APPLICATION - Faculty of Education Direct Entry (Pre-Education) Concurrent Form

Who can use this application? If you have applied to York University through the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre for Fall/Winter 2025 and • currently in your last year of high school studies outside of Ontario or Canada. • completed your high school diploma but have not attempted post- secondary studies. The Direct Entry Concurrent BEd program is only available to applicants with no postsecondary studies. NOTE: Applicants must have applied to York University using the OUAC or York U. application for one of the following Faculty of Education partners: Faculty of Education (BA Educational Studies); Environmental and Urban Change; School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design; Glendon; Faculty of Health; Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies; Faculty of Science or Lassonde School of Engineering. To be considered for the Direct Entry BEd program, please complete the form and submit by February 1, 2025. Once this form has been processed you will have access to the BEd Concurrent Education Supplementary and online Referee form on MyFile: All Concurrent Education applicants who submit the online supplementary form are required to submit a $50.00 supplementary application processing fee. Deadline to Apply: February 01, 2025 Online Supplementary Form and Letter of Recommendation due April 8, 2025

  • Name Name * First Last
  • York U. Student number (9 digits) *
  • If you have applied to Glendon Campus are you apply for the French as a Second Language BEd? If you have applied to Glendon Campus are you apply for the French as a Second Language BEd? Yes

2022-2023 Undergraduate Academic Calendar

Application procedures / procédures de demande d'admission, application procedures, how to apply.

  • Ontario high-school students: apply using the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC) 101 application form. Contact your school's guidance office for details.
  • All other applicants: apply online through Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC) 105 application form. Visit the website at or, if York University is the only institution to which a student is applying, visit the website at .
  • If you are applying to a certificate program or as a visiting student, use the York application form available at .

Supplementary Information/Evaluation for the School of the Arts, Media, Performance, and Design (AMPD)

Applicants must first apply to York University through the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC) by the deadline date for guaranteed consideration (applications submitted later will be reviewed if space is available in the program). Many AMPD programs also require a subsequent supplementary evaluation (questionnaire, interview, portfolio and/or audition). Please visit  for details and timelines for supplementary evaluations.

Supplementary Information Form for the Schulich School of Business

Applicants to the Schulich School of Business must first apply to York University through the Ontario Universities' Application Centre by the deadline date. If you are a mature applicant or university/college transfer applicant, you may use the York University Application ( ).

Visit for application deadlines.

Applicants must also submit a Supplementary Application (leadership profile and video interview). Visit for a copy of the application. A file is considered complete when the application for admission, supplementary application, and references are received.

Supplementary Information Form for Bachelor of Social Work

The bachelor of social work (BSW) is offered as a direct-entry, and post-degree program with courses offered during the day and evening.

Applicants to BSW programs, who are not applying directly from high school, must submit a completed Supplementary Information Form and upload required documents online through MyFile at after submitting an application.

For more information about programs of study, visit .

Supplementary Information Form for Bachelor of Education, University Applicants

University applicants who apply to Faculty of Education Concurrent Education programs must submit a completed Supplementary Information Form online through MyFile at  after submitting an application and all supporting documents. All applicants who submit the online supplementary form will be charged a $50 non-refundable processing fee on their York Student Account in May 2019. For details, contact the Faculty of Education at 416-736-5001 or visit .

Supplementary Information Form for Bachelor of Education, High School Applicants (Direct-Entry Option)

In order to apply to the Faculty of Education Concurrent Education programs, high-school applicants to York's undergraduate Faculties of Education (BA Educational Studies); Environmental Studies; Glendon; Health; Liberal Arts and Professional Studies; School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design; Science and Lassonde School of Engineering may identify an interest in the Pre-Education Direct-Entry option by indicating the Faculty of Education on their OUAC 101 university application form.

Students must submit an application for admission to the OUAC as well as a supplementary information form through MyFile which includes an experience profile, experience summary, personal statement and one online letter of recommendation; and pay a $50.00 non-refundable processing fee to complete the application to the Faculty of Education. This information will be sent to all applicants by e-mail at the end of January 2019.

For details, visit the Faculty of Education website at .

Procédures de demande d'admission

Pour présenter une demande d'admission.

