• Latest submissions
  • By collection
  • HAL documentation

The purpose of HAL Theses is to facilitate the self archiving of thesis manuscripts, which are important documents for direct scientific communication between scientists. HAL Theses is actually a particular "environment" of HAL . It therefore has the same objective: make scientific documents available to scientists all around the world, rapidly and freely, but with a restriction to PHD thesis and habilitations (HDR, in countries where habilitations exist). CCSD does not make any scientific evaluation of the thesis that are submitted, since this is the responsibiliy of the university professors in the examination board.

TEL is also accessible through OAI (Open Archives Initiative), tools and the OAI-PMH protocol with the URL api.archives-ouvertes.fr/oai/tel .

For contributors

  • A submitted document passed a moderation process which controls the administrative and bibliographic information supplied
  • Once a document is put online, it cannot be withdrawn.

For readers

  • Within the context of electronic communication, rules about intellectual property do apply. In particular, authors must be correctly recognized as such, and tne work must be cited if used.

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Dissertations, theses, publications: let’s be accessible! (6/27/24)

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title_3003 (5/31/24)

The french open science monitor 2023: phd thesis (5/3/24), passport for open science – a practical guide for phd students (5/3/24), actuhal: the last issue is published (11/28/23), other ressources.

  • Sites about theses : a selection (in French)

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Access Theses.fr

Thèses.fr is the search engine for French doctoral theses set up by ABES in 2011. This unique tool is supplied by the thesis-supporting institutions. It lists theses in preparation for the last 10 years in all disciplines and all institutions, as well as all theses defended since 1985.

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  • Dissertations and theses

French Language and Literature: Dissertations and theses

  • Web resources

French dissertations and theses

There are a number of different resources available for finding French dissertations. 

  • Atelier national de Reproduction des thèses Also known as tne National Center for the Reproduction of PhD theses
  • SUDOC Le catalogue du Système Universitaire de Documentation
  • Thèses en ligne (TEL): serveur de thèses multidisciplinaire Although multidisciplinary the majority of theses are in scientific disciplines.
  • thèses.fr This research tool is maintained by ABES (Agence bibliographique de l'enseignement supérieur) and records titles of theses in preparation in French universities and higher education institutions

Belgian dissertations and theses

  • Répertoire commun des thèses électroniques des universités de la Communauté Française de Belgique Portal to access French-language theses through relevant University repositories

General resources for dissertations and theses

  • ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global The world's most comprehensive collection of full-text dissertations and theses. As the official digital dissertations archive for the Library of Congress and as the database of record for graduate research, PQDTGlobal includes millions of searchable citations to dissertations and theses from 1861 to the present day together with over a million full-text dissertations that are available for download in PDF format. Over 2.1 million titles are available for purchase as printed copies. The database offers full text for most of the dissertations added since 1997 and strong retrospective full-text coverage for older graduate works. It also includes content from PQDT UK & Ireland (aka Index to Theses).
  • Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination and preservation of electronic analogues to the traditional paper-based theses and dissertations.
  • DART-Europe E-theses Portal DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses.
  • Top 100 Dissertation and theses references on the web
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  • Last Updated: Aug 29, 2024 1:14 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/frenchresources

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Moteur de recherche des thèses de doctorat françaises, le site theses.fr a pour objet de référencer :

  • les thèses de doctorat en cours de préparation en France, si l'établissement d'inscription a fait le choix de les signaler et si le ou la doctorant(e) ne s'est pas opposé(e) à ce signalement.
  • les thèses de doctorat soutenues en France depuis 1985, quel que soit le support matériel de la thèse (imprimé ou numérique).
  • les personnes et les organismes en lien avec ces thèses.

Une base de données alimentée par les établissements de soutenance

theses.fr est la vitrine de données produites et validées par les différents personnels des établissements de l’enseignement supérieur français habilités à délivrer le doctorat (services de scolarité, écoles doctorales, bibliothèques et centres de documentation, services d’appui à la recherche…)

Les données affichées sur theses.fr proviennent des applications sources suivantes :

  • STEP (Signalement des Thèses en Préparation) pour les thèses en préparation
  • STAR (Signalement des Thèses et Archivage) pour les thèses soutenues déposées au format électronique
  • le catalogue collectif Sudoc pour les thèses soutenues déposées au format imprimé, les microfiches de thèses, les reproductions de thèses sur support imprimé ou électronique, ainsi que les thèses publiées chez un éditeur.

La base de données theses.fr tend à référencer l’ensemble des thèses de doctorat soutenues en France depuis 1985. Les lacunes peuvent être signalées via ABESstp, le guichet d’assistance en ligne de l’Abes .

