English Compositions

Short Essay on Farmer [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

Farmers are one of the best friends of our society. Without them, we will be starving till death. In this lesson, you will learn how to write essays on Farmers. You may find this essay relevant for your upcoming exam. 

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Short Essay on Farmer in 100 Words

A farmer is the base of a country. He works a lot. The food we eat every day is the gift of the farmer. When a country depends on agriculture, then the farmer is the greatest need. He grows crops that are necessary for the country.

A farmer knows what kind of crop to grow. He knows the weather and season. He is aware of how the plants will grow, and what is important for them. In India, the farmer is the best friend of the country. He is poor, but without him, we cannot live. The farmer brings us the daily foods, vegetables, and fruits. It is our duty to respect the farmers of our country.

Short Essay on Farmer in 200 Words

Framers are the most important people in our society. They are the primary supplier of food we eat every day. If they do not harvest the crops, the market will soon be out of all kinds of food. So the farmer is the best friend of all of us. He works hard daily and ensures that we get everything we need. He takes care of his crops. He checks the perfect weather and plants the crops. When the crops grow, they harvest them and take out the seeds. Then it is sold and we get our food. 

There are different types of farmers. In a country like India, One framer cannot grow all the crops. It is impossible because India is a huge country. It has lots of people. So there are farmers in every state, who grow the crops there. Some farmers grow crops like rice, wheat, barley, and other food crops. These are emergency crops. Because these are foods we eat daily.

So the farmer has to be very careful when they are growing crops. Some farmers grow cotton, jute, silk, and other materials. These are also important because it helps us with our clothes and other household things. So whatever the farmer does, his work is harder than everyone. He works throughout the year. He does not have vacations. So we must respect him for his hard work.

Short Essay on Farmer in 400 Words

Framers are the biggest supports of our country. Without them, we cannot stand. The farmer helps us to stay strong. It is possible because they give us food. Thus farmers play a very important role in our lives. He is like the soldier who is saving our country. 

There are several types of farmers in our country. Some of them grow food crops. Food crops are the crops that we eat every day. These include rice, wheat, barley, ragi, jowar, bajra, maize, tea, coffee, and oilseeds. The farmers who grow these crops are always very careful. Every state in India has its native crops. Local farmers know the need and prepare it in that way. They are aware of the weather and the water the plants need. They apply the water and tend those crops.

A good farmer uses the best fertilizer for his plants. He also tills the land and prepares the soil. Good soil is needed for the best cultivation. The farmer planting the food crops knows all of these. He cares for them a lot. When the crops harvest, he cuts them and separates the seeds. Then it is sent to market for sale.

Another group of farmers is there who grow cash crops. Cash crops are those crops that are not used to eat. Cash crops include cotton, jute, silk, rubber that are sold in the market, and the money is received. Cash crops need a different type of care. So separate farmers are there to care for them. These farmers have knowledge of the cash crops. So they select the perfect weather to care for them. Farmers collect the crops once it is grown, then they take them to the market and sell it. 

Despite being so important for society, most of the farmers are poor. They face a lot of problems. They do not get the proper price for their hard work. They are tortured as well by the rich people to sell their crops at low prices. Their lands are also destroyed if they do not follow the rules.

The farmers suffer a lot and often have to suicide to get rid of all earthly problems. So it is the duty of the government to look after them. They are the foundation of our country. India depends a lot on agriculture. Efficient agriculture needs efficient farmers. The farmers must always be respected, protected, and cared for. 

That was everything to write essays on farmers. In this session above, I have tried to present the entire topic from a very simplistic perspective and also adopted a very easy language to write.

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Essay on Indian Farmer

Students are often asked to write an essay on Indian Farmer in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Indian Farmer


Indian farmers are the backbone of our nation. They work tirelessly in fields to feed the entire country.

Role of Indian Farmers

Farmers play a vital role in the economy. They cultivate crops, fruits, vegetables, and manage livestock, contributing to India’s GDP.

Challenges Faced

Despite their importance, farmers face numerous challenges. Unpredictable weather, lack of modern technology, and poor access to credit are some of the problems.

Farmers are unsung heroes, deserving respect and support. Their hard work and dedication should inspire us all.

250 Words Essay on Indian Farmer

The backbone of india: the indian farmer.

The Indian Farmer is often referred to as the backbone of the nation, and rightly so. They are the primary producers of food consumed by over a billion people, contributing significantly to the country’s economy.

Challenges Faced by Indian Farmers

Despite their pivotal role, Indian farmers are plagued by numerous challenges. They are often at the mercy of unpredictable weather patterns, which can lead to crop failures. The lack of modern farming techniques and technology further exacerbates their struggle. They also face financial difficulties due to inadequate access to credit facilities and the burden of high-interest loans.

Government Initiatives for Farmers

To address these issues, the Indian government has initiated several schemes such as the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY), which provides insurance cover for crop loss. The government has also launched the Soil Health Card Scheme to educate farmers about soil health and promote sustainable farming.

The Future of Indian Farming

The future of Indian farming lies in the adoption of modern agricultural practices and technology. Precision farming, use of drones, and digital platforms for selling produce can revolutionize the sector. Additionally, farmer education and financial support are crucial to help them adapt to these changes.

In conclusion, the Indian farmer, though faced with numerous challenges, remains an integral part of the nation’s fabric. As we move forward, it is imperative to empower these farmers, equipping them with modern tools and knowledge, to ensure their prosperity and the nation’s food security.

500 Words Essay on Indian Farmer

The backbone of indian economy: the indian farmer, the role of the indian farmer.

Indian farmers play a pivotal role in the nation’s economy. India, being a predominantly agrarian society, relies heavily on its farming community. Farmers not only provide food for the populace but also raw materials for industries. They contribute to the export sector with products like tea, coffee, spices, and other agricultural commodities, earning valuable foreign exchange.

Despite their vital role, Indian farmers grapple with numerous issues. Climate change and unpredictable monsoons often lead to crop failure, pushing farmers into a cycle of debt. The lack of access to modern technology and farming methods makes them less competitive on a global scale.

Technological Intervention and the Indian Farmer

Technology can be a game-changer for Indian agriculture. Precision farming, use of drones, and digital platforms for selling produce can revolutionize the sector. However, the adoption rate of such technologies is slow due to lack of awareness and financial constraints.

Government Policies and Indian Farmers

The government has initiated several schemes to aid farmers. The Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) aims to provide insurance coverage for crop loss. The Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) provides income support to small and marginal farmers. However, the implementation and reach of these schemes have been patchy and need to be strengthened.

The Way Forward

Furthermore, improved access to credit, better market linkages, and agricultural education can empower farmers. The government, private sector, and civil society must work together to create an enabling environment for the Indian farmer.

In conclusion, the Indian farmer is the lifeblood of the nation. Despite facing numerous challenges, they continue to feed the country and contribute to its economic growth. It is high time we recognize their contribution and work towards improving their livelihoods and securing their future. The prosperity of the Indian farmer is intrinsically linked to the prosperity of the nation.

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Essay on Farmer | 500+ Words

Farmers in India are the backbone of our nation, toiling day in and day out to feed millions and drive the economy. In this essay, we will explore the vital role of Indian farmers, their challenges, and their enduring contributions to our society.

The Agrarian Heartbeat

Indian agriculture has a rich history dating back thousands of years. It is an integral part of our culture and sustains a significant portion of our population. Farmers have been tilling the land and growing crops that form the basis of our meals.