  • Les élèves des écoles secondaires de l'Ontario doivent soumettre leur demande d'admission en remplissant la demande d'admission 101 du Centre de réception des demandes d'admission aux universités de l'Ontario (OUAC). Pour plus de détails, adressez-vous au bureau d'orientation de votre établissement.
  • Tous les autres candidats peuvent soumettre une demande en ligne sur le site Web du Centre de réception des demandes d'admission aux universités de l'Ontario (OUAC), en remplissant la demande d'admission 105. Visitez le site Web ou, si l'Université York est la seule institution où un étudiant présente une demande d'admission, visitez le site Web .
  • Si vous faites une demande pour vous inscrire à un programme menant à un certificat, ou si vous êtes un étudiant libre, remplissez la demande d'admission que vous vous procurerez sur le site .

Renseignements et évaluations supplémentaires  pour l'École des arts, des médias, de l'animation et du design (AMPD)

Les candidats doivent d'abord présenter une demande à l'Université York par l'entremise du Centre de réception des demandes d'admission aux universités de l'Ontario (OUAC) avant la date limite pour s'assurer que leur demande sera prise en considération (les demandes soumises plus tard seront examinées que si le programme n'est pas complet). De nombreux programmes de AMPD exigent aussi une évaluation supplémentaire (questionnaire, entrevue, portfolio et/ou audition). Veuillez visiter le  pour obtenir les détails et l'échéancier des évaluations supplémentaires.

Formulaire de renseignements supplémentaires pour l'École Schulich des hautes études commerciales

Avant de présenter une demande d'admission à l'École Schulich des hautes études commerciales, les candidats doivent faire une demande d'admission à l'Université York par l'entremise du Centre de réception des demandes d'admission aux universités de l'Ontario avant la date limite. Si vous êtes un candidat adulte ou demandez un transfert d'une université ou d'un collège, vous pouvez utiliser le formulaire de demande d'admission de l'Université York ( ).

Visitez le pour connaître les dates limites de demande d'admission.

Les candidats doivent aussi soumettre une demande supplémentaire (profil de leadership et vidéo d'entrevue), accessible au . Une demande est considérée comme étant complète après réception de la demande d'admission, du formulaire de renseignements supplémentaires et des références.

Formulaire de renseignements supplémentaires pour le Baccalauréat en service social

Le Baccalauréat en service social (BSW) est offert comme programme d'entrée directe ou programme post-diplôme et les cours sont offerts le jour et le soir.

Les candidats aux programmes de BSW de York qui ne viennent pas directement d'une école secondaire doivent remplir le formulaire de renseignements supplémentaires et télécharger leurs documents exigés en ligne sur MyFile au après avoir envoyé une demande d'admission. Les renseignements et documents requis sont : une déclaration personnelle, un énoncé de problème, un relevé de notes et des références. Les coordonnées pour les références doivent être transmises sur MyFile.

Pour plus de renseignements sur les programmes d'étude, visitez le site .

Formulaire de renseignements supplémentaires pour le baccalauréat en sciences de l'éducation, étudiants universitaires

Les étudiants universitaires qui présentent une demande d'admission à un programme d'éducation simultanée de la Faculté des sciences de l'éducation doivent remplir un formulaire de renseignements supplémentaires en ligne, sur  MyFile au  après avoir soumis une demande d'admission et tous les documents à l'appui de leur demande. Tous les candidats qui soumettent le formulaire de renseignements supplémentaires en ligne devront payer des frais de traitement non remboursables de 50 $ qui seront prélevés sur leur compte d'étudiant de York en mai 2018. Pour plus de détails, communiquez avec la Faculté des sciences de l'éducation au 416-736-5001, ou visitez le .

Formulaire de renseignements supplémentaires pour le baccalauréat en sciences de l'éducation, étudiants du secondaire, option d'admission directe

Pour présenter leur demande d'admission à un programme d'éducation simultanée de la Faculté des sciences de l'éducation, les étudiants du secondaire qui présentent une demande aux facultés de premier cycle des sciences de l'éducation, des études environnementales, du Collège Glendon, des sciences de la santé, des arts libéraux et études professionnelles, des sciences, de l'École de génie Lassonde et de l'École des arts, des médias, de l'animation et du design peuvent signifier leur intérêt envers l'option d'admission directe pré-éducation en indiquant la faculté d'éducation sur leur formulaire 101 de demande d'admission OUAC.

