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16 Basic Confidentiality Statement Examples [Free Templates]

A Confidentiality Statement also referred to as a non-disclosure agreement or NDA, is a legally enforceable contract that establishes confidentiality between two parties, i.e., the party disclosing the protected information and the recipient of that information.

It is usually signed when the disclosing party wants the receiving party to treat any information made available to them as confidential, such as trade secrets, recipes, personal information, events, technical data and designs, sales leads, and customer or client data, financial information, inventions and product ideas, etc.

By signing it, the receiving party agrees not only not to share or disclose the information disclosed to them but also not to release, copy, modify or use the information in any other way not authorized by the disclosing party.

These statements are usually signed by only one party, i.e., the receiving party unless both parties in the agreement disclose information to one another that they would like to be kept confidential.

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Following are some free downloadable templates for you:

Free Confidentiality Statement Template 01 for Word File

What to Include

The type of information usually depends on the type of information being disclosed.

However, for the agreement to be legally binding, there is some information that must be captured in the agreement, including:

Parties information

A confidentiality statement should identify the parties involved and define their roles in the agreement. The name, job title, address, or other identifying information should be included in the agreement. This clause should also define the disclosing party and the receiving party. It should also be stated that the receiving party is liable for any loss of revenue or damages that may result from sharing confidential information with other parties that are not included in the agreement.

The context for the agreement

A reason as to why it is being used should be included in the document.

If an employee will be able to access any confidential information and their employer would like for such information to be kept confidential, they may state the reason for using the confidential information in this clause.

Confidential information

This clause should define what is meant to be kept confidential. A clear and complete description of what is to be considered confidential, including the title, shape, color, or any other distinctive characteristics of what is to be deemed confidential, should be included. Additionally, it should state whether the receiving party will receive the agreement in writing, electronically, or verbally.

In most cases, only written content will be deemed confidential. However, the disclosing party may want the receiving party to treat any verbal communication between them as confidential. To do this, they must specifically inform the receiving party in writing that such information must be kept confidential.


This statement should specify any exclusions from confidentiality and describe how the receiving party can disclose it. Under this provision, the confidentiality statement should specify any exclusions from confidentiality treatment. Ideally, this provision seeks to address situations where it would be virtually impossible for the receiving party to keep the information confidential.

Some of the reasons that may warrant exclusion from confidentiality include:

  • If the information that is to be deemed as confidential is already in the public domain
  • If the receiving party acquires the information before signing the statement
  • If the “confidential information” has already been disclosed to the receiving party without the disclosing party’s consent
  • When the receiving party has been issued by court order and is bound by law to release the information
  • When the statement was established to aid in the sale of a property- the receiving party may have to disclose certain information to aid in the sale of such properties.

Duration of the agreement

The duration for which the statement is valid should be well defined in the agreement. In most cases, the duration/validity will depend on the type of information being disclosed.


The relationship between the parties in the agreement needs to be defined in the agreement.

The contract may state that the agreement shall or shall not be deemed to constitute either party as a partner, employee of the other party, or a joint venture.

Restrictions, if any

The disclosing party will want to prevent the receiving party from using the information disclosed to them for monetary gains or sharing it with other unauthorized parties. They may also want to prohibit the receiving party from replicating, distributing, or retaining the information after it has been disclosed to them.

Security of disclosed information

The receiving party is required to protect the information given to them from accidental or unintended disclosure.

If they have written copies of information that should be kept confidential, they should ensure that they keep such records in a safe place.

They may also be required to return copies given to them or destroy them after a specified period.

Solicitation of employees

This clause aims at preventing either party from soliciting or hiring employees from the other during or after the duration of the agreement.

If the receiving party is aware that by using the information the disclosing party has given them and acquiring the disclosing party’s employees, they may be able to compete against them, then this provision will prohibit them from soliciting or hiring the disclosing party’s employees.

Penalties or remedies for breach of contract

It should have a provision specifying the consequences for the breach of the agreement. If the receiving party breaches the agreement, then the disclosing party is entitled to have its remedy at law in equity. Such remedies may include; injunctions, attorney fees, income loss, and other monetary damages.  

A severability and no-waiver provisions are usually included to prevent lawful loopholes from voiding the agreement’s enforceability. A no-waiver provision is usually included to extend the duration in which the parties can file a suit in the event of a breach of contract.


Other miscellaneous provisions that may be included in the confidentiality statement include:


The laws and courts that will handle any disputes. This provision should specify that if either party files a dispute in court, then the court’s jurisdiction is where the disclosing party is located or the one specified in the agreement.

Arbitration clause

This provision sets the grounds for settling any dispute out of court. It gives the parties an option to have arbitrators present during the settling of the dispute.

This statement should categorically state who is responsible for signing the agreement.

If the disclosing party has a registered business, then the executive directors or manager of that business will be the ones to sign the agreement.

The agreement should also specify if this statement should be jointly or solo signed.

In addition to the parties required to sign the agreement, it should also specify if the parties should sign it before or after the confidential information has been disclosed.

Key Takeaways

Here are important key takeaways that you should consider:

  • A confidentiality statement, also referred to as a non-disclosure agreement or NDA, is a legally enforceable contract that establishes confidentiality between two parties, i.e., the party disclosing the protected information and the recipient of that information.
  • This statement can be used to prevent disclosure of confidential information such as trade secrets, recipes, personal information, events, technical data and designs, sales leads and customer or client data, financial information, inventions and product ideas, etc.
  • Anyone who has access to any information should sign a confidentiality statement form to prevent them from disclosing any confidential information that may cause harm to the organization.

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Melissa Horton

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Home » Business Plan Tips

How to Write a Business Plan Confidentiality Agreement

Are you about pitching your idea to investors? If YES, here is a detailed guide on how to write an ironclad confidentiality agreement for a business plan. Confidentiality statements are documents that are prepared for the safety of parties that are about to go into a business contract.

Also known as non-disclosure agreements, confidentiality statements help to preserve sensitive information that various business parties might bring to the table when transacting business. Business confidentiality statement in essence is a document that states that when a company’s business plan has been revealed, they will not be able to discuss the contents of it with anyone that is not part of the agreement.

Confidentiality or nondisclosure agreement has various uses in the world of business. An individual with a patentable invention or idea may need to enter into partnership with a manufacturer or marketing firm; and of course, he would want to keep his or her invention a secret.

Again, two companies considering a joint venture may need to share the names of their investors – but may not want those names to reach competitors’ ears. Confidentiality agreements can cover all these scenarios; the parties can tailor them to their specific needs before a meeting or negotiation, or over the course of a contractual relationship.

Tips to Note When Writing a Business Plan Confidentiality Statement

A. use the proper contract format.

The proper contract format that is generally used when writing a confidentiality statement is the standard contract format. In this writing format, single-spaced paragraphs with a double space between them is used. Each paragraph constitutes a separate term of the contract and are also numbered for specification. If you have any sub-paragraphs, indent them under the main paragraph and mark them with a letter, as though you were writing an outline.

B. Agreement type

There are two types of agreement to use when writing your confidentiality statement. A unilateral and mutual confidentiality agreement. A unilateral confidentiality agreement is used when only one party is disclosing information, while a mutual agreement is used when both or all parties involved are disclosing information.

You have to decide whether the confidential relationship established will be mutual or one-way. Mutual confidentiality agreements are necessary when you’re providing information to a company so they can provide you with something secret in return. For example, you may be disclosing your plans for a secret invention to a professional who will help you devise a marketing plan.

You need a one-way confidentiality agreement if you need to share confidential information with an employee or contractor who will not be sharing secrets of their own, simply doing work for you. There are also other scenarios where you may require either type of agreement, that is why you have to note the type of confidentiality agreement you need.

How to Write an Ironclad Business Plan Confidentiality Agreement

Provide a list of parties involved in the agreement.

When writing a confidential agreement, you must identify who are the parties to be covered by the agreement. If someone is to be involved in the agreement, but he or she is not listed, you must know that the agreement is not binding on them.

For example, if the agreement is between two companies, the CEO of the company may be able to sign for her entire company, but the agreement should also specify that all employees of the company who have access to the information are bound by its provisions.

Parties can be identified by referring to classes of people, such as “employees” or “engineers,” as long as the person signing the agreement has the authority to bind those people.

Unless the agreement forbids a contractor to have a subcontractor assist with the work, all subcontractors should be included as parties to the agreement as well. This is done so as not to leave any loopholes behind that people can take advantage of.

