Linear Programming

Linear programming is a process that is used to determine the best outcome of a linear function. It is the best method to perform linear optimization by making a few simple assumptions. The linear function is known as the objective function. Real-world relationships can be extremely complicated. However, linear programming can be used to depict such relationships, thus, making it easier to analyze them.

Linear programming is used in many industries such as energy, telecommunication, transportation, and manufacturing. This article sheds light on the various aspects of linear programming such as the definition, formula, methods to solve problems using this technique, and associated linear programming examples.


What is Linear Programming?

Linear programming, also abbreviated as LP, is a simple method that is used to depict complicated real-world relationships by using a linear function . The elements in the mathematical model so obtained have a linear relationship with each other. Linear programming is used to perform linear optimization so as to achieve the best outcome.

Linear Programming Definition

Linear programming can be defined as a technique that is used for optimizing a linear function in order to reach the best outcome. This linear function or objective function consists of linear equality and inequality constraints. We obtain the best outcome by minimizing or maximizing the objective function .

Linear Programming Examples

Suppose a postman has to deliver 6 letters in a day from the post office (located at A) to different houses (U, V, W, Y, Z). The distance between the houses is indicated on the lines as given in the image. If the postman wants to find the shortest route that will enable him to deliver the letters as well as save on fuel then it becomes a linear programming problem. Thus, LP will be used to get the optimal solution which will be the shortest route in this example.

Example of Linear Programming

Linear Programming Formula

A linear programming problem will consist of decision variables , an objective function, constraints, and non-negative restrictions. The decision variables, x, and y, decide the output of the LP problem and represent the final solution. The objective function, Z, is the linear function that needs to be optimized (maximized or minimized) to get the solution. The constraints are the restrictions that are imposed on the decision variables to limit their value. The decision variables must always have a non-negative value which is given by the non-negative restrictions. The general formula of a linear programming problem is given below:

  • Objective Function: Z = ax + by
  • Constraints: cx + dy ≤ e, fx + gy ≤ h. The inequalities can also be "≥"
  • Non-negative restrictions: x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0

How to Solve Linear Programming Problems?

The most important part of solving linear programming problem is to first formulate the problem using the given data. The steps to solve linear programming problems are given below:

  • Step 1: Identify the decision variables.
  • Step 2: Formulate the objective function. Check whether the function needs to be minimized or maximized.
  • Step 3: Write down the constraints.
  • Step 4: Ensure that the decision variables are greater than or equal to 0. (Non-negative restraint)
  • Step 5: Solve the linear programming problem using either the simplex or graphical method.

Let us study about these methods in detail in the following sections.

Linear Programming Methods

There are two main methods available for solving linear programming problem. These are the simplex method and the graphical method. Given below are the steps to solve a linear programming problem using both methods.

Linear Programming by Simplex Method

The simplex method in lpp can be applied to problems with two or more decision variables. Suppose the objective function Z = 40\(x_{1}\) + 30\(x_{2}\) needs to be maximized and the constraints are given as follows:

\(x_{1}\) + \(x_{2}\) ≤ 12

2\(x_{1}\) + \(x_{2}\) ≤ 16

\(x_{1}\) ≥ 0, \(x_{2}\) ≥ 0

Step 1: Add another variable, known as the slack variable, to convert the inequalities into equations. Also, rewrite the objective function as an equation .

- 40\(x_{1}\) - 30\(x_{2}\) + Z = 0

\(x_{1}\) + \(x_{2}\) + \(y_{1}\) =12

2\(x_{1}\) + \(x_{2}\) + \(y_{2}\) =16

\(y_{1}\) and \(y_{2}\) are the slack variables.

Step 2: Construct the initial simplex matrix as follows:

\(\begin{bmatrix} x_{1} & x_{2} &y_{1} & y_{2} & Z & \\ 1&1 &1 &0 &0 &12 \\ 2& 1 & 0& 1 & 0 & 16 \\ -40&-30&0&0&1&0 \end{bmatrix}\)

Step 3: Identify the column with the highest negative entry. This is called the pivot column. As -40 is the highest negative entry, thus, column 1 will be the pivot column.

Step 4: Divide the entries in the rightmost column by the entries in the pivot column. We exclude the entries in the bottom-most row.

12 / 1 = 12

The row containing the smallest quotient is identified to get the pivot row. As 8 is the smaller quotient as compared to 12 thus, row 2 becomes the pivot row. The intersection of the pivot row and the pivot column gives the pivot element.

Thus, pivot element = 2.

Step 5: With the help of the pivot element perform pivoting, using matrix properties , to make all other entries in the pivot column 0.

Using the elementary operations divide row 2 by 2 (\(R_{2}\) / 2)

\(\begin{bmatrix} x_{1} & x_{2} &y_{1} & y_{2} & Z & \\ 1&1 &1 &0 &0 &12 \\ 1& 1/2 & 0& 1/2 & 0 & 8 \\ -40&-30&0&0&1&0 \end{bmatrix}\)

Now apply \(R_{1}\) = \(R_{1}\) - \(R_{2}\)

\(\begin{bmatrix} x_{1} & x_{2} &y_{1} & y_{2} & Z & \\ 0&1/2 &1 &-1/2 &0 &4 \\ 1& 1/2 & 0& 1/2 & 0 & 8 \\ -40&-30&0&0&1&0 \end{bmatrix}\)

Finally \(R_{3}\) = \(R_{3}\) + 40\(R_{2}\) to get the required matrix.

\(\begin{bmatrix} x_{1} & x_{2} &y_{1} & y_{2} & Z & \\ 0&1/2 &1 &-1/2 &0 &4 \\ 1& 1/2 & 0& 1/2 & 0 & 8 \\ 0&-10&0&20&1&320 \end{bmatrix}\)

Step 6: Check if the bottom-most row has negative entries. If no, then the optimal solution has been determined. If yes, then go back to step 3 and repeat the process. -10 is a negative entry in the matrix thus, the process needs to be repeated. We get the following matrix.

\(\begin{bmatrix} x_{1} & x_{2} &y_{1} & y_{2} & Z & \\ 0&1 &2 &-1 &0 &8 \\ 1& 0 & -1& 1 & 0 & 4 \\ 0&0&20&10&1&400 \end{bmatrix}\)

Writing the bottom row in the form of an equation we get Z = 400 - 20\(y_{1}\) - 10\(y_{2}\). Thus, 400 is the highest value that Z can achieve when both \(y_{1}\) and \(y_{2}\) are 0.

Also, when \(x_{1}\) = 4 and \(x_{2}\) = 8 then value of Z = 400

Thus, \(x_{1}\) = 4 and \(x_{2}\) = 8 are the optimal points and the solution to our linear programming problem.

Linear Programming by Graphical Method

If there are two decision variables in a linear programming problem then the graphical method can be used to solve such a problem easily.

Suppose we have to maximize Z = 2x + 5y.

The constraints are x + 4y ≤ 24, 3x + y ≤ 21 and x + y ≤ 9

where, x ≥ 0 and y ≥ 0.

To solve this problem using the graphical method the steps are as follows.

Step 1: Write all inequality constraints in the form of equations.

x + 4y = 24

3x + y = 21

Step 2: Plot these lines on a graph by identifying test points.

x + 4y = 24 is a line passing through (0, 6) and (24, 0). [By substituting x = 0 the point (0, 6) is obtained. Similarly, when y = 0 the point (24, 0) is determined.]

3x + y = 21 passes through (0, 21) and (7, 0).

x + y = 9 passes through (9, 0) and (0, 9).

Step 3: Identify the feasible region. The feasible region can be defined as the area that is bounded by a set of coordinates that can satisfy some particular system of inequalities.

Any point that lies on or below the line x + 4y = 24 will satisfy the constraint x + 4y ≤ 24.

Similarly, a point that lies on or below 3x + y = 21 satisfies 3x + y ≤ 21.

Also, a point lying on or below the line x + y = 9 satisfies x + y ≤ 9.

The feasible region is represented by OABCD as it satisfies all the above-mentioned three restrictions.

Step 4: Determine the coordinates of the corner points. The corner points are the vertices of the feasible region.

B = (6, 3). B is the intersection of the two lines 3x + y = 21 and x + y = 9. Thus, by substituting y = 9 - x in 3x + y = 21 we can determine the point of intersection.

C = (4, 5) formed by the intersection of x + 4y = 24 and x + y = 9

Linear Programming by Graphical Method

Step 5: Substitute each corner point in the objective function. The point that gives the greatest (maximizing) or smallest (minimizing) value of the objective function will be the optimal point.

Corner Points Z = 2x + 5y
O = (0, 0) 0
A = (7, 0) 14
B = (6, 3) 27
C = (4, 5) 33
D = (0, 6) 30

33 is the maximum value of Z and it occurs at C. Thus, the solution is x = 4 and y = 5.

Applications of Linear Programming

Linear programming is used in several real-world applications. It is used as the basis for creating mathematical models to denote real-world relationships. Some applications of LP are listed below:

  • Manufacturing companies make widespread use of linear programming to plan and schedule production.
  • Delivery services use linear programming to decide the shortest route in order to minimize time and fuel consumption.
  • Financial institutions use linear programming to determine the portfolio of financial products that can be offered to clients.

Related Articles:

  • Introduction to Graphing
  • Linear Equations in Two Variables
  • Solutions of a Linear Equation
  • Mathematical Induction

Important Notes on Linear Programming

  • Linear programming is a technique that is used to determine the optimal solution of a linear objective function.
  • The simplex method in lpp and the graphical method can be used to solve a linear programming problem.
  • In a linear programming problem, the variables will always be greater than or equal to 0.

Linear programming Example

Corner Points Z = 5x + 4y
A = (45, 0) 225
B = (3, 28) 127
C = (0, 40) 160

As the minimum value of Z is 127, thus, B (3, 28) gives the optimal solution. Answer: The minimum value of Z is 127 and the optimal solution is (3, 28)

Linear Programming Problem

Corner points Z = 2x + 3y
O = (0, 0) 0
A = (20, 0) 40
B = (20, 10) 70
C = (18, 12) 72
D = (0, 12) 36
  • Example 3: Using the simplex method in lpp solve the linear programming problem Minimize Z = \(x_{1}\) + 2\(x_{2}\) + 3\(x_{3}\) \(x_{1}\) + \(x_{2}\) + \(x_{3}\) ≤ 12 2\(x_{1}\) + \(x_{2}\) + 3\(x_{3}\) ≤ 18 \(x_{1}\), \(x_{2}\), \(x_{3}\) ≥ 0 Solution: Convert all inequalities to equations by introducing slack variables. -\(x_{1}\) - 2\(x_{2}\) - 3\(x_{3}\) + Z = 0 \(x_{1}\) + \(x_{2}\) + \(x_{3}\) + \(y_{1}\) = 12 2\(x_{1}\) + \(x_{2}\) + 3\(x_{3}\) + \(y_{2}\) = 18 Expressing this as a matrix we get, \(\begin{bmatrix} x_{1} & x_{2} & x_{3} & y_{1} & y_{2} & Z & \\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 12\\ 2 & 1 & 3 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 18\\ -1 & -2 & -3 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}\) As -3 is the greatest negative value thus, column 3 is the pivot column. 12 / 1 = 12 18 / 3 = 6 As 6 is the smaller quotient thus, row 2 is the pivot row and 3 is the pivot element. By applying matrix operations we get, \(\begin{bmatrix} x_{1} & x_{2} & x_{3} & y_{1} & y_{2} & Z & \\ 0.33 & 0.667 & 0 & 1 & -0.33 & 0 & 6\\ 0.667 & 0.33 & 1 & 0 & 0.33 & 0 & 6\\ 1 & -1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 18 \end{bmatrix}\) Now -1 needs to be eliminated. Thus, by repreating the steps the matrix so obtained is as follows \(\begin{bmatrix} x_{1} & x_{2} & x_{3} & y_{1} & y_{2} & Z & \\ 0.5 & 1 & 0 & 1.5 & 0.5 & 0 & 9\\ 0.5 & 0 & 1 & -0.5 & 0.5 & 0 & 3\\ 1.5 & 0 & 0 & 1.5 & 0.5 & 1 & 27 \end{bmatrix}\) We get the maximum value of Z = 27 at \(x_{1}\) = 0, \(x_{2}\) = 9 \(x_{3}\) = 3 Answer: Maximum value of Z = 27 and optimal solution (0, 9, 3)

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FAQs on Linear Programming

What is meant by linear programming.

Linear programming is a technique that is used to identify the optimal solution of a function wherein the elements have a linear relationship.

What is Linear Programming Formula?

The general formula for a linear programming problem is given as follows:

What is the Objective Function in Linear Programming Problems?

The objective function is the linear function that needs to be maximized or minimized and is subject to certain constraints. It is of the form Z = ax + by.

How to Formulate a Linear Programming Model?

The steps to formulate a linear programming model are given as follows:

  • Identify the decision variables.
  • Formulate the objective function.
  • Identify the constraints.
  • Solve the obtained model using the simplex or the graphical method.

How to Find Optimal Solution in Linear Programming?

We can find the optimal solution in a linear programming problem by using either the simplex method or the graphical method. The simplex method in lpp can be applied to problems with two or more variables while the graphical method can be applied to problems containing 2 variables only.

How to Find Feasible Region in Linear Programming?

To find the feasible region in a linear programming problem the steps are as follows:

  • Draw the straight lines of the linear inequalities of the constraints.
  • Use the "≤" and "≥" signs to denote the feasible region of each constraint.
  • The region common to all constraints will be the feasible region for the linear programming problem.

What are Linear Programming Uses?

Linear programming is widely used in many industries such as delivery services, transportation industries, manufacturing companies, and financial institutions. The linear program is solved through linear optimization method, and it is used to determine the best outcome in a given scenerio.

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Linear Programming

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In Mathematics, linear programming is a method of optimising operations with some constraints. The main objective of linear programming is to maximize or minimize the numerical value. It consists of linear functions which are subjected to the constraints in the form of linear equations or in the form of inequalities.  Linear programming is considered an important technique that is used to find the optimum resource utilisation. The term “linear programming” consists of two words as linear and programming. The word “linear” defines the relationship between multiple variables with degree one. The word “programming” defines the process of selecting the best solution from various alternatives.

Linear Programming is widely used in Mathematics and some other fields such as economics, business, telecommunication, and manufacturing fields. In this article, let us discuss the definition of linear programming, its components, and different methods to solve linear programming problems.

Table of Contents:

  • Characteristics
  • Linear programming Problems
  • Simplex Method

Graphical Method

  • Applications
  • Practice Problems

What is Linear Programming?

Linear programming (LP)   or Linear Optimisation may be defined as the problem of maximizing or minimizing a linear function that is subjected to linear constraints. The constraints may be equalities or inequalities. The optimisation problems involve the calculation of profit and loss.   Linear programming problems  are an important class of optimisation problems, that helps to find the feasible region and optimise the solution in order to have the highest or lowest value of the function.

In other words, linear programming is considered as an optimization method to maximize or minimize the objective function of the given mathematical model with the set of some requirements which are represented in the linear relationship. The main aim of the linear programming problem is to find the optimal solution.

Linear programming is the method of considering different inequalities relevant to a situation and calculating the best value that is required to be obtained in those conditions.  Some of the assumptions taken while working with linear programming are:

  • The number of constraints should be expressed in the quantitative terms
  • The relationship between the constraints and the objective function should be linear
  • The linear function (i.e., objective function) is to be optimised

Components of Linear Programming

The basic components of the LP are as follows:

  • Decision Variables
  • Constraints
  • Objective Functions

Characteristics of Linear Programming

The following are the five characteristics of the linear programming problem:

Constraints – The limitations should be expressed in the mathematical form, regarding the resource.

Objective Function – In a problem, the objective function should be specified in a quantitative way.

Linearity – The relationship between two or more variables in the function must be linear. It means that the degree of the variable is one.

Finiteness –  There should be finite and infinite input and output numbers. In case, if the function has infinite factors, the optimal solution is not feasible. 

Non-negativity – The variable value should be positive or zero. It should not be a negative value.

Decision Variables – The decision variable will decide the output. It gives the ultimate solution of the problem. For any problem, the first step is to identify the decision variables.

Linear Programming Problems

The Linear Programming Problems (LPP) is a problem that is concerned with finding the optimal value of the given linear function. The optimal value can be either maximum value or minimum value. Here, the given linear function is considered an objective function. The objective function can contain several variables, which are subjected to the conditions and it has to satisfy the set of linear inequalities called linear constraints. The linear programming problems can be used to get the optimal solution for the following scenarios, such as manufacturing problems, diet problems, transportation problems, allocation problems and so on.

Methods to Solve Linear Programming Problems

The linear programming problem can be solved using different methods, such as the graphical method, simplex method, or by using tools such as R, open solver etc. Here, we will discuss the two most important techniques called the simplex method and graphical method in detail.

Linear Programming Simplex Method

The simplex method is one of the most popular methods to solve linear programming problems. It is an iterative process to get the feasible optimal solution. In this method, the value of the basic variable keeps transforming to obtain the maximum value for the objective function. The algorithm for linear programming simplex method is provided below:

Step 1 : Establish a given problem. (i.e.,) write the inequality constraints and objective function.

Step 2: Convert the given inequalities to equations by adding the slack variable to each inequality expression.

Step 3 : Create the initial simplex tableau. Write the objective function at the bottom row. Here, each inequality constraint appears in its own row. Now, we can represent the problem in the form of an augmented matrix, which is called the initial simplex tableau.

Step 4 : Identify the greatest negative entry in the bottom row, which helps to identify the pivot column. The greatest negative entry in the bottom row defines the largest coefficient in the objective function, which will help us to increase the value of the objective function as fastest as possible.

Step 5 : Compute the quotients. To calculate the quotient, we need to divide the entries in the far right column by the entries in the first column, excluding the bottom row. The smallest quotient identifies the row. The row identified in this step and the element identified in the step will be taken as the pivot element.

Step 6: Carry out pivoting to make all other entries in column is zero.

Step 7: If there are no negative entries in the bottom row, end the process. Otherwise, start from step 4.

Step 8: Finally, determine the solution associated with the final simplex tableau.

The graphical method is used to optimize the two-variable linear programming. If the problem has two decision variables, a graphical method is the best method to find the optimal solution. In this method, the set of inequalities are subjected to constraints. Then the inequalities are plotted in the XY plane. Once, all the inequalities are plotted in the XY graph, the intersecting region will help to decide the feasible region. The feasible region will provide the optimal solution as well as explains what all values our model can take.  Let us see an example here and understand the concept of linear programming in a better way.

Calculate the maximal and minimal value of z = 5x + 3y for the following constraints.

x + 2y ≤ 14

3x – y ≥ 0

x – y ≤ 2

The three inequalities indicate the constraints. The area of the plane that will be marked is the feasible region.

The optimisation equation (z) = 5x + 3y. You have to find the (x,y) corner points that give the largest and smallest values of z.

To begin with, first solve each inequality.

x + 2y ≤ 14 ⇒  y ≤ -(1/2)x + 7

3x – y ≥ 0 ⇒  y ≤ 3x

x – y ≤ 2 ⇒ y  ≥ x – 2

Here is the graph for the above equations.

