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118 Renewable Energy Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on renewable energy, 🌶️ hot renewable energy essay topics, 👍 good renewable energy research topics & essay examples, 💡 simple renewable energy essay ideas, ❓ renewable energy research questions.

  • Solving the Climate Change Crisis by Using Renewable Energy Sources
  • Electricity vs. Solar Energy Compared and Contrasted
  • Environmental Degradation and Renewable Energy
  • How Wind Turbines Convert Wind Energy into Electrical Energy?
  • Renewable Energy Technology in Egypt
  • Is Nuclear Power Renewable Energy?
  • Renewable Energy in Japan: Clean Energy Transition
  • Discussion of Renewable Energy Resources Renewable energy sources have now become a topic for continuous discussion in the contexts of environmental studies, economics, and society.
  • Siemens Energy: Renewable Energy System Renewable energy technologies are methods of energy production that utilize naturally replenishable resources such as solar, wind, geothermal heat, and tides.
  • Renewable Energy: Why Do We Need It? Renewable sources of energy such as solar, wind, or hydropower can bring multiple environmental benefits and tackle the problems of climate change and pollution in several ways.
  • Renewable Energy Programs in Five Countries Energy production is vital for the drive of the economy. The world at large should diversify the sources to reduce the over-usage of fossil energy that is a threat of depletion.
  • Solar Energy and Its Impact on Environment The purpose of this paper is to determine the impact of solar energy on the environment. The major positive impact is the minimal emission of greenhouse gases.
  • Renewable Energy: Benefits Outweigh Downfalls Renewable technology is becoming increasingly popular in today’s world. These inventions are often presented as an alternative eco-friendly solution that eliminates fossil fuels.
  • Renewable Energy: Current State, Enablers, and Barriers The paper discusses the concept of sustainability takes a central role in the global discussion and presents of environment safety plan.
  • The G20 Countries’ Competitiveness in Renewable Energy Resources “Assessing national renewable energy competitiveness of the G20” by Fang et al. presents an assessment of competitiveness in renewable energy resources among G20 countries.
  • Future of 100% Renewable Energy This article explores the future of renewable green energy and a review the topical studies related to 100% renewable energy.
  • Renewable Energy: Proposal Argument and Mind Map This paper argues that green energy in its current state will struggle to meet humanity’s demand and the development of better hybrid, integrated grids is required.
  • Solar Energy: Advantages and Disadvantages Renewable energy sources are being supported and invested in by governments to instigate a new environment-friendly technology.
  • Discussion of Realization of Solar Energy Company ABC is interested in creating a “solar” project which will fully install and staff solar panels to ensure the safe transformation of solar energy into electricity.
  • Profitability of Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy in Australia Undoubtedly, the recent increase in popularity of campaigns to decarbonize the globe proves renewable energy to be a current and future trend globally.
  • Renewable Energy: The Use of Fossil Fuel The paper states that having a combination of renewable energy sources is becoming critical in the global effort to reduce the use of fossil fuels.
  • Solar Energy in China and Its Influence on Climate Change The influence of solar energy on climate change has impacted production, the advancement of solar energy has impacted climate change in the geography of China.
  • Full Renewable Energy Plan Feasibility: 2030-2040 The paper argues that green energy in its current state will struggle to meet the humanity’s demand and the development of better hybrid, integrated grids is required.
  • Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Utilization This paper aims at expounding the effectiveness of renewable energy and the utilization of energy efficiency in regard to climate change.
  • Utilization of Solar Energy for Thermal Desalination The following research is set to outline the prospects of utilization of solar energy for thermal desalination technologies.
  • A World With 100% Renewable Energy Large corporations, countries, and separate states have already transferred or put a plan into action to transfer to 100% renewable energy in a couple of decades.
  • Wind Works Ltd.: Wind Energy Development Methodology Wind Works Ltd, as the company, which provides the alternative energy sources, and makes them available for the wide range of the population needs to resort to a particular assessment strategies.
  • Wind Energy as an Alternative Source While energy is a must for our survival, wind energy as a seemingly perpetual source of energy is the potential answer to the energy security of our generations to come.
  • Solar Power as the Best Source of Energy The concepts of environmental conservation and sustainability have forced many countries and organizations to consider the best strategies or processes for generating electricity.
  • Installing Solar Panels to Reduce Energy Costs The purpose of the proposal is to request permission for research to install solar panels to reduce energy costs, which represent a huge part of the company’s expenses.
  • Renewable Energy Sources for Saudi Arabia This paper will provide background information on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, its energy resources, and how it may become more modern and efficient.
  • Sunburst Renewable Energy Corporation: Business Structuring The proposed Sunburst Renewable Energy Corporation will function on a captivating value statement in product strategy and customer relationships as the core instruments of sustainable operations.
  • Renewable Energy: Economic and Health Benefits The US should consider the adoption of renewable sources of energy, because of the high cost of using fossil fuels and expenses related to health problems due to pollution.
  • The Use of Renewable Energy: Advantages and Disadvantages Today’s world is dependent on electricity, which is supplied from many different sources such as fossils fuels which emit harmful gases that pollute the environment.
  • Renewable Energy Systems Group and Toyota Company The application of the Lean Six Sigma to the key company processes, creates prerequisites for stellar success, as the examples of Toyota and the Renewable Energy Systems Group have shown.
  • Renewable Energy Sources: Popularity and Benefits Renewable fuels are not as pollutive as fossil fuels; they can be reproduced quickly from domestic resources. They became popular because of the decreasing amount of fossil fuels.
  • Renewable Energy Sources: Definition, Types and Stocks This research report analyzes the growing interest of the use renewable energy as an alternative to the non-renewable energy.
  • Renewable Energy Systems: Australia’s Electricity
  • Accelerating Renewable Energy Electrification and Rural Economic Development With an Innovative Business Model
  • Renewable Energy Systems: Role of Grid Connection
  • Breaking Barriers Towards Investment in Renewable Energy
  • California Dreaming: The Economics of Renewable Energy
  • Marine Renewable Energy Clustering in the Mediterranean Sea: The Case of the PELAGOS Project
  • Differences Between Fossil Fuel and Renewable Energy
  • Addressing the Renewable Energy Financing Gap in Africa to Promote Universal Energy Access: Integrated Renewable Energy Financing in Malawi
  • Causality Between Public Policies and Exports of Renewable Energy Technologies
  • Achieving the Renewable Energy Target for Jamaica
  • Economic Growth and the Transition From Non-renewable to Renewable Energy
  • Between Innovation and Industrial Policy: How Washington Succeeds and Fails at Renewable Energy
  • Increasing Financial Incentive for Renewable Energy in the Third World
  • Does Financial Development Matter for Innovation in Renewable Energy?
  • Financing Rural Renewable Energy: A Comparison Between China and India
  • Alternative Energy for Renewable Energy Sources
  • Low-Carbon Transition: Private Sector Investment in Renewable Energy Projects in Developing Countries
  • Effective Renewable Energy Activities in Bangladesh
  • China’s Renewable Energy Policy: Commitments and Challenges
  • Analyzing the Dynamic Impact of Electricity Futures on Revenue and Risk of Renewable Energy in China
  • Driving Energy: The Enactment and Ambitiousness of State Renewable Energy Policy
  • Carbon Lock-Out: Advancing Renewable Energy Policy in Europe
  • Big Oil vs. Renewable Energy: A Detrimental Conflict With Global Consequences
  • Efficient Feed-In-Tariff Policies for Renewable Energy Technologies
  • Balancing Cost and Risk: The Treatment of Renewable Energy in Western Utility Resource Plans
  • Active and Reactive Power Control for Renewable Energy Generation Engineering
  • Mainstreaming New Renewable Energy Technologies
  • Carbon Pricing and Innovation of Renewable Energy
  • Economic Growth, Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Renewable Energy and Globalization
  • Figuring What’s Fair: The Cost of Equity Capital for Renewable Energy in Emerging Markets
  • Distributed Generation: The Definitive Boost for Renewable Energy in Spain
  • Biodiesel From Green Rope and Brown Algae: Future Renewable Energy
  • Electricity Supply Security and the Future Role of Renewable Energy Sources in Brazil
  • Contracting for Biomass: Supply Chain Strategies for Renewable Energy
  • Advanced Education and Training Programs to Support Renewable Energy Investment in Africa
  • Domestic Incentive Measures for Renewable Energy With Possible Trade Implications
  • Affordable and Clean Renewable Energy
  • Catalyzing Investment for Renewable Energy in Developing Countries
  • Better Health, Environment, and Economy With Renewable Energy Sources
  • Afghanistan Renewable Energy Development Issues and Options
  • How Economics Can Change the World With Renewable Energy?
  • Are Green Hopes Too Rosy? Employment and Welfare Impacts of Renewable Energy Promotion
  • Marketing Strategy for Renewable Energy Development in Indonesia Context Today
  • Biomass Residue From Palm Oil Industries is Used as Renewable Energy Fuel in Southeast Asia
  • Assessing Renewable Energy Policies in Palestine
  • Chinese Renewable Energy Technology Exports: The Role of Policy, Innovation, and Markets
  • Business Models for Model Businesses: Lessons From Renewable Energy Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries
  • Economic Impacts From the Promotion of Renewable Energy Technologies: The German Experience
  • Key Factors and Recommendations for Adopting Renewable Energy Systems by Families and Firms
  • Improving the Investment Climate for Renewable Energy
  • How Will Renewable Energy Play a Role in Future Economies?
  • What Are the Advantages of Renewable Energy?
  • What Is the Term for a Renewable Energy Source That Taps Into Heat Produced Deep Below Ground?
  • What Are the Basic Problems of Renewable Energy?
  • Why Is Solar Energy the Best Resource of Renewable Energy?
  • How Can You Make a Potentially Renewable Energy Resource Sustainable?
  • What Is a Possible Cost of Using Renewable Energy Resources?
  • What Is the Contribution of Renewable Energy Sources to Global Energy Consumption?
  • How Do Renewable Energy Resources Work?
  • What Is the Most Viable Renewable Energy Source for the US to Invest In?
  • Why Isn’t Renewable Energy More Widely Used Than It Is?
  • Is Coal Still a Viable Resource Versus Windpower Being Renewable Energy?
  • What Is the Difference Between Non-renewable and Renewable Energy?
  • Why Is It Necessary to Emphasize Renewable Energy Sources in Order to Achieve a Sustainable Society?
  • Is Aluminum an Example of a Renewable Energy Resource?
  • What Fraction of Our Energy Currently Comes From Renewable Energy Sources?
  • What Are the Disadvantages of Renewable Energy?
  • What Would Have to Happen to Completely Abandon Non-renewable Energy Sources?
  • Why Are Renewable Energy Better Than Fossil Fuels?
  • How Could a Renewable Energy Resource Become Non-renewable?
  • How Have Renewable Energy Resources Replaced a Percentage of Fossil Fuels in Different Countries?
  • How Can Water Be Used as a Renewable Energy Resource?
  • What Is the Most Practical Renewable Energy Source?
  • What Steps Are Necessary to Further the Use of Renewable Energy Resources in THE US?
  • Why Is Renewable Energy Use Growing?
  • What Type of Renewable Energy Should Businesses in Your Region Invest In?
  • How Does Renewable Energy Reduce Climate Change?
  • Can the Development of Renewable Energy Sources Lead To Increased International Tensions?
  • How Do Renewable Energy Resources Affect the Environment?
  • Why Have So Many Governments Decided to Subsidize Renewable Energy Initiatives?

