation photo album

Crafting personalized photo frames is a creative way to display memories from the preschool year. It’s a perfect craft for a preschool graduation, allowing kids and parents to cherish their favorite moments.

Materials Required: Popsicle sticks, glue, paint, markers, and decorations (stickers, glitter, etc.).

How to Make:

  • Glue four popsicle sticks together to form a square frame.
  • Once the glue is dry, paint the frame in the child’s favorite color.
  • Decorate the frame with markers, stickers, or glitter.
  • Add a photo from the preschool year or a graduation picture.

2. Graduation Cap Crafts

Graduation cap craft

Creating paper graduation caps is a memorable keepsake for kids. This craft symbolizes their achievement and is perfect for preschool graduation crafts.

Materials Required: Black construction paper, yarn, cardboard, glue, and scissors.

  • Cut a square piece of cardboard for the top of the cap.
  • Cut a strip of black paper to make the base of the cap; wrap it around the child’s head to measure, then glue the ends together.
  • Glue the cardboard square to the top of the paper base.
  • Attach a yarn tassel to the center of the cardboard square.

3. Handprint Art

Handprint graduation art

Handprint art captures the child’s growth and is a touching idea for preschool graduation. It’s a personal gift that parents will treasure.

Materials Required: Paint, paper or canvas, and markers.

  • Paint the child’s hand with their choice of color.
  • Press their hand onto the paper or canvas firmly.
  • Once dry, add the child’s name, date, and a sweet message with markers.

4. Memory Books

Preschool graduation memory book

Crafting personalized memory books is a wonderful way to preserve memories from the preschool year. It’s one of the most heartfelt ideas for preschool graduation.

Materials Required: Construction paper or a blank notebook, photos, glue, markers, and stickers.

  • Choose a notebook or create a book with construction paper.
  • Decorate each page with photos, drawings, and stickers.
  • Write captions or memories next to each photo or drawing.

5. Thank You Cards

Thank you card graduation theme

Handmade thank you cards allow children to express gratitude to their teachers and parents. It’s a meaningful addition to preschool graduation ideas.

Materials Required: Cardstock, markers, stickers, and any other decorative items.

  • Fold cardstock to create a card.
  • Decorate the front with drawings, stickers, or a simple message.
  • Help the child write a thank you note to their teacher or parent.

1. Photo Booth with Props

Setting up a themed photo booth is a fun way to capture big-day memories. You can use props like graduation caps, glasses, and signs with “Grad” or funny messages. It’s a great activity that lets kids and families take home a special souvenir from the preschool graduation. Set up a corner with a backdrop and a camera, and let the fun begin!

2. Time Capsule

Time capsule craft

Creating a class time capsule is a unique way to remember the preschool year. Ask each child to contribute something small, like a drawing, a note, or a favorite toy. Explain that the capsule will be opened when they graduate high school. It’s a magical way to connect the past with the future and make the preschool graduation memorable.

3. Graduation Parade

Kids standing in a line in graduation clothes

A small parade with the graduates in their caps and gowns is a wonderful way to celebrate their achievements. You can have them march around the school or a designated area, waving to their families and friends. It’s a proud moment for everyone and a fun activity that makes the children feel special on graduation day.

4. Award Ceremony

A kid with a certificate and graduation dress on

Recognizing each child’s unique contributions and achievements is important. An award ceremony can highlight academic achievements, kindness, creativity, and friendship. Give certificates or small trophies to make each child feel valued and celebrated. It’s a touching addition to the preschool graduation that emphasizes each child’s individuality.

5. Story Time

Reading a special book that reflects on the journey of growth and learning is a calming and meaningful activity. Choose a book about transitions, new beginnings, or the value of friendship. It’s a gentle way to wrap up the preschool experience and get the children thinking about their next adventure in learning. Storytime can be a quiet moment amidst the excitement of graduation day.

1. Diploma Sandwich Rolls

Graduation themed sandwhich rolls

Create edible diplomas by tying up tortilla sandwiches with a chive or thin strip of bell pepper. These make for a fun and thematic snack that resembles little diplomas. Choose fillings popular with kids, like turkey and cheese or peanut butter and jelly.