Linear Programming - Graph

Now pair the lines to form a system of linear equations to find the corner points.

y = -(½) x + 7

Solving the above equations, we get the corner points as (2, 6)

y = -1/2 x + 7

y = x – 2

Solving the above equations, we get the corner points as (6, 4)

Solving the above equations, we get the corner points as (-1, -3)

For linear systems, the maximum and minimum values of the optimisation equation lie on the corners of the feasibility region. Therefore, to find the optimum solution, you only need to plug these three points in z = 3x + 4y

z = 5(2) + 3(6) = 10 + 18 = 28

z = 5(6) + 3(4) = 30 + 12 = 42

z = 5(-1) + 3(-3) = -5 -9 = -14

Hence, the maximum of z = 42 lies at (6, 4) and the minimum of z = -14 lies at (-1, -3)

Linear Programming Applications

A real-time example would be considering the limitations of labours and materials and finding the best production levels for maximum profit in particular circumstances. It is part of a vital area of mathematics known as optimisation techniques. The applications of LP in some other fields are

  • Engineering – It solves design and manufacturing problems as it is helpful for doing shape optimisation
  • Efficient Manufacturing – To maximise profit, companies use linear expressions
  • Energy Industry – It provides methods to optimise the electric power system.
  • Transportation Optimisation – For cost and time efficiency.

Importance of Linear Programming

Linear programming is broadly applied in the field of optimisation for many reasons. Many functional problems in operations analysis can be represented as linear programming problems. Some special problems of linear programming are such as network flow queries and multi-commodity flow queries are deemed to be important to have produced much research on functional algorithms for their solution.

Linear Programming Video Lesson

Linear programming problem.

problem solving linear programming examples

Linear Programming Practice Problems

Solve the following linear programming problems:

  • A doctor wishes to mix two types of foods in such a way that the vitamin contents of the mixture contain at least 8 units of vitamin A and 10 units of vitamin C. Food ‘I’ contains 2 units/kg of vitamin A and 1 unit/kg of vitamin C. Food ‘II’ contains 1 unit/kg of vitamin A and 2 units/kg of vitamin C. It costs Rs 50 per kg to purchase Food ‘I’ and Rs 70 per kg to purchase Food ‘II’. Formulate this problem as a linear programming problem to minimise the cost of such a mixture
  • One kind of cake requires 200g of flour and 25g of fat, and another kind of cake requires 100g of flour and 50g of fat.  Formulate this problem as a linear programming problem to find the maximum number of cakes that can be made from 5kg of flour and 1 kg of fat assuming that there is no shortage of the other ingredients used in making the cakes.

Frequently Asked Questions on Linear Programming

Linear programming is a process of optimising the problems which are subjected to certain constraints. It means that it is the process of maximising or minimizing the linear functions under linear inequality constraints. The problem of solving linear programs is considered as the easiest one.

Mention the different types of linear programming.

The different types of linear programming are: Solving linear programming by Simplex method Solving linear programming using R Solving linear programming by graphical method Solving linear programming with the use of an open solver.

What are the requirements of linear programming?

The five basic requirements of linear programming are: Objective function Constraints Linearity Non-negativity Finiteness

Mention the advantages of Linear programming

The advantages of linear programming are: Linear programming provides insights to the business problems It helps to solve multi-dimensional problems According to the condition change, LP helps in making the adjustments By calculating the cost and profit of various things, LP helps to take the best optimal solution

What is meant by linear programming problems?

The linear programming problems (LPP) helps to find the best optimal solution of a linear function (also, known as the objective function) which are placed under certain constraints (set of linear inequality constraints)

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What is Linear Programming?

Identifying variables, identify the objective function, the solution, example 1 solution, example 2 solution, example 3 solution, example 4 solution, example 5 solution, practice questions, linear programming – explanation and examples.

Linear Programming

How to Solve Linear Programming Problems

  • Identify the variables and the constraints.
  • Find the objective function.
  • Graph the constraints and identify the vertices of the polygon.
  • Test the values of the vertices in the objective function.

Example 1 Graph 2

  • What are the inequalities that define this function?
  • If the objective function is 3x+2y=P, what is the maximum value of P?
  • If the objective function is 3x+2y=P, what is the minimum value of P


The objective function.

Example 2 Graph 1

Finding the Maximum

Example 4 Graph

The Vertices

Finding the minimum, the feasible region.

Simple Coordinate Plane

Alternative Solution?

Example 5 Graph 1

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5.11 Linear Programming

Learning objectives.

After completing this section, you should be able to:

  • Compose an objective function to be minimized or maximized.
  • Compose inequalities representing a system application.
  • Apply linear programming to solve application problems.

Imagine you hear about some natural disaster striking a far-away country; it could be an earthquake, a fire, a tsunami, a tornado, a hurricane, or any other type of natural disaster. The survivors of this disaster need help—they especially need food, water, and medical supplies. You work for a company that has these supplies, and your company has decided to help by flying the needed supplies into the disaster area. They want to maximize the number of people they can help. However, there are practical constraints that need to be taken into consideration; the size of the airplanes, how much weight each airplane can carry, and so on. How do you solve this dilemma? This is where linear programming comes into play. Linear programming is a mathematical technique to solve problems involving finding maximums or minimums where a linear function is limited by various constraints.

As a field, linear programming began in the late 1930s and early 1940s. It was used by many countries during World War II; countries used linear programming to solve problems such as maximizing troop effectiveness, minimizing their own casualties, and maximizing the damage they could inflict upon the enemy. Later, businesses began to realize they could use the concept of linear programming to maximize output, minimize expenses, and so on. In short, linear programming is a method to solve problems that involve finding a maximum or minimum where a linear function is constrained by various factors.

A Mathematician Invents a “Tsunami Cannon”

On December 26, 2004, a massive earthquake occurred in the Indian Ocean. This earthquake, which scientists estimate had a magnitude of 9.0 or 9.1 on the Richter Scale, set off a wave of tsunamis across the Indian Ocean. The waves of the tsunami averaged over 30 feet (10 meters) high, and caused massive damage and loss of life across the coastal regions bordering the Indian Ocean.

Usama Kadri works as an applied mathematician at Cardiff University in Wales. His areas of research include fluid dynamics and non-linear phenomena. Lately, he has been focusing his research on the early detection and easing of the effects of tsunamis. One of his theories involves deploying a series of devices along coastlines which would fire acoustic-gravity waves (AGWs) into an oncoming tsunami, which in theory would lessen the force of the tsunami. Of course, this is all in theory, but Kadri believes it will work. There are issues with creating such a device: they would take a tremendous amount of electricity to generate an AGW, for instance, but if it would save lives, it may well be worth it.

Compose an Objective Function to Be Minimized or Maximized

An objective function is a linear function in two or more variables that describes the quantity that needs to be maximized or minimized.

Example 5.96

Composing an objective function for selling two products.

Miriam starts her own business, where she knits and sells scarves and sweaters out of high-quality wool. She can make a profit of $8 per scarf and $10 per sweater. Write an objective function that describes her profit.

Let x x represent the number of scarves sold, and let y y represent the number of sweaters sold. Let P P represent profit. Since each scarf has a profit of $8 and each sweater has a profit of $10, the objective function is P = 8 x + 10 y P = 8 x + 10 y .

Your Turn 5.96

Example 5.97, composing an objective function for production.

William’s factory produces two products, widgets and wadgets. It takes 24 minutes for his factory to make 1 widget, and 32 minutes for his factory to make 1 wadget. Write an objective function that describes the time it takes to make the products.

Let x x equal the number of widgets made; let y y equal the number of wadgets made; let T T represent total time. The objective function is T = 24 x + 32 y T = 24 x + 32 y .

Your Turn 5.97

Composing inequalities representing a system application.

For our two examples of profit and production, in an ideal world the profit a person makes and/or the number of products a company produces would have no restrictions. After all, who wouldn’t want to have an unrestricted profit? However in reality this is not the case; there are usually several variables that can restrict how much profit a person can make or how many products a company can produce. These restrictions are called constraints .

Many different variables can be constraints. When making or selling a product, the time available, the cost of manufacturing and the amount of raw materials are all constraints. In the opening scenario with the tsunami, the maximum weight on an airplane and the volume of cargo it can carry would be constraints. Constraints are expressed as linear inequalities; the list of constraints defined by the problem forms a system of linear inequalities that, along with the objective function, represent a system application.

Example 5.98

Representing the constraints for selling two products.

Two friends start their own business, where they knit and sell scarves and sweaters out of high-quality wool. They can make a profit of $8 per scarf and $10 per sweater. To make a scarf, 3 bags of knitting wool are needed; to make a sweater, 4 bags of knitting wool are needed. The friends can only make 8 items per day, and can use not more than 27 bags of knitting wool per day. Write the inequalities that represent the constraints. Then summarize what has been described thus far by writing the objective function for profit and the two constraints.

Let x x represent the number of scarves sold, and let y y represent the number of sweaters sold. There are two constraints: the number of items the business can make in a day (a maximum of 8) and the number of bags of knitting wool they can use per day (a maximum of 27). The first constraint (total number of items in a day) is written as:

Since each scarf takes 3 bags of knitting wool and each sweater takes 4 bags of knitting wool, the second constraint, total bags of knitting wool per day, is written as:

In summary, here are the equations that represent the new business:

P = 8 x + 10 y P = 8 x + 10 y ; This is the profit equation: The business makes $8 per scarf and $10 per sweater.

Your Turn 5.98

Example 5.99, representing constraints for production.

A factory produces two products, widgets and wadgets. It takes 24 minutes for the factory to make 1 widget, and 32 minutes for the factory to make 1 wadget. Research indicates that long-term demand for products from the factory will result in average sales of 12 widgets per day and 10 wadgets per day. Because of limitations on storage at the factory, no more than 20 widgets or 17 wadgets can be made each day. Write the inequalities that represent the constraints. Then summarize what has been described thus far by writing the objective function for time and the two constraints.

Let x x equal the number of widgets made; let y y equal the number of wadgets made. Based on the long-term demand, we know the factory must produce a minimum of 12 widgets and 10 wadgets per day. We also know because of storage limitations, the factory cannot produce more than 20 widgets per day or 17 wadgets per day. Writing those as inequalities, we have:

x ≥ 12 x ≥ 12

y ≥ 10 y ≥ 10

x ≤ 20 x ≤ 20

y ≤ 17 y ≤ 17

The number of widgets made per day must be between 12 and 20, and the number of wadgets made per day must be between 10 and 17. Therefore, we have:

12 ≤ x ≤ 20 12 ≤ x ≤ 20

10 ≤ y ≤ 17 10 ≤ y ≤ 17

The system is:

T = 24 x + 32 y T = 24 x + 32 y

T T is the variable for time; it takes 24 minutes to make a widget and 32 minutes to make a wadget.

Your Turn 5.99

Applying linear programming to solve application problems.

There are four steps that need to be completed when solving a problem using linear programming. They are as follows:

Step 1: Compose an objective function to be minimized or maximized.

Step 2: Compose inequalities representing the constraints of the system.

Step 3: Graph the system of inequalities representing the constraints.

Step 4: Find the value of the objective function at each corner point of the graphed region.

The first two steps you have already learned. Let’s continue to use the same examples to illustrate Steps 3 and 4.

Example 5.100

Solving a linear programming problem for two products.

Three friends start their own business, where they knit and sell scarves and sweaters out of high-quality wool. They can make a profit of $8 per scarf and $10 per sweater. To make a scarf, 3 bags of knitting wool are needed; to make a sweater, 4 bags of knitting wool are needed. The friends can only make 8 items per day, and can use not more than 27 bags of knitting wool per day. Determine the number of scarves and sweaters they should make each day to maximize their profit.

Step 1: Compose an objective function to be minimized or maximized. From Example 5.98 , the objective function is P = 8 x + 10 y P = 8 x + 10 y .

Step 2: Compose inequalities representing the constraints of the system. From Example 5.98 , the constraints are x + y ≤ 8 x + y ≤ 8 and 3 x + 4 y ≤ 27 3 x + 4 y ≤ 27 .

Step 3: Graph the system of inequalities representing the constraints. Using methods discussed in Graphing Linear Equations and Inequalities , the graphs of the constraints are shown below. Because the number of scarves ( x x ) and the number of sweaters ( y y ) both must be non-negative numbers (i.e., x ≥ 0 x ≥ 0 and y ≥ 0 y ≥ 0 ), we need to graph the system of inequalities in Quadrant I only. Figure 5.99 shows each constraint graphed on its own axes, while Figure 5.100 shows the graph of the system of inequalities (the two constraints graphed together). In Figure 5.100 , the large shaded region represents the area where the two constraints intersect. If you are unsure how to graph these regions, refer back to Graphing Linear Equations and Inequalities .

Step 4: Find the value of the objective function at each corner point of the graphed region. The “graphed region” is the area where both of the regions intersect; in Figure 5.101 , it is the large shaded area. The “corner points” refer to each vertex of the shaded area. Why the corner points? Because the maximum and minimum of every objective function will occur at one (or more) of the corner points. Figure 5.101 shows the location and coordinates of each corner point.

Three of the four points are readily found, as we used them to graph the regions; the fourth point, the intersection point of the two constraint lines, will have to be found using methods discussed in Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables , either using substitution or elimination. As a reminder, set up the two equations of the constraint lines:

For this example, substitution will be used.

Substituting 8 - x 8 - x into the first equation for y y , we have

Now, substituting the 5 in for x x in either equation to solve for y y . Choosing the second equation, we have:

Therefore, x = 5 x = 5 , and y = 3 y = 3 .

To find the value of the objective function, P = 8 x + 10 y P = 8 x + 10 y , put the coordinates for each corner point into the equation and solve. The largest solution found when doing this will be the maximum value, and thus will be the answer to the question originally posed: determining the number of scarves and sweaters the new business should make each day to maximize their profit.

Corner ( , ) Objective Function

The maximum value for the profit P P occurs when x = 5 x = 5 and y = 3 y = 3 . This means that to maximize their profit, the new business should make 5 scarves and 3 sweaters every day.

Your Turn 5.100

People in mathematics, leonid kantorovich.

Leonid Vitalyevich Kantorovich was born January 19, 1912, in St. Petersburg, Russia. Two major events affected young Leonid’s life: when he was five, the Russian Revolution began, making life in St. Petersburg very difficult; so much so that Leonid’s family fled to Belarus for a year. When Leonid was 10, his father died, leaving his mother to raise five children on her own.

Despite the hardships, Leonid showed incredible mathematical ability at a young age. When he was only 14, he enrolled in Leningrad State University to study mathematics. Four years later, at age 18, he graduated with what would be equivalent to a Ph.D. in mathematics.

Although his primary interests were in pure mathematics, in 1938 he began working on problems in economics. Supposedly, he was approached by a local plywood manufacturer with the following question: how to come up with a work schedule for eight lathes to maximize output, given the five different kinds of plywood they had at the factory. By July 1939, Leonid had come up with a solution, not only to the lathe scheduling problem but to other areas as well, such as an optimal crop rotation schedule for farmers, minimizing waste material in manufacturing, and finding optimal routes for transporting goods. The technique he discovered to solve these problems eventually became known as linear programming. He continued to use this technique for solving many other problems involving optimization, which resulted in the book The Best Use of Economic Resources , which was published in 1959. His continued work in linear programming would ultimately result in him winning the Nobel Prize of Economics in 1975.

Check Your Understanding

  • P = 20 t − 10 c
  • P = 20 c + 10 t
  • P = 20 t + 10 c
  • P = 20 c − 10 t
  • P = 150 w + 180 b
  • P = 150 b + 180 w
  • P = 180 w + 150 b
  • P = 150 w − 180 b
  • P = 2.50 f + 6.75 c
  • P = 2.50 f + 6.75 t
  • P = 2.50 t + 6.75 f
  • None of these
  • 20 t + 10 c ≤ 70
  • 15 t + 4 c ≥ 70
  • 15 t + 4 c ≤ 70
  • 20 t + 10 c ≤ 12
  • 20 t + 10 c ≥ 12
  • w + b ≤ 945
  • 10 w + 15 b ≥ 945
  • 10 w + 15 b ≤ 945
  • 150 w + 180 w ≤ 945
  • 150 w + 180 b ≤ 1,635
  • 25 w + 30 b ≤ 1,635
  • w + b ≤ 1,635
  • 30 w + 25 b ≤ 1,635
  • ( 0 , 0 ) , ( 0 , 12 ) , ( 10 , 2 ) , ( 12 , 0 )
  • ( 0 , 0 ) , ( 0 , 12 ) , ( 2 , 10 ) , ( 4 2 3 , 0 )
  • ( 0 , 0 ) , ( 17.5 , 0 ) , ( 2 , 10 ) , ( 12 , 0 )

Section 5.11 Exercises

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  • Authors: Donna Kirk
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Contemporary Mathematics
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Linear Programming

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  • Andrew Hayes

Linear programming is an optimization technique for a system of linear constraints and a linear objective function. An objective function defines the quantity to be optimized, and the goal of linear programming is to find the values of the variables that maximize or minimize the objective function.

A factory manufactures doodads and whirligigs. It costs $2 and takes 3 hours to produce a doodad. It costs $4 and takes 2 hours to produce a whirligig. The factory has $220 and 150 hours this week to produce these products. If each doodad sells for $6 and each whirligig sells for $7, then how many of each product should be manufactured this week in order to maximize profit? This kind of problem is perfect to use linear programming techniques on. All of the quantifiable relationships in the problem are linear. The values of variables are constrained in some way. The goal is to find values of the variables that will maximize some quantity.

Linear programming is useful for many problems that require an optimization of resources. It could be applied to manufacturing, to calculate how to assign labor and machinery to minimize cost of operations. It could be applied in high-level business operations, to decide which products to sell and in what quantity in order to maximize profit. It could also be applied in logistics, to decide how to apply resources to get a job done in the minimum amount of time.

When to use Linear Programming

Linear programming in two variables, simplex algorithm, special cases of simplex algorithm, big-m method.

Linear programming can be used to solve a problem when the goal of the problem is to maximize some value and there is a linear system of inequalities that defines the constraints on the problem.

A constraint is an inequality that defines how the values of the variables in a problem are limited. In order for linear programming techniques to work, all constraints should be linear inequalities.

Returning to the example in the introduction:

Note that there is a cost associated with producing each part. Each doodad costs $2 to make and each whirligig costs $4 to make. The factory only has $220 available to spend on these costs, so the production is limited by cost. Let \(x\) be the number of doodads produced, and let \(y\) be the number of whirligigs produced. Then this constraint can be written as an inequality: \[2x+4y \le 220.\] There is also the limitation on how much time the factory has to produce these parts. Each doodad requires 3 hours to make and each whirligig requires 2 hours to make. The factory only has 150 hours available this week, so production is also limited by time. This constraint can be written as an inequality: \[3x+2y \le 150.\] In addition to these constraints, there is also a couple of "common sense" constraints. It's not possible to produce less than 0 of any part, so these constraints are also written: \[\begin{align} x &\ge 0 \\ y &\ge 0. \end{align}\] These are called non-negative constraints . Altogether, the constraints form a system of inequalities: \[\begin{cases}\begin{align} 2x+4y &\le 220 \\ 3x+2y &\le 150 \\ x &\ge 0 \\ y &\ge 0. \end{align}\end{cases}\]

Graphing these inequalities in the coordinate plane creates a polygon shape.

Graph the system of constraints \[\begin{cases}\begin{align} 2x+4y &\le 220 \\ 3x+2y &\le 150 \\ x &\ge 0 \\ y &\ge 0. \end{align}\end{cases}\]

The shaded region above is the feasible region of this problem.

The region that is bound by the system of constraints is called the feasible region . It represents the possible values of the variables that satisfy all of the constraints. In order for linear programming techniques to work, it should be a convex polytope (in 2 dimensions, a convex polygon; in 3 dimensions, a convex polyhedron; and so on).

Finding the feasible region is only sufficient to give the possible solutions of a problem. The goal of linear programming is to find the best solution to a problem. This is done by maximizing or minimizing the objective function .

The objective function is a function that defines some quantity that should be minimized or maximized. The arguments of the objective function are the same variables that are used in the constraints. In order for linear programming techniques to work, the objective function should be linear.
Each doodad costs $2 to make and sells for $6. This gives a profit of $4 per doodad. Each whirligig costs $4 to make and sells for $7. This gives a profit of $3 per whirligig. The profit function can be defined as \[p(x,y)=4x+3y.\] This is the objective function of this problem, and the goal is to maximize it.

It seems like the strategy now would be to test ordered pairs in the feasible region until a maximum profit is found. However, a more efficient method is available.

Let \(P\) be the maximum profit in the feasible region: \[P=4x+3y.\] Solve for y: \[y=-\frac{4}{3}x+\frac{P}{3}.\] This maximum profit gives an equation of a line, and whatever point in the feasible region passes through this line is the optimal solution. The \(y\)-intercept of this line is \(\frac{P}{3}.\) Since \(P\) is maximized, this \(y\)-intercept should be maximized as well. Graph several lines with the same slope of \(-\frac{4}{3}.\) The line that maximizes the \(y\)-intercept is the one that passes through the vertex at \((20,45),\) the intersection of the first two constraints. All other higher lines do not pass through the feasible region. All other lower lines pass through more than one point in the feasible region, and do not maximize the \(y\)-intercept of the line. Therefore, the factory should produce 20 doodads and 45 whirligigs. This will give a profit of \($215.\) \(_\square\)

In the previous example, it was shown that the optimal solution was on a vertex of the feasible region. This is true for all linear programming problems.

Given a convex polygonal feasible region and a linear objective function, the solution that maximizes or minimizes the objective function will be located on one of the vertices of the feasible region.
Let the objective function be \(f(x,y)=ax+by.\) Let the maximum value of this function be \(P,\) and let the minimum value of this function be \(Q.\) There exist lines which intersect each of the optimal solutions, \((x,y)\): \[\begin{align} ax+by &= P &&\qquad (1) \\ ax+by &= Q &&\qquad (2) \\\\ \Rightarrow y &= -\frac{a}{b}x + \frac{P}{b} &&\qquad (1) \\ y &= -\frac{a}{b}x + \frac{Q}{b}. &&\qquad (2) \end{align}\] Since \(P\) is the maximum value of the objective function, \((1)\) has the maximum \(y\)-intercept of a line with slope \(-\frac{a}{b}\) that passes through the feasible region. Likewise, \((2)\) has the minimum \(y\)-intercept of a line with slope \(-\frac{a}{b}\) that passes through the feasible region. Suppose that \((1)\) or \((2)\) passes through a point that is not one of the vertices of the feasible region. Case 1. The intersection point is on a side of the feasible region that is parallel to lines \((1)\) and \((2).\) If this is the case, then line \((1)\) or \((2)\) also contains a vertex of the feasible region, so this cannot be so. Case 2. The intersection point is somewhere else within the feasible region. The line will intersect more than one point in the feasible region. Then there will exist another point within the feasible region, either higher or lower, that a line with a parallel slope intersects. This cannot be true if line \((1)\) or \((2)\) has the maximum or minimum \(y\)-intercept of a line that passes through the feasible region. Hence, \((1)\) and \((2)\) must intersect a vertex of the feasible region. Each optimal solution is located at a vertex of the feasible region. \(_\square\)

This theorem gives a simple method for finding the optimal solution to a linear programming problem in two variables.

Process for finding the optimal solution of a linear programming problem in two variables Confirm that the feasible region is a convex polygon and the objective function is linear. Find the ordered pair of each vertex of the feasible region. Substitute each ordered pair into the objective function to find the solution that maximizes or minimizes the objective function.
A farmer feeds his cows a feed mix to supplement their foraging. The farmer uses two types of feed for the mix. Corn feed contains 100 g protein per kg and 750 g starch per kg. Wheat feed contains 150 g protein per kg and 700 g starch per kg. Each cow should be fed at most 7 kg of feed per day. The farmer would like each cow to receive at least 650 g protein and 4000 g starch per day. If corn feed costs $0.40/kg and wheat costs $0.45/kg, then what is the optimal feed mix that minimizes cost? Round your answers to the nearest gram. Let \(c\) be the kilograms of corn feed per cow per day, and let \(w\) be the kilograms of wheat feed per cow per day. The system of constraints can be written: \[\begin{cases} \begin{align} 0.1c+0.15w &\ge 0.65 \\ 0.75c+0.7w &\ge 4 \\ c+w &\le 7 \\ c &\ge 0 \\ w &\ge 0. \end{align} \end{cases}\] The objective function is \[\text{Minimize:} \ f(c,w)=0.40c+0.45w.\] Graphing the system of constraints gives an idea of where the vertices of the feasible region are, and which lines intersect to form them: Solve for each vertex of the feasible region by solving each pair of intersecting lines as a system of equations. For example, to solve for the vertex within the \(1^\text{st}\) quadrant, solve the system of equations \[\begin{cases} \begin{align} 0.1c+0.15w &= 0.65 \\ 0.75c +0.7w &= 4. \end{align} \end{cases}\] Solving this system gives \(c \approx 3.411\) and \(w \approx 2.059.\) These values can be substituted into the objective function to obtain the cost of this mix: \[f(3.411,2.059) = \$2.29.\] Note that it is not necessary to solve for every vertex. Since the problem requires a minimum and the objective function line has a negative slope, the optimal solution must be on the underside of the feasible region. Solve for these vertices: \[\begin{cases} \begin{align} 0.75c +0.7w &= 4 \\ c &= 0 \end{align} \end{cases} \implies c=0, w \approx 5.714 \implies f(0,5.714)=\$2.57 \] \[\begin{cases} \begin{align} 0.1c+0.15w &= 0.65 \\ w &= 0 \end{align} \end{cases} \implies c=6.5, w=0 \implies f(6.5,0)=\$2.60. \] The feed mix that minimizes cost contains 3411 g corn and 2059 g wheat. It costs $2.29 per cow. \(_\square\)

A manufacturer has 750 meters of cotton and 1000 meters of polyester. Production of a sweatshirt requires 1 meter of cotton and 2 meters of polyester, while production of a shirt requires 1.5 meters of cotton and 1 meter of polyester. The sale prices of a sweatshirt and a shirt are 30 € and 24 €, respectively. What are the number of sweatshirts \((S)\) and the number of shirts \((C)\) that maximize total sales?

Submit \(S + C.\)

Jordan has $100 to buy some comic books. He really likes the Star Wars books which cost $12 each, but he could also buy the Marvels books which cost $5 each. If he has to buy at least 12 books, what is the maximum number of the Star Wars books that he can buy?

An amateur bodybuilder is looking for supplement protein bars to build his muscle fast, and there are 2 available products: protein bar A and protein bar B.

Each protein bar A contains 15 g of protein and 30 g of carbohydrates and has total 200 calories. On the other hand, each protein bar B contains 30 g of protein and 20 g of carbohydrates and has total 240 calories.

According to his nutritional plan, this bodybuilder needs at least 20,000 calories from these supplements over the month, which must comprise of at least 1,800 g of protein and at least 2,200 g of carbohydrates.

If each protein bar A costs $3 and each protein bar B costs $4, what is the least possible amount of money (in $) he can spend to meet all his one-month requirements?

This kind of method would also work for linear optimization problems in more than two variables. However, these kinds of problems are more challenging to visualize with a coordinate graph, and there can be many more vertices to check for the optimal solution. The simplex algorithm was developed as an efficient method to solve these kinds of problems.

The simplex algorithm is a method to obtain the optimal solution of a linear system of constraints, given a linear objective function. It works by beginning at a basic vertex of the feasible region, and then iteratively moving to adjacent vertices, improving upon the solution each time until the optimal solution is found.

The simplex algorithm has many steps and rules, so it is helpful to understand the logic behind these steps and rules with a simple example before proceeding with the formal algorithm.

Given the system of constraints \[\begin{cases} \begin{align} 2x+3y &\le 90 \\ 3x+2y &\le 120 \\ x & \ge 0 \\ y & \ge 0, \end{align} \end{cases}\] maximize the objective function \[f(x,y)=7x+5y.\] The simplex algorithm begins by converting the constraints and objective functions into a system of equations. This is done by introducing new variables called slack variables . Slack variables represent the positive difference, or slack , between the left hand side of an inequality and the right hand side of that inequality. The inequality \[2x+3y \le 90\] becomes \[2x+3y+s_1=90.\] Likewise, the inequality \[3x+2y \le 120\] becomes \[3x+2y+s_2 = 120.\] In addition to the slack variables, a variable \(z\) is introduced to represent the value of the objective function. This gives the equation \[z-7x-5y=0.\] These equations give the system of equations \[\begin{cases} \begin{array}{cccccccccccc} z & - & 7x & - & 5y & & & & & = & 0 && (0) \\ & & 2x & + & 3y & + & s_1 & & & = & 90 && (1) \\ & & 3x & + & 2y & & & + & s_2 & = & 120. && (2) \end{array} \end{cases}\] In augmented matrix form, this is \[\left[\begin{array}{ccccc|c} 1 & -7 & -5 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 2 & 3 & 1 & 0 & 90 \\ 0 & 3 & 2 & 0 & 1 & 120 \end{array}\right]. \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0) \\ (1) \\ (2) \end{array}\] It is implied that all variables in this system (including \(s_1,\) \(s_2,\) and \(z\)) are greater than or equal to 0. The variables \(s_1\) and \(s_2\) have zero coefficients in row \((0)\) and are called basic variables . The variables \(x\) and \(y\) have non-zero coefficients in row \((0)\) and are called non-basic variables . At any point in this process, the basic solution is given by setting the non-basic variables to 0. Currently, the basic solution is \[x=0, \quad y=0, \quad s_1=90, \quad s_2=120, \quad z=0.\] Consider what effect increasing the values of the non-basic variables would have on the value of \(z.\) Increasing either \(x\) or \(y\) would cause \(z\) to also increase, because \(x\) and \(y\) have negative coefficients in row \((0).\) Thus, this is not the optimal solution. The iterations of the simplex algorithm involve exchanging basic variables and non-basic variables by using matrix row operations. At each step of the process, a non-basic variable in row \((0)\) is eliminated, leading another basic variable to take its place as a non-basic variable. This is called a pivot . Suppose \(x\) were to be eliminated in row \((0).\) This can be done with either row \((1)\) or row \((2).\) Case 1. Eliminating \(x\) in row \((0)\) with row \((1)\), \[\left[\begin{array}{ccccc|c} 1 & 0 & \frac{21}{2} & \frac{7}{2} & 0 & 315 \\ 0 & 2 & 3 & 1 & 0 & 90 \\ 0 & 3 & 2 & 0 & 1 & 120 \end{array}\right]. \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0)\vphantom{\frac{1}{2}} \\ (1) \\ (2) \end{array}\] During this pivot, the variable \(x\) entered as a basic variable, and the variable \(s_1\) left to become a non-basic variable. Now eliminate \(x\) in row \((2)\): \[\left[\begin{array}{ccccc|c} 1 & 0 & \frac{21}{2} & \frac{7}{2} & 0 & 315 \\ 0 & 2 & 3 & 1 & 0 & 90 \\ 0 & 0 & -\frac{5}{2} & -\frac{3}{2} & 1 & -15 \end{array}\right]. \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0)\vphantom{\frac{1}{2}} \\ (1) \\ (2)\vphantom{\frac{1}{2}} \end{array}\] This gives the basic solution \[x=45, \quad y=0, \quad s_1=0, \quad s_2=-15, \quad z=315.\] This solution is impossible, because it leads to one of the variables being negative. Case 2. Eliminating \(x\) in row \((0)\) with row \((2)\), \[\left[\begin{array}{ccccc|c} 1 & 0 & -\frac{1}{3} & 0 & \frac{7}{3} & 280 \\ 0 & 2 & 3 & 1 & 0 & 90 \\ 0 & 3 & 2 & 0 & 1 & 120 \end{array}\right]. \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0)\vphantom{\frac{1}{2}} \\ (1) \\ (2) \end{array}\] During this pivot, the variable \(x\) entered as a basic variable, and the variable \(s_2\) left to become a non-basic variable. Now eliminate \(x\) in row \((1)\): \[\left[\begin{array}{ccccc|c} 1 & 0 & -\frac{1}{3} & 0 & \frac{7}{3} & 280 \\ 0 & 0 & \frac{5}{3} & 1 & -\frac{2}{3} & 10 \\ 0 & 3 & 2 & 0 & 1 & 120 \end{array}\right]. \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0)\vphantom{\frac{1}{2}} \\ (1)\vphantom{\frac{1}{2}} \\ (2) \end{array}\] This gives the basic solution \[x=40, \quad y=0, \quad s_1=10, \quad s_2=0, \quad z=280.\] This solution is possible, but it is not optimal, because there is a negative coefficient in row \((0).\) This implies that \(z\) can be increased further by increasing \(y.\) Another pivot will be needed to find the optimal solution. It is a fair amount of work to perform a pivot, only to find that it gives an infeasible solution. Fortunately, one can anticipate which pivot will result in a feasible solution by observing the ratio of the element in the right part of the augmented matrix to the coefficient of the entering variable. Consider \(y\) as the entering variable, and calculate these ratios: \[\left[\begin{array}{ccccc|c} 1 & 0 & -\frac{1}{3} & 0 & \frac{7}{3} & 280 \\ 0 & 0 & {\color{red}\frac{5}{3}} & 1 & -\frac{2}{3} & {\color{red}10} \\ 0 & 3 & {\color{blue}2} & 0 & 1 & {\color{blue}120} \end{array}\right]. \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0)\vphantom{\frac{1}{2}} \\ (1)\vphantom{\frac{1}{2}} \\ (2) \end{array}\] For entering variable \(y,\) this ratio is \(10\div \frac{5}{3}=6\) for row \((1)\) and \(\frac{120}{2}=60\) for row \((2).\) Selecting the row that minimizes this ratio will ensure that the pivot results in a feasible solution. Thus, row \((1)\) should be selected as the pivot row. Eliminating \(y\) in row \((0)\) with row \((1)\), \[\left[\begin{array}{ccccc|c} 1 & 0 & 0 & \frac{1}{5} & \frac{11}{5} & 282 \\ 0 & 0 & \frac{5}{3} & 1 & -\frac{2}{3} & 10 \\ 0 & 3 & 2 & 0 & 1 & 120 \end{array}\right]. \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0)\vphantom{\frac{1}{2}} \\ (1)\vphantom{\frac{1}{2}} \\ (2) \end{array}\] Then eliminating \(y\) in row \((2)\), \[\left[\begin{array}{ccccc|c} 1 & 0 & 0 & \frac{1}{5} & \frac{11}{5} & 282 \\ 0 & 0 & \frac{5}{3} & 1 & -\frac{2}{3} & 10 \\ 0 & 3 & 0 & -\frac{6}{5} & \frac{9}{5} & 108 \end{array}\right]. \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0)\vphantom{\frac{1}{2}} \\ (1)\vphantom{\frac{1}{2}} \\ (2)\vphantom{\frac{1}{2}} \end{array}\] This gives the basic solution \[x=36, \quad y=6, \quad s_1=0, \quad s_2=0, \quad z=282.\] This solution must be optimal, because any increase in the non-basic variables \(s_1\) and \(s_2\) will cause a decrease in \(z.\) Thus, the maximum value of the objective function is \[f(36,6)=282.\ _\square\]
Simplex Algorithm for Maximization This version of the simplex algorithm is valid for a maximization problem with all constraints (except for the non-negative constraints) giving maximum values (using the \(\le\) symbol). In matrix form, the requirements are \[\begin{array}{ll} \text{Maximize:} & \textbf{c}^\text{T} \cdot \textbf{x} \\ \text{Subject to:} & \textbf{A}\textbf{x} \le \textbf{b}, \ \ x_i \ge 0, \end{array}\] where \(\textbf{c}\) is a vector containing the coefficients of the objective function, \(\textbf{x}\) is a vector containing the variables of the problem, \(\textbf{A}\) is a matrix containing the constraint coefficients, and \(\textbf{b}\) is a vector containing the maximum values of those constraints. Convert the constraints and objective function into a system of equations by introducing slack variables and the \(z\) variable. Put the system of equations into augmented matrix form. The objective function equation should go in row \((0).\) Select one of the non-basic variables to be the entering variable. Select the pivot row by computing the ratio \(\frac{\text{Element on right side of augmented matrix}}{\text{Coefficient of entering variable}}\) for each row. The correct pivot row minimizes this ratio. However, this ratio must be positive. If all coefficients of non-basic variables in row \((0)\) are positive, then you have the optimal solution. Otherwise, select a non-basic variable that has a negative coefficient in row \((0)\) to be the next entering variable, then pivot again to find another feasible solution. Continue pivoting until the optimal solution is found.

A toy factory manufactures three kinds of toys: cars, motorcycles, and boats. One toy car makes $20 profit, one toy motorcycle makes $15 profit, and one toy boat makes $25 profit. There are three departments of labour: casting, which has 8 workers; assembly, which has 12 workers; quality control, which has 10 workers.

Every day, the labour is allocated as follows: a toy car requires 2 casting, 2 assembly, 2 quality control; a toy motorcycles requires 1 casting, 2 assembly, 1 quality control; a toy boat requires 2 casting, 3 assembly, 3 quality control.

What is the maximum profit per day (in dollars) the toy company can achieve?

The simplex algorithm for minimization problems works by converting the problem to a maximization problem. This concept that every maximization problem has a corresponding minimization problem is formalized with the von Neumann duality principle .

Given the system of constraints \[\begin{cases}\begin{align} 4x+3y+5z &\ge 65 \\ x+3y+2z &\ge 38 \\ 2x+3y+4z &\ge 52 \\ x,y,z &\ge 0, \end{align}\end{cases}\] minimize the function \[f(x,y,z)=12x+3y+10z.\] This problem could be put into the form shown in the maximization examples above, but an issue would occur with finding the first basic solution: setting the \(x,\) \(y,\) and \(z,\) variables to \(0\) would give an infeasible solution with the slack variables taking on negative values. The simplex algorithm needs to start with a feasible solution, so this would not work. The Big-M method gives a workaround to this problem, but there is a much simpler method for this problem. A "dual" of this problem can be written by transposing the coefficients. Place the coefficients of the constraints into an augmented matrix. Place the coefficients of the objective function into the bottom row, with a 0 in the right part: \[\left[\begin{array}{ccc|c} \color{green}4 & \color{red}3 & \color{blue}5 & \color{orange}65 \\ \color{green}1 & \color{red}3 & \color{blue}2 & \color{orange}38 \\ \color{green}2 & \color{red}3 & \color{blue}4 & \color{orange}52 \\ \hline \color{green}12 & \color{red}3 & \color{blue}10 & \color{orange}0 \end{array}\right].\] Transpose the elements of the matrix: \[\left[\begin{array}{ccc|c} \color{green}4 & \color{green}1 & \color{green}2 & \color{green}12 \\ \color{red}3 & \color{red}3 & \color{red}3 & \color{red}3 \\ \color{blue}5 & \color{blue}2 & \color{blue}4 & \color{blue}10 \\ \hline \color{orange}65 & \color{orange}38 & \color{orange}52 & \color{orange}0 \end{array}\right].\] Note: It's tempting to divide out the 3 in the second row of this matrix, but this will break the symmetry that is required to return to the original problem. This gives a new system of constraints and an objective function to be maximized: Given the system of constraints \[\begin{cases}\begin{align} 4u+v+2w &\le 12 \\ 3u+3v+3w &\le 3 \\ 2u+3v+4w &\le 52 \\ u,v,w &\ge 0, \end{align}\end{cases}\] maximize the function \[g(u,v,w)=65u+38v+52w.\] Now the simplex algorithm can be applied to find the optimal solution \[\left[\begin{array}{ccccccc|c} 1 & -65 & -38 & -52 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 4 & 1 & 2 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 12 \\ 0 & 3 & 3 & 3 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 3 \\ 0 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 52 \end{array}\right]. \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0) \\ (1) \\ (2) \\ (3) \end{array}\] Enter \(u\) with row \((2)\): \[\left[\begin{array}{ccccccc|c} 1 & 0 & 27 & 13 & 0 & \frac{65}{3} & 0 & 65 \\ 0 & 0 & -3 & -2 & 1 & -4 & 0 & 8 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & \frac{1}{3} & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 2 & 0 & -2 & 1 & 50 \end{array}\right]. \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0)\vphantom{\frac{1}{2}} \\ (1) \\ (2)\vphantom{\frac{1}{2}} \\ (3) \end{array}\] All coefficients in row \((0)\) are positive, so this is the optimal solution. The maximum value in the top right of the matrix, \(65,\) is the same as the minimum value for the original problem. However, the variables \(u,\) \(v,\) and \(w\) are not the same as the variables in the original problem. Fortunately, the values of the variables that minimize the original problem correspond to the coefficients of the slack variables in row \((0).\) \[\left[\begin{array}{ccccccc|c} 1 & 0 & 27 & 13 & \color{red}0 & \color{red}\frac{65}{3} & \color{red}0 & 65 \\ 0 & 0 & -3 & -2 & 1 & -4 & 0 & 8 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 & \frac{1}{3} & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 2 & 0 & -2 & 1 & 50 \end{array}\right]. \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0)\vphantom{\frac{1}{2}} \\ (1) \\ (2)\vphantom{\frac{1}{2}} \\ (3) \end{array}\] Thus, the values of the original problem that minimize the objective function are \[x=0, \quad y=\frac{65}{3}, \quad z=0.\ _\square\]
Simplex Algorithm for Minimization This version of the simplex algorithm is valid for a minimization problem with all constraints giving minimum values (using the \(\ge\) symbol). In matrix form, the requirements are: \[\begin{array}{ll} \text{Minimize:} & \textbf{c}^\text{T} \cdot \textbf{x} \\ \text{Subject to:} & \textbf{A}\textbf{x} \ge \textbf{b}\, \quad x_i \ge 0 \end{array}\] where \(\textbf{c}\) is a vector containing the coefficients of the objective function, \(\textbf{x}\) is a vector containing the variables of the problem, \(\textbf{A}\) is a matrix containing the constraint coefficients, and \(\textbf{b}\) is a vector containing the minimum values of those constraints. Place the coefficients of the constraints and objective function into an augmented matrix. The coefficients of the objective function should go into the bottom row. Transpose this matrix. This new matrix represents the dual maximization problem. Write the new system of constraints and objective function. This problem has different variables than the original problem. Use the simplex algorithm for maximization to obtain the maximum value. This maximum value is the same as the minimum value for the original problem. The coefficients of the slack variables in row \((0)\) correspond to the values of the variables in the original problem.

The simplex algorithm can sometimes lead to some surprising results. It is possible that a linear programming problem has infinite solutions or no solutions. These special cases are explored here.

As was stated earlier, a linear programming problem that has minimum constraints does not work with the simplex algorithm. The reason for this is that the initial basic solution is infeasible.

Given the system of constraints \[\begin{cases}\begin{align} 2x+3y &\ge 10 \\ 3x+y &\ge 8 \\ x &\ge 0 \\ y &\ge 0, \end{align}\end{cases}\] minimize the function \[f(x,y)=5x+10y.\] Show that this cannot be done using the normal simplex algorithm. This problem could be solved with a dual or by simply testing the vertices of the feasible region, but consider solving it with the simplex algorithm. Because the constraints are minimum constraints, the slack variables need to have negative coefficients. In addition, the objective function is a minimization. This can be accounted for by treating the problem as a maximization of \(-z.\) Applying the simplex algorithm, this gives the initial matrix \[\left[ \begin{array}{ccccc|c} -1 & 5 & 10 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 2 & 3 & -1 & 0 & 10 \\ 0 & 3 & 1 & 0 & -1 & 8 \\ \end{array}\right]. \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0) \\ (1) \\ (2) \end{array}\] This initial matrix implies an infeasible solution of \(s_1=-10,\ s_2=-8.\) The simplex algorithm will not produce a meaningful result if the initial basic solution is infeasible. \(_\square\)

It is sometimes possible to solve the problem with its dual, but this is not the case if a problem mixes minimum constraints with maximum constraints.

Given the system of constraints \[\begin{cases}\begin{align} -x+5y &\le 25 \\ 6x+5y &\le 60 \\ x+y &\ge 2 \\ x &\ge 0 \\ y &\ge 0, \end{align}\end{cases}\] minimize the function \[f(x,y)=x-10y.\] Show that this cannot be done using the normal simplex algorithm or the dual method. Putting this problem into a simplex matrix would give an initial basic solution that is infeasible: \[\left [ \begin{array}{cccccc|c} -1 & 1 & -10 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 & 5 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 25 \\ 0 & 6 & 5 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 60 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 2 \\ \end{array} \right ] \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0) \\ (1) \\ (2) \\ (3) \end{array}\] \[\begin{array}{ccc} s_1 = 25, & s_2 = 60, & s_3 = -2. \end{array}\] Putting the problem's dual into a simplex matrix would also yield an infeasible initial basic solution: \[\left [ \begin{array}{cccccc|c} 1 & -25 & -60 & 2 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & -6 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & -5 & -5 & 1 & 0 & 1 & -10 \end{array} \right ] \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0) \\ (1) \\ (2) \end{array}\] \[\begin{array}{cc} s_1 = 1, & s_2 = -10.\ _\square \end{array}\]

The Big-M method can be used when an initial basic solution is infeasible. The idea behind this method is to introduce artificial variables to the problem in order to move the solution into the feasible region. Unlike slack variables, these artificial variables must have a value of zero in the final solution.

Given the system of constraints \[\begin{cases}\begin{align} -x+5y &\le 25 \\ 6x+5y &\le 60 \\ x+y &\ge 2 \\ x &\ge 0 \\ y &\ge 0, \end{align}\end{cases}\] minimize the function \[f(x,y)=x-10y.\] From the previous example, it is known that the third constraint produces an infeasible \(s_3=-2.\) To compensate for this, an artificial variable, \(a_1,\) is introduced to this constraint and the objective function. In the objective function, this variable has a coefficient of \(M.\) \(M\) represents an arbitrarily large constant amount. The new constraints and objective function are \[\begin{cases}\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc} -z & + & x & - & 10y & & & & & & & + & Ma_1 & = & 0 \\ & - & x & + & 5y & + & s_1 & & & & & & & = & 25 \\ & & 6x & + & 5y & & & + & s_2 & & & & & = & 60 \\ & & x & + & y & & & & & - & s_3 & + & a_1 & = & 2. \end{array}\end{cases} \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0) \\ (1) \\ (2) \\ (3) \end{array}\] In matrix form, \[\left [ \begin{array}{ccccccc|c} -1 & 1 & -10 & 0 & 0 & 0 & M & 0 \\ 0 & -1 & 5 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 25 \\ 0 & 6 & 5 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 60 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 1 & 2 \end{array} \right ]. \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0) \\ (1) \\ (2) \\ (3) \end{array}\] The first goal with the Big-M method is to move the problem into the feasible region. Recall that the current basic solution has \(s_3=-2.\) This variable will be the leaving variable, with the artificial variable, \(a_1,\) being the entering variable: \[\left [ \begin{array}{ccccccc|c} -1 & 1-M & -10-M & 0 & 0 & M & 0 & -2M \\ 0 & -1 & 5 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 25 \\ 0 & 6 & 5 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 60 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 1 & 2 \\ \end{array} \right ]. \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0) \\ (1) \\ (2) \\ (3) \end{array}\] The current solution is now in the feasible region, with all basic variables positive: \[s_1 = 25, \quad s_2 = 60, \quad a_1 = 2.\] This solution is clearly not correct, because it contains a non-zero artificial variable in the solution. Furthermore, there are negative coefficients in row \((0)\). The Big-M method now proceeds just as the simplex algorithm. The new goal is to enter variables with negative coefficients in row \((0)\). Since \(y\) has the most negative coefficient in the row \((0)\), that variable will be entered first. The row that minimizes the ratio of the right hand side and the coefficient is \((3)\), so \(y\) will be entered through this row: \[\left [ \begin{array}{ccccccc|c} -1 & 11 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -10 & 10+M & 20 \\ 0 & -6 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 5 & -5 & 15 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 5 & -5 & 50 \\ 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 1 & 2 \\ \end{array} \right ] \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0) \\ (1) \\ (2) \\ (3) \end{array}\] \[y=2, \quad s_1=15, \quad s_2=50.\] This solution no longer contains the artificial variable, but it is not yet optimal due to the negative coefficient in row \((0).\) \(s_3\) must be the next variable to enter. The minimum positive ratio for this variable is in row \((1)\): \[\left [ \begin{array}{ccccccc|c} -1 & -1 & 0 & 2 & 0 & 0 & M & 50 \\ 0 & -6 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 5 & -5 & 15 \\ 0 & 7 & 0 & -1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 35 \\ 0 & -1 & 5 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 25 \\ \end{array} \right ] \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0) \\ (1) \\ (2) \\ (3) \end{array}\] \[y = 5, \quad s_2 = 35, \quad s_3 = 3.\] Now \(x\) must be the entering variable, and the only row with a positive ratio is \((2)\): \[\left [ \begin{array}{ccccccc|c} -1 & 0 & 0 & \frac{15}{7} & \frac{1}{7} & 0 & M & 55 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \frac{1}{7} & \frac{6}{7} & 5 & -5 & 45 \\ 0 & 7 & 0 & -1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 35 \\ 0 & 0 & 5 & \frac{6}{7} & \frac{1}{7} & 0 & 0 & 30 \\ \end{array} \right ]. \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0)\vphantom{\frac{1}{7}} \\ (1)\vphantom{\frac{1}{7}} \\ (2) \\ (3)\vphantom{\frac{1}{7}} \end{array}\] Now it is clear that this gives the optimal solution: \[x=5, y=6, s_3=9\implies f(5,6)=-55.\ _\square\]
Big M Simplex Method This method is viable for any linear programming problem that does not match the forms of the previous section . It is also required for problems which contain equality constraints. Assign slack variables and the \(z\) variable as with the basic simplex algorithm, and create a simplex matrix. For each slack variable that has a negative value in the initial basic solution, add a distinct artificial variable to that constraint. Also add a distinct artificial variable to each equality constraint. Artificial variables begin with a coefficient of \(1\) in each constraint row. In the objective function row, every artificial variable begins with the same coefficient, \(M.\) This represents an arbitrarily large positive constant amount. If the problem is a minimization, then the coefficients of the objective function row are negated, and the goal is to maximize \(-z.\) Move the solution into the feasible region by performing pivots with a negative slack variable as the leaving variable and an artificial variable as the entering variable. Once the basic solution is in the feasible region, proceed with the simplex algorithm as before. While performing the simplex algorithm, ensure that the elements in the right side of the matrix are positive. If an element in the right side is not positive, multiply that row by \(-1\) to make it positive. If an element in the right side of the matrix is \(0,\) then ensure that the coefficient of the basic variable in that row is positive. Choose the entering variable by observing the coefficient in row \((0)\) that is the most negative. Choose pivot rows by selecting the row that minimizes the ratio \(\frac{\text{Element on right side of augmented matrix}}{\text{Coefficient of entering variable}}.\) The ratio must be non-negative, and the coefficient of the entering variable in the pivot row must be positive. An optimal solution cannot contain any artificial variables. If row \((0)\) of the matrix contains no negative coefficients, and the solution contains an artificial variable, then the problem has no solution.
Vanessa is scheduling her employees for the upcoming week. When on the assembly line, Darren assembles 5 units per hour, and when on the packaging line, he packages 10 units per hour. Lori only works on the assembly line, and she assembles 4 units per hour. Darren's pay is $12 per hour and Lori's pay is $9 per hour Vanessa needs to have at least 200 units assembled and packaged by the end of the week. She can assign each worker a maximum of 40 hours. How should Vanessa schedule her employees to minimize payroll? This problem can be solved with simpler methods, but is solved here with the Big M method as a demonstration of how to deal with different types of constraints with the Big M method. Let \(m_d\) and \(m_l\) be the number of hours that Darren and Lori work on the assembly line, respectively. Let \(p_d\) be the number of hours that Darren and Lori work on the packaging line, respectively. Each worker can work a maximum of 40 hours. This gives the constraints \[\begin{align} m_d+p_d &\le 40 \\ m_l &\le 40. \end{align}\] Vanessa would not want to waste hours on packaging if there are no assembled units to package. Therefore, the number of units assembled should equal the number of units packaged. This can be expressed with the equation \[5m_d+4m_l=10p_d.\] The number of units assembled and packaged should be at least 200. This can be expressed with the constraint \[\begin{align} 10p_d &\ge 200 \\ p_d &\ge 20. \end{align}\] This gives the following system of constraints: \[\begin{cases} \begin{array}{ccccccc} m_d & & & + & p_d & \le & 40 \\ & & m_l & & & \le & 40 \\ & & & & p_d & \ge & 20 \\ 5m_d & + & 4m_l & - & 10p_d & = & 0 \\ m_d, & & m_l, & & p_d & \ge & 0. \end{array} \end{cases}\] The objective function is \[f(m_d,m_l,p_d)=12m_d+9m_l+12p_d.\] Converting the system of constraints and objective function to a simplex matrix, \[\left[\begin{array}{ccccccc|c} -1 & 12 & 9 & 12 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 40 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 40 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 20 \\ 0 & 5 & 4 & -10 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ \end{array}\right]. \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0) \\ (1) \\ (2) \\ (3) \\ (4) \end{array}\] The basic solution is currently infeasible: \[m_d=0, \quad m_l=0, \quad p_d=0, \quad s_1 = 40, \quad s_2=40, \quad s_3=-20.\] Since \(s_3\) has an infeasible value, the row that contains it requires an artificial variable. The equality constraint row also requires an artificial variable. These artificial variables are given the coefficient \(M\) in row \((0):\) \[\left[\begin{array}{ccccccccc|c} -1 & 12 & 9 & 12 & 0 & 0 & 0 & M & M & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 40 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 40 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 1 & 0 & 20 \\ 0 & 5 & 4 & -10 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \end{array}\right]. \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0) \\ (1) \\ (2) \\ (3) \\ (4) \end{array}\] To move the solution into the feasible region, \(s_3\) will be the leaving variable and \(a_1\) will be the entering variable. The pivot will be performed with row \((3):\) \[\left[\begin{array}{ccccccccc|c} -1 & 12 & 9 & 12-M & 0 & 0 & M & 0 & M & -20M \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 40 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 40 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 1 & 0 & 20 \\ 0 & 5 & 4 & -10 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \end{array}\right]. \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0) \\ (1) \\ (2) \\ (3) \\ (4) \end{array}\] The other artificial variable must be moved into the basic solution as well: \[\left[\begin{array}{ccccccccc|c} -1 & 12-5M & 9-4M & 12+9M & 0 & 0 & M & 0 & 0 & -20M \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 40 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 40 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 1 & 0 & 20 \\ 0 & 5 & 4 & -10 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \end{array}\right]. \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0) \\ (1) \\ (2) \\ (3) \\ (4) \end{array}\] Now the algorithm proceeds as the usual simplex algorithm. The goal is to eliminate the negative coefficients in row \((0).\) Since \(M\) is an arbitrarily large positive constant value, \(12-5M\) is the most negative coefficient in row \((0).\) Therefore, \(m_d\) will be the entering variable. The selection of the pivot row is slightly more challenging than the usual simplex algorithm. Observe that every value in the right-hand side of the constraint rows is positive except for the value in row \((4).\) In this row, the right-hand side is \(0,\) and the basic variable contained in this row, \(a_2,\) has a positive coefficient. It is important to maintain these two things: values in the right-hand sides of the constraint rows are positive, or if the value in the right hand side is \(0,\) then the coefficient of the basic variable in that row is positive. Maintaining this will ensure the correct selection of the pivot row. The pivot row is selected by choosing the row that minimizes the ratio of \(\frac{\text{Element on right side of augmented matrix}}{\text{Coefficient of entering variable}},\) provided that the coefficient of the entering variable is positive . Thus, the minimum ratio for the entering variable is \(\frac{0}{5}\) from row \((4).\) This will be the pivot row: \[\left[\begin{array}{ccccccccc|c} -1 & 0 & -\frac{3}{5} & 36-M & 0 & 0 & M & 0 & M-\frac{12}{5} & -20M \\ 0 & 0 & -4 & 15 & 5 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 200 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 40 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 1 & 0 & 20 \\ 0 & 5 & 4 & -10 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \end{array}\right]. \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0) \\ (1) \\ (2) \\ (3) \\ (4) \end{array}\] Now \(36-M\) is the most negative coefficient in row \((0).\) Thus, \(p_d\) will be the entering variable. Row \((4)\) will not be chosen as the pivot row again, as it has a negative coefficient for this variable. The row that minimizes the ratio is \(\frac{200}{15}\) from row \((1):\) \[\left[\begin{array}{ccccccccc|c} -1 & 0 & 9-\frac{4}{15}M & 0 & \frac{1}{3}M-12 & 0 & M & 0 & \frac{14}{15}M & -\frac{20}{3}M-480 \\ 0 & 0 & -4 & 15 & 5 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 200 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 40 \\ 0 & 0 & 4 & 0 & -5 & 0 & -15 & 15 & 1 & 100 \\ 0 & 15 & 4 & 0 & 10 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 400 \end{array}\right]. \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0) \\ (1) \\ (2) \\ (3) \\ (4) \end{array}\] Now \(9-\frac{4}{15}M\) is the most negative coefficient in row \((0).\) \(m_l\) will be the entering variable and the minimizing ratio is \(\frac{100}{4}\) in row \((3):\) \[\left[\begin{array}{ccccccccc|c} -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -\frac{3}{4} & 0 & \frac{135}{4} & M-\frac{135}{4} & M-\frac{9}{4} & -705 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 1 & 0 & 20 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 5 & 4 & 15 & -15 & -1 & 60 \\ 0 & 0 & 4 & 0 & -5 & 0 & -15 & 15 & 1 & 100 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & -1 & 0 & 20 \end{array}\right]. \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0) \\ (1) \\ (2) \\ (3) \\ (4) \end{array}\] Now \(-\frac{3}{4}\) is the most negative coefficient in row \((0).\) \(s_1\) will be the entering variable and the minimizing ratio is \(\frac{60}{5}\) in row \((2):\) \[\left[\begin{array}{ccccccccc|c} -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \frac{3}{5} & 36 & M-36 & M-\frac{12}{5} & -696 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & -1 & 1 & 0 & 20 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 5 & 4 & 15 & -15 & -1 & 60 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 40 \\ 0 & 5 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -4 & -10 & 10 & 1 & 40 \end{array}\right]. \qquad \begin{array}{c} (0) \\ (1) \\ (2) \\ (3) \\ (4) \end{array}\] With all coefficients in row \((0)\) positive and no artificial variables in the solution, the solution is optimal. The solution is \[m_d=8, \quad m_l=40, \quad p_d=20, \quad z=696.\] Vanessa should put Darren on the assembly line for 8 hours and on the packaging line for 20 hours. She should put Lori on the assembly line for 40 hours. This will put payroll at $696 for the week. \(_\square\)

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Linear Programming

In these lessons, we will learn about linear programming and how to use linear programming to solve word problems.