Feeding the Nation

Indian farmers play a pivotal role in ensuring food security for over a billion people. They cultivate a wide range of crops, from rice and wheat to pulses and vegetables, providing the sustenance required for a healthy and thriving population.

Economic Contribution

Agriculture is a major contributor to India’s economy, employing more than half of the country’s workforce. It accounts for a significant share of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and supports various industries such as food processing and textiles.

The Challenge of Small Farms

Many Indian farmers operate on small landholdings, which can make agriculture economically challenging. Fragmented land ownership often leads to limited access to modern farming techniques, equipment, and credit facilities.

Seasonal Uncertainty

Indian agriculture is heavily dependent on monsoon rains, making it susceptible to the vagaries of weather. Inconsistent rainfall can lead to droughts or floods, which can devastate crops and threaten livelihoods.

The Farmer’s Plight

Farmers face a host of challenges, including rising input costs, fluctuating market prices, and the lack of access to credit and insurance. These factors can lead to financial stress and debt burdens for many farming families.

Innovations in Farming

Despite the challenges, Indian farmers have shown remarkable resilience and adaptability. Many are embracing modern farming practices, including organic farming, precision agriculture, and sustainable crop management.

Government Initiatives

The Indian government has launched various initiatives to support farmers, such as the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme, which provides financial assistance to small and marginal farmers. However, there is a need for continued policy efforts to address farmers’ challenges comprehensively.

Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainability is a growing concern, and Indian farmers are increasingly adopting eco-friendly practices. Sustainable farming techniques not only protect the environment but also ensure the long-term viability of agriculture.

The Resilience of Farmers

Indian farmers display remarkable resilience and resourcefulness in the face of adversity. They work tirelessly, often facing hardships with a spirit of determination that is truly admirable.

Conclusion of Essay on Farmer

In conclusion, Indian farmers are the unsung heroes of our nation. They contribute significantly to our food security, economy, and culture, despite facing numerous challenges. It is essential that we recognize their vital role and support their efforts to build a more sustainable and prosperous future. Farmers in India are the lifeblood of our country, and their dedication and hard work deserve our utmost respect and gratitude.

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  • English Essay on Farmer



In the present socio-economic structure, Farmers are the backbone of the Society. Almost all the food items taken by us are produced by the Farmers. Hence, whole population of the country depends upon the Farmers. Farmers are the backbone of all the countries in the world irrespective of their locations. An Economy can thrive because of the tireless work of the Farmers. They are the most significant individuals on the planet. However, in spite of rigorous activities for our wellness, the Farmers do not have proper living for themselves in most of the countries.

Writing Skill is one of the most important Skills that everyone needs to have, and that every student needs to develop. There are many types of Writing, but the one which is of utmost importance for the student is that of Essay Writing Skill. Because in Essay students have to express their ideas and thoughts in a creative manner. And hence, in the Writing and composition section of English, Essay Writing plays an important role.

Therefore, to help the students in Writing the Essay on the Topic of Farmer in the English language, Vedantu has prepared the one for the students. Students can use this Essay as a model and can understand how to write a good Essay on the Topic of Farmer.

Points to be Considered while Writing the English Essay on the Farmers.

There are many things which you should take into considerations while Writing the English Essay on the Farmers, a few of which are pointed out below:

In the Modern Economy, Farmers play an important part in boosting the National Economy.

From the societal and household perspective, Farmers can be considered as our best friends of us, because it is the food which is produced by the Farmers that helps in feeding the household and the whole Society to a greater extent.

There are different types of Farmers, such as those Farmers who grow Wheat, rice etc, and then there are Farmers who grow the various type of fruits, you must learn about these Farmers, in order to mention the same in your Essay.

At Vedantu, you can find lots of Essays, one such Essay which can also be helpful to you is the English Essay on Indian Farmers, which you can find by clicking here.

Importance of Farmers in The Society

Farmers have great significance as far as the socio-economic structure of our country is concerned. We can get food to eat because of them. Since food is the inevitable part of our day-to-day life, Farmers are the necessity in Society. 

There are various types of Farmers. Each of them has equal importance. Firstly, the Farmers who grow crops like wheat, barley, rice, etc. Since, most of the Indians are fond of wheat and rice, maximum Farmers grow the same and hence, they are of prime importance to the Economy. Secondly, the Farmers who grow different kinds of fruits; they have to prepare the soil for different types of fruits because fruits are seasonal. Therefore, the Farmers have to be well aware of fruits and crops and their requirements. Apart from that, there are many other Farmers who are continuously working on various types of things. Nearly 17% of the Indian Economy is contributed by agro products that are produced by the Farmers.

The Condition of Farmers

The situation of the Farmers in India has never been quite satisfactory for many years now. Poverty is their permanent companion. The major problem behind the condition of Farmers is the middlemen. Farmers are not paid directly from the market because of the middlemen. These middlemen grab the lion’s share of profit leaving behind almost nothing for the Farmers. They can’t send their kids to schools or even feed themselves properly. As a result of this poor condition, they are compelled to end their lives.


Another major reason behind this plight of the Farmers is global warming. Since this is a global problem, Farmers are the worst affected till now. Crops are getting damaged due to lack of proper nutrition. Seasons are getting delayed. As a result, season specific crops can’t get proper sustenance. Many farms are getting destroyed because of this.

Government has taken several steps to save the Farmers. Various schemes have been implemented so far for the benefits of the Farmers. In a recent announcement, the government has exempted the Farmers from all the loans. Apart from that an annual pension of Rs. 6000/- to every Farmer and ensuring quota to all the children of the Farmers have been announced. These are indeed some positive steps taken by the Government.


Farming is such a profession where extensive labour and effort are required. Farmers are the assets of our country. They should be treated like the soldiers of the nation. The steps taken by the government are not adequate to meet up all the problems of the Farmers. As responsible citizens of the country, we have to come forward to save the Farmers of our country because we can’t survive without them.


FAQs on English Essay on Farmer

1. Why should I write an Essay on Farmer?

Farmers are one of the most important parts of the Indian Economy. And if we look historically, humans are Farmers for thousands of years, that is to say, ever since the agricultural revolution happened. And we can also say that farming is the first step for our ancestors towards civilisation. Also, in Modern times, the basic necessities of each and every individual is food, and this food is provided to the whole Society by the Farmers. And hence it is important for you to write an Essay on the Farmers because it teaches you so much about the Farmers.

2. Is Writing an Essay on the Farmers difficult?

No, Writing an Essay on the Topic of a Farmer is not difficult at all. If you have written Essays on any other Topic then chances are you already know how to write an Essay, and hence the Essay on the Topic of Farmers is to be written in the same manner. All you have to do is to include all the Topics related to the Farmers, and also your thoughts and ideas on the same subject. And if you follow these norms, then it is completely easy.

3. Why should I write the Essay on Farmers, in the English language?

English has gained the status of the global language, and hence English is important not only in India but throughout the globe, that is to say, the whole world. And hence English Writing Skills is just as important as well. So, for developing English Writing Skills, it is important for the students to practice Essay Writing in the English language. And hence Writing the Essay on the Topic of Farmers in the English language, helps you in developing this important Skill.

4. Where can I find the Essay on the Topic of Farmers?

If you are looking for an Essay on the Topic of the Farmers in the English language, then you have already arrived at the place where you can find one. Because Vedantu provides you with the complete Essay on the Topic of Farmer in the English language, which is prepared by the expert educators and written in a manner that suits the language level of the students. If you wish you can use the Essay as it is, or you can use the Essay as a model.