En revanche, theses.fr ne référence pas :

  • les Habilitations à Diriger des Recherches (HDR)
  • les thèses d’exercice donnant lieu à la délivrance du diplôme d’Etat de docteur (en médecine, pharmacie, chirurgie dentaire ou chirurgie vétérinaire) 
  • les thèses de doctorat étrangères (y compris celles rédigées en français) 
  • les thèses de doctorat françaises soutenues avant 1985

Une interface et des API

Les données de theses.fr sont accessibles via le site www.theses.fr grâce à un moteur de recherche et une navigation à facettes. Un guide d’utilisation du moteur de recherche est mis à la disposition des utilisateurs. Conformément à la politique d’ouverture des données de l’Abes, theses.fr s’inscrit dans le mouvement du web de données et du linked data.

Les données brutes relèvent du domaine public et sont placées sous licence Etalab . Elles sont disponibles via une API XML .

Pour favoriser leur réutilisation, les données relatives aux thèses soutenues sont également disponibles sous forme d’un dump déposé et mis à jour annuellement sur le site data.gouv.fr : Thèses soutenues en France depuis 1985 . Un guide de réutilisation accompagne l’extraction.

Historique du projet « Portail des thèses »

Theses.fr v1, objectifs initiaux du projet.

theses.fr est une des applications du projet « Portail des thèses », confié à l’Abes en 2009 par le Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche. Le comité de décision et d’opération du projet « Portail des thèses » a validé les principales orientations d’une feuille de route qui comportait trois axes principaux :

  • Renforcer la visibilité nationale et internationale de la recherche doctorale française  : theses.fr expose largement sur le web les données décrivant les thèses de doctorat
  • Servir le monde académique  : theses.fr permet à la communauté scientifique d'avoir une connaissance aussi exacte que possible de l'état de la recherche doctorale en cours, au niveau national, local, par disciplines ou par thématiques de recherche
  • Servir le monde économique  : en valorisant les travaux des doctorants et des docteurs, theses.fr vise à faciliter l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes chercheurs

Gouvernance du projet et principaux partenaires

Pour mener à bien theses.fr, l’Abes s’est entourée de nombreux partenaires.

Composition du Comité de décision et d’opération (CDO) du projet :

  • trois représentants du Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur de la recherche : Mission de l'information scientifique et technique et du réseau documentaire (MISTRD), Direction générale pour l'enseignement supérieur et l'insertion professionnelle (DGESIP), Direction générale pour la recherche et l'innovation (DGRI)
  • un représentant de la Conférence des Présidents d’Université
  • un représentant de la Conférence des Grandes Ecoles
  • un représentant des formations doctorales dans les établissements habilités
  • deux représentants de la recherche privée ou du monde économique
  • trois représentants des opérateurs documentaires nationaux des thèses en France : CNRS-INIST , Atelier national de reproduction des thèses de Lille , CINES
  • trois représentants d’associations : l’Intelli’Agence (Association Bernard Gregory), l’ADBU (association des directeurs de bibliothèques universitaires), l’AURA (association du réseau des utilisateurs des produits de l’Abes)

Les comptes-rendus de décisions du CDO ont fait l’objet de billets sur le blog de l’Abes .

Versement progressif des données

Le versement dans theses.fr des données relatives aux thèses de doctorat françaises s’est fait progressivement :

  • Juillet 2011 : ouverture du site theses.fr qui, dans un premier temps, référence uniquement les thèses soutenues depuis 2006 et déposées au format électronique.

Elles sont 6 000 à être référencées en 2011.

  • Septembre 2011 : intégration des sujets de thèses en préparation. Les données du Fichier Central des Thèses (FCT) sont versées dans theses.fr, soit plus de 66 000 sujets de thèses, principalement en Lettres, Sciences Humaines et Sociales. La même année, le FCT, maintenu par l’Université Paris Nanterre, est remplacé par l’application STEP, maintenue par l’Abes, ouverte à l’ensemble des établissements, toutes disciplines confondues.

L’utilisation de STEP étant facultative, tous les établissements ne référencent pas dans STEP et theses.fr les thèses préparées en leur sein. Le nombre d’établissements adhérents à STEP va néanmoins augmenter au fil des années. 

  • Mai 2013 : versement des données du Sudoc dans theses.fr. Toutes les thèses soutenues en France et archivées au format imprimé depuis 1985 sont destinées à être référencées dans theses.fr.

En 2013, elles représentent près de 250 000 documents.

  • Septembre 2016 : le dépôt électronique des thèses est rendu obligatoire.

Le nombre de thèses imprimées référencées dans theses.fr se stabilise à 300 000 : il n’augmentera plus que de manière marginale.

Depuis 2017, le nombre de thèses électroniques référencées augmente d’environ 14 000 documents chaque année.

Désormais, la quasi-totalité des établissements qui délivrent le doctorat signalent les sujets de thèses préparés en leur sein.

Theses.fr v2

A partir du printemps 2022, l’Agence Bibliographique de l’Enseignement Supérieur lance le projet de refonte du site theses.fr.