2. Cap and Gown Fruit Skewers

Fruits arranged in graduation theme

Assemble fruit skewers using strawberries and a mini marshmallow on top to resemble graduation caps. Use a variety of fruits for the skewers to add color and healthiness to your snack table. These skewers are delicious and a festive addition to any preschool graduation party.

3. Bookworm Apple Slices

Apple tart

Cut apples into thin slices and arrange them on a plate to look like a bookworm. Use grapes or small berries for the eyes and a thin slice of strawberry for the mouth. This snack is a playful nod to learning and reading, perfect for a graduation-themed celebration.

4. Pencil Cheese Sticks

Pencils made of cheese

Transform string cheese sticks into pencils by carving one end to a point and adding a small piece of bell pepper or tomato skin as the eraser. You can use edible markers to draw ruler lines on the cheese to enhance the pencil look. These are simple, healthy, and thematic snacks that will surely delight the little graduates.

A graduation themed cupcake

Bake your favorite cupcakes and frost them. Use a square piece of chocolate (like a Ghirardelli square) for the cap and attach a mini M&M with a small piece of licorice or frosting for the tassel. These cupcakes are a sweet treat that perfectly fits the graduation theme and serves as a delicious dessert for guests.

As we wrap up our exploration of preschool graduation ideas, remember that the key to a memorable celebration lies in the joy and pride of our little graduates. Whether through creative themes, heartfelt crafts, engaging activities, thoughtful gifts, or delicious snacks, each idea is designed to make this milestone unforgettable. Let these ideas inspire you to create a preschool graduation that celebrates the unique journey of every child.

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Preschool Graduation Songs Perfect for End of the Year Slideshows

Shared by Mary Catherine 51 Comments

These preschool graduation songs are just what you’re looking for when making end of the year slideshows. Be sure to save them to play while working on some preschool graduation activities.

Making a few special items for our preschool students at the end of the year is pretty much a tradition. There’s also one big thing we do for the parents, and that’s a slideshow with sweet end of the year songs to go along with pictures of the kiddos from the preschool year.

We also like to put together an individualized DVD slideshow for each child, or a collection of the photo files collected over the year. A  preschool portfolio for each of the kiddos is a well-loved treat for the children and parents, alike.  They really show how much they’ve grown over the year.

End of the Year Songs {A Preschool Playlist}

At our end of the year “graduation”, we like to include a slideshow of all the pre-k kids throughout the year.  Here’s where the end of the year songs come in.

For all of these slideshows, I always search for songs that are “just right”, sometimes stressing over which songs to include.

Table of Contents

Preschool Graduation Songs for End of the Year Slideshows

Below is a list of songs that I’ve come across that are a great fit for your own preschool graduation songs.  I think these songs are perfect for pre-k and kindergarten graduations, but they’re also suitable for other grades!

I don’t generally use all of these songs on one slideshow.  Rather, they’re a list of possibilities to pick and choose from.

I tried to include direct links to each song if possible.  Otherwise, the link is to the entire album.

What a Wonderful World   by   Louis Armstrong

Count on Me  by Bruno Mars

93 Million Miles  by Jason Mraz

Sunshine Medley  by Greg & Steve

To Remember  by Josh Kelley

Sing Together  by Train

You’re My Best Friend by Queen

Safe and Sound  by Matthew West

You’ve Got a Friend in Me  by Randy Newman

Lean on Me  by Bill Withers

We’re Going to Be Friends by  Jack Johnson or by  The White Stripes

This Little Light of Mine  by Addison Road

Over the Rainbow  by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole

Life is a Highway by  Tom Cochrane or by  Rascal Flatts

We Are Family  by Sister Sledge

Let Them Be Little by  Billy Dean or by  Lonestar

You and Me  by Dave Matthews Band

Little Wonders  by Rob Thomas

Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah by  James Baskett or by  Louis Armstrong

Celebration  by Kool and The Gang

These are just some of my favorite preschool graduation songs for end of the year slideshows.  I’m sure there are a ton more out there!

Do you have a favorite song for end of the year programs or graduation ceremonies?  If so, I would LOVE to hear about them in the comments section below.  I’m always on the lookout for more ideas.  🙂

Check out 25 more end of the year slideshow songs (based on awesome suggestions from you)!

If you’re looking for songs the kids can sing during an end of the year celebration, be sure to check out these ideas .