5. Why should I refer to the Essay on Farmers provided by Vedantu?

Essay Writing is a distinctive Skill, and it is very different from other kinds of Writing, because Essay Writing has its own set of rules, and most importantly it has to be written in a creative manner. And the Essay that Vedantu provides on the Topic of Farmer, follows all these given sets of rules. Also, it is written in a creative manner by the expert teachers, but at the same time, it is written in a manner that can easily be grasped by the students. Moreover, this Essay on the Topic of Farmers is completely free of cost for all the students.


Essay on Agriculture

Madhuri Thakur

Updated October 27, 2023

Essay on Agriculture – Introduction

Agriculture is a timeless ancient practice of growing crops or raising animals that started 11,700 years ago. Every day, thanks to the dedication of over 600 million farmers worldwide, we are able to enjoy delicious and healthy meals filled with fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains. It is not just farming, it’s the foundation of our existence. Agriculture is the skill of producing food resources that keep us healthy and help us survive. Countries such as China, India, and the United States are among the leading producers of key agricultural goods like wheat, rice, and cotton. In this essay on agriculture, we will explore the essential role of agriculture in feeding and nurturing our world while considering the challenges and opportunities it presents.

Essay on Agriculture

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Essay on Agriculture – Evolution

1. birth of farming.

A long time ago, our human ancestors were just hunters and gatherers. They didn’t farm but hunted animals and gathered fruits and plants to eat. Around 11,000 years ago, people found they could plant seeds in the ground and grow plants. This was the birth of farming.

As time passed, farming became more organized. People began to settle in one place, leading to the growth of ancient civilizations, like the Egyptians, who cultivated crops along the Nile River.

2. Evolving Agricultural Tools & Techniques

Agriculture kept evolving with inventions and discoveries. Humans built plows to help with planting and harvesting. The Chinese even developed paper money to make trading farm products easier.

The 20th century of agriculture saw a big shift as scientists developed new crop varieties that could produce more food. Farmers also started using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides to protect crops. This period is known as the Green Revolution.

 3. Modern Agriculture

Today, farming has gone high-tech. We have tractors, GPS-guided planting, and even robots to help with farming. Moreover, some farmers use satellites to monitor their fields, experimenting with things like vertical farming (growing crops in stacked trays) and hydroponics (growing plants without soil).

Important Roles of Agriculture

Agriculture is the backbone of our civilization, providing us with the food we eat and many other important resources for our well-being. It is our primary food source that ensures our well-being through diverse crop production, supporting our physical and mental health.

Moreover, it also provides employment and income to millions worldwide, including farmers, laborers, and supply chain workers. Agricultural raw materials help us create useful products. For instance, we use cotton for textiles and plants for biofuels.

Agriculture shapes culture, traditions, and social structures in many societies, deeply influencing our way of life. It also reduces the impact of climate change through sustainable practices. Additionally, it plays a significant role in international trade, fostering economic interdependence by exporting surplus agricultural products.

Top Agricultural Nations Worldwide

These are the top 5 countries that have the highest agricultural exports in the world.

United States $196.04 billion Corn, Cotton, and Soybeans
China $98.3 billion Rice, Maize, and Wheat
India $50.2 billion Rice, Wheat, and Cotton
Brazil $46.6 billion Soybeans, Coffee, and Sugar
Russia $41.6 billion Wheat, Potatoes, and Barley

Agriculture Sector’s Growth and Development In India

The agriculture sector in India has played a crucial role in the country’s economic development, employment generation, and food security. Over the years, it has witnessed significant growth, as mentioned below:

  • In India, farmers are transitioning from conventional crops like corn and wheat to high-value produce such as organic mangoes in Maharashtra, vibrant floriculture in Gujarat, and export-quality bananas in Andhra Pradesh.
  • Farmers use modern farm machinery, high-yield seeds, and modern farming techniques, e.g., the adoption of high-yielding wheat and rice varieties in Punjab, Haryana, and Andhra Pradesh.
  • India is now using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in agriculture to help farmers optimize crop yield and minimize wastage. For instance, a startup, Cropin, gives farmers real-time data that helps them analyze their produce’s quality.
  • The government has built major dams and canals for improved water access, e.g., Bhakra Nangal and Sardar Sarovar Dams.
  • Food processing industries have grown substantially, e.g., companies like Amul, ITC, and Patanjali.
  • There is MSP (Minimum Support Prices) and crop insurance to ensure minimum crop prices and mitigate other risks.

The Pattern of Agriculture in India

In India, the monsoon determines the prospects of agriculture. Therefore, India’s agriculture is heavily reliant on the monsoon season. The two main agriculture seasons are the kharif and rabi seasons.

1. Kharif Season

This season begins with the arrival of the monsoon. Farmers sow crops when monsoons begin and harvest usually between September and October. Key crops during this season include maize, cotton, rice, sorghum, and soybean. As these crops need a lot of rain to grow well, monsoon is the best season to plant them.

2. Rabi Season

Plants like wheat, pulses, linseed, mustard, oats, and barley grow better during the dry season. Thus, these rabi crops are planted in the winter, around October and November, and typically harvested in spring.

Agriculture’s Negative Impact

Although agriculture is the heart of human survival and growth, improper agricultural practices can have several negative impacts.

1. Deforestation

When nations clear forests for big farms, it harms nature, releases climate-changing carbon, and disturbs ecosystems. For instance, in the Amazon rainforest, large forest areas are still being cleared for soybean farming, leading to deforestation.

2. Water Pollution & Wastage

Farming needs lots of water, which can cause water shortages. Moreover, farm chemicals run into the water, hurting fish and making drinking unsafe. For instance, groundwater depletion in India’s Punjab region due to irrigation is causing water scarcity. Excess fertilizer runoff in the Mississippi River Basin has created a massive “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico.

3. Health Impacts

Farming generates greenhouse gasses, like the beef industry contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, as cows produce methane during digestion. In addition, chemicals in farming can end up in our food and water, harming our health.

4. Harmful Agricultural Practices

Sometimes, hard farming damages soil, making it less fertile and prone to erosion. For example, intensive corn farming in the US Midwest has led to soil erosion and declining fertility. Additionally, when modern farming takes over, like the change from traditional rice farming to new methods in Japan, it can put at risk special cultural traditions.

Final Thoughts

This essay on agriculture covers how agriculture is an important and dynamic economic sector vital to human society. With an expanding global population and rising consumer demand for food and other goods, agriculture’s importance will only increase.

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Essay on Agriculture: Short Essay, 100 and 250 Words

what is the farmer essay

  • Updated on  
  • May 18, 2024

Essay on agriculture

Agriculture is one of the major sectors in India that provide livelihood to the people. The majority of the Indian population depends on agriculture as it is the major source of income and contributes to around 18.3% of India’s GDP. It provides food, raw materials, and employment to billions of people across the world. As common people, most of us anticipate that agriculture is just the cultivation of crops.

However, it is much more than that, it includes fishery , livestock, forestry , and crop production . It is the backbone of the civilization. Read this blog and get to know how to write an essay on agriculture with the help of examples!

Table of Contents

  • 1 Short Essay on Agriculture
  • 2 Essay on Agriculture 100 Words
  • 3.1 Significance of Agriculture
  • 3.2 Challenges for Agriculture
  • 3.3 Sustainable agriculture

Short Essay on Agriculture

India is also referred to as agricultural land because a major part of India is covered by agricultural activities. The entire world has been practising agriculture for thousands of years from the nomadic times to date. 