Les objectifs sont :

  • la refonte complète du socle technique : l’outil SolR est remplacé par Elastic Search
  • le développement d’une interface ergonomique, responsive et accessible
  • la mise en place d’un accès contrôlé, centralisé, aux thèses dont la diffusion est restreinte au périmètre de l’enseignement supérieur français

Le site est développé en grande partie en interne, y compris la partie graphique. Un prestataire externe est engagé pendant un an pour appuyer l’équipe technique sur le moteur de recherche consacré aux personnes.

La nouvelle version de theses.fr est déployée en production en 2024.

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French Language and Literature: Dissertations & Theses

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  • Dissertations & Theses
  • French Databases and Web Resources
  • Encyclopedias and Dictionaries
  • Newspapers and Journals in Occupied France

Dissertation search tools available at Yale

  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses This database makes nearly every dissertation ever filed in the United States available in PDF format. Not all dissertations are available, however, as authors with dissertations under contract with a press are sometimes encouraged not to make their dissertations freely available. In these cases you can at least read an abstract. Note that you can search by school, department, and adviser.

Dissertations databases outside Yale

  • DART-Europe The European portal for finding electronic theses and dissertations. DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses.
  • SUDOC - Le catalogue du Système Universitaire de Documentation
  • Theses theses.fr donne accès à la description : • de 65 000 thèses en préparation en France, • et 8 000 thèses soutenues en France depuis 2006. Le texte intégral est accessible pour près de 6 000 d’entre elles. La base de données de theses.fr est en constante évolution. A terme, l'ensemble des thèses de doctorat soutenues en France sera signalé.
  • CRL Center for Research Libraries Foreign Doctoral Dissertations Holds 800,000 dissertations from universities outside the U.S. and Canada. However, only 20,000 of these are cataloged in the database. If you know the exact title of a dissertation and do not find it in the database, CRL recommends searching the CRL Catalog. If the title does not appear in the database or the catalog, contact CRL directly to inquire if it is held. CRL continues to acquire about 5,000 titles per year from major universities.
  • Canadian Theses
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  • Last Updated: Jan 31, 2024 12:17 PM
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The Dissertation: Writing in French

Dissertation is a very specific way to write what we call a “paper.” In France, this style is used in academics and the professional world alike.

The Necessities

  • Personal reaction: Be sincere, though not informal.
  • Use examples to affirm your point. Using examples limits verbiage, generalities, and banalities.
  • Be clear and coherent : A good paper should resemble a mathematical proof more than a lyrical flood of words. Be understandable and operate by the Law of Occam’s Razor (the simplest explanation tends to be the best one.)
  • Outline : Getting your ideas on paper is harder than coming up with them in the first place. In order to convey your ideas effectively to the reader, outline!

The Schema of a Dissertation

In order to write a dissertation, you need a problem or problématique. Situate that problem within your topic or subject. Do not begin to write without these ideas in mind.


  • The introduction must rapidly situate and introduce the problem. Cite briefly.
  • Give an idea of the movement of the paper, but do not announce each step of your work.
  • Define key words.
  • Attract the reader!  

The Body 

Separated into parts and paragraphs, where each part is a main point in the problem and each paragraph is one idea or one aspect of an idea.

  • Thesis – often the predominant point of view (the most common analysis)
  • Synthesis: Establish some nuanced truth in between the two arguments or overcome of the initial contradiction by bringing in additional information.
  • “Problem-Cause-Solution” Plan: Introduce and define a problem, pinpoint its causes, and propose a solution.
  • Separate your argument into parts (in this case, two: benefits and pleasures)
  • Order your arguments within each part
  • first element of comparison (one point of view on an issue, for example)
  • second element of comparison (an opposing point of view)
  • Meditation on the facts presented in the first two parts
  • Explanation of the formula (definition, par ex.)
  • Commentary on the formula, for example, expansion of a definition, comments on appropriateness

The Conclusion

A conclusion must be written in the spirit of synthesis and with logical rigor. Coming to the end of an argument, a conclusion must be concise and strong. If desired, it can situate the results or thesis a more general sense.

(Desalmand, Paul and Tort, Patrick. Du plan à la dissertation. Paris : 1977) 

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> Thesis Network > Selection of sites

Selection of reference sites

Guides and documentation.

  • Contractual framework of the educational exception : how to use and quote works in your thesis?
  • Documentation for doctoral students (provided byAbes): understanding the national repository for doctoral theses; reporting your thesis subject; using the theses.fr search engine
  • Guide to the doctorate : 23 practical sheets proposed by the National Association of Doctors (ANDès) for doctoral students, doctors, institutions, doctoral schools, etc.
  • Guide to Copyright (2017) : this guide deals with legal issues arising in intellectual property law .
  • Open Science - Codes and software : this booklet looks at the specific issues involved in opening up the codes and software produced and used in scientific research. 
  • Sharing scientific publication data - A guide for researchers : the aim of this guide is to familiarize researchers with the steps involved in sharing publication data.
  • Carnet Questions éthique et droit en SHS : a guide to good ethical and legal practice in the dissemination of SHS data.

