japan mext phd scholarship


2025 university recommended japanese government (mext) scholarship – general.

In the scheme of the MEXT Scholarship with University Recommendation, each Japanese university will conduct the preliminary selection and recommend their candidates to MEXT. All prospective applicants’ first contact must be the university/graduate school where they wish to study.

Last updated: July 24, 2024

1. Qualifications and Conditions

Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo accepts applications from international students for study in Japan who satisfy the following qualifications and conditions. Its aim is to foster human resources who will become bridges of friendship between the recipient’s country and Japan through study in Japan and who will contribute to the development of both countries and the wider world.

(1) Number of Places

The number of applicants to be nominated by the Graduate School of Science to the University of Tokyo, as well as the number to be subsequently nominated by the University of Tokyo to MEXT, shall be finalized after the application period has closed. In the last round (application for 2024 entrance) each Graduate School was allowed to nominate at most one applicant, and the University of Tokyo was allowed to nominate at most three applicants to MEXT.

(2) Eligibility

International students with outstanding academic records (*1) who wish to enter Japan in October, 2025 as a new student (*2) to study in the Master's or Doctoral Program at the Graduate School of Science. Additionally, applicants who have completed their admission application for entering the Master’s/Doctoral Program following the “ Instructions for International Students applying to the Graduate School of Science (Special Selection for International Applicants)”

(*1)   Applicants who have already graduated from their latest degree program should have a final grade point of 2.30 or higher, while current students should have a grade point of 2.30 or higher for their current courses, and both should be expected to maintain the same academic standards during the course of the scholarship program. * Grade points shall be calculated according to a formula specified by MEXT. Furthermore, students must meet one of the criteria given under " (7) Language Proficiency " given below. (*2)   Please refer to (11) Non-eligibility 5. to confirm your eligibility.

(3) Nationality

Applicants must have the nationality of a country with diplomatic relations with the Japanese government. Applicants who have Japanese nationality at the time of application are ineligible. However, Japanese nationals that reside outside of Japan at the time of application, holding dual nationality with another country, and plan to renounce their Japanese nationality before arrival (equivalent to the time when they enroll as a student at a Japanese university), may apply.

In principle, applicants must be born on or after April 2, 1990.

(5) Academic background

Applicants must have the necessary qualifications to be admitted to the Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo as a Master's or a Doctoral Program student.

(6) Field of Study

Applicants should apply for the field of study that they studied at their previous university or a related field. Applicants should select a field that they are able to research at their chosen host university in Japan.

(7) Language Proficiency

Applicants must meet one of the language requirements in either English or in Japanese as described below:

  • Holds an English proficiency test score equivalent to B2 or above on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) scale (e.g. TOEFL iBT 72 or above, IELTS 5.5 or above). * To see what counts as "B2 or above on the CEFR scale", please refer to the CEFR Equivalency Chart.: To see the CEFR Equivalency Chart, please click here.
  • Has completed an educational program whose primary language of instruction is English that satisfies the entrance requirements to the Master's Program or Doctoral Program at the Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo.
  • Has passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) with a score of N2 or higher.
  • Has completed an educational program whose primary language of instruction is Japanese that satisfies the entrance requirements to the Master's Program or Doctoral Program at the Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo.

Applicants must be physically and mentally healthy enough to pursue their studies in Japan.

(9) Arrival in Japan

Applicants must, in principle, be able to arrive in Japan by a date specified by the accepting university which in principle shall be within two weeks before or after the first day of the semester (October 1) in the year specified by the accepting university.

If applicants cannot arrive in Japan by the date specified, they must withdraw their application unless under unavoidable circumstances as deemed by MEXT. Furthermore, if applicants travel outside of the period specified above due to personal reasons, the cost of travel will not be paid.

(10) Visa Requirements

An applicant shall, in principle, newly obtain a “Student” visa at the overseas establishment of Japan located in the applicant’s country of nationality and enter Japan with the residence status of “Student”. If the applicant lives in Japan exceptionally under a residence status other than “Student” before acceptance, the applicant must change his/her status to “Student” by the end of the previous month before the installment of scholarship payment. Please be aware that even if the applicant applies for the permanent-resident or long-term resident status of residence after the expiration of the status as a Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship student, the possibility exists that the application may not be approved. Moreover, as the Japanese government requires pre-arrival tuberculosis screening for some countries, applicants obtaining a visa shall follow guidance at the overseas establishment of Japan located in the applicant’s country of nationality.

(11) Non-eligibility

Applicants in the following categories are ineligible for the Japanese Government (MEXT) scholarship. They must decline the scholarship offer if they are found to fall under any one of the following criteria upon their selection.

  • An active member of the military or a civilian employed by the military.
  • An applicant who is unable to travel to Japan within the period designated by MEXT or the University of Tokyo.
  • those who have at least three years of educational or work experience following the end of the payment of the previous scholarship and the start of this scholarship;
  • the past recipients of Japanese Studies Students program who have graduated or are going to graduate from universities in their home countries, Japan-Korea Joint Government Scholarship Program for the Students in Science and Engineering Departments and Young Leaders’ Program;
  • those who have obtained or are expected to obtain a degree as undergraduate students of the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship programs (university recommendation/special selection).
  • An applicant who is also applying for a Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship for another AY2025 program.
  • An applicant who is residing in Japan.
  • An applicant who is planning to receive scholarship money from an organization other than MEXT (including a government organization of the applicant’s country) on top of the scholarship money provided by MEXT after the start of the scholarship payment (the acquisition of student status).
  • An applicant who is "expected to graduate by the entrance date" at the time of application but then cannot provide proof of completing a degree by the designated deadline.
  • A Japanese national who has dual nationality with another country, and is not able to provide proof of relinquishing Japanese nationality by the day of arrival.
  • An applicant who is, as of the time of application, planning a long period of fieldwork or internship in a country other than Japan or a long-term leave of absence, etc.
  • Those who do not intend to go on to regular (degree-seeking) programs
  • Those who do not plan on pursuing further academic degrees.

(12) Other Provisions

While they are studying in Japan, applicants are expected, as someone who will contribute to the globalization of Japan, to broadly participate in regional schools and activities to contribute towards the mutual understanding between their home country and Japan. Furthermore, they are expected to maintain a close link with the universities they studied at even after they have graduated and cooperate in various manners, such as answering questionnaires etc. Also, on returning to their home country, they must take part in the various activities organized by the Japanese government's missions overseas to enhance the relationship between Japan and their home country.

2. Period of Scholarships

(1)For a recipient who will enroll in a Master's Program or Doctoral Program, the scholarship will be payable for the standard period of time necessary for the recipient to complete his or her program (standard course term), starting from October 2025.

  • Master's Program = October, 2025 - September, 2027 (2years)
  • Doctoral Program = October, 2025 - September, 2028 (3years)

(2)Extension of the Scholarship Period

If a recipient in the Master's Program desires to proceed to the Doctoral Program, the period of the scholarship may be extended upon rigorous examination by MEXT, provided that the student has achieved outstanding academic performance that meets certain criteria. Please note that not all applicants will automatically be given an extension for scholarship, and that you should be aware of further reservations listed below;

  • For the extension of the scholarship period to be approved, the recipient's application for extension must be accepted as well as the recipient passing the entrance examination to the graduate school of their choice and accepting their enrollment as regular (degree-seeking) student.
  • The scholarship will be terminated if a recipient proceeds to another academic program without receiving permission for and extension of the scholarship (Note: it is possible for students to progress by becoming self-supported international students).
  • Entering a graduate school of another university is not allowed when moving up to the Doctoral Program from a Master's program. (However, entering a graduate school of another university as a self-supporting student is permitted.)

3. Scholarship Benefits

(1) allowance.

The amounts of monthly stipend for AY2025 have yet to be determined. As an example, the monthly amounts for AY2024 will be presented below. (These amounts are subject to change depending on the size of the annual fiscal budget each year, commodity prices, etc.)