Describe what the other party is agreeing to

In this part, you need to make known the types of information you wish to keep confidential. This can include any sort of information that might be exchanged between the parties. For instance, if you are designing a software, you might include not only the code and design of the app itself, but also any prototypes, testing procedures and results, or reviews and comments from designers.

This portion of the agreement is designed to set the boundaries of confidential information without disclosing the information itself. It can also be stated that information cannot be disclosed without written consent of the Disclosing Party. The information should only be used for business purposes, and only on a “need to know” basis. And that the information can only be disclosed when the receiving party signs a non disclosure agreement.

List information excluded from confidentiality

Of course not all information should be hidden in a business arrangement. So, for this reason, you need to specify the information that are not under confidentiality. These information may not be a list of specific things, but broad categories of information that don’t have to be protected as confidential. Most of these categories are created by law.

For instance, if an information is already public knowledge then it is not be put under the category of protection. Likewise, information that the receiving party learns from a third party or of which they had prior knowledge cannot be considered confidential, and should be listed as non confidential.

One of the most important exclusions is that if the receiver creates something independently before entering the confidential relationship, it cannot be considered party of the confidentiality agreement even if it happens to use or include some of the same or similar secret information or processes.

Other things that are not under the confidentiality agreement include;

  • An information the Receiving Party owned before the agreement
  • If the Receiving Party legally received it from another source
  • If the Receiving Party is required to disclose in a lawsuit or administrative proceeding
  • If it is being or has been developed by the Receiving Party’s employees, consultants, or agents.

Describe what happens if the other party breaches the contract

Wherever there is a law, there must be consequences for breaking it. A typical remedy for this type of contract is an injunction. You can ask for a court order to stop the person who breached confidentiality from continuing to share the information in violation of the agreement.

In some federal cases, under the DTSA, a court may grant the owner the right to seize the property which may be used in “extraordinary circumstances.” You may also require the return of Confidential Information.

You also have the ability to sue for damages incurred as a result of the breach of confidentiality, which may include penalties. For example, in some states you may have the ability to get double or triple damages if the breach was intentional rather than accidental.

Some confidentiality agreements include stiff financial penalties if secret information is revealed to the general public. Others leave the consequences up to a judge or arbitrator to decide. How detailed you want to get with penalties generally relates to how unique the information being disclosed is, and how damaging it would be if it got out.

Establish the obligations of the party receiving the information

Confidentiality agreements typically limit the ways the receiving party can use the confidential information provided, as well as provide the standard for keeping and protecting confidential information.

For example, if you’re looking for investor evaluations of something you’ve invented, your confidentiality agreement may specify that the information can only be used for the purposes of evaluating the product and not in the evaluator’s own business.

If you’re having an employee or contractor sign a confidentiality agreement, you would probably want to limit your employee’s use of information to the performance of job duties directly related to the employment.

Many confidentiality agreements recite that receivers must keep the information disclosed to them in the same way they would keep their own confidential information. However, this statement only works if the receiving party has a known policy for handling confidential information.

Generally, confidentiality standards include limiting access to the information and taking basic precautions to keep the information secure so it doesn’t easily fall into outside hands. Such precautions might include, for example, using encryption for emails discussing the confidential information.

If your confidentiality agreement relates to software designs, inventions or technology, it should include a statement that the receiver of the information has no license, expressed or implied, in the information by virtue of its disclosure.

State when the agreement ends

Whatever has a beginning must have an end, and same applies to a confidentiality agreement. In writing one, you have to specify when the agreement is going to elapse, and when the parties can get out of the loop. State when the agreement ends and what notice must be given to the other party about the termination. You can set one of two options for when the agreement ends:

Your agreement should specify two time periods: the period during which disclosure will be made, and the time period thereafter during which the information should be kept confidential.

American confidentiality agreements typically last for a period of five years, although some may only last two or three years. The end point doesn’t have to be a specific date, but there should be a specific date used as a starting point. Otherwise it’s unclear when the agreement will take effect and for how long it will be enforceable.

If your agreement specifies a confidentiality period of two years, for example, but fails to establish when that two year period starts, the receiver of the information can argue that she didn’t believe the agreement had gone into effect yet.

Another way to set a specific starting date is to have the confidentiality period start from the date the agreement is signed. If you use this method, make sure you don’t disclose any secrets until you have the signature and the agreement is in force.

The confidentiality time period also may end when a certain event happens. For example, if you’re seeking evaluation of a new product, the confidentiality period may end when you market and distribute that product in stores.

Add any necessary miscellaneous provisions

This section is typically located towards the end. The miscellaneous section is sometimes called boilerplate. All agreements contain various clauses that don’t fit in any other section, such as which state’s law will apply and whether attorneys’ fees will be available to an injured party if they agreement is breached. These agreements are then put under the miscellaneous section. This section, though negligent, but should not be overlooked because of the details it is wont to contain.

Provide space for all parties to sign the agreement

For your confidentiality agreement to be binding, it has to be signed. For this reason, you have to provide a page where parties involved in the agreement would pen down their signatures. Without the agreement signed, it cannot go into effect.

With the use of a confidentiality statement, otherwise known as a non-disclosure agreement, the parties can keep nonpublic information under wraps. These contracts bind the parties to very specific pledges on the disclosure of information and are enforceable under the laws of the state where they are created.

More on Business Plan Tips

Business Confidentiality Statement

Its a tool that businesses use when they discuss their business plan with others who will be given information that the company wishes to keep a secret. 3 min read

A business confidentiality statement is a tool that businesses use when they discuss their business plan with others who will be given information that the company values or wishes to keep a secret. In essence, it is a document that states that when a company's business plan is seen, they will not be able to discuss the contents of it with anyone outside of the agreement.

Confidentiality statements may also be referred to as non-disclosure statements that sales representative and other employees often sign but are typically used in regards to exposure to a company's business plan. They are intended to provide protection for both parties involved in a business plan or transaction.

How Can a Confidentiality Statement Protect You?

In every confidentiality agreement, there should be a provision that states that both parties will not disclose any of the information they are about to discuss or see in a business plan. In addition to that, there should also be a provision that covers damages which will occur in the event that a party breaches the agreement. This is often a place to list the monetary liability the party may be sued for.

If you do not have a confidentiality agreement in place when you write your business plan, then you are opening the door for anyone who sees your business plan to use parts of it without your permission. While copyright law may protect a large amount of it, not all of it will be protected.

If you do have a confidentiality agreement in place and someone does breach it , you will be entitled to some form of compensation and be able to possibly obtain a judgment from the breaching party. If you do not have an agreement in place, the courts are not likely to give you any damages if someone were to steal your idea.

When Do You Need a Confidentiality Agreement?

It is good practice to have a confidentiality agreement anytime that you make a business plan. Some of the benefits of having a confidentiality agreement include:

  • You can make sure that your financial information stays private.
  • You can protect your ides even though the plan may need to be seen by multiple parties.

You should request a signed confidentiality agreement when showing your business plan to anyone, even to a bank. Even though they work for an organization that values confidentiality, it does not mean that everyone working there will be ethical. Always make sure the agreement is signed before handing the business plan over.

Confidentiality Statement Business Plan

The downside of requiring a confidentiality agreement for your business is that it may turn off investors as it can signal distrust. They may feel that you think they plan on stealing your idea and may not be comfortable providing funds for the investment. Other reasons that you may choose not to use a confidentiality agreement include:

  • It can make it seem as though you are a novice.
  • Some people may find it offensive.
  • You may not be able to secure funding and keep it confidential.

Who Signs a Confidentiality Statement of a Business Plan?

In typical fashion, confidentiality agreements would precede or accompany a business plan submission. When requiring the signing of a confidentiality agreement, you should require signing by anyone who you anticipate will see the plan to ensure the information contained in it is confidential.


There are some considerations that need to be made before deciding to use a confidentiality agreement. The first is that your confidentiality agreement is not only protecting an invention, but it also should be used to protect:

  • Business ideas.
  • Strategies.

Until you have received financing or the investment you need to get your business started, anyone will be able to create an identical business without having to ask permission.

It is also important when drafting a confidentiality agreement that it is simply stated and clearly outlines what needs to be protected and what can occur if the agreement is violated. The agreement should be non-intimidating in its verbiage. you can use this agreement for anyone who you may be in contact with about your business before it is stared such as financers, clients, and potential vendors.

If you need help with a business confidentiality statement, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.