Agriculture started during the Neolithic Revolution for the production of food. Nowadays, the scenario has been completely changed with the application of AI tools and Machinery in the world of Agriculture. New technologies and equipment are being developed to replace the traditional methods of farming. Some of the AI technologies are integrated sensors, weathering forecasting, IoT-powered agriculture drones, smart spraying, etc. 

Millions of people across the world depend on agriculture, even animals are also dependent on agriculture for their fodder and habitat. Besides that, agriculture also plays a key role in the economic development of the country because 3/4th of the population depends on agriculture.

Also Read: Agriculture and Animal Husbandry 

Essay on Agriculture 100 Words

Agriculture is the main source of life on earth. Animals and humans depend on agriculture for a living. It is the oldest practice in the history of mankind. There has been tremendous growth and evolution in the field of agriculture.

The use of AI-based technology and modern techniques in farming is helping the sector to generate high yields with better quality. 

Now, our country is able to produce surplus food crops which is enough to satisfy domestic needs. It also helps to eradicate malnutrition and address hunger issues in various parts of the world. Thus, agriculture will always remain the cornerstone of human existence and continue to fulfil the demands of the changing world.

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Essay on Agriculture 250 Words

Agriculture can be termed as the global powerhouse of the world. It is feeding billions of people across the world. Every individual directly or indirectly depends on agriculture.

Significance of Agriculture

The significance of agriculture is listed below:

  • The food we consume is a gift of the agriculture sector. Farmers are working day and night to cultivate food crops for the entire human population.
  • It also adds value to the Gross Domestic Product as well as the national income of the country.
  • As it is one of the largest sectors, there is a huge need for a labor force and employees. Thus, it imparts employment to 80% of the people in this world.
  • 70% of the total food crop production of India is used for the purpose of exports. Some of the main items of export are rice, spices, wheat, cotton, tea, tobacco, jute products, and many more.

Challenges for Agriculture

Every year, the agriculture sector has to face difficult challenges. It includes harsh weather conditions be it drought or flood or extreme heat waves and cold breezes. Soil degradation is also one of the major threats to agriculture due to soil erosion and soil pollution. All these conditions create the need to generate sustainable practices in the agriculture sector.

Sustainable agriculture

Advancement in technology helps to create sustainable agriculture. The use of technology in the field of agriculture like weather forecasts, automated sowing, drones, AI-driven sensors, pest control, etc. helps in developing sustainable agriculture.

Besides that, farmers are adopting new farming practices such as crop rotation reduced chemicals, organic farming, etc. for sustainable agriculture.

Also Read: Essay on Water Pollution

Agriculture is the process of cultivation of crops. Every individual is dependent on agriculture for food crops, and employment. The perfect essay on agriculture must include, what is agriculture, the importance, and the significance of agriculture.

Here are 5 main points about agriculture: Agriculture is the source of food and fodder for the world; It is one of the oldest human practices that date back thousands of years; Agriculture is essential for the breeding and raising of livestock; The incorporation of modern techniques in farming helped in the evolution of the agriculture sector; and Agriculture contributes to the economy of the nation.

Agriculture refers to the science, art, or practice of cultivating crops, raising livestock, and marketing the finished products for the use of human consumption while contributing to the economy of the country.

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Kajal Thareja

Hi, I am Kajal, a pharmacy graduate, currently pursuing management and is an experienced content writer. I have 2-years of writing experience in Ed-tech (digital marketing) company. I am passionate towards writing blogs and am on the path of discovering true potential professionally in the field of content marketing. I am engaged in writing creative content for students which is simple yet creative and engaging and leaves an impact on the reader's mind.

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Essay on Indian Farmer | Indian Farmer Essay for Students and Children in English

March 20, 2023 by Prasanna

Essay on Indian Farmer – Given below is a Long and Short Essay on Indian Farmer for aspirants of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The Indian Farmer essay 100, 150, 200, 250 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations.

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Long Essay on Indian Farmer 500 words for kids and students in English

Essay on Indian Farmer

An Indian farmer should be respected by everyone. It is he who produces grains and vegetables for the citizens of the country. Throughout the year, the Indian farmer remains busy in tilling the fields, sowing seeds and reaping the crops. Indeed, his is a very busy and hard life.

He gets up early in the morning. Then, he takes his bulls and plough or tractor and goes to his fields. In the fields, he ploughs the land for hours together.

He works very hard but sells his products in the market at a very nominal price due to lack of proper market mechanism.

He lives a very simple life. His clothes have a rural flair. He lives in a mud-house, though many farmers of Punjab, Haryana and UP have built Pucca houses as well. His property comprises of a few bulls, a plough- share and a few acres of land.

A farmer is the very soul of a nation. Our late prime minister, Lal Bahadur Shastri, gave a slogan, “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan.” He realised that an Indian farmer feeds the nation. Upon him depends the agricultural production, hence he must be provided with all the latest implements of farming. Better seeds, fertilisers, manures, implements and chemicals for agriculture can enable him to grow more.

FAQs On Indian farmer 

Q1. What is Indian farmer?

Ans: India is a land of farmers. It is called so because majority of Indians are directly or indirectly involved in agricultural activities. It would not be wrong to say that farmers are the backbone of our economy.

Q1. What is a farmer essay?

Ans: Free Essay on Farmer – A farmer is one of the most important members of society. He is the giver of food to the people, to all practical purposes. He gets up early in the morning and goes to his fields. … The farmer has many kinds of works to do.

Q1. What is the importance of farmer in our life?

Ans: Farmers are an important part of the survival of our various societies because they provide food and fiber that nourishes and cloths us. They make responsible use of natural resources and utilize both primitive and very advanced technologies to accomplish this.

Q1. Why farmers are important in India?

Ans: Agriculture plays a vital role in the Indian economy. Over 70 per cent of the rural households depend on agriculture. Agriculture is an important sector of Indian economy as it contributes about 17% to the total GDP and provides employment to over 60% of the population.

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Letters from an American Farmer

By j. hector st. john de crevecoeur, letters from an american farmer analysis.

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James sees America for the ideas that the community shares. Since they believe in the equality of mankind, James notices that the community is defined by virtue. Everyone helps each other, but everyone also works hard to help themselves. This opinion changes when he sees a slave left to die in a cage without mercy. He realizes the hypocrisy of slavery, saying that if Americans believe in equality, such an institution would not be possible.

When he departs from his community, he meets various kinds of people that are unique to America. For instance, he finds his way into a Quaker village which strikes him as peculiar. The Quakers are strict, but their religion is mystic and weird to James. That experience is not dissimilar to his time with the natives. The natives have such an interesting opinion of the land and of life that when James is confronted by the Revolutionary War, he departs his European life and lives with them.

These are all portraits of America in its youth, and the theme that connects them is point of view. By celebrating the autonomy of the human, and the equality of man, America fosters the value of one's individual point of view. This is underscored by the Russian visitor who lends his own point of view, which is drastically different than what James had considered.

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Letters from an American Farmer Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for Letters from an American Farmer is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

I need help I'm confused, Write a brief paragraph describing the new perspectives both Lanston Hughes and Julia Alvarez provide in their poems.

I'm sorry, this is a short-answer forum designed for text specific questions. We are unable to assist students with writing assignments.

What is one idea presented by de Crevecoeur that NO LONGER defines Americans today? Explain.