Cover Passport to Open Science

French doctoral schools

  • Campus France directory of doctoral schools : consult the list of doctoral schools
  • Campus France : finding a research laboratory
  • ScanR : consult the directory of French research and innovation

Doctors and PhD students

  • Ma thèse en 180 secondes : organised in France since 2014 by the CNRS and the CPU - Conférence des présidents d'université, this competition, inspired by the 3 Minute Thesis launched by the University of Queensmand (Australia), aims to make people understand their research in three minutes and to the greatest number.
  • MESR - doctorate
  • MESR - doctoral training
  • MESR - doctoral funding
  • MESR - professional integration of doctoral students
  • ANDès - National Association of Doctors
  • Campus France - French agency for the promotion of higher education, hospitality and international mobility
  • CGE - Conférence des Grandes écoles - "publications" section  
  • CJC - Confederation of Young Researchers   
  • Kastler Foundation  
  • ABG – Association Bernard Gregory
  • HCERES - High Council for Research and Higher Education

Search for a thesis

  • An extraction of all data relating to doctoral theses defended since 1985 is available online at data.gouv.fr: https: //www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/theses-soutenues-en-france-depuis-1985/  
  • Catalogue Sudoc : national bibliography of theses. Consult the help page dedicated to thesis research in the Sudoc

Access the full text of the theses

Numerous open archives and distribution platforms have been set up by doctoral-accredited institutions and/or IST operators such as CCSD (Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe).

  • HAL theses : open archive managed by the CCSD for the open access distribution of doctoral theses
  • AURORE : platform for student work at the University of Limoges (doctoral theses, practice theses, dissertations)
  • CITHER : INSA Lyon thesis portal
  • ENS - Institut Français de l'Éducation : portal to theses defended in France since 2003 in the fields of education and training.
  • OATAO : Open Archive Toulouse Archive Ouverte
  • PASTEL : ParisTech online theses / HAL ParisTech portal collection
  • PEPITE : the University of Lille's institutional archive provides access to doctoral theses, practice theses, teaching resources and speech therapy dissertations.

On the international scene

  • ADT : theses defended in the 22 largest Australian universities
  • BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine: meta-search engine referencing and providing access to over 120 million full-text academic documents, including theses 
  • BICTEL : common directory of electronic theses of the universities of the French community of Belgium
  • DART-Europe : full-text theses from 28 European countries
  • Dialnet : portal of Spanish theses in SHS
  • DissOnline : Database of German electronic theses
  • DIVA : database of theses and research papers from 28 Scandinavian universities
  • EThOS : UK electronic theses database
  • NDLTD : Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations
  • OATD : Open Access Theses and Dissertations , a portal set up by the library of Wake Forest University (USA), which harvests several international directories of electronic theses in open access
  • RERODOC : electronic library of the RERO network (network of French-speaking Switzerland) including books, theses, dissertations in full text
  • Shodhganga : reservoir of Indian theses.
  • Teseo : catalogue of doctoral theses defended in Spanish universities
  • Theses Canada : catalog of theses and dissertations produced in Canadian universities
  • Toubk@l : national catalogue of theses and dissertations of Morocco

Access to current thesis topics

  • Otrohati : reporting on theses being prepared in Moroccan doctoral study centres.
  • theses.fr : listing of theses being prepared in French higher education institutions.

Buy a reproduced thesis

From 1986 to 2016, theses deposited in printed form were reproduced on microfiche by the ANRT - Atelier National de Reproduction des Thèses . The mission of the ANRT was initially to ensure the reproduction of theses on microfiche and their distribution to institutions. Following the decree of 25 May 2016 , which established the transition to electronic filing for all French doctoral theses, the ANRT ceased this national mission.

On the other hand, the ANRT offers the "Thèse à la carte" service : theses for which a contract has been signed between the ANRT and the author are digitised and reproduced in their entirety, without reworking. These theses are listed in the "Thèse à la carte" catalogue and are available for sale to individuals (teachers, researchers, students ....) and/or organisations (bookshops, libraries, etc.) who request them.

  • Arabesques n°78 (April-May-June 2015): Dossier "The thesis in all its states: filing, reporting, promoting". 
  • Valorization of academic production - Collection, conservation, dissemination - Mennessier Anne-Laurence ; Daubernat Séverine ; Giloux Marianne ; Mauger Perez Isabelle - BBF, 2011, n°1 
  • New thesis repository, new positioning for libraries? - Feedback from the common documentation services of Lille 2 and Valenciennes - Bihan Solenn ; Cambier-Meerschman Perrine ; Granger Sabrina - BBF, 2011, n°1