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StudyCorgi. (2022, October 26). 118 Renewable Energy Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/renewable-energy-essay-topics/

"118 Renewable Energy Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 26 Oct. 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/renewable-energy-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2022) '118 Renewable Energy Essay Topics'. 26 October.

1. StudyCorgi . "118 Renewable Energy Essay Topics." October 26, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/renewable-energy-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "118 Renewable Energy Essay Topics." October 26, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/renewable-energy-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "118 Renewable Energy Essay Topics." October 26, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/renewable-energy-essay-topics/.

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Renewable Energy Dissertation Topics

Published by Carmen Troy at January 5th, 2023 , Revised On May 16, 2024

Renewable energy refers to sustainable energy that can be constantly replenished. These energy sources include solar energy, wind energy, and thermal energy, which are naturally replenishing.  In simple words, renewable energy is the energy extracted from natural sources.

Renewable energy has become the need of the hour and has potential repercussions on the climate. While many used to claim in the past that the emergency of climate change was false, the obvious changes today evidently ratify its importance. If not for climate change, renewable energy is essential for increasing the longevity of the earth and, thus, the species living on it.  Therefore, it is a matter of high significance to make some painstaking efforts and ensure the availability of renewable energy resources to all.

Suppose you are aiming to centralise your dissertation on a renewable energy-related theme. In that case, you can look at some of the current, striking, and potential topics suggested by our PhD scholars at ResearchProspect.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting a brief research proposal from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an introduction to the problem, research question, aim and objectives, literature review, and the proposed methodology of research to be conducted. Let us know if you need any help in getting started.

Check our example dissertation to get an idea of how to structure your dissertation .