America is no longer defined by slavery. One important themes in Letters is the emphasis placed on the brutality, inhumanity of slavery. When James realizes the true depth of this harsh viscerality, he laments it, believing it has absolutely...

What is one idea presented by de Crevecoeur that STILL defines Americans today? Explain.

One idea that continues to exemplify the American ideal is their belief in independence and the autonomy of the individual.

Study Guide for Letters from an American Farmer

Letters from an American Farmer study guide contains a biography of J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

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  • Letters from an American Farmer Summary
  • Character List

Essays for Letters from an American Farmer

Letters from an American Farmer essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Letters from an American Farmer by J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur.

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  • The Contrasting Attitudes Toward Freedom Held by J. Hector St. John De Crèvecoeur and Phillis Wheatley
  • America Over Europe: Persuasion, Optimism, and Nationality in Letters from an American Farmer #3

Wikipedia Entries for Letters from an American Farmer

  • Introduction

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Farmer Essay | The Life of a Farmer Essay & Paragraphs

Here are a dozen of essays and paragraphs of various lengths on “ A Farmer ” and “ The Life of a Farmer “. In these essays, the life of a farmer and his joys and sorrows are depicted in simple words. We think that these will be useful for different classes of students in the school. Some paragraphs begin with indicative questions and keywords that indicate the context in which they are discussed.

A Farmer Paragraph - The Life of a Farmer

Table of Contents

The Life of a Farmer: 1500-words Essay for Students

By: Haque | For HSC/GCE A-Level/HS 3-4 students


Farming is an essential part of human civilization and has been practiced for thousands of years. It is the backbone of our food supply, and without it, we would not be able to sustain ourselves. A farmer is a person who cultivates crops or raises livestock for food, fiber, or other products. The life of a farmer is a challenging one, and it requires hard work, dedication, and a deep connection to the land.

In this essay, we will explore the life of a farmer, their history, and the challenges they face. We will look at the daily routine of a farmer, the economic and environmental challenges they face, and the future of farming. Through this essay, we hope to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the hard work and dedication of farmers and their importance in our lives.

History of farming

Farming has been a part of human civilization for thousands of years, and it has undergone significant changes over time. In the early days, farming was a simple process that involved clearing land, planting crops, and harvesting them. As human populations grew, farming practices became more sophisticated, leading to the development of tools and machinery to make the process easier.

The agricultural revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries brought about significant changes in farming practices. The development of new technology such as the plow, seed drill, and threshing machine made farming more efficient and productive. This allowed farmers to produce more food, which in turn led to population growth and the growth of cities.

In the 20th century, the development of new farming technologies such as tractors, combines, and irrigation systems further increased productivity. These advancements allowed farmers to produce more food with less labor, which helped to feed a growing population.

Today, farming continues to evolve, with the use of precision agriculture, genetic engineering, and other advanced technologies. These new technologies are helping to increase efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of farming.

Overall, the history of farming is a story of innovation and adaptation to changing circumstances. From the earliest days of human civilization to the present day, farmers have been essential to our survival and have played a crucial role in shaping our world.

The daily life of a farmer

The daily life of a farmer can vary greatly depending on the type of farming they do and the season. However, there are certain tasks that most farmers perform regularly, such as feeding and caring for animals, planting and harvesting crops, and maintaining equipment and facilities.

A typical day for a farmer begins early in the morning, usually before sunrise. They may begin by feeding and caring for their animals, such as milking cows, feeding chickens, or checking on livestock. After this, they may move on to tasks such as repairing equipment or checking and maintaining irrigation systems.

During the growing season, planting and harvesting crops are the primary tasks. This may involve plowing, tilling, or fertilizing the soil, planting seeds or seedlings, and watering and maintaining the crops. Harvesting involves picking, cutting, or gathering the crops and then cleaning and storing them for sale or later use.

In addition to physical labor, farming also requires a significant amount of mental and emotional energy. Farmers must constantly monitor the weather, market conditions, and other factors that can affect their crops or animals. They must also manage finances, maintain relationships with suppliers and buyers, and keep up with regulations and other legal requirements.

The physical demands of farming can be significant, and farmers must be in good physical condition to handle the work. They may also work long hours and have to deal with extreme weather conditions, such as hot summer days or freezing winter nights.

Overall, the daily life of a farmer is one of hard work and dedication, with a deep connection to the land and a commitment to providing food and other products for their community.

Economic challenges of farming

Farming is not just a way of life, but also a business. Farmers must be able to produce crops or raise animals at a profit in order to sustain their livelihood. However, the economic challenges of farming can make it difficult to turn a profit, and many farmers struggle to make ends meet.

One of the main economic challenges faced by farmers is the volatility of crop and livestock prices. The price of agricultural products can fluctuate greatly based on factors such as weather, supply and demand, and international trade agreements. This can make it difficult for farmers to predict their income and plan for the future.

In addition to price fluctuations, farmers also face rising costs of production. The cost of equipment, fertilizer, seed, and other inputs can be significant, and it can be difficult for farmers to keep up with these costs without raising their prices.

Another economic challenge faced by farmers is access to credit. Many farmers need loans in order to purchase equipment or cover other expenses, but it can be difficult to secure credit in a timely manner, especially for small or new farmers.

To overcome these challenges, farmers may need to develop creative solutions. This may involve diversifying their crops or products, investing in new technology to increase efficiency, or forming cooperatives with other farmers to reduce costs and increase bargaining power. Some farmers also turn to alternative sources of income, such as agritourism or value-added products like jams or artisanal cheese.

Overall, the economic challenges of farming can be significant, but farmers who are able to adapt and innovate can succeed in this challenging but vital industry.

Environmental challenges of farming

Farming has a significant impact on the environment, and farmers must be aware of the potential environmental challenges that can arise from their practices. Some of the most pressing environmental challenges faced by farmers today include soil erosion, water pollution, and the loss of biodiversity.

Soil erosion is a major environmental challenge for farmers, especially those who engage in monoculture or tillage practices. These practices can strip the soil of vital nutrients and lead to soil erosion, which can result in reduced crop yields and long-term damage to the land.

Water pollution is another significant environmental challenge for farmers, particularly those who use fertilizers and pesticides. These chemicals can leach into groundwater or run off into streams and rivers, polluting the water and harming aquatic life. In addition, overuse of water can lead to depletion of aquifers, causing long-term damage to the water supply.

Loss of biodiversity is also a concern for farmers, particularly those who engage in large-scale monoculture practices. These practices can lead to a reduction in the variety of plant and animal species in a particular area, which can have negative impacts on ecosystem health and resilience.

To address these environmental challenges, farmers can adopt a range of practices that help to reduce their impact on the environment. For example, they can use cover crops or no-till farming techniques to reduce soil erosion, plant buffer zones along waterways to reduce runoff, and implement integrated pest management practices to reduce the use of chemical pesticides.

In addition, many farmers are adopting regenerative agriculture practices that focus on building soil health, increasing biodiversity, and reducing environmental impacts. By using these approaches, farmers can improve the sustainability of their practices and help to preserve the environment for future generations.

The future of farming

The future of farming is likely to be shaped by a range of social, economic, and environmental factors. Some of the key trends that are likely to impact the industry in the coming years include advances in technology, changing consumer preferences, and increasing concerns about sustainability.