AY2024 actual amounts

144,000 yen/month (for a student of a Master's Program), or 145,000 yen/month (for a student of a Doctoral Program) (an additional monthly stipend of 2,000 or 3,000 yen may be added to those students undertaking study or research in some designated regions of the country).

The scholarship will not be paid to a recipient during a leave of absence or a long absence from his or her university.

(2) Traveling Costs

[1]transportation to japan:.

MEXT will stipulate the travel schedule and route, and provide an airline ticket. The airline ticket will be an economy-class ticket for the flight from the international airport closest to the recipient’s residence (in principle, the country of nationality) to an international airport in Japan used on the normal route to the accepting university. The recipient shall bear at their own expense all costs related to domestic travel from the recipient’s residence to the nearest international airport, airport taxes, airport usage fees, special taxes necessary for travel, travel expenses within Japan (including airline transit costs), travel insurance expenses, carry-on luggage or unaccompanied baggage expenses, etc. The recipient shall also bear at their own expense travel and lodging costs incurred in a third country if the recipient must travel to a third country before coming to Japan for visa purposes because there are no Japanese diplomatic missions in their country, and the Japanese diplomatic mission is closed in their country, or if there are no direct flights from the recipient’s country of residence to Japan. MEXT will provide an economy-class airline ticket from the recipient’s country of residence to the said third country, and from the third country to an international airport in Japan used on the normal route to the accepting university.

In principle, the address given in the space for “Your address before departure for Japan” on the application form shall be recognized as the “residence”, and the airline ticket will be arranged for a flight from the international airport nearest to that address. Except for cases when the recipient must travel to a third country to obtain a visa, MEXT will not provide an airline ticket for cases of travel to Japan from a country other than the recipient’s country of residence due to the recipient’s personal circumstances.

[2]Transportation from Japan:

In principle, MEXT will issue airline tickets to recipients who return to their home country within the final month of the scholarship period as specified in "2. Period of Scholarship" above upon application following their graduation from university.

Recipients will be provided with an economy class air ticket for a flight from Narita or Haneda International Airport (or an international airport the recipient's university normally uses) to the international airport closest to their place of return (in principle, within their home country). Please be aware that costs incurred for transportation from the recipient's residence to the nearest international airport in Japan; airport tax and surcharges; other special local taxes incurred when travelling; local travel expenses within Japan (including any costs if transferring by air); insurance premiums for travel to Japan; sending baggage as well as unaccompanied baggage; are the sole responsibility of the recipient.

Recipients who return to their home country before the end of the scholarship period for personal reasons or because of items as stipulated in 4. Suspension of Scholarship Payment below will not be provided with return airfare.

Traveling expenses will not be included in the travel allowance if a recipient decides to remain in Japan (for example; continuing the education at a higher level or entering employment in Japan) after the period of scholarship ends and temporarily leaves Japan.

(3) School Fees

Enrollment and Tuition fees will be exempted.

(4) Suspension of Scholarship Payment

The scholarship will be cancelled in the following cases. If a recipient receives the scholarship even though he or she is judged ineligible due to one of the following cases, the recipient may be ordered to return all or a part of scholarship money received. Please note that payment of the scholarship may be stopped during the time while decision is being made on the disciplinary action.

  • If any portion of the recipient's application documents is found to be false or wrongly stated.
  • If a recipient is in breach of his or her pledge made to the Minister of MEXT (Monbukagakusho).
  • Given life or more than one year of imprisonment with or without hard labor having been convicted of breaking the law in Japan.
  • If a recipient is punished by expulsion, suspension, admonishment, or any other similar disciplinary action, in accordance with the university rules.
  • If a student is deemed not to be able to complete the program within the standard duration due to unacceptable academic performance, student's suspension or student's leave of absence.
  • If a recipient does not obtain a new "Student" status before arriving in Japan or the recipient's resident status of "Student" changes to any other status.
  • If a recipient receives another scholarship (except for a scholarship designated for research expenses).
  • If a recipient proceeds to a higher academic program without obtaining permission to extend the scholarship period from MEXT.
  • If a recipient leaves the host university or is transferred to another graduate school.

4. Application & Screening

(1) application documents.

1) Application form (must be in double-sided print)

* Note that applicants may be required to submit the original application form in January 2025.
2) Field of Study and Research Plan
3) Letter of recommendation from "dean or above"
* This letter must fulfill all of the following conditions: . Digital signature is not acceptable.
4) Passport-type photo taken within the last 6 months (4.5 x 3.5 cm, upper-body, full-faced, without a cap)
Write name and nationality on the back and glue it to the application form. A photo in electronic data format is acceptable.
5) An official transcript from the last university/graduate school attended (at undergraduate or graduate level).
If you are currently enrolled in a university (at undergraduate or graduate level), please submit an official transcript of the last degree program (Bachelor's, Master's, or PhD) that you have attended, as well as an official transcript of your current degree program.
You must also submit (an) official document(s) that specifies and explains the grading system(s) if it is not indicated in your transcript(s).
6) Proof of language ability certifying that one of the Language Proficiency conditions apply
(for example, a TOEFL, IELTS or JLPT score report or a language of education certificate from your previous university)
* See 1. Qualifications
7) Abstract of graduation thesis(should be concise and to the point) 1
8) Official statement of (expected) graduation of the last university attended.
* If you will graduate from your current program after submitting your MEXT application, you must submit an official statement provided by your university that indicates the date of your expected graduation.
9) A copy of the student's passport (The page with photo) 1

Application Instructions

  • Applicants must submit the required documents for MEXT Scholarship after completing their admission application for entering the Master's/Doctoral Program, following the " Instructions for International Students applying to the Graduate School of Science (Special Selection for International Applicants) ".
  • These documents must be written in either Japanese or English. They must be created in A4 format using software such as MS Word and must be printed double-sided (duplex printing). A document written in any other language must be accompanied with a Japanese translation.
  • Submitted documents will not be returned.
  • An application passed the submission deadline is not acceptable.
  • An application will not be considered unless all application forms and necessary documents are completed correctly and all accompanying documents are complete.
  • In some countries, a graduation certificate and other documents are issued by a government administrative office. In this case, the University of Tokyo may need to confirm with a student's previous university that the certificate issued contains no erroneous information.

(2) Nomination Process

After nomination by the Graduate School of Science, nominees for the MEXT selection will be decided in a selection process for the entire University of Tokyo. After the University of Tokyo nominates its candidates, the grantees will be decided upon screening at MEXT.

5. Application Period

From October 10 to October 31, 2024, Japan Standard Time The electronic application must be submitted within the application period.

6. Application Submission Method & Contact Address

Applicants must submit the required documents to apply for the MEXT Scholarship after applying for admission to the Graduate School of Science (Master's/Doctoral Program). For an application to count, both MEXT scholarship application as well as the Graduate School of Science admission application must be completed before the application deadline through the respective online forms.

Electronic Application

To submit the electronic application, applicants must upload all application documents through the designated application form, as instructed below, before the application deadline. Note that other forms of submission such as via email will not be accepted.

Complete your electronic application through the online application below, following all of the following instructions:

  • You must scan in each item of the application documents listed in 4 (1) and upload it in the file format designated in the application form (such as PDF).
  • Upload all of your application documents and submit your electronic application before the application deadline: Online Form for MEXT Electronic Application
  • Be sure to check the contents of the automated email that you receive upon submitting your electronic application.

7. Notification

The result will be notified to applicants according to the following schedule.

Notification of Nominees

The nominees selected by the Graduate School of Science will be notified by e-mail in mid-February, 2025. The unsuccessful candidates are also notified by e-mail.

The nominees selected at the University of Tokyo selection stage will be further notified by e-mail in April 2025. The candidates found unsuccessful at this stage are also notified by e-mail.

Official Notification of Grantees

On receipt of the official announcement of the decision by MEXT, the grantees will be notified in June, 2025(tentative). The unsuccessful nominees will also be notified.