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Content Approved by UpCounsel

  • Confidentiality Agreement
  • Purpose of a Confidentiality Agreement
  • Confidentiality Contracts
  • Penalty for Breach of Confidentiality
  • How to Draft a Confidentiality Agreement
  • Drafting Confidentiality Agreements: What You Need to Know
  • Confidentiality Clause Sample
  • Confidentiality Agreement Law
  • Confidentiality Agreement for Business Partners
  • Confidentiality Agreement Consideration

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Understanding Business Plan Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA)

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Growthink.com Business Plan Non-Disclosure Agreements

When it comes to starting or expanding a business, creating a comprehensive business plan is crucial. A business plan is a written document that outlines the goals, strategies, financial projections, and other key details of a business venture. However, sharing sensitive business information, such as trade secrets, proprietary methods, or financial data, with potential investors, partners, or employees can pose risks. That’s where a Business Plan Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) comes into play.

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This article will explain to you what an NDA is and provide a sample NDA. However, before discussing that, it is important to note that most investors and lenders will not sign an NDA. So,  you’ll need to keep that in mind.

Typically on the cover of a business plan , we’ll include the following:


This document includes confidential and proprietary information of and regarding [Your Company Name].  This document is provided for informational purposes only.  You may not use this document except for informational purposes, and you may not reproduce this document in whole or in part, or divulge any of its contents without the prior written consent of [Company Name]. By accepting this document, you agree to be bound by these restrictions and limitations.

While such a statement is far from 100% legal protection, it may provide dissuade readers from divulging information about your business plan and company.

What is a Business Plan Non-Disclosure Agreement

A Business Plan Non-Disclosure Agreement, also known as a Confidentiality Agreement or NDA, is a legal contract that aims to protect the confidential and proprietary information shared in the plan from being disclosed or used by third parties without authorization. It establishes a legally binding agreement between the parties involved, and it helps to ensure that the sensitive information shared in the business plan remains confidential and is not misused.

The main purpose of a Business Plan NDA is to safeguard the intellectual property and confidential information of a business. This may include, but is not limited to:

  • business strategies
  • financial projections
  • marketing plans
  • customer lists
  • trade secrets
  • proprietary technology
  • other sensitive information that gives a business a competitive advantage 

By signing a Business Plan NDA, the recipient agrees to keep the information confidential and not to disclose, use, or exploit it for any purpose other than the intended business relationship.

What Key Elements are included in a Business Plan Non-Disclosure Agreement

A well-drafted Business Plan NDA typically includes the following key elements:

Definition of Confidential Information: Clearly specifying what information is considered confidential and protected under the agreement. This may include a broad or specific definition of confidential information, depending on the needs of the parties involved.

Obligations of the Receiving Party: Outlining the responsibilities of the recipient of the confidential information, including the duty to maintain confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure and use, and the requirement to return or destroy the information after the business relationship ends.

Permitted Disclosures: Identifying situations where the recipient may be allowed to disclose the confidential information, such as to legal or financial advisors, or as required by law.

Term and Termination: Establishing the duration of the NDA and specifying the conditions under which it can be terminated, such as by mutual agreement or by breach of the agreement.

Remedies for Breach: Outlining the consequences of breaching the NDA, such as damages, injunctive relief, or other remedies available under the law.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction: Specifying the applicable law and jurisdiction that will govern any disputes arising from the NDA.

Sample Business Plan Non-Disclosure Agreement:

Below is a sample business plan non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Since we are not lawyers, we recommend that have a lawyer review any NDAs you plan on using.

[Your Company Name]

[Recipient Name]

This Non-Disclosure Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into as of [Date] by and between Your Company Name (“Disclosing Party”) and Recipient Name (“Receiving Party”).

Definition of Confidential Information: The term “Confidential Information” shall mean any and all information disclosed by the Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party, including but not limited to business strategies, financial projections, marketing plans , customer lists, trade secrets, proprietary technology, and any other information that is not publicly available.

Obligations of the Receiving Party: The Receiving Party shall use the Confidential Information solely for the purpose of evaluating the possibility of a business relationship between the parties and shall not disclose or use the Confidential Information for any other purpose without the prior written consent of the Disclosing Party.

Permitted Disclosures: The Receiving Party may disclose the Confidential Information to its employees or advisors on a need-to-know basis, provided that such employees or advisors are bound by similar confidentiality obligations.

Term and Termination: This Agreement shall remain in effect for a period of [insert duration, e.g., 2 years] from the date of execution, unless terminated earlier by mutual written agreement or by breach of this Agreement. Upon termination, the Receiving Party shall promptly return or destroy all Confidential Information and provide written certification of such return or destruction to the Disclosing Party.

Remedies for Breach: In the event of a breach of this Agreement, the Disclosing Party shall be entitled to seek equitable relief, including but not limited to injunctive relief, as well as damages for any losses incurred as a result of the breach.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [insert applicable jurisdiction such as “California”]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved exclusively by the courts of [insert applicable jurisdiction].

Entire Agreement: This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whether oral or written, relating to the Confidential Information.

Binding Effect: This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns.

By signing below, the parties acknowledge and agree to the terms of this Agreement:

[insert name, signature and date lines]

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  • TemplateLab

Confidentiality Statements

24 simple confidentiality statement & agreement templates.

If you are planning to write a confidentiality agreement template, you need to look at some confidentiality statement examples or an email confidentiality statement to be sure that the formatting of this letter is correct. You will also want to be sure that you are aware of what needs to be included in confidential statements for documents and what a standard confidentiality agreement form has to say to be legally binding. Confidential agreement forms can be critical for a variety of business and personal needs, but this document can only be effective if it has been drafted in the right way and includes the right language.

Use of this kind of document is often necessary if you want to keep specific information from being disclosed for a set period of time. The time frame for these documents can vary, but the stated duration of the relationship between the two parties is usually what limits the contract duration. If you have the need for this kind of documentation to protect information from being disclosed, you need to be sure that you know how to create a correct confidentiality agreement.

Free Confidentiality Agreement Template

Table of Contents

  • 1 Confidentiality Statements
  • 2 What is a standard confidentiality agreement?
  • 3 What is an example of confidentiality?
  • 4 When is a confidentiality agreement used?
  • 5 Confidentiality Statement Examples
  • 6 What is a confidentiality disclaimer?
  • 7 How do I write a confidentiality agreement?
  • 8 Confidentiality Agreement Templates
  • 9 What information should your confidentiality form include?
  • 10 Confidentiality Agreement Forms
  • 11 Confidentiality Agreements Can be Critical to Protecting Private Information

Free confidentiality statement 01

What is a standard confidentiality agreement?

This is a legally binding contract that protects confidential or personal information from being disclosed for a set period of time. This can also protect information that is proprietary and shared between businesses. The parties that have agreed not to disclose the information that is outlined in the document must adhere to the duration of this requirement or face legal action against them.

There are some other names for this kind of document. All of these names are legally recognized and considered to be correct in place of the common confidentiality agreement name:

  • Secrecy Agreement
  • Proprietary Information Agreement (PIA)
  • Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
  • Confidential Disclosure Agreement (CDA)

You can use any of these terms as they apply to the document that you are creating and they will be legally appropriate for this document.

What is an example of confidentiality?

Confidentiality refers to keeping information private that is not meant to be shared with others. This might be business information or details related to a product that you have helped to develop while doing your job. This might also be medical information or private information related to relationships or the legal status of the parties involved in the agreement. You cannot allow the information that is outlined in this agreement to be discussed with others, cannot write about this information, and cannot share it with friends or family either.

Confidentiality basically means that you will keep the information that you are aware of to yourself until the duration of the confidentiality agreement ends. This can be a few weeks, a few years, or there might even be a stipulation in the document that allows for a specific event to take place before the information can be released to the public or discussed with others.

When is a confidentiality agreement used?

There are various reasons that you might use this kind of agreement. You might need to use it to prevent independent contractors from sharing information that should not be given to competitors, or you might want to have all employees sign this document to protect business processes while they are employed with you.

Consulting firms often require this document to be signed for use during an audit and after the audit for a set period of time as well. Businesses can use these agreements for all kinds of different proprietary information as well, which helps to prevent competitors from copying products and services that are offered by the company. Interviewees are also usually required to adhere to one of these agreements when discussing company business during an interview.

This is often a critical document for business needs, but it can also be used in personal situations to protect private information.

Confidentiality Statement Examples

Free confidentiality statement 10

What is a confidentiality disclaimer?