One of the most important drivers of change in farming is likely to be the adoption of new technologies. Advances in precision agriculture, automation, and artificial intelligence are already helping farmers to increase efficiency, reduce waste, and improve productivity. These technologies are likely to continue to evolve and become more widespread, changing the way that farmers work and interact with the environment.

Changing consumer preferences are also likely to shape the future of farming. Consumers are increasingly interested in knowing where their food comes from and how it is produced, and they are placing greater emphasis on factors such as environmental sustainability, animal welfare, and social responsibility. Farmers who are able to meet these demands are likely to be more successful in the marketplace.

Finally, concerns about sustainability are likely to continue to be a major driver of change in the farming industry. As the impacts of climate change become more severe, farmers will need to find ways to adapt to changing conditions and reduce their environmental footprint. This may involve adopting new practices that help to build soil health, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and increase biodiversity.

Overall, the future of farming is likely to be characterized by a combination of technological innovation, changing consumer preferences, and increasing focus on sustainability. Farmers who are able to adapt to these trends and find new ways to produce food and other agricultural products in a more sustainable and efficient way will be well-positioned to succeed in the years to come.

Farming is a vital industry that plays a critical role in feeding the world’s population and supporting rural communities. However, it is also an industry that faces a range of challenges, from economic and environmental pressures to changing consumer demands and technological advancements.

Despite these challenges, farmers continue to find innovative solutions and adapt to changing conditions, ensuring that they can produce the food and other agricultural products that we all rely on. By adopting new technologies, focusing on sustainability, and responding to changing consumer preferences, farmers can ensure that they are able to succeed in the years to come.

As we look to the future, it is clear that farming will continue to be a critical industry that plays an essential role in feeding the world’s population and supporting rural communities. By supporting farmers and working together to address the challenges they face, we can ensure that the future of farming is bright and sustainable for generations to come.

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The Life of a Farmer Essay | Essay on the Farmers of Bangladesh

Sentences: 37, Words: 350, Characters: 1,879

Introduction:   Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Eighty-five percent of the people of the country live in the villages. Agriculture is the main occupation of the people. The farmers of Bangladesh lead a very simple life. They are very poor. They earn their livelihood by the sweat of their brow.

His daily Activities: The farmer works hard in the field. He rises early in the morning and goes to the field with his plow on his shoulder. Then he begins plowing. A small child comes to the field at about 8 a.m. with his breakfast which is often a bowl of Panta. He takes his breakfast often with Kuncha Lanka and eats with great satisfaction. He then begins his work again. When he feels too tired, he takes a smoke in his Hokka.

He returns from the field at noon. He bathes and then takes his mid-day meal. This meal is too often a poor one. But he takes it with great relish. After his meal, he can’t give any rest to his body. He goes to the field again and works until sunset. He returns home in the evening. He works for an hour or two and takes his supper. Very soon he goes to bed and falls asleep. So, the life of a farmer in our country is a life of continuous toil.

Condition of the Farmer: The farmers are illiterate. They are poor. Though they work hard, they live from hand to mouth. Many farmers are landless. They plow the land of other people and get half share of it. They suffer from many diseases. Sometimes drought or flood damages their crops. So, they sell lands and take money from the village Mahajans at a high rate of interest. But we hardly realize this truth.

Importance of his Service: The farmers grow crops for the whole nation. Thus the whole nation lives on their labor.

Conclusion: We should take measures to improve the condition of the farmers. Farmers should not be neglected. They should be given agricultural loans at a low rate of interest.

Farmer Essay | Essay on the Farmers of Bangladesh

By: Haque , Words: 425, For Class 9-10/SSC

Introduction: Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. Most of the people of this country live by cultivation. So there is no doubt that the development of the country depends on the welfare of farmers and the improvement of agricultural production.

Present Condition of Farmers: Though a major portion of the country’s population is farmers, we cannot say that the farmers of this country are in a good condition. There are some reasons behind their miserable condition. First of all, a common characteristic of the farmers of Bangladesh is illiteracy. As the farmers are illiterate, they cannot make proper use of their resources and use scientific methods of cultivation. Besides, they are deceived and exploited at every step. Secondly, the agriculture of this country depends on the mercy of nature. Shortage of rain or excessive rain affects the agriculture of the country adversely. Thirdly, inadequate measures on the part of the government to protect the farmers and their interest has also been a reason behind the bad condition of the farmers of Bangladesh.

Farmers of the Country in the Past: Bangladesh has been famous as a fertile country for centuries. In history, we find the records of prosperous peasantry and fertility of this country. The famous world trotter Ibne Batuta visited this land during the regime of Shaista Khan and mentioned this country as very prosperous. But the condition of the farmers deteriorated after the occupation of power by the English. The farmers were oppressed and deprived of their rights. Then the English left the country and subsequently the country got independence, but the fate of the peasantry of this country has changed a little. The regime changed, the ruler changed but there has been little change in the pattern of rule. We are still bearing the heritage of English rule and the colonial ruling policies.

How to Develop the Fate of the Farmers: Certain things need to be done for improving the fate of the peasants of the country. First of all, steps should be taken to literate the farmers and make them aware of the latest technology of cultivation. Secondly, farmers should be given proper assistance and subsidy where necessary. Lastly, required modifications should be brought about in the government policies and laws to protect the interest of the farmers of the country.

Conclusion: There is no doubt that agriculture is the heart of the economy of the country. If the farmers of the country prosper, the country will prosper eventually. So, we should actively try to develop the agriculture of the country.

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Farmer Essay | Life of a Farmer Essay, 500 Words

By: Haque ; For class: 9,10,11,12; 11-02-’22

Introduction: Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. Most of the people of this country live by cultivation. The work of a farmer is to cultivate the land and to grow different crops, vegetables, and fruits. This work is very important for this country. Farmers supply the nation with food.

General Condition of Farmers in Bangladesh: The life of a farmer is a difficult one. Though a major portion of the country’s population is farmers, we cannot say that the farmers of this country are in a good condition. Their life is full of uncertainty and peril. Most of the farmers of Bangladesh cultivate the land of landlords. They get only a portion of what they grow. The growth of crops largely depends on the sun and rain. When there are no rainfall or rain delays, the production in their land is adversely affected. Agricultural production can also be affected by insects, pests, birds, animals, and other natural determinants. Then the farmers have to bear the brunt of it. But when they get a good harvest they can live at ease for the time being.

Activities of Farmers: The farmers of our country remain busy most of the year in their fields in plowing, harrowing, sowing seeds, putting insecticides and fertilizers, weeding, and harvesting. When there is no cultivation, then most of the farmers keep themselves busy in household work and in handicraft. They make different types of baskets, fences around their houses and fields and do other types of work.

Daily Life of a Farmer: A farmer is usually very hardworking. He gets up very early in the morning. During the cultivation season, he goes to work before the daybreak after having a little breakfast or whatever food he may find in the house. Sometimes, he even goes out on an empty stomach. He has to work very hard in his field. Usually, he carries his lunch to the field or any of his children take it for him at noon. He does not return home till nightfall. At that time he returns with a very tired body. Then he takes bath and goes to the market for buying his daily necessities. After returning from the market he is usually found to chat in the nearby tea stall with his friends or people of the locality while having tea and little snacks. It is his favorite pastime. Here he gets information about the events that took place in the locality. Sometimes, the discussions lead to different national and international matters. After that, he takes his meal ‘with his family members and goes to bed early because he will have to go to his work again the next day very early in the morning. After the harvest season, he can work in a somewhat relaxed mood and engage himself in some other activities such as making baskets, fishing, weaving fishing nets, putting fences around his house and fields, etc.