[ Inquiry about the result ]

International Team, Academic Affairs Group, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo


  • The recipient of this scholarship is guaranteed a room in the University of Tokyo International Lodge (furnished room with a rent of approximately 50,000 yen/month (Kashiwa), 60,000 yen/month (Komaba)) for the first one year (a student whose laboratory is located in Hongo Campus=Komaba Lodge, a student whose laboratory is located in Kashiwa Campus=Kashiwa Lodge).
  • This application will close before MEXT announces its Application Guidelines for Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship 2025 by University Recommendation〔General Application〕. As such, details including but not limited to the result notification schedule are subject to change.
  • In the event of unavoidable or unforeseen circumstances, the Japanese Government reserves the right to change or cancel the arrival date, scholarship, and contents of the application guidelines here within, at any time before or after notification of the results of the final selection. Unavoidable circumstances are defined as events whose effects could not reasonably be prevented or controlled by MEXT or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (including embassies and consulate generals of Japan) including but not limited to acts of God, acts of government (including local government, hereafter referred to as government), acts of government authorities (including limitations on travel or immigration enacted by the Japanese government or other foreign countries’ government due to occurrence of infectious disease), compliance with law, regulations or orders, fire, flooding and torrential rain, earthquakes, acts of war (with or without a declaration of war), revolts, revolutions or rebellions, strikes, or lockouts.
  • If an applicant is judged not to meet the conditions for landing in Japan, they may be rejected.
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Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship

This is a program through which students are able to study at a Japanese university with a scholarship from the Japanese government, specifically the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho (MEXT)). Through this program, UTokyo only accepts students as "Research students" and "Undergraduate students". For details, be sure to refer to the Application Guideline corresponding to the year for which you are applying. References: Information on the MEXT Scholarship (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan) (Mostly in Japanese / Application Guidelines also available in English) https://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/koutou/ryugaku/06032818.htm

1. Category 1) Research student: Master's, Doctorate and Professional Degree Programs (regular graduate student) or graduate international research student. 2) Undergraduate student: Regular undergraduate student(*) (*)Each undergraduate student will be enrolled at a preparatory school designated by MEXT for a one-year intensive course in the Japanese language and other subjects necessary for preparation for proceeding to university.  The preparatory course lasts for one year. A grantee who has completed the preparatory education will go on to a university designated by MEXT upon passing its entrance examination.   The university whose examination a grantee will take is decided by MEXT in consultation with the university and the preparatory school and in comprehensive consideration of the results of the academic examinations in the primary screening held in his/her home country, academic achievement at the preparatory school, the grantee's proposed major subject, and the receiving capacity of the university. Therefore, please note that applicants who wish to enter UTokyo may not necessarily be able to take the entrance examinations for UTokyo. 2. Application Method Both of the 2 types below should be applied for before coming to Japan. 1) Embassy Recommendation Applications for this category are made directly through Japanese embassies or consular offices outside Japan.Scholarship recipients are recruited and initially screened by the Japanese embassy (or consulate general, depending on the country). Because the application process differs according to the country in which the Japanese embassy is located,please inquire at the Japanese embassy or consulate general in your country for details. Japanese Embassies and Consular Offices (MOFA) https://www.mofa.go.jp/about/emb_cons/over/index.html Applicants who have passed the preliminary examination conducted by their Japanese embassy or consular office and wish to enroll in UTokyo are required to contact the appropriate Graduate School concerned, to confirm the conditions and documentation needed to submit an application as the conditions vary depending on the Graduate School. Please use links below for contact details of the Graduate Schools of UTokyo. *Applicants should contact the Graduate School of their choice ONLY after they have passed the preliminary screening at the embassy of consular office. *If you require an acceptance letter, *please contact the department office in the contact information below (not your prospective host researchers): *Please note that some graduate shcools set their deadline for issuing an acceptance letter earlier than the designated deadline by MEXT.  Make sure to check the deadline from the website of the graduate school which you wish to enroll in. Link to "Contact Information of Graduate School" Link to "Special Notes for Applicants" 2) University Recommendation For this category, UTokyo selects and recommends research students directly to MEXT as candidates for the Japanese government scholarship. The majority of applicants will be international students on inter-university student exchange agreements. Since the period of application varies depending on the Graduate School, please contact the relevant department in the Graduate School of your choice. List of Graduate Schools

3. Other Information STUDY IN JAPAN (Japan Student Services Organization, JASSO) https://www.studyinjapan.go.jp/en/

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Kashiwa Campus

MEXT Scholarship 2025 (Fully Funded) Application Process

If you are looking to study in Japan then this is a very great scholarship for you. In this article, we will explain in details about the MEXT scholarship, its benefits and step by step application procedure.

MEXT Scholarship 2025-2026 is a fully funded scholarship for international students. This scholarship is available for undergraduate, masters, PhD and training studies. MEXT scholarship will cover tuition fee, accommodation, monthly living allowance and round airfare travel expenses from your country to Japan.

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan offers scholarships to international students who wish to study at Japanese universities as undergraduate or research (masters / PhD) students under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarships Program.

Normally the Application cycle of the MEXT Japanese Government Scholarship is announced in April. Knowledge of Japanese Language and IELTS/TOEFL is not mandatory for this scholarship. This is the Mext embassy recommended scholarship. You will apply through the Japanese embassy in your country.

Please Check: Chinese Government Scholarship for International Students .

MEXT Scholarship Summary

  • Level of Study: Undergraduate / Masters / PhD / Training
  • Institution(s): Japanese Universities
  • Study in: Japan
  • Courses Offered: All types of courses are offered in all Japanese Universities from Social Science to Engineering, Medical to Health, Arts, Humanities, etc. There are no academic field restrictions.
  • Program Period: Undergraduate: 4-5 Years, Masters: 2-3 Years, PhD: 3-4 Years
  • MEXT Scholarship Deadline: Varies from Embassy to Embassy (Click here to check deadlines)

MEXT Scholarship Coverage

MEXT Scholarship is a Fully Funded Scholarship for International Students to Study in Japan For Free. This scholarship will provide the recipient with the following benefits:

  • Allowances: Monthly Stipend Allowance, Preparatory Allowance (2024 Rate)
  • Education Fees: Fees for the Entrance Examination, Tuition Fee at Universities will be paid by MEXT.
  • Traveling Expenses: Transportation to Japan: MEXT will cover your Round Airfare Travel Expenses from your Country to Japan. The Airline ticket will be an Economy-class ticket for the flight.
  • Accommodations: Residence halls for international students provided by universities.

Please also check Netherlands Government Scholarship .

Eligibility Criteria for MEXT Scholarship 2025

To qualify for MEXT Scholarship, candidate must fulfill all of the following requirements below:

  • Required Language: English
  • Eligible Countries: All world countries
  • Applicants must have the nationality of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan.
  • An applicant who has Japanese nationality at the time of application is not eligible.
  • For Undergraduate Students: You must be at least 17 and under 25 years of age and have completed 12 years of school education or have completed courses in a school comparable to a high school (includes prospective graduates)
  • For Masters / PhD Students: You must be under 35 years of age and a college graduate (includes prospective graduates). Or you must have completed 16 years / 18 years of education.
  • For Teacher training students: You must be under 35 years of age and a graduate of a college or teacher training college. You must have at least five years of active experience as a teacher in a primary, secondary or teacher training college in your country.
  • For Japanese Study Students: Applicants must be from 18 to 30 years old. Applicants must be enrolled as undergraduate students in faculties or schools which major in Japanese language or Japanese culture in a university outside Japan at the time when they come to Japan and must be enrolled in the home institution at the time when they return to their home countries.

Also apply for: DAAD Scholarship for International Students .

How to Apply for MEXT Scholarship 2025?