When a confidentiality disclaimer is included in a confidentiality agreement template, this information is meant to warn the person reading the document and agreeing to it that they are not allowed to speak of the information that is contained in the document. This information will be limited by a variety of different structures in most cases, and the limitations of the information’s confidentiality will be discussed in the disclaimer. This is the notice that you have provided the other party to make them aware of the requirements of the agreement.

These disclaimers can protect everything from written information to verbally conveyed information to product information. No matter what the information is that is outlined in the document, the parties that have agreed to the disclaimer cannot speak about the information it refers to without penalty.

How do I write a confidentiality agreement?

These agreements might be specific to a variety of unique situations related to your personal relationship, legal considerations involved in the confidentiality, or business requirements for the disclosure to be used. You will need to be sure that you have all the right information included in this document for it to be binding and legally sound.

For business use, you might need to name different parts of your business code, hiring procedures, and stated intentions of the people who accept jobs with your company. In personal confidentiality agreements, there might not be any legal language related to an existing contract between the parties that must be included, but you could indicate whether or not the information is personal, medical, or proprietary.

Confidentiality Agreement Templates

Free confidentiality statement 20

What information should your confidentiality form include?

There are many different kinds of information that must be added to these documents to make sure that they are legally valid and that they can be used to compel the parties involved in the agreement to hold up their end of the arrangement. If you have been struggling with how to write this agreement , the first thing you need to do is be sure that you know what type of confidentiality agreement you need to be drafting. The information that you include will depend on this part of the decision-making process more than anything else.

There are two types of confidentiality agreements:

  • Mutual confidentiality agreement: This kind of agreement is agreed upon by both parties, and both parties agree to keep the information that they know from being disclosed or received by others.
  • Unilateral confidentiality agreement: This information is protected when one party discloses the information and the other party receives the information and agrees to keep it confidential.

These are the things that need to be included in the confidentiality agreement that you drafted.

  • Receiving and Disclosing Parties: If either of the parties involved are business entities, the type of the business must be included in the information in this part of the confidentiality agreement template. You will need to indicate if this is an LLC or some other form of business, the place and date it was formed, and the representative information that is relevant to the acknowledgement of the document . If a business is not included, the full legal names of the parties must be included, as well as their addresses and contact information if you can collect this information. The more correctly and thoroughly you define the parties that are connected with the document, the better.
  • Confidential Information: This is the section where the kind of information that is being protected is listed. This might be the nature of the information or a list of the kinds of information that are protected under this agreement. You can be as general or as specific as necessary to convey the information that is protected by the agreement correctly. In some cases, all information related to the relationship is protected.
  • Non-Compete Clause: If this is a business relationship, you might need to add a non-compete clause that prevents the other party from using the information that is included in this document to start a competing business or to create a competing product. These clauses can be very specific or very general according to the needs of your industry or the hiring situation that you are asking people working for you to agree to.
  • Non-Solicitation Clause: This clause in your confidentiality agreement template restricts the other party from hiring any of your employees if they should leave your employment or stop working with you on a project or job. This can be harder to enforce than some of the other parts of this contract, but when worded correctly, this can be a valuable addition to your contract.
  • Term: This is the time that the confidentiality agreement will be in place. This might be a short-term agreement, or it can last for many years. You will have to be able to back up the reasons for any agreement that lasts for a very long duration, and you might need to look into the legal limitations within your state or your industry for this kind of agreement before you pick a term for your contract.
  • Duration: This is the duration that the confidentiality has to be in place without alterations to the original agreement. Sometimes confidentiality will expire at a certain date, but the non-compete aspect of the document will carry on for far longer. There are various ways to structure this kind of confidentiality document, and business relationships can be notoriously complex in the various requirements for the term and duration.
  • Jurisdiction: This is the state whose laws govern the document. It is important that this information is correct for the state that governs your agreement. If you are referring to the wrong state’s laws and legal processes, you might end up with a contract that is invalid. This is sometimes the way that parties break confidentiality agreements, and you do not want this to be the outcome of the contract that you have created. Being sure that the right state is referenced in your document creation process is very important to the use of the agreement.
  • Effective Date: This is the date when the agreement goes into effect, and it needs to be correct for you to be able to enforce the document. This is usually when a work relationship begins, but in personal agreements, the date might be variable.
  • Signatures: These kinds of documents cannot be legally binding without signatures. Make sure that everyone who has to agree to the document signs it and dates their signature. This is an important part of the process of creating a document that you can use in court later on if need be. When legal documents are not signed, they can often be invalidated and disregarded. In the case of personal information or proprietary information, this might be a very bad outcome for your use of your document. Make sure that everyone who agrees to the confidentiality signs the document and dates so that you can use this document to protect your interests later on.

Confidentiality Agreement Forms

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Confidentiality Agreements Can be Critical to Protecting Private Information

Confidentiality agreements are important for many processes for your business, but they can also be used for the personal protection of private information. In some cases, these documents are used to protect information from projects that relate to the development of products, but they can also be used for interviewees, vendors, and other business relationships where company information needs to be kept private. This kind of form is standard in some industries, and your business cannot afford to skip the creation process for this important document if this is the case.

Making sure that you know how to craft this document is essential for your business needs. You will want to have all the right information in the document to make sure that it is legally binding and to protect your confidential information correctly from the moment that the document is signed. The correct information is essential to be sure that your confidentiality agreement can be used to protect information and business processes.

Ryan Duffy

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Confidentiality Statement Business Plan: Protecting Your Ideas

Confidentiality Statement Business Plan: Protecting Your Ideas

Every year, countless entrepreneurial dreams are made and shattered by one critical misstep: neglecting to safeguard their intellectual property. Consider this—90% of startups fail primarily due to a failure to protect their business ideas. The right confidentiality statement can be the difference between success and becoming just another statistic.

Confidentiality statements have a storied history, tracing back to the early days of trade and invention. In today’s competitive market, a robust confidentiality agreement is indispensable, as it legally binds stakeholders to protect sensitive information. This crucial document not only secures your ideas but also builds trust with investors and partners.

The Importance of a Confidentiality Statement in Your Business Plan

Every entrepreneur understands the value of a good idea. But what happens if that idea falls into the wrong hands? A confidentiality statement protects your business plan by ensuring that your innovative concepts remain secure. Without it, you risk losing your competitive edge.

A confidentiality statement lays out clear guidelines about information sharing. It specifies who can access your business ideas and under what conditions. This helps prevent unintended leaks and ensures that everyone involved understands their responsibilities.

Moreover, including a confidentiality statement shows potential investors that you take intellectual property seriously. It demonstrates professionalism and foresight , which can enhance your credibility. Investors are more likely to trust and support a well-protected business plan.

Ultimately, the importance of a confidentiality statement cannot be overstated. It acts as a legal safeguard, protecting your dreams and hard work. As you craft your business plan, ensure this crucial element isn’t overlooked.

What Makes a Good Confidentiality Statement?

A good confidentiality statement is thorough and clear, ensuring your information is protected. Clarity in the language used is crucial , as everyone involved needs to understand the terms. Without clarity, the statement loses its effectiveness.

The statement should precisely define what information is considered confidential. Include specifics such as business plans, trade secrets, and client lists. This definition prevents potential loopholes that could be exploited.

Another critical aspect is identifying who is bound by the confidentiality terms. Specify whether it includes employees, contractors, or business partners. This ensures that all relevant parties are legally obligated to honor the agreement.

Lastly, outline the consequences of breaching the confidentiality statement. Mention legal actions and penalties that could follow a violation. This serves as a deterrent and underlines the seriousness of maintaining confidentiality.

Defining Confidential Information

Start by clearly defining what constitutes confidential information. This includes both tangible and intangible assets, ranging from documents to business ideas. Specificity is essential to avoid misunderstandings.

Common examples of confidential information include marketing plans and financial projections . By listing these explicitly, you leave no room for ambiguity. This clarity ensures everyone knows exactly what must be protected.

Use tables if necessary to categorize types of confidential information. For instance:

Tangible AssetsDocuments, prototypes, software code
Intangible AssetsBusiness ideas, trade secrets

Coverage of the Confidentiality Statement

Identify who the confidentiality statement applies to. This could be employees, contractors, or business partners. Ensure everyone involved understands their obligations .

List all the parties covered by the confidentiality agreement to avoid future disputes. This can include third-party vendors and consultants. Clear identification helps in enforcing the agreement if needed.