You can review step by step guide on how to write your dissertation here .

Topic 1: Exploring the economic benefits of increasing biomass conversion – a case study of the UK renewable energy industry.

Research Aim: The present study aims to explore the economic benefits of increasing biomass conversion referring to the case study of the UK renewable energy industry.


  • To share a preliminary concept of biomass conversion and its benefits.
  • To describe the economic benefits of increasing biomass conversion based on the context of the UK renewable energy industry
  • To identify challenges in biomass conversion along with figuring out strategies to eradicate these challenges.

Topic 2: Inspecting the advantages of using solar energy and its role as a solution to the global threat i.e. Climate change.

Research Aim: The present study aims to investigate the benefits of using solar energy and the way it is resolving the problem of climate change.

  • To elucidate the benefits of using solar energy and its growing use in different sectors.
  • To explain how solar energy can be a solution to a global threat like climate change.
  • To provide a stringent set of recommendations for the best possible use of solar energy to eradicate the problem of climate change.

Topic 3: Examining the strategy of embracing renewable energy by the UK retail organisations to fulfil the environmental sustainability goals.

Research Aim: The present study aims to evaluate the strategy of using renewable energy in the UK retail sector to fulfil environmental sustainability goals.

  • To express the way renewable energy sources are being relevant in the UK retail industry.
  • To analyse how retail organisations in the UK are using renewable energy to fulfil their environmental sustainability goals.
  • To share effective ideas about how renewable energy sources can be used properly by UK retail organisations to fulfil environmental sustainability goals.

Topic 4: Critical assessment of growing concern for sustainability in UK construction industry which is driving renewable energy consumption.

Research Aim: The present study aims to assess the growing concern for sustainability in the UK construction industry that drives overall renewable energy consumption.

  • To explain the increasing concern for sustainability in the UK construction industry.
  • To examine how renewable energy consumption is increasing in the UK construction industry along with the growing concern for sustainability.
  • To recommend that organisations in the UK construction industry improve the use of renewable energy sources, aiming to achieve sustainability goals.

Topic 5: Evaluating the impact of solar energy in sustainability practices in the UK agriculture industry.

Research Aim: The present study aims to evaluate the impacts of using solar energy in sustainability practices in the UK agriculture industry.

  • To demonstrate the concept of solar energy consumption and its impacts on sustainability practices.
  • To contextualise the use of solar energy in the UK agriculture industry as a part of sustainability practices.
  • To provide recommendations for improving the use of solar energy thereby gaining its advantageous effects in the UK agriculture industry.

Renewable Energy Research Topics For Research

Topic. 1: renewable energy: prospects and problems today.

Research Aim: The main aim of the research will be to identify the significance of deploying renewable energy to the masses and its implications in the long run. The research will also discuss whether or not the world is facing challenges in ensuring the availability of renewable energy; if yes, what would be the solutions or alternatives?

Topic. 2: Renewable energy for sustainable development in Africa

Research Aim: Africa leads ahead of all other regions of the world in terms of the least access to renewable energy. According to one report, around 600 million people do not have access to electricity in Africa, while  900 million lack access to clean water. This research will study and evaluate how providing renewable energy can foster sustainable development in the region by advancing economic development, improving access to energy, and mitigating climate change.

Topic. 3: Implications of COVID-19 on the biofuel market

Research Aim: COVID -19 posed precarious implications for global markets as it dismantled people’s buying capacity . It was noted that during the pandemic, the prices of biofuel plummeted dramatically as the consumer need was minimal. Keeping that in mind, you can base your research on what shifts are expected to occur in the bio-fuel market when the pandemic ends.

The prime aim of the research will include studying the impact of COVID-9 on the biofuel market and understanding its influences on biofuel policy support by policymakers.

Topic. 4: Geothermal energy; an untapped abundant energy resource

Research Aim: Geothermal energy is usually viewed as a recent form of alternative energy. It is cheaper than other green energy sources and is clean and sustainable.  It is derived from the earth’s core and is more eco-friendly than other fossil fuel sources. In this research, you can explain geothermal energy, its abundance, and how it can be leveraged and supplied to the masses to help escape the energy crisis.

Topic. 5: The Future of Wind Energy

Research Aim: The main aim of the research will be to identify the prospects of wind energy by evaluating the current and prospected policies regarding its utilisation worldwide. The research can also be based on modern and future technologies to expand the utilisation and outreach of wind energy.

Topic. 6: Home wind energy: How valuable it is?

Research Aim: Recently more and more people have found it an excellent idea to install our very own wind turbines and produce clean energy to power homes. But doing that does not come without challenges. The research can discuss the significance of wind energy, check for its practicability, and evaluate its benefits and downsides.

Topic. 7: Economic and environmental benefits of Renewable Energy

Research Aim: We are all aware that renewable energy has vast benefits, ranging from economic to environmental. The main aim of the research will be to thoroughly discuss the economic and environmental aspects that are facilitated the most. You can study how countries are thriving economically and structuring workable policies to mitigate climate change and present a model to follow.

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Topic. 8: Why it has become more important than ever to focus on renewable energy

Research Aim: The aim of the research will be to identify the key reasons behind the much-needed attention that must be given to renewable energy. It is prime time to focus on renewable energy to ensure sustainable development and handle climate change quickly.

Today, as the world is swiftly transitioning into a technologically driven lifestyle, there are still a lot of people with no access to drinking water and electricity. Moreover, the consumption of artificial resources is responsible for curtailing the longevity of the earth and thus the species living on it. It is essential to take significant steps to help the earth and the people living on it.

Also Read: Environmental Engineering Dissertation Topics

Topic. 9: Is financing Renewable energy costly?

Research Aim: The pivotal aim of the research will be to examine the costs that it would take to finance renewable energy for the masses. Many countries around the world still have no access to clean drinking water, electricity, and therefore technology. These are the main reasons why the countries are underdeveloped, and their inhabitants are below the poverty line.

Topic. 10: Mitigating climate change; can renewable energy help?

Research Aim: The research will evaluate the impact of renewable energy in helping mitigate climate change. It will analyse all key factors that can impeccably play a role in controlling the biggest problem posed to humans.

As the years pass by, the population of humans is also growing. More people means more land acquisition, more pollution, and more requirements for resources. In such a scenario, what is suffering the most is the climate. If it is not addressed today, it will become such a big problem that it will be impossible to handle it easily.

Topic. 11: Living Green: How many have access to Renewable energy

Research Aim: With time, the energy costs are increasing, so are the effects of global warming. It has become more important than ever to ensure living green: Using renewable energy. The main aim of the research would be to do a quantitative analysis of how many people have access to renewable energy.