Please follow the following application instructions to apply for MEXT Scholarship:

  • Find the Japanese Embassy or Consulate of your country from here.
  • Visit the website of Japanese Embassy of your country. Under the Education / Scholarship tab, you will find the MEXT scholarship.
  • Download the MEXT scholarship application form and fill it.
  • Submit the required documents (list given below) to Japanese Embassy of your country.
  • A written test will be conducted by the Japanese Embassy. Find Sample Written Test with Answers Here .
  • After that interviews of the candidates will be conducted.
  • The successful candidates will be informed through email or embassy website.

Don’t miss an opportunity! Follow us on Instagram.

Documents Required for MEXT Scholarship 202 5

(1) MEXT Scholarship Application form

(2) The highest degree verified with official stamps.

  • Bachelors program applicants: 12 Years of Education
  • Master’s program applicants: Bachelor’s degree
  • Ph.D. program applicants: Master’s degree Note: If the degree is not in English, a notarized copy of a translation in English is required.

(3) The highest degree Transcript verified with official stamps. (Including Grading system)

  • Master’s program applicants: Bachelor’s degree Transcripts
  • Ph.D. program applicants: Master’s degree Transcripts Note: If the diploma is not in English, a notarized copy of a translation in English or is required.

(4) Two recommendation letters : The letters of recommendation must be written by the applicant’s teachers/advisors/employers (who are able to evaluate your academic performance and research potential) in either English. (for research students)

(5) Passport Scan (if available at the time of application)

(6) Curriculum Vitae (CV) (for research students)

(7) Photographs

(8) Study plan / Statement of purpose . The study plan is written in English. Basic content shall include motivation of application, education/ research Background, and prospective study at APU. (for research students)

(9) English Language Proficiency Document: Those students whose language institute was in English can Submit English Proficiency Certificate from their Home University & they are exempted from Language Test.

(10) Academic thesis or relevant publications (for research students)

(11) Other reference documents (if applicable)

To know more about MEXT Scholarship, please visit official website:

Official Website

For more scholarships in Japan, click here .

16 thoughts on “MEXT Scholarship 2025 (Fully Funded) Application Process”

I am presently in china and I have an excellent academic report during my MBA studies. I am a Cameroonian. Can I apply for the government scholarship for a PhD. program in Japan?

Of course you can apply for this scholarship.

I am from Pakistan, can I apply for scholarship, my education is 12th in A1

Yes. You can apply. Good Luck!

Sir, I Pakistan nationality holder currently working in united Arab Emirates. May I apply from Japan embassy in UAE and do further procedure from uae.

You can apply from Japanese Embassy in UAE.

Is it possible for someone to apply directly to the university without going through embassy application?

Comments are closed.

Japanese Government Scholarship | APU Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

  • Cost & Scholarships
  • External Scholarships

MEXT University Recommendation (UR)

Mext (ur) scholarship.

To be considered for this scholarship, applicants must first apply to APU. APU will then select eligible candidates to recommend to the scholarship organization.

About the Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to outstanding international students who are recommended by APU. The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) provides this scholarship with the aim of enhancing the international competitiveness and promoting the active exchange of international students in Japanese universities.

APU Graduate School has numerous scholarship opportunities available at the time of application. Learn more about scholarships

Eligibility Requirements

  • 1. Intend to study abroad in Japan from overseas
  • 2. Be a national of a MEXT designated country
  • 3. Be born on or after April 2, 1990
  • 4. Have achieved a GPA of at least 2.30 on a 3.00 scale at their most recent university
  • Those who are serving on active military duty or civilians employed by the military at the time of application are not eligible for this scholarship.
  • Recipients must be able to arrive in Japan during the arrival period stipulated by APU.
  • Those who apply for this scholarship cannot have received a MEXT scholarship in the past unless they have more than 3 years of educational research experience after the final payment of the previous MEXT scholarship award.
  • Those who apply for this scholarship cannot be applying for another MEXT scholarship.
  • Recipients of this scholarship cannot receive a scholarship from another scholarship organization while studying at APU.
  • Recipients of this scholarship must have "student" as their status of residence (visa status) in Japan.
  • The score validity period requirement for the English Proficiency Test Score: Only scores of examinations taken on or after March 22, 2023 will be accepted.
  • Full admission fee
  • 100% of tuition (covered by the APU Tuition Reduction Scholarship)
  • 144,000 JPY per month for living expenses (amount subject to change)
  • Economy class air travel between the home country and APU at the beginning and end of the program

Application and Selection Process

  • 1. Submit the APU application by November 13, 2024 (for September 2025 Enrollment). April enrollment not available. Additional documents are not required to be considered for this scholarship.
  • 2. APU reviews application documents and selects outstanding candidates to recommend to MEXT.
  • 3. Applicants selected to be recommended for this scholarship are notified with their final APU application results.
  • 4. Selected applicants complete and submit additional MEXT application documents to APU.
  • 5. The final scholarship award results are decided by MEXT.

UNWTO.TedQual Certification

Financial Support 2024 Application Guidelines for MEXT Scholarship(International Priority Graduate Programs)

Scholarship, 1. enrollment date.

October 1, 2024

2. Scholarship benefits

  • Monthly scholarship amount* Master's course 144,000 yen Doctoral course 145,000 yen
  • Exemption of tuition and entrance fees
  • Travel expenses (limited to airfare) from their country to Japan will be provided upon acceptance.
  • Travel expenses (limited to airfare) to return to their country will be provided after completing the program.

* The amount is subject to change depending on the annual budget of the following year.

3. Scholarship term

Master's course From October 2024 to September 2026 Doctoral course From October 2024 to September 2027


Applicants must fulfill all of the following qualifications.

  • Applicants who have the nationality of a country which has diplomatic relations with Japan.
  • Applicants who will come to Japan in order to enter NAIST or those already staying in Japan.
  • Applicants who were born after April 2, 1989.
  • Applicants who have an excellent academic record. [For master's course applicants] They must have average grade points (*1) of 2.30 or higher for your bachelor's degree and are expected to maintain this points during the duration of the scholarship. [For doctoral course applicants] They must have average grade points (*1) of 2.30 or higher for your master's degree and are expected to maintain this points during the duration of the scholarship.
  • [For master's course applicants] a.  Applicants who have completed or will complete a 16-year school curriculum by September 30, 2024, or b.  Applicants who have been recognized by NAIST through Preliminary Screening of Applicant Suitability (*2) as having the academic ability equivalent or superior to the level of a bachelor's degree, and are 22 years old or older by the enrollment date.
  • [For doctoral course applicants] a.  Applicants who have a master's degree by September 30, 2024, or b.  Applicants who have been recognized by NAIST through Preliminary Screening of Applicant Suitability as having the academic ability equivalent or superior to the level of a master's degree, and are 24 years old or older by the enrollment date.
  • Applicants who have Japanese or English communication skills to undertake study and research at NAIST.

* For the average grade points calculation, please see the following page. http://www.naist.jp/en/international_students/prospective_students/financial_support/doc/calculation.pdf

Note: The following people are not eligible for the scholarship

  • Active military personnel or military civilian employees.
  • Those who have already accepted a scholarship from an organization other than MEXT (including the government of their country).
  • Those applying for this scholarship through other universities or applying for other support programs for international students from MEXT or Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO).


Please send the the following documents by email.

aApplication form

A full-faced photo without headwear (except religious), taken within the past 6 months. Put your digital photo in the photo box of the PDF form.

Write your name as it appears on your passport using all capital letters.

bField of Study and Research Plan

In "Field of study" section, you write the outline of your current research field.
In "Study program" section, you write your study plan after enrolling in NAIST.

cProof of citizenship A passport copy is preferable.
dAcademic transcript
eGraduation certificate or certificate of academic degree Must be issued by the last university attended.
If you are expected to graduate, you must submit a document certifying that you will graduate before September 30, 2024.
fEvaluation report on applicant (Any format is acceptable if it contains the same information.)
gLetter of recommendation (Any format is acceptable if it contains the same information.)
hAbstract of thesis Any format is acceptable.
(If you haven't written graduation thesis yet, summary of research is acceptable.)
iCertification of language proficiency
kConfirmation sheet for recommendation
  • If documents are written in a language other than Japanese or English, please attach a Japanese or English translation.
  • Submitted documents will not be returned.
  • All private information is used only for the purpose of screening and is not used for any other purpose.
  • If any false information is discovered in the submitted documents, applicants will be disqualified from applying.