Studies and reports

  • L'état de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche en France (The state of higher education and research in France ) - annual figures published by the MESR (Ministry of Higher Education and Research)
  • The French Open Science Barometer - annual statistical monitoring of French doctoral theses available in open access.
  • A more favourable integration and employment conditions of PhDs for 2016 graduates compared to 2014 graduates - Note d'information du SIES (September 2021)
  • Doctors of engineering: the choice of a professional insertion in the private sector - Note d'information du SIES (September 2020)
  • The doctorate in France: from choice to career pursuit - report by the General Inspectorate of Education, Sport and Research (July 2020)
  • International mobility of young employed PhDs - Note d'information du SIES (October 2019)
  • L'état de l'emploi scientifique en France - biennial statistical publication by MESRI (2018 edition)
  • Repères et références statistiques - MESR annual publication
  • CIFRE PhD - article by Romain Perronnet (UPEC) and Nahla Salameh Bchara (École des Mines de Saint-Etienne)
  • Young doctors; profile, career path, integration - APEC quantitative study (January 2015)
  • The professional future of young PhDs: what path, what insertion 5 years after the thesis ? - qualitative study by APEC (October 2014)  
  • The University and the professional world: what are the challenges for the doctorate? - Labex Hastec conference (January 2013) 
  • Doctors: a long march towards stable employment

History of the doctorate and the deposit of theses

  • Becoming scholars: theses and doctorates of letters in the 19th century: virtual exhibition
  • Carnet Es lettres - Les thèses de doctorat ès lettres en France au XIXe siècle : this notebook contains posts and actions linked to the "Es lettres" project, whose aim is to study the corpus of doctoral theses in literature defended in the 19th century.
  • Theses and other academic writings: identification and location: despite some obsolete information, this guide published by the BnF in 2005, contains interesting information on the history of the doctorate as well as a chronology of legislative texts on the deposit of theses from 1923 to 1985
  • Françoise Huguet, Les thèses de doctorat ès lettres soutenues en France de la fin du XVIIIe siècle à 1940 (Doctor of Letters theses defended in France from the end of the 18th century to 1940 ), November 2009 - LARHRA - Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône-Alpes, UMR CNRS 5190 - online
  •  Edouard Des Places, Cent cinquante ans du doctorat es lettres (1810-1960), Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé , 4e série, 2, juin 1969, p.209-228 - online

master thesis en francais

master thesis en francais

Home > Academics > Master Programs > Master's Thesis

Master's Thesis

PSIA students have the option of undertaking a Master thesis, in lieu of an internship or a semester exchange at a partner university. Sciences Po Academic rules in Article 37 specify that Master curricula include “a semester of extramural activities” and “as applicable…a Master thesis.”

This is a selective track offered to PSIA students, who must apply for the opportunity. Only the strongest proposals are approved by PSIA's scientific community. Every year, this track produces highly relevant and successful research work. Since 2021, the best Master thesis defended at PSIA have been published online by Sciences Po digital library .

PSIA Master thesis’ Regulations

  • Course consistency: undertaking a Master thesis is optional and the approval of the Academic Advisor is necessary.
  • Individuality: The Master thesis is an individual research project, it cannot be done in a group ;
  • Thesis Director: The research project is conducted under the direction of a faculty specialist in the same subject area. Please note that Sciences Po faculty will be preferred. The academic advisor approves the choice;
  • Prerequisites: Students interested in pursuing a Master thesis must enrol in and validate two courses within the “Methods” concentration during the first year of their Master program;
  • The Master thesis track is open only to students who must register for a third semester "hors les murs", as per the Sciences Po regulation. Students who are enrolled in a one-year Master program, as well as dual degree students who spend only their first year at PSIA, are waived from this obligation, and they are not eligible for the Master thesis track.
  • The thesis defence will constitute both the validation of the Master thesis as well as the required Grand Oral.

The Master thesis Track is mainly directed at students with previous work experience presumably waiving the internship requirement, or students aiming for a PhD / academic career.

Master thesis Q&A

Proposal Documents (to be sent to the Academic Advisor)

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Cover letter (students must indicate the two methods coruses they have taken at PSIA, or describe methods courses and any research internships undertaken prior to PSIA, attaching transcripts of any previous methodology coursework from another institution).
  • Research proposal (5 pages, single-spaced, Times New Roman 12, not including bibliography). Students may want to include the following sections: literature review; research question; proposed research design; information about empirical data and/or modalities of fieldwork if relevant. See a template for your reference.
  • Reference letter from the potential Thesis Director
  • Transcript of the first semester at PSIA, and a list of courses they are enrolled in for the second semester.

When required, field research may be undertaken within the third semester.

Students producing a Master thesis may receive exemptions from The mandatory 14-week internship.

The Master thesis length is between 20,000 and 30,000 words, excluding appendices. Electronic versions of the thesis must be sent to the thesis' supervisor, the academic advisor, the third member of the jury and  [email protected] .