Topic. 12: Understanding differences between renewable and alternative energy technology

Research Aim: Many people confuse renewable and alternative energy technology and therefore question if there is such a thing as renewable energy technology. The research can explain and evaluate the differences between renewable and alternative technology so that people can use them without any doubt in their minds. Renewable energy can be constantly replenished, while alternative energy is an alternative energy source used instead of fossil fuel.

Also Read: Technology Dissertation Topics

Topic. 13: Is solar energy the way forward

Research Aim: There is a persistent controversy on the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy. While some believe that it is of great benefit, it is the other way around for others.

The aim of the research will be to examine solar energy, and weigh its pros and cons, and evaluate if it is going to predominate in the future. A qualitative analysis that includes surveying people’s opinions on social energy helps clear this ambiguity.

Topic. 14: Approach towards renewable energy in 2030

Research Aim: The research will study the current national and international policies on renewable energy to sketch a draft of the approach towards renewable energy in 2030.  Qualitative discourse analysis can help figure out the key indicators that will prompt or prohibit a change in the upcoming years.

Topic. 15: Cost of solar energy in comparison to other renewable energy

Research Aim: The research will conduct a financial analysis on solar energy and draw a comparison against other renewable energy, i.e. hydro, biomass, tidal, and wind energy. It will evaluate the costs against different parameters and on different levels of technology.

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Topic. 16: Trends in Renewable energy

Research Aim: It is necessary to keep an eye on the current trends to make speculations about the future. The researcher can study the trends in renewable energy in 202o or 2021.  The research can also draw a comparison of the renewable trends in 2020 and 2021.

Topic. 17: Renewable energy and COVID-19

Research Aim: The research will study and explore the impacts of COVID-19 on renewable energy. It will also explain if the pandemic posed any systematic changes to trends and prospects of renewable energy.

Topic. 18: How does Geothermal energy work?

Research Aim: The research will provide a thorough explanation of how geothermal energy works and why it is more eco-friendly, economical, and valuable than fossil fuels . The researcher can describe the steps from scratch until they are utilised as alternative energy.

Topic. 19: Effects of renewable vs non-renewable energy

Research Aim: The researcher will empirically study the small and broad long-run effects of using renewable and non-renewable energy to create a comparison between them.

Topic. 20: A review of tidal energy technologies

Research Aim: Tidal energy is among the most efficient energies; however, it is less common as it is harnessed from tides. The aim of the research will be to study technological advancement and development regarding their use as an alternative for energy. The research can list different methods, devices, and technologies that are used to harness tidal energy, and which of them can be the most viable to meet our annual needs.

List Of Top Trending Dissertation Topics For Renewable Energy

  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Optimising Energy Production from Renewable Sources
  • Life Cycle Assessment of Emerging Renewable Energy Technologies: A Comparative Analysis
  • The Socio-Economic Impacts of a Large-Scale Transition to Renewable Energy
  • The Integration of Renewable Energy into the Existing Power Grid
  • Policy Frameworks for Accelerating the Adoption of Renewable Energy Technologies
  • The Potential of Hydrogen Energy as a Clean and Sustainable Fuel Source
  • Public Perception and Social Acceptance of Renewable Energy Technologies
  • The Impact of Renewable Energy on Energy Security and Geopolitical Dynamics
  • The Role of Financial Incentives in Driving Investment in Renewable Energy Projects
  • The Ethical Considerations of Renewable Energy Development: Land Use, Resource Extraction, and Social Justice
  • Cybersecurity Threats to Renewable Energy Infrastructure
  • Smart Grid Technologies for a Renewable Energy Future: Enabling Two-Way Communication and Demand Response
  • The Role of Blockchain Technology in Decentralised Renewable Energy Systems
  • The Potential of Geothermal Energy for Baseload Power Generation
  • The Economic Viability of Renewable Energy Microgrids for Remote Communities
  • The Use of Big Data and Analytics to Optimise Renewable Energy Production and Distribution
  • The Role of Consumer Behavior in Accelerating the Transition to Renewable Energy
  • The Potential of Renewable Energy for Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Aid
  • The Impact of Trade Policies on the Global Deployment of Renewable Energy Technologies
  • The Role of Research and Development in Advancing Renewable Energy Technologies
  • The Impact of Renewable Energy on Air Quality and Public Health
  • The Role of Education and Public Awareness in Promoting the Adoption of Renewable Energy
  • The Potential of Renewable Energy to Reduce Energy Poverty in Developing Countries
  • The Impact of Renewable Energy on Energy Security in a Geopolitically Unstable World
  • The Role of International Cooperation in Accelerating the Global Transition to Renewable Energy
  • The Role of Renewable Energy in Decarbonising the Transportation Secto

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How to find renewable energy dissertation topics.

To find renewable energy dissertation topics:

  • Research recent advancements.
  • Explore environmental concerns.
  • Investigate technology potentials.
  • Analyse policy and economic aspects.
  • Consider global energy needs.
  • Select a specific area of interest for your dissertation.

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Renewable Energy Dissertation Topics

Renewable energy is a topic which is at the forefront of energy development. The global drive to manage, mitigate and prevent climate change has seen the contribution of renewable energy, as an alternative to traditional fossil fuels, to global energy generation increase significantly over the past decade. The growing importance of renewable energy as a solution to the global climate crisis has seen extensive research undertaken and necessitates substantial future research to be conducted. This has made renewable energy a highly popular choice for dissertations, both with undergraduates and for postgraduate studies.

When selecting a dissertation topic that is focused on renewable energy it is important to choose a topic which presents a novel and engaging approach. There is an extensive body of published literature which the dissertation topic should enable critical engagement with. However, it is important to ensure that a selected dissertation topic does not simply rehash previous research, the development of renewable energy is constant and presents opportunities for numerous dissertations which examine key issues and debates including those related to sustainability, energy security, justice, equality and development.

Governing the Renewable Energy Transition

Renewable energy and energy security, emerging renewable energy technologies, renewable energy in developing countries, renewable energy within the circular economy.

Governance is and will be a highly important component of the regime shift to renewable energy. Government policies have the potential to support, guide and increase the rate of the energy transition, equally, there is the potential for ineffective policies to hamper the transition to renewables-based energy sectors. A successful transition will require a transformative governance which encourages the integration of knowledge across all aspects of the energy sector and enables the development of a sustainable and just renewable energy-based society. Under this purview falls some dissertation topics which are highly relevant to current events, namely the on-going global Covid-19 pandemic and how it and similar disruptive events may have a negative impact on renewable energy deployment if not appropriately managed. The role of governance remains an on-topic aspect of renewable energy which provides for a variety of dissertation examinations. Some examples of dissertation topics which examine renewable energy and governance are:

  • Is the urgency of energy sector reform reflected in government policies or is there a need for new economic incentives to facilitate the transition to a renewables-based energy sector?
  • How do disruptive events impact the transition to renewable energy generation?
  • Will renewable energy generation enable new forms of alternative governance structures?
  • Are governments effectively engaging citizens in the process of renewable energy generation and energy conservation?
  • Do grassroots innovations positively contribute to the renewable energy transition and what influence does government policy have on the success or failure of grassroots renewable energy systems?