Les étudiants doivent soumettre une demande d'admission au Centre de demande d'admission aux universités de l'Ontario (OUAC) ainsi qu'un formulaire de renseignements supplémentaires sur MyFile lesquels incluent un profil d'expérience, un sommaire d'expérience, une déclaration personnelle et une lettre de recommandation en ligne, et payer des frais de traitement non remboursables de 50 $ pour compléter la demande d'admission à la Faculté des sciences de l'éducation.  Ces renseignements seront envoyés à tous les candidats par courriel à la fin de janvier 2018.

Pour obtenir tous les détails, visitez le site Web de la Faculté des sciences de l'éducation au .

  • Français

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Concurrent Education: Educational Studies (BEd)

York university, requirements, program summary, prerequisites.

  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)
  • ENG4U (Francophone applicants may present FRA4U, FEF4U or FIF4U)
  • 5 additional 4U/M courses

IB and AP Requirements

  • IB Admission Information
  • AP Admission Information

Additional Admission Criteria

By applying for this concurrent education program and choosing your subject of major interest from the pull-down list, you will be considered for admission to both programs. Applicants should therefore not use a subsequent application choice to apply to their subject of major interest separately. Graduates receive both a Bachelor of Education degree as well as a Bachelor's degree in their chosen subject of major interest. An online Faculty of Education Supplementary Information Form and supplemental fee are also required.

Language Requirements

If you apply to an undergraduate program, you may meet the language requirements if you have successfully completed – or are in the process of successfully completing – 1 of the following:

  • 4 full years of study in English (or French) at an accredited high school in Canada or where English is the  official primary language of the country , or
  • 4 full years of study at the high-school level where English is the primary language of instruction, or
  • 1 full year of study in an accredited university degree program in English in a country where English is a primary language or where English is the official language of the institution, or
  • 2 full years of study in English, in an accredited college diploma or applied degree program in a country where English is a primary language or where English is the official language of the institution or
  • successful completion of Academic Program Level 9, Destination York, or the YUBridge Program.

York reserves the right to request language proficiency test scores. All programs require 4U English (ENG4U).

Note:  Time spent in ESL courses will not be counted towards meeting these requirements. Language requirements will not be waived based on letters written by applicants, SAT/ACT scores or as a result of completing senior-level high-school English course(s).

For full details, visit the Undergraduate Language Proficiency website .

Offers of Admission

Basic requirements for admission.

York gives admission consideration to applicants who successfully present academic credentials earned at recognized/accredited institutions around the world.

For Ontario high school students, the minimum admission requirement is the completion of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent and six 4U/M courses, including ENG4U. Students may also be required to fulfill Faculty or program-specific prerequisites. Francophone applicants may present FRA4U.

You must successfully complete the OSSD, including six 4U/M courses and all of the prerequisites for your programs, and maintain the average used for conditional admission.

Note:  Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the university.

A review of an applicant’s holistic academic profile, from high school to the present, is undertaken when making admission decisions. Possession of the minimum requirements or admission average ranges that are listed online or within university publications should not be viewed as a guarantee of admission.

When making holistic assessments, we may consider a variety of aspects, including consistency of academic results over multiple years, results in specific course prerequisites, repeated course attempts and external test scores.

Certain programs may also require supplemental materials or activities (e.g., portfolio review) and generally, transcripts showing complete high school and postsecondary attendance will be required.

Failed and Repeated Courses

York’s policy on repeated courses:  Repeated courses are accepted. Admissions will consider the course with the highest grade, which may not necessarily be the most recently taken course. The Schulich School of Business reserves the right to review each situation on an individual basis.

York’s policy on failed courses:  Failed courses will be considered. Admissions will review the course with the highest grade.

Timing and Process for Admission Decisions

After applying to the undergraduate program, you will receive an acknowledgement email from York with your York reference number. The acknowledgement email will be sent within 2 business days of receiving your application.

York will begin assessing applicants and may make conditional offers of admission as applications are received. You are encouraged to present as strong an academic profile as possible. Application processing times vary depending on your application type. It usually takes 4 to 8 weeks for your application to be processed and for a decision to be made.

York will consider 3U/M courses for initial admission purposes. Qualified applicants may be considered for alternative programs in cases where they do not meet the admission requirements of their original choice, or where their original program choice has filled.

Alternative Offers

Find more information about alternative offers .