Originally published on June 24, 2013

End-of-Year Classroom Gifts

At the close of each year, I like to thank my students for giving me the pleasure of spending time with them, teaching them, and having a ton of fun while doing it. It’s important to note that , myself, learn new things with every set of students that comes through my classroom. So, as a thank you to my students, I like to send them off with a small token of my appreciation – a gift. Often times, I will personalize whatever item I choose with a little phrase or saying related to the item.

Only you know the dynamics of your classroom and students. So, you will know the perfect gift for your students. But here are some of my personal favorites (I may get commissions for purchases made through links in this post):

  • Temporary tattoos
  • Color-your-own cups
  • Crazy straws
  • Personalized, beaded keychains or bracelets
  • Kids’ sunglasses
  • Buckets filled with small trinkets
  • Small jars of slime (made in class, or course!)

Remember. An end-of-school year gift is not a necessity. In the past, I have held an additional celebration, outside of their graduation ceremonies, to celebrate my students and all of their accomplishments. I planned an activity that I know they all loved (a water play day!) to show them my appreciation and pride in them.

Finishing another year of preschool, for both student and teacher, is really an accomplishment and should be celebrated as such. So, it really doesn’t matter what you do as long as you celebrate the time you’ve had with your students!

Done-for-You Preschool Resources

Planning meaningful lessons for students week after week, all while balancing other teaching responsibilities and a personal life, can be a daunting task. That’s where  Preschool Teacher 101  comes in to save you time!

Preschool Teacher 101 is excited to share with you some amazing lesson plans, activity packs, and much more! We offer a wide variety of themes that are frequently used in preschool classrooms, as well as some less common (but super interesting) themes. Click on the image below to learn more about our preschool songs mega bundle product!

Preschool Songs Mega Bundle preschool resource cover.

Join  The Pack from Preschool Teacher 101  today for exclusive access to our amazing products. And we even have three different membership options to suit your needs!

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June 24, 2013 at 8:40 pm

Thank you for this list. I will be sure to refer to it next year. Last week I was stuck for choices but at the last minute, I chose the following four songs that worked really well:

1. Greatest Love by Whitney Houston 2.. I Can Fly by R. Kelley 3. True Colours by Phil Collins 4. I Hope You Dance by Leanne Womack

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June 25, 2013 at 11:17 am

Thanks, Erika! I appreciate your song suggestions — I’m always looking to add to my list!! Those are definitely good choices for the end of the year, as well.

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March 7, 2016 at 5:21 am

I used the song In The Eyes of a Child by Air Supply for a pre school graduation slide show.

March 9, 2016 at 9:12 pm

Ooooh, that’s a sweet one too! Thanks for the suggestion!

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June 24, 2013 at 9:48 pm

I like “Unwritten” by Natasha Bedingfield, “I Hope You Dance” by Lee Ann Womack, and “These Are the Days” by Keith Urban

June 25, 2013 at 11:18 am

Oh, Lori, thanks for your song ideas too! I’m not sure how I forgot “Unwritten”, and the 2 others would be great too. 🙂

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June 25, 2013 at 12:30 am

I always use the song, “My Wish” by Rascal Flatts for the part of the slideshow that shows how much they’ve grown since the beginning of the year. The words to that song are just perfect!!

June 25, 2013 at 11:19 am

Oh, that song is just beautiful too! Thanks for the idea, Katie! 🙂

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June 25, 2013 at 9:39 am

Great list, you’ve got all my favs on there 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

June 25, 2013 at 11:16 am

Thanks, Vanessa! 🙂

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July 30, 2013 at 9:48 pm

I am so happy I found this site – I always spend HOURS finding the perfect end of the year songs to play. I have used a number of these songs in our end of the year slideshow. I love, love, love the Billy Joel “Let Them Be Little”, especially since my students grow so much (2-3 years old!). Of course my mind is blanking right now on the other songs I have used (that are not on the list) but I know we have used t Best of Friends from Disney Fox and the Hound a song from the Curious George sound track also about friends “On My Way” From Disney’s Brother Bear

August 5, 2013 at 9:24 pm

Yay, I’m so glad this was helpful!! And thank you for the additional song ideas. I love that we can all share ideas like this — it’s just going to make those of the year celebrations that much better. 🙂

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March 25, 2014 at 9:40 pm

You might want to add “ordinary Miricle” by Sarah McLachlan. I cry every time.