Detailing the coverage prevents any potential exploitation of the terms. When all involved parties are explicitly mentioned, the scope of the agreement is clearer. This reduces the risk of unauthorized information sharing.

Consequences of Breaching the Confidentiality Statement

Specify the repercussions if the confidentiality statement is breached. This can range from financial penalties to legal actions. Clear consequences act as a deterrent and highlight the importance of maintaining confidentiality.

Clearly outline the legal steps that will be taken in case of a breach. This might include court orders and compensation requests. Transparency about repercussions ensures that everyone takes the confidentiality statement seriously.

Adding a list of potential penalties provides more context:

  • Monetary fines
  • Legal actions
  • Termination of contracts or agreements

Creating a Confidentiality Statement for Your Business Plan

When crafting a confidentiality statement for your business plan , the first step is to identify what needs protection. Outline specific information such as financial data, marketing strategies, and proprietary technologies. This makes it clear what should remain confidential.

Next, define who is bound by the confidentiality agreement. Include all relevant parties like employees, contractors, and business partners. Clearly stating this ensures everyone understands their responsibilities.

It’s important to lay out the terms and conditions under which the information can be shared. Specify scenarios where disclosures are permissible. This helps prevent unauthorized sharing and ensures controlled dissemination of information.

Lastly, outline the consequences of breaching the agreement. Specify legal actions, penalties, and other repercussions. Clear consequences serve as strong deterrents and highlight the importance of maintaining confidentiality.

Navigating Legal Aspects of a Confidentiality Statement

Understanding the legal aspects of a confidentiality statement is essential. These documents serve as binding contracts that enforce your business’s privacy terms. A well-crafted confidentiality statement can protect your interests effectively.

Firstly, include clear definitions of what constitutes confidential information. Explicitly list items like business plans, customer data, and financial reports. This prevents any ambiguity and ensures all parties are on the same page.

The legal terms must be understandable to all parties involved. Avoid using overly complex language or jargon. Simplicity ensures compliance from everyone who signs the agreement.

Additionally, outline the duration of the confidentiality agreement. Specify how long the information must remain confidential, whether it’s a few years or indefinitely. Clear timelines prevent future disputes about the agreement’s validity.

Finally, state the repercussions for any breaches. Clearly define the penalties and legal actions that will be taken if the agreement is violated. This helps deter potential breaches and underscores the importance of maintaining confidentiality.

For a more engaging approach, consider incorporating a table that details legal consequences:

Breach TypeLegal Consequence
Unauthorized DisclosureMonetary fines
Intellectual Property TheftLawsuits and legal action

Confidentiality Statement vs Non-Disclosure Agreement: Which is Better for Your Business Plan?

Choosing between a confidentiality statement and a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) can be confusing. Both documents serve to protect sensitive information. However, they are used in slightly different contexts.

A confidentiality statement is generally broader. It outlines overall expectations regarding information sharing within a company. This includes employees, contractors, and other stakeholders .

In contrast, an NDA is often more specific. It’s typically used when sharing information with external parties. This makes it ideal for partnerships and potential investors .

To help decide which is better for your business plan, consider this:

  • Use a confidentiality statement for internal protections.
  • Opt for an NDA when dealing with third parties.

Both documents have their merits. The key is to match the scope and purpose with the right type of agreement. This ensures optimal protection for your business ideas.

How to Make Your Confidentiality Statement Enforceable?

Ensuring your confidentiality statement is enforceable involves several key steps. Without enforceability, the agreement holds little value. Every detail matters in making it legally binding.

First, include clear and precise language. Legal jargon should be kept to a minimum to avoid confusion. Everyone signing should understand their obligations .

Next, define the scope of confidential information comprehensively. Details like business plans, customer lists, and trade secrets should be listed. This specificity removes ambiguity .

The duration of confidentiality is another critical element. Specify whether the agreement is for a few years or indefinitely. Clear timelines enhance enforceability by setting definite terms.

Finally, outline consequences for breaching the agreement. Include potential penalties like fines and legal actions. This deters violations and highlights the seriousness of the agreement.

To summarize enforceability features, consider using a table format:

Clear LanguageEnsures understanding
Comprehensive ScopeRemoves ambiguity
Defined DurationSets clear terms
Outlined ConsequencesDeters violations

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find answers to common questions regarding the importance and implementation of confidentiality statements in business plans. This information is designed to help you understand how to effectively safeguard your ideas.

1. Why is a confidentiality statement crucial for a startup?

A confidentiality statement helps protect a startup’s unique ideas, strategies, and sensitive data. It ensures that all parties involved are legally bound to keep this information private.

This legal protection can prevent competitors from accessing key details that could give them an unfair advantage. By securing intellectual property, startups build trust with investors and partners.

2. What should be included in a confidentiality statement?

A strong confidentiality statement should clearly define what information is confidential. This includes business plans, financial details, and customer lists.

The agreement should specify who is bound by it and outline the duration of confidentiality. Clearly stated consequences for breaches must also be included.

3. How does a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) differ from a confidentiality statement?

An NDA is often used when sharing information with third parties outside your organization, like potential investors or partners. It provides detailed terms under which the disclosed information must be kept secret.

In contrast, a confidentiality statement can be broader and is primarily used within an organization among employees or contractors. Both aim to protect sensitive information but are applied in different contexts.

4. Can I use a template for creating my confidentiality statement?

Using a template can be helpful as a starting point for drafting your confidentiality statement. However, it’s important to tailor the document to fit your specific needs and circumstances.

You might want to consult legal counsel to ensure the document effectively protects your interests and complies with relevant laws. Customizing ensures accurate coverage of all essential elements unique to your business.

5. What actions can I take if someone breaches the confidentiality agreement?

If someone breaches the agreement, you can pursue legal action against them for damages caused by the breach. The specific steps depend on what was outlined in your agreement regarding penalties and enforcement mechanisms.

This might include monetary fines or lawsuits aimed at preventing further misuse of the leaked information. Having clear consequences highlighted in advance deters potential breaches effectively.

Protecting your business ideas with a confidentiality statement is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. By clearly outlining what information is confidential and who is bound to keep it secret, you can safeguard your intellectual property. This not only prevents unauthorized disclosure but also builds trust with investors and partners.

Whether you’re a startup or an established business, having a well-crafted confidentiality agreement is essential. It ensures that your valuable data remains secure and mitigates legal risks. Investing time in creating a robust confidentiality statement can make the difference between success and failure.

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At Your Business

Before presenting your business plan always have the individual sign a Confidentiality Agreement first.

The undersigned reader of [Company's Name] Business Plan hereby acknowledges that the information provided is completely confidential and therefore the reader agrees not to disclose anything found in the business plan without the express written consent of [Business Owner's Name].

It is also acknowledged by the reader that the information to be furnished in this business plan is in all aspects confidential in nature, other than information that is in the public domain through other means and that any disclosure or use of the same by the reader may cause serious harm and or damage to [Company Name].

Upon request this business plan document will be immediately returned to [Business Owner's Name].

This is a business plan. It does not imply an offer of any securities.

This contract shall be governed by the laws of the County of ________ in the State of _______ and any applicable Federal law.


Printed Name

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How to write your business plan cover page

business plan statement confidentiality report

When you think of putting together your business plan , the business plan cover page may not be the first thing that comes to mind. While it’s traditionally one of the last sections you create in a business plan, it’s one of the most important.

Definition: What is a business plan cover page?

The cover page of a business plan is used to give an overview of all the key information of your business. This includes your company name, logo, address, and any other information that may define your business. It's the first page of your plan, so it should look professional, visually pleasing, and informative.

When potential investors or banks read a business plan, their first impression is the cover page—but don’t overthink it. A business plan cover page is meant to be simple and straightforward, with some important contact information and, more importantly, your logo.

Use this breakdown to find out what the purpose of your cover page is, which elements you need to include, and how to structure it to maximize your impact:

What is the purpose of a cover page?

Your cover page exists to communicate what the enclosed document is and to provide the necessary information for a reader to contact you about your business.

The appearance and quality of a business plan cover page will set the tone for your business plan’s content, so make sure it’s visually appealing, free of errors, and concise.“ Simple, clean and powerful are the three goals of a strong business plan cover,” suggest the experts at Growthink . Don’t clutter your cover page with details about how your business will operate—save those important details for the executive summary .

What should you include on a business plan cover page?

To keep it simple, your business plan cover page should include:

Company logo

  • Document title
  • Business name
  • Business address and contact information
  • Business plan completion date
  • Confidentiality statement

How should you format a business plan cover page?

Once you know what information belongs in this section, all that remains now is to organize it. If you need some further guidance, these downloadable templates can streamline the process of drafting a cover page—and the rest of your business plan, too.

A business plan cover page for Meow Bots Inc. The slogan is “the future of pets.” The cover page example also includes information on the President, address, email, and phone number. There is a confidentiality statement at the bottom.

1. Company logo

Add a high-resolution thumbnail of your logo at the top of the cover page. This will help establish a brand identity and allow readers to connect visually to the business right from the start.

Hot tip: people are 89% more likely to remember your logo if you put it in the top left corner.

Give the logo some space and then include the words “Business Plan” in a large, bold font. You can also frame the title as “Three–” or “Five–Year Business Plan,” if you intend to make those kinds of financial projections in the document.

3. Business name

Beneath the title, write your company name in a bold font. This should be the most noticeable and prominent feature on the page, so choose a large typeface.

4. Tagline (optional)

This part is optional, but you can also include a catchy slogan or motto that describes your company and what you do.

5. Address and contact information

Under the company name, include your business’s physical address and website if you have one. Provide the details necessary for interested parties to contact you, such as a phone number and email address.

It’s also helpful to include your name as the business owner and the names of any partners or executive officers so that potential investors know where to direct their inquiries.

6. Date of completion

Below the contact information, write the year (or year and month) in which this business plan was finalized and issued. If you’re including the month, it’s a good idea to update it throughout the year as you send out your business plan so readers don’t assume it’s outdated.

7. Confidentiality Statement

At the bottom of the page, include a sentence to the effect of:

“This document contains confidential and proprietary information created by [business name]. This document is issued exclusively for informational purposes and should not be reproduced without the consent of [business name].”

Adding this confidentiality statement offers a protective measure against the disclosure of your business idea , according to this cover page guide .

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Cover page design

Now it’s time for the finishing touches: the actual design of your cover page. Your business plan’s cover page gives the first impression of your business, so your company logo, fonts, and brand colors should all work together to make people want to read more.

Brand colors

90% of a customer’s impression of your business comes from the brand colors you choose, so it’s important to choose colors that represent your business’s personality and elicit the right emotions from your readers.

Don’t know where to start? Grab a pen and paperand write down three emotions you want your customers to feel when they think of your brand. Now you can brainstorm some colors that represent those emotions. For example, you might choose blue if your product is associated with reliability, or yellow if your product is supposed to make your clients feel happy. It’s safer to only choose 2-3 colors , including black, for your color scheme.

You can also analyze the competition and choose colors that help you stand out. Canva has more detailed instructions on how to create your brand color palette .

When it comes to fonts, it’s best practice to stick to one type of typeface, such as serif or sans serif . It’s also important to choose fonts that are simple, easy to read, and represent your brand.

Serif fonts give off the impression that your brand is trustworthy and dependable, and work great for more traditional businesses, like law practices. “Serif fonts have been widely used in books, newspapers, and magazines, which is why they remind us of more classical, formal and sophisticated themes—think of Old English and Roman scripture,” Robyn Young, founder of branding agency robyn young & co, told Canva .

But if you’re going for a more contemporary and youthful feel, then sans serif is the way to go. “Brands that want a modern aesthetic that scales well at different sizes and is easy to read on screens are going to choose sans serif for their main branding elements,” said Young .

When it comes to choosing a logo, simplicity is key. Try to create something that represents your brand and speaks to your audience without being too busy (in other words: white space is your friend).

It’s also important to remember to be practical: your logo should look good in any medium, size, color, and even time period. Beyond your business plan cover page, you’ll need it for your social media, marketing material, or labels.

Business plan cover page examples

To further illustrate the structure and format of a business plan cover page, we’ve compiled a few cover page template examples. The first example from officetemplatesonline is simple but attractive and effectively emphasizes pertinent information. The next cover page example is from a fictional clothing store . They usea pop of color to instantly tell you about their brand personality.

Keep your business plan cover page simple

As you prepare to write your business plan , remember to keep your cover page simple and concise. With your logo, business name, and contact information, you’ll introduce the reader into your business plan quickly and easily—and set yourself up for success as a result.

Just don’t forget to proofread and keep an eye out for typos!

Business plan cover page FAQs

How can businesses make sure their business plan cover pages stand out to investors or lenders.

You can spice up your business plan cover page by including elements that’ll grab the attention of investors or lenders. Beyond basic contact information and a logo, you could include compelling visuals, like graphics or images that represent your business or industry. You could also highlight key achievements or milestones to showcase your potential for success

Are there any specific rules or tips for designing a business plan cover page that make sure it matches a business’s brand?

When designing a business plan cover page, it's key to align it with your business's brand identity. This means choosing colors, fonts, and imagery that reflect your brand's personality and values. Following industry standards for design and layout can help ensure professionalism while still allowing for creativity that helps your business stand out.

How can a business use their cover page to show their business strategy?

Your cover page can serve as an opportunity to convey important aspects of your business strategy or unique value proposition. Beyond listing basic details, you could include a brief mission statement or tagline that summarizes your business’s purpose or competitive advantage. Additionally, incorporating visual elements or a brief narrative about your business's story can help show off its identity and vision.

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business plan statement confidentiality report

A business confidentiality agreement form (or non-disclosure agreement) is a legally binding contract that an individual, or enterprise, must sign when handling specific information as a commerce secret. Additionally, both need to pledge to never disclose any information to someone else without the proper authorization.

Why do you need a business confidentiality agreement form ? When you own an enterprise, one of the goals of the business confidentiality agreement form is to make sure the proprietary information you wish to share with an individual or group won’t become public under any circumstances. Additionally, a business confidentiality agreement form “ enables you to provide access to proprietary information belonging to a different individual or group, and you wish to make clear that the phrases under agreement is covered by a proper non-disclosure agreement.”

We strongly recommend you have your legal counsel review the business confidentiality agreement form before you ask someone to sign it. Legal counsel needs to make sure the business confidentiality agreement form is accurate and as effective as possible. 

The outlined Non-Disclosure Agreement (the “Agreement”) enters into agreement between _________________ (“Disclosing Party”) and  _________________ (“Receiving Party”). The purpose of this agreement is to prevent unauthorized disclosure of Confidential Information of Company X as defined below. Both parties enter this relationship with respect to the disclosure of certain proprietary and confidential information (“Confidential Information”).

  • Definition of Confidential Information

“Confidential Information” includes all information or material that has or could have commercial value or other utility in Company X in which the Disclosing Party is engaged. If there is Confidential Information in written form then the Disclosing Party must label or stamp the material with the word “Confidential” or a similar warning. If the Confidential Information is conducted verbally then the Disclosing Party must provide a written document that indicates the verbal communication of Confidential Information – include the date, time and with whom.

  • Exclusions from Confidential Information

The obligations of the Receiving Party under this Agreement do not extend to any of the following in terms of information that is: (a) known publicly at the time of disclosure or becomes subsequent public knowledge that is no fault of the Receiving Party; (b) discovered or created by the Receiving Party before disclosure by Disclosing Party; (c) Receiving Party legitimately learns from someone other than the Disclosing Party or representatives of the Disclosing Party; or (d) receives written approval by the Disclosing Party. 

  • Obligations of the Receiving Party

The Receiving Party must maintain the Confidential Information in the strictest confidence. Receiving Party must be careful to restrict access to Confidential Information to employees, contractors, and third parties and requires that those persons sign nondisclosure restrictions. Receiving Party shall not, without prior written approval of Disclosing Party, use for Receiving Party’s own benefit, publish, copy, or otherwise disclose to others, or permit the use by others for their benefit or to the detriment of Disclosing Party, any Confidential Information. Receiving Party shall return to Disclosing Party any and all records, notes, and other written, printed, or tangible materials in its possession pertaining to Confidential Information immediately if Disclosing Party requests it in writing.

  • Time Periods

Due to the non-disclosure provisions of this Agreement, everything in it will endure past the termination of this Agreement and the Receiving Party’s duty to contain Confidential Information in confidence are still in effect until the Confidential Information is no longer considered a trade secret or until the Disclosing Party sends the Receiving Party written notice to release the Receiving Party from this Agreement. 

  • Relationships

For all purposes, nothing in this Agreement constitutes the Disclosing Party or the Receiving Party as a partner, joint venturer or employee of the other party.

  • Severability

If this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of the State (your state), the remainder must be interpreted to best effect the intent of the parties.