Contact Us About the Program

Bennett Centre for Student Services 99 Ian MacDonald Blvd. 4700 Keele St. Toronto ON M3J 1P3

  • Email: Student Support & Advising
  • Student Recruitment & Admissions: 416-736-5000

Find a Program

Students & parents.

  • Common Course Codes
  • Financial Support Information
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Intend to Apply for OSAP?
  • OSAP for Indigenous Applicants
  • University Research Checklist
  • Resources to Help You Prepare for University
  • Winter, Spring and Summer Admission

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  • Contact the Universities
  • Degree Abbreviations
  • Tours & Events

Ontario Universities' Info

OUInfo is a guide to Ontario's universities. It provides information about university programs, admission requirements and more. OUInfo should be used as a starting point for researching university options.

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Future Students

Pdf applications and supplemental forms.

  • Undergraduate application
  • Undergraduate application (French)
  • Graduate application
  • Graduate application (French)
  • Graduate admission checklist
  • Graduate admission checklist (French)
  • Letter of recommendation (BEd English)
  • Letter of recommendation (BEd French)
  • Letter of recommendation (BSW)
  • Letter of recommendation (FGS English)
  • Letter of recommendation (FGS French)
  • Supplementary Information Form (FGS English)
  • Supplementary Information Form (FGS French)
  • Supplementary Information Form (Schulich) - (accessed through the Schulich Faculty Web site )
  • Third Party Access Form

Connect with York University


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  1. Concurrent Education/Con-ed Supplementary form (Anyone in Con-ed)

    The unofficial subreddit for York University in Toronto: The 3rd largest university in Canada and home to the Schulich School of Business and Osgoode Hall Law School. ... yappie_02. ADMIN MOD Concurrent Education/Con-ed Supplementary form (Anyone in Con-ed) Admissions Hi I applied to the concurrent education program at york but was rejected ...

  2. Reasons for rejections (Concurrent Education) : r/yorku

    York's a very competitive school for teachers college. Out of the 1300 people that applied this year like 300 got in. And with concurrent you are competing against students in 2nd and 3rd year at York as well as high school students.

  3. Concurrent B.Ed Supplementary Application : r/yorku

    The unofficial subreddit for York University in Toronto: The 3rd largest university in Canada and home to the Schulich School of Business and Osgoode Hall Law School. ... incognito464 . Concurrent B.Ed Supplementary Application Admissions Hello, I was completing the supp app for York's Con Ed program and I noticed that in the experience summary ...

  4. BEd

    After applying through the OUAC application and receiving a York reference number, applicants must submit the Faculty of Education BEd Direct Entry Concurrent For m. Deadline to apply is February 1, 2024. Complete the Supplementary Form and the Online Letter of Recommendation (LOR) - Deadline April 1, 2024. All BEd Direct Entry applicants are ...

  5. Pre-Education Direct Entry Concurrent Education

    Supplementary Application Deadlines. April 1, ... The Concurrent Bachelor of Education allows students to work toward their education degree while at the same time completing another York undergraduate degree. Students must be admitted to and eligible to continue in an undergraduate program in one of the York University faculties (Arts, Media ...

  6. Concurrent Bachelor of Education

    After applying through the OUAC application and receiving a York reference number, applicants must submit the Faculty of Education BEd Direct Entry Concurrent For m. Deadline to apply is February 1, 2025. Complete the Supplementary Form and the Online Letter of Recommendation (LOR) - Deadline April 1, 2025

  7. Deadlines for Undergraduate Study

    Concurrent Education: Supplementary Application: April 1, 2025: ... York University Student Recruitment & Admissions Bennett Centre for Student Services 99 Ian Macdonald Blvd Toronto, ON M3J 1P3 CANADA. Book a Tour. Make arrangements for a tour of our Keele or Glendon campus. Connect with York University. Keele, Glendon and Markham Campus ...

  8. Admission Requirements

    A supplementary application (including leadership profile, video interview and timed writing exercise) is also required by . Febuary 3, 2025, for guaranteed consideration to the program. If you have questions about the supplementary application, please contact the Schulich Undergraduate Programs Unit at [email protected].

  9. Concurrent education : r/yorku

    Concurrent education. Advice. Hello, I am applying to York's concurrent education program directly from high school next year. I am nervous about the supplementary application as I currently only have experience with younger children and I'm planning on teaching highschool. I don't know how to gain experience in teaching high school as I ...