May 17, 2014 at 10:09 pm

Oh I need to listen to that one again, but I’m sure I’ll get teary too!!

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April 11, 2014 at 5:33 am

The house at pooh corner by kenny loggins will make you cry it’s so tender and appropriate. I may make a play list of this just to listen to while planning and working on end of the year report cards!

May 14, 2014 at 11:37 pm

Oh, Stacie, I’m going to have to run off and listen to that soon. Thanks so much for adding to this list! I’m creating an end of the year slideshow this weekend and would love to try out some new songs.

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April 11, 2014 at 9:56 pm

I always start with the Tarzan song “You’ll Be in my Heart” – another Phil Colins. The beginning words are perfect!

“Come stop your crying It will be alright Just take my hand Hold it tight”

May 14, 2014 at 11:39 pm

Another great suggestion, Tracie! Those words are a great way to start off the end of the year playlist. Thanks so much!

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May 7, 2014 at 10:43 pm

I use a few of the songs mentioned but I also use Hannah Montana The Climb. I love it in my DVD. Thanks for the other suggestions!

May 14, 2014 at 11:53 pm

I hadn’t thought of that one, but I can see how it would be great. Thanks so much for your suggestion! 🙂

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May 9, 2014 at 2:20 pm

One I am loving/using this year is “I Lived” by One Republic!

May 14, 2014 at 11:54 pm

Thanks for the idea, Jenna! I’m going to have to think about adding that to my playlist this year. 🙂

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May 14, 2014 at 2:15 pm

Thank you for putting this helpful list together. Love reading all the other suggestions as well. Great blog 🙂

Thanks so much! I loved reading all of the suggestions, too! 🙂

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May 18, 2014 at 1:20 pm

One of my favorite good-bye songs. Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) by Green Day.

May 18, 2014 at 7:29 pm

Thanks, Angel! I think that’s a great one to add to the list. 🙂

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May 18, 2014 at 8:50 pm

Great List – I can’t wait to add some of these, I have That’s What Friends Are For from the Jungle Book, Happy by Pharrell and Butterfly Fly Away from the Hannah Montana Soundtrack. Thanks all for sharing! Michelle

May 18, 2014 at 9:06 pm

Thanks, Michelle! I’m glad to have even more song suggestions for the list. 🙂

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May 20, 2014 at 6:15 am

Great list! Never Grow Up by Taylor Swift is one I’ve used for fifth grade moving up that would be darling for preschool!

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May 26, 2014 at 2:05 am

these Are All Great Suggestions. My Favorite “Time Of Our Life” By Gree Day.

May 26, 2014 at 8:55 am

Thanks Valerie! I had so many wonderful suggestions from my readers that I compiled a list of 25 more end of the year songs. I made sure to include Green Day’s “Time of Your Life”! 🙂

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May 28, 2014 at 8:21 pm

Friends are friends forever. Matthew West

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May 3, 2015 at 9:40 pm

Make new Friends. When You Wish Upon a Star and The Goodbye Song

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May 3, 2015 at 10:51 pm

We started using “So Long, Farewell” from the Sound of Music. We choreograph it in a way that our PreKs leave their seats, walk forward and wave, then go up on stage for a final goodbye, by the time the music ends. This is a great list!

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May 5, 2015 at 8:42 pm

my year end slideshow always begins with “Getting to Know You” by James Taylor from the King and I and ends with “You’ve Gotta Friend In Me”! The music in the middle changes from year to year. Thanks for the great ideas!

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May 16, 2015 at 12:59 am

I always use; Take that- never forget Heather smalls- proud Miley Cyrus- the climb Script and will I am- hall of fame You raise me up- found a lovely Irish version

' src=

May 31, 2015 at 7:23 am

Did you mention what program you use? I had a favorite on my old desktop, when it crashed the program went with it. It was so old…… The format for the new program didn’t even seem the same!

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June 21, 2015 at 8:46 pm

This year my preschoolers did the song “You’ve got a friend in Me”” in sign language. I taught myself from the internet then the kids. Everyone loved it!!

June 25, 2015 at 2:07 pm

How fun is that?!