Format of Thesis : Overview

The defence jury is composed of three members approved by PSIA and must include:

  • The Thesis Director
  • An Expert in the field of research (professional or scholar)
  • A faculty or administrative officer representative of the student’s Master (in charge of reporting)
  • At least one member of the defence jury should be a university professor or researcher

Thesis Defence

It consists of two parts: a 10 minute presentation then a 20 minute discussion with the examiners

The validation of the Master thesis will bear 30 credits.

Master Thesis Calendar

  • To be eligible to undertake a Master thesis during their third semester, students must take and validate two courses within the “Methods” concentration by the end of their first year – ideally one in semester 1 and one in semester 2. Students who wrote a thesis or long research essay (minimum 10,000 words) during their undergraduate studies may apply for a waiver of one of the two mandatory methods courses. 
  • March 15, 2023: Submission of full written proposal to their Academic Advisor by 2 pm.
  • Late April 2023: Confirmation if they have been accepted onto the Master thesis Track for the third semester by their Academic Advisor. In all cases, progression to the third semester is subject to successful completion of the first year.
  • September-December 2022: Third semester (Off campus; 'hors les murs');
  • January 31, 2023: Master thesis submission deadline: electronic version to be sent to [email protected] , academic advisor, thesis supervisor and third member of the jury.
  • Mid-April – May 2023: Master thesis Defence


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Le programme de maîtrise

  • Exigences – parcours séminaires |  Requirements - coursework  
  • Exigences – parcours mémoire |  Requirements - major research paper
  • Exigences – parcours thèse |  Requirements - thesis


D’une durée d’un an, le programme de maîtrise en études françaises comporte trois options qui permettent d’adapter vos études à vos besoins. Nous offrons ainsi une maîtrise obtenue en suivant des séminaires, une maîtrise avec mémoire et une maîtrise avec thèse. Les étudiant.e.s sont invité.e.s à choisir ce parcours durant leur premier trimestre. Il est possible de commencer vos études à deux moments différents dans l’année (en septembre ou en janvier) et de vous inscrire à temps plein ou à temps partiel. L’Université de Waterloo offre un programme très intéressant de bourses et d’emplois d’assistant.e.s, dans les domaines de l’enseignement et de la recherche, pour subventionner nos étudiant.e.s et leur permettre d’acquérir de l’expérience !

Vous trouverez plus bas la description détaillée de chaque parcours, telle qu’on la retrouve dans le Graduate Studies Academic Calendar  de l’Université de Waterloo.  </span>

Exigences – parcours séminaires | coursework option

  • Graduate Academic Integrity Module (Graduate AIM)
  • 8 courses , including FR600 (Research methods in French Studies)
  • Students may take 1 course in another department, upon approval of the Associate Chair, Graduate Studies.  
  • All courses should be completed successfully within three terms.

The minimum average required for graduation is 72%.

A student receiving a course grade below 70% may be asked to withdraw from the program. Students are automatically enrolled in the Course study option during their first term in the MA Program.

Exigences – parcours mémoire | major research paper option

  • 6 courses , including FR600 (Research methods in French Studies)
  • Students may take 1 course in another department, upon approval of the Associate Chair, Graduate Studies.
  • Research paper (mémoire) of approximately 50 pages, written in French.

No more than one course with a grade lower than 70% is permitted. The research paper topic must be approved by the French Studies Graduate Committee. The paper will be written under the supervision of a professor of the Department. Please see a list of our faculty research areas .

The research paper must be read and approved by a Reading committee of two professors, the supervisor and an internal reader. The student will normally be notified within three weeks of submission of the research paper (mémoire) of its approval/rejection by the Reading Committee.

Exigences – parcours thèse | thesis option

  • 4 courses , including FR600 (Research methods and professional communication)
  • Thesis paper of approximately 100 pages, written in French, and thesis defense

To be accepted to the thesis study option, you must first pass two graduate courses with a minimum average of 80%. A student receiving a course grade below 78% must revert to the course study option.

The thesis paper topic must be approved by the Graduate Studies Committee of the Department. The paper will be written under the supervision of a professor of the Department. Please see a list of our faculty research areas .

The thesis must be approved by the thesis supervisor and two other readers appointed by the Graduate Studies Committee, and must be defended orally before the thesis committee.

University of Fribourg

Faculty of Science and Medicine

Master Thesis

As part of your Master's studies, you are required to write a Master thesis.

At the end of your thesis, you must fill out the form for the summary of the Master thesis and send it to the reference person in the field. Rename the document with your SIUS number, XX-XXX-XXX-XXX.doc (Please remove the "(FR)" indication).

This form is used:

  • by the thesis director to indicate your grade,
  • a control and data transmission form between the thesis director, the department secretaries and the Dean's office,
  • as a reference to indicate the title of the thesis on the attestation and on the Master's diploma.
  • The layout must be perfectly respected (layout, table, font,...).
  • If the document is not in the same format as the original document, it will be rejected.
  • The title must not exceed 255 characters including spaces.
  • The document is limited to one page.
  • If major corrections are required, the reference person will contact you.

Form for the summary

Example of a completed form

Reference persons


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Master's Thesis

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What’s The Problem? – Writing A Thesis In French Posted by John Bauer on Aug 31, 2016 in Culture , Vocabulary

These past few weeks I’ve been hard at work on mon mémoire (my thesis). The last big project for un diplôme (a degree) is always hard, and writing un mémoire in another language makes the whole process even more of un casse-tête (a headache).

"Place de la Sorbonne" by Alan on Flickr. Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

“ Place de la Sorbonne ” by Alan on Flickr. Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

I came to France to do mon master (my Master’s), and it has been an interesting exeprience learning how nobody’s perfect and what a CM and TD are . Now hard at work on mon mémoire , I’m struggling to find enough café (coffee) to keep me going.

Writing more than cinquante pages (fifty pages) en français has been tough. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve mixed up the words une mémoire (a memory) and un mémoire (a thesis). Not to mention all the other dual gender nouns .

To make things easier, le mémoire should follow le plan (the outline), but sometimes il est difficile de savoir par où commencer (it’s hard to know where to start).

"Plan de dissertation" by dicophilo on Flickr. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

“ Plan de dissertation ” by dicophilo on Flickr. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Figuring out une problématique is a big part of writing un mémoire . Once you have une idée (an idea) you have to fix not just le grammaire (the grammar), but le raisonnement et la logique (the reasoning and logic) as well.

C’est quoi une problématique ? What is une problématique?

Une problématique is a thesis statement to some people. In my experience, they are used in the same general educational contexts. Cependant (however), they do not mean exactly the same thing.

The word for a thesis statement is une thèse principale or un énoncé de la thèse .

It’s a subtle difference, but la problématique is more about defining the research problem or outlining the research problem rather than a summary of the main point or presenting un point de vue (a point of view) and making a claim.

It can be difficult to understand how to succeed in the French education system without understanding this difference. Surtout (especially) because in the classroom you’ll hear le professeur (the professor) talk about the importance of la problématique in the same way you would hear le professeur talk about the thesis statement in aux États-Unis (in the United States).

There is also a lot to learn about les travaux universitaires (academic writing). All the nuances of specific wordings can easily get lost in translation. The main ideas of writing clearly, citing your sources, creating a bibliography, and proper formatting are all the same, but the details can be different enough that figuring out how to write correctly is un casse-tête .

De plus (what’s more), if you went to school in the US, you are probably familiar with MLA or APA formatting and it’s hard to realize that those are American guidelines.

Ne vous inquiétez pas ! Don’t worry!

In France, all the information you need is in le guide de mise en page (the style guide) provided by le professeur .

Maintenant (now), the biggest problem I have is that with la canicule it’s too hot to drink du café !

master thesis en francais

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About the Author: John Bauer

John Bauer is an enthusiast for all things language and travel. He currently lives in France where he's doing his Master's. John came to France four years ago knowing nothing about the language or the country, but through all the mistakes over the years, he's started figuring things out.


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  1. How to Write a Stellar Mémoire (French Master's Thesis)

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  2. Répertoire des dépôts de thèses, mémoires et archives ouvertes

    HAL - Archives ouvertes - Documents scientifiques de toutes les disciplines, publiés ou non. Érudit - Thèses universitaires au Québec, depuis 1995. RéroDoc - Réseau des Bibliothèques de Suisse Occidentale - Plus de 35 000 documents (livres, journaux, thèses, photos, etc.). Répertoire francophones institutionnels.

  3. index

    HAL Thèses. Le serveur HAL Thèses a pour objectif de promouvoir l'auto-archivage en ligne des thèses de doctorat et habilitations à diriger des recherches (HDR), qui sont des documents importants pour la communication scientifique entre chercheurs. HAL Thèses est un environnement particulier de HAL et permet donc, comme HAL, de rendre ...

  4. Theses.fr

    Access Theses.fr. Thèses.fr is the search engine for French doctoral theses set up by ABES in 2011. This unique tool is supplied by the thesis-supporting institutions. It lists theses in preparation for the last 10 years in all disciplines and all institutions, as well as all theses defended since 1985.

  5. French Language and Literature: Dissertations and theses

    The world's most comprehensive collection of full-text dissertations and theses. As the official digital dissertations archive for the Library of Congress and as the database of record for graduate research, PQDTGlobal includes millions of searchable citations to dissertations and theses from 1861 to the present day together with over a million full-text dissertations that are available for ...

  6. A Propos

    Page A Propos de Theses.fr. Retour à l'accueil A propos. Moteur de recherche des thèses de doctorat françaises, le site theses.fr a pour objet de référencer :. les thèses de doctorat en cours de préparation en France, si l'établissement d'inscription a fait le choix de les signaler et si le ou la doctorant(e) ne s'est pas opposé(e) à ce signalement.