  10. PDF York University Faculty of Education

    York University's Faculty of Education carefully selects host schools that will offer teacher candidates exposure to different teaching settings. For this reason, applicants cannot find their own practicum placements. Admission to York University's Faculty of Education is a competitive process for very limited spaces. Typically,

  11. BEd

    Applicants who apply to the Consecutive BEd program will receive an acknowledgement email with information pertaining to the Online Supplementary Form. Offers of admission are made on March 1, 2025. If you are interested in applying to the Consecutive Education program please visit the OUAC website and select TEAS application.


    To be considered for the Direct Entry BEd program, please complete the form and submit by February 1, 2025. All Concurrent Education applicants who submit the online supplementary form are required to submit a $50.00 supplementary application processing fee. If you have applied to Glendon Campus are you apply for the French as a Second Language ...

  13. PDF Concurrent Degree Requirements

    College of Teachers (OCT). The program is offered in Direct-Entry, Concurrent and Consecutive delivery models. The Bachelor of Education (BEd) Technological Education is also offered to those who would like to become teachers of Technological Education at the Intermediate-Senior (grades 9-12) level. Home » Programs Education Faculty of Education

  14. thoughts on York's concurrent education program? : r/yorku

    York doesn't "suck" it's just not a party school, some of their programs are lacking but then they focus on their law and business programs, their BEd program is well recognized, especially if your planning on working in tdsb or yrdsb. 2. Award. Share. StarDuckie101.

  15. Application Procedures / Procédures de demande d'admission

    Supplementary Information Form for Bachelor of Education, University Applicants. University applicants who apply to Faculty of Education Concurrent Education programs must submit a completed Supplementary Information Form online through MyFile at after submitting an application and all supporting documents. All applicants who submit the online supplementary form will be charged ...

  16. Anyone in YorkU Concurrent Education— specifically majoring ...

    The unofficial subreddit for York University in Toronto: The 3rd largest university in Canada and home to the Schulich School of Business and Osgoode Hall Law School. ... it just says York U Concurrent Education: Science (BEd) and asked for my subject of interest, so I picked biology. ... On the application for concurrent education is where you ...

  17. Concurrent Education: Educational Studies (BEd)

    York gives admission consideration to applicants who successfully present academic credentials earned at recognized/accredited institutions around the world. For Ontario high school students, the minimum admission requirement is the completion of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent and six 4U/M courses, including ENG4U.

  18. PDF York University, Faculty of Education Pre-Education Direct Entry

    Pre-Education Direct Entry Concurrent Education Thank you for your application and interest in our Pre-Education Direct Entry Teacher Education Program. Please read this information package to assist you with your next steps. Supplementary Application Deadlines • April 1, 2021 deadline includes: o Faculty of Education online Supplementary ...

  19. Concurrent Education Error, is this normal? : r/yorku

    Concurrent Education Error, is this normal? I'm apply to the direct entry to this program and I just finished my supplementary application and I am in tears. After submitting my work I forgot to tick off something and after fixing that, these weird letters starting popping up in my application. I didn't even see these before I clicked submit.

  20. PDF Applications and Supplemental Forms

    Undergraduate application (French) Graduate application; Graduate application (French) ... Supplementary Information Form (Schulich) - (accessed through the Schulich Faculty Web site) Third Party Access Form; Connect with York University. Keele, Glendon and Markham Campus; Contact (416) 736-2100; Campus Maps;

  21. PDF York University, Faculty of Education Pre-Education Direct Entry

    Pre-Education Direct Entry Concurrent Education Thank you for your application and interest in our Pre-Education Direct Entry Teacher Education Program. Please read this information package to assist you with your next steps. Supplementary Application Deadlines • April 1, 2022 deadline includes: o Faculty of Education online Supplementary ...

  22. York concurrent education : r/OntarioGrade12s

    What i do know about the york program is that they offer a lot more teachables in comparison to queens. This is especially beneficial if u want to teach high school. Also, Queens is good because you finish the program in 5 years instead of 6 but I do know that york is well known and reputable for its faculty of education, so I'd say it all ...

  23. Advantages of Application through York CS Coop : r/yorku

    Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Or check it out in the app stores   ... Advantages of Application through York CS Coop . Advice ... The unofficial subreddit for York University in Toronto: The 3rd largest university in Canada and home to the Schulich School of Business and Osgoode Hall Law School. ...