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Many problems in real life are concerned with obtaining the best result within given constraints. In the business world, people would like to maximize profits and minimize loss; in production, people are interested in maximizing productivity and minimizing cost. However, there are constraints like the budget, number of workers, production capacity, space, etc. Linear programming deals with this type of problems using inequalities and graphical solution method.

Example: On the graph below, R is the region of feasible solutions defined by inequalities y > 2, y = x + 1 and 5y + 8x < 92. Find the greatest value of 2y + x which satisfies the set of inequalities, where x and y are integers.

Solution: We are looking for integer values of x and y in the region R where 2y + x has the greatest value. We could substitute all the possible (x , y) values in R into 2y + x to get the largest value but that would be too long and tedious.

A better method would be to find the line 2y + x = c where x and y are in R and c has the largest possible value. In this case, the equation 2y + x = c is known as the linear objective function .

Solving Linear Programming Problems

Now, we have all the steps that we need for solving linear programming problems, which are:

Step 1: Interpret the given situations or constraints into inequalities.

Step 2: Plot the inequalities graphically and identify the feasible region.

Step 3: Determine the gradient for the line representing the solution (the linear objective function).

Step 4: Construct parallel lines within the feasible region to find the solution.

Example: Joanne wants to buy x oranges and y peaches from the store. She must buy at least 5 oranges and the number of oranges must be less than twice the number of peaches. An orange weighs 150 grams and a peach weighs 100 grams. Joanne can carry not more than 3.6 kg of fruits home. a) Write 3 inequalities to represent the information given above. b) Plot the inequalities on the Cartesian grid and show the region that satisfies all the inequalities. Label the region S. c) Oranges cost $0.70 each and peaches cost $0.90 each. Find the maximum that Joanne can spend buying the fruits.

Solution: a) at least 5 oranges: x ≥ 5 oranges less than twice of peaches: x < 2y not more than 3.6 kg: 150x + 100y ≤ 3600 ⇒ 3x + 2y ≤ 72

The maximum value is found at (5,28) i.e. 5 oranges and 28 peaches. Therefore, the maximum that Joanne can spend on the fruits is: 70  × 5 + 90 × 28 = 2870 cents = $28.70.

It also possible to test the vertices of the feasible region to find the minimum or maximum values, instead of using the linear objective function. The following videos gives examples of linear programming problems and how to test the vertices.

Linear Programming Example:

Maximize C = x + y given the constraints, y ≥ 0 x ≥ 0 4x + 2y ≤ 8 2x − y ≤ 0

Solving for Maxima-Minima

Maximize C = x + y given the constraints, − 3x + 2y ≤ 6 3x + y ≤ 3 y ≥ 0

Linear Programming Steps and Example

  • Graph the inequalities and find the vertices.
  • Compute the function at the vertices. Largest = Max, Smallest = Min.

Problem: Constraints are 240 acres of land. Profit $40/acre corn, $30/acre oats. Have 320 hrs available. Corn takes 2 hrs of labor per acre, oats requires 1 hr. How many acres of each should be planted to maximize profits?

How to solve a word problem using linear programming?

First, find the equation that needs to be maximized or minimized as well as create the corresponding inequalities and then solve.

Example: A rancher is mixing two types of food, Brand X and Brand Y, for his cattle. If each serving is required to have 60 grams of protein and 30 grams of fat, where Brand X has 15 grams of protein and 10 grams of fat and costs 80 cents per unit, and Brand Y contains 20 grams of protein and 5 grams of fat and costs 50 cents per unit, how much of each type should be used to minimize cost to the rancher?

Linear Programming Word Problem

Example: A refinery produces both gasoline and fuel oil, and sells gasoline for $1 per gallon and fuel oil for $0.90 per gallon. The refinery can produce at most 600,000 gallons a day, but must produce at least two gallons of fuel oil for every gallon of gasoline. At least 150,000 gallons of fuel oil must be produce each day to meet current demands. How much of each type of fuel should be produced to maximize daily profits?

Mathway Calculator Widget

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Introduction to Linear Programming

Linear Programming can find the best outcome when our requirements are defined by linear equations / inequalities (basically straight lines).

This graph has "restrictions": the three lines and the x and y axes.

The colored area is the "feasible region".

If our objective is to maximise the y value, we can see that:

An x-value around 1.1 gets us the maximum y-value around 2.1

  • The restrictions are also called constraints or requirements
  • The objective or best outcome is what we're trying to optimize, such as maximizing profit or minimizing cost.
  • All constraints, and our objective, have to be linear equations (ie lines).

And "Planning" is maybe a better word than "programming" (which was chosen before computer programming was common).

Linear programming can help us tackle complex decisions in manufacturing, transport, finance etc, when faced with things like varying costs, manpower, supplies and sales levels.

It simplifies the decision-making process by defining clear objectives and considering all constraints to find the most efficient solution.

We can solve simple two-variable questions using the Graphical Method :

Plot the constraints on a graph to create a "feasible region", find each vertex (corner point), then calculate the value of our objective at those points.

We can then choose the maximum or minimum as desired.

Example: Farm Robot Makers

A company makes farm robots that control weeds.

  • There are two models: BigPal and SlimGuy
  • They have 2 crews: mech (mechanical) and elec (electrical)
  • BigPal takes 5 hours of mech and 3 hours of elec to make
  • SlimGuy takes 4 hours of mech and 4 hours of elec
  • The mech crew have 80 hours available per day, the elec only 60 hours
  • BigPal gets $300 profit each, SlimGuy $350 each.

How many should they make each day?

Let's use b for BigPal and s for SlimGuy

  • For mech workers: 5b + 4s ≤ 80
  • For elec workers: 3b + 4s ≤ 60

It is also fair to say that neither b nor s can be less than 0

So we get this graph:

The polygon has corner points (0,0), (16,0), (10,7.5) and (0,15)

The Fundamental Theorem of Linear Programming says the maximum (or minimum) value of the objective function will be at one of those points, so let's check each one!

Our maximum profit is when we produce 10 BigPals and 7.5 SlimGuys each day.

(Yes, 7.5 isn't a whole number, so some days there will be a half-finished robot on the shop floor!)

Some tools that might help you are the Equation Grapher (where you can enter things like "3x+4y=60") and the Inequality Grapher .

Note: for more difficult questions where graphing is not practical there is the Simplex Method . It has many steps, but all using basic arithmetic. We don't cover it here, but there are many explanations on the interweb.

Uses For Linear Programming

  • Production Planning : Manufacturers use it to find the best product mix that maximizes profit within their resource limits, like raw materials and machine hours.
  • Agriculture : Farmers apply it to allocate land for crops efficiently, aiming to boost profit by considering soil quality, water supply, and demand.
  • Transport : Companies optimize routes so as to transport goods cost-effectively, factoring in fuel costs, vehicle capacity, and delivery deadlines.
  • Energy Management : Power companies strategically distribute energy production to satisfy demand while reducing costs and cutting emissions.
  • Healthcare : Hospitals use it to manage staff, equipment, and patient needs effectively while adhering to constraints such as staff hours and budgets.
  • Finance and Investment : Financial institutions optimize portfolios with it to meet return goals and minimize risk, accounting for interest rates and market conditions.

Hands-On Linear Programming: Optimization With Python

Hands-On Linear Programming: Optimization With Python

Table of Contents

What Is Linear Programming?

What is mixed-integer linear programming, why is linear programming important, linear programming with python, small linear programming problem, infeasible linear programming problem, unbounded linear programming problem, resource allocation problem, installing scipy and pulp, using scipy, linear programming resources, linear programming solvers.

Linear programming is a set of techniques used in mathematical programming , sometimes called mathematical optimization, to solve systems of linear equations and inequalities while maximizing or minimizing some linear function . It’s important in fields like scientific computing, economics, technical sciences, manufacturing, transportation, military, management, energy, and so on.

The Python ecosystem offers several comprehensive and powerful tools for linear programming. You can choose between simple and complex tools as well as between free and commercial ones. It all depends on your needs.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn:

  • What linear programming is and why it’s important
  • Which Python tools are suitable for linear programming
  • How to build a linear programming model in Python
  • How to solve a linear programming problem with Python

You’ll first learn about the fundamentals of linear programming. Then you’ll explore how to implement linear programming techniques in Python. Finally, you’ll look at resources and libraries to help further your linear programming journey.

Free Bonus: 5 Thoughts On Python Mastery , a free course for Python developers that shows you the roadmap and the mindset you’ll need to take your Python skills to the next level.

Linear Programming Explanation

In this section, you’ll learn the basics of linear programming and a related discipline, mixed-integer linear programming. In the next section , you’ll see some practical linear programming examples. Later, you’ll solve linear programming and mixed-integer linear programming problems with Python.

Imagine that you have a system of linear equations and inequalities. Such systems often have many possible solutions. Linear programming is a set of mathematical and computational tools that allows you to find a particular solution to this system that corresponds to the maximum or minimum of some other linear function.

Mixed-integer linear programming is an extension of linear programming. It handles problems in which at least one variable takes a discrete integer rather than a continuous value . Although mixed-integer problems look similar to continuous variable problems at first sight, they offer significant advantages in terms of flexibility and precision.

Integer variables are important for properly representing quantities naturally expressed with integers, like the number of airplanes produced or the number of customers served.

A particularly important kind of integer variable is the binary variable . It can take only the values zero or one and is useful in making yes-or-no decisions, such as whether a plant should be built or if a machine should be turned on or off. You can also use them to mimic logical constraints.

Linear programming is a fundamental optimization technique that’s been used for decades in science- and math-intensive fields. It’s precise, relatively fast, and suitable for a range of practical applications.

Mixed-integer linear programming allows you to overcome many of the limitations of linear programming. You can approximate non-linear functions with piecewise linear functions , use semi-continuous variables , model logical constraints, and more. It’s a computationally intensive tool, but the advances in computer hardware and software make it more applicable every day.

Often, when people try to formulate and solve an optimization problem, the first question is whether they can apply linear programming or mixed-integer linear programming.

Some use cases of linear programming and mixed-integer linear programming are illustrated in the following articles:

  • Gurobi Optimization Case Studies
  • Five Areas of Application for Linear Programming Techniques

The importance of linear programming, and especially mixed-integer linear programming, has increased over time as computers have gotten more capable, algorithms have improved, and more user-friendly software solutions have become available.

The basic method for solving linear programming problems is called the simplex method , which has several variants. Another popular approach is the interior-point method .

Mixed-integer linear programming problems are solved with more complex and computationally intensive methods like the branch-and-bound method , which uses linear programming under the hood. Some variants of this method are the branch-and-cut method , which involves the use of cutting planes , and the branch-and-price method .

There are several suitable and well-known Python tools for linear programming and mixed-integer linear programming. Some of them are open source, while others are proprietary. Whether you need a free or paid tool depends on the size and complexity of your problem as well as on the need for speed and flexibility.

It’s worth mentioning that almost all widely used linear programming and mixed-integer linear programming libraries are native to and written in Fortran or C or C++. This is because linear programming requires computationally intensive work with (often large) matrices. Such libraries are called solvers . The Python tools are just wrappers around the solvers.

Python is suitable for building wrappers around native libraries because it works well with C/C++. You’re not going to need any C/C++ (or Fortran) for this tutorial, but if you want to learn more about this cool feature, then check out the following resources:

  • Building a Python C Extension Module
  • CPython Internals
  • Extending Python with C or C++

Basically, when you define and solve a model, you use Python functions or methods to call a low-level library that does the actual optimization job and returns the solution to your Python object.

Several free Python libraries are specialized to interact with linear or mixed-integer linear programming solvers:

  • SciPy Optimization and Root Finding

In this tutorial, you’ll use SciPy and PuLP to define and solve linear programming problems.

Linear Programming Examples

In this section, you’ll see two examples of linear programming problems:

  • A small problem that illustrates what linear programming is
  • A practical problem related to resource allocation that illustrates linear programming concepts in a real-world scenario

You’ll use Python to solve these two problems in the next section .

Consider the following linear programming problem:


You need to find x and y such that the red, blue, and yellow inequalities, as well as the inequalities x ≥ 0 and y ≥ 0, are satisfied. At the same time, your solution must correspond to the largest possible value of z .

The independent variables you need to find—in this case x and y —are called the decision variables . The function of the decision variables to be maximized or minimized—in this case z —is called the objective function , the cost function , or just the goal . The inequalities you need to satisfy are called the inequality constraints . You can also have equations among the constraints called equality constraints .

This is how you can visualize the problem:


The red line represents the function 2 x + y = 20, and the red area above it shows where the red inequality is not satisfied. Similarly, the blue line is the function −4 x + 5 y = 10, and the blue area is forbidden because it violates the blue inequality. The yellow line is − x + 2 y = −2, and the yellow area below it is where the yellow inequality isn’t valid.

If you disregard the red, blue, and yellow areas, only the gray area remains. Each point of the gray area satisfies all constraints and is a potential solution to the problem. This area is called the feasible region , and its points are feasible solutions . In this case, there’s an infinite number of feasible solutions.

You want to maximize z . The feasible solution that corresponds to maximal z is the optimal solution . If you were trying to minimize the objective function instead, then the optimal solution would correspond to its feasible minimum.

Note that z is linear. You can imagine it as a plane in three-dimensional space. This is why the optimal solution must be on a vertex , or corner, of the feasible region. In this case, the optimal solution is the point where the red and blue lines intersect, as you’ll see later .

Sometimes a whole edge of the feasible region, or even the entire region, can correspond to the same value of z . In that case, you have many optimal solutions.

You’re now ready to expand the problem with the additional equality constraint shown in green:


The equation − x + 5 y = 15, written in green, is new. It’s an equality constraint. You can visualize it by adding a corresponding green line to the previous image:


The solution now must satisfy the green equality, so the feasible region isn’t the entire gray area anymore. It’s the part of the green line passing through the gray area from the intersection point with the blue line to the intersection point with the red line. The latter point is the solution.

If you insert the demand that all values of x must be integers, then you’ll get a mixed-integer linear programming problem, and the set of feasible solutions will change once again:


You no longer have the green line, only the points along the line where the value of x is an integer. The feasible solutions are the green points on the gray background, and the optimal one in this case is nearest to the red line.

These three examples illustrate feasible linear programming problems because they have bounded feasible regions and finite solutions.

A linear programming problem is infeasible if it doesn’t have a solution. This usually happens when no solution can satisfy all constraints at once.

For example, consider what would happen if you added the constraint x + y ≤ −1. Then at least one of the decision variables ( x or y ) would have to be negative. This is in conflict with the given constraints x ≥ 0 and y ≥ 0. Such a system doesn’t have a feasible solution, so it’s called infeasible.

Another example would be adding a second equality constraint parallel to the green line. These two lines wouldn’t have a point in common, so there wouldn’t be a solution that satisfies both constraints.

A linear programming problem is unbounded if its feasible region isn’t bounded and the solution is not finite. This means that at least one of your variables isn’t constrained and can reach to positive or negative infinity, making the objective infinite as well.

For example, say you take the initial problem above and drop the red and yellow constraints. Dropping constraints out of a problem is called relaxing the problem. In such a case, x and y wouldn’t be bounded on the positive side. You’d be able to increase them toward positive infinity, yielding an infinitely large z value.

In the previous sections, you looked at an abstract linear programming problem that wasn’t tied to any real-world application. In this subsection, you’ll find a more concrete and practical optimization problem related to resource allocation in manufacturing.

Say that a factory produces four different products, and that the daily produced amount of the first product is x ₁, the amount produced of the second product is x ₂, and so on. The goal is to determine the profit-maximizing daily production amount for each product, bearing in mind the following conditions:

The profit per unit of product is $20, $12, $40, and $25 for the first, second, third, and fourth product, respectively.

Due to manpower constraints, the total number of units produced per day can’t exceed fifty.

For each unit of the first product, three units of the raw material A are consumed. Each unit of the second product requires two units of the raw material A and one unit of the raw material B. Each unit of the third product needs one unit of A and two units of B. Finally, each unit of the fourth product requires three units of B.

Due to the transportation and storage constraints, the factory can consume up to one hundred units of the raw material A and ninety units of B per day.

The mathematical model can be defined like this:


The objective function (profit) is defined in condition 1. The manpower constraint follows from condition 2. The constraints on the raw materials A and B can be derived from conditions 3 and 4 by summing the raw material requirements for each product.

Finally, the product amounts can’t be negative, so all decision variables must be greater than or equal to zero.

Unlike the previous example, you can’t conveniently visualize this one because it has four decision variables. However, the principles remain the same regardless of the dimensionality of the problem.

Linear Programming Python Implementation

In this tutorial, you’ll use two Python packages to solve the linear programming problem described above:

  • SciPy is a general-purpose package for scientific computing with Python.
  • PuLP is a Python linear programming API for defining problems and invoking external solvers.

SciPy is straightforward to set up. Once you install it, you’ll have everything you need to start. Its subpackage scipy.optimize can be used for both linear and nonlinear optimization .

PuLP allows you to choose solvers and formulate problems in a more natural way. The default solver used by PuLP is the COIN-OR Branch and Cut Solver (CBC) . It’s connected to the COIN-OR Linear Programming Solver (CLP) for linear relaxations and the COIN-OR Cut Generator Library (CGL) for cuts generation.

Another great open source solver is the GNU Linear Programming Kit (GLPK) . Some well-known and very powerful commercial and proprietary solutions are Gurobi , CPLEX , and XPRESS .

Besides offering flexibility when defining problems and the ability to run various solvers, PuLP is less complicated to use than alternatives like Pyomo or CVXOPT, which require more time and effort to master.

To follow this tutorial, you’ll need to install SciPy and PuLP. The examples below use version 1.4.1 of SciPy and version 2.1 of PuLP.

You can install both using pip :

You might need to run pulptest or sudo pulptest to enable the default solvers for PuLP, especially if you’re using Linux or Mac:

Optionally, you can download, install, and use GLPK. It’s free and open source and works on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. You’ll see how to use GLPK (in addition to CBC) with PuLP later in this tutorial.

On Windows, you can download the archives and run the installation files.

On MacOS, you can use Homebrew :

On Debian and Ubuntu, use apt to install glpk and glpk-utils :

On Fedora, use dnf with glpk-utils :

You might also find conda useful for installing GLPK:

After completing the installation, you can check the version of GLPK:

See GLPK’s tutorials on installing with Windows executables and Linux packages for more information.

In this section, you’ll learn how to use the SciPy optimization and root-finding library for linear programming.

To define and solve optimization problems with SciPy, you need to import scipy.optimize.linprog() :

Now that you have linprog() imported, you can start optimizing.

Let’s first solve the linear programming problem from above:

linprog() solves only minimization (not maximization) problems and doesn’t allow inequality constraints with the greater than or equal to sign (≥). To work around these issues, you need to modify your problem before starting optimization:

  • Instead of maximizing z = x + 2 y, you can minimize its negative(− z = − x − 2 y).
  • Instead of having the greater than or equal to sign, you can multiply the yellow inequality by −1 and get the opposite less than or equal to sign (≤).

After introducing these changes, you get a new system:


This system is equivalent to the original and will have the same solution. The only reason to apply these changes is to overcome the limitations of SciPy related to the problem formulation.

The next step is to define the input values:

You put the values from the system above into the appropriate lists, tuples , or NumPy arrays :

  • obj holds the coefficients from the objective function.
  • lhs_ineq holds the left-side coefficients from the inequality (red, blue, and yellow) constraints.
  • rhs_ineq holds the right-side coefficients from the inequality (red, blue, and yellow) constraints.
  • lhs_eq holds the left-side coefficients from the equality (green) constraint.
  • rhs_eq holds the right-side coefficients from the equality (green) constraint.

Note: Please, be careful with the order of rows and columns!

The order of the rows for the left and right sides of the constraints must be the same. Each row represents one constraint.

The order of the coefficients from the objective function and left sides of the constraints must match. Each column corresponds to a single decision variable.

The next step is to define the bounds for each variable in the same order as the coefficients. In this case, they’re both between zero and positive infinity:

This statement is redundant because linprog() takes these bounds (zero to positive infinity) by default.

Note: Instead of float("inf") , you can use math.inf , numpy.inf , or scipy.inf .

Finally, it’s time to optimize and solve your problem of interest. You can do that with linprog() :

The parameter c refers to the coefficients from the objective function. A_ub and b_ub are related to the coefficients from the left and right sides of the inequality constraints, respectively. Similarly, A_eq and b_eq refer to equality constraints. You can use bounds to provide the lower and upper bounds on the decision variables.

You can use the parameter method to define the linear programming method that you want to use. There are three options:

  • method="interior-point" selects the interior-point method. This option is set by default.
  • method="revised simplex" selects the revised two-phase simplex method.
  • method="simplex" selects the legacy two-phase simplex method.

linprog() returns a data structure with these attributes:

.con is the equality constraints residuals.

.fun is the objective function value at the optimum (if found).

.message is the status of the solution.

.nit is the number of iterations needed to finish the calculation.

.slack is the values of the slack variables, or the differences between the values of the left and right sides of the constraints.

.status is an integer between 0 and 4 that shows the status of the solution, such as 0 for when the optimal solution has been found.

.success is a Boolean that shows whether the optimal solution has been found.

.x is a NumPy array holding the optimal values of the decision variables.

You can access these values separately:

That’s how you get the results of optimization. You can also show them graphically:


As discussed earlier, the optimal solutions to linear programming problems lie at the vertices of the feasible regions. In this case, the feasible region is just the portion of the green line between the blue and red lines. The optimal solution is the green square that represents the point of intersection between the green and red lines.

If you want to exclude the equality (green) constraint, just drop the parameters A_eq and b_eq from the linprog() call:

The solution is different from the previous case. You can see it on the chart:


In this example, the optimal solution is the purple vertex of the feasible (gray) region where the red and blue constraints intersect. Other vertices, like the yellow one, have higher values for the objective function.

You can use SciPy to solve the resource allocation problem stated in the earlier section :

As in the previous example, you need to extract the necessary vectors and matrix from the problem above, pass them as the arguments to .linprog() , and get the results:

The result tells you that the maximal profit is 1900 and corresponds to x ₁ = 5 and x ₃ = 45. It’s not profitable to produce the second and fourth products under the given conditions. You can draw several interesting conclusions here:

The third product brings the largest profit per unit, so the factory will produce it the most.

The first slack is 0 , which means that the values of the left and right sides of the manpower (first) constraint are the same. The factory produces 50 units per day, and that’s its full capacity.

The second slack is 40 because the factory consumes 60 units of raw material A (15 units for the first product plus 45 for the third) out of a potential 100 units.

The third slack is 0 , which means that the factory consumes all 90 units of the raw material B. This entire amount is consumed for the third product. That’s why the factory can’t produce the second or fourth product at all and can’t produce more than 45 units of the third product. It lacks the raw material B.

opt.status is 0 and opt.success is True , indicating that the optimization problem was successfully solved with the optimal feasible solution.

SciPy’s linear programming capabilities are useful mainly for smaller problems. For larger and more complex problems, you might find other libraries more suitable for the following reasons:

SciPy can’t run various external solvers.

SciPy can’t work with integer decision variables.

SciPy doesn’t provide classes or functions that facilitate model building. You have to define arrays and matrices, which might be a tedious and error-prone task for large problems.

SciPy doesn’t allow you to define maximization problems directly. You must convert them to minimization problems.

SciPy doesn’t allow you to define constraints using the greater-than-or-equal-to sign directly. You must use the less-than-or-equal-to instead.

Fortunately, the Python ecosystem offers several alternative solutions for linear programming that are very useful for larger problems. One of them is PuLP, which you’ll see in action in the next section.

PuLP has a more convenient linear programming API than SciPy. You don’t have to mathematically modify your problem or use vectors and matrices. Everything is cleaner and less prone to errors.

As usual, you start by importing what you need:

Now that you have PuLP imported, you can solve your problems.

You’ll now solve this system with PuLP:

The first step is to initialize an instance of LpProblem to represent your model:

You use the sense parameter to choose whether to perform minimization ( LpMinimize or 1 , which is the default) or maximization ( LpMaximize or -1 ). This choice will affect the result of your problem.

Once that you have the model, you can define the decision variables as instances of the LpVariable class:

You need to provide a lower bound with lowBound=0 because the default value is negative infinity. The parameter upBound defines the upper bound, but you can omit it here because it defaults to positive infinity.

The optional parameter cat defines the category of a decision variable. If you’re working with continuous variables, then you can use the default value "Continuous" .

You can use the variables x and y to create other PuLP objects that represent linear expressions and constraints:

When you multiply a decision variable with a scalar or build a linear combination of multiple decision variables, you get an instance of pulp.LpAffineExpression that represents a linear expression.

Note: You can add or subtract variables or expressions, and you can multiply them with constants because PuLP classes implement some of the Python special methods that emulate numeric types like __add__() , __sub__() , and __mul__() . These methods are used to customize the behavior of operators like + , - , and * .

Similarly, you can combine linear expressions, variables, and scalars with the operators == , <= , or >= to get instances of pulp.LpConstraint that represent the linear constraints of your model.

Note: It’s also possible to build constraints with the rich comparison methods .__eq__() , .__le__() , and .__ge__() that define the behavior of the operators == , <= , and >= .

Having this in mind, the next step is to create the constraints and objective function as well as to assign them to your model. You don’t need to create lists or matrices. Just write Python expressions and use the += operator to append them to the model:

In the above code, you define tuples that hold the constraints and their names. LpProblem allows you to add constraints to a model by specifying them as tuples. The first element is a LpConstraint instance. The second element is a human-readable name for that constraint.

Setting the objective function is very similar:

Alternatively, you can use a shorter notation:

Now you have the objective function added and the model defined.

Note: You can append a constraint or objective to the model with the operator += because its class, LpProblem , implements the special method .__iadd__() , which is used to specify the behavior of += .

For larger problems, it’s often more convenient to use lpSum() with a list or other sequence than to repeat the + operator. For example, you could add the objective function to the model with this statement:

It produces the same result as the previous statement.

You can now see the full definition of this model:

The string representation of the model contains all relevant data: the variables, constraints, objective, and their names.

Note: String representations are built by defining the special method .__repr__() . For more details about .__repr__() , check out Pythonic OOP String Conversion: __repr__ vs __str__ or When Should You Use .__repr__() vs .__str__() in Python? .

Finally, you’re ready to solve the problem. You can do that by calling .solve() on your model object. If you want to use the default solver (CBC), then you don’t need to pass any arguments:

.solve() calls the underlying solver, modifies the model object, and returns the integer status of the solution, which will be 1 if the optimum is found. For the rest of the status codes, see LpStatus[] .

You can get the optimization results as the attributes of model . The function value() and the corresponding method .value() return the actual values of the attributes:

model.objective holds the value of the objective function, model.constraints contains the values of the slack variables, and the objects x and y have the optimal values of the decision variables. model.variables() returns a list with the decision variables:

As you can see, this list contains the exact objects that are created with the constructor of LpVariable .

The results are approximately the same as the ones you got with SciPy.

Note: Be careful with the method .solve() —it changes the state of the objects x and y !

You can see which solver was used by calling .solver :

The output informs you that the solver is CBC. You didn’t specify a solver, so PuLP called the default one.

If you want to run a different solver, then you can specify it as an argument of .solve() . For example, if you want to use GLPK and already have it installed, then you can use solver=GLPK(msg=False) in the last line. Keep in mind that you’ll also need to import it:

Now that you have GLPK imported, you can use it inside .solve() :

The msg parameter is used to display information from the solver. msg=False disables showing this information. If you want to include the information, then just omit msg or set msg=True .

Your model is defined and solved, so you can inspect the results the same way you did in the previous case:

You got practically the same result with GLPK as you did with SciPy and CBC.

Let’s peek and see which solver was used this time:

As you defined above with the highlighted statement model.solve(solver=GLPK(msg=False)) , the solver is GLPK.

You can also use PuLP to solve mixed-integer linear programming problems. To define an integer or binary variable, just pass cat="Integer" or cat="Binary" to LpVariable . Everything else remains the same:

In this example, you have one integer variable and get different results from before:

Now x is an integer, as specified in the model. (Technically it holds a float value with zero after the decimal point.) This fact changes the whole solution. Let’s show this on the graph:


As you can see, the optimal solution is the rightmost green point on the gray background. This is the feasible solution with the largest values of both x and y , giving it the maximal objective function value.

GLPK is capable of solving such problems as well.

Now you can use PuLP to solve the resource allocation problem from above:

The approach for defining and solving the problem is the same as in the previous example:

In this case, you use the dictionary x to store all decision variables. This approach is convenient because dictionaries can store the names or indices of decision variables as keys and the corresponding LpVariable objects as values. Lists or tuples of LpVariable instances can be useful as well.

The code above produces the following result:

As you can see, the solution is consistent with the one obtained using SciPy. The most profitable solution is to produce 5.0 units of the first product and 45.0 units of the third product per day.

Let’s make this problem more complicated and interesting. Say the factory can’t produce the first and third products in parallel due to a machinery issue. What’s the most profitable solution in this case?

Now you have another logical constraint: if x ₁ is positive, then x ₃ must be zero and vice versa. This is where binary decision variables are very useful. You’ll use two binary decision variables, y ₁ and y ₃, that’ll denote if the first or third products are generated at all:

The code is very similar to the previous example except for the highlighted lines. Here are the differences:

Line 5 defines the binary decision variables y[1] and y[3] held in the dictionary y .

Line 12 defines an arbitrarily large number M . The value 100 is large enough in this case because you can’t have more than 100 units per day.

Line 13 says that if y[1] is zero, then x[1] must be zero, else it can be any non-negative number.

Line 14 says that if y[3] is zero, then x[3] must be zero, else it can be any non-negative number.

Line 15 says that either y[1] or y[3] is zero (or both are), so either x[1] or x[3] must be zero as well.

Here’s the solution:

It turns out that the optimal approach is to exclude the first product and to produce only the third one.

Linear programming and mixed-integer linear programming are very important topics. If you want to learn more about them—and there’s much more to learn than what you saw here—then you can find plenty of resources. Here are a few to get started with:

  • Wikipedia Linear Programming Article
  • Wikipedia Integer Programming Article
  • MIT Introduction to Mathematical Programming Course
  • Linear Programming Article
  • CalcWorkshop What Is Linear Programming?
  • BYJU’S Linear Programming Article

Gurobi Optimization is a company that offers a very fast commercial solver with a Python API. It also provides valuable resources on linear programming and mixed-integer linear programming, including the following:

  • Linear Programming (LP) – A Primer on the Basics
  • Mixed-Integer Programming (MIP) – A Primer on the Basics
  • Choosing a Math Programming Solver

If you’re in the mood to learn optimization theory, then there’s plenty of math books out there. Here are a few popular choices:

  • Linear Programming: Foundations and Extensions
  • Convex Optimization
  • Model Building in Mathematical Programming
  • Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice

This is just a part of what’s available. Linear programming and mixed-integer linear programming are popular and widely used techniques, so you can find countless resources to help deepen your understanding.

Just like there are many resources to help you learn linear programming and mixed-integer linear programming, there’s also a wide range of solvers that have Python wrappers available. Here’s a partial list:

  • SCIP with PySCIPOpt
  • Gurobi Optimizer

Some of these libraries, like Gurobi, include their own Python wrappers. Others use external wrappers. For example, you saw that you can access CBC and GLPK with PuLP.

You now know what linear programming is and how to use Python to solve linear programming problems. You also learned that Python linear programming libraries are just wrappers around native solvers. When the solver finishes its job, the wrapper returns the solution status, the decision variable values, the slack variables, the objective function, and so on.

In this tutorial, you learned how to:

  • Define a model that represents your problem
  • Create a Python program for optimization
  • Run the optimization program to find the solution to the problem
  • Retrieve the result of optimization

You used SciPy with its own solver as well as PuLP with CBC and GLPK, but you also learned that there are many other linear programming solvers and Python wrappers. You’re now ready to dive into the world of linear programming!

If you have any questions or comments, then please put them in the comments section below.

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About Mirko Stojiljković

Mirko Stojiljković

Mirko has a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and works as a university professor. He is a Pythonista who applies hybrid optimization and machine learning methods to support decision making in the energy sector.

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problem solving linear programming examples

Linear Programming Problems, Solutions & Applications [With Example]

Linear Programming Problems, Solutions &#038; Applications [With Example]

 Data science encompasses numerous applications, with optimization being one of the most prominent. We’re always striving to optimize various aspects to achieve the best possible outcomes with the resources at our disposal. There are diverse problems within optimization, ranging from simple to highly complex.    

 Despite these, linear programming problems have a distinct place. In this article, I have delved into these issues and how professionals can tackle them effectively. Aspiring data scientists should familiarize themselves with linear programming problems they commonly encounter in real-world scenarios and mastering them can significantly enhance one’s analytical capabilities in data science.   

Suppose you’re a fruit seller who can either buy oranges or apples or a certain combination of them both. However you only have a budget of INR 5,000 and you can only store 30 bags of them. Now, you have to buy them in the way that yields you the highest profit.

Now one bag of oranges costs you INR 500 while a bag of apples costs you INR 750. You can make INR 100 from the sale of one bag of oranges and INR 200 from the sale of one bag of apples. 

This problem has various possibilities. You might choose to only buy oranges but then, you’d only have 10 bags in your storage and your profit would be INR 1000. Similarly, you might choose to only buy apples and make INR 1500 as profit. You can also buy a combination of the two. 

Such problems are called linear programming problems and we’ll discuss them in detail. Let’s get started:

What is Linear Programming?

Linear programming is a method of depicting complex relationships by using linear functions. Our aim with linear programming is to find the most suitable solutions for those functions. The real relationship between two points can be highly complex, but we can use linear programming to depict them with simplicity. Linear programming finds applications in many industries. 

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Basics of Linear Programming

Here are some fundamental terms of linear programming:

The limitations (or restrictions) of your decision variables are called constraints. Most of the time constraints are the limitations you have on your resources for solving a problem. 

Decision Variable

These variables define your output. Your result depends on these variables, that’s why we call them ‘decision variables’. 

Non-negativity Restriction

The decision variables of a linear programming problem can only have non-negative value. It means the values for your decision variables can be equal to or greater than zero only. 

Objective Function

The objective function is the objective of making your decision. In simple terms it is the final result of your linear programming problem. For example, when you’re finding the maximum profit you can make with a given set of resources, the maximum profit is the objective function.

Formulating Linear Programming Problems

You should know how to formulate a linear programming to apply it in real-life. Suppose you are a manufacturer of toys and you only produce two toys: A and B. Roughly speaking, your toys require two resources X and Y to manufacture. Here are the requirements of your toys:

  • One unit of toy A requires you one unit of resource X and three units of resource Y
  • One unit of toy B requires one unit of resource X and two units of resource Y

You have five units of resource X and 12 units of resource Y. Your profit margins on the sale of these toys are:

  • INR 6 on each sold unit of toy A
  • INR 5 on each sold unit of toy B

How many units of each toy would you produce to get the maximum profit?

The Solution

Let’s represent our linear programming problem in an equation:

Z = 6a + 5b

Here, z stands for the total profit, a stands for the total number of toy A units and b stands for total number to B units. Our aim is to maximize the value of Z (the profit). 

Now, your company would want to produce as many units of these toys as possible, but you have limited resources. The limitations on our resources are the constraints of this problem. We only have a total of

Now every unit of toy A and B requires 3 and 2 units of resource Y respectively. And we only have a total of 12 units of resource Y so mathematically, it would look like this:

Remember that the values for the units of toy A can be in integers only. This means we also have the constraints of a->0 and b<-0. 

So, now you have a proper linear programming problem. You can formulate other linear programming problems by following this example. While this example was quite simple, LP problems can become highly complicated. 

Read: Linear Programming Project Ideas & Topics

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Types of Linear Programming Problems        

  • Maximization Problems: These involve maximizing an objective function subject to linear constraints. The goal is to find the optimal values of decision variables that maximize the objective function.   
  • Minimization Problems: Unlike maximization problems, minimization problems seek to minimize an objective function while satisfying linear constraints. The objective is to identify the optimal values of decision variables that minimize the objective function.   
  • Feasibility Problems: Feasibility problems focus on determining whether a feasible solution exists within the given constraints. The aim is to ascertain if any possible solutions satisfy all constraints without optimizing an objective function.   
  • Unboundedness Problems: Arise when the feasible region is unbounded, leading to infinitely many solutions. The objective function can either be maximized or minimized without reaching an optimal solution due to the unbounded nature of the feasible region.     

Steps of Formulating Linear Programming Problems

To formulate a linear programming problem, follow these steps:

  • Find the decision variables
  • Find the objective function
  • Identify the constraints
  • Remember the non-negativity restriction

If a problem meets the above criteria, it is a linear programming problem. It’s best practice to keep this criterion in mind when you’re working on identifying the type of the problem. 

Solving Linear Programming Problems with R

If you’re using R, solving linear programming problems becomes much simpler. That’s because R has the lpsolve package which comes with various functions specifically designed for solving such problems. It’s highly probable that you’ll be using R very frequently to solve LP problems as a data scientist. That’s why we’ve shared two distinct examples to help you understand its implementation better:

Let’s start with a basic problem. An organization has two products with selling prices of INR 25 and INR 20 and are called product A and B respectively. Every day, they have 1800 units of resources to produce these products. Product A requires 20 resources units and B requires 12 resources units. The production time for both of these products is four minutes and the organization gets a total of eight working hours every day. The problem is, what should be the production quantity for each of these products to maximize the company’s profits?

We’ll start solving this problem by defining its objective function:

max(Sales) = max( 25 y 1 + 20 y 2 )

Here, 25 and 20 are the prices of product A and B respectively, y1 is the total units of product A produced and y2 is the total units of product B produced. Our decision variables are y1 and y2. 

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We’ll now set the constraints for our problem:

Resource constraint:

20 y 1 + 12 y 2 1800

Time constraint:

4 y 1 + 4 y 2 8*60

We aim to find the correct number of products we have to manufacture to get the maximum profit. 

Using R to Solve the Problem:

We’ll use lpsolve to solve this LP problem and start with setting the objective function:

> require(lpSolve)

Loading required package: lpSolve

>  <- c(25, 20)


Then we’ll build a matrix for the constraints:

> const <- matrix(c(20,  12, 4, 4), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE)

     [,1] [,2]

[1,]   20 12

[2,]    4 4

> time_constraints <- (8*60)

> resource_constraints <- 1800

> time_constraints

> resource_constraints

Let’s now create the already-defined equations:

> rhs <- c(resource_constraints, time_constraints)

[1] 1800  480

> direction  <- c(“<=”, “<=”)

> direction

[1] “<=” “<=”

Once all the necessary information is added, we can start finding the optimal answer. The syntax for our package is:

lp( direction, objective, const.mat, const.dir, const.rhs )

> optimum <-  lp(direction=”max”,, const, direction,  rhs)

> optimum

Success: the objective function is 2625

> summary(optimum)

                 Length Class Mode     

direction        1 -none- numeric  

x.count          1 -none- numeric  

objective        2 -none- numeric  

const.count      1 -none- numeric  

constraints      8 -none- numeric  

int.count        1 -none- numeric  

int.vec          1 -none- numeric  

bin.count        1 -none- numeric  

binary.vec       1 -none- numeric  

num.bin.solns    1 -none- numeric  

objval           1 -none- numeric  

solution         2 -none- numeric  

presolve         1 -none- numeric  

compute.sens     1 -none- numeric  

sens.coef.from   1 -none- numeric     1 -none- numeric  

duals            1 -none- numeric  

duals.from       1 -none- numeric         1 -none- numeric  

scale            1 -none- numeric  

use.dense        1 -none- numeric  

dense.col        1 -none- numeric  

dense.val        1 -none- numeric  

dense.const.nrow 1      -none- numeric 

dense.ctr        1 -none- numeric           1 -none- numeric  

tmp              1 -none- character

status           1 -none- numeric

After running the code above, you can get the desired solutions for our problem.

The optimum values for y1 and y2:

Remember that y1 and y2 were the units of product A and product B we had to produce:

> optimum$solution

The optimum sales figure:

The maximum profit we can generate with the obtained values of y1 and y2 is:

> optimum$objval

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Uses of Linear Programming

As we mentioned before, linear programming finds applications in many industries. Here are some areas where we use it:

  • With the rising popularity of delivery services, linear programming has become one of the most favoured methods of finding the optimum routes. When you take an Ola or Uber, the software would use linear programming to find the best route. Delivery companies like Amazon and FedEx also use it to determine the best routes for their delivery men. They focus on reducing the delivery time and cost. 
  • Machine learning’s supervised learning works on the fundamental concepts of linear programming. In supervised learning, you have to find the optimal mathematical model to predict the output according to the provided input data.
  • The retail sector uses linear programming for optimizing shelf space. With so many brands and products available, determining where to place them in the store is a very rigorous task. The placement of a product in the store can affect its sales greatly. Major retail chains such as Big Bazaar, Reliance, Walmart, etc. use linear programming for determining product placement. They have to keep the consumers’ interest in mind while ensuring the best product placement to yield maximum profit. 
  • Companies use linear programming to improve their supply chains. The efficiency of a supply chain depends on many factors such as the chosen routes, timings, etc. By using linear programming, they can find the best routes, timings, and other allocations of resources to optimize their efficiency. 

Learn More about Linear Programming and Data Science

Linear programming is one of the most vital concepts of data science. It is also a fundamental topic that you should know about to become a proficient data scientist. As we discussed, there are many applications for this concept and you can find its use cases in your daily life. 

You can learn more about data science and its related concepts, by going to our blog. We have many valuable resources to help you learn more. Here are some for your further reading:

  • Top Reasons to become a Data Scientist
  • The Algorithms Every Data Scientist Should Know
  • How to Become a Data Scientist

On the other hand, you can get a data science course to learn from industry experts. You’ll get to learn interactively through videos, quizzes, and projects. Taking a course will help you learn the necessary skills to become a professional data scientist. Check out IIIT-B & upGrad’s  PG Diploma in Data Science  which is created for working professionals and offers 10+ case studies & projects, practical hands-on workshops, mentorship with industry experts, 1-on-1 with industry mentors, 400+ hours of learning and job assistance with top firms.


In summary, linear programming problems systematically optimize resources and achieve desired outcomes across various industries. Understanding the basics and steps in formulating these problems is crucial for mid-career professionals seeking to enhance their analytical skills and decision-making abilities. Through real-world examples and applications, we’ve explored the versatility and effectiveness of linear programming in solving complex optimization challenges.   

 Aspiring data scientists and professionals can benefit from delving deeper into linear programming problems, leveraging tools like R to implement solutions and drive impactful results in their respective fields. Continuously expanding our knowledge in linear programming and data science opens doors to new opportunities and advancements in our careers.  


Rohit Sharma

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Optimization is a way of life for many people. Everything utilizes optimization, from how you spend your time to how you solve supply chain issues for your organization. It's a very fascinating and relevant issue in data science. Linear Programming is one of the most effective methods for doing optimization. It aids in the solution of specific extremely complicated optimization problems by making more easy assumptions. As an analyst, you will undoubtedly come across applications and situations that need Linear Programming. Machine Learning takes advantage of optimizations as well. Supervised learning builds on the foundations of Linear Programming. A system is trained to fit a mathematical model of a function using labeled input data to predict values from unknown test data.

Linear programming is a necessary skill for anyone interested in machine learning/data science. Everything in machine learning and deep learning is about optimization. Convex or nonconvex optimization is used in ML algorithms. The key difference between the two categories is that there can only be one optimal solution in convex optimization, which is globally optimal, or you can prove that there is no feasible solution to the problem. In contrast, in nonconvex optimization, there can be multiple locally optimal points. It can take a long time to determine whether the problem has no solution or if the answer is global.

Professionals can use linear programming in a wide range of disciplines of study. It is often used in mathematics and to a lesser extent in business, economics, and some engineering difficulties. Transportation, energy, telecommunications, and manufacturing are among the industries that employ linear programming methods. It is beneficial in simulating a wide range of problems in planning, routing, scheduling, assignment, and design. Certain specific instances of linear programming, such as network flow issues and multicommodity flow problems, are deemed significant enough to warrant extensive study on specialized methods to solve them. To stabilize YouTube videos, Google employs linear programming.

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Boundary Value Problems

Boundary value problems (BVPs) are important concepts in mathematics, particularly differential equations. They are necessary for simulating a variety of physical phenomena, including heat conduction, wave propagation, and fluid dynamics. Understanding BVPs is critical for students because they provide methods for resolving real- world problem in engineering, physics, and other applied sciences.

This article seeks to provide a complete overview of Boundary value problems, covering the most important theorem and subtopics. It will also contain solutions to problems and frequently asked question to help readers comprehend. The article is intended to be a useful resource for students and instructors alike.

Table of Content

Boundary Value Problems (BVPs)

Uniqueness theorem for linear bvps, homogeneous and non-homogeneous bvp, homogeneous bvp, non-homogeneous bvp, difference between initial value and boundary value problems, types of boundary value problem, dirichlet boundary value problem, neumann boundary conditions, mixed boundary conditions, methods of solving boundary value problems (bvps), analytical method, numerical methods, applications of bvps in real-world.

  • Solved Examples

Boundary Value Problems (BVPs) are differential equation with a set of additional constraints called boundary condition. These conditions specify the values of the solution at the boundaries of the domain.


Mathematically ,BVP can be expressed as :

[Tex] \begin{cases} L[y(x)] = f(x) , &a \leq x \leq b \\ B[y(a), y(b)] = 0 \end{cases} [/Tex]

where L is differential operator:

  • y(x) is unknown function
  • f(x) is given function
  • B represent boundary condition at x = a and x = b

BVPs are essential in various field of science and engineering because they model physical phenomena where condition are known at boundaries of the domain not a single point.

Theorem (Uniqueness for Linear BVPs) : Consider second-order linear differential equation

[Tex]L[y(x)] = y”(x) + p(x)y'(x) + q(x)y(x) = f(x), \quad a \leq x \leq b[/Tex]

Boundary condition : [Tex] \begin{cases} y(a) = \alpha \\ y(b) = \beta \end{cases}[/Tex]

Where p(x) , q(x) and f(x) are continuous function on the interval [Tex][a,b] .[/Tex]

Uniqueness Condition: If p(x) and q(x) are continuous on [a, b] ,then boundary value problem has a unique solution.

Boundary Value Problems (BVPs) are differential equations accompanied by a set of additional constraints called boundary condition . These problems are classified into two main types: homogeneous and non-homogeneous.

A BVP is considered homogeneous if all boundary conditions are homogeneous , meaning they are set to zero .Mathematically ,a homogeneous BVP can be expressed as:

[Tex]\begin{cases} L[y(x)] = 0, & a \leq x \leq b \\ y(a) = 0, & y(b) = 0 \end{cases} [/Tex]

A non-homogeneous BVP includes non-zero boundary conditions or a non-zero source term in differential equation. It can be written as :

[Tex] \begin{cases} L[y(x)] = f(x), & a \leq x \leq b \\ y(a) = \alpha & y(b) = \beta \end{cases} [/Tex]

where f(x) is given function and \alpha and \beta are non-zero constants .

The key differences between initial and boundary value problems are listed in the following table:


Initial Value Problems (IVPs)

Boundary Value Problems (BVPs)


Conditions specified at a single point

Conditions specified at the boundaries


Values of function and derivatives at the initial point

Values of function at two or more points


Particle position with initial position and velocity

Temperature distribution along a rod

Solution Uniqueness

Generally has a unique solution

May have unique, multiple, or no solutions

Mathematical equation

[Tex]\begin{cases} L[y(x)] = f(x), & a \leq x \leq b \\ y(a) = y_0, \quad y'(a) = y_1 \end{cases}[/Tex]

[Tex]\begin{cases} L[y(x)] = f(x), & a \leq x \leq b \\ y(a) = \alpha, \quad y(b) = \beta \end{cases}[/Tex]


Dynamic systems (e.g., motion)

Static systems (e.g., heat distribution)

Definition: The values that a solution must take on the domain border are specified by the Dirichlet boundary condition. The Dirichlet boundary condition for differential equation defined on domain [Tex]\Omega[/Tex] with boundary [Tex]\partial \Omega[/Tex] may be found mathematically as follows :

[Tex]u(x) = g(x) \quad \text{for} \quad x \in \partial \Omega [/Tex]

Where g(x) is a known function defined on the boundary and u(x) is solution

For Instance: A Dirichlet boundary condition in heat transmission occurs when the temperature at a rod’s boundary is constant. For example ,boundary conditions are [Tex]u(0) = T_0, \quad u(L) = T_L[/Tex] if ends of a rod are kept at temperatures [Tex]T_0 [/Tex] and [Tex]T_L [/Tex] .

The derivative values of solution on the domain boundary are specified by the Neumann boundary conditions. The Neumann boundary condition for domain (\Omega) with boundary (\partial \Omega) is as follows :

[Tex]\frac{\partial u}{\partial n} = h(x) \quad \text{for} \quad x \in \partial \Omega [/Tex]

where (h(x)) is known function and [Tex]\frac{\partial u}{\partial n}[/Tex] indicates normal derivative of u at boundary

Example : A Neumann boundary condition in thermodynamics is a specified heat flow at a material’s surface. For instance ,following boundary condition apply if heat flow at a rod’s end is known :

[Tex]\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}(0) = q_0, \quad \frac{\partial u}{\partial x}(L) = q_L .[/Tex]

Mixed boundary conditions involve a combination of Dirichlet and Neumann conditions on different parts of the boundary. For a domain [Tex]\Omega[/Tex] with boundary [Tex]\partial \Omega[/Tex] the mixed boundary condition can be expressed as :

[Tex]\begin{cases} u(x) = g(x) & \text{for} \quad x \in \Gamma_1 \\ \frac{\partial u}{\partial n} = h(x) & \text{for} \quad x \in \Gamma_2 \end{cases} [/Tex]

where [Tex]\Gamma_1 \ and \ \Gamma_2[/Tex] are disjoint part of the boundary [Tex]\partial \Omega .[/Tex]


Example : In a heat conduction problem, if one part of boundary is held at fixed temperature and another part has specified heat flux boundary condition are :

[Tex]u(0) = T_0, \quad \frac{\partial u}{\partial x}(L) = q_L[/Tex]

These boundary condition are essential in modeling and solving real world problem where different types of constraint are applied at boundaries of domain.

Separation of Variables: The method of separation of variables is used to solve partial differential equations (PDEs) by assuming that solution can be written as product of functions each depending on a single coordinate . This method is particularly useful for linear PDEs with homogeneous boundary conditions.

Consider heat equation in one dimension: [Tex]\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \alpha \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2} [/Tex] with boundary conditions u(0,t) = 0 and u(L,t) = 0 Assume a solution of form u(x,t) = X(x)T(t) Substituting into heat equation and separating variables , we get: [Tex] \frac{1}{\alpha T(t)} \frac{dT}{dt} = \frac{1}{X(x)} \frac{d^2X}{dx^2} = -\lambda [/Tex] This leads to two ordinary differential equations (ODEs): [Tex]\frac{dT}{dt} + \alpha \lambda T = 0 \quad \text{and} \quad \frac{d^2X}{dx^2} + \lambda X = 0 [/Tex] Solving these ODEs with the given boundary conditions provides solution to the original PDE.

Fourier Series: Fourier series are used to express a function as a sum of sine and cosine terms. This method is particularly useful for solving PDEs with periodic boundary condition .

Consider the boundary value problem [Tex]u_{xx} = -\lambda u [/Tex] and boundary conditions u(0) = 0 and u(L) = 0 The solution can be written by using Fourier sine series ; [Tex]u(x) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} B_n \sin\left(\frac{n\pi x}{L}\right)[/Tex] where [Tex]B_n [/Tex] are Fourier coefficients determined by the initial conditions

Finite Difference Method : This approach uses difference equations to estimate derivatives . This method is particularly useful for solving BVPs numerically by discretizing domain into grid.

Consider BVP [Tex]\frac{d^2u}{dx^2} = f(x), \quad 0 \leq x \leq 1[/Tex] and boundary conditions u(0) = A and u(1) = B . The second derivative can be approximated using central differences : [Tex]\frac{d^2u}{dx^2} \approx \frac{u_{i+1} – 2u_i + u_{i-1}}{h^2} [/Tex] , where h is grid spacing. This transforms differential equation into system of linear equations that can be solved using matrix method .

Finite Element Method: The finite element method (FEM) divides domain into smaller subdomain called finite elements. In this case solution is approximated by piecewise polynomial functions within each element .

Consider BVP [Tex]-\frac{d^2u}{dx^2} = f(x), \quad 0 < x < 1 ,[/Tex] boundary conditions [Tex]u(0) = 0[/Tex] and [Tex]u(1) = 0 [/Tex] . The weak form of problem is obtained by multiplying by a test function v and integrating by part : [Tex]\int_0^1 \frac{du}{dx} \frac{dv}{dx} \, dx = \int_0^1 f(x)v(x) \, dx [/Tex]

The domain is discretized into elements and solution is approximated by a linear combination of basis function .This lead us to system of algebraic equation that can be solved for coefficient of basis function. These methods provide powerful tool for solving BVPs in various field of science and engineering .

Boundary Value Problems are integral to understanding and solving complex systems where condition are defined at boundaries making them indispensable in both theoretical and applied sciences . Some of its application are :

  • Heat Conduction : Modeling temperature distribution in materials with fixed temperatures at boundaries. The heat equation is common example :

[Tex]\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \alpha \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2}
 with boundary condition [Tex]u(0,t) = T_0 \ \text{and} \ u(L,t) = T_L . [/Tex]

  • Electrostatics : Solving for electric potential \phi in region with given potential at boundary , Then Laplace equation is often used;

[Tex]\nabla^2 \phi = 0[/Tex] with boundary condition [Tex]\phi(a) = \phi_a \ and \ \phi(b) = \phi_b[/Tex]

  • Groundwater Flow: Modeling flow of groundwater with known hydraulic heads at boundaries .The governing equation is given by :

[Tex]\nabla \cdot (K \nabla h) = 0[/Tex] with boundary conditions [Tex]h(a)=h_a \ and \ h(b)=h_b . [/Tex]

  • Biomedical Engineering : Modeling distribution of drugs within tissues with known concentration at boundaries. The diffusion equation is used which is defined as ;

[Tex]\frac{\partial C}{\partial t} = D \frac{\partial^2 C}{\partial x^2} [/Tex] with boundary condition [Tex]C(0,t) = C_0 \ and \ C(L,t) = C_L )[/Tex]

  • Differential Equations
  • Order and Degree Of Differential Equations
  • Separable Differential Equations
  • Partial Differential Equation
  • Homogeneous Differential Equation
  • Linear Differential Equation
  • Ordinary Differential Equation
  • First Order Differential Equation
  • Legendre’s Differential Equation

Solved Examples on Boundary Value Problems

Example 1: Solve the homogeneous BVP :

[Tex]\begin{cases} y”(x) = 0, & 0 \leq x \leq 1 \\ y(0) = 0, & y(1) = 0 \end{cases} [/Tex]

Step 1: Find the general solution :T he general solution of [Tex]y”(x) = 0 [/Tex] is [Tex]y(x) = C_1 x + C_2 . [/Tex] Step 2: Applying the boundary conditions : [Tex]\begin{cases} y(0) = C_2 = 0 \\ y(1) = C_1 + C_2 = 0 \implies C_1 = 0 \end{cases} [/Tex] Thus , y(x) = 0 .

Example 2: Solve the non homogeneous BVP :

[Tex]\begin{cases} y”(x) = x, & 0 \leq x \leq 1 \\ y(0) = 0, & y(1) = 1 \end{cases} [/Tex]

Step 1: Find the general solution ; The general solution of [Tex]y”(x) = x \ \ is \ \ y(x) = \frac{x^3}{6} + C_1 x + C_2 [/Tex] . Step 2: Applying boundary condition: [Tex]\begin{cases} y(0) = C_2 = 0 \\ y(1) = \frac{1}{6} + C_1 = 1 \implies C_1 = \frac{5}{6} \end{cases} [/Tex] Thus , [Tex]y(x) = \frac{x^3}{6} + \frac{5x}{6} .[/Tex]

Example 3: Solve the non-homogeneous BVP :

[Tex]\begin{cases} y”(x) = \sin(x), & 0 \leq x \leq \pi \\ y(0) = 0, & y(\pi) = 0 \end{cases} [/Tex]

The general solution of [Tex]y”(x) = \sin(x) [/Tex] is [Tex]y(x) = -\sin(x) + C_1 x + C_2 [/Tex] . Applying the boundary conditions: [Tex]\begin{cases} y(0) = C_2 = 0 \\ y(\pi) = -\sin(\pi) + C_1 \pi = 0 \implies C_1 = 0 \end{cases} [/Tex] Thus , [Tex]y(x) = -\sin(x) [/Tex] .

Example 4: Solve homogeneous BVP:

[Tex]\begin{cases} y”(x) – y(x) = 0, & 0 \leq x \leq 1 \\ y(0) = 1, & y(1) = e \end{cases} [/Tex]

Step 1: Find the general solution : The general solution of [Tex]y”(x) – y(x) = 0 [/Tex] is [Tex]y(x) = C_1 e^x + C_2 e^{-x} .[/Tex] Step 2: Applying the boundary condition : [Tex]\begin{cases} y(0) = C_1 + C_2 = 1 \\ y(1) = C_1 e + C_2 e^{-1} = e \end{cases} [/Tex] Step 3: Solving these equations ,we get [Tex]C_1 = \frac{e + 1}{e – e^{-1}} [/Tex] and [Tex]C_2 = \frac{e – 1}{e – e^{-1}} [/Tex] . Thus, [Tex]y(x) = \frac{e + 1}{e – e^{-1}} e^x + \frac{e – 1}{e – e^{-1}} e^{-x} [/Tex] .

Example 5: Solving a Simple BVP using Separation of Variables Consider the heat equation in one dimension:

[Tex]\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \alpha \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2} [/Tex]

Boundary condition u(0,t) = 0 and u(L,t) = 0 and initial condition u(x,0) = f(x).

Step:1: Assume a Solution Form Let us assume solution of given BPV can be written as product of two functions each depending on a single variable : 
 [Tex]u(x,t) = X(x)T(t)[/Tex] 
 Step 2: Substitute and Separate Variables Substitute [Tex]u(x,t) = X(x)T(t) [/Tex] into the heat equation:
 [Tex]\text{X(x)}\frac{dT}{dt} = \alpha T(t) \frac{d^2\text{X}}{dx^2}[/Tex] Divide both sides by [Tex]\alpha X(x)T(t) [/Tex] :
 [Tex]\frac{1}{\alpha \text{T}(t)} \frac{dT}{dt} = \frac{1}{X(x)} \frac{d^2X}{dx^2} = -{\lambda}[/Tex] This separation give us two ordinary differential equation (ODEs) : 
 [Tex]\frac{dT}{dt} + \alpha \lambda T = 0 \quad \text{and} \quad \frac{d^2X}{dx^2} + \lambda \text{X} = 0[/Tex] Step 3: Solve Spatial ODE The spatial ODE is :
 [Tex]\frac{d^2X}{dx^2} + \lambda X = 0 , X(0) = 0 , X(L) = 0 [/Tex] The general solution is given by 
 [Tex]X(x) = A \sin(\sqrt{\lambda} x) + B \cos(\sqrt{\lambda} x) [/Tex] 

Applying boundary condition :
 [Tex]X(0) = 0 \implies B = 0 \ \ \text{and} \ \ X(L) = 0 \implies A \sin(\sqrt{\lambda} L) = 0[/Tex] 
 For non-trivial solution , [Tex] \sin(\sqrt{\lambda} L) = 0 ) \implies ( \sqrt{\lambda} L = n\pi ) [/Tex] where ( n ) is an integer Thus [Tex]\lambda = \left(\frac{n\pi}{L}\right)^2 [/Tex] . Step 4 : Solve the Temporal ODE: The temporal ODE is:
 [Tex]\frac{dT}{dt} + \alpha \left(\frac{n\pi}{L}\right)^2 T = 0[/Tex] 

The general solution is: [Tex]\text{T(t)} = \text{C }e^{-\alpha \left(\frac{n\pi}{{L}}\right)^2 t}[/Tex] Step 5 :Form Complete Solution : The complete solution is:
 [Tex]u(x,t) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} C_n \sin\left(\frac{n\pi x}{\text{L}}\right) e^{-\alpha \left(\frac{n\pi}{\text{L}}\right)^2 t}[/Tex] 
 The coefficients [Tex]C_n [/Tex] are determined from initial condition [Tex]u(x,0) = f(x) [/Tex] by using Fourier series expansion .

Practice Questions

Questions 1: Solve the homogeneous BVP: [Tex]\begin{cases}y”(x) + y(x) = 0, & 0 \leq \text{x} \leq {\pi} \\y(0) = 0, & y(\pi) = 0\end{cases}[/Tex]

Questions 2: Solve following non homogeneous differential equations with given boundary condition :
 [Tex]\begin{cases}y”(x) = \sin(x), & 0 \leq x \leq \pi \\y(0) = 0, & y(\pi) = 0\end{cases}[/Tex]

Questions 3: Use the Finite Difference Method to solve following BVP: [Tex]\begin{cases} y”(x) = -2, & 0 \leq \text{x} \leq 1 \\ y(0) = 1, & y(1) = 0 \end{cases}[/Tex]

Questions 4: Solve BVP by applying Shooting Method :
 [Tex]\begin{cases} y”(x) = e^x, & 0 \leq x \leq 1 \\ y(0) = 0, & y(1) = 1 \end{cases} [/Tex]

Questions 5: Use the Finite Element Method to solve BVP : [Tex]\begin{cases} y”(x) = x^2, & 0 \leq x \leq 1 \\ y(0) = 0, & y(1) = 1\end{cases} [/Tex]

Boundary value problems (BVPs) are fundamental in mathematical modeling and have wide-ranging applications in physics, engineering, and other sciences. They involve solving differential equations with conditions specified at the boundaries of the domain, making them essential for accurately describing real-world phenomena such as heat conduction, fluid dynamics, and structural analysis.

FAQs: Boundary Value Problems

What is a boundary value problem .

A boundary value problem is a differential equation accompanied by a set of additional constraints called boundary conditions.

How do BVPs differ from initial value problems?

BVPs specify conditions at boundaries of the domain while IVPs specify conditions at the initial point .

What are Dirichlet boundary conditions ?

Dirichlet conditions specify the value of solution at the boundary.

What are Neumann boundary conditions?

Neumann conditions specify value of the derivative of the solution at boundary .

What methods are used to solve BVPs ?

Both analytical methods (like separation of variables) and numerical methods (like finite difference method) can be used.

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Excel Linear Programming (Using the Solver and Graphical Methods)

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The Solver Add-in can solve linear and non-linear programming problems with multiple variables and constraints, whereas the graphical method can only be used to solve problems with two variables.

Overview of Excel Linear Programming using graphical method

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How to perform Linear Programming using the Solver in Excel

How to add excel solver add-in.

The Excel Solver Add-in is not present in the Data tab by default.

  • To add the Solver add-in from Excel Add-Ins, go to Data tab >> check if the Solver add-in is present >> go to the File tab if the Solver tool is not present.

Looking for Solver Add-in in Data tab

  • Click  Options .

Options menu in File tab

  • In Excel Options , click  Add-ins   >> click Go .

Going to Add-in options

  • In Add-ins , check Solver Add-in >> click OK . The Solver Add-in will be added to the Data tab.

Installing Solver Add-in

How to Define and Formulate the Linear Programming Problem?

A linear programming problem consists of an objective function and some constraints. The objective function can be maximized or minimized.

To solve the following linear programming model which has an objective function Z , which you want to maximize, and 3 different constraints for the X 1 , X 2 , and X 3 variables.

Linear Programming Model Description for Excel Solver

How to Tabulate Linear Programming Problems in Excel

  • Tabulate the linear programming model in the following format to input the objective functions and constraints in the Excel Solver Add-in. Here, the Light Green colored boxes are kept empty for calculations and solutions.

Tabulating the Linear Programming Model

  • Use the following formula in F5 . The range C5:E5 is empty, so F5 shows 0 . This value indicates the current value of the objective function.

Applying formula for Objective function value

  • For the constraints, enter the following formula in  F8 >> press Enter >>  drag down the Fill Handle .

Applying formula for constraint value

How to Solve a Problem Using the Excel Solver

  • Go to the Data tab >> click Analysis >> select Solver .

Using Excel Solver Add-in

Click the image for a detailed view

  • In Solver Parameters , enter $F$5 in Set Objective   >> In To, click  Max  >>  In By Changing Variable cells , select the range $C$5:$E$5 >> click Add  to add constraints.

Setting parameters in Solver

  • In Add Constraint , enter $F$8 in Cell Reference >> select >= operator for the first constraint >> Enter $H$8 in  Constraint >> click Add to add constraints 2 and 3 >> click OK .

Adding Constraints in Solver

  • Constraints were added to Subject to the Constraints . In Select a Solving Method >> select Simplex LP >> click Solve .

Selecting Solving Method

The required values for the variables and the objective function for the linear programming maximization problem will be displayed.

Solution from Excel Solver for the Linear Programming Model

Here, the maximized value of the objective function is 71, and the values for the variables X 1 , X 2 , and X 3 are 0, 11.76, and 4.12.

Read More: How to Find Optimal Solution with Linear Programming in Excel

How to Save and Load Solver Scenarios in Excel

  • To save a linear programming model, select a range to input the variable values >> go to the Data tab >> click Solver .

Range for Saving the Model

  • In Solver Parameters , you can see the last solved model. Click Load/Save .

Saving the Linear Programming model

  • In Load/Save Model , provide the reference of the first cell in the selected range ( $J$3 , here) >> click Save .

Selecting Range for Saving the Linear Programming Model

You will see the linear programming model variable values in the selected range.

Saved Model

How to Load the Saved Model

  • In Solver Parameters , click Load/Save >> select the range containing the previous model ( $J$3:$J$9 , here) >> click Load .

Loading Previously Saved Linear Programming Model in Excel

  • In Load Model , click Replace .

Replacing previous model with saved model

The Solver Parameters user form will open and replace the existing model parameters with the loaded model parameters. Click Solve  to recalculate it.

How to perform Linear Programming Using the Graphical Method in Excel

How to define and formulate the problem.

  • Define an objective function and constraints for the linear programming problem. Here, the linear programming model has an objective function Z, which you want to maximize, and 2 different constraints for the X and Y variables.

Linear Programming model description for Graphical method

How to Tabulate the Linear Programming Problem in Excel

  • Tabulate the linear programming model in the following format using the variable coefficients.

Tabulating the model for Excel Linear Programming

Read More: How to Do Linear Programming in Excel

How to Plot a Chart Using the Constraints

  • Calculate the X and Y-axis intersection points for each constraint by setting one variable equal to zero. For example, for the first constraint, if Y = 0 then X = 7 , and if X = 0 then Y = 7 .
  • List these intersection points for each constraint in the following format.

Calculating X and Y-axis intersections for the constraints

  • Select the intersection points of constraint 1 >> go to the Insert tab >> Select Scatter   >> choose Scatter with Smooth Lines .

Selecting a scatter chart for the X and Y-axis intersection points

A chart like the following will be displayed.

Scatter chart for the first constraint

  • Select the chart and right-click >> click Select Data .

Format Control for the Chart

  • In Select Data Source , select Series 1 and click Edit .

Editing Chart Parameters

  • In Edit Series , set the Series Name to range $B$9:$C$9 and click OK .

Setting up Chart Title for the first constraint

  • Click Add .

Adding the second constraint in the chart

  • Set the Series Name to $E$9:$F$9 >> Series X Values to $E$11:$E$12 >> Series Y Values to $F$11:$F$12 >> click OK .

Setting up chart parameters for second constraint

  • In Select Data Source , click OK .

Adding the scatter chart

The chart for the constraint lines is displayed.

Scatter chart for both constraints

  • Select the chart and click the plus (+) icon to view the Chart Elements >> check Data Labels >> click  the right side of Data Labels to see additional options >> click Data Callout option to see X and Y-axis intersection points >> uncheck Gridlines to remove grids.

Adding Data Label to view the X and Y-axis intersection points

How to Determine the Coordinates of Each Corner Point in the Feasible Region

Since both the constraints have a <= (less than or equal to) operator and X, Y values are greater than or equal to zero, the marked ABCD region is your feasible region. (Here, A B C D were manually placed to show the corner points)

Selecting the feasible region for Excel Linear Programming

  • List all the corner points (A, B, C, and D) of the feasible region and calculate the objective function value in those points. You can get the X and Y values for A, B, and D from Data Callouts.
  • To calculate X and Y values for point C, use the following formula in C17 .

Corner points for the feasible region

Here, the MINVERSE function calculates the inverse matrix of the matrix formed with X and Y value coefficients in constraints (range C6:D7 ). And the MMULT function multiplies that inverse matrix with another matrix (range F6:F7 ). Finally, the TRANSPOSE function converts the rows into columns and columns into rows for the output returned by the MMULT function.

How to Calculate the Value of the Objective Function for Each Corner Point?

  • Enter the following formula in E15 >> press Enter  >> use the Fill Handle tool.

Calculating Objective function value at each corner point for maximization of the linear programming problem in Excel

The maximum value occurred in point C. And the value of the maximized objective function is 23.

Read More: How to Solve Blending Linear Programming Problem with Excel Solver

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the limitations of using the Excel Solver for Linear Programming?

Answer : Although Excel Solver Add-in is a powerful tool, it has limitations:

>> it is suited for small to medium-sized linear programming problems (up to 200 variables)

>> it operates with limited precision (up to 15 decimal points)

>> it operates with very few numbers of algorithms (Simplex Method for Linear Programming Problems), etc.

2. Can I use the graphical method to solve Linear Programming Problems with 3 variables?

Answer : If we apply the graphical method for Linear Programming problems with 3 variables, the feasible region will be a 3-dimensional space. Since representing 3-dimensional space on a two-dimensional plane can be complex and visually overwhelming, the graphical method is not suitable for Linear Programming problems with more than two variables.

3. Are there any alternative tools or software besides Excel Solver to solve Linear Programming problems?

Answer : There are some alternative tools or software:

>> IBM ILOG CPLEX optimizer

>> MATLAB Optimization Toolbox

>> GNU Linear Programming Kit

>> PuLP, etc.

Excel Linear Programming: Knowledge Hub

  • How to Solve Integer Linear Programming in Excel
  • How to Calculate Shadow Price Linear Programming in Excel
  • How to Perform Mixed Integer Linear Programming in Excel
  • How to Do Linear Programming with Sensitivity Analysis in Excel
  • How to Graph Linear Programming in Excel

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Seemanto Saha

Seemanto Saha graduated in Industrial and Production Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. He has been with ExcelDemy for a year, where he wrote 40+ articles and reviewed 50+ articles. He has also worked on the ExcelDemy Forum and solved 50+ user problems. Currently, he is working as a team leader for ExcelDemy. His role is to guide his team to write reader-friendly content. His interests are Advanced Excel, Data Analysis, Charts & Dashboards, Power Query,... Read Full Bio

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Excel Linear Programming (Using Solver and Graphical Methods)

I thought this article was made extremely well. It showed how to install the necessary tools, how to use linear programming on excel (step by step) and also showed other excel solver alternatives such as IBM ILOG CPLEX optimizer. The only thing that I would like added to this article is an example along with the step-by-step tutorial just to add context to the steps. I would like to apply these models in figuring out problems such as how many units of product A and B should we produce to maximize profit?

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Hello Martin ,

We are glad to hear that you found this article useful! Including a real-life example in tutorials can indeed make the steps more relatable and easier to understand. Applying these models to specific scenarios like maximizing profit by determining the production units for products A and B is a great way to leverage linear programming. We will include this in our next update.

Regards ExcelDemy

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    Linear programming is defined as a technique in algebra that uses linear equations to figure out how to arrive at the optimal situation (maximum or minimum) as an answer to a mathematical problem, assuming the finiteness of resources and the quantifiable nature of the end optimization goal. This article explains how linear programming works with examples.

  20. Linear Programming with Spreadsheets

    You learned what linear programming is, basic concepts, and terminologies used in LP, LP-problem formulation, solving LP problems using the graphical method, and use cases of the LP problem.

  21. Linear Programming (Optimization) 2 Examples Minimize & Maximize

    Learn how to work with linear programming problems in this video math tutorial by Mario's Math Tutoring. We discuss what are: constraints, feasible region and the objective function.

  22. Boundary Value Problems

    Solved Examples on Boundary Value Problems. Example 1: Solve the homogeneous BVP : [Tex]\begin{cases} y"(x) = 0, & 0 \leq x \leq 1 \\ y(0) = 0, & y(1) = 0 \end{cases} [/Tex] ... Linear programming is a mathematical technique for optimizing operations under a given set of constraints. The basic goal of linear programming is to maximize or ...

  23. 7.1: Introduction to Linear Programming (Maximization)

    A typical linear programming problem consists of finding an extreme value of a linear function subject to certain constraints. We are either trying to maximize or minimize the value of this linear function, such as to maximize profit or revenue, or to minimize cost.

  24. Excel Linear Programming (Using the Solver and Graphical Methods)

    This article presents the step-by-step process to solve various Excel linear programming problems using Solver and Graphical methods.