Conclusion: In spite of such hard labor, a farmer can earn very little. He is often poor and illiterate. Most of the farmers cannot feed their families well or send their children to school. Their lives are devoid of modern facilities of living. So, the government should take steps to improve the living standard of farmers.

A Farmer Paragraph, 100 Words

Sentences: 11, Words: 100, Characters: 530

Write a paragraph on ‘A Farmer’ or ‘The life of a farmer’ in about 100 words answering the following questions:

  • Who is a farmer?
  • Where does a farmer live?
  • What does he do?
  • How does he serve us?
  • Is a farmer rich or poor, usually?

He, who produces crops cultivating land, is called a farmer. A farmer provides food to the people of the country. Therefore, a farmer is the driving force of a country’s economy. They are hardworking. A farmer wakes up before dawn every day. Then he goes to the field with the cows and the plow. To produce crops, he burns in the sun and gets wet in the rain. They feed the country but do not get enough to eat themselves. They live below the poverty line. It’s very sad. We need to try to improve the living standards of farmers.

A Farmer the Life of a Farmer Essay and Paragraph

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A Farmer Paragraph for Class 3

Sentences: 20, Words: 100, Characters: 532

The person who grows crops is a farmer. A farmer is a very hardworking person. He provides food to the people of the country. He gets up very early in the morning and goes to the field. He grows paddy, wheat, jute, potato, tomato, brinjal, and more. He works hard all day long. Most of the time he works under the hot sun. Sometimes he works in the rain, too. A farmer keeps a nation’s economy wheel moving. But the farmer himself lives in poverty and sorrow. This is a matter of shame. The livelihood of farmers should be improved.

A Farmer Paragraph, 150 Words

Sentences: 17, Words: 150, Characters: 789

Write a paragraph on ‘A Farmer’ or ‘The Life of a Farmer’ on the basis of the questions given below:

  • Does he usually get enough to eat?
  • Do you like a farmer’s work? Why?

A farmer is a man who cultivates land and works in the field. Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Eighty percent of people are farmers. A farmer in our country lives in a village. His home is generally made of corrugated iron sheets or straws and mud. He rises early in the morning and goes to the field with his plow and a pair of bullocks. He plows his land till noon. Then he comes back home to take a meal. After taking meal he again goes to the field and works till sun-set. A farmer works very hard. He works from morning till evening. But usually, he does not get enough to eat. He lives from hand to mouth. He also suffers from many diseases. I like a farmer’s work because he lives an honest life. He also supplies food for the nation. The countrymen should pay respect to him.

The Life of a Farmer Paragraph

A Paragraph on a Farmer / The Life of a Farmer, 170 Words

Sentences: 15, words: 170, Characters: 904

A farmer is a person who cultivates lands and grows crops. The life of a farmer is a very ordinary life. He works in the field all day, ignoring the sun and rain. Very early in the morning, he goes to the field with cows and a plow. When the harvest is ripe, the farmer has a sickle in his hand and a smile on his face. Thus he harvests two or three times a year. He worked hard all his life. When a natural disaster destroys his crop, the farmer’s grief knows no bounds. On the other hand, a good harvest fills his mind with joy, he shares his joy with his neighbors. Farmers usually live in thatched houses. They can’t afford to spend extra. He has to sell paddy to buy clothes. The children of farmers can’t study much due to scarcity. There is no opportunity for traveling or entertainment in their life. Therefore, the government needs to come forward to improve the living standards of the farmers.

A Farmer / The Life of a Farmer Paragraph

A Paragraph on the Life of a Farmer, 200 Words

Sentences: 19, Words: 200, Characters: 1065.

  • What percentage of the people in your country are engaged in agriculture?
  • How do you see the life of a farmer?
  • Describe how a rural farmer in Bangladesh cultivates land.
  • What are the means of entertainment in the life of a farmer?

Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Eighty-five percent of people living in agriculture. The farmers of Bangladesh are not rich. They lead a very simple life. They earn their livelihood by the sweat of their brow. A farmer works hard, from dawn to dusk. Waking up very early in the morning, he starts towards the field with a pair of cows and a plow on his shoulder. Then he begins plowing his land. After a while, his young son or daughter comes to the field with a bowl of rice. Then the farmer takes his breakfast which consists of a dish of Panta rice. At noon, he returns home, takes his bath, and mid-day meal. Then he starts again and returns home in the evening. He goes to bed early. Some farmers have a radio set. So, at night he, along with other members of the family, listens to the radio. He took part in social and religious festivals to a limited extent. A farmer can’t live a good life despite his hard work. His heart is filled with joy if he gets a bumper crop. He forgets all his pain when he sees his young children playing in the courtyard.

An Ideal Farmer Paragraph

An Ideal Farmer Paragraph, 200 Words

Sentences: 22, Words: 200, Characters: 1042.

An ideal farmer is an important person in society who plays a big role in the economy of the country by producing food. To be an ideal farmer, one must possess some qualities. I have known an ideal farmer for a long time. He lives in our village. His name is Jamal. He has to maintain a big family. He has a few acres of land of his own. His life is a life of endless struggle. He is strong and healthy. He is very simple and hard working. He gets up from bed early in the morning and goes to the field. He works there till sunset. He works very hard all day long in the sun and the rain. He plants many crops and looks after them carefully. He also grows vegetables. He consults with the agriculture officer if he finds any problem in the field. He is very diligent and works hard to maintain his family. However, he remains satisfied with what he gets. He knows the modern method of cultivation. He looks after his children carefully and enjoys all the social festivals. He is an asset to our country. The nation needs such an ideal farmer.

An Ideal Farmer Life of a Farmer Paragraph, in 200 Words

Paragraph on an Ideal Farmer / Life of a Farmer Paragraph, 200 Words

Sentences: 16, Words: 200, Characters: 1106

An ideal farmer cultivates land and grows crops. He is an important person in our country. Usually, he lives in a house made of corrugated tin or straw in a village. An ideal farmer lives a very simple life. He earns his living through hard work. He wakes up very early in the morning, takes a little breakfast, and goes to the field with a wooden plow and a pair of cows. Sometimes he doesn’t get time for lunch because of his busy schedule. The source of a farmer’s joy and sorrow is his land. He is cheerful when the crop is good, on the other hand, he suffers when the crop is ruined by drought, flood, or hailstorm. But despite working hard, a farmer can’t meet the basic needs of his family. In addition, in our society, a farmer is considered a low-class citizen, which is very unfair. In fact, an ideal farmer is a great asset to our society. The farmers provide us with food. He contributes to the economy of the country. Therefore, the government should take appropriate steps to improve the living standards of our farmers. Because our national development depends on the development of farmers.

A Farmer Composition

115 Words, for Class-3

A farmer is a person who grows crops. Our life is completely dependent on him. A farmer is usually poor. He leads a very busy life. He is strong and hardworking. He gets up early and goes to the field. There he works all day long. He works under the hot sun and in the rain. Thus, he grows crops like paddy, jute, tea, potato, etc. We eat these foods and survive. without him, we cannot exist in this world. he becomes happy when the harvest is good. he suffers a lot when the harvest is not good due to natural disasters. A farmer grows crops for us. We are grateful to him. We must respect him.