Increasing the capacity of renewable energy provision within a nation has the potential to contribute significantly towards enhancing energy security through the development of national energy provision which does not rely on foreign energy imports. Renewables-based energy sectors have complex interactions with energy security due to the variation in energy generation potential which is observed for many renewables. Reconciling renewable energy generation with energy security is a highly important component of future energy sectors, if renewables-based energy sectors cannot provide energy security then they will not be successful. There are multiple perspectives which can be taken in dissertations investigating this aspect of renewable energy, ranging from the development of diverse renewable resources, through to energy storage and distribution. Here are a few topic suggestions which investigate this aspect of renewable energy:

  • Can we store enough: The future of batteries and energy storage.
  • Can renewable energy resources present a viable future: Are renewables sufficient?
  • Securing the future: Are Renewables the solution?
  • The justice of renewable energy in developing countries; All for one and one for all.
  • Energy storage: breaking the barriers to the future of energy solutions.
  • Batteries: Which is the most desirable option?
  • The future of energy supply, can we meet demand?

The status of development of renewable energy technologies differs between renewable resources. Some, such as solar PV and wind turbines are well-established and current research focuses on the refinement and improvement of these technologies and their associated infrastructure. However, the energy demands of society are diverse and there is a need to ensure that renewable energy generation can meet this diversity of needs. The replacement of traditional fossil fuels poses a greater challenge in some areas compared to others, for example, the replacement of aviation fuel with a renewable and low-carbon alternative. Dissertation topics examining emerging renewable energy technologies present an interesting option which looks to the future of renewable energy and identifies gaps in our current knowledge pool. Some examples of dissertation topics based on emerging renewable energy technologies are given below:

  • How ‘green’ is green hydrogen? Examining the potential for green hydrogen utilisation in a sustainable society.
  • Guilt free jet setting: Can biofuels make aviation fuels carbon neutral and sustainable?
  • Reconciling biofuels and food security can we achieve both?
  • Why is Geothermal renewable energy underutilised?
  • Are all biofuels the same: Quantifying the environmental impact of biofuel production.

The case of developing countries is highly relevant to the subject of renewable energy systems. This is due to the potential for developing countries to avoid the negative impacts of increasing energy demand with economic development if renewable energy resources are selected rather than traditional fossil fuels. This way the mistakes of developed nations and the resulting environmental degradation could potential be avoided. However, there comes into play issues regarding justice and equity, whereby it can be argued that developing countries should be afforded the same development opportunities as already developed countries and that to impose conditions on the energy sector development would be unjust. Dissertation topics in this area can be varied and the following titles are just some examples of areas you could potential explore:

  • How will an energy transition to a renewables-based energy sector impact energy poverty in developing countries?
  • Are decentralised, small-scale renewable energy generation systems the answer to supporting the development of rural communities?
  • What are the barriers to renewable energy based economic development pathways for developing countries?
  • Empowering rural communities: Renewable energy for the future.
  • Can renewable-based energy transitions be just?
  • Economic development and renewable futures can the two be reconciled?

The development of a sustainable future will be influenced by our approach to the use and consumption of resources. The nature of renewable energy is such that it will play a vital role in reducing the consumption of natural resources and limiting environmental degradation. The circular economy is being increasingly touted as the way forward for resource use and renewable energy resources are likely to be an integral aspect of the circular economy. However, the role of renewable energy within the circular economy is one which needs to be explored and developed, yes, the use of renewable energy has a lesser environmental impact that fossil fuels, but this does not mean that renewable energy does not have a degradative environmental impact. The sustainability of renewable energy, resource consumption and their role within the circular economy is an important area of research which is likely to receive considerable attention in the coming years and thus is a highly on-trend topic for a dissertation. Some example of dissertation titles which would fall within this area are:

  • Can the sustainability of renewable energy systems be increased through the development of end-of-life component recycling?
  • The place of renewable energy resources within the circular economy: Will it be possible to produce energy without consuming natural resources?
  • Which renewable resource presents the most sustainable option: A life-cycle approach to calculating the environmental impact of renewable energy.
  • Does the use of limited or rare natural resources in renewable energy systems mean that there is a finite lifespan of renewable energy systems?
  • Powering the circular economy, what role will renewable energy systems play?
  • The future of solar energy: Will it be possible to reduce resource consumption in solar energy systems?
  • Do we perceive renewable energy systems as ‘greener’ than they are: A case study of the environmental impact of solar photovoltaic panel production.

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Renewable energy articles from across Nature Portfolio

Renewable energy is energy that comes from sources that are readily replenishable on short-timescales. Examples of these are solar radiation, wind, and biomass.

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Reshaping catalysis beyond the conventional

The catalysis Gordon Research Conference is a much-anticipated biennial gathering of the community to discuss the frontiers in design and development of catalytic materials and processes. Amani Ebrahim briefly touches upon this year’s themes centred on enabling technologies for sustainable societies.

  • Amani M. Ebrahim

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Top performance whatever the doping

The highest power conversion efficiencies for silicon heterojunction solar cells have been achieved on devices based on n-type doped silicon wafers, yet these wafers are usually more expensive than p-type ones. Now, researchers reduce charge recombination in the bulk of p-type silicon, demonstrating comparable efficiency to devices based on n-type silicon.

  • Bernd Stannowski

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Chirality for stable interfaces

Interfacial engineering is key to ensure the long-term stability of perovskite solar cells. Research now shows that chiral molecules can both improve the mechanical stability of the interfaces and afford passivation of defects at the perovskite surface, making solar cells more tolerant to thermal cycling stress.

  • Juan-Pablo Correa-Baena

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Renewable Energy Dissertation Topics


  • Updated on  
  • Jan 12, 2023

research proposal topics on renewable energy

Renewable energy is one of the most popular research topics. Thousands of students used these topics for their MTech and PhD theses, but a few of them struggled to find the right topic and a good paper for their graduation. Now, all thesis on renewable energy resources problems can be solved with a single phone call, which means that our Leverage Edu experts can help MTech and PhD students who are having problems with their thesis on renewable energy resources. As a master’s student, you may choose renewable energy as your thesis topic . If you decide to write a thesis on renewable energy, you may be unsure of how to begin or even what you are required to do. Don’t worry, we have you covered. In this blog, you’ll find renewable energy dissertation topics to help you write your thesis.