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May 3, 2016 at 8:57 pm

Thank you for this list! I love all of your choices! I wish I knew how to make a DVD slideshow. I have a macbook pro and I take lots of pics of my students. I just haven’t learned how to make a slideshow yet. Check out the song “Little Hands” by Jonathan Edwards. It would also be perfect for a preschool slideshow.

July 23, 2016 at 5:48 pm

Thanks so much for the song suggestion! There are so many video slideshow programs out there – which are available for Macs?

' src=

March 6, 2017 at 10:34 pm

Life is a Highway….”Tom” Cochrane not John

March 7, 2017 at 1:37 pm

Oh my word, I must bow my head in shame. I know that . . . not sure why I wrote the wrong name! Off to fix. You’re awesome for letting me know. 😉

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May 20, 2017 at 7:29 am

FOREVER YOUNG by The Tenors, not similar to Rod Stewart’s song, is so perfect. If you hadn’t heard this, listen to it before you use your old favorites!

May 30, 2017 at 2:05 pm

Such a great addition, thank you! 🙂

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May 21, 2017 at 6:56 pm

Everything Grows, By Raffi

Thanks a Lot, by Raffi

May 22, 2017 at 12:16 am

Yes, such a good one! 🙂

' src=

May 9, 2021 at 3:22 pm

Not sure if this has been suggested, if not, “Let Them Be Little,” sung by Billy Dean

July 28, 2021 at 5:13 pm

That’s a great one, thank you! 🙂

' src=

May 30, 2021 at 10:03 am

I used “On My Way” by Phil Collins and “What I Am” by Will.I.Am to keep it upbeat. I thought about using “Never Grow Up” by Taylor Swift but I knew I’d cry. 🙂

June 21, 2021 at 11:16 am

Those are awesome song suggestions!! And I cry every single time!

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Look at those happy children! They're full of joy because they're graduating from kindergarten! After that, they'll go to elementary school... and then to middle school... OK, you get the idea. For now, it's their great day, so we wanted to create a wonderful and funny template for you, kindergarten teachers! Customize this great design and share memories, give awards, mention highlights, add the schedule for the graduation ceremony... You decide! Try using photos like the ones included, too!

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Physical Map of Novosibirsk

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Learn more about the map styles

Each map type offers different information and each map style is designed for a different purpose. Read about the styles and map projection used in the above map (Physical Map of Novosibirsk).

Physical map

Physical map illustrates the mountains, lowlands, oceans, lakes and rivers and other physical landscape features of Novosibirsk. Differences in land elevations relative to the sea level are represented by color.

Green color represents lower elevations, orange or brown indicate higher elevations, shades of grey are used for the highest mountain ranges in the world. Underwater topography is represented by blues. Darker blues are used for the deepest water, lighter shades of blue represent shallower water such as the continental shelf.

Geographic map projection

A map projection is a way how to transform points on a Earth to points on a map. This map of Novosibirsk uses Plate Carree projection. The Plate Carree projection is a simple cylindrical projection originated in the ancient times. It has straight and equally spaced meridians and parallels that meet at right angles.

All projections from a sphere to a plane are distorted. The drawback of the Plate Carree projection is that it doesn't make an attempt to compensate for these distortions. For the general view of Novosibirsk, this is not a significant problem. The detailed maps use the Mercator projection which preserves the shape of small areas better.

Locations near Novosibirsk

Destinations close to Novosibirsk sorted by distance.

  • Zaton 4.7 km
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  • Bugry 8.3 km
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  • Katkovo 11 km

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Novosibirsk Oblast, Russia

The capital city of Novosibirsk oblast: Novosibirsk .

Novosibirsk Oblast - Overview

Novosibirsk Oblast is a federal subject of Russia, part of the Siberian Federal District. Novosibirsk is the capital city of the region.

The population of Novosibirsk Oblast is about 2,780,000 (2022), the area - 177,756 sq. km.

Novosibirsk oblast flag

Novosibirsk oblast coat of arms.

Novosibirsk oblast coat of arms

Novosibirsk oblast map, Russia

Novosibirsk oblast latest news and posts from our blog:.