If you have any further questions regarding the application guidelines, please contact us at the following address.

International Student Affairs Section International Affairs Division Nara Institute of Science and Technology 8916-5, Takayama, Ikoma, Nara 630-0192, Japan Phone: +81(743)72-5087 Fax: +81(743)72-6244 E-mail: ryugaku[at]ad.naist.jp

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Japanese Government MEXT Scholarships (Master, PhD)

Application for the 2025-2026 Japanese Government MEXT Scholarships for Master’s and PhD students are currently being received. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan offers scholarships to international students who wish to study graduate courses at Japanese universities as Research Students under the Japanese Government MEXT (Monbukagakusho) Scholarships.

The program is open for candidates enrolled in a master’s course, a doctoral course, a professional graduate course at a graduate school, or who are conducting research in a specialized field at an undergraduate department, graduate school, institute attached to a university, etc. without the aim of completing the course. This scholarship program to study in Japan is also open for candidates who are receiving preparatory education in the Japanese language and other subjects prior to placement at the university, etc. (Excluding Young Leaders’ Program Students or Teacher Training Students ).

Applicants must choose and fill in the Application Form for either the April or October term. April term applicants must be able to arrive in Japan between April 1, 2025, and April 7, 2025, while October term applicants must be able to arrive in Japan during the period specified by the accepting university within two weeks before and after the starting date of the university’s relevant academic term (September or October) for that year. Applicants should note that they are not permitted to change the arrival period after the submission of the Application.

Applicants wishing to apply for an Undergraduate or a Bachelor’s degree program should click on the following link: MEXT scholarship program for undergraduate studies . For those who wish to apply for other government scholarships should click here .

Program Details

  • Host institutions : Higher Educational Institutions in Japan .
  • Fields of study : Applicants should apply for the field of study they majored in at university or its related field. Moreover, the fields of study must be subjects that applicants will be able to study and research in graduate courses at Japanese universities. The fields of study may be restricted to particular fields by the Japanese Embassy or Consulate in the applicant’s country.
  • Number of awards : Many.
  • Duration : The Scholarship period will last from April 2025 until the end of March 2027 for April term grantees and September or October 2025 until the end of March 2027 for October term grantees.
  • Eligible countries : Open to nationals of countries that have diplomatic relations with Japan.

Japanese Government MEXT Scholarships Benefits

Winners of the Japanese MONBUKAGAKUSHO scholarship will receive the following benefits:

  • Students receiving the preparatory education and non-regular students: 143,000 yen per month
  • Regular students enrolled in Master’s or professional degree courses: 144,000 yen per month
  • Regular students enrolled in doctoral courses: 145,000 yen per month.
  • Education fees : Fees for the entrance examination, matriculation, and tuition at universities will be paid by MEXT.
  • Transportation : MEXT will provide round-trip economy-class flight tickets to and from Japan.

Also Check : Colombia Government Scholarship for International Students

Japanese Government MEXT Scholarships Eligibility

To apply for the Japanese MONBUKAGAKUSHO scholarship to study in Asia , applicants must satisfy the following criteria:

  • Nationality : Applicants must have the nationality of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan. However, persons with dual nationality who hold Japanese nationality and whose place of residence at the time of application is outside of Japan are eligible to apply as long as they choose the nationality of the other country and renounce their Japanese nationality by the date of their arrival in Japan.
  • Age : Applicants, in principle, must have been born on or after April 2, 1990. Exceptions are limited to cases in which MEXT deems that the applicant could not apply within the eligible age limit due to the situation or circumstances of the applicant’s country (military service obligation, loss of educational opportunities due to disturbances of war, etc.)
  • Academic Background : Applicants must satisfy any one of the following conditions for admission to either a Master’s or doctoral course
  • Applicants who have completed 16 years of school education in countries other than Japan.
  • Applicants who have completed a program with the standard study period of three years or more at universities or equivalent educational institutions in countries other than Japan and received a degree equivalent to a bachelor’s degree.
  • Other than the above ① and ② conditions, applicants who are eligible for enrollment in a master’s course /doctoral course (first phase) at a Japanese graduate school.
  • Applicants who have been awarded an overseas degree equivalent to a master’s degree or professional degree.
  • Applicants who have graduated from universities and have been involved in research study at universities or research centers (including overseas universities and research centers) for two years or more, and are recognized as having academic competency equivalent to persons with a master’s degree by the graduate school.
  • Other than the above ① and ② conditions, applicants who are eligible for enrollment in a doctoral course (second phase) at a Japanese graduate school.
  • Applicants who have completed 18 years of school education in countries other than Japan.
  • Applicants who have completed a program with the standard study period of five years or more at universities or equivalent educational institutions in countries other than Japan and received a degree equivalent to a bachelor’s degree.
  • Applicants who have completed 16 years of school education in countries other than Japan and have been involved in a research study at universities or research centers (including overseas universities and research centers) for two years or more, and recognized as having academic competency equivalent to university graduates in medicine, dentistry, veterinary sciences or certain parts in pharmaceutical fields by the graduate school.
  • Other than the above ①, ②, and ③ conditions, applicants who are eligible for enrollment in a doctoral course (faculties of medicine, dentistry, veterinary sciences, and certain parts in pharmaceutical fields) at a Japanese graduate school.
  • Japanese Language : Applicants must be willing to learn Japanese. Applicants must be interested in Japan and be willing to deepen their understanding of Japan after arriving in Japan. Applicants must also have the ability to do research and adapt to living in Japan.

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How to Apply for the Japanese Government Scholarship

Eligible applicants who would like to apply for this government scholarship program must submit the required documents to the Japanese diplomatic mission in their country by the designated deadline. Please get in touch with the diplomatic mission in your country to get more details on application requirements and the submission period.

Required Documents

  • Application Form .
  • Placement Preference Application .
  • Field of Study and Research Plan .
  • Academic transcript for all academic years of university attended.
  • Certification of graduation or degree certificate of the university attended (If the applicant has not yet graduated, submit a certificate of prospective graduation from the university).
  • Recommendation letter from the president/dean or the academic advisor at the current or last university attended. This is just a sample and any form/style of the letter is accepted.
  • Medical certificate .
  • Abstracts of theses (Submit if the applicant has written theses).
  • Certificate of language proficiency (Only in case the applicant has documents attesting to competency in Japanese or English; submit 3 copies). The original certificate is not required .
  • Recommendation letter from the present employer (Submit if the applicant is currently employed.) .
  • Photograph(s) showing applicant’s own works of art or a digitally recorded media of musical performance (Submit if the applicant is to major in fine arts or music.).

Ensure that there is no missing information in the application form when printing out.

Note : Documents must be written in Japanese or English , or a translation in either of these languages should be attached. Furthermore, applicants must submit 3 application packets : one is a complete set of original documents and the other two are the complete set of their copies. Write the document number , from ① to ⑪ in the upper right-hand corner of the first page for all the documents.

The deadline to submit applications for the Japanese Government MEXT Scholarships varies according to each Japanese diplomatic mission . For example, the deadline is May 10, 2024 at the Embassy of Japan in Australia and 17 May 2024 at the Embassy of Japan in South Africa .

Note : All Japanese diplomatic missions may not have yet started receiving applications for the 2025-2027 call. Therefore you must check the Japanese diplomatic mission in your country website or ask them , to make sure they have started receiving applications.

Make sure to confirm the deadline at the website of the Japanese diplomatic mission in your country of nationality or in some other ways . Please find here Past Examination Questions . For more details, please visit the official page. To be the first to see latest opportunities, please follow us on Facebook , Twitter , Pinterest and Instagram .

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I am interested in Research regarding OMI Brotherhood related to Business & Social Improvement for a PhD since Vorhees built 3000 institutions to help Japan prosper in the past that continue today.

Hi Please I’ll like to know if one could start an application by September since it is said that not all Japanese diplomatic missions have started receiving applications. Also, how would I know if the Japanese diplomatic mission in my country is currently receiving applications?

iam science professional.how can i apply for japam mext scholarship.iam very satisfied .

I am interested in the Japanese Government scholarship. How can I apply?

I am a Ugandan and would like to pursue a masters in Psychology, I am 29 years of age!

I want apply for PhD program in Business Administration. What time is the application period?

Halo Am Tugume Samuel from Uganda ?? am requesting for a scholarship in Accounting and finance and also in Economics

Hi, I am looking for a postdoc position. Therefore, I would like to know if research includes also postdoctoral study. Thank you in advance.

Hello, I am Clara from democratic Republic of the Congo. I need a scholarship in Japan, for study japanese language and do my PhD later. Thank you for replying me very soon

Hi, l’m currently a high school teacher in Nigeria. I was born in 1979. I want to know if I could be considered for the scholarship because I see there’s an age restriction attached to this scholarship. Thank you in advance.

hi. im an iranian and studied japanese language in university for four years,now that im graduated i wanna study medical in japan..but im 25 years old and until now i studied for 16 years. is it possible for me to apply scholarship for medical course or dentistry?

Please send your question the Japanese embassy in your country

I’m currently in the process of applying but have gotten stuck because I don’t know exactly which documents are required for the first screening process. Am I required to submit the two letters of recommendation, for example, at this stage of the process?

I would like to apply scholarships for Master of Public Health. So, I wanna know the process of application.Kindly let me know the procedure of application of scholarships.

iam very intrested currently working as a primarry teacher .iam from pakistan iam bs hons in zoology and did b.ed too

I would like to to apply for the scholarship application. I am a Gambian, currently studying in Taiwan but I’m graduating this June 2019 and want to know if I’m eligible for the scholarship program. Kindly let me know the procedure and requirements for the application process please.

Regards, Sohna.

All the info you seek are in the post. Please read it.

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japan mext phd scholarship

MEXT Japanese Government Scholarship 2025 (Embassy Track)

The MEXT Embassy Recommendation Scholarship for 2025 is now open. Apply for the MEXT Japanese Government Scholarship 2025. Japanese Government Fully Funded Scholarship Without IELTS and Japanese Language. There is no application Fee, and no acceptance letter is required. MEXT is the Largest ever Japanese Scholarship that is Funded by the Monbukagakusho, the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT).

This call is open for the applicants to apply for the Masters , and PhD degree programs for the September/October 2025 intake. MEXT Scholarship is available in all Fields in almost 90% of Japanese Universities and available in English Programs. All details regarding much Stipend, application requirements, and how you can apply for the MEXT Japanese Government Scholarship 2025 are given below.

Details About Japanese Government MEXT Research Scholarship 2025

  • Host Country : Japan
  • Study Level : Bachelors, Masters, PhD
  • Financial Benefits : Fully Funded
  • Deadline : Each Embassy has its Deadline
  • Scholarship Name : MEXT
  • Funded by : Japanese Government
  • Who can Apply : Anyone
  • Is IELTS Required For MEXT : No
  • Is the Japanese language mandatory for MEXT : No
  • Is there any Application Fee : No
  • Acceptance Letter Required : No
  • Final Year Students can apply : Yes
  • How you can Apply : Online through the Embassy

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MEXT Scholarship Benefits

MEXT is a Japanese Government Fully Funded Scholarship Program for all students. It will cover all the expenses such as:

  • 100% of the tuition Fee
  • Admission Fee, Book Fee
  • A Monthly Allowance
  • Monthly Stipend
  • Living Allowance, Accommodation, Meals Covered.
  • Traveling Allowance
  • Round Trip Airfare Tickets  by MEXT Japanese scholarship.
  • Another support is also provided after the assessment of the applicant.

Scholarship Duration

  • Masters Studies : 2-3 Years
  • Ph.D. Studies : 3-4 Years

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Study Fields

Mext scholarship is open in the Fields of:

  • Social Science
  • Engineering
  • Medical to Health

Eligibility Criteria

  • The MEXT Research Scholarship is open to applicants from all countries. There is no restriction on a nationality basis.
  • Not have Japanese nationality.
  • Must be able to provide all the documents.
  • Master Students : Must have completed an Undergraduate program if applying to a Master’s. Final-year students can also apply.
  • Ph.D. Students : Applicants with a master’s degree are eligible to apply for Doctoral Degree programs.
  • IELTS is not required.

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  • Applicant should be medically Fit.
  • Intends to come and study in Japan and is not involved in any other activity.
  • Applicants must be between  17 to 35 years of age.

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Deadline for MEXT Embassy Recommendation Scholarship 2025

The Deadline for the MEXT Scholarship is set by each embassy. You have to apply in your country and submit your application as well as all the documents to the Japanese Embassy in your country.

Each Embassy has set its deadline. It can be any date of May 2025. All Japanese Embassies Links are given below.

How to Apply for the MEXT Scholarship 2025?

Application Steps:

  • For the MEXT Scholarship, the application process is set by Each embassy.
  • The Links to all the Japanese Embassy’s websites are given below.
  • Click your country name, open it, and see the “ News Section” or go to the “Study” or Scholarships section. There you will find about MEXT Scholarship details.
  • You have to Apply for the “ MEXT Scholarship 2025 Embassy Recommendation”. If the scholarship is currently not open in your country, then you can regularly check the website for announcements.


Conclusion : This was all about the MEXT Japanese Government Research Scholarship. It is one of the Largest Japanese Government programs. Every year thousands of applicants apply and travel to Japan. Best of Luck.


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  • Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship for International Graduate Program 2025 (Up to JPY 148,000 per month)

Published: 13 Sep 2024 17 views

Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship for International Graduate Program 2025 (Up to JPY 148,000 per month)

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan offers scholarships to international students who wish to study at Japanese universities under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program.

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About Japanese Government

Japanese government (mext) scholarship for international graduate program, aim and benefits of japanese government (mext) scholarship for international graduate program, japanese government (mext) scholarship for international graduate program courses, requirements for japanese government (mext) scholarship for international graduate program qualification, interview date, process and venue for japanese government (mext) scholarship for international graduate program, application deadline, how to apply.

Japanese government scholarship supports foreign students who study in higher education institutions, selected on the recommendation of Japanese Embassy/Consulate General, University, or Authority.

Japanese Government

Application Deadline
Country to study
School to study
Course to study

Stipend: JPY 147,000 for master's students; JPY 148,000 for doctoral students

Education fees: Enrollment fee and tuition will be waived by Science Tokyo. The entrance examination (application) fee will be reimbursed if the applicant is allocated to Science Tokyo by MEXT.

Travel expenses: Air tickets to/from Japan will be provided by MEXT under certain conditions.

Eligibility: Applicants must have demonstrated excellent academic achievement with a grade point average of 2.30 (out of 3.00) or above in the last-attended degree program and meet certain criteria.

Nationality: Applicants must have the nationality of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan. In principle, individuals who have Japanese nationality at the time of application are not eligible. However, persons with dual nationality who hold Japanese nationality and whose place of residence at the time of application is outside Japan are eligible to apply as long as they choose the nationality of the other country and renounce Japanese nationality before the date of their arrival in Japan. For academic year 2024, only those with a nationality of the countries designated by MEXT were eligible to be recommended under the General scheme.

Age: Applicants, in principle, must be 34 years old or younger as of April 1 of the first year of the MEXT Scholarship period.

Academic Background: Applicants must be a graduate of a Japanese university or have academic ability equal or superior to that of a Japanese university graduate.

Field of Study: The field must be the one in which the applicant majored at university, or a related field, and be one in which the applicant will be able to do research at Science Tokyo.