This Blog Includes:

Why is renewable energy important, best renewable energy research topics 2023, topic 1 .

Renewable energy is one of the fastest-growing systems in developing countries. It is widely used for “self-service” purposes. It is quite popular due to some unique advantages in its application. PhD research topics in Renewable Energy provide a distinguished platform for PhD/ MS scholars. We assist our serving hands in developing the best profile for their career.

Renewable Energy’s Untapped Potential

  • Ecofriendly
  • Reasonable Price
  • Lower Maintenance
  • Health Advantages
  • Unending and also Reliable Resource

It is the “core portion of the modern power system” all at once. It aids in the regulation of low, high, and variable power generation. As a result, we are also current in all of these recent areas. As a result, we guide you in every nook and cranny of your area with the help of our expert advice.

Topic 1: Renewable Energy: Prospects and Challenges Today

Topic 2: Renewable energy for Africa ‘s long-term development

Topic 3: The Impact of COVID – 19 on the Biofuel Market

Topic 4: Geothermal energy is an untapped abundant energy resource.

Topic 5: Wind Energy’s Future

Topic 6: How valuable is home wind energy?

Topic 7: Renewable Energy’s Economic and Environmental Benefits

Topic 8: Why is it more important than ever to prioritise renewable energy?

Topic 9: Is it expensive to finance renewable energy?

Topic 10: Climate change mitigation; can renewable energy help?

Topic 11: Living Green: How many people have access to renewable energy?

Topic 12: Understanding the distinctions between renewable and alternative energy technology 

Topic 13: Is solar energy the way to go?

Topic 14: 2030 Approach to Renewable Energy

Topic 15: The cost of solar energy versus other renewable energy sources

Renewable Energy Dissertation Examples

Here are some dissertation topics for you to cover under the renewable energy topic. The examples are personalised for the UK, but you can mend them according to the country that you choose to write about.

Topic Name: Investigating the economic benefits of increasing biomass conversion – a case study of the renewable energy industry in the United Kingdom .

Aim of the Study: The current study aims to investigate the economic benefits of increasing biomass conversion using the UK renewable energy industry as a case study.


  • To present an initial concept of biomass conversion and its benefits.
  • In the context of the UK renewable energy industry, describe the economic benefits of increasing biomass conversion.
  • Identifying challenges in biomass conversion and devising strategies to overcome these challenges.

Topic Name: Examining the benefits of using solar energy and its role in addressing the global threat of climate change .

Aim of the study: The current study aims to investigate the benefits of using solar energy and how it is addressing the issue of climate change.

  • To explain the advantages of using solar energy and its increasing use in various sectors.
  • To demonstrate how solar energy can be used to address a global threat such as climate change.
  • To provide a stringent set of recommendations for the most effective use of solar energy in combating climate change.

Topic Name: Investigating UK retail organisations’ use of renewable energy to meet environmental sustainability goals.

Aim of the Study: The purpose of this research is to assess the strategy of using renewable energy in the UK retail sector to achieve environmental sustainability goals.

  • To express the importance of renewable energy sources in the UK retail industry.
  • To investigate how retail organisations in the United Kingdom use renewable energy to achieve environmental sustainability goals.
  • To share effective ideas on how UK retail organisations can use renewable energy sources effectively to achieve environmental sustainability goals.

Topic Name: A critical assessment of the growing concern for sustainability in the UK construction industry, which is driving the use of renewable energy.

Aim of the Study: The purpose of this research is to evaluate the growing concern for sustainability in the UK construction industry, which drives overall renewable energy consumption.

  • To explain why the UK construction industry is becoming increasingly concerned about sustainability.
  • To investigate how renewable energy consumption in the UK construction industry is increasing in tandem with the growing concern for sustainability.
  • To encourage organisations in the UK construction industry to increase their use of renewable energy sources in order to meet sustainability goals.

Topic Name: Assessing the impact of solar energy on agricultural sustainability practices in the United Kingdom.

Aim of the Study: The current study aims to assess the effects of using solar energy in sustainability practises in the UK agriculture industry.

  • To demonstrate the concept of solar energy consumption and its implications for environmental practices.
  • To place the use of solar energy in the UK agriculture industry within the context of sustainability practices.
  • To make recommendations for improving the use of solar energy and reaping its benefits in the UK agriculture industry.

How renewable energy affects the future of our planet. Use of biomass as a renewable energy source. The limitations of fossil fuels: the significance of renewable energy and its economic benefits. Methods for extracting power from flow-structure interactions.

A thesis statement example: Solar power is an excellent alternative energy source because it is renewable, cost-effective, and does not pollute the environment.

Three obstacles to renewable energy are: Putting energy storage in place. Traditional fossil-fuel plants operate at a reduced level, producing a consistent and predictable amount of electricity Bringing together distributed systems Renewable energy reporting

This was all about Renewable energy Dissertation Topics. For more information, subscribe to Leverage Edu and if you wish to study abroad, connect with our counsellors at 1800 57 2000 and book a 30-minute free session.

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Vidisha Dewan

Graduated with English as a major, I’m a writing enthusiast. Writing helps me blend my passion and profession to achieve creative satisfaction. I am an opinionated person, but always open to change. Try to keep my work surroundings creative and fun, with space for constructive feedback.

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Renewable Energy

Start learning about your topic, create research questions to focus your topic, using and finding books, recommended books, find articles in library databases, find videos on renewable energy, find web resources, cite your sources, key search words.

Use the words below to search for useful information in books and articles .

  • biomass / biofuel
  • geo-thermal energy
  • green energy
  • hydropower / hydroelectricity
  • solar power / solar energy
  • sustainable energy

Background Reading:

It's important to begin your research learning something about your subject; in fact, you won't be able to create a focused, manageable thesis unless you already know something about your topic.