29 November, 2020 / Novosibirsk Akademgorodok - the scientific center of Siberia .

25 December, 2018 / Chuya Highway - the Most Picturesque Road in Russia .

18 September, 2018 / Novosibirsk - the view from above .

10 December, 2014 / The night views of Novosibirsk .

17 July, 2014 / Novosibirsk hit by a heavy hailstorm .

More posts..

History of Novosibirsk Oblast

Over thousands of years, the territory of the Novosibirsk region, due to its location on the border of natural zones and cultural regions (the Siberian taiga and the Eurasian steppe), played the role of a buffer zone or border zone of different peoples.

In the 13th-15th centuries, this land was the eastern outskirts of the Golden Horde. Later, until the end of the 16th century, it was part of the Siberian Khanate. In the 18th century, the territory of the present Novosibirsk region became part of the Russian Empire.

Despite the relatively favorable climate, the Russians began to settle here relatively late. The Barabin Tatars were the indigenous people. Today, their total population is about 10,000 people living mainly in the western parts of the region.

The Barabin Tatars were subjected to constant attacks of the Kalmyks (the Oyrates and Teleuts). Russian villages were also under the threat. That’s why people preferred to settle in the north, near Tomsk. Only at the end of the 17th century, Novosibirsk province became attractive to settlers.

More Historical Facts…

The first settlement was founded by the boyar son Alexey Kruglik in 1695. Later, this settlement became the village of Kruglikovo. Today, it is located in Bolotninsky district. In the early 18th century, Berdsky stockaded town was built. Over time, the threat from the nomads decreased and the number of settlers increased.

In 1722, the Siberian line of fortresses along the Irtysh River was constructed. The locals were mainly engaged in soil tilling, fishing and hunting. In the early 19th century, the famous Ural manufacturer Akinfiy Demidov constructed two copper melting plants here - Kolyvansky and Barnaulsky.

In 1893, due to the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway and the railway bridge across the Ob River, Alexandrovsky settlement was built (from 1895 - Novonikolayevsky). Thanks to its convenient geographical location (the Trans-Siberian Railway crossing the Ob River, transportation ways connecting Siberia with the European part of the Russian Empire), its trade importance grew rapidly. In 1909, Novonikolayevsk became a town. In 1925, it was renamed in Novosibirsk.

Before 1921, the territory of Novosibirsk oblast was part of Tomsk gubernia, from 1921 to 1925 - of Novonikolayevsk gubernia, from 1925 to 1930 - of Siberian krai, from 1930 to 1937 - of West Siberian krai. September 28, 1937, West Siberian krai was divided into Novosibirsk oblast and Altay krai. This date is considered the official date of the region formation.

Novosibirsk Oblast - Features

Novosibirsk Oblast is located in the south east of the East-Siberian Plain, in the steppe, forest-steppe and taiga zones, between the Ob and the Irtysh rivers. The length of the region from west to east - 642 km, from north to south - 444 km.

The southern part of Vasyugan swamp, the largest swamp in the world, occupies the territory in the north and north-west of the province. In the southwest, it borders with Pavlodar oblast of Kazakhstan.

There are about 3,000 lakes on the territory of the Novosibirsk region. The largest lakes are Chany, Ubinskoye, Sartlan. Novosibirsk Reservoir also known as “the Ob Sea” (1,082 sq. km.) was created for Novosibirsk Hydroelectric Power Plant.

The climate is continental. The average temperature in January ranges from minus 16 degrees Celsius in the south and minus 20 degrees Celsius in the north. The average temperature in July - plus 18-20 degrees Celsius.

The largest cities and towns are Novosibirsk (1,621,000), Berdsk (103,500), Iskitim (54,700), Kuybishev (43,000). Novosibirsk is one the largest industrial, transport, scientific, and cultural center of Russia, the third most populous city in the country after Moscow and St. Petersburg. It is also the capital of the Siberian Federal District.

In the historical part of Novosibirsk you can find a lot of preserved monuments of the Russian Empire times. The Soviet era is presented by numerous scientific and cultural attractions, as well as beautiful parks.

There are more than 500 deposits of various mineral resources in Novosibirsk Oblast (coal, refractory clay, peat, anthracite). Natural gas and oil fields are located in the north-western part of the region. There are significant reserves of underground thermal and mineral waters. Forests cover about 4 million hectares, more than 20% of the territory.