  • Integration

Both parties understand the entirety of this Agreement and agree that it supersedes all prior agreements. This Agreement may not be amended, unless both parties sign in writing that an amendment is necessary. 

This Agreement and each obligation of both parties is binding and each party (or an authorized representative) has signed the agreement.

Disclosing Party

By: ____________________

Printed Name: ___________

Title: __________________

Dated: _________________

Receiving Party

By: ___________________

Printed Name: __________

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Harris proposes raising the corporate tax rate to 28%, rolling back a Trump law

Kamala Harris speaks

CHICAGO — Vice President Kamala Harris is calling for raising the corporate tax rate to 28%, her first major proposal to raise revenues and finance expensive plans she wants to pursue as president.

Harris campaign spokesman James Singer told NBC News that she would push for a 28% corporate tax rate, calling it “a fiscally responsible way to put money back in the pockets of working people and ensure billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share.”

“As President, Kamala Harris will focus on creating an opportunity economy for the middle class that advances their economic security, stability, and dignity,” Singer wrote in an email.

If enacted, the policy would raise hundreds of billions of dollars, as the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has projected that 1 percentage point increases in the corporate rate corresponds to about $100 billion over a decade. It would also roll back a big part of former President Donald Trump’s signature legislation in 2017 as president, which slashed the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%.

Trump, meanwhile, recently said he would cut taxes even further if elected president, including on businesses .

The move comes as Harris slowly adds details to her governing vision on the week of the Democratic convention , including conveying to critics how she would seek to pay for costly ideas, such as expanding the child tax credit and easing the cost of housing and medical debt. She has not provided a cost estimate of her proposals so far or matched them with pay-fors.

A 28% corporate tax rate is lower than what Harris proposed in her failed 2020 presidential campaign, when she called for fully repealing Trump’s tax cuts, which would have returned the corporate rate to 35%. The new stance aligns Harris with President Joe Biden’s most recent budget proposal.

Republicans are sure to object to a 28% corporate tax rate, meaning Harris may need Democrats to control the House and Senate in order to get it through Congress. But a potential President Harris would have some leverage over the GOP for negotiations on tax policy, as many other portions of the Trump tax cuts expire at the end of 2025, which will lead to a major debate in Congress next year about which parts to extend.

At a recent press conference, Trump predicted that Democrats will be “under tremendous pressure” to renew his expiring tax cuts next year, and “if the Democrats don’t renew them or make it impossible to renew,” it would “destroy the economy.”

Singer, meanwhile, tied Trump to an “extreme Project 2025 agenda” that he said would “drive up the deficit” and “increase taxes on the middle class,” citing estimated impacts of Trump’s proposal to impose tariffs up to 20%.

business plan statement confidentiality report

Sahil Kapur is a senior national political reporter for NBC News.

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How to Write a Business Plan Confidentiality Agreement

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

Home » Business Plans

Are you about pitching your idea to investors? If YES, here is a detailed guide on how to write an ironclad confidentiality agreement for a business plan. Confidentiality statements are documents that are prepared for the safety of parties that are about to go into a business contract.

Also known as non-disclosure agreements, confidentiality statements help to preserve sensitive information that various business parties might bring to the table when transacting business. Business confidentiality statement in essence is a document that states that when a company’s business plan has been revealed, they will not be able to discuss the contents of it with anyone that is not part of the agreement.

Confidentiality or nondisclosure agreement has various uses in the world of business. An individual with a patentable invention or idea may need to enter into partnership with a manufacturer or marketing firm; and of course, he would want to keep his or her invention a secret.

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Again, two companies considering a joint venture may need to share the names of their investors – but may not want those names to reach competitors’ ears. Confidentiality agreements can cover all these scenarios; the parties can tailor them to their specific needs before a meeting or negotiation, or over the course of a contractual relationship.

Tips to Note When Writing a Business Plan Confidentiality Statement

A. use the proper contract format.

The proper contract format that is generally used when writing a confidentiality statement is the standard contract format. In this writing format, single-spaced paragraphs with a double space between them is used. Each paragraph constitutes a separate term of the contract and are also numbered for specification. If you have any sub-paragraphs, indent them under the main paragraph and mark them with a letter, as though you were writing an outline.

B. Agreement type

There are two types of agreement to use when writing your confidentiality statement. A unilateral and mutual confidentiality agreement. A unilateral confidentiality agreement is used when only one party is disclosing information, while a mutual agreement is used when both or all parties involved are disclosing information.

You have to decide whether the confidential relationship established will be mutual or one-way. Mutual confidentiality agreements are necessary when you’re providing information to a company so they can provide you with something secret in return. For example, you may be disclosing your plans for a secret invention to a professional who will help you devise a marketing plan.

You need a one-way confidentiality agreement if you need to share confidential information with an employee or contractor who will not be sharing secrets of their own, simply doing work for you. There are also other scenarios where you may require either type of agreement, that is why you have to note the type of confidentiality agreement you need.

How to Write an Ironclad Business Plan Confidentiality Agreement

Provide a list of parties involved in the agreement.

When writing a confidential agreement, you must identify who are the parties to be covered by the agreement. If someone is to be involved in the agreement, but he or she is not listed, you must know that the agreement is not binding on them.

For example, if the agreement is between two companies, the CEO of the company may be able to sign for her entire company, but the agreement should also specify that all employees of the company who have access to the information are bound by its provisions.

Parties can be identified by referring to classes of people, such as “employees” or “engineers,” as long as the person signing the agreement has the authority to bind those people.

Unless the agreement forbids a contractor to have a subcontractor assist with the work, all subcontractors should be included as parties to the agreement as well. This is done so as not to leave any loopholes behind that people can take advantage of.

Describe what the other party is agreeing to

In this part, you need to make known the types of information you wish to keep confidential. This can include any sort of information that might be exchanged between the parties. For instance, if you are designing a software, you might include not only the code and design of the app itself, but also any prototypes, testing procedures and results, or reviews and comments from designers.

This portion of the agreement is designed to set the boundaries of confidential information without disclosing the information itself. It can also be stated that information cannot be disclosed without written consent of the Disclosing Party. The information should only be used for business purposes, and only on a “need to know” basis. And that the information can only be disclosed when the receiving party signs a non disclosure agreement .

List information excluded from confidentiality

Of course not all information should be hidden in a business arrangement. So, for this reason, you need to specify the information that are not under confidentiality. These information may not be a list of specific things, but broad categories of information that don’t have to be protected as confidential. Most of these categories are created by law.

For instance, if an information is already public knowledge then it is not be put under the category of protection. Likewise, information that the receiving party learns from a third party or of which they had prior knowledge cannot be considered confidential, and should be listed as non confidential.

One of the most important exclusions is that if the receiver creates something independently before entering the confidential relationship, it cannot be considered party of the confidentiality agreement even if it happens to use or include some of the same or similar secret information or processes.

Other things that are not under the confidentiality agreement include;

  • An information the Receiving Party owned before the agreement
  • If the Receiving Party legally received it from another source
  • If the Receiving Party is required to disclose in a lawsuit or administrative proceeding
  • If it is being or has been developed by the Receiving Party’s employees, consultants, or agents.

Describe what happens if the other party breaches the contract

Wherever there is a law, there must be consequences for breaking it. A typical remedy for this type of contract is an injunction. You can ask for a court order to stop the person who breached confidentiality from continuing to share the information in violation of the agreement.

In some federal cases, under the DTSA, a court may grant the owner the right to seize the property which may be used in “extraordinary circumstances.” You may also require the return of Confidential Information.

You also have the ability to sue for damages incurred as a result of the breach of confidentiality, which may include penalties. For example, in some states you may have the ability to get double or triple damages if the breach was intentional rather than accidental.

Some confidentiality agreements include stiff financial penalties if secret information is revealed to the general public. Others leave the consequences up to a judge or arbitrator to decide. How detailed you want to get with penalties generally relates to how unique the information being disclosed is, and how damaging it would be if it got out.

Establish the obligations of the party receiving the information

Confidentiality agreements typically limit the ways the receiving party can use the confidential information provided, as well as provide the standard for keeping and protecting confidential information.

For example, if you’re looking for investor evaluations of something you’ve invented, your confidentiality agreement may specify that the information can only be used for the purposes of evaluating the product and not in the evaluator’s own business.

If you’re having an employee or contractor sign a confidentiality agreement, you would probably want to limit your employee’s use of information to the performance of job duties directly related to the employment.