This step is important so that you will:

  • Begin building your core knowledge about your topic
  • Be able to put your topic in context
  • Create research questions that drive your search for information
  • Create a list of search terms that will help you find relevant information
  • Know if the information you’re finding is relevant and useful

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  • CQ Researcher Online This link opens in a new window This is the resource for finding original, comprehensive reporting and analysis to get background information on issues in the news. It provides overviews of topics related to health, social trends, criminal justice, international affairs, education, the environment, technology, and the economy in America.
  • Issues & Controversies This link opens in a new window This is a great database to use when you want to explore different viewpoints on controversial or hot-button issues. It includes reports on more than 800 hot topics in business, politics, government, education, and popular culture. Use the search or browse topics by subject or A to Z.
  • Gale eBooks This link opens in a new window Use this database for preliminary reading as you start your research. You'll learn about your topic by reading authoritative topic overviews on a wide variety of subjects.
  • Gale In Context: Global Issues This link opens in a new window Use this database when you want to explore your topic from a global perspective or to analyze and understand the most important issues of the modern world with a global awareness. You'll find news, global viewpoints, reference materials, country information, primary source documents, videos, statistics, and more.
  • Alternative Energy This 3-volume encyclopedia is available as an eBook. Use the search box to find articles on specific alternative energy topics
  • What is renewable energy?
  • What are the different types of renewable energy?
  • What is the difference between renewable energy and clean energy?
  • What is the history of renewable energy in the United States?
  • What are the advantages of renewable energy?
  • What are the disadvantages of renewable energy?
  • What are the economic arguments for and against renewable energy?
  • What are the political arguments for and against renewable energy?
  • How should research into renewable energy be funded?
  • Should the U.S. government provide subsidies or tax breaks to renewable energy companies?
  • Based on what I have learned from my research, what do I think about the issue of renewable energy?

Why Use Books:

Use books to read broad overviews and detailed discussions of your topic. You can also use books to find  primary sources , which are often published together in collections.  

Where Do I Find Books?

You'll use the library catalog to search for books, ebooks, articles, and more.  

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  • GreenFILE This link opens in a new window Well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. This collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.
  • Today's Science This link opens in a new window Covers a full range of current scientific developments.
  • Gale Databases This link opens in a new window Search over 35 databases simultaneously that cover almost any topic you need to research at MJC. Gale databases include articles previously published in journals, magazines, newspapers, books, and other media outlets.
  • Access World News This link opens in a new window Search the full-text of editions of record for local, regional, and national U.S. newspapers as well as full-text content of key international sources. This is your source for The Modesto Bee from January 1989 to the present. Also includes in-depth special reports and hot topics from around the country. To access The Modesto Bee , limit your search to that publication. more... less... Watch this short video to learn how to find The Modesto Bee .

Find videos and documentaries about renewable energy in Films on Demand.  These film resources are free for MJC students, faculty, & staff.  If you're working from off campus, you'll need to sign in , using your student ID (without the W) and your six-digit birth date.

Type renewable energy  in the search box to access videos on this topic.

  • Films on Demand This link opens in a new window Use Films on Demand when you want educational video content. This streaming video collection contains unlimited, 24/7 access to thousands of videos. Teachers can embed videos in Canvas. In addition, there are mobile options for iPad and Android. more... less... Instructions for embedding Films on Demand into Canvas .
  • Kanopy This link opens in a new window Kanopy is a video streaming database with a broad selection of over 26,000 documentaries, feature films and training videos from thousands of producers. Instructions for embedding Kanopy into Canvas .

Use Google Scholar to find scholarly literature on the Web:

Google Scholar Search

Browse Featured Web sites:

  • Modesto Irrigation District Electrical power and water utility
  • MIT Energy Initiative Use the search box or click on the Research and Studies tab to find information on energy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • United States Department of Energy The U.S. Department of Energy's site has information on all aspects of energy use and production. Use the search box at the top of the page to access specific information.

Your instructor should tell you which citation style they want you to use. Click on the appropriate link below to learn how to format your paper and cite your sources according to a particular style.

  • Chicago Style
  • ASA & Other Citation Styles
  • Last Updated: Apr 25, 2024 1:28 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.mjc.edu/renewable_energy

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research proposal topics on renewable energy

PhD Sustainable Energy

By pursuing our PhD in Sustainable Energy, you will join the School of Mechanical Engineering Sciences and work with leading academics and researchers who will support you to broaden your understanding of the issues and solutions for sustainable and resilient energy and develop your professional practice.

Key course information

October 2024 - full-time, october 2024 - part-time, january 2025 - full-time, january 2025 - part-time, april 2025 - full-time, april 2025 - part-time, july 2025 - full-time, july 2025 - part-time, why choose this programme.

In recent years, many modern energy systems based on renewable energy sources and high energy efficiency have been proposed to support reliable, affordable, and clean energy production.

Our PhD programme will allow you to undertake in-depth research into new energy generation technologies and the complex issues facing low-carbon energy systems and technologies such as:

  • Offshore wind turbines
  • Green hydrogen production and refuelling infrastructure
  • Thermal energy technologies (e.g., heat-mechanical energy conversion), as well as the related environmental and safety issues.

Along with net zero commitments, maintaining the ’always-on’ status of energy systems (i.e., their resilience) is of utmost importance for governmental bodies and the private sector. The scope of ‘energy resilience’ as an area of multidisciplinary research requires diverse skills from various engineering and physical sciences disciplines such as:

  • Material selection
  • Energy conversion and storage
  • Thermodynamic and heat transfer
  • Structural integrity
  • Maintenance and repair, together with state-of-the-art sensors and instruments
  • Artificial intelligence algorithms
  • Digital twin technologies for energy control and monitoring systems.

Our mission is to foster, promote and conduct research of international quality. We attract high-quality graduates and researchers and train them to international standards.

In the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021, the University of Surrey ranks 15th in the UK for research power for engineering and top 20 in the UK for the overall quality of research outputs (research papers and other published works).

Programme details Open

What you will study.

Our Sustainable Energy PhD will give you the knowledge, skills and expertise needed for a career in engineering, research, or academia. You’ll be intellectually challenged, develop research and management skills, and become an expert in your chosen field of study.

It normally takes around three and a half years to complete a full-time PhD. You will be assigned a minimum of two supervisors, who will guide you through your studies. You will learn how to conduct literature reviews, develop your ideas, and verify them with experiments, and collaborate and perform interdisciplinary research. Over time, we will develop your skills and transform you into an independent researcher.

Your final assessment will be based on the presentation of your research in a written thesis, which will be discussed in a viva examination with at least two examiners. You have the option of preparing your thesis as a monograph (one large volume in chapter form) or in publication format (including chapters written for publication), subject to the approval of your supervisors.

Stag Hill is the University's main campus and where the majority of our courses are taught. 

Research areas Open

Research themes.

  • Offshore renewable energy systems (e.g., offshore wind, floating solar, wave and tidal)
  • Distributed energy generation
  • Hydrogen production, distribution, and end-use
  • Novel materials for energy production and storage
  • Renewable fuel combustion and heat transfer
  • Resilience and security of energy systems and infrastructure
  • Structural integrity of energy assets
  • Dynamics of energy structures
  • Inspection and repair of energy infrastructure
  • Sensors and instrumentation for energy monitoring
  • Life prediction and extension of energy systems
  • AI and digital twin for energy optimisation.

Research centres

  • Centre for Aerodynamics and Environmental Flow
  • Centre for Automotive Engineering
  • Centre for Biomedical Engineering
  • Centre for Engineering Materials

Support and facilities Open

Research support.

The professional development of postgraduate researchers is supported by the Doctoral College , which provides training in essential skills through its Researcher Development Programme of workshops, mentoring and coaching. A dedicated postgraduate careers and employability team will help you prepare for a successful career after the completion of your PhD.

As a PhD student within the School of Mechanical Engineering Sciences, you will have access to all our facilities, including our:

  • Mechanical testing facility
  • Wind turbine
  • Environmental Flow (EnFlo) laboratory
  • MicroStructural Studies Unit
  • Surface Analysis Laboratory .

Entry requirements Open

Uk qualifications.

Applicants are expected to hold either:

  • A first or upper second-class (2:1) UK degree in a relevant discipline (or equivalent overseas qualification).
  • A lower-second (2:2) UK degree plus a good UK masters degree - distinction normally required (or equivalent overseas qualification).

Country-specific qualifications

International students in the united kingdom, english language requirements.

IELTS Academic: 6.5 or above (or equivalent) with 6.0 in each individual category.

These are the English language qualifications and levels that we can accept. 

If you do not currently meet the level required for your programme, we offer intensive pre-sessional English language courses , designed to take you to the level of English ability and skill required for your studies here.

Selection process

Selection is based on applicants:

  • Meeting the expected entry requirements
  • Being shortlisted through the application screening process
  • Completing a successful interview
  • Providing suitable references.

Fees and funding Open

Fees per year.

Explore  UKCISA’s website for more information if you are unsure whether you are a UK or overseas student. View the  list of fees for all postgraduate research courses.

  • Annual fees will increase by 4% for each year of study, rounded up to the nearest £100 (subject to legal requirements).
  • Any start date other than September will attract a pro-rata fee for that year of entry (75 per cent for January, 50 per cent for April and 25 per cent for July).

Additional costs

There are additional costs that you can expect to incur when studying at Surrey.

A Postgraduate Doctoral Loan can help with course fees and living costs while you study a postgraduate doctoral course.

Application process

Applicants are advised to contact potential supervisors before they submit an application via the website. Please refer to section two of our  application guidance .

After registration

Students are initially registered for a PhD with probationary status and, subject to satisfactory progress, subsequently confirmed as having PhD status.

Apply online

To apply online first select the course you'd like to apply for then log in.

Select your course

Choose the course option you wish to apply for.

Create an account and sign into our application portal.

Sustainable Energy PhD

Full-time, October 2024

Part-time, October 2024

Full-time, January 2025

Part-time, January 2025

Full-time, April 2025

Part-time, April 2025

Full-time, July 2025

Part-time, July 2025

About the University of Surrey

Manor Park accommodation


We have a range of housing to suit all requirements and budgets. There are more than 6,000 rooms available (en-suite, single-sex, studio flat, shared or single).

MySurrey Nest

Student life

At Surrey we offer a friendly university campus set in beautiful countryside, with the convenience and social life of bustling Guildford on your doorstep.

Need more information?

Contact our Admissions team or talk to a current University of Surrey student online.

Code of practice for research degrees

Surrey’s postgraduate research code of practice sets out the University's policy and procedural framework relating to research degrees. The code defines a set of standard procedures and specific responsibilities covering the academic supervision, administration and assessment of research degrees for all faculties within the University.

Download the code of practice for research degrees (PDF) .

Terms and conditions

When you accept an offer to study at the University of Surrey, you are agreeing to follow our policies and procedures , student regulations , and terms and conditions .

We provide these terms and conditions in two stages:

  • First when we make an offer.
  • Second when students accept their offer and register to study with us (registration terms and conditions will vary depending on your course and academic year).

View our generic registration terms and conditions (PDF) for the 2023/24 academic year, as a guide on what to expect.

This online prospectus has been published in advance of the academic year to which it applies.

Whilst we have done everything possible to ensure this information is accurate, some changes may happen between publishing and the start of the course.

It is important to check this website for any updates before you apply for a course with us. Read our full disclaimer .


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research proposal topics on renewable energy

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Energy Research and Its Contribution to Sustainable Development Goal 7

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research proposal topics on renewable energy

  • Amanda Lange Salvia 7  

Part of the book series: Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals ((ENUNSDG))

91 Accesses

1 Citations

Energy investigation ; Energy studies


Energy research refers to the work or investigation of materials, sources, technologies, and aspects connected to the energy topic, to develop new data and establish facts or new conclusions. Research is an important instrument to seek for advances in sustainability. Studies related to energy merge the most varied aspects of sustainability, being connected to economic growth, climate change, gender equality, educational training, and policy making.


No matter the study area, research is one of the most important ways to develop new insights and create or extend the knowledge on a certain issue. There are no limits to research, there are always different ways to work on the same subject, and the contribution of these investigations to society is enormous. In addition to promoting knowledge transfer and proper absorption (Cabeza-Pullés et al. 2019 ), research builds human resources (Nguyen 2016 ) and represents one of...

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Graduate Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Passo Fundo, São José, Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil

Amanda Lange Salvia

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European School of Sustainability, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Walter Leal Filho

Center for Neuroscience & Cell Biology, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal

Anabela Marisa Azul

Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Passo Fundo University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Passo Fundo, Brazil

Luciana Brandli

HAW Hamburg, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

International Centre for Thriving, University of Chester, Chester, UK

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Salvia, A.L. (2020). Energy Research and Its Contribution to Sustainable Development Goal 7. In: Leal Filho, W., Azul, A., Brandli, L., Lange Salvia, A., Wall, T. (eds) Affordable and Clean Energy. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71057-0_4-1

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71057-0_4-1

Received : 30 June 2020

Accepted : 30 June 2020

Published : 29 July 2020

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-319-71057-0

Online ISBN : 978-3-319-71057-0

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Recent Advances in Offshore Renewable Energy

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Offshore renewable energy is a hot issue in the interdisciplinary fields of ocean engineering and power engineering. In recent years, due to climate change and the development of ocean engineering, the subject of offshore renewable energy has received increasing attention. Its development and utilization will ...

Keywords : Offshore renewable energy, Wind turbine, Tidal turbine, Wave energy converter, Multi-energy integrated system, Ocean engineering hydrodynamics, Wave-structure interaction, Fluid-structure interaction, Numerical methods, Machine learning, Model test

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