Novosibirsk Oblast is one of the most industrially developed regions in Siberia (metal processing and machine building, food, power engineering, non-ferrous metallurgy industries). Heavy industries are concentrated in Novosibirsk, Iskitim and Berdsk.

The regional agriculture specializes in the cultivation of grain, potatoes and vegetables. Dairy cattle breeding, poultry farming and beekeeping are developed. The production of flax plays an important role too. Agricultural development of the territory is not high (about 48%). In general, it has about 25% of all agricultural land in Western Siberia.

Novosibirsk oblast of Russia photos

Nature of novosibirsk oblast.

Novosibirsk Oblast nature

Novosibirsk Oblast nature

Author: Klemeshev

Novosibirsk Oblast scenery

Novosibirsk Oblast scenery

Author: Mikhantiev Zhenya

Sunflower field in Novosibirsk Oblast

Sunflower field in Novosibirsk Oblast

Author: Sergey Savchak

Pictures of the Novosibirsk region

Steppe landscape in Novosibirsk Oblast

Steppe landscape in Novosibirsk Oblast

Author: Alex Strekhletov

Orthodox church in the Novosibirsk region

Orthodox church in the Novosibirsk region

Author: Sergey Bulanov

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Rating: 3.1 /5 (174 votes cast)

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Novosibirsk Oblast

Novosibirsk Oblast

DOI link for Novosibirsk Oblast

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This chapter presents history, economic statistics, and federal government directories of Novosibirsk Oblast. Novosibirsk Oblast is situated in the Western Siberian Plain. It borders Kazakhstan in the south-west, Altai Krai to the south, and the Oblasts of Omsk to the west, Tomsk to the north and Kemerovo to the east. In 2015 Novosibirsk Oblast's gross regional product (GRP) was 980,851m. roubles, or 356,087 roubles per head. Novosibirsk is the region's principal industrial centre. At the end of 2015 there were 1,512 km of railways and 19,390 km of paved roads in the Oblast. The Oblast's agriculture comprises the production of grain, vegetables, potatoes and flax, and animal husbandry. It employed 7.6% of the workforce and contributed 5.7% of GRP in 2015. Industry employed 22.2% of the workforce and contributed 22.4% of GRP in 2015. Extractive industries involve the production of coal, petroleum, natural gas, limestone and clay. The Oblast's manufacturing industry includes non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, and electricity generation.

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  9. Kindergarten Graduation Costumes Party

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. A very original and fun way to celebrate the graduation of your kindergarten students is to organize a costume party, and so that everything goes in the best way, we want you to use this cute template designed in pastel colors and with beautiful illustrations of ...

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    Let Them Be Little by Billy Dean or by Lonestar. You and Me by Dave Matthews Band. Little Wonders by Rob Thomas. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah by James Baskett or by Louis Armstrong. Celebration by Kool and The Gang. These are just some of my favorite preschool graduation songs for end of the year slideshows.

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  18. Kindergarten Graduation

    Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups. Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon's extension for customizing your slides. Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint. 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens. Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of ...

  19. Category : en:Cities in Novosibirsk Oblast

    English names of cities in Novosibirsk Oblast, a federal subject of Russia.. NOTE: This is a name category.It should contain names of specific cities in Novosibirsk Oblast, not merely terms related to cities in Novosibirsk Oblast, and should also not contain general terms for types of cities in Novosibirsk Oblast.

  20. Physical Map of Novosibirsk

    83° 0' 0" E. Minimal elevation. 64 m. Maximal elevation. 216 m. Land/Water. mainland. It's neither this physical map nor any other of the many millions of maps. The value of a map gallery is not determined by the number of pictures, but by the possibility to see the world from many different perspectives.

  21. Novosibirsk Oblast, Russia guide

    Novosibirsk Oblast - Features. Novosibirsk Oblast is located in the south east of the East-Siberian Plain, in the steppe, forest-steppe and taiga zones, between the Ob and the Irtysh rivers. The length of the region from west to east - 642 km, from north to south - 444 km. The southern part of Vasyugan swamp, the largest swamp in the world ...

  22. Novosibirsk Oblast

    This chapter presents history, economic statistics, and federal government directories of Novosibirsk Oblast. Novosibirsk Oblast is situated in the Western Siberian Plain.