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How to write a great cover letter in 2024: tips and structure


A cover letter is a personalized letter that introduces you to a potential employer, highlights your qualifications, and explains why you're a strong fit for a specific job.

Hate or love them, these brief documents allow job seekers to make an impression and stand out from the pile of other applications. Penning a thoughtful cover letter shows the hiring team you care about earning the position.

Here’s everything you need to know about how to write a cover letter — and a great one, at that.

What is a cover letter and why does it matter?

A professional cover letter is a one-page document you submit alongside your CV or resume as part of a job application. Typically, they’re about half a page or around 150–300 words.

An effective cover letter doesn’t just rehash your CV; it’s your chance to highlight your proudest moments, explain why you want the job, and state plainly what you bring to the table.

Show the reviewer you’re likable, talented, and will add to the company’s culture . You can refer to previous jobs and other information from your CV, but only if it helps tell a story about you and your career choices .

What 3 things should you include in a cover letter?

A well-crafted cover letter can help you stand out to potential employers. To make your cover letter shine, here are three key elements to include:

1. Personalization

Address the hiring manager or recruiter by name whenever possible. If the job posting doesn't include a name, research to find out who will be reviewing applications. Personalizing your cover letter shows that you've taken the time to tailor your application to the specific company and role.

2. Highlight relevant achievements and skills

Emphasize your most relevant skills , experiences, and accomplishments that directly relate to the job you're applying for. Provide specific examples of how your skills have benefited previous employers and how they can contribute to the prospective employer's success. Use quantifiable achievements , such as improved efficiency, cost savings, or project success, to demonstrate your impact.

3. Show enthusiasm and fit

Express your enthusiasm for the company and the position you're applying for. Explain why you are interested in this role and believe you are a good fit for the organization. Mention how your values, goals, and skills align with the company's mission and culture. Demonstrating that you've done your research can make a significant impression.

What do hiring managers look for in a cover letter?

Employers look for several key elements in a cover letter. These include:

Employers want to see that your cover letter is specifically tailored to the position you are applying for. It should demonstrate how your skills, experiences, and qualifications align with the job requirements.

Clear and concise writing

A well-written cover letter is concise, easy to read, and error-free. Employers appreciate clear and effective communication skills , so make sure your cover letter showcases your ability to express yourself effectively.

Demonstrated knowledge of the company

Employers want to see that you are genuinely interested in their organization. Mention specific details about the company, such as recent achievements or projects, to show that you are enthusiastic about joining their team.

Achievements and accomplishments

Highlight your relevant achievements and accomplishments that demonstrate your qualifications for the position. Use specific examples to showcase your skills and show how they can benefit the employer.

Enthusiasm and motivation

Employers want to hire candidates who are excited about the opportunity and motivated to contribute to the company's success. Express your enthusiasm and passion for the role and explain why you are interested in working for the company.


A cover letter should be professional in tone and presentation. Use formal language, address the hiring manager appropriately, and follow standard business letter formatting.


How do you structure a cover letter?

A well-structured cover letter follows a specific format that makes it easy for the reader to understand your qualifications and enthusiasm for the position. Here's a typical structure for a cover letter:

Contact information

Include your name, address, phone number, and email address at the top of the letter. Place your contact information at the beginning so that it's easy for the employer to reach you.

Employer's contact information

Opening paragraph, middle paragraph(s), closing paragraph, complimentary close, additional contact information.

Repeat your contact information (name, phone number, and email) at the end of the letter, just in case the employer needs it for quick reference.

Remember to keep your cover letter concise and focused. It should typically be no more than one page in length. Proofread your letter carefully to ensure it is free from spelling and grammatical errors. Tailor each cover letter to the specific job application to make it as relevant and impactful as possible.

How to write a good cover letter (with examples)

The best letters are unique, tailored to the job description, and written in your voice — but that doesn’t mean you can’t use a job cover letter template.

Great cover letters contain the same basic elements and flow a certain way. Take a look at this cover letter structure for ref erence while you construct your own.

1. Add a header and contact information

While reading your cover letter, the recruiter shouldn’t have to look far to find who wrote it. Your document should include a basic heading with the following information:

  • Pronouns (optional)
  • Location (optional)
  • Email address
  • Phone number (optional)
  • Relevant links, such as your LinkedIn profile , portfolio, or personal website (optional)

You can pull this information directly from your CV. Put it together, and it will look something like this:

Christopher Pike

San Francisco, California

[email protected]

Alternatively, if the posting asks you to submit your cover letter in the body of an email, you can include this information in your signature. For example:

Warm regards,

Catherine Janeway

Bloomington, Indiana

[email protected]

(555) 999 - 2222


2. Include a personal greeting

Always begin your cover letter by addressing the hiring manager — preferably by name. You can use the person’s first and last name. Make sure to include a relevant title, like Dr., Mr., or Ms. For example, “Dear Mr. John Doe.”

Avoid generic openings like “To whom it may concern,” “Dear sir or madam,” or “Dear hiring manager.” These introductions sound impersonal — like you’re copy-pasting cover letters — and can work against you in the hiring process.

Be careful, though. When using someone’s name, you don’t want to use the wrong title or accidentally misgender someone. If in doubt, using only their name is enough. You could also opt for a gender-neutral title, like Mx.

Make sure you’re addressing the right person in your letter — ideally, the person who’s making the final hiring decision. This isn’t always specified in the job posting, so you may have to do some research to learn the name of the hiring manager.

3. Draw them in with an opening story

The opening paragraph of your cover letter should hook the reader. You want it to be memorable, conversational, and extremely relevant to the job you’re pursuing. 

There’s no need for a personal introduction — you’ve already included your name in the heading. But you should make reference to the job you’re applying for. A simple “Thank you for considering my application for the role of [job title] at [company],” will suffice.

Then you can get into the “Why” of your job application. Drive home what makes this specific job and this company so appealing to you. Perhaps you’re a fan of their products, you’re passionate about their mission, or you love their brand voice. Whatever the case, this section is where you share your enthusiasm for the role.

Here’s an example opening paragraph. In this scenario, you’re applying for a digital marketing role at a bicycle company:

“Dear Mr. John Doe,

Thank you for considering my application for the role of Marketing Coordinator at Bits n’ Bikes.

My parents bought my first bike at one of your stores. I’ll never forget the freedom I felt when I learned to ride it. My father removed my training wheels, and my mom sent me barrelling down the street. You provide joy to families across the country — and I want to be part of that.”

4. Emphasize why you’re best for the job

Your next paragraphs should be focused on the role you’re applying to. Highlight your skill set and why you’re a good fit for the needs and expectations associated with the position. Hiring managers want to know what you’ll bring to the job, not just any role.

Start by studying the job description for hints. What problem are they trying to solve with this hire? What skills and qualifications do they mention first or more than once? These are indicators of what’s important to the hiring manager.

Search for details that match your experience and interests. For example, if you’re excited about a fast-paced job in public relations, you might look for these elements in a posting:

  • They want someone who can write social media posts and blog content on tight deadlines
  • They value collaboration and input from every team member
  • They need a planner who can come up with strong PR strategies

Highlight how you fulfill these requirements:

“I’ve always been a strong writer. From blog posts to social media, my content pulls in readers and drives traffic to product pages. For example, when I worked at Bits n’ Bikes, I developed a strategic blog series about bike maintenance that increased our sales of spare parts and tools by 50% — we could see it in our web metrics.

Thanks to the input of all of our team members, including our bike mechanics, my content delivered results.”

5. End with a strong closing paragraph and sign off gracefully

Your closing paragraph is your final chance to hammer home your enthusiasm about the role and your unique ability to fill it. Reiterate the main points you explained in the body paragraphs and remind the reader of what you bring to the table.

You can also use the end of your letter to relay other important details, like whether you’re willing to relocate for the job.

When choosing a sign-off, opt for a phrase that sounds professional and genuine. Reliable options include “Sincerely” and “Kind regards.”

Here’s a strong closing statement for you to consider:

“I believe my enthusiasm, skills, and work experience as a PR professional will serve Bits n’ Bikes very well. I would love to meet to further discuss my value-add as your next Director of Public Relations. Thank you for your consideration. I hope we speak soon.


Tips to write a great cover letter that compliments your resume

When writing your own letter, try not to copy the example excerpts word-for-word. Instead, use this cover letter structure as a baseline to organize your ideas. Then, as you’re writing, use these extra cover letter tips to add your personal touch:

  • Keep your cover letter different from your resume : Your cover letter should not duplicate the information on your resume. Instead, it should provide context and explanations for key points in your resume, emphasizing how your qualifications match the specific job you're applying for.
  • Customize your cover letter . Tailor your cover letter for each job application. Address the specific needs of the company and the job posting, demonstrating that you've done your homework and understand their requirements.
  • Show enthusiasm and fit . Express your enthusiasm for the company and position in the cover letter. Explain why you are interested in working for this company and how your values, goals, and skills align with their mission and culture.
  • Use keywords . Incorporate keywords from the job description and industry terms in your cover letter. This can help your application pass through applicant tracking systems (ATS) and demonstrate that you're well-versed in the field.
  • Keep it concise . Your cover letter should be succinct and to the point, typically no more than one page. Focus on the most compelling qualifications and experiences that directly support your application.
  • Be professional . Maintain a professional tone and structure in your cover letter. Proofread it carefully to ensure there are no errors.
  • Address any gaps or concerns . If there are gaps or concerns in your resume, such as employment gaps or a change in career direction, briefly address them in your cover letter. Explain any relevant circumstances and how they have shaped your qualifications and determination.
  • Provide a call to action . Conclude your cover letter with a call to action, inviting the employer to contact you for further discussion. Mention that you've attached your resume for their reference.
  • Follow the correct format . Use a standard cover letter format like the one above, including your contact information, a formal salutation, introductory and closing paragraphs, and your signature. Ensure that it complements your resume without redundancy.
  • Pick the right voice and tone . Try to write like yourself, but adapt to the tone and voice of the company. Look at the job listing, company website, and social media posts. Do they sound fun and quirky, stoic and professional, or somewhere in-between? This guides your writing style.
  • Tell your story . You’re an individual with unique expertise, motivators, and years of experience. Tie the pieces together with a great story. Introduce how you arrived at this point in your career, where you hope to go , and how this prospective company fits in your journey. You can also explain any career changes in your resume.
  • Show, don’t tell . Anyone can say they’re a problem solver. Why should a recruiter take their word for it if they don’t back it up with examples? Instead of naming your skills, show them in action. Describe situations where you rose to the task, and quantify your success when you can.
  • Be honest . Avoid highlighting skills you don’t have. This will backfire if they ask you about them in an interview. Instead, shift focus to the ways in which you stand out.
  • Avoid clichés and bullet points . These are signs of lazy writing. Do your best to be original from the first paragraph to the final one. This highlights your individuality and demonstrates the care you put into the letter.
  • Proofread . Always spellcheck your cover letter. Look for typos, grammatical errors, and proper flow. We suggest reading it out loud. If it sounds natural rolling off the tongue, it will read naturally as well.


Common cover letter writing FAQs

How long should a cover letter be.

A cover letter should generally be concise and to the point. It is recommended to keep it to one page or less, focusing on the most relevant information that highlights your qualifications and fits the job requirements.

Should I include personal information in a cover letter?

While it's important to introduce yourself and provide your contact information, avoid including personal details such as your age, marital status, or unrelated hobbies. Instead, focus on presenting your professional qualifications and aligning them with the job requirements.

Can I use the same cover letter for multiple job applications?

While it may be tempting to reuse a cover letter, it is best to tailor each cover letter to the specific job you are applying for. This allows you to highlight why you are a good fit for that particular role and show genuine interest in the company.

Do I need to address my cover letter to a specific person?

Whenever possible, it is advisable to address your cover letter to a specific person, such as the hiring manager or recruiter. If the job posting does not provide this information, try to research and find the appropriate contact. If all else fails, you can use a generic salutation such as "Dear Hiring Manager."

Should I include references in my cover letter?

It is generally not necessary to include references in your cover letter. Save this information for when the employer explicitly requests it. Instead, focus on showcasing your qualifications and achievements that make you a strong candidate for the position.

It’s time to start writing your stand-out cover letter

The hardest part of writing is getting started. 

Hopefully, our tips gave you some jumping-off points and confidence . But if you’re really stuck, looking at cover letter examples and resume templates will help you decide where to get started. 

There are numerous sample cover letters available online. Just remember that you’re a unique, well-rounded person, and your cover letter should reflect that. Using our structure, you can tell your story while highlighting your passion for the role. 

Doing your research, including strong examples of your skills, and being courteous is how to write a strong cover letter. Take a breath , flex your fingers, and get typing. Before you know it, your job search will lead to a job interview.

If you want more personalized guidance, a specialized career coach can help review, edit, and guide you through creating a great cover letter that sticks.

Understand Yourself Better:

Big 5 Personality Test

Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

3 cover letter examples to help you catch a hiring manager’s attention

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The 46 Best Cover Letter Examples: What They Got Right

Amanda Zantal-Wiener

Published: May 22, 2024

I’ve sent plenty of cover letters throughout my career, so I know it isn’t usually fun to write one. Fortunately, the cover letter examples I painstakingly gathered below show that it’s possible to have a little fun with your job search — and maybe even make yourself a better candidate in the process.

 person types of a cover letter

I was shocked upon learning 45% of job seekers don’t include a cover letter when applying for a job. I definitely don’t recommend following the crowd on this matter because your cover letter is a chance to tell the stories your resume only outlines.

It’s an opportunity for you to highlight your creativity at the earliest stage of the recruitment process.

Are you ready to showcase your unique skills and experience? Or are you looking for more tips and cover letter inspiration?

Keep reading for 40+ cover letter examples, then check out tips for cover letter formatting and what makes a cover letter great.

→ Click here to access 5 free cover letter templates [Free Download]

Table of Contents

Customizable Cover Letter Examples

Best cover letter examples, short cover letter examples, creative cover letter examples, job cover letter examples, career cover letter examples, what is a good cover letter, what’s on a cover letter, what makes a great cover letter.

how to write a good cover letter writing

5 Free Cover Letter Templates

Five fill-in-the-blank cover letter templates to help you impress recruiters.

  • Standard Cover Letter Template
  • Entry-Level Cover Letter Template
  • Data-Driven Cover Letter Template

Download Free

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Click this link to access this resource at any time.

In a hurry for a cover letter example you can download and customize? Check out the ones below from HubSpot’s cover letter template kit .

1. Standard Cover Letter Example

good cover letter examples, standard

good cover letter examples, short and sweet

In an increasingly digitized world, where customer-centric strategies are vital for business success, I am thrilled to apply for the [Job Title] position at HubSpot."

Unhelpful Cover Letter Introduction:

"To Whom it May Concern,

I am applying for the [Job Title] position at HubSpot. I have some experience in marketing and can help your clients grow their businesses."

Relevant Professional Experience

It can be tempting to use the same cover letter for every job. After all, it‘s about your experience, isn’t it? But it's not enough to rephrase the work history in your resume.

Recruiters and hiring managers are looking to fill a specific role, so you need to show how your experience translates to their unique needs.

So, the body of a great cover letter should showcase the specific professional experiences that are relevant to the job you're applying for. Emphasize your accomplishments and skills that directly relate to what the job needs.

To speed up this part of the cover letter writing process, start by creating a list of your transferable skills . Drafting this list can help you quickly focus on the skills to highlight in your cover letter.

Then, use AI tools to summarize job descriptions and narrow in on where your experience and the needs of the role you're applying for overlap. This post is full of useful AI assistant tools if you're new to AI.

Helpful Cover Letter Experience:

“At [Company Name], I had the opportunity to assist a global ecommerce retailer in enhancing their online customer experience. By conducting in-depth market research and customer journey mapping, I identified pain points and areas of improvement in their website navigation and user interface.”

Unhelpful Cover Letter Experience:

“I also worked with an ecommerce retailer to improve the customer experience. We did some surveys and training, and they were happy with the results.”

Useful Examples

To make your cover letter stand out, add specific examples that show how you've solved problems or gotten results in past roles.

Quantify your accomplishments whenever possible, using data to give the reader a clear understanding of your impact.

Helpful Cover Letter Example:

“I lead a team of five content writers while increasing website traffic by 18% year-over-year.”

Unhelpful Cover Letter Example:

“I have a great track record of leadership and achieving fantastic results.”

Research and Company Knowledge

Hiring teams aren‘t hiring anyone with the skills to do the job. They’re hiring a person they'll work alongside at their specific company.

So, to show that you‘re not just looking for any job anywhere, share your knowledge of the company’s industry, values, and culture in your cover letter.

Spend some time on the company website and take notes on what makes this business interesting to you and why you would want to work there.

Then, explain how your skills align with the company's mission and goals and explain how you could add to their chances of success. This will showcase your interest in the company and help them see if you are a good cultural fit.

Helpful Cover Letter Research:

“I was particularly drawn to HubSpot not only for its industry-leading solutions but also for its exceptional company culture. HubSpot's commitment to employee development and fostering a collaborative environment is evident in its recognition as a top workplace consistently. I strongly believe that my passion for continuous learning, self-motivation, and dedication to contributing to a team will make me a valuable asset to HubSpot.”

Unhelpful Cover Letter Research:

“I have been inspired by HubSpot's commitment to inbound marketing and its comprehensive suite of solutions. HubSpot's dedication to providing valuable content and fostering meaningful relationships aligns with my own values and aspirations.”

Clear Writing

Your cover letter needs to pack in a lot of important information. But it's also important that your cover letter is clear and concise.

To accomplish this, use professional but easy-to-understand language. Be sure to remove any grammar or spelling errors and avoid lengthy paragraphs and avoid jargon or overly technical language.

You may also want to use bullet points to make your letter easier to skim. Then, proofread your cover letter for clarity or ask a friend to proofread it for you.

  • Guide to Becoming a Better Writer
  • Tips for Simplifying Your Writing

Helpful Cover Letter Writing:

"In addition to my academic accomplishments, I gained valuable practical experience through internships at respected law firms.

Working alongside experienced attorneys, I assisted in providing legal support to clients. This hands-on experience helped me develop a deep understanding of client needs and enhanced my ability to effectively communicate complex legal concepts in a straightforward manner."

Unhelpful Cover Letter Writing:

"Furthermore, as a complement to my academic accomplishments, I have garnered invaluable practical experience through internships at esteemed law firms.

Throughout these placements, I actively collaborated with seasoned attorneys to conduct due diligence and furnish clients with comprehensive legal support. Notably, these experiences fostered a profound comprehension of client necessities, whilst honing my legal acumen to articulately convey intricate legal principles within a lucid and concise framework, adhering to applicable precedents and statutes of limitations."

Genuine Interest and Enthusiasm

Find ways to convey your passion for the role and how excited you are to contribute to the company you're applying to. At the same time, make sure your interest feels authentic and outline how it aligns with your career goals.

Your ultimate goal is an enthusiastic letter that feels honest and leaves a lasting positive impression.

Showing excitement in writing doesn't come naturally for everyone. A few tips that can help you boost the genuine enthusiasm in your letter:

  • Record audio of yourself speaking about the role, then use voice-to-text technology to transcribe and add these sections to your letter.
  • Choose your words carefully .
  • Write in active voice.

Helpful Cover Letter Tone:

“I am genuinely enthusiastic about the prospect of joining [Company/Organization Name] as an accountant. My combination of technical proficiency, eagerness to learn, and strong attention to detail make me an ideal candidate for this role. I am confident that my dedication, reliability, and passion for accounting will contribute to the continued success of your organization.”

Unhelpful Cover Letter Tone:

“Honestly, I can hardly contain my excitement when it comes to reconciliations, financial statement analysis, and tax regulations! Engaging in spirited discussions with professors and classmates has allowed me to foster an unbreakable bond with the fascinating world of accounting, and I'm positively bursting with enthusiasm at the prospect of applying my skills in a professional setting.”

Memorable Conclusion

End your cover letter on a strong note. Summarize your top qualifications, restate your interest in the position, and express your interest in future communication.

Then, thank your reader for their time and consideration and include your contact information for easy follow-up.

To make your conclusion memorable, think about what parts of your letter you‘d most like the hiring manager to keep top of mind. Then, consider your word choice and phrasing. If you’re feeling stuck, this list of ways to close an email can help.

Helpful Cover Letter Conclusion:

"Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the opportunity to further discuss how my qualifications align with the needs of Greenpeace. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience to arrange an interview.

Together, let's make a lasting impact on our planet.

[Your Name]"

Unhelpful Cover Letter Conclusion:

"Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my qualifications further and how I can contribute to Greenpeace's mission. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience to arrange an interview.

I’d like to add another stage to the job search: experimentation.

In today’s competitive landscape, it’s so easy to feel defeated, less-than-good-enough, or like giving up your job search.

But don’t let the process become so monotonous. Have fun discovering the qualitative data I’ve discussed here — then, have even more by getting creative with your cover letter composition.

I certainly can’t guarantee that every prospective employer will respond positively — or at all — to even the most unique, compelling cover letter. But the one that’s right for you will.

So, get inspired by these examples and templates. Write an incredible cover letter that shows the hiring team at your dream job exactly who you are.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in October 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. This article was written by a human, but our team uses AI in our editorial process. Check out our full disclosure to learn more about how we use AI.

Don't forget to share this post!

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How to Write a Cover Letter [Full Guide & Examples for 2024]

Background Image

After weeks of heavy job searching, you’re almost there!

You’ve perfected your resume.

You’ve short-listed the coolest jobs you want to apply for.

You’ve even had a friend train you for every single interview question out there.

But then, before you can send in your application and call it a day, you remember that you need to write a cover letter too.

So now, you’re stuck staring at a blank page, wondering where to start...

Don’t panic! We’ve got you covered. Writing a cover letter is a lot simpler than you might think. 

In this guide, we’re going to teach you how to write a cover letter that gets you the job you deserve.

We're going to cover:

What Is a Cover Letter?

  • How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter, Step by Step
  • 15+ Job-Winning Cover Letter Examples

Let’s get started.

A cover letter is a document that you submit as part of your job application, alongside your resume or CV.

The purpose of a cover letter is to introduce you and briefly summarize your professional background. On average, it should be around 250 to 400 words long .

A good cover letter is supposed to impress the hiring manager and convince them you’re worth interviewing as a candidate.

So, how can your cover letter achieve this?

First of all, it should complement your resume, not copy it. Your cover letter is your chance to elaborate on important achievements, skills, or anything else that your resume doesn’t give you the space to cover. 

For example, if you have an employment gap on your resume, the cover letter is a great place to explain why it happened and how it helped you grow as a person. 

If this is your first time writing a cover letter, writing about yourself might seem complicated. But don’t worry—you don’t need to be super creative or even a good writer .

All you have to do is follow this tried and tested cover letter structure:

structure of a cover letter

  • Header. Add all the necessary contact information at the top of your cover letter.
  • Formal greeting. Choose an appropriate way to greet your target audience.
  • Introduction. Introduce yourself in the opening paragraph and explain your interest in the role.
  • Body. Elaborate on why you’re the best candidate for the job and a good match for the company. Focus on “selling” your skills, achievements, and relevant professional experiences.
  • Conclusion. Summarize your key points and wrap it up professionally.

Now, let’s take a look at an example of a cover letter that follows our structure perfectly:

How to Write a Cover Letter

New to cover letter writing? Give our cover letter video a watch before diving into the article!

When Should You Write a Cover Letter?

You should always include a cover letter in your job application, even if the hiring manager never reads it. Submitting a cover letter is as important as submitting a resume if you want to look like a serious candidate.

If the employer requests a cover letter as part of the screening process, not sending one is a huge red flag and will probably get your application tossed into the “no” pile immediately.

On the other hand, if the job advertisement doesn’t require a cover letter from the candidates, adding one shows you went the extra mile.

Putting in the effort to write a cover letter can set you apart from other candidates with similar professional experience and skills, and it could even sway the hiring manager to call you for an interview if you do it right.

Need to write a letter to help get you into a good school or volunteer program? Check out our guide to learn how to write a motivation letter !

How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter

Now that you know what a cover letter is, it’s time to learn how to write one!

We’ll go through the process in detail, step by step.

#1. Choose the Right Cover Letter Template

A good cover letter is all about leaving the right first impression.

So, what’s a better way to leave a good impression than a well-formatted, stylish template?

cover letter templates for 2024

Just choose one of our hand-picked cover letter templates , and you’ll be all set in no time!

As a bonus, our intuitive AI will even give you suggestions on how to improve your cover letter as you write it. You’ll have the perfect cover letter done in minutes!

cover letter templates

#2. Put Contact Information in the Header

As with a resume, it’s important to start your cover letter with your contact details at the top. These should be in your cover letter’s header, separated neatly from the bulk of your text.

Contact Information on Cover Letter

Here, you want to include all the essential contact information , including:

  • Full Name. Your first and last name should stand out at the top.
  • Job Title. Match the professional title underneath your name to the exact job title of the position you’re applying for. Hiring managers often hire for several roles at once, so giving them this cue about what role you’re after helps things go smoother.
  • Email Address. Always use a professional and easy-to-spell email address. Ideally, it should combine your first and last names.
  • Phone Number. Add a number where the hiring manager can easily reach you.
  • Location. Add your city and state/country, no need for more details.
  • Relevant Links (optional). You can add links to websites or social media profiles that are relevant to your field. Examples include a LinkedIn profile , Github, or an online portfolio.

Then it’s time to add the recipient’s contact details, such as:

  • Hiring Manager's Name. If you can find the name of the hiring manager, add it.
  • Hiring Manager's Title. While there’s no harm in writing “hiring manager,” if they’re the head of the department, we recommend you use that title accordingly.
  • Company Name. Make sure to write the name of the company you're applying to.
  • Location. The city and state/country are usually enough information here, too.
  • Date of Writing (Optional). You can include the date you wrote your cover letter for an extra professional touch.

matching resume and cover letter

#3. Address the Hiring Manager

Once you’ve properly listed all the contact information, it’s time to start writing the content of the cover letter.

The first thing you need to do here is to address your cover letter directly to the hiring manager.

In fact, you want to address the hiring manager personally .

Forget the old “Dear Sir or Madam” or the impersonal “To Whom It May Concern.” You want to give your future boss a good impression and show them that you did your research before sending in your application.

No one wants to hire a job seeker who just spams 20+ companies and hopes something sticks with their generic approach

So, how do you find out who’s the hiring manager?

First, check the job ad. The hiring manager’s name might be listed somewhere in it.

If that doesn’t work, check the company’s LinkedIn page. You just need to look up the head of the relevant department you’re applying to, and you’re all set.

For example, if you’re applying for the position of Communication Specialist at Novorésumé. The hiring manager is probably the Head of Communications or the Chief Communications Officer.

Here’s what you should look for on LinkedIn:

linkedin search cco

And there you go! You have your hiring manager.

But let’s say you’re applying for a position as a server . In that case, you’d be looking for the “restaurant manager” or “food and beverage manager.”

If the results don’t come up with anything, try checking out the “Team” page on the company website; there’s a good chance you’ll at least find the right person there.

Make sure to address them as Mr. or Ms., followed by their last name. If you’re not sure about their gender or marital status, you can just stick to their full name, like so:

  • Dear Mr. Kurtuy,
  • Dear Andrei Kurtuy,

But what if you still can’t find the hiring manager’s name, no matter where you look?

No worries. You can direct your cover letter to the company, department, or team as a whole, or just skip the hiring manager’s name.

  • Dear [Department] Hiring Manager
  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear [Department] Team
  • Dear [Company Name]

Are you applying for a research position? Learn how to write an academic personal statement .

#4. Write an Eye-Catching Introduction

First impressions matter, especially when it comes to your job search.

Hiring managers get hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of applications. Chances are, they’re not going to be reading every single cover letter end-to-end.

So, it’s essential to catch their attention from the very first paragraph.

The biggest problem with most opening paragraphs is that they’re usually extremely generic. Here’s an example:

  • My name is Jonathan, and I’d like to work as a Sales Manager at XYZ Inc. I’ve worked as a Sales Manager at MadeUpCompany Inc. for 5+ years, so I believe that I’d be a good fit for the position.

See the issue here? This opening paragraph doesn’t say anything except the fact that you’ve worked the job before.

And do you know who else has similar work experience? All the other applicants you’re competing with.

Instead, you want to start with some of your top achievements to grab the reader’s attention. And to get the point across, the achievements should be as relevant as possible to the position.

Your opening paragraph should also show the hiring manager a bit about why you want this specific job. For example, mention how the job relates to your plans for the future or how it can help you grow professionally. This will show the hiring manager that you’re not just applying left and right—you’re actually enthusiastic about getting this particular role.

Now, let’s make our previous example shine:

Dear Mr. Smith,

My name’s Michael, and I’d like to help XYZ Inc. hit and exceed its sales goals as a Sales Manager. I’ve worked as a Sales Representative with Company X, another fin-tech company , for 3+ years, where I generated an average of $30,000+ in sales per month and beat the KPIs by around 40%. I believe that my previous industry experience, passion for finance , and excellence in sales make me the right candidate for the job.

The second candidate starts with what they can do for the company in the future and immediately lists an impressive and relevant achievement. Since they’re experienced in the same industry and interested in finance, the hiring manager can see they’re not just a random applicant.

From this introduction, it’s safe to say that the hiring manager would read the rest of this candidate’s cover letter.

#5. Use the Cover Letter Body for Details

The next part of your cover letter is where you can go into detail about what sets you apart as a qualified candidate for the job.

The main thing you need to remember here is that you shouldn’t make it all about yourself . Your cover letter is supposed to show the hiring manager how you relate to the job and the company you’re applying to.

No matter how cool you make yourself sound in your cover letter, if you don’t tailor it to match what the hiring manager is looking for, you’re not getting an interview.

To get this right, use the job ad as a reference when writing your cover letter. Make sure to highlight skills and achievements that match the job requirements, and you’re good to go.

Since this part of your cover letter is by far the longest, you should split it into at least two paragraphs.

Here’s what each paragraph should cover:

Explain Why You’re the Perfect Candidate for the Role

Before you can show the hiring manager that you’re exactly what they’ve been looking for, you need to know what it is they’re looking for.

Start by doing a bit of research. Learn what the most important skills and responsibilities of the role are according to the job ad, and focus on any relevant experience you have that matches them.

For example, if you’re applying for the position of a Facebook Advertiser. The top requirements on the job ad are:

  • Experience managing a Facebook ad budget of $10,000+ / month
  • Some skills in advertising on other platforms (Google Search + Twitter)
  • Excellent copywriting skills

So, in the body of your cover letter, you need to show how you meet these requirements. Here’s an example of what that can look like:

In my previous role as a Facebook Marketing Expert at XYZ Inc. I handled customer acquisition through ads, managing a monthly Facebook ad budget of $40,000+ . As the sole digital marketer at the company, I managed the ad creation and management process end-to-end. I created the ad copy and images, picked the targeting, ran optimization trials, and so on.

Other than Facebook advertising, I’ve also delved into other online PPC channels, including:

  • Google Search

Our example addresses all the necessary requirements and shows off the candidate’s relevant skills.

Are you a student applying for your first internship? Learn how to write an internship cover letter with our dedicated guide.

Explain Why You’re a Good Fit for the Company

As skilled and experienced as you may be, that’s not all the hiring manager is looking for.

They also want someone who’s a good fit for their company and who actually wants to work there.

Employees who don’t fit in with the company culture are likely to quit sooner or later. This ends up costing the company a ton of money, up to 50% of the employee’s annual salary , so hiring managers vet candidates very carefully to avoid this scenario.

So, you have to convince the hiring manager that you’re passionate about working with them.

Start by doing some research about the company. You want to know things like:

  • What’s the company’s business model?
  • What’s the company’s product or service? Have you used it?
  • What’s the company’s culture like?

Chances are, you’ll find all the information you need either on the company website or on job-search websites like Jobscan or Glassdoor.

Then, pick your favorite thing about the company and talk about it in your cover letter.

But don’t just describe the company in its own words just to flatter them. Be super specific—the hiring manager can see through any fluff.

For example, if you’re passionate about their product and you like the company’s culture of innovation and independent work model, you can write something like:

I’ve personally used the XYZ Smartphone, and I believe that it’s the most innovative tech I’ve used in years. The features, such as Made-Up-Feature #1 and Made-Up-Feature #2, were real game changers for the device.

I really admire how Company XYZ strives for excellence in all its product lines, creating market-leading tech. As someone who thrives in a self-driven environment, I truly believe that I’ll be a great match for your Product Design team.

So, make sure to do your fair share of research and come up with good reasons why you're applying to that specific company.

Is the company you want to work for not hiring at the moment? Check out our guide to writing a letter of interest .

#6. Wrap It Up and Sign It

Finally, it’s time to conclude your cover letter.

In the final paragraph, you want to:

  • Wrap up any points you couldn't make in the previous paragraphs. Do you have anything left to say? If there’s any other information that could help the hiring manager make their decision, mention it here. If not, just recap your key selling points so far, such as key skills and expertise.
  • Express gratitude. Politely thanking the hiring manager for their time is always a good idea.
  • Finish the cover letter with a call to action. The very last sentence in your cover letter should be a call to action. This means you should ask the hiring manager to do something, like call you and discuss your application or arrange an interview.
  • Remember to sign your cover letter. Just add a formal closing line and sign your name at the bottom.

Here’s an example of how to end your cover letter :

I hope to help Company X make the most of their Facebook marketing initiatives. I'd love to further discuss how my previous success at XYZ Inc. can help you achieve your Facebook marketing goals. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at the provided email address or phone number so that we may arrange an interview.

Thank you for your consideration,

Alice Richards

Feel free to use one of these other popular closing lines for your cover letter:

  • Best Regards,
  • Kind Regards,

Cover Letter Writing Checklist

Once you’re done with your cover letter, it’s time to check if it meets all industry requirements. 

Give our handy cover letter writing checklist a look to make sure:

Does your cover letter heading include all essential information?

  • Professional Email
  • Phone Number
  • Relevant Links

Do you address the right person? 

  • The hiring manager in the company
  • Your future direct supervisor
  • The company/department in general

Does your introductory paragraph grab the reader's attention?

  • Did you mention some of your top achievements?
  • Did you use numbers and facts to back up your experience?
  • Did you convey enthusiasm for the specific role?

Do you show that you’re the right candidate for the job?

  • Did you identify the core requirements for the role?
  • Did you show how your experiences helped you fit the requirements perfectly?

Do you convince the hiring manager that you’re passionate about the company you’re applying to?

  • Did you identify the top 3 things that you like about the company?
  • Did you avoid generic reasons for explaining your interest in the company?

Did you conclude your cover letter properly?

  • Did you recap your key selling points in the conclusion?
  • Did you end your cover letter with a call to action?
  • Did you use the right formal closing line and sign your name?

15 Cover Letter Tips

Now you’re all set to write your cover letter! 

Before you start typing, here are some cover letter tips to help take your cover letter to the next level:

  • Customize Your Cover Letter for Each Job. Make sure your cover letter is tailored to the job you're applying for. This shows you're not just sending generic applications left and right, and it tells the hiring manager you’re the right person for the job.
  • Showcase Your Skills. Talk about how your skills meet the company’s needs. And while your hard skills should be front and center, you shouldn’t underestimate your soft skills in your cover letter either.
  • Avoid Fluff. Don’t make any generic statements you can’t back up. The hiring manager can tell when you’re just throwing words around, and it doesn’t make your cover letter look good.
  • Use Specific Examples. Instead of saying you're great at something, give an actual example to back up your claim. Any data you can provide makes you sound more credible, so quantify your achievements. For example, give numbers such as percentages related to your performance and the timeframe it took to accomplish certain achievements.
  • Research the Company. Always take time to learn about the company you're applying to. Make sure to mention something about them in your cover letter to show the hiring manager that you're interested.
  • Follow the Application Instructions. If the job posting asks for something specific in your cover letter or requires a certain format, make sure you include it. Not following instructions can come off as unattentive or signal to the hiring manager that you’re not taking the job seriously.
  • Use the Right Template and Format. Choose the right cover letter format and adapt your cover letter’s look to the industry you’re applying for. For example, if you’re aiming for a job in Law or Finance, you should go for a cleaner, more professional look. But if you’re applying for a field that values innovation, like IT or Design, you have more room for creativity.
  • Express Your Enthusiasm. Let the hiring manager know why you're excited about the job. Your passion for the specific role or the field in general can be a big selling point, and show them that you’re genuinely interested, not just applying left and right.
  • Address Any Gaps. If there are any employment gaps in your resume , your cover letter is a great place to mention why. Your resume doesn’t give you enough space to elaborate on an employment gap, so addressing it here can set hiring managers at ease—life happens, and employers understand.
  • Avoid Quirky Emails. Your email address should be presentable. It’s hard for a hiring manager to take you seriously if your email address is “[email protected].” Just use a [email protected] format.
  • Check Your Contact Information. Typos in your email address or phone number can mean a missed opportunity. Double-check these before sending your application.
  • Mention if You Want to Relocate. If you’re looking for a job that lets you move somewhere else, specify this in your cover letter.
  • Keep It Brief. You want to keep your cover letter short and sweet. Hiring managers don’t have time to read a novel, so if you go over one page, they simply won’t read it at all.
  • Use a Professional Tone. Even though a conversational tone isn’t a bad thing, remember that it's still a formal document. Show professionalism in your cover letter by keeping slang, jargon, and emojis out of it.
  • Proofread Carefully. Typos and grammar mistakes are a huge deal-breaker. Use a tool like Grammarly or QuillBot to double-check your spelling and grammar, or even get a friend to check it for you.

15+ Cover Letter Examples

Need some inspiration? Check out some perfect cover letter examples for different experience levels and various professions.

5+ Cover Letter Examples by Experience

#1. college student cover letter example.

college or student cover letter example

Check out our full guide to writing a college student cover letter here.

#2. Middle Management Cover Letter Example

Middle Management Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a project manager cover letter here.

#3. Team Leader Cover Letter Example

Team Leader Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a team leader cover letter here.

#4. Career Change Cover Letter Example

Career Change Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to a career change resume and cover letter here.

#5. Management Cover Letter Example

Management Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a management cover letter here.

#6. Senior Executive Cover Letter Example

Senior Executive Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing an executive resume here.

9+ Cover Letter Examples by Profession

#1. it cover letter example.

IT Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing an IT cover letter here.

#2. Consultant Cover Letter Example

Consultant Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a consultant cover letter here.

#3. Human Resources Cover Letter

Human Resources Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a human resources cover letter here.

#4. Business Cover Letter Example

Business Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a business cover letter here.

#5. Sales Cover Letter Example

Sales Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a sales cover letter here.

#6. Social Worker Cover Letter

Social Worker Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a social worker cover letter here.

#7. Lawyer Cover Letter

Lawyer Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a lawyer cover letter here.

#8. Administrative Assistant Cover Letter

Administrative Assistant Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing an administrative assistant cover letter here.

#9. Engineering Cover Letter Example

Engineering Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing an engineer cover letter here.

#10. Receptionist Cover Letter Example

Receptionist Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a receptionist cover letter here.

Need more inspiration? Check out these cover letter examples to learn what makes them stand out.

Plug & Play Cover Letter Template

Not sure how to start your cover letter? Don’t worry!

Just copy and paste our free cover letter template into the cover letter builder, and swap out the blanks for your details.

[Your Full Name]

[Your Profession]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Location]

[Your LinkedIn Profile URL (optional)]

[Your Personal Website URL (optional)]

[Recipient's Name, e.g., Jane Doe],

[Recipient's Position, e.g., Hiring Manager]

[Company Name, e.g., ABC Corporation]

[Company Address]

[City, State/Country]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

As a seasoned [Your Profession] with [Number of Years of Experience] years of industry experience, I am eager to express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. With my experience in [Your Industry/Sector] and the successes I've achieved throughout my education and career, I believe I can bring unique value and creativity to your team.

In my current role as [Your Current Job Title], I've taken the lead on more than [Number of Projects/Assignments] projects, some valued up to $[Highest Project Value]. I pride myself on consistently exceeding client expectations and have successfully [Mention a Key Achievement] in just a [Amount of Time] through [Skill] and [Skill].

I've collaborated with various professionals, such as [List Roles], ensuring that all [projects/tasks] meet [relevant standards or objectives]. This hands-on experience, coupled with my dedication to understanding each [client's/customer's] vision, has equipped me to navigate and deliver on complex projects.

My key strengths include:

  • Improving [Achievement] by [%] over [Amount of Time] which resulted in [Quantified Result].
  • Optimizing [Work Process/Responsibility] which saved [Previous Employer] [Amount of Time/Budget/Other Metric] over [Weeks/Months/Years]
  • Spearheading team of [Number of People] to [Task] and achieving [Quantified Result].

Alongside this letter, I've attached my resume. My educational background, a [Your Degree] with a concentration in [Your Specialization], complements the practical skills that I'm particularly eager to share with [Company Name].

I'm excited about the possibility of contributing to [Something Notable About the Company or Its Mission]. I'd be grateful for the chance to delve deeper into how my expertise aligns with your needs.

Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

The Heart of Your Job Search - Creating a Killer Resume

Your cover letter is only as good as your resume. If either one is weak, your entire application falls through.

After all, your cover letter is meant to complement your resume. Imagine going through all this effort to leave an amazing first impression in your cover letter, only for the hiring manager to never read it because your resume was mediocre.

But don’t worry; we’ve got you covered here, too.

Check out our dedicated guide on how to make a resume and learn everything you need to know to land your dream job!

Just pick one of our resume templates and start writing your own job-winning resume.

resume examples for cover letters

Key Takeaways

Now that we’ve walked you through all the steps of writing a cover letter, let’s summarize everything we’ve learned:

  • A cover letter is a 250 - 400 word document that’s meant to convince the hiring manager that you’re the best candidate for the job.
  • Your job application should always include a cover letter alongside your resume.
  • To grab the hiring manager’s attention, write a strong opening paragraph. Mention who you are, why you’re applying, and a standout achievement to pique their interest.
  • Your cover letter should focus on why you’re the perfect candidate for the job and why you’re passionate about working in this specific company.
  • Use the body of your cover letter to provide details on your skills, achievements, and qualifications, as well as make sure to convey your enthusiasm throughout your whole cover letter.
  • Recap your key selling points towards the end of your cover letter, and end it with a formal closing line and your full name signed underneath.

At Novorésumé, we’re committed to helping you get the job you deserve every step of the way! 

Follow our career blog for more valuable advice, or check out some of our top guides, such as:

  • How to Make a Resume in 2024 | Beginner's Guide
  • How to Write a CV (Curriculum Vitae) in 2024 [31+ Examples]
  • 35+ Job Interview Questions and Answers [Full List]

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How to Write a Cover Letter That Sounds Like You (and Gets Noticed)

  • Elainy Mata

Do the research, start off strong, and emphasize your value.

  • EM Elainy Mata is a Multimedia Producer at Harvard Business Review. ElainyMata

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Cover Letter Examples

Cover Letter Samples

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how to write a good cover letter writing

Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

The Ultimate Cover Letter Writing Guide

The complete guide to writing an effective cover letter.

Greg Faherty

Any of these sound familiar? The simple answer is yes, having an effective cover letter is completely necessary and highly recommended and we’ll tell you  why you need a cover letter as well as a resume!

When you’re applying for a job, whether it be for an  entry-level  position after graduating or for a high-level executive vacancy with a  professional resume , a  cover letter is essential to make your application stand out .

Without this extra introductory letter, a resume alone could easily be discarded by a hiring manager. CareerBuilder  estimates you’re  10% more likely to miss out on an opening  if you don’t include a cover letter.

Writing a good cover letter  it’s not a skill many many people master, but that doesn’t mean it’s an impossible feat!

With our complete  cover letter guide , you’ll learn  how to write a cover letter  that will attract the hiring manager and convince them to read your winning resume.

What is a cover letter?

A cover letter is an extension to your job application.  It is not obligatory but including a well-written cover letter is  strongly advised by all human resource experts . By definition, a cover letter is an accompanying, explanatory letter.

All  jobseekers need a sales pitch  of sorts, they need to hook the reader and demonstrate to the hiring manager why they are the right person for the vacancy on offer. This style of  self-marketing for a job application  must come in the form of a  winning resume and cover letter combination  that complement one another.

A simple cover letter is an introduction to the candidate  behind the qualifications and experience. The aim is to show a prospective employer how you can take on the role and  what you can offer the company  in question.

Cover letters generally  follow a basic structure  and can be in either hard or digital format, that is to say, either printed and sent via regular mail or as a document scanned and attached to send digitally, or written directly in an  email cover letter .

Why include a cover letter on a job application?

If you want to stand any chance at all of  catching the eye of a potential employer , it is  imperative to include a cover letter  with your job application.

Simple – even if you  create an effective, outstanding resume , using all the right keywords and qualifications etc. it’s possible there are candidates more qualified than you or with more experience so it’s necessary to  add a cover letter to back up your resume  and allow the hiring manager to see more of your personal side that is relevant to the vacancy.

  • The cover letter demonstrates your communication skills.
  • The cover letter serves as an introduction to the resume.
  • The cover letter can be used to emphasize certain skills, or mention skills that you couldn’t fit on the resume (it serves as an addendum).
  • The cover letter is what you customize for each position, to show why you are the right person for “That” role, as opposed to the resume which stays pretty much the same for all applications.

A cover letter is the added value  that you need in a job application to ensure the call-back you’ve been waiting for.

To  create a unique, tailor-made job application , each candidate should use a cover letter to highlight their strengths and  elaborate on relevant achievements  that demonstrate their ability to take on the new responsibilities.

Is it practically always sensible and  appropriate to write a cover letter to accompany a resume for a job application  that should be customized for the role you’re applying to including any explanations of information that might be missing from the resume, such as employment gaps, traveling, periods of study etc.

The only time it is acceptable to not include a cover letter in your job application is if the job listing specifically requests that you do not.

Advantages of Writing a Cover Letter

A cover letter directly adds to the likelihood that you are called in for an interview and  gives you a better chance of being hired .

If you’re successful in  writing an effective cover letter , it will offer you the following advantages:

  • Hiring managers will see your added effort
  • Demonstrates you put in the time to learn about the company
  • It will add a personal touch to your application
  • It shows your enthusiasm for the opening
  • Hiring managers will become acquainted with your best qualities

Knowing exactly what is in a cover letter will ensure that it gives you a  major advantage  over the other applicants.

What are the 3 Types of Cover Letters?

Adding a cover letter is almost always essential, but  choosing the appropriate letter  will also be key. Depending on the job post you are applying for, you will need to select the best type of letter to send along with your resume.

There are  3 types of cover letters  that you can send to a hiring manager. The 3 types are:

  • Application cover letters
  • Letters of Interest
  • Email Cover letters

The letter you write is influenced by  whether you are going to apply for a job directly , citing a referral, or asking about vacancies that are not advertised.

Whatever the case may be, ensure that the cover letter is  specific to the job vacancy . It’s always important to avoid making a generic cover letter for every single job you apply for.

So, what are the 3 types of cover letters you should consider sending to a job recruiter?

Application Cover Letter

This is your  classic cover letter  that you send to a hiring manager when you spot a company advertising a job opening. When you want to directly apply for a position, it is mandatory to send this, unless you are specifically asked not to.

Using this letter, you can mention why you want to work for a specific company and why you are the perfect candidate for the position.

Letter of Interest

Say you notice a company that you would really like to work for. It fits your sector, and you know it offers great benefits and good pay. However, you  can’t find any openings  that match your skill set.

If that’s the case, you don’t need to sit around and wait for the company to have a job vacancy. You can take action with a letter of interest. This type of cover letter  states your interest in being employed  by a company that isn’t currently advertising any vacancies.

This type of letter goes by a couple of other names, such as:

  • Letter of intent
  • Statement of interest

Of course, since there is no vacancy there is no role you can specifically mention, which is the major difference between a letter of intent and a traditional cover letter. Your objective will be to  advertise yourself well enough  that an employer will just have to interview you.

Email Cover Letters

Over the years, the job application process has shifted to a nearly  100% online hiring process . Due to this, it may be necessary to send your cover letter  in an email  as part of your job application.

While applying, there may not be an option to upload your cover letter. Or maybe you would just like to send it in the  body of your email along with your resume . You can send it in one of two ways, in the body of your email or as an attachment (in PDF).

How to write a cover letter

A cover letter, although  short in length  generally, can take time to elaborate as it is important to get it right. Sometimes, due to the scarce space for writing, candidates find it difficult to know  what to include in a cover letter  and  what to leave out .

However, knowing  how to do a cover letter  can make all the difference to your job application and be the just the thing to capture the attention of a hiring manager.

A  professional cover letter  should be well-formatted, following a structure with a header, an opening paragraph, a second main paragraph, a final closing paragraph and a closing with signature/electronic signature.

To  begin writing a cover letter for a job application , candidates should analyze their skills, qualifications, accomplishments and experience to  decide which are the most fundamental aspects to include  in their personalized cover letter.

Next, each jobseeker will have to  select the most job-relevant  of these elements to include by  comparing them with the required or desired qualifications and experience  in the job description.

Finally, the applicant should choose some  memorable examples which demonstrate evidence  of each element included in their cover letter, aiming to  tell a story  which shows their aptitude concerning each skill or qualification.

Jobseekers should also ensure to explore  how to make a cover letter  for their specific role or industry because, similarly to resumes, each cover letter should be  tailored for the vacancy  and company to which it will be sent.

It is vital for candidates to  consider several factors when it comes to writing their professional cover letter . A jobseeker must review their  resume work history section  as well as any skills and honors included to find the  most pertinent experiences  that can be explored further. Detailing examples of when a candidate demonstrated certain abilities or expertise is how a candidate can convince a hiring.

One way to create a winning cover letter is to use an  online cover letter creator  or take advantage of cover letter templates as a stepping stone as well as checking out cover letter examples that can serve as a great source of inspiration for you to make your own  unique cover letter .

Our  cover letter builder  forms part of our resume builder and allows jobseekers to create a more complete job application. Users can write their cover letter with pro tips and design help thanks to our pre-designed templates. Read our  cover letter writing guide  to get to grips with  cover letter writing techniques  and tips before using our online cover letter builder!

How to Structure a Cover Letter

The  structure and layout of a cover letter  is essential to make sure the letter displays each point that you wish to get across  clearly and concisely . This means it’s necessary, in general, to follow a commonly-accepted format for an effective cover letter.

Similarly to a  resume format , designing and  writing a cover letter has certain rules  which should be adhered to in order to convey the necessary information in a brief and to the point introductory letter.

Check out some of the  cover letter best practices  as advised by human resources experts below:

  • It’s imperative to  begin a cover letter with a header , including the candidate’s name and contact information as well as the date. This  primary cover letter section  can also include the job title, website and other relevant personal information.

Following this, the  letter should include the details of the company  and person to whom you are writing, with the full name, job title or team, company name and address.

  • The main body of a cover letter should be divided into  three sections : an introduction, a bullet list of accomplishments followed by a paragraph highlighting skills, and a closing paragraph inviting the hiring manager to contact you. By using bullet points when detailing your achievements and capabilities, you can make sure that recruiters will be able to quickly pick out key information. This is especially important as studies have found that recruiters spend very little time reading each individual application.
  • Finally, the letter should be electronically or physically signed with your full name in a formal manner.

The universally-accepted  cover letter length  is no longer than one letter page, which in total has about  250-300 words  for the main body of text.

Don’t  repeat information  or be too detailed because hiring managers simply do not have the time to read it all and will simply skip to the next one.  Resumes that run over 600 words  get rejected 43% faster and cover letters can easily fall into this trap too.

Keep your cover letter short and sweet and to the point!

Get more  cover letter formatting advice  in our guide on  how to format a cover letter  with tips and information about all aspects of a good cover letter structure.

Cover letter advice

The  importance of including a cover letter  with your job application is often overlooked by jobseekers of all categories, however this can seriously reduce your possibilities of getting an interview with a prospective employer.

Therefore you need not ask yourself  when to write a cover letter  because the answer is just that simple – it is  always appropriate to include a cover letter in your job application , unless the listing explicitly requests that you do not.

Check out the following  expert cover letter tips  to create a winning cover letter that will convince the hiring manager to give you a call:

  • We may be quite repetitive with this one but the sheer quantity of resumes and cover letters that are disregarded simply for forgetting this  vital and basic rule  is incredible:  USE A PROFESSIONAL EMAIL ADDRESS  for your contact details and that does not include your current work email but a personal, suitable email address.
  • It is essential to remember to  maintain your focus on the needs of the company  you’re applying to and the requirements and desired abilities of the ideal candidate for the role.  Do not focus on how you can benefit  by becoming a member of their team, but on how the team can make the most of your experience and knowledge.
  • Remember to  highlight your transferable skills , especially in cases where you may not meet all the required qualities in the job description such as in student resumes and cover letters.
  • Each  cover letter for a job application, cover letters for internships , for further study or even volunteer experience should be  tailored to their specific organization  and position with the pertinent keywords.
  • Use specific examples to demonstrate the candidate’s individual capacity to take on the role and  tell a story with your cover letter  to convey more of your personality and passion towards the sector or profession.
  • Towards the  end of a cover letter , each candidate should write a convincing finish to entice the hiring manager and in sales terminology “ seal the deal ”.
  • Finally when you have completed your polished cover letter, potentially  one of the most important steps  in the process is to  PROOFREAD . Candidates should request that a friend, mentor, teacher or peer takes a look at their cover letter for not only  grammatical and spelling errors  but also any  unwanted repetition or unrelated information .

Some jobseekers doubt  whether a cover letter is necessary or not , but as most human resource professionals agree without a well-written cover letter, candidates lose the  possibility to demonstrate different aspects of their profile  from those included in their resumes which could easily be the deciding factor in your application!

An easy and fast way to write an effective cover letter for a job application is to employ an  online cover letter creator  that will offer advice on  how to complete a cover letter with examples  and HR-approved templates.

Cover Letter FAQs

What do employers look for in a cover letter, can a cover letter be two pages, what is the difference between a cover letter and a resume, should you put a photo on a cover letter.

CV template Modern

Trouble getting your Cover Letter started?

Beat the blank page with expert help.

How To Write A Cover Letter (Definitive Guide + Template)

Mike Simpson 0 Comments

how to write a good cover letter writing

By Mike Simpson

how to write a good cover letter writing

So you want to learn how to write a cover letter…

But let me ask you this:

Have you ever been on a blind date?

It can be overwhelmingly nerve wracking.

There you are, all dressed up in your finest, ready to sit down across the table from someone you know absolutely nothing about, and hopefully survive the meeting without too much trouble.

At the absolute best, you two hit it off.

Things are great and you discover through your first awkward meeting that you’re perfect for each other and destined for years of happy togetherness.

At the worst, you’re forced to sit across from someone you have absolutely nothing in common with.  

You spend the entire date suffering through what can feel like absolute eternity, stumbling through awkward starts and stops in the conversation..

But what if you each had a cheat sheet?

A sort of pre-blind date rundown of who you’re going to meet?

A cheat sheet that includes all sorts of vital information like who you are and what you can bring to the relationship. It would make things so much easier, right?

Now, what if you not only had this cheat sheet, but you got to look at it and decide if you even wanted to go on that date in the first place?  Even better, right?

FREE BONUS PDF CHEAT SHEET : Get our "Perfect Cover Letter" Cheat Sheet that gives you a Step-by-Step Process that will help you produce a perfect cover letter.


In the business world, interviews are a lot like blind dates.

Employers sit down with potential employees and over the course of the meeting, both parties try to learn enough about each other to decide if working together is   good idea or a bad idea…just without the awkward hug/kiss thing at the end…hopefully.

See…not so far off from our blind date scenario from earlier…but there is ONE big difference.  

Did you know that companies do have those little cheat sheets on potential employees and that they do ‘pre-screenings’ before the offer to interview is even considered?

That’s right! They do.

Every single piece of information you send a company you’re applying to is going to be thoroughly looked at to determine your potential for compatibility, starting with your cover letter.

“But wait,” you say, “what’s a cover letter, and more importantly, why do I need to send one along with my resume?”

Don’t worry, we’re going to explain exactly what it is…and so much more.  

In fact, over the course of this article, we’re going to discuss a number of things you’ll need to know in order to make your cover letter not only right for who you are and what you bring to the table…but tailor it so it’s absolutely perfect for your first blind date…er, we mean…the job you’re applying for.

What Is A Cover Letter Anyway?

Before you learn how to write a cover letter, you first need to understand what it is!

A professional cover letter is a short, single page letter you should include with every application and/or resume you send out.  

It’s a quick way for you to introduce yourself to an employer and gives them a taste of you …not just your skills (which they will get by looking at your resume.)  

Not only does it act as an introduction, it will also let whoever is reading it (hiring managers) know exactly why you are sending them your information as well as potentially help open the door to future meetings…and interviews!  

Remember, first impressions count…even when they’re on paper, so let’s make sure yours is as perfect as possible. 

Why Do I Need One?

Okay, so I get what a cover letter is, but why do I have to write one?   Shouldn’t my resume be strong enough on its own?    

Ideally, yes, you want to make sure the resume you are submitting is as strong as possible and perfectly tailored to the job you’re applying for (more on tailoring in a bit) but simply sending it in without including a cover letter can work against you. 

As we outlined in our article “ How to Make a Resume 101 ,” a resume is a document that summarizes your skills, abilities and accomplishments.   A well made one should clearly spell out what you can do …but does little to explain who you are.  

That’s where a cover letter comes in. 

A good cover letter serves a multitude of purposes beyond simply letting the hiring manager know the proper way to spell your name.    

It gives potential employers information about you that they wouldn’t get just from looking at your resume alone. 

how to write a good cover letter writing

To bring it back to our dating analogy from earlier…a well written cover letter is a little bit like a friend meeting with your date and telling them all the best things about you before you even get there.  

It’s an opportunity for you to reach out as an individual, not just as an applicant .  

It should highlight your qualifications as well as demonstrate how you stand out from the rest of the hundreds (or thousands) of other qualified job seekers .  

It should also showcase why you’re the right choice for the position…what makes you the “ Perfect Candidate ”…and all this is accomplished before you’re invited to the date, er…I mean interview…

But what if I’m applying for a job that just asks me to send in my resume…do I still need to send in a cover letter? 


Sending in a resume without a cover letter is a missed opportunity you can’t afford to take in this competitive job market.  

Not only does a good cover introduce you and all your best qualities, it’s also an opportunity to help explain away any concerns a prospective employer might have about your ability to do the job they’re hiring for .  

The last thing you want to do is turn in a resume or application for a job you’re perfect for and have it get tossed before you even make it to the interview stage because there was something that made an employer question your abilities. 

Have a gap in employment on your resume?   – Use your cover letter as an opportunity to explain it:  

In the middle of switching careers and finding that your skills , while applicable to the job you’re applying for aren’t traditionally considered to be a match? Use your cover letter to detail why you should be considered anyway.  

These days submitting a cover letter is just good form!  

Many times employers expect cover letters even if they don’t explicitly ask for one.  

A job seeker who sends in a resume without a cover letter is essentially letting an employer know they’re happy doing just the bare minimum…and that’s just not the way we like to do things!

By writing a solid cover letter, even when not asked for one, you’re taking that extra step as a job seeker and reinforcing that you’re not only enthusiastic about the opportunity but that you’re also motivated to do what it takes to get in the door for that face to face meeting.

**A WORD OF WARNING …if a company specifically asks you NOT to send a cover letter…then don’t.   Always follow the instructions as outlined by a potential employer.

How To Format Your Cover Letter

“So I need to write a cover letter for a job application…what makes a good one?”

Because your cover letter is your first opportunity to demonstrate your communication skills to your potential employer, it’s critical that you make sure you’re doing everything you can to make your cover letter layout as flawless and business-appropriate as possible.

(This is why we spent a little extra time expanding on Cover Letter Format in our companion guide, “Best Cover Letter Format Guide.” Click the link to check it out now!)

The next question you might be asking yourself is, “How long should a cover letter be?”

Ideally you want to keep your letter between 3-5 paragraphs in length and definitely no longer than one page.

The eternal struggle regarding what to include in a cover letter continues to rage on.  In our opinion the best cover letter is informative without being overly long or rambling .  

Each paragraph should serve a purpose and shouldn’t be excessively lengthy or confusing.  

Remember, the hiring manager is going to be faced with potentially thousands of cover letters so your goal is to make sure yours is brief enough to still be read but detailed and interesting enough to make them want to learn more about you .

Speaking of standing out, this isn’t the time to get creative with fonts, designs, colored paper, or showcase your artistic talents with doodles on the margins.  

A cover letter, like every other piece of paperwork you submit to a potential employer, is a professional document and should look like one.  

Use fonts that are simple and professional like Arial , Times New Roman , or Verdana and be sure to set your font size between 10 and 12 points .

Let’s take a look at standard cover letter formatting:

  • Start by first including your personal contact information.   ( You want to make sure your future boss can contact you for that interview, right? )
  • Follow that by the date you are writing the letter and then the company contact information .   Be sure to separate each section with a space…it makes your letter easier to read. 

If you are mailing a hard copy of your letter, make sure when you get to the bottom and your salutation to double space .   It will give you room to sign your letter.   If you are emailing your letter, or submitting it electronically and can’t sign it with your autograph, it’s still important to leave that double space.

Here’s A Good Format Template

Your Address

City, State, Zip

Your Best Contact Phone Number

Your Professional Email

Your Personal Branding Website  

Employer Name

City, State, Zip Code

Dear Mr./Mrs. Last Name:*

PARAGRAPH 1:   Because this is your opening paragraph, you want to make sure it’s strong and draws the reader in.   Explain why you are writing.   Describe the job you are applying for, including the position and job title. 

PARAGRAPH 2:   Now we move into the actual text of the letter.   This is where you get to introduce yourself and tell your potential employer why you are qualified to do the job you are applying for.   This is your chance to let them know what you have to offer and why your skills and knowledge are perfect for the position.   Don’t forget to tailor based off your research! 

PARAGRAPH 3-4:   If needed, these are the paragraphs where you can explain away any concerns an employer might have about your ability to do the job. It’s also where you can share accomplishments , success stories, and any other bits of information that will help convince the hiring manager that they have to bring you in for an interview.

FINAL PARAGRAPH:   This is where you wrap up your letter.   Make sure to thank them for considering you for the job and let them know they should feel comfortable reaching out to you with any questions or concerns not addressed in your letter/resume.   This is also the paragraph where you let them know how you plan on following up with them.  

Finally, be sure to direct the hiring manager to your   Your Personal Branding Website so that they are able to get a feel for who you are as a person.  This simple step can land you way more interviews!

Sincerely (or any other closing comment),

Signature/Typed Signature Your Personal Branding Website

* You want to always try to address your cover letter to someone specific.   Unfortunately that information is not always available.   If you find yourself writing a letter and unsure of who to address it to, use “Dear Hiring Manager,” or “Dear Recruiter.”  

* Don’t use “To Whom it May Concern” or “Dear Sir/Madam” as those are considered outdated and you run the risk of offending someone.   You can also call the company directly to ask to whom you should address your letter.

* In some instances you can completely forgo the opening salutation and just start with a subject line, but we suggest at least making an effort to find out who to address it to.   It makes the letter much more personal and shows your dedication to the position.

NOTE: For more information please read our “how to address a cover letter” article .

“Tailoring” Your Cover Letter

Now that we’ve covered the general format of a cover letter, it’s time to dive into the content!

Let’s pretend for a moment you’re the hiring manager and you’ve just gotten this letter:


To Whom It May Concern,

I recently came across your job post looking for a Production Office Coordinator for the educational television series, “Wonder Kids.”   I think my skills and experience would be a good match for the position and I am submitting my resume to you in the hopes of obtaining an interview.

For the past eight years I have worked as a Production Office Coordinator on a variety of other shows, providing crucial administrative support as well as maintaining and managing the day to day operations of a busy production office.   I am familiar with all aspects of production including contracts, budgets, proper paperwork distribution, and travel coordination.   I pride myself on my organizational skills as well as my ability to run an efficient staff of over 10 employees.    

I am attaching my resume which outlines all my past work experiences as well as a detailed listing of my qualifications and skills.   I look forward to the possibility of speaking with you about this position.

Blanche D. Oatmeal


Zzzzzz. Oh, sorry. Was I napping? Ugh what a snoozer!

Although professional, this is a generic cover letter and if you ask me, pretty bland.

It reveals little about Blanche beyond the fact that she thinks she’s qualified for the job and that she’s been in the industry for over 8 years. A letter like this is the bare minimum when applying for a job… and you’re not the bare minimum .

Don’t forget, you’re the perfect candidate , and a good cover letter is a great first way to let potential employers know that!

Rather than submitting a snooze-worthy letter that will blend into every other letter the hiring manager is going to read, you’re going to tailor your letter and help make sure it really stands out.

If you’ve spent any amount of time reading our other blog posts or watching our videos, you’re probably familiar with our world-famous “ Tailoring Method “.

how to write a good cover letter writing

Now what you might not know, is that the Tailoring Method can actually apply to other parts of your interview as well, including how to write a great cover letter.

You see, there’s a tremendous amount of power in identifying what the company’s desired strengths and characteristics are for the employee they want to hire .

Because demonstrating that you have these Qualities is going to put you in the drivers seat in terms of getting an offer from your interview.

So you need to identify what those “ Qualities ” are, and infuse them into your cover letter and support them with a real example from your past (and where necessary, a success story ).

This is done by taking the time to do careful research of the company and the position .

Here, let’s spice up Blanche’s letter a bit…starting with paragraph one.

First thing you want to keep in mind is, those poor hiring managers are reading tens of hundreds of cover letters and after a while, they’re all going to start blending together…make your stand out…in a good way!

Dear Mr. Sorensen:

When I saw the job posting looking for a Production Office Coordinator for the educational television series, “Wonder Kids,” I knew I had to submit my resume. I am a hard-working and enthusiastic Production Office Coordinator with over eight years of practical hands on experience and am ready for my next adventure! I am currently looking for an opportunity to continue working within the industry and know my skills and experiences would be a good fit for the position and the “Wonder Kids” team overall.

Much better, right?

This is how you want to start a cover letter!  

Not only is it a break from the cookie cutter style cover letters that regularly flood a hiring manager’s desk, it shows that the applicant is excited to be applying for the job .  

It also lets the hiring manager know the applicant isn’t just looking for a job, but that they’re looking to be a part of a team.

The letter is also properly addressed to who is actually reading it.   Remember, “To Whom It May Concern,” and “Dear Sir or Madam” are too generic and can come across as lazy.  

While we’ve already said it is okay to use “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear Recruiter,” going that extra mile can make all the difference with a weary reader.   Don’t forget, you want to stand out!

Let’s keep reading…

As a Production Office Coordinator, my skills include scheduling, contracts, paperwork distribution, and budgeting.   I’m also comfortable dealing with vendors, hiring and managing staff, and ensuring the smooth day to day operations of a busy office.   My experience has included both small and large budget companies, and as a result, I am familiar with the need to be adaptable and find myself excited by the prospect of a challenge.

Again, personal , engaging , and dynamic . This letter helps the hiring manager know that the applicant is ready for any challenge and that they’re adaptable.

Now we get into the meat of the letter and where you can brag a bit about what you bring to the table.  Let’s say that through her research, Blanche discovered that the company she’s interviewing with really values someone who excels in (has the “ Quality “) “attention to detail.”

Well, she better darn make sure she highlights that Quality and supports it with an example or examples from her past .

I am proud of my attention to detail and as a result of my experiences with companies of different sizes and budgets, have been able to develop skills not normally associated with the more traditional Production Office Coordinator role, including graphic design, managing social media and web development.   I enjoy working with a wide variety of people and am a multitasker, diligent self-starter and eager team player. 

Nicely done, Blanche!  

A little bit of subtle bragging while showcasing something the applicant is proud of accomplishing for the company overall without coming across as arrogant or too boastful.

The next paragraph is where you can engage the company on a one on one level and show how much research you’ve done on them and their current projects .

I also wanted to take this opportunity to let you know that my interest in working for you extends beyond my desire to simply be a Production Office Coordinator.   I grew up on the show “Wonder Kids” and consider them to be a huge part of my early education.   I am a strong believer in quality children’s programming and have always felt that “Wonder Kids” provided not only entertainment, but educational value as well.   If hired, I would be proud to be a part of the “Wonder Kid” family and help continue that legacy for future generations.

The applicant is letting the hiring manager know that they’re not just blindly applying to the company but that they genuinely know a bit about them and that they have a passion for what the company does .

Okay, Blanche, time to bring it home.

Thank you for taking the time to review my resume and consider me for this position.   You can contact me with any questions by emailing me at [email protected] or by calling me at 555-555-5555.   I would also love if you could take a look at my website,  

I look forward to the possibility of discussing this exciting opportunity with you.

When an applicant wraps up their letter this way, they’re outlining the next steps they hope the company will take (contacting them for an interview) and ensuring that the information they need to do that is right there in front of them.

By making it easy for them and including phone numbers and other contact information, a perfect candidate is empowering the employer to take the action the candidate wants.  

By including their personal branded website , the applicant is also inviting the hiring manager to get to know even more about them and what they bring to the table.

When wrapping up your letter with follow up information, tread lightly but confidently.   Whatever you do, don’t push too hard in this paragraph. You don’t want to appear manipulative or controlling.

Remember, you want a job interview…not a restraining order 😉

Warmest regards,

Now that is a great example of a cover letter that will get a hiring managers attention!

By keeping it short and sweet, you’re not overwhelming them with a ton to read…but at the same time by making it engaging, tailored , and personal, you’re ensuring that it stands out and highlights you in a positive way.

In our opinion this a wonderful example of how to end a cover letter that you should take into consideration when working on yours.

A good cover letter closing will leave a great taste in the hiring manager’s mouth and will go a long way to securing an interview.

If after sending your cover letter and your resume you don’t hear from the company in a couple of days, a quick “wanted to be sure you had received my application” email is an entirely appropriate follow-up, even without telling them that you will be following up first.

If you do end up needing to write a follow-up note, you absolutely should slip in a line like “I really think my (skills and talents that are relevant to the job) would be great for (the company), and want to make sure my application didn’t get lost or submitted incorrectly.”

You can also throw in something again about why you want to work at that company – mention some company values or exciting projects to show that you’ve done your research and are really interested in them specifically.

Sample Cover Letter Used Above

Cover Letter  Template Word

Here is the complete cover letter as written above if you would like to download it...

Top 10 Cover Letter Tips & Hacks

  • SHORT AND SWEET:   Your cover letter should never go over a single page.   Keep it clean and concise.   Keep your sentences focused and avoid using flowery words.
  • KNOW WHAT YOU WANT AND GO FOR IT:   Make sure you let your potential employer know exactly what you are bringing to the job.   They have a need and you are there to fill it.   Tell them how you are going to accomplish that.
  • TAILOR! TAILOR! TAILOR!:   Don’t be vague or generic.   Make sure your letter is clearly targeted to the job you are going for as well as the company you want to be hired by.   Do your research ahead of time.
  • COVER LETTERS ARE LIKE SNOWFLAKES – NO TWO ARE ALIKE:   Unless you’re launching a direct mail campaign, make sure you’re fine tuning each and every cover letter you sending out so it focuses on the specifics of the job you are applying for. 
  • KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE:   Make sure you are addressing your letter directly to the proper individual.   Do your research and find out who will be reading it…and absolutely make sure you have the proper spelling of their name.   If you can’t get a name, make sure to address it “Dear Hiring Manager,” or “Dear Recruiter.”   Don’t use “To Whom it May Concern” or “Dear Sir/Madam” as those are considered outdated. 
  • PROOFREAD!:   The fastest way to end up in the circular file is by submitting a sloppy letter.   Double check to make sure your spelling and grammar are correct.    
  • THE KEY TO SUCCESS LIES WITH KEYWORDS:   Pay careful attention to what is said in the job postings.   Look for key words and phrases in the description and make sure to echo those in your letter but don’t overstuff your letter. 
  • BE PROFESSIONAL:   Keep the focus of your letter on the job you are applying for.   Introduce yourself but don’t go into too much detail or bring up anything unrelated to the job.   Do not speak badly of past employers or trash talk prior jobs.
  • LINK IT UP:   Make sure your letter includes a link to your personal branded website.   A cover letter is a great introduction into who you are and what you can bring, and by including a link to your personal website, you’re allowing a potential employer to really explore everything you potentially can bring to the position.
  • FOLLOW UP!:   Demonstrate your dedication to the position by making sure to follow up on all your contacts if possible.   Don’t become annoying, but at the same time, if you don’t reach out, you run the risk of being forgotten.

Common Mistakes

We’ve covered what what should be in a cover letter, but what should you NOT put in your cover letter?

  • Rule number one of cover letters is…proofread. Proofread. Proofread. Oh, and then proofread it again. We don’t care if you’re writing the cover letter to end all cover letters. If you’re serious about a job you’re applying for…take the time to read your letter before you send it off. This includes making sure that not only are you spelling things correctly and that your grammar and punctuation is spot on, but that you’re also double checking the basics like the company name and the position you’re applying for.
  • Lying about your past experiences or over inflating what you’ve done. Everyone’s allowed to brag a bit in their cover letter…as long as it’s true. Don’t lie to the company or yourself. If a company has nothing that appeals to you, you wouldn’t enjoy working there – and they’d rather not have you – so why bother applying?
  • Talking about why you quit your last job. Remember, this is sort of like a blind date. Nobody wants to hear about your ex…and absolutely DO NOT TRASH YOUR PAST EMPLOYERS.
  • Salary requirements. Save that for the interview.
  • Getting too personal. The letter is a great way to introduce yourself, but remember…keep it about the position and keep it professional. The paragraph where you talk about the company can contain tidbits about you (I grew up watching the “Wonder Kids”) but don’t let it get too personal (After my alcoholic parents divorced and my father left the country to join the Amsterdam Travelling Cat and Flea Circus, the “Wonder Kids” were the only steady and constant positive in my life.) Save that for your therapist.

The Different Types of Cover Letters

As a job seeker, you need to be aware that there are different types of cover letters that align to the different ways jobs are posted and how you’re involved in the application process .  

In most cases, the basic cover letter layout we went over earlier in this article can be used as a solid foundation for whatever you write…but we’re here to help you rise above the competition which means making that extra effort. 

You’re the Perfect Candidate and that means ensuring that your cover letter is exactly right for whatever type of posting you come across.

So let’s take a look at what you might come across in your job-seeking travels.

Job Posting

A job posting is when an employer advertises an opening within their organization that they would like to fill.  

This can be anything from a notice in a newspaper , to a posting on the company website . 

Make sure you read the posting carefully and pay close attention to the description of the job.  

This is when you will begin to start tailoring your cover letter!

Try to figure out exactly what Qualities (skills and abilities) the company values and make sure you highlight these in your cover letter.

As you go through the post, identify the key words and phrases that are used .  

When you write your cover letter, make sure you use these keywords and phrases (but don’t just copy and paste the ad word for word). 

As always, do your research beforehand and use that information to help tailor your letter and showcase how you would be a welcome addition to their team.

Application Cover Letter

For many entry level positions, the application process is fairly simple and straight forward.  

You’ll go into wherever it is you want to work and ask for an application.  

They’ll hand you a pre-printed form and you’ll sit down and fill it out before turning it back in.  

Many job seekers who are applying for these types of positions will simply turn in their application after filling them out. 

Submitting a well written cover letter along with your application will make you stand out to a prospective employer.  

You’re showing them that you are willing to do the work to get the job and that can go a long way towards getting hired.  

It’s also a great idea for individuals who are new to the job market and might not have prior employment history . 

You always want to start out your letter with a personal salutation, so if possible, when picking up an application, ask for a few days to fill it out before returning it as well as the name of the individual who will be reviewing it.  

While most employers are happy to let you take an application and bring it back later, there is always the possibility you will be asked to fill it out on the spot.   For situations like this, always make sure you bring a copy (or two) of a pre-prepared cover letter and resume with you so you can hand them in all together . 

Before heading out to pick up applications, make sure you have a few letters already typed up and pre-tailored to the locations you plan on applying to.  

Yes, it means taking a bit more time at the beginning of your application process, but it will be well worth it and again demonstrates to the employer that you are invested in the position.

Online Application Cover Letter

Many companies these days utilize online job posting websites like Brass Ring and Monster to advertise available positions.  

While this might seem like a convenience for you (hey, you can apply for jobs in your living room while wearing your pajamas all day!) it actually means your odds of getting an invitation to interview is going to be tougher than it would be if you were mailing in your information.

Why?   Three little letters…ATS.

What’s ATS?

ATS , or Applicant Tracking System , is a computer based screening program used to filter applicants.  

The program scans thousands of applications and quickly discards those that don’t fit the specific algorithm it’s been programmed with.  

While that might sound like a great way to streamline the hiring process, it also means that whatever you submit has to be carefully crafted to ensure that it makes it through this robotic filter.  

If not done properly, your submission could be discarded before ever being seen by a living human being…and we definitely don’t want that!

The first thing you want to do is wrap your head around the idea that you are going to first be facing a robot and that it’s been programmed to get rid of you.   Okay, maybe not you specifically (we’ll save the Terminator analogies for another post) but certainly your application.

So how do you beat the bot?   By thinking like one.

Start by reading the job description carefully.  

Because the computer is going to be programmed to select only the candidates that perfectly match what the company is looking for, you need to make sure you are the right fit.  

Re-read the posting until you clearly understand exactly what the company is looking for and that you are absolutely able to fill that spot with the skills , qualities , experience and education you have. 

Tailoring your letter is something you should do for every position you apply for, but when it comes to online applications that are likely to be run through ATS, it’s absolutely vital.  

You want to make sure that your cover letter is specific to the job you are applying for.

Clearly state the title you are applying for and verify that it matches the title in the posting .  

Pay extra attention to the details of the position and the description of the job.   Many of the key words the bot is programmed to respond to will be in there.  

Use those same descriptions and key words in your cover letter and resume, but do it judiciously.  

Try not to repeat them more than two times.   Stuffing your letter with keywords might seem like an easy way to guarantee success, but it’s more likely to result in your application being flagged by the program and rejected . 

Make sure to carefully check your letter for spelling and grammar errors.  

This is a basic rule you should follow no matter what, but in this case, it’s even more crucial that your submission material is flaw free.  

While a human can read a letter and usually figure out what you mean regardless of tiny problems or a misspelled word here or there, a bot is looking for exact matches…not “close enough.”  

Keep this in mind when using acronyms as well.   To avoid the risk of an acronym being rejected by the bot, use both the acronym as well as the spelled out words. 

Ultimately you want your application to make it through ATS and into the hands of an actual human.  

It’s a delicate balancing act between being specific enough to pass ATS and still engaging enough to catch the attention of the hiring manager.   It’s tough, but it can be done!

Cold Call Cover Letter

A cold call cover letter is a letter you send out along with your resume to a company you want to work for that has NOT advertised any openings .  

Generally this is something you do when you find a company that you really want to work for but they don’t have any openings that fit your skills or they’re not soliciting for applicants. 

Applying for a job that doesn’t exist can be a risky venture, but it can also be a smart one.  

If you’re the Perfect Candidate (and you are!) you could potentially gain early consideration for an opening that comes up down the road.   Best case scenario, they think you’re so absolutely amazing that they find a job for you! 

Keep in mind, you’re not the only person on this planet who has submitted a cold call cover letter and resume, and you’re asking a company for a job that doesn’t exist…which means you have to make sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that whatever you send in is absolutely perfect.

Remember, the company is NOT asking for people to submit to them , so you need to figure out what it is that you offer that makes you worth considering.   What can you bring to the table that they don’t already have and why should they take the time to look at your materials?

The first step for cold contacting a company is doing your research.  

Of course, as a student of The Interview Guys , you’re already well versed in the art of researching, but when it comes to a cold contact like this, you have to go above and beyond in your digging.  

You want your cover letter to contain knowledge of specific current situations within the company and how you can help .  

Just writing to a company and telling them how much you love them and want to work for them very rarely results in a job offer.  

You’re more likely to get a thank you note and a package of free corporate bumper stickers than an offer of employment. 

Open your letter with a solid salutation addressed to a specific individual.  

Because this is a cold contact, it’s absolutely imperative that you address your letter to exactly the right person.   You want to make sure that your information ends up with whoever is most likely to hire you.  

Open your letter with a generic salutation and you run the risk of it being either immediately tossed or passed onto someone who can’t do anything with it except send you that package of corporate bumper stickers.  

Make sure during your research that you determine exactly who should receive your information and address it to them.

The body of your letter is going to be critical to your success in this adventure.   You want to make sure that you open with a paragraph so strong, so focused, so dynamic, that whoever is reading it can’t help but keep reading.   You want the first paragraph your intended audience reads to hook their attention and draw them in, and this will come from your research. 

Have you found something in your digging that indicates that the company has a need you can fill?  

Are they preparing for an expansion and you know they’re going to need someone with your skills in the very near future?  

Is there an aspect of their business that is lagging and you know you can help strengthen it? 

** SIDE NOTE :   Make sure you are careful when addressing a failure within a company, even if you are offering them a solution.   You want them to see you as a viable answer to their problem, not an annoying upstart pointing out their flaws.  

It’s a delicate balance, but we have faith in you!

Follow up your opening paragraph by expanding on your key strengths and skills and how you plan on using them to benefit your target company .  

Try to include achievements and examples of how you’ve succeeded in the past and be prepared to back it up with proof should they reach out to you . 

Another great way to help strengthen your chances of securing an interview (and possibly a job) is to mention any connections you have to the company.  

Be sure you let whoever you are name dropping know that you’re doing this…you want to make sure if they get asked about you they have nothing but good things to say about you!   It’s a good idea to put this information early in your letter.   People are much more likely to read your letter if they see that you have a personal connection.

Close your letter out with options on how to move forward to the next step.  

While your ultimate goal with your letter and resume is a job interview, you might not feel comfortable straight out asking for one in a cold call situation.   Of course, if you are…more power to you…but if you feel that a softer approach is called for, try asking instead for information about their hiring practices, job fairs, a tour of the company or even for an informational interview .

What’s an informational interview?

An informational interview is one where you sit down with someone who works in a career or job you want to learn more about.   You’ll learn about what they do, what skills they need to have in order to succeed in their position and what it’s like to work where they work.  

It is NOT an interview for a job…but it could potentially lead to one down the road as whoever you are doing the interview with is now personally acquainted with you.

Remember, the key to success with a cold call cover letter depends on a number of factors including timing and how well you understand the company you are submitting to as well as how thorough your research is. 

Recruiter’s Ad Cover Letter

Many companies these days have turned their entire employee hiring process over to executive search firms staffed by highly trained recruiters.  

These recruiters might work with a number of companies (their clients) and are usually focused on a very specific category of job placement (e.g., engineers, paralegals, etc.).  

The recruiters will often place ads which allows them to pull together large numbers of qualified job candidates.  

Then they’ll go through those candidates and present the best of the best to their clients in the hopes that one of them (or more) will be hired.

To put it bluntly (and in keeping with our blind date analogy) recruiters are the matchmakers of the job world.   The companies tell the recruiters who they are looking for and the recruiters go through the piles of candidates they have on hand and try to find the best fit. 

When you respond to an ad placed by a recruiter and submit your cover letter and resume, you’re not usually submitting it for a specific job…rather you’re providing them with your information and skill set in the hopes that it matches up with a job assignment or opening they get from their corporate clients…and that means you have to take a totally different approach to how you write your cover letter.

Because a recruiter is looking for a specific set of skills to fill open positions , they will almost always start by first looking at your resume before ever looking at your cover letter.

Hang on, if they’re looking at my resume and ignoring my cover letter, then why even include one?

Don’t worry…your cover letter will get looked at…just not right away…which is why the information contained within it needs to be a little different than the information you would normally put into a cover letter.

If after reading your resume a recruiter decides you are a good fit for the position, they’ll turn to your cover letter for more information about you…and what they’re looking for is fairly specific .

A cover letter to a recruiter needs to quickly answer questions they might have about your eligibility and willingness to do the job they are pitching you for .  

You want to use your cover letter to explain what you can do, what you are qualified to do, and what you require in order to accept the job if it’s offered to you.

Start your letter out with a personal salutation.   You are essentially going to be represented by your recruiter so it’s a good idea to know who is passing your information around.

Your first paragraph should be a quick introduction into what you are and what you do.   They need to know what you are currently doing and where you are doing it.   You should also include in this section why you are looking for a new job and what you hope to get out of establishing a relationship with your recruiter.

The second paragraph should outline your skills and accomplishments as well as your background.   This is the paragraph where you lay out exactly why you believe you would be an asset to the recruiter’s clients. 

The third paragraph should cover the jobs and industries you are looking for employment in.   It’s also the paragraph where you discuss your salary history as well as your current salary range requirements. 

** SALARY SIDE NOTE :   Normally with cover letters you do NOT want to include salary information.   We’ll discuss this more in depth later on in this article, but for now, be aware, this is one of the few times when it’s not only acceptable, it’s necessary.

Make sure you also include whether or not you’d be willing to travel or relocate.  

Finally, make sure you include your availability and when you would be able to start a new job if offered.

Recruiter Cold Call Cover Letter

Submitting a cold call cover letter and resume to a recruiter is a lot like submitting a cold call cover letter to a company; you’re reaching out to someone who is not soliciting for applicants in the hopes of being considered for a position that may or may not exist .

When we went over Recruiter Ad cover letters, we told you that the recruiters would look at your resume first and your cover letter second…which in that scenario is true.  

In this scenario, where you are reaching out to them rather than responding to an ad or solicitation they’ve generated, they are absolutely going to look at your cover letter first…if for no reason other than to figure out who you are and why you’re contacting them. 

The best way to ensure that your letter and information gets a serious look is by doing your research on the recruiter you are contacting ahead of time.  

Recruiters are usually very specific about who they’re looking for and what they’re recruiting for, so it’s important that you contact someone who represents the field you are qualified to work in.

The first paragraph is where you introduce yourself.   Let the recruiter know who you are and what you are/what you do.   You also want to let them know what you would like to do and what sort of job you are looking for and why you are looking for a new job.   Make sure you are specific and provide any details you think might help them in matching you with the right company should an opportunity arise.

The second paragraph should outline your skills and accomplishments as well as your background.   This is the paragraph where you lay out exactly why you believe you would be an asset to the recruiter’s clients and should be included in their pile of potential pitches.   It’s also the paragraph where you let the recruiter know clearly what type of work you are interested in, be it full time, part time, permanent or freelance.   Make sure you decide ahead of time and stick with it.   A recruiter needs to know your level of commitment to the jobs they are submitting you for.

The third paragraph is where you discuss your salary history as well as your current salary range requirements. 

** SALARY SIDE NOTE PART DEUX :   As we said above with Recruiter Ad Cover Letters, discussing your salary in a cover letter is normally not done.   We’ll discuss this more in depth later on in this article, but for now, be aware, this is one of the few times when again it’s not only acceptable, it’s necessary.

Finally, make sure you include your availability and when you would be able to start a new job if offered. 

With a recruiter cold call letter, you don’t normally include how you plan to follow up with them.  

Recruiters are incredibly busy and are highly trained in what they do.   Although you might be tempted to reach out to them, hold off.   Bothering them isn’t going to get you anywhere.  

If they see something in you that warrants their attention, they will reach out to you.

Direct Mail Campaign Cover Letter

A Direct Mail Campaign is where a job seeker sends out hundreds of letters and resumes to potential employers in the hopes of securing an interview or position.  

Although similar to the Cold Call Cover Letter in that you are submitting to companies that aren’t currently advertising positions, it’s a much less focused process and involves you sending the same cover letter and resume out to everyone in the hopes that someone responds back.

When you do a Direct Mail Campaign Cover Letter, you want to avoid anything that would specifically apply to one company over another.  

Because you’re sending this same letter out to multiple companies, you want to be general enough for it to apply broadly, but not so general that it works against you.

Your cover letter should start out by introducing the reader to who you are and what you do as well as what job you are seeking. 

The next paragraphs should detail your skills and experience with the job you are seeking and why you are qualified to do it.

Finally, be sure to wrap your letter up with information on how the company can contact you if interested. 

**A WORD OF CAUTION WITH DIRECT MAIL CAMPAIGNS:   While it might seem like this method is more efficient than targeting and tailoring your information for specific companies and jobs, it can also work against you.   Most hiring managers can quickly recognize a direct mail letter and will discard it as ‘spam.’

Referral Cover Letter

A Referral Cover Letter is one you send after someone who works with the company or has contacts within the industry refers you .  

It is similar to any other company cover letter with the exception of the opening paragraph.

Make sure to introduce yourself and also mention the individual who referred you to the company or position.  

If possible, include anything specific your contact has told you about the position or the person you are reaching out to .

Once you have finished your introductory paragraph, use the rest of your letter to discuss your skills , education , background , training … anything that will help to show that you are a good fit for the position .

Finally make sure you close your letter with your plans for following up with them and how they might contact you with any questions.

Blind Posting Cover Letter

A blind job posting is one in which a company posts a job opening but decides to remain anonymous.  

A company might decide to blind post for a high profile position they don’t want to call attention to so as not to appear lacking in leadership.  

Other times it’s meant to build excitement and mystery to help increase the number of applicants. 

Submitting to a blind listing means tailoring your letter to the company is going to be difficult…but it doesn’t have to be impossible…and that extra bit of sleuthing can help really elevate your application above the rest of the entries. 

A good place to start is by taking a closer look at the posting.   Is there a fax number or email included?   Sometimes you can get lucky, and with a bit of internet digging, trace those backwards to find out what company those are attached to .   The same goes for a physical address or P.O. Box.

Look for key phrases as well.  

Is the company referencing anything specific like “we have been ranked number one in employee retention and satisfaction for the past five years.”?  

Type that phrase into your favorite search engine and see what pops up. 

Of course, the goal of figuring out who the company is isn’t so you can reveal how smart you are in your letter…rather, it’s to help with your tailoring process.  

Proving you’re a master detective could potentially backfire…especially if you’re wrong.   Instead of bragging about your digging skills, use what you learn to help show why you’re a perfect fit for the job.

How do you address a cover letter for a blind posting?  

Ideally you want to make sure your letter is personal and that means addressing it to a specific individual, but in a situation like this, you have to consider other options.  

In the event you figure out exactly what company is hiring for…and there is absolutely NO DOUBT about their identity, then you could potentially go online, look at their website and see who is overseeing hiring…but we’re going to strongly caution you against this.   Again…you could be wrong…or worse…look creepy and stalkerish.  

This is one instance when using “Dear Hiring Manager” is perfectly acceptable.

Once you get this all done, it’s time to tackle the content of your letter.   Again, because this is a blind posting, it’s going to be tough tailoring your information.  

That means you have to pay extra close attention to exactly what the posting says.  

Go over it carefully and pay attention to exactly what the company is looking for.  

Make sure you highlight exactly how you fit what they’re looking for and include examples demonstrating your skills, knowledge and experience .  

If the posting contains specific instructions, be sure to follow them to the absolute letter.   This is a good thing to do no matter what, but in a blind posting, it can be the make or break.

In a normal job posting where you know who you are applying to, your closing paragraph should always include how you plan on following up with the company.  

Unfortunately with blind job postings, that’s not possible.   Regardless, you want to make sure your final paragraph is strong and lets the hiring manager (whoever they are) know that you are looking forward to the possibility of discussing the position in greater detail at an in person interview.

Internship Cover Letter

An internship is a great way to get your foot in the door and learn more about a company/career you are thinking of pursuing.  

Just because it’s an internship and not an actual job doesn’t mean you shouldn’t treat it just as seriously.

Make sure when you’re addressing your letter that you’re sending it to the right individual.   Many times with internships they’re facilitated by the educational institution you’re attending and will provide you with specific contact information.  

If you are securing your own internship and not receiving university assistance with the process, make sure you do your research ahead of time and find out who will be reading your letter. 

Start out your letter by clearly stating your intent to secure an internship so there is no confusion and your letter ends up in the wrong pile…or worse, the trash.

Always include your educational background information ; what you’re studying and where .

As you continue into the body of your letter, don’t allow yourself to be intimidated by your lack of “work” experience.   When applying for an internship, it’s okay to have less experience than someone who is employed in the field you are entering.   In fact, it’s expected!  

An internship is an opportunity to learn.   Including a paragraph about what you hope to take away from this internship and how it will help you achieve your long term goals is a great way to show enthusiasm and set you apart from the crowd .

No Prior Work Experience Cover Letter

If you’re just entering the job market or a recent graduate, it can be intimidating writing cover letters without any experience.  

Not to worry!

It’s still absolutely essential to send out a cover letter…we just have to tailor it a bit differently. 

Writing a cover letter for an entry level position, or to a job you have no experience in is very similar to the letter you would write as an intern.   It’s perfectly fine to highlight your non-employment related experiences… if they are relevant to the job.

For recent graduates, make sure to include where you went to school and how what you’ve studied relates directly to the job you are applying for .

Volunteer experiences ,  internships ,  related classes , projects ,  leadership experiences ,  extracurricular activities  and your skills that pertain to the position you’re applying for all can and should be mentioned in your cover letter .

A lack of experience doesn’t mean you’re allowed to have a lack of knowledge about what you’re applying for and the company you’re applying to.  

That means you still have to do your research!  

Make sure you know everything you can about the company . Visit their website . Read their blog . Get inside their corporate heads and figure out how you and what you bring are the perfect fit !

If the job posting has buzzwords, be sure to include those in your letter and make sure they relate to the skills you’ve got.

Finally, as with any and all cover letters, be honest, be succinct, be professional.

Check out our new blog post that covers 12 great cover letter examples!

 Let’s Talk About Salary, Baby

As promised, we’re going to quickly discuss if and when you should bring up salary requirements in your cover letters.

Generally you DO NOT and SHOULD NOT include this information in your cover letters (with the exception of the two Recruiter specific letters we discussed above).  

If an employer does not require you to include any salary information (including history, requirement or range) then don’t put it in there.  

There is a time and a place for the salary discussion and we cover that in our article “ How To Negotiate Salary During The Interview Process. ” 

If an employer asks you for your salary information but doesn’t require it, hold off on passing that information on until it becomes an actual requirement.

But what do you do if an employer says you must include this information in order to apply?  

One way to tackle this tricky subject is to give a salary range.   Make sure you do your research ahead of time to determine what your job is worth and be sure to make your range realistic.   Also make sure that you are able to be flexible within that range should your employer decide to negotiate. 

Another way to answer this question is to state that your requirements are negotiable and that you are willing to factor in things like benefits and the actual position itself.

No matter what you put down, be sure to state clearly that your salary requirements are flexible and open to discussion. The last thing you want to do is lock yourself into a rate that is so high you lose the job or so low you find yourself being offered far less than what you’re worth .

Keep in mind that although most employers have a salary range for a position already figured out before you even walk through the door, it’s not set in stone.   If you are the Perfect Candidate (and you are!) a good employer will figure out how to pay more for you if they feel that will get you to accept the job…  

This won’t happen, however, if you lock yourself into a number too early in the game.    

So why is it okay to tell a recruiter my salary history and range but not a potential employer?

When you give an employer salary information, you are limiting your ability to negotiate.   Without the ability to negotiate, you run the risk of being offered or accepting a job for less than you deserve.

A recruiter, however, needs to know your salary information so they can use that information when pitching you for jobs to their clients.  

A recruiter is paid only after they fill a position for a client, and that fee is covered by the client themselves.  

Usually that fee amounts to a percentage of whatever the first year’s compensation for the new employee ends up being which means it’s in the recruiter’s best interest to try to get you as high a rate as possible. 

Recruiters also need to know this information so they can avoid pitching you for jobs that are lower than your range .  

It doesn’t do them any good to have an employer offer to hire you and have you turn it down because you aren’t happy with the salary. 

However, to prevent yourself from being locked into a situation where you are again faced with being offered too little or asking for too much, keep your answers in range form and base those numbers off of real world examples and your research.

Cover Letter Samples

Ok, so we’ve basically covered everything you could ever need to know about cover letters.   But I know what you might be thinking…

“Can I get a cover letter sample or two please Mike?   I’m basically an expert now but it would be much easier if I could just start with a cover letter template.”

Look, we covered a ton of stuff in this article so I don’t blame you.   So what we decided to do is enlist the help of our friends over at who have a treasure trove full of great cover letter samples that you can use as a guideline for your own letter.

But here’s the deal.   Hiring managers are smart AND have access to these websites as well, so you don’t want to simply choose a sample cover letter and then just completely rip it off.   Take the time to make it your own, because it will pay off in the long run.

Copying a cover letter example word for word will only make you sound like someone other than yourself, and that is not what we are trying to do here!

Ok so Vault separates their cover letter templates into four distinct categories, so go ahead and click the link below that applies to your situation the most:

Cold Call Cover Letters

Direct mail cover letters, response to ad cover letters, referral letters.

Those four categories above should give you enough examples of cover letters to get you prepared for writing your own!

If after sending your cover letter and your resume you don’t hear from the company within a couple of days, a quick “wanted to be sure you had received my application” email is an entirely appropriate follow-up, even without telling them that you will be following up first.

If you do end up needing to write a thank you note , you absolutely should slip in a line like “ I really think my (skills and talents that are relevant to the job) would be great for (the company), and want to make sure my application didn’t get lost or submitted incorrectly. ”

You can also throw in something again about why you want to work at that company – mention some company values or exciting projects to show that you’ve done your research and are really interested in them specifically.

And don’t forget to study as many cover letter examples as you can!  Especially the cover letter example that we laid out for you in detail in this article.

So there you have it!   How To Write a Cover Letter 101 .  

By following what we’ve laid out here for you, your cover letter is going to be a single paged professional introduction aimed at getting you in the door and on your way to an interview .  

By using our tailoring method and infusing the body of your letter with keywords and the qualities the employer is looking for, you’ll be positioning yourself for a spot at the top of their list of potential candidates.

Just remember, dating analogies aside, it’s probably a good idea to leave the flowers and chocolates at home.

FREE : "Perfect Cover Letter" PDF CHEAT SHