
9 Good Synonyms for “Support” on a Resume

resume support synonym

Everyone appreciates a bit of support in the workplace. The more support you can offer your peers, the more valuable you become as an employee.

Therefore, it’s good to show how supportive you are on your resume.

However, is “support” the only option? This article will explore some alternatives to help you.

  • Accommodate

Read on to find out what to say instead of “support” on your resume. We’ve also provided some examples for each heading.

“Assist” is a great resume word for “support.” It’s often overlooked initially, but it shouldn’t be.

The more assistance you give in the workplace, the more helpful and diligent you are. It’s good to have these qualities, regardless of the job you apply for.

Therefore, we recommend including “assist” as a formal synonym. It works well in CVs, so you should write it once or twice to show you’re willing to help.

Also, it works when helping colleagues, clients, or customers . There is more than one way to help those around you in the workplace. “Assist” is a great way to talk about this.

You can also review the following resume samples:

  • I like to assist my peers when they need me. It’s what sets me apart from other candidates applying for this role.
  • I assist in the backend system whenever possible. I know my boss needs more help than she’s willing to admit.

You may also use “aid” as another way to say “support” on your resume. It’s very effective as a more formal synonym.

Generally, “aid” and “assist” work very similarly.

You can use either (or both) in your writing to keep things interesting. You might even find that “aid” helps your resume to stand out more than most because it’s not as common a choice.

Saying that you give “aid” shows you help around the workplace . Helpful employees tend to make the best employees.

Therefore, it’s worth showing how helpful you are to demonstrate what you’re willing to put into a new company.

Perhaps the following examples will also help you:

  • I aid with the team meetings regularly. I help to establish talking points to ensure things run smoothly for the speaker.
  • Generally, I aid in multiple projects in the workplace. After all, I have plenty of ideas that people like to learn from.

There’s nothing wrong with keeping things simple. We always talk about keeping things simple and avoiding any overcomplicated language in your writing.

The same rule applies here.

Just use “help.” It’s simple yet effective . It’s a formal alternative to “support” that will help to keep your job application more streamlined and easier to read.

Generally, this word is overused in formal writing. However, as long as you only use it once in your cover letter or CV, you’ll have a lot of success with it.

After all, everyone knows what “help” means. It’s a simplistic choice, but it’s professional and to the point .

These resume examples will also help you:

  • I help those around me, whether they’re clients, customers, or colleagues. It’s important to offer them your services frequently.
  • I like to help because I’m good at it. Therefore, I’m sure I’m the right fit for this role, and I would like to prove it during the interview.

“Back” is another word for “support” in a resume. It’s one of those words that are commonly used in formal writing to show you’re happy to provide support to people or projects.

Generally, if you “back” something, it means you get behind it. It also shows you incentivize projects to succeed (i.e., by providing funds or skills to help them progress).

These ideas are great to include in a job application. It will impress an employer and let them know you mean business when applying for a job.

You can also refer to these examples if you’re unsure:

  • I back projects created by my coworkers. That way, I can learn from them, and they can trust my input.
  • I back my boss with every decision. It’s why I’m certain that I’m the right person for this promotion.

5. Encourage

You may also use “encourage” for a more friendly alternative to “support.” It shows you’re willing to offer advice to those around you.

Generally, “encourage” is a great way to show how well you work with a team. After all, if you’re an encouraging teammate, it’s likely that people rely on you to help them when they need you.

So, use “encourage” when applying for a more team-dependent role. It might help you to accelerate yourself to a supervisory position.

Feel free to review these examples as well:

  • I encourage my peers to be the best versions of themselves. That means I’m willing to help them with their projects to impress our superiors.
  • I like to encourage the people around me, regardless of the question they need an answer to.

“Serve” is another word for “support” that works well in formal cases. However, you should be careful with it.

Naturally, “serve” is a more submissive word than other synonyms. It still works well, but it works best to show respect and formality toward clients or employers.

Generally, this is a great way to show that you’re a diligent and eager employee. Employers will remember your use of “serve” in a resume and may ask you to “serve” them in the workplace.

You may review these examples if you’re still unsure:

  • I serve my clients whenever they have questions. I’m the first point of contact because they trust me to have answers.
  • I serve my customers equally. Each of them deserves to be treated with respect, and I value that about myself.

7. Accommodate

When you “accommodate” something, it means you help when necessary . It suggests you do what you can to assist someone or something when asked.

Therefore, we recommend using “accommodate” as a formal alternative to “support.”

It’s a great way to show you work around others. This is effective in the workplace because it implies putting others’ needs before yours.

You can also review these CV examples:

  • I accommodate my boss when he needs me. I’m more than willing to stop what I’m doing to ensure everybody knows their role.
  • I accommodate team meetings to help out. I know the team depends on my skills, and I don’t want to waste them.

We could all do with some advice when we’re struggling at work. That’s why we rely on people to advise us when necessary.

So, you can use “advise” as a formal alternative to “support.” It’s a great way to show your willingness to assist your peers.

For instance, you can “advise” colleagues or clients when they need your help. This shows you’re happy to put the time in with them and help them understand their next steps.

Perhaps these examples will also help you with it:

  • I advise my colleagues on what the next steps of their projects should be. They come to me for help frequently.
  • I always advise my students to get the best results out of their work. That’s why I know I’m the best teacher for this job.

You may not have heard this word before. However, it’s worth using if you’re looking to spice up your writing and keep things interesting .

“Succor” is another word for “support” on a resume. Don’t worry; it’s not as complicated as it looks.

In fact, it’s a direct synonym for “support.” Therefore, you can substitute “support” for “succor” to appear more formal and respectful .

For instance:

  • I support my peers.
  • I succor my peers.

The above phrases are the same. The only change is your use of verbs from “support” to “succor.”

You can also review the following cover letter samples:

  • I succor my boss when she needs my assistance. Setting up a strong relationship with your boss is essential to show them your importance.
  • I succor with meetings frequently. I generally provide the talking points to help keep things streamlined.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here .

  • “Support Of” Or “Support For”? Easy Preposition Guide (+Examples)
  • “Assist With” Or “Assist In” – Difference (With Examples)
  • On My Resume or In My Resume – Which Is Correct?
  • Thank You For Your Continued/Continuous/Continuing Support

Take Your Résumé to the Next Level With These Action Verbs

Assisted …

Let’s face it: most résumé bullet points start with the same handful of words. Words that have become so overused at this point that not only are they beginning to lose their meaning entirely, but they’re also failing to illustrate the actual day-to-day duties of a particular job.

That’s a major problem when you think about how recruiters and hiring managers have their eyes on hundreds of applicants’ résumés per day. If you’re using the same dull, flat, and oftentimes boring words on your résumé, how can you expect it to stand out from the crowd?

That’s where action verbs can help. And not just any action verbs—but those that are powerful enough to convey not only what you did on the job, but also that you excelled at your tasks and on-the-job challenges.

resume support synonym

What is an action verb ?

Action verb: the grammatical definition.

First things first—a verb is a word that describes an action, state, or occurrence. As we all learned in grade school, a few basic verbs include run , walk , dance , jump , etc. Pretty simple, right?

What you may not have known is that these single-word verbs are more specifically defined as action verbs , or verbs that express an action that a person, animal, or object can physically do.

When trying to identify an action verb, ask yourself the question: what is the subject doing? The answer will be the action verb. For example, in the sentence Jane sings a melody , the subject is Jane. What is Jane doing? Jane is singing, so the action verb is sings .

Action verbs vs. linking verbs vs. stative verbs

In contrast, stative verbs express a state of being rather than an action, while linking verbs provide more information or context about the subject of the sentence. But it’s important to note that some verbs can be used as either action verbs or linking verbs, depending on the context of the sentence.

Linking verb example: Jane’s voice sounds lovely. In this sentence, sounds  is a linking verb because it links the subject ( Jane’s voice ) with the characteristic of having a lovely sound.

Stative verb example: Jane is a musician. Here, the verb is  serves as the stative verb because it connects our subject ( Jane ) with the trait of being a musician.

Want to know more? No need to wait, you can dive deeper into this explanation of action verbs of all kinds.

Action verbs in writing résumés

Action verbs are strong, vivid verbs that you can incorporate within your résumé as a solid replacement to everyone else’s typical go-tos. Here’s an example:

Option 1: Managed student volunteers

Option 2: Trained , supervised , and mentored a group of dedicated student volunteers

See how much more detailed, interesting, and compelling the second option is? Choosing a fresh action verb (or in this case, three) makes all the difference.

So whether you’re writing a brand new résumé from scratch for the first time or are simply refreshing your current one, here’s how to strategically make use of action verbs to really pack a punch:

How to use powerful action verbs in résumés

If you have any experience at all with résumé writing, you already know that it is deceptively difficult. Because a résumé’s purpose is to essentially “sell” yourself and your skillset to recruiters and hiring managers, each sentence needs to be carefully and thoughtfully crafted. You want to thoroughly describe your duties and responsibilities and your previous jobs while simultaneously telling the reader something about who you are as an employee— all while keeping it as brief as possible and trying not to be repetitive. That’s a tall order for just a few short bullet points !

Need help putting your résumé together? Check out our guide on writing an effective résumé.

That’s exactly why action verbs are so crucial to good résumé writing. By simply swapping out a few words here and there, you can more clearly showcase your skills, provide as much detail as possible, and lead with the most compelling words that will keep recruiters’ eyes on your résumé for longer.

Try sprinkling in some of the powerful action verbs below throughout your résumé, including in your job descriptions, summary statement, and even in your cover letter. (Pro tip: you can also use them on your LinkedIn profile in the same way!)

Solved a challenging problem

If you helped your team come up with a viable solution for an ongoing issue, consider using:

  • constructed
  • coordinated
  • established
  • restructured
  • strategized
  • transformed

Example: Researched reporting tools and restructured the marketing department’s internal reporting process, making it easier to analyze key performance indicators and prioritize team projects accordingly.

Supported internal stakeholders

Internal stakeholders are people whose interest in a company is the result of a direct relationship, such as employment, ownership, or investment. Whether you interacted directly with company investors or simply managed the needs of a team of employees, elaborate on your specific experience with:

  • collaborated
  • communicated
  • contributed
  • problem-solved

Example: Informed the board of directors of any emerging issues related to the business’s day-to-day operations, addressed concerns, and answered questions about proposed changes.

Do you often confuse the words resume and résumé ? Make sure you use them correctly before you get back to building up your applications.

Found ways to save time or money                                

Helping companies streamline their efforts and operate more efficiently or cost-effectively is no small feat, which is why it’s such an impactful accomplishment in the eyes of recruiters. To really drive the point home on your résumé, try using:

  • capitalized
  • consolidated
  • prioritized
  • reorganized
  • standardized
  • streamlined

Example: Streamlined the employee onboarding process by consolidating and standardizing all new hire training materials within one online software.

Grew sales   

On the other hand, it’s equally as impressive if you’ve played a major role in making the company money. Show off your stellar sales skills with:

  • outperformed

Example: Generated over $20,000 in revenue in 2020 and continuously outperformed all other sales representatives in the district.

resume support synonym

Launched a feature or project

Did you lead the charge on an exciting new endeavor or help launch a company-wide initiative? Illustrate just how important your role was with:

  • conceptualized
  • implemented
  • orchestrated
  • spearheaded

Example: Founded and served as volunteer editor of the first marketing department newsletter to help keep company stakeholders and employees in other departments up-to-date on important projects and team efforts.

Led a team             

Strong management and leadership skills are highly valuable for job-seekers in any industry. Set yours apart from the rest by using:

  • demonstrated

Example: Supervised and mentored a team of five graphic designers. Trained all employees on industry best practices and cultivated a company culture rooted in continued education.

Showed technical proficiency                  

Demonstrate your skills and showcase the amount of hands-on experience you have in your industry with:

  • troubleshot

Example: Identified content gaps on client websites and worked collaboratively with the SEO team to formulate content marketing strategies that drive organic traffic.

Action verbs in action

As you’re incorporating these dynamic action verbs throughout your résumé, don’t be afraid to show off a bit—that’s what a résumé is for! You already know what you’ve accomplished at previous jobs and how great of a candidate you are; simply choose your favorite action verbs and really let those accomplishments shine.

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Résumé? check! Now on to the cover letter .... Thankfully, we've got you covered on how to best write one.

resume support synonym

Ways To Say

Synonym of the day

Resume Synonyms for Supportive

Eager to emphasize your team-centric approach and nurturing nature? 'Supportive' is compassionate, but a richer vocabulary can enhance this quality. Venture through our guide to find words that magnify your collaborative spirit, spotlighting your commitment to collective success.

Table of Contents

Using supportive on a resume.

Using 'Supportive' emphasizes a collaborative and nurturing approach. It implies that the candidate plays a pivotal role in bolstering teammates or fostering a positive work environment. For roles that require mentorship or team coordination, showcasing supportive attributes can be instrumental. Highlighting instances where one's supportive nature facilitated team cohesion or individual growth can enhance its relevance.

Tailor Your Resume Content to the Job Description

resume support synonym

Strong vs Weak Uses of Supportive

Examples of using supportive on a resume.

  • Implemented a supportive management style that increased team productivity by 20% and reduced employee turnover by 15%.
  • Developed a supportive training program for new hires, improving their onboarding experience and accelerating their integration into the team.
  • Provided supportive guidance to junior staff, fostering their professional growth and contributing to a 30% increase in team performance.
  • Was supportive to colleagues when they needed help.
  • Worked in a supportive role, helping out where needed.

How Supportive Is Commonly Misused

Provided support to team members.

This statement is too generic and does not provide any specific information about the type of support provided or the impact it had. It is better to provide specific examples or details to showcase your ability to effectively support team members, such as "Provided technical support to team members, troubleshooting software issues and reducing downtime by 30%."

Offered support to customers

While it may seem like a positive statement, it lacks impact and does not highlight any specific achievements. Instead, it is better to mention the outcomes or results of the support provided to customers, such as "Offered exceptional customer support, resolving 95% of customer inquiries on the first call and maintaining a customer satisfaction rating of 90%."

Assisted with various tasks

This statement is too vague and does not provide any specific information about the tasks that were assisted with. It is better to provide specific examples or details to showcase your ability to effectively assist with tasks, such as "Assisted with project coordination, managing timelines, and ensuring seamless communication among team members, resulting in a 10% increase in project efficiency."

When to Replace Supportive with Another Synonym

Providing assistance:.

Instead of using "Supportive," job seekers can use synonyms like "Assisted," "Aided," or "Helped" to convey their role in providing assistance to others. These alternatives highlight their willingness to lend a hand, offer support, and contribute to the success of their colleagues or team members.

Collaborating with others:

When describing collaborative experiences, job seekers can opt for synonyms such as "Cooperated," "Worked together," or "Teamed up." These terms emphasize their ability to work effectively with others, foster teamwork, and achieve common goals. Using these alternatives showcases their interpersonal skills and their capacity to contribute to a harmonious and productive work environment.

Mentoring or coaching:

Instead of using "Supportive," job seekers can use synonyms like "Mentored," "Coached," or "Guided" to highlight their role in providing guidance and support to others in their professional development. These alternatives showcase their ability to share knowledge, offer advice, and help others grow and succeed in their careers.

Best Resume Synonyms for Supportive

How to replace supportive with a stronger, more relevant synonym, replacing supportive in your resume summary.

Using Supportive

Using a Strong Synonym

Replacing Supportive in Your Work Experience

  • Supportive in a team of software developers to successfully complete a major project within the deadline.
  • Collaborated with a dynamic team of software developers, successfully delivering a major project within the stipulated timeline.

Powerful Supportive Synonyms for Different Job Categories

Best supportive synonyms for marketing resumes, best supportive synonyms for customer service resumes, find the right synonyms for any job, frequently asked questions.

A great replacement for the word 'Supportive' on a resume could be 'Collaborative'. This word not only implies that you're able to support others, but also that you can work effectively within a team. For example, instead of saying "Supported team in project completion", you could say "Collaborated with team to complete project".

It's appropriate to use 'Supportive' on your resume when you're describing your interpersonal skills or roles where you've provided assistance to others. For example, if you were a team leader, you could say, "Provided supportive leadership to a team of five sales associates, resulting in a 20% increase in team sales." It's a powerful word that shows you can foster a positive environment and help others succeed.

Consider if your role involves assisting others, fostering a positive work environment, or providing guidance. If you've contributed to team projects, helped colleagues overcome challenges, or mentored others, then 'supportive' is relevant for your resume. For example, you might say "Provided supportive leadership in team projects, resulting in a 20% increase in efficiency."

Which Job Titles use Supportive the Most?

Top 5 titles/functions with the most mentions of supportive on their resume:, related resume synonyms, explore full resume examples to find other improvements.

administrative assistant resume

Tools to Improve Your Resume Language for Greater Impact

resume support synonym

How to Make a Resume in Microsoft Word: A Step-by-Step Guide Finding Your Dream Job

resume support synonym

Creating a resume can feel overwhelming, but with Microsoft Word, you have a powerful tool at your fingertips to craft a professional-looking document that highlights your skills and experiences. Whether you're just starting your career or updating an existing resume, Word provides various templates and formatting tools that make the process easier. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to create a standout resume using Microsoft Word.

Creating a Resume in MS Word

 step 1: open microsoft word.

If you haven't already, open Microsoft Word on your computer. This guide is based on Word 2016 and later, but the steps are generally similar across different versions.

Note: If you don't have Microsoft Word installed, you can access it through an Office 365 subscription or use the online version at [](

Step 2: Choose a Resume Template

One of the easiest ways to get started is by using a resume template. Microsoft Word offers a variety of pre-designed templates that are both professional and visually appealing.

How to Find a Template

1. Open Word: Start Word and select "New" from the menu.

2. Search for Resume Templates: In the search bar at the top of the window, type "resume" and press Enter. Word will display a list of available resume templates.

3. Choose a Template: Browse through the templates and select one that best fits your style and the type of job you’re applying for. Double-click the template to open it.

 Tips for Choosing a Template

- Consider the Industry: For creative fields, a more modern or visually interesting template might be appropriate. For more traditional industries, stick with classic, clean designs.

- Keep it Simple: Ensure that your resume is easy to read. Avoid overly complex layouts and excessive colors.

Step 3: Customize Your Resume

Once you've selected a template, it's time to customize it with your personal information. This is where you add the details that make you stand out as a candidate.

 Editing the Text

1. Replace Placeholder Text: Click on the text fields and replace the placeholder content with your own information. This includes your name, contact information, education, work experience, and skills.

2. Format Your Text: Use Word's formatting tools to adjust fonts, sizes, and styles to ensure consistency and readability. Stick to standard fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri.

3. Adjust Sections: Depending on your experience and the job you're applying for, you might want to add or remove sections. For example, if you have extensive experience, you might emphasize that section more than education.

 Organize Your Information

- Contact Information: Place this at the top of the resume, including your full name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile or portfolio if applicable.

- Professional Summary or Objective: A brief statement at the beginning of your resume that outlines your career goals or summarizes your professional background.

- Work Experience: List your most recent job first, followed by previous positions. Include the job title, company name, location, and dates of employment. Use bullet points to describe your responsibilities and achievements.

- Education: List your highest degree first, including the institution name, degree type, and graduation date.

- Skills: Highlight skills relevant to the job. These can be hard skills like programming or soft skills like communication.

- Additional Sections: Consider adding sections for certifications, languages, volunteer work, or hobbies if they are relevant to the job.

Step 4: Fine-Tune the Design

With the content in place, you can now focus on making your resume visually appealing while maintaining a professional look.

 Formatting Tips

1. Margins and Spacing: Ensure that your margins are even and the spacing between sections is consistent. Use the “Layout” tab to adjust margins and spacing.

2. Use Bullet Points: Bullet points help break up text and make your resume easier to skim. Use them to list duties and accomplishments under each job entry.

3. Consistency: Keep font sizes and styles consistent throughout. Headings should be slightly larger than the body text to make sections easy to identify.

4. Color: Use color sparingly. Stick to neutral colors like black, gray, or navy for the text. If you use color, ensure it complements the overall design and does not distract from the content.

 Step 5: Save and Export Your Resume

Once you're satisfied with your resume, it's important to save it properly.

1. Save as a Word Document: Go to "File" > "Save As" and choose where you want to save the file on your computer. Name your file appropriately (e.g., “John_Doe_Resume”) and choose the ".docx" format.

2. Export as a PDF: It's often recommended to send resumes as PDFs to ensure that the formatting remains consistent across different devices. To do this, go to "File" > "Save As" and select "PDF" from the drop-down menu.

Step 6: Review and Edit

Before sending out your resume, review it carefully to catch any errors.

 Proofreading Tips:

1. Check for Spelling and Grammar Errors: Use Word's built-in spell check, but also manually review the text for any mistakes the software might miss.

2. Get a Second Opinion: Have a friend or family member review your resume to provide feedback and catch errors you might have overlooked.

3. Read Aloud: Sometimes reading your resume out loud can help you catch awkward phrasing or missing information.

Tips for Constructing a Winning Resume

Constructing a resume is a crucial step in landing a job, and employing effective strategies can make all the difference. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you create a compelling resume that showcases your skills and experience in the best possible light.

 1. Understand the Job Requirements

- Analyze the Job Description: Carefully read the job listing to identify the key skills and qualifications the employer is seeking. Highlight the keywords and requirements mentioned in the job description.

- Customize Your Resume: Adjust your resume to align with these requirements. Ensure that your most relevant experiences and skills are prominent.

 2. Choose the Right Resume Format

Popular formats.

- Chronological: Lists your work experience in reverse chronological order. Ideal for those with a strong work history in the field.

- Functional: Focuses on skills and experiences rather than job titles. Best for career changers or those with gaps in employment.

- Combination: Merges elements of both chronological and functional formats. Useful for those with relevant skills and a solid work history.

Select the Format That Best Suits Your Experience

- Chronological: Best if you have a steady career progression.

- Functional: Ideal if you want to emphasize specific skills or if you’re entering a new industry.

- Combination: Suitable if you have a strong skill set and relevant experience.

 3. Craft a Compelling Professional Summary

Create an attention-grabbing summary.

- Professional Summary: Start with a brief, compelling statement about your career goals and what you bring to the table. Focus on your achievements and skills.

- Objective Statement (Optional): An alternative to the summary, this can outline your career goals and what you hope to achieve in the role.

Tips for Writing a Summary

- Be Concise: Keep it to 2-4 sentences.

- Focus on Achievements: Highlight your most notable accomplishments and skills.

 4. Showcase Relevant Work Experience

Detail your work history.

- Job Entries: Include your job title, company name, location, and dates of employment.

- Responsibilities and Achievements: Use bullet points to describe your responsibilities and highlight achievements with quantifiable results (e.g., “Increased sales by 20%”).

Use Action Verbs

- Start Bullet Points with Action Verbs: Words like “managed,” “developed,” “led,” and “implemented” convey your role effectively.

Quantify Achievements

- Add Numbers: Whenever possible, use figures to illustrate your impact (e.g., “Reduced customer complaints by 30%”).

 5. Highlight Your Skills

Create a skills section.

- Relevant Skills: List skills that are directly related to the job you're applying for. This can include technical skills, software proficiency, and soft skills.

- Use Keywords: Incorporate keywords from the job description to pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

Soft Skills vs. Hard Skills

- Hard Skills: Specific, teachable abilities (e.g., programming languages, certifications).

- Soft Skills: Personal attributes (e.g., communication, leadership) that are important for job performance.

 6. Include Education and Certifications

Detail your academic background.

- Education Section: List your degrees, including the institution name, degree type, and graduation date. Mention any relevant coursework if it pertains to the job.

Certifications and Training

- Relevant Certifications: Include certifications or training that are relevant to the position. List the certification name, issuing organization, and date received.

 7. Incorporate Additional Sections

- Volunteer Work: If relevant to the job or industry, include volunteer experiences.

- Awards and Honors: Mention any relevant awards or recognitions.

- Professional Affiliations: List memberships in professional organizations.

- Languages: Include languages spoken and proficiency levels.

 8. Use Effective Formatting

Maintain a professional appearance.

- Font Choice: Use a clean, professional font like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman.

- Font Size: Keep it readable, typically between 10-12 points for body text.

- Margins and Spacing: Use standard margins (1 inch) and ensure there is enough white space to make the resume easy to read.

Design Considerations

- Consistency: Ensure consistent formatting throughout (e.g., bullet points, headings).

- Avoid Overly Creative Designs: Keep the layout simple and professional, unless applying for a design-related position.

 9. Proofread and Edit

Ensure accuracy.

- Check for Errors: Proofread for spelling and grammatical errors. Mistakes can detract from your professionalism.

- Consistency: Ensure that dates, job titles, and formatting are consistent.

Get Feedback

- Ask for a Review: Have a friend, family member, or mentor review your resume for feedback and to catch errors you might have missed.

 10. Keep it Updated

- Review Periodically: Update your resume regularly to reflect new experiences, skills, and accomplishments.

- Tailor for Each Application: Customize your resume for each job application to align with specific job requirements and highlight relevant experiences.

By following these strategies, you can craft a resume that effectively showcases your skills and experiences while aligning with the job you're applying for. A well-constructed resume not only increases your chances of landing an interview but also sets a positive tone for your job application process. Good luck!

Conclusion: Final Thoughts

Creating a resume in Microsoft Word is a straightforward process when you know where to start. By using templates and customizing them with your unique information, you can create a professional resume that stands out to potential employers. Remember to tailor your resume to each job application, emphasizing the experiences and skills that are most relevant to the position. Good luck with your job search!

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Resume Worded   |  Career Strategy

Resume synonyms for help.

Want another word for Help to use on your resume? Our team's compiled the most effective action verbs and synonyms you can use instead of the overused resume phrase, " Help ".

Kimberley Tyler Smith Author Photo

When a recruiter sees the word 'help' in your resume, it indicates that you are willing to take on more responsibility and make yourself useful. Hiring managers know that someone who can help them out is going to be an incredible asset to their team. It shows that you are willing to go above and beyond for others in the workplace. Still, the word help is not specific enough. When you write your resume, you want it to be as descriptive and detailed as possible. The purpose of your resume is to convince hiring managers that you are the best person for the job, so you need to make sure that it speaks directly to their needs and interests. If you want to describe what kind of work experience you have, try using other action verbs like 'refined,' 'perfected,' and 'rectified.' This will make your resume more descriptive and engaging. Improving your resume by using descriptive action verbs in place of generic ones can help showcase your achievements more effectively, making it easier for hiring managers to see how your experience will benefit the company. I've compiled some synonyms you can use instead of Help on your resume, followed by real examples I've written for clients (feel free to use them!).

Resume Synonyms for Help :

  • Implemented
  • Spearheaded
  • Transformed
  • Invigorated
  • Revolutionized
  • Streamlined
  • Accommodated
  • Ameliorated
  • Strengthened

How to replace Help with a stronger action verb:

Let's look at examples of how you can remove and replace the overused phrase, Help, with a stronger synonym and alternative that is more effective at highlighting your achievements.

• Help to reduce manufacturing costs by advising on strategy changes like eliminating packaging

After: Using a stronger synonym • Proposed and implemented major strategy change to eliminate packaging, passing savings to our producers and customers and saving 55% on manufacturing costs.

Replacing Help with Enhanced ▾

• Helped improve company's website

After: Enhanced • Enhanced the company’s website by conducting in-depth user experience analyses, optimizing page load time by 47% and boosting the overall user engagement by 75%.

This change adds critical specificity to your accomplishments. 'Helped' gets replaced with 'Enhanced', directly stating the action you performed. 'conducted in-depth user experience analyses' shows your method, and quantitative results hammer home the impact.

Tip: I've prepared a ton of additional examples for you to give you inspiration. Please click on any of the following to expand and see real examples of how I've rewritten client bullet points.

Replacing Help with Implemented ▾

• Helped launch a new product line

After: Implemented • Implemented the launch of a key new product line, driving a sales increase of 30% within a quarter of its release.

As a recruiter, it's great to replace vague 'help' with 'Implemented', suggesting your role in the accomplishment. Including precise details such as the time frame and measurable increase in sales gives a clear scope of achievement.

Replacing Help with Resolved ▾

• Helped with customer complaints

After: Resolved • Resolved customer complaints by implementing a new system, reducing repeat issues by 40% and increasing customer satisfaction by 20%.

Although 'Helped with' is not incorrect, it lacks precision and fails to provide a picture of your active role. 'Resolved' tackles the problem head-on. You should include a problem, a solution, and a measurable result for maximum impact.

Replacing Help with Increased ▾

• Helped to grow affiliate program

After: Increased • Increased the affiliate program participants by 50% within six months by revitalizing outreach methodologies, resulting in a 25% boost to overall revenue.

Replacing 'helped' with 'increased' provides a concrete metric of success. It states a very impressive achievement directly attributable to you, lending more weight to your contribution.

Replacing Help with Revamped ▾

• Helped improve the company newsletter

After: Revamped • Revamped the company newsletter by overseeing a complete redesign, which led to a 70% increase in Click-Through Rates.

'Helped improve' is a vague phrase that doesn't indicate action. Changing it to 'Revamped' not only conveys initiative but also leaves no ambiguity about the primary responsibility. I then added a metric to indicate the scale of improvement.

Replacing Help with Spearheaded ▾

• Help to organize annual conference

After: Spearheaded • Spearheaded the organization of the annual conference, attracting a record 2,000 attendees and securing sponsorship deals worth $150,000.

Instead of the vague 'help', this edit shows you took initiative with 'Spearheaded'. Providing numbers like attendee counts and dollar figures immediately demonstrate the scale of your accomplishment.

Replacing Help with Transformed ▾

• Help to update project management processes

After: Transformed • Transformed project management processes, reducing project duration by 25% and saving an estimated 100 hours per project.

With 'Transformed', we're replacing the vague 'help' and showing you were instrumental to change. Your specific contributions are then backed with solid metrics, providing a clearer picture of your impact.

Replacing Help with Led ▾

• Help in the preparation of the annual budget

After: Led • Led in the preparation of the $2 million annual budget, identifying and implementing cost-saving measures that saved the company 15% in operational expenses.

I used 'Led' in replacement of 'help' to emphasize your role in the accomplishment. It’s important to quantify results—it immediately shows the impact of your work.

Replacing Help with Overhauled ▾

• Help improve sales team training

After: Overhauled • Overhauled the sales team training process, increasing sales productivity by 35% and decreasing new-hire ramp-up time by 30%.

As a hiring manager, 'Overhauled' replaces the vague 'help', signifying a larger role. By including the increase in productivity and decrease in ramp-up time, we see the scale of your achievement.

Replacing Help with Optimized ▾

• Help streamline operational procedures

After: Optimized • Optimized operational processes, resulting in a 15% decrease in operation cost and a 30% increase in operational efficiency within two quarters.

By changing 'help' to 'Optimized', your principal role is emphasized, and the multiple metrics used convey the significance of the improvements you ushered in.

Replacing Help with Invigorated ▾

• Help to renew customer loyalty program

After: Invigorated • Invigorated the customer loyalty program by introducing targeted reward schemes, leading to a 60% increase in active members and a 25% surge in overall sales.

This edit takes away the bland 'help' and replaces it with a dynamic 'Invigorated'. It now highlights the cause and effect of your efforts by emphasizing the actions and the subsequent positive results.

Replacing Help with Elevated ▾

• Help to upgrade the customer service department

After: Elevated • Elevated the customer service department by introducing an enhanced ticketing system that reduced response times by 40%, boosting customer satisfaction by 30%.

The term 'elevated' portrays your proactive involvement better than the passive 'help'. Detailing out the action you took and backing it up with metrics paints a vivid picture of the results you delivered.

Replacing Help with Boosted ▾

• Help in driving product sales

After: Boosted • Boosted product sales by 45% over a year by pioneering and executing aggressive sales strategies in combination with robust marketing efforts.

'Boosted' replaces the vague 'help' and clearly states the improvements made. Further, describing how it was achieved provides more insight into your skills and experiences.

Replacing Help with Organized ▾

• Help to arrange charity fundraising events

After: Organized • Organized charity fundraising events that increased annual donations by a record 200%, reaching a total of $500k in a single year.

The before statement gives no clear understanding of your contributions. 'Organized' replaces 'Help' to imply leading role in operations, and specific details provide a tangible sense of your accomplishments.

Replacing Help with Expedited ▾

• Help speed up customer onboarding process

After: Expedited • Expedited the customer onboarding process, reducing the average time spent by 55%, resulting in a 75% increase in signups.

'Expedited' is a power verb that shows how you brought about efficient change in the onboarding process. Including metrics provides a concrete measure of your success.

Replacing Help with Revolutionized ▾

• Help bring changes to the production process

After: Revolutionized • Revolutionized the production process by integrating Lean methodologies, resulting in a 30% reduction in waste and boosting production efficiency by 40%.

I replaced 'help' with 'revolutionized' to indicate your instrumental role in the accomplishment. The use of specific methodologies and metrics brings weightage to your contribution.

Replacing Help with Streamlined ▾

• Help to improve logistics operations

After: Streamlined • Streamlined logistics operations through the application of advanced analytics, reducing freight costs by 25% while maintaining delivery timeframes.

'Streamlined' indicates a higher level of participation than 'help'. It’s crucial to specify the changes that were made and associate them with real, quantifiable benefits.

Replacing Help with Pioneered ▾

• Help in developing a new marketing channel

After: Pioneered • Pioneered a new marketing channel, driving an additional $200k in annual sales and expanding the company's user base by 15%.

Changing 'help' to 'pioneered' makes your action sound innovative and proactive. Quantifying the result with a dollar figure and increased user base provides an immediate understanding of your initiative's impact.

Replacing Help with Achieved ▾

• Help to meet sales targets

After: Achieved • Achieved 120% of annual sales targets, leading to a $200k increase in revenue by successfully upselling to existing clients.

The word 'Achieved' holds more weight than 'help' and showcases your ultimate accomplishment. It’s always beneficial to include how you managed to achieve these goals.

How to use these synonyms in practice

We've put together an infographic to give you more examples of how to put this into practice. Note the use of strong action verbs instead of words like Help.

resume support synonym

More resume bullet point samples that use strong synonyms

How to use assessed on a resume:.

• Assessed the product portfolio and created a brand turnaround strategy for a global fashion company; conducted qualitative interviews with industry experts and quantitative analysis to determine barriers to purchasing and distribution.

How to use Formulated on a resume:

• Formulated implementation plans for transactions in collaboration with senior members of trading, sales, compliance and legal teams; generated annual profits of $10+ million.

How to use Analyzed on a resume:

• Analyzed 50+ companies to identify potential investments, built valuation models, and visited 90+ members of senior management in Germany, Nigeria, Indonesia and Singapore to evaluate companies' growth outlook.

How to use Developed on a resume:

• Developed strategies to trade and manage risk on the trading book comprising 30+ indices; 2016 P&L: $8M.

How to use Led on a resume:

• Led interview campaign with existing customers (300+ person survey, 40+ face-to-face discussions) to formulate requirements of a new product to help couples manage their expenses; outputs directly impacted product roadmap.

How to use Launched on a resume:

• Launched an e-commerce website which sold t-shirts themed on the 2016 Presidential Election; successfully processed 800+ online transactions from 600+ unique users.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is another word for help on a resume.

Here are some synonyms for commonly repeated words, like Help, I see on resumes:

What are other words for Help on a resume?

Generic language like Help are considered to be buzzwords because they're used so often. Consider using synonyms like Ameliorated, Strengthened, Mobilized, Rectified, Meliorated or Amended.

Get a free resume review: Find out if your action verbs are strong enough.

As a next step, I'd recommend going through each of your resume's verbs and improving each one with stronger action verbs. The most effective way to do that is by uploading your resume to tool below. It'll tell you which parts of your resume need work, so you can improve them before a recruiter rejects you for them.

Related resume examples

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Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

resume support synonym



How to build a standout resume for technical support careers.

resume support synonym

In today’s competitive job market, creating a resume that catches the eye of hiring managers is crucial, especially in the technical support industry. Whether you’re an entry-level candidate or a seasoned professional, your resume needs to showcase your skills, experiences, and ability to solve technical problems effectively. Crafting a standout resume for technical support careers not only helps you highlight your expertise but also positions you as a valuable asset to any IT team.

Let’s explore the steps involved in building a strong resume that will make you stand out in the technical support field.

  • Start with a Strong Resume Summary

The first thing hiring managers see is your resume summary, and it’s your chance to make a lasting impression. A well-crafted summary should give an overview of your professional background, key skills, and what you bring to the table. Keep it concise, around 2-3 sentences, while ensuring that it highlights your experience in technical support and problem-solving abilities.

For example:

“Dedicated technical support professional with over 5 years of experience in troubleshooting, network management, and customer service. Proficient in diagnosing hardware and software issues, providing timely solutions, and improving system efficiency. Passionate about delivering exceptional support and ensuring customer satisfaction.”

This summary quickly establishes your expertise and positions you as someone who understands both the technical and customer-facing aspects of the role.

  • Highlight Relevant Technical Skills

When hiring for technical support roles, employers look for candidates who possess strong technical abilities. Your skills section should be carefully curated to reflect the specific tools, technologies, and competencies that align with the job you’re applying for.

Include a mix of both hard and soft skills, such as:

Technical Skills:

  • Operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux)
  • Networking protocols (TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP)
  • Troubleshooting hardware and software issues
  • Knowledge of remote desktop applications
  • Experience with ticketing systems (Zendesk, Jira)
  • Understanding of cloud computing and virtualization (AWS, Azure)

Soft Skills:

  • Strong communication skills
  • Customer service orientation
  • Problem-solving abilities
  • Time management
  • Multitasking under pressure

By crafting a standout resume that demonstrates both your technical knowledge and soft skills, you show that you are well-rounded and capable of handling the challenges in a technical support role.

  • Focus on Achievements, Not Just Responsibilities

One common mistake many candidates make when writing their resumes is listing job duties instead of achievements. Employers are more interested in what you’ve accomplished rather than just what your role entailed. When describing your past roles, focus on specific outcomes, measurable achievements, and how you added value to the company.

For instance, instead of saying:

“Responsible for troubleshooting network issues.”

“Resolved over 95% of network issues on first contact, reducing downtime by 30% and improving team productivity.”

This approach not only showcases your ability to troubleshoot issues but also quantifies the positive impact you made.

4. Customer Engagement and Problem-Solving Abilities

Technical support roles often require close interaction with customers, making customer engagement a vital aspect of the job. Your ability to communicate technical information in a way that customers understand and to maintain positive relationships throughout the troubleshooting process is just as important as solving the issue itself.

When writing your resume, include examples that demonstrate your effective customer engagement skills. Highlight instances where you helped customers not only by resolving technical problems but also by building trust and maintaining long-term relationships.

  • “Worked closely with clients to understand their needs and ensure 100% customer satisfaction during technical support.”
  • “Implemented proactive customer engagement strategies that improved response time and increased positive feedback from clients.”

By showcasing these experiences, you underline your ability to handle both the technical and interpersonal aspects of the role, which are critical for success in technical support positions.

  • Crafting a Standout Resume with Problem-Solving Abilities

Technical support roles often revolve around resolving complex issues quickly and efficiently. Employers want evidence of your problem-solving abilities and how you approach challenges. This can be demonstrated through examples from your previous work experience.

Consider adding bullet points that describe situations where you encountered an issue, the steps you took to resolve it, and the outcome.

“Diagnosed and resolved a critical server issue that resulted in a 40% improvement in uptime.”

“Implemented a new ticketing process that reduced average response time by 20%.”

By highlighting your problem-solving approach, you show that you’re resourceful, analytical, and capable of handling high-pressure situations—qualities that are highly valued in technical support careers.

  • Include Certifications and Continuing Education

Certifications and continuous learning are important indicators of your dedication to your career in technical support. Many employers value certifications like CompTIA A+, Network+, or certifications specific to software platforms (e.g., Microsoft, Cisco). Including these on your resume shows your commitment to staying updated with industry standards and technologies.

In addition, if you’ve taken any relevant courses or training—such as cybersecurity, cloud computing, or IT management—list them to showcase your professional development.

Certifications and additional training can also help set you apart from other candidates who may have similar experience but need more specialized qualifications.

  • Keep the Layout Clean and Professional

While content is king, the presentation of your resume matters too. A clean, professional layout ensures your resume is easy to read and highlights the most important information. Use clear headings, bullet points, and consistent formatting to guide the hiring manager through your resume.

Ensure there’s enough white space, use a professional font, and avoid excessive design elements. A cluttered or overly flashy resume can distract from the information and give a negative first impression.

8. Follow Up with a Thank You Email

After submitting your resume and attending interviews, don’t forget to send a Thank You Email . This gesture not only shows your appreciation for the opportunity but also reinforces your interest in the position. A well-crafted thank you note can leave a positive impression and keep you top-of-mind with the hiring manager.

In your email, briefly reiterate your enthusiasm for the role, mention a specific aspect of the interview or the company that excites you, and express your gratitude for the chance to discuss your qualifications.

Building a standout resume for technical support careers is about more than just listing your experience. It’s about demonstrating your value as a problem-solver, highlighting your technical and soft skills, and showcasing how you’ve made an impact in your previous roles. By focusing on achievements, tailoring your resume to each job, and keeping the layout professional, you’ll create a resume that not only catches the attention of hiring managers but also positions you as a top candidate for technical support roles.

In today’s online business, success in technical support roles also depends on maintaining strong relationships with clients. Incorporating effective customer engagement strategies into your experience and resume will show that you understand the importance of not only fixing technical issues but also fostering trust and satisfaction with customers. 

resume support synonym

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Best Resume Synonyms for Assist

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To assist means to give help, support, or contribution to others to accomplish a goal. 

In your resume, you should highlight your willingness to support and collaborate with your colleagues, which improves the team’s morale, engagement, and productivity. And these are what employers want! 

To make your application stronger, we recommend that you use powerful resume synonyms for “assist” and use the past tense. 

This shows recruiters and hiring managers how you gave support and how your contributions impacted others.

In this guide, we listed powerful synonyms for “assist” you can use on your resume to make your statements clearer and more impactful.

16 Resume synonyms for Assist :

Here’s a list of powerful synonyms for “assist” you can use on your resume. 

  • Collaborated
  • Contributed
  • Facilitated

Find more “assist” synonyms you can include on your resume here .

How to replace Assist with a stronger synonym

When writing your resume, use targeted and specific synonyms for “assist” to show examples of when you supported others to accomplish something.

For example,

Instead of saying,

Assisted in organizing team-building activities.

Try saying,

Organized and facilitated the company’s quarterly team-building activities.

Simply using the word “assist” gives recruiters a vague idea that you helped in some unknown way. On the other hand, using the word “organized” paints a picture that you were part of conceptualizing, planning, and executing the company’s team-building events. And using the word “facilitated” tells recruiters that even during the event itself, you were still involved.

Examples of how to use synonyms for Assist

Here are some examples of using synonyms for “assist” on your resume.

  • Trained and equipped the new batch of 50 call center agents on company goals, proper etiquette, and standard operating procedures.
  • Backed up the Procurement Team in streamlining purchasing procedures and replacing small suppliers with a few major distributors.
  • Boosted social media engagement by 357% by creating valuable content, helping the marketing team achieve one of its goals.
  • Reinforced the strict implementation of the company’s SOPs, which helped reduce failure costs caused by defective products by 13%.
  • Implemented Scrum within the department, reducing backlogs by 25% and increasing productivity by 37%.

Frequently Asked Questions

Try using these action words instead of “assist” when writing your resume. • Furthered • Helped • Lifted • Implemented • Performed

When writing your resume, use the strong synonyms for “assist” to describe your contributions and support more clearly. Here are examples: • Supported • Aided • Scheduled • Expedited • Initiated

Make sure your resume contains the strongest and most relevant power words by using Jobscan’s resume scanner . This AI-powered software tells you what words to should include on your resume and lists expert tips on how to optimize your resume and make your application stand out.

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Bam Adebayo Tweets One-Word Message of Support for A'ja Wilson in WNBA MVP Race

Liam mckeone | 5 hours ago.

Wilson and the Las Vegas Aces are second in the Western Conference as the playoffs approach

  • Las Vegas Aces

As the WNBA season winds down, A'ja Wilson is putting a capper on another absolutely stellar season for the Las Vegas Aces. It may very well be her best yet, in fact. The two-time MVP is putting up career-high numbers nearly across the board, averaging 27.3 points and 11.9 rebounds per game. The wins have accompanied the big numbers, as the Aces find themselves second in the West with four games to go in the regular season and are well-positioned to defend their title.

While there are a few games left before votes must be cast, it certainly feels like it's Wilson and then everybody else in the WNBA MVP race. She's in pole position to take home her third trophy.

On Wednesday night she broke the league's single-season scoring record . And then she appeared to receive a message of support from Miami Heat center Bam Adebayo.

"U'nanimous," Adebayo tweeted on Thursday.

U’nanimous. — 13am Adebayo (@Bam1of1) September 12, 2024

Wilson was recently introduced as a "guest" of Adebayo's when he received the key to the city from the mayor of Miami-Dade.

Wilson leads the league in points per game, blocks per game, and most counting stats like total points, defensive rebounds, field goals, and free throws. It's been a dominant 2024 for the Aces superstar, no two ways about it.

The next Vegas game is Friday against Caitlin Clark and the Indiana Fever.

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Liam McKeone


Liam McKeone is a senior writer for the Breaking and Trending News team at Sports Illustrated. He has been in the industry as a content creator since 2017, and prior to joining SI in May 2024, McKeone worked for NBC Sports Boston and The Big Lead. In addition to his work as a writer, he has hosted the Press Pass Podcast covering sports media and The Big Stream covering pop culture. A graduate of Fordham University, he is always up for a good debate and enjoys loudly arguing about sports, rap music, books and video games. McKeone has been a member of the National Sports Media Association since 2020.

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Chappell Roan's three-word response to rude photographer at VMAs

Holly Patrick | Thursday 12 September 2024 11:25 BST

Chappell Roan’s three-word response to rude photographer at VMAs

Chappell Roan responded to a photographer who said "shut the f*** up" on the MTV Video Music Awards ( VMAs ) black carpet on Wednesday night (11 September).

The “Good Luck, Babe!” singer, 26, had been posing for photographs with a prop medieval sword before her performance when she heard the remark and snapped back.

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Non-doms, ghost-doms and tax loopholes of the elite

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Viggo Mortensen on the role that got away

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Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt pick their go-to karaoke songs

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Lemoncello perform ‘Old Friend’ in Music Box session

Lemoncello perform ‘Old Friend’ in Music Box session

Lemoncello perform ‘Sunflower’ in Music Box session

Lemoncello perform ‘Sunflower’ in Music Box session

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Boston trio Tiny Habits perform ‘Mudroom’ in Music Box session

Boston trio Tiny Habits perform ‘Mudroom’ in Music Box session

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The splendour along Lake Geneva as Montreux Jazz Festival plays

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Alaska Airlines pilot recalls moment door plug blew off aircraft

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Cannabis grower throws soil at police as officers break into farm

Sub-postmaster gives scathing scandal update during NTAs speech

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8ft alligator found on resident’s front doorstep wrestled by police

8ft alligator found on resident’s front doorstep wrestled by police

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump reunite after debate at 9/11 memorial

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump reunite after debate at 9/11 memorial

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Dresden bridge collapses into river, wiping out city hot water supply

Dresden bridge collapses into river, wiping out city hot water supply

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Listen: Racing commentator John Hunt returns to work

Harry Kane awarded golden cap - but it all gets too much for his son

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‘What if I wasn’t Tyreek Hill?’: NFL star reflects on traffic stop

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Greece shuts down Acropolis as temperatures hit almost 40 degrees

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Eerie tornado sirens ring through downtown Chicago

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Googlebox stars stuck in Jamaica as Hurricane Beryl makes landfall

Damaged boats sink in port after Hurricane Beryl lashes Barbados

Damaged boats sink in port after Hurricane Beryl lashes Barbados

Northern California wildfire forces thousands to evacuate

Northern California wildfire forces thousands to evacuate

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Beaming King Charles shares ‘healing hug’ with New Zealand rugby team

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‘Childless cat lady’ Taylor Swift names as many cat breeds as she can

‘Childless cat lady’ Taylor Swift names as many cat breeds as she can

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Place in the Sun host issues warning to dog owners after tragic death

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David Beckham falls for Emmy’s prank as son Romeo shares funny video

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resume support synonym

Saudi Cup: ‘A true display of horsemanship’, says Prince Bandar

Princess Nourah praises young fashion designers on show at Saudi Cup

Princess Nourah praises young fashion designers on show at Saudi Cup

Andrew Strauss says Saudi is an eye opener

Andrew Strauss says Saudi is an eye opener

Saudi Arabia is ‘pushing limits’ of fashion creativity

Saudi Arabia is ‘pushing limits’ of fashion creativity

Saudi Cup could become ‘the best race in the world’

Saudi Cup could become ‘the best race in the world’

Horseracing chiefs praise Saudi Cup

Horseracing chiefs praise Saudi Cup

Saudi will become a ‘worldwide, year-long’ horseracing destination

Saudi will become a ‘worldwide, year-long’ horseracing destination

Arabian horses ‘big part’ of global racing culture, says Damien Oliver

Arabian horses ‘big part’ of global racing culture, says Damien Oliver

Galaxy the ripple effect.

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Ebony Rainford-Brent MBE on the imposter syndrome epidemic

Finance coach Ellie Austin-Williams on the psychology of money

Finance coach Ellie Austin-Williams on the psychology of money

Ebony Rainford-Brent MBE on how to tackle imposter syndrome

Ebony Rainford-Brent MBE on how to tackle imposter syndrome

Simple ways to boost your money situation with Ellie Austin-Williams

Simple ways to boost your money situation with Ellie Austin-Williams

E.on next power switch.

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Episode One - Cooking

Episode Two - Entertainment

Episode Two - Entertainment

Episode Three - Body Care

Episode Three - Body Care

Episode Four - Lighting

Episode Four - Lighting

Big in america.

resume support synonym

Can Willsow’s children’s books pique the interest of the US market?

Will the founders of Spice Kitchen be able to find US retailers?

Will the founders of Spice Kitchen be able to find US retailers?

Co-founders of See.Sense bring their cycle safe tech to New York City

Co-founders of See.Sense bring their cycle safe tech to New York City

Collctiv fintech founder Amy Whitell tries to crack the US tech market

Collctiv fintech founder Amy Whitell tries to crack the US tech market

The maritime tech guru taking high-speed ferries across the Atlantic

The maritime tech guru taking high-speed ferries across the Atlantic

Saudi green initiative.

resume support synonym

Saudi government doesn’t ‘pay lip service’ on climate action

SGI ‘seems like a nest of harmony’, journalist says

SGI ‘seems like a nest of harmony’, journalist says

SGI ambitions are ‘extremely high’, says Saudi climate envoy

SGI ambitions are ‘extremely high’, says Saudi climate envoy

Saudi Green Initiative aims to ‘not just preserve, but create’

Saudi Green Initiative aims to ‘not just preserve, but create’

Expert explains how ‘blended finance’ can help achieve net zero

Expert explains how ‘blended finance’ can help achieve net zero

SGI can be a ‘catalyst’ for Saudi Arabia, head of SABB says

SGI can be a ‘catalyst’ for Saudi Arabia, head of SABB says

Kaust professor ‘inspired’ by Saudi efforts to save coral reefs

Kaust professor ‘inspired’ by Saudi efforts to save coral reefs

Watch in full: Day two of the Saudi Green Initiative Forum

Watch in full: Day two of the Saudi Green Initiative Forum

Royal Commission of AlUla

Gérard Mestrallet on the challenges of bringing infrastructure to the region of AlUla

Sir George Iacobescu, chairman of the Canary Wharf Group on the investment into the historic region of AlUla

Sir George Iacobescu, chairman of the Canary Wharf Group on the investment into the historic region of AlUla

Oliver Ripley of sustainable hotel group Habitas talks about how AlUla challenged his preconceptions of Saudi Arabia

Oliver Ripley of sustainable hotel group Habitas talks about how AlUla challenged his preconceptions of Saudi Arabia

Thomas Kaplan of wild cat conservation charity Panthera on the mission to save the Arabian Leopard

Thomas Kaplan of wild cat conservation charity Panthera on the mission to save the Arabian Leopard

How AlUla’s sustainability plan will stand the test of time - webinar

How AlUla’s sustainability plan will stand the test of time - webinar

Discover AlUla: The Journey Through Time

Discover AlUla: The Journey Through Time

AlUla Oasis View Trail

AlUla Oasis View Trail

Stargazing Experience

Stargazing Experience


  1. 100+ Synonyms for "Support" with Examples

    resume support synonym

  2. Support Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    resume support synonym

  3. 10 Good Synonyms for "Maintain" on a Resume

    resume support synonym

  4. Support Synonym Resume

    resume support synonym

  5. Synonyms for Resumes & Cover Letters

    resume support synonym

  6. Learn English Synonyms: Support Words List

    resume support synonym


  1. Support Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    Our team's compiled the most effective action verbs and synonyms you can use instead of the overused resume phrase, " Support ". A great indicator that you are a team player is when you provide 'Support.'. This is important because team members need to be able to rely on each other, and they must be able to trust their colleagues' abilities.

  2. Synonyms for "Support" To Use on a Resume

    Problem-solving-focused support synonyms. Here's an example of problem-solving-focused support synonyms on a resume: Experience Customer Service Specialist | January 2021-April 2023. Typhoon Records | Nashville, Tennessee. Answered over a dozen calls a day to advise customers on their questions and recommend solutions.

  3. The 6 Best Resume Synonyms for Support [Examples + Data]

    Best Resume Synonyms for Support. Assist. Offer help, guidance, or support to ease the completion of tasks. Helped. Assisted or supported others in achieving tasks or goals. Aided. Extended help or assistance, supporting someone in achieving their objectives. Supported.

  4. The Best Synonyms for Common Resume Verbs & Adjectives

    Example: Evaluated market trends and competitor strategies to identify key insights, informing strategic decision-making and achieving a competitive edge.. Synonyms for your resume introduction. A resume introduction is a short paragraph at the top of your resume that summarizes your key qualifications as a candidate.. A strong resume introduction sells your candidacy by targeting the job ...

  5. 137 Action Verbs and Power Words To Use on Your Resume

    With action words: "Responsible for" becomes "Improved…". "Worked with" becomes "Collaborated on a team that..". "In charge of" becomes "Directed 20 employees to…". Rather than describe your job, resume action verbs paint a vivid picture of your expertise and professional wins. Pro tip: Try to switch up your power ...

  6. Synonyms For Common Resume Power Verbs

    Synonyms for Learned on your resume. A commitment to learning isn't just an important aspect of professional development — it's also a key skill for jobs involving research and analysis. Try using synonyms like: Attained. Mastered. Discovered. Identified. Studied. Trained.

  7. 500 Synonyms for Common Resume Power Verbs

    To help you find just the right word to use on your resume, we've divided our list of synonyms into the following categories: Synonyms for Assisted. Synonyms for Managed. Synonyms for Developed. Synonyms for Created. Synonyms for Helped. Synonyms for Worked With. Synonyms for Led. Synonyms for Responsible For.

  8. Supported Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    The word supported indicates that you were able to help your team or project succeed by adding value to it. But, it's a problem to use in your resume because it is vague—it can be hard to tell exactly what you did. In your resume, you should focus on your skills and how you can apply them to the job you're applying for.

  9. The 6 Best Resume Synonyms for Supported [Examples + Data]

    Best Resume Synonyms for Supported. Assisted. Actively helped or supported someone in a particular endeavor or task. Helped. Assisted or supported others in achieving tasks or goals. Aided. Extended help or assistance, supporting someone in achieving their objectives. Collaborate.

  10. 9 Good Synonyms for "Support" on a Resume

    1. Assist. "Assist" is a great resume word for "support.". It's often overlooked initially, but it shouldn't be. The more assistance you give in the workplace, the more helpful and diligent you are. It's good to have these qualities, regardless of the job you apply for. Therefore, we recommend including "assist" as a formal ...

  11. The 6 Best Resume Synonyms for Help [Examples + Data]

    Assisted, backed, or facilitated someone or a task to achieve outcomes. Aided. Extended help or assistance, supporting someone in achieving their objectives. Contributed. Provided resources, ideas, or time to aid a collective endeavor. Cooperated. Actively worked in harmony with others for a shared purpose. Facilitated.

  12. 25 Words to Take Your Résumé to the Next Level

    Here are 15 examples of power words and phrases you should avoid. These words either are overused or have become buzzwords that repel hiring managers. 1 Hardworking. 2 Team player. 3 Detail-oriented. 4 Results-driven. 5 Self-motivated. 6 Excellent communication skills. 7 Dynamic.

  13. Resume Verbs

    Below you will find a list of verbs and their synonym (verbs with a similar meaning). It is also helpful to have an online thesaurus opened in a window, which can help you build more vibrant statements. Resume Power Verbs A through H

  14. 37 Stronger Synonyms for "Helped" to Use on Your Resume

    37 Stronger Synonyms for "Helped" to Use on Your Resume. The word "helped" means that you provided support toward the accomplishment of a goal. Highlighting projects where you gave support, as well as goals that you assisted others in achieving, is a great way to showcase not just your skills, but also your ability to work positively ...

  15. The Best Synonyms for "Assisted" to Use on Your Resume

    Here is a list of synonyms for the word "assisted" that you can add to your resume. Resume synonyms for Assisted: The average salary range for healthcare recruiters is between $58,000 and $88,000, ... Enabled customer success by providing support and resolving 85% of complex customer inquiries within 24 hours.

  16. 20 Most Effective "Effective" Synonyms for Your Resume

    Want to learn more about writing a resume? Visit this guide: How to Write a Resume in 2024. Top 20 Synonyms for "Effective" on a Resume. The word "effective" is an adjective describing your abilities. Here are 20 "effective" synonyms that are adjectives as well. : Efficient; Productive; Successful; Powerful; Capable; Competent; Skillful ...

  17. Action Verbs To Boost Your Résumé

    Writing a topnotch résumé is all about choosing the right words. Here's a comprehensive list of the most effective action verbs to include in your résumé.

  18. "Provide" Synonyms in Resumes: Employers Prefer These Words

    How to mention "provide" synonyms in your resume In specific areas of your resume, you may include these synonyms in different ways. Here are some strategies and examples: Summary or objective statement Incorporate your synonyms in your professional summary or objective to gain your reader's attention and highlight your value proposition.

  19. The 6 Best Resume Synonyms for Supportive [Examples + Data]

    Best Resume Synonyms for Supportive. Actively helped or supported someone in a particular endeavor or task. Actively worked alongside others to achieve a shared outcome or project. Assisted or supported others in achieving tasks or goals. Extended help or assistance, supporting someone in achieving their objectives.

  20. PDF Synonyms for Words Commonly used in Resumes

    Synonyms for Words Commonly used in Resumes ability aptitude capability adopt use utilize employ apply ... resume persevere persist adhere to cooperate collaborate contribute to support develop originate create derive cause effect generate bring about result in give rise to design ...

  21. Customer Support Representative Resume Examples

    Good example: "I am an experienced customer support representative with 5+ years of experience providing excellent customer service. I have a proven track record of resolving customer inquiries quickly and efficiently, with a 90% customer satisfaction rate.

  22. How to Make a Resume in Microsoft Word: A Step-by-Step Guide Finding

    One of the easiest ways to get started is by using a resume template. Microsoft Word offers a variety of pre-designed templates that are both professional and visually appealing. How to Find a Template. 1. Open Word: Start Word and select "New" from the menu. 2. Search for Resume Templates: In the search bar at the top of the window, type ...

  23. Help Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    Our team's compiled the most effective action verbs and synonyms you can use instead of the overused resume phrase, " Help ". Compiled by: Kimberley Tyler-Smith. Senior Hiring Manager. 20+ Years of Experience. When a recruiter sees the word 'help' in your resume, it indicates that you are willing to take on more responsibility and make yourself ...

  24. How to Build a Standout Resume for Technical Support Careers

    In today's competitive job market, creating a resume that catches the eye of hiring managers is crucial, especially in the technical support industry. Whether you're an entry-level candidate or a seasoned professional, your resume needs to showcase your skills, experiences, and ability to solve technical problems effectively. Crafting a standout resume for technical support careers […]

  25. "Helped" Resume Synonyms: Employers Prefer These Words

    Here are 15 examples of synonyms for the word "helped" that may be better alternatives for your resume with a brief definition of each: Collaborated: Worked together as a team, combining efforts and skills. Assisted: Provided support and aid to your team or during a project. Supported: Offered assistance or resources that provided value.

  26. Best Resume Synonyms for Assist

    In your resume, you should highlight your willingness to support and collaborate with your colleagues, which improves the team's morale, engagement, and productivity. And these are what employers want! To make your application stronger, we recommend that you use powerful resume synonyms for "assist" and use the past tense.

  27. Bam Adebayo Tweets One-Word Message of Support for A'ja Wilson in WNBA

    And then she appeared to receive a message of support from Miami Heat center Bam Adebayo. "U'nanimous," Adebayo tweeted on Thursday. U'nanimous. — 13am Adebayo (@Bam1of1) ...

  28. Introducing Amazon EKS support in Amazon SageMaker HyperPod

    Training job resiliency with the job auto resume functionality - In this section, we demonstrate how scientists can submit and manage their distributed training jobs using either the native Kubernetes CLI (kubectl) or optionally the new HyperPod CLI (hyperpod) with automatic job recovery enabled. Overview of EKS support in SageMaker HyperPod

  29. Chappell Roan's three-word response to rude photographer at VMAs

    Chappell Roan responded to a photographer who said "shut the f*** up" on the MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs) black carpet on Wednesday night (11 September). The "Good Luck, Babe!" singer, 26 ...