  7. How to Prepare a Successful Master's or Doctoral Thesis in France

    In France, you are now permitted to write a Master or PhD dissertation in English. For international students, preparing a thesis requires many new skills and adapting to the French academic context.

  8. French Language and Literature: Dissertations & Theses

    La base de données de theses.fr est en constante évolution. A terme, l'ensemble des thèses de doctorat soutenues en France sera signalé. CRL Center for Research Libraries Foreign Doctoral Dissertations. Holds 800,000 dissertations from universities outside the U.S. and Canada. However, only 20,000 of these are cataloged in the database.

  9. The Dissertation: Writing in French

    The Conclusion. A conclusion must be written in the spirit of synthesis and with logical rigor. Coming to the end of an argument, a conclusion must be concise and strong. If desired, it can situate the results or thesis a more general sense. (Desalmand, Paul and Tort, Patrick. Du plan à la dissertation.

  10. Selection of sites

    Ma thèse en 180 secondes: organised in France since 2014 by the CNRS and the CPU - Conférence des présidents d'université, this competition, inspired by the 3 Minute Thesis launched by the University of Queensmand (Australia), aims to make people understand their research in three minutes and to the greatest number.; MESR - doctorate MESR - doctoral training

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    Academic Year 2022-2023. Impact of conflicts on the underground drug economy in Aghanistan (PDF, 764 Ko) Antoine POL under the direction of Golvine de Rochambeau, Assistant Professor of Economics at Sciences Po. The case of win-win bilateral slot swapping between ECAC area competing airlines (PDF, 951 Ko)

  12. Master's Thesis

    The Master thesis length is between 20,000 and 30,000 words, excluding appendices. Electronic versions of the thesis must be sent to the thesis' supervisor, the academic advisor, the third member of the jury and [email protected]. Format of Thesis: Overview.

  13. Le programme de maîtrise

    Présentation. D'une durée d'un an, le programme de maîtrise en études françaises comporte trois options qui permettent d'adapter vos études à vos besoins. Nous offrons ainsi une maîtrise obtenue en suivant des séminaires, une maîtrise avec mémoire et une maîtrise avec thèse. Les étudiant.e.s sont invité.e.s à choisir ce ...

  14. Master Thesis

    Master Thesis. As part of your Master's studies, you are required to write a Master thesis. At the end of your thesis, you must fill out the form for the summary of the Master thesis and send it to the reference person in the field. Rename the document with your SIUS number, XX-XXX-XXX-XXX.doc (Please remove the " (FR)" indication).

  15. Master's Thesis

    Resources to better your style in English... et aussi en français ! Skip to Main Content. Library; LibGuides; Academic Writing; Master's Thesis; Search this Guide Search. ... Writing Your Master's Thesis: From A to Zen by Lynn Nygaard. Call Number: 371.3 HEIA 132409. Publication Date: 2017-03-21.

  16. What's The Problem?

    Une problématique is a thesis statement to some people. In my experience, they are used in the same general educational contexts. Cependant (however), they do not mean exactly the same thing. The word for a thesis statement is une thèse principale or un énoncé de la thèse. It's a subtle difference, but la problématique is more about ...

  17. Master's thesis

    The master's thesis is an original, usually individual, work by which the candidate finishing their master program demonstrates their technical and scientific expertise in their field and their ability to carry out a large scale project. The master's thesis is made under the guidance of a academic promoter and/or an industrial expert. It is often coupled with an internship in a company or a ...

  18. thesis master

    Many translated example sentences containing "thesis master" - French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations.

  19. Traduction master's thesis; dissertation ; thesis ; final thesis

    Diploma thesis and final state exam leading to Master degree (Mgr.: Mémoire et examen final menant à la maîtrise (Mgr.: The previous steps allowed us to begin the final phase of this master 's thesis.: Les étapes précédentes nous ont permis d'entamer la dernière phase de ce mémoire.: Two doctoral dissertations and one master 's thesis are currently underway. ...

  20. Master thesis

    Traduction de "Master thesis" en français. Internship = 30 ECTS (Master thesis). Stage = 30 ECTS (thèse de Master). The fourth semester is devoted to a professional internship with one of the associated partners as well as the completion of a Master thesis. Le quatrième semestre est consacré à un stage professionnel auprès de l'un des ...

  21. Master thesis

    The master thesis is a substantial individual project that can also be realized in (collaboration with) a private company, in Belgium or abroad. We generally consider that it amounts to 4 months of full time work. The subject must be proposed or approved by an advisor who must be an academic member or a permanent researcher. For geological engineers, it includes, in most of the cases, an ...

  22. Master Thesis en Francais

    Master Thesis en Francais - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  23. Thèses-Algérie

    Nos services universitaires et académiques. Thèses-Algérie vous propose ses divers services d'édition: mise en page, révision, correction, traduction, analyse du plagiat, ainsi que la réalisation des supports graphiques et de présentation (Slideshows).