Many confidentiality agreements recite that receivers must keep the information disclosed to them in the same way they would keep their own confidential information. However, this statement only works if the receiving party has a known policy for handling confidential information.

Generally, confidentiality standards include limiting access to the information and taking basic precautions to keep the information secure so it doesn’t easily fall into outside hands. Such precautions might include, for example, using encryption for emails discussing the confidential information.

If your confidentiality agreement relates to software designs, inventions or technology, it should include a statement that the receiver of the information has no license, expressed or implied, in the information by virtue of its disclosure.

State when the agreement ends

Whatever has a beginning must have an end, and same applies to a confidentiality agreement. In writing one, you have to specify when the agreement is going to elapse, and when the parties can get out of the loop. State when the agreement ends and what notice must be given to the other party about the termination. You can set one of two options for when the agreement ends:

Your agreement should specify two time periods: the period during which disclosure will be made, and the time period thereafter during which the information should be kept confidential.

American confidentiality agreements typically last for a period of five years, although some may only last two or three years. The end point doesn’t have to be a specific date, but there should be a specific date used as a starting point. Otherwise it’s unclear when the agreement will take effect and for how long it will be enforceable.

If your agreement specifies a confidentiality period of two years, for example, but fails to establish when that two year period starts, the receiver of the information can argue that she didn’t believe the agreement had gone into effect yet.

Another way to set a specific starting date is to have the confidentiality period start from the date the agreement is signed. If you use this method, make sure you don’t disclose any secrets until you have the signature and the agreement is in force.

The confidentiality time period also may end when a certain event happens. For example, if you’re seeking evaluation of a new product, the confidentiality period may end when you market and distribute that product in stores.

Add any necessary miscellaneous provisions

This section is typically located towards the end. The miscellaneous section is sometimes called boilerplate. All agreements contain various clauses that don’t fit in any other section, such as which state’s law will apply and whether attorneys’ fees will be available to an injured party if they agreement is breached. These agreements are then put under the miscellaneous section. This section, though negligent, but should not be overlooked because of the details it is wont to contain.

Provide space for all parties to sign the agreement

For your confidentiality agreement to be binding, it has to be signed. For this reason, you have to provide a page where parties involved in the agreement would pen down their signatures. Without the agreement signed, it cannot go into effect.

With the use of a confidentiality statement, otherwise known as a non-disclosure agreement, the parties can keep nonpublic information under wraps. These contracts bind the parties to very specific pledges on the disclosure of information and are enforceable under the laws of the state where they are created.


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News Analysis

On Harris’s Price-Gouging Ban, Allies and Foes May Have the Wrong Idea

The plan does not appear to amount to government price controls. It also might not bring down grocery bills anytime soon.

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Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at a podium.

By Jim Tankersley

Jim Tankersley covers economic policy in Washington.

Vice President Kamala Harris threw her support behind a federal ban on price-gouging in the food and grocery industries last week. It was the first official economic policy proposal of her presidential campaign, and it was pitched as a direct response to the high price of putting food on the table in America today.

“To combat high grocery costs, VP Harris to call for first-ever federal ban on corporate price-gouging,” the Harris campaign proclaimed in the subject line of a news release last week, ahead of a speech laying out the first planks of her economic agenda.

It is still impossible to say, from publicly available details, what exactly the ban would do. Republicans have denounced the proposal as “communist,” warning that it would lead to the federal government setting prices in the marketplace. Former President Donald J. Trump has mocked the plan on social media as “SOVIET Style Price Controls.”

Progressives have cheered the announcement as a crucial check on corporate greed, saying it could immediately benefit shoppers who have been stunned by a 20 percent rise in food costs since President Biden took office.

But people familiar with Ms. Harris’s thinking on the ban now say it might not resemble either of those characterizations. The ban, they also suggest, might actually not do anything to bring down grocery prices right now. Those who spoke about the strategy behind the emerging policy did so on the condition of anonymity.

Ms. Harris’s campaign has created the space for multiple interpretations, by declining to specify how that ban would work, when it would apply or what behaviors it would prohibit.

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    After you write your business plan, create a stringent confidentiality statement and ensure that it includes the following key elements.. 1. Date of Effect. The date of effect is the date from which the confidentiality statement becomes active. An agreement isn't valid until all the parties sign it; the date of effect follows this.. 2. Parties Involved in the Agreement

  2. Business Plan Confidentiality Statement

    The primary purpose of a business plan confidentiality statement is to establish a legally binding agreement between the business and the intended readers or recipients of the business plan. This agreement emphasizes the confidential nature of the information contained within the business plan and serves as a formal acknowledgment of the ...

  3. Ultimate Guide To Confidentiality Statement For Business Plan

    A robust confidentiality statement in a business plan is not merely a formality but a critical safeguard for proprietary information. It sets the stage for secure discussions with potential investors and partners. ... According to a 2021 report, over 60% of startups that faced data breaches lacked robust confidentiality agreements. This guide ...

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    A Confidentiality Statement also referred to as a non-disclosure agreement or NDA, is a legally enforceable contract that establishes confidentiality between two parties, i.e., the party disclosing the protected information and the recipient of that information.. It is usually signed when the disclosing party wants the receiving party to treat any information made available to them as ...

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    A. Use the proper contract format. The proper contract format that is generally used when writing a confidentiality statement is the standard contract format. In this writing format, single-spaced paragraphs with a double space between them is used. Each paragraph constitutes a separate term of the contract and are also numbered for ...

  6. Business Confidentiality Statement

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    A confidentiality statement protects your business plan by ensuring that your innovative concepts remain secure. Without it, you risk losing your competitive edge. A confidentiality statement lays out clear guidelines about information sharing. It specifies who can access your business ideas and under what conditions.

  11. Sample Business Plan Confidentiality Agreement

    Business Plan Confidentiality Agreement: The undersigned reader of [Company's Name] Business Plan hereby acknowledges that the information provided is completely confidential and therefore the reader agrees not to disclose anything found in the business plan without the express written consent of [Business Owner's Name].

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    Give the logo some space and then include the words "Business Plan" in a large, bold font. You can also frame the title as "Three-" or "Five-Year Business Plan," if you intend to make those kinds of financial projections in the document. 3. Business name. Beneath the title, write your company name in a bold font.

  13. Business Confidentiality Agreement Template

    Business Confidentiality Agreement Template. Get PDF. A business confidentiality agreement form (or non-disclosure agreement) is a legally binding contract that an individual, or enterprise, must sign when handling specific information as a commerce secret. Additionally, both need to pledge to never disclose any information to someone else ...


    (2) Provide a brief description of why the business plan is being provided to the recipient (for example, for consulting or accounting purposes). • Section 1: Confidential Information. Defines "confidential information" for agreement purposes. Enter the number of days the Company has to give the Business Plan to the Recipient

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    A confidentiality agreement is exactly what it sounds like. In simple terms, it is a document stating that the person you disclose your business plan to will not disclose any of its contents to ...

  17. business plan confidentiality statement example

    a confidentiality statement is a document that states that the information disclosed to the recipient can't be disclosed to anyone outside the agreement. when a confidentiality statement is signed, it is agreed by both parties that they will not expose any of the information that is discussed or presented in the business plans. the absence of a confidentiality statement is an invitation for ...

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    Appendix A.6: Sample Confidentiality Statement. I understand and agree that, in connection with the performance of my duties as a member of the compliance oversight committee, I will be engaged in activities of a confidential nature, including but not limited to, participating in reviews and evaluations of internal examinations, evaluations ...

  19. Business Plan Template

    The recipient, by accepting this document, is bound by the above statement. BUSINESS PLAN. Strictly Private & Confidential. Contents Page. Contents Page Executive Summary 5 Business Description. 5 Products and Services. 5 The Market. 5 The Opportunity. 5 The Solution. 5 Competition. 6 Operations. 6 Management Team. 6 Risks & Opportunity. 6 ...

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  25. How to Write a Business Plan Confidentiality Agreement

    Tips to Note When Writing a Business Plan Confidentiality Statement A. Use the proper contract format. The proper contract format that is generally used when writing a confidentiality statement is the standard contract format. In this writing format, single-spaced paragraphs with a double space between them is used. Each paragraph constitutes a ...

  26. Harris's Price-Gouging Ban: Price Controls or No Quick Effect?

    Her plan, they say, would be modeled on dozens of existing state laws prohibiting price gouging, the sort of laws that prevent stores from quadrupling the price of snow shovels right after a ...