For Class-7

A farmer is a person who plows lands and grows crops. A good farmer works hard in his fields. He gets up early in the morning and goes to the field with his plow and bullocks. He plows his field many times. He puts cow dung and puts fertilizers on his field. He waters and irrigates his lands in time. He plants seedlings in rows and grows a lot of crops. A farmer serves the nation. He does not have his due honor in society. We should be respectful to a farmer and the government should take necessary steps to improve the skills of the farmers.

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About the Author


A teacher, writer and blogger, started allparagraph noting students search online for paragraphs on various topics, short and simple essays , edifying stories and other materials of study . In composing these lessons we have tried to use as simple language as possible, keeping young students in mind. If you find any text inappropriate, please let us know so we can make it more useful through necessary corrections and modifications. Thank you!

2 thoughts on “Farmer Essay | Life of a Farmer Essay & Paragraph”

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I want a farmer composition on 500 words🙂🥺

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Thank you. Here we have written a 500-word essay about farmers, though not a composition. There is no big difference between essays and composition. One has subtitles, the other doesn’t—that’s the difference. However, we will soon add a 500-word composition for you.

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Essay on Indian Farmer For Kids – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay


Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On FarmerS For Lower Primary Classes

Role and importance of farmers in any country, daily life of indian farmers and their families, 10-line essay on indian farmer in english, short essay on farmers for kids, essay on indian farmers in english, long essay on indian farmers for kids, challenges and issues of indian farmers and their current conditions, what your child will learn from the essay.

Farmers form the backbone of the nation. When your child writes an essay on farmers, they discover the importance of farmers and begin to see them in a whole new light. When your little one writes a composition, they need ideas they can write around, and this can improve their thought process. Penning down the ideas on paper in short and simple sentences gives structure to their thoughts, and it enhances their creative writing skills.

There are some important points that your child needs to remember while writing essays. With this article , let us learn how to write an essay on farmers.

Let your child form the ideas they want to write about farmers.

  • Let your child jot down the ideas on paper and create an outline. It will help them to cover all the points while writing the essay.
  • H elp your child form easily readable short and simple sentences from the outline.
  • You can tell your child to write short and crisp sentences and cover multiple points. 
  • Direct your child to write with the flow. This will make them learn the art of writing compositions.
  • Your child can mention the importance of farmers, their lifestyle, the problems they face, etc.

Farmers play an extremely important role in any country. They are the people who feed the whole nation. Let us take a small example to understand the importance of farmers in a better way. When we are hungry, we cannot stay without food. That food reaches our plates only because of farmers. Farmers make a huge contribution to the economy of any country.

The life of farmers is very simple and rooted to the ground. They and their family members who work on the farm wake up early in the morning and spend the whole day in the fields. They plough the land, sow the seeds, water the plants, and do their best to protect the field and yield. They then wait patiently for the harvest time. A farmer’s life is plain and simple. They don’t look forwards to many luxuries. They look forward to a good harvest and getting a reasonable price for their crops.

Social Life of Indian Farmers

A farmer’s life in the villages is very different from people in cities. Their social life is very different from city folk. They spend all day in the farms. From early morning till sunset, they toil in the fields. The farming activity requires such hard work that they get exhausted when they return home. Their social life is more or less meeting other farmers or people from their neighbourhood post sundown and sharing their thoughts.

Farmers have a very important role in any country. Let’s help your child to write a 10-line essay for class 1 and class 2. 

  • Farmers play a very important role.
  • Farmers are often called the backbone of any country.
  • Farmers provide food to the whole country.
  • They are very hard working.
  • They wake up very early in the morning.
  • Farmers toil in the fields all day.
  • They return home after sunset.
  • Their life is very simple.
  • Farming requires a lot of patience.
  • Farmers deserve a lot of respect.

Farmers form the backbone of the nation. Let us show an example of how to compose a short paragraph or essay on farmers.

Farmers provide food to the whole country. We have food on our plates every time we feel hungry only because of them. There’s a lot of effort and hard work that goes behind each harvest. Farming is an activity that requires extremely hard work. Farmers toil in the fields all day and return home only after sunset. They plough the fields, sow seeds, water the plants, take care of them, and wait patiently for the harvest time. Their lifestyle is pretty simple. Their life revolves around their farm and farming. Farmers are the most valuable asset for any country. We cannot imagine a day without food. Therefore, we cannot imagine a day in our lives without the farmers in any country. 

Farmers are an essential part of any economy. Let us guide your child to write an essay on Indian farmers in about 250 words.

Farmers supply food to the entire country. People throughout the country will starve without them. No living being can survive without food. It is only because of the dedication of Indian farmers that we have such a prosperous country when it comes to food production. The life of a farmer is not easy; it is full of hard work. They toil in the fields all day and return home only after sunset. They plough the fields, sow seeds, water the plants, remove weeds, and save the crops from disturbances. They work on the fields through all the seasons. They tend to the crops and farm and wait patiently for the crops to mature. They look forward to the harvest time when they can sell the produce in the market at a fair price. Some farmers grow multiple types of crops based on the season and their soil.

India is an agricultural country, and farmers form the backbone of our nation. Here’s a sample essay for class 3 that your child can refer to when writing their essay on farmers.

Farmers play a very important role in the growth and development of the country. They provide food to the entire country. When we serve food at the table, we should humbly recognise that it comes from the hard work of the farmers. They are people who are extremely dedicated and hard-working. They wake up very early in the morning and go to the fields. They plough the fields, sow seeds, water the plants, remove weeds, and protect the crops from disturbances. They toil in the field irrespective of the weather.  They wait patiently for the golden season of harvest.

Most farmers depend on the traditional ways of farming which are very labour oriented and may result in lower productivity. However, the latest innovations and scientific improvements in various stages of farming can help increase the harvest and make the farming process less laborious. There are many regulations to protect the farmer’s rights and improve their work conditions for better yield. The government has introduced many schemes to benefit this valuable section of the nation. Farmers deserve a lot of respect from each one of us. We should be grateful to farmers who provide us with our basic need for food.

Farmers are important people who provide us with the basic necessity of life – food, but they also face many challenges because of various factors. An immense drought or heavy rainfall can cause crop failure. Inadequate mechanisation, modern tools, and insufficient facilities add to their trouble. Small farmers own small pieces of land and use traditional farming methods, limiting their productivity and output. In order to increase their production, they must use good quality seeds and advanced techniques, which required a lot of investment. Poor roads hamper access to markets. In order to make life easier for farmers, the government has introduced many policies and schemes to help the son of the soil.

When your child writes an essay on farmers, they learn to value the people who supply food to the whole nation. Their gratitude and respect for farmers will grow. Additionally, your child will also learn about the farmers’ lifestyles and their struggles when cultivating the food we relish every day.

1. What are the main crops farmers usually grow in their fields?

Farmers usually grow rice, wheat, and millets.

2. What are the other crops besides rice and wheat that farmers grow?

Farmers also grow spices, fruits, and vegetables.

3. What is the safest and the best form of fertiliser for crops?

Cow dung is the best fertiliser for crops.

4. What are the types of farmers in India?

Small farmers, marginal farmers, semi-medium farmers, medium farmers, and large farmers are the various types of farmers in India based on the size of their cultivation.

5. Why are farmers important in India?

Farming is a major contributor to the Indian economy. It creates employment opportunities for a large part of the population. Besides that, the farmers provide food, which is an essential need for human existence.

We hope the above essay on Indian farmers helps your child write an amazing composition on Indian farmers. It will help them learn about the importance of farmers, and they will also learn to respect and thank them. We have made sure to keep the language extremely simple so that it’s easy for your little one to understand.

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