Language Proficiency: Applicants must possess proficiency in the English language and satisfy one of the following conditions:

Have obtained an English language proficiency test score that is equivalent to CEFR level B2 or higher

Have completed or expect to complete the required curriculum at an institution where all instruction was in English and which satisfies the qualifications for enrollment in a master's or doctoral program at Science Tokyo

Have been determined by Science Tokyo to possess a level of proficiency in English that is equivalent to or exceeds the level indicated in (1)

Health: Applicants must be determined by Science Tokyo to be physically and mentally able to pursue their course of studies in Japan.

Arrival in Japan: Applicants must be able to leave for and arrive in Japan within two weeks of the start date of the third quarter, which is late September or early October, of the academic year. Some IGP(A) programs with recommendation slots under Priority scheme may accept applications for the scholarship from residents in Japan (see "The allocation of MEXT Scholarships for International Graduate Program (A)" in "General Prospectus" above.) Such students will not be required to return to their country of nationality before their enrollment.

Visa: Applicants shall, in principle, newly obtain a "Student" visa from the Japanese diplomatic mission located in their country of nationality, and enter Japan with the resident status of "Student." If an applicant already has another resident status in Japan (i.e., "Permanent resident," "Long-term resident," etc.), they must change their status and newly enter Japan under "Student" status. Moreover, applicants should be aware that after expiration of their status as a MEXT Scholarship Student, if they again apply for their original resident status of "Permanent resident" or "Long-term resident," such resident status might not be granted. The applicant should also be aware that provision of scholarship benefits will be stopped if they arrive in Japan without a newly obtained "Student" visa. Some IGP(A) programs with recommendation slots under Priority scheme may accept applications for the scholarship from residents in Japan (see "The allocation of MEXT Scholarships for International Graduate Program (A)" in "General Prospectus" above.) Such students will not be required to return to their country of nationality to obtain a "Student" visa. However, if they do not have a resident status of "Student", they must change their resident status to "Student" before their enrollment.

Non-eligibility: The following persons are not eligible for the scholarship, and if non-eligibility is identified after they are selected, the individual must withdraw from the scholarship:

Those who are military personnel or military civilian employees at the time of their arrival in Japan or during the period they receive the scholarship

Those who are not able to arrive in Japan by the last date of the period specified by MEXT or Science Tokyo

Those who have previously received the MEXT Scholarship (including those who withdrew from the scholarship after they entered Japan). However, this does not apply to the following past recipients of the scholarship: those with academic or work experience of 3 years or longer during the period starting from the month following the end of their last scholarship to the starting month of the new scholarship; those whose last MEXT Scholarship was received in the category of Japanese Studies Students (limited to those who graduated or are expected to graduate from their home university after returning to their home country), Preparatory Course for the "Japan-Korea Joint Government Scholarship Program for the Students in Science and Engineering," or the Young Leaders Program; those who have obtained or are expected to obtain a degree as undergraduate students of the MEXT Scholarship programs (University Recommendation (Priority)). ( Note that as the MEXT Honors Scholarship is not considered a "MEXT Scholarship," recipients of MEXT Honors Scholarship are eligible.)

Those who are concurrently applying for this scholarship through other universities or applying to another program under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship system. This includes programs for which scholarship disbursements will begin in the same academic year as that for this scholarship, even if final selection results have not yet been decided.

Those who, at the time of application, are already enrolled at a Japanese university, etc. with the resident status of "Student," and those who are already enrolled at or plan to enroll at a Japanese university, etc. as a privately funded international student, in the period from application submission until the start of the scholarship period. However, this does not apply to an applicant who, at the time of application, is a current privately funded international student enrolled at or scheduled to enroll at a Japanese university and is certain to complete their program, return to their home country upon completion, and then re-enter Japan under newly acquired "Student" status. This provision is not applicable to those who apply for an IGP(A) program which accepts applications for the scholarship from residents in Japan (see "The allocation of MEXT Scholarships for International Graduate Program (A)" in "General Prospectus" above.)

Those who, at the time of application, are expected to graduate from their current school or university, but who are not able to satisfy the academic background qualifications or conditions by the date required by their program

Those who held dual nationality at the time of application and whose renunciation of Japanese nationality before the date of their arrival in Japan cannot be verified

Those who, at or after the time of application, plan to engage in long-term research (such as fieldwork or an internship) outside Japan or plan to take a long-term leave of absence from Science Tokyo

Those who have no intention of obtaining a degree

Other: The MEXT Scholarship will be granted to those who are willing to contribute to mutual understanding between Japan and their home country by participating in activities at schools and in communities during their studies in Japan while contributing to the internationalization of Japan. After their graduation, (past) recipients are expected to make efforts to promote relations between their home country and Japan by maintaining close relations with the university they attended, by cooperating with surveys and questionnaires, and, after returning to their home country, by cooperating with relevant projects and events conducted by the Japanese diplomatic mission, etc. located there.

Priority scheme

It may be possible that some IGP(A) programs have applied to MEXT to obtain Priority slots, but the result of the assessment is not planned to be determined until after the application deadline for IGP(A) admission. Should they fail to obtain Priority slots, applicants for the program would undergo the selection process for recommendation under the General scheme.

General scheme

Scholarship period.

The initial scholarship period is for two years of the master's program. Those who are accepted to integrated doctoral education programs may apply for an extension of the scholarship when proceeding to a doctoral program, provided that they had a grade point average of 2.50 or above out of 3.00 in the master's program and satisfy certain criteria.

The scholarship will be cancelled if a student proceeds to a more advanced level of education without receiving approval for extension of the scholarship period.

Priority scheme: Scholarship recipients recommended under this scheme are also required to attain a grade point average of 2.30 or above each year, or their eligibility for the MEXT Scholarship will be terminated.

General scheme: The extension is not guaranteed as it is granted to a limited number of students based on their academic achievements.

  • Mid September to late November: Application period for IGP(A)
  • November: MEXT's official announcement on the qualifications and conditions of scholarship candidates commencing in the following academic year, and MEXT's decision on allocation of recommendation slots under the Priority scheme to each program
  • Early March: IGP(A) admission decision and recommendation of scholarship candidates from Science Tokyo to MEXT
  • July to August: Official announcement of successful scholarship candidates by MEXT

Applicants must follow the  application guidelines for IGP(A)  and submit the following additional materials during the application procedures.

Application Form for Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship

The application form is tentative until MEXT publishes the format for this year which will be after the application deadline for IGP(A). Applicants have to apply using the tentative format below and will be requested to make the application again using the new format as necessary.

Note: As MEXT has announced that MEXT Scholarship recipients will be allowed to receive other scholarships from April 2025, applicants do not have to tick the latter part of the question 10: "If 'YES', do you understand you must cancel other scholarships after selected for MEXT Scholarship Student since it is not allowed to receive other scholarships together with the MEXT Scholarship?". This question should be removed in the new format.

For more details visit:  Tokyo Institute of Technology website .

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Titech MEXT Scholarship 2025 in Japan – (Fully Funded)

Tokyo Institute of Technology is now accepting applications for the TiTech MEXT Scholarship 2025, a fully funded program for international students worldwide. This scholarship, provided by the Japanese government, offers an excellent opportunity to pursue higher education in Japan at one of the country’s top institutions.

Tokyo Tech’s International Graduate Programs (IGPA, IGPB, IGPC) allow students to pursue Master’s, PhD, and Integrated Doctoral Education (Master + PhD) with full financial support. Applicants can choose from a wide range of fields, including the School of Sciences, School of Engineering, School of Environment and Society, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, and the School of Life Science and Technology.

With diverse research areas and world-class laboratories, this scholarship enables students to connect with leading research groups and labs, making it ideal for those pursuing Master’s, PhD, or integrated degree programs.

Titech MEXT Scholarship 2025 Details

Tokyo Institute of Technology
Master & Ph.D.

Department and Programs

  • Life Sciences and Technology
  • Engineering
  • Materials and Chemical Technology
  • Environment & Society

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must have the nationality of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan (International Applicants)
  • have successfully completed 16 years of education outside Japan or expected to be graduate before the enrollment
  • For Integrated Doctoral or Master program: Persons who have successfully completed 16 years of education outside Japan or who are expected to do so by the day before the enrollment date.
  • And for PhD: Persons who have successfully obtained a degree equivalent to a master’s degree or a professional master’s degree at a university or college outside Japan or who are expected to do so by the day before the enrollment date.
  • For MEXT: Students should have at least 2.3 out of 3 scales
  • Persons who are at least 22 years old by the day before the admission date.
  • Language Requirement:  As lectures and seminars are conducted in English, there is no Japanese language requirement for this program. Students, however, have the ability to attend Japanese language classes on a regular basis to better adjust to everyday life in Japan

English or Japanese Proficiency & Exemption

Applicants must be proficient in the English or Japanese language and meet one of the following conditions:

  • TOEFL iBT (including TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition), TOEFL ITP Plus for China Solution (taken in Mainland of China), TOEFL paper-delivered Test, TOEIC L&R
  • IELTS Academic Module
  • Have been awarded or expect to be awarded by the time of Tokyo Tech enrollment an undergraduate or graduate degree from an institution where all instruction was in English or Japanese  (Those will be able to apply for IELTS Exemption)
  • Possess a level of proficiency in either English or Japanese equivalent to that stated in (1) and be able to provide supporting evidence.

Also, Apply for the  MEXT Asia Pacific University Japanese Government Scholarship 2025

  • 100% of tuition (covered by the TITech Tuition Reduction Scholarship)
  • 144,000 JPY per month  for living expenses (amount subject to change)
  • Economy class air travel between the home country and TITech at the beginning and end of the program.

Required Documents

  • Application Form
  • Field of Study
  • Official Academic Transcript
  • Certificates or Degrees
  • Summary of thesis or research
  • English Proficiency Proof
  • Recommendation letter ( From the dean of the dept. or equivalent and addressed to the President of Tokyo Institute of Technology (free format, original, no photocopies))
  • Evaluation Sheet with recommendation
  • Consent letter from faculty of Tokyo Tech
  • Applicant`s Passport
  • Application fee

Application Period

Submit the TITech application by  November 24, 2024  (for September 2025 Enrollment).

How to Apply for this MEXT Scholarship

The process of this scholarship is online and by post, please check the link below to apply online or check the official announcement of the scholarship.

Click Here to See the Official Announcement

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  1. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship

    Government-approvedwebsite with useful information on studying in Japan, such as the education system, exams, scholarships, and Japan's attractions.

  2. MEXT RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIP 2025 (for Masters and Ph.D)

    MEXT RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIP 2025 (for Masters and Ph.D) 2023/4/28 Japanese Government MEXT Research scholarships Applications for MEXT Research Scholarships for 2025 are now CLOSED Embassy has contacted only the shortlisted candidates. Guidelines, application form and other supporting documents can be downloaded directly from the link below.

  3. PDF Japanese Government (Mext) Scholarship for 2022 (Research Students)

    (RESEARCH STUDENTS) The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan offers scholarships to international students who wish to study in graduate courses at Japanese universities as Research Students (either regular students or non-regular students) under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program as follows.

  4. Scholarships

    2025 University Recommended Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship - General In the scheme of the MEXT Scholarship with University Recommendation, each Japanese university will conduct the preliminary selection and recommend their candidates to MEXT.

  5. MEXT Scholarship for 2025 Embassy Recommendation

    Government-approvedwebsite with useful information on studying in Japan, such as the education system, exams, scholarships, and Japan's attractions.

  6. Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship

    Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship This is a program through which students are able to study at a Japanese university with a scholarship from the Japanese government, specifically the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho (MEXT)).

  7. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship for Graduates (University

    Detailed information on applying for Japanese government (MEXT) scholarships for international students who wish to study at Tokyo Tech with university recommendation (Priority/General category)

  8. PDF Scholarshipfor International Students In Japan

    [Which scholarships are listed?] 1. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarships The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho:MEXT) of the Japanese Government has been inviting international students to study in Japan at state expense since 1954. Applications

  9. PDF Application Guidelines Japanese Government(Mext)Scholarship for 2022

    The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan offers scholarships to international students who wish to study for a period of one year at designated Japanese universities as Japanese Studies Students in order to deepen their understanding of the Japanese language, Japanese affairs and Japanese culture under ...

  10. Embassy of Japan in India:Studying in Japan

    Studying in Japan Japanese Government Scholarships - Research Students for 2025 Updated on 4 June 2024 For details on recruitment, please refer to the following guidelines: APPLICATION GUIDELINES - JAPANESE GOVERNMENT (MEXT) SCHOLARSHIP FOR 2025 (RESEARCH STUDENTS) Applications closed for 2025*

  11. MEXT Scholarship 2025 (Fully Funded) Application Process

    MEXT Scholarship 2025-2026 is a fully funded scholarship for international students. This scholarship is available for undergraduate, masters, PhD and training studies. MEXT scholarship will cover tuition fee, accommodation, monthly living allowance and round airfare travel expenses from your country to Japan.

  12. Embassy of Japan in India:Studying in Japan

    All application procedures for Japanese Government (Ministry of Education Culture, Sports, Science and Technology: MEXT) Scholarships are conducted through Japanese Embassies, Consulates in your countries, or institutions of higher education in Japan.

  13. MEXT (UR) Scholarship

    The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) provides this scholarship with the aim of enhancing the international competitiveness and promoting the active exchange of international students in Japanese universities. APU Graduate School has numerous scholarship opportunities available at the time of ...

  14. 2024 Application Guidelines for MEXT Scholarship (International ...

    Those who have already accepted a scholarship from an organization other than MEXT (including the government of their country). Those applying for this scholarship through other universities or applying for other support programs for international students from MEXT or Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO).

  15. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship

    Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarships. Scholarships for Study in Japan. The Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students. Reservation Program for Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students.

  16. Japanese Government MEXT Scholarships (Master, PhD)

    The Japanese Government MEXT Scholarships is offered to international students who wish to study a Master and PhD degree in Japan.


    The MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) offers scholarships to foreign students who wish to study at Japanese universities under the Japanese Government Scholarship Program for 2024.

  18. MEXT Japanese Government Scholarship 2025 (Embassy Track)

    MEXT is the Largest ever Japanese Scholarship that is Funded by the Monbukagakusho, the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT). This call is open for the applicants to apply for the Masters, and PhD degree programs for the September/October 2025 intake. MEXT Scholarship is available in all Fields in ...

  19. PDF Japanese Government(Mext)Scholarship for 2023(Undergraduate Students)

    (UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS) The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan offers scholarships to international students who wish to study at Japanese universities as Undergraduate Students under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program as follows.

  20. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship for Graduates 2025 (Up to JPY

    The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan offers scholarships to international students who wish to study at Japanese universities under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program. ... Flinders University ARC Training Centre for Biofilm Research and Innovation PhD Scholarship 2024; AfricaLics PhD ...

  21. PDF Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho:Mext) Scholarship for 2005

    The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan offers scholarships to international students who wish to study in graduate courses at Japanese universities as Research Students (either regular students or non-regular students) under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program as follows. 1.

  22. Titech MEXT Scholarship 2025 in Japan

    Titech MEXT Scholarship 2025 in Japan - (Fully Funded) September 12, 2024 by Scholarship Provider. ... Tokyo Tech's International Graduate Programs (IGPA, IGPB, IGPC) allow students to pursue Master's, PhD, and Integrated Doctoral Education (Master + PhD) with full financial support. Applicants can choose from a wide range of fields ...

  23. PDF 原稿〕英文(研究留学生) 1頁目

    (UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS) (EMBASSY RECOMMENDATION) The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan offers scholarships to international students who wish to study at Japanese national universities as Undergraduate Students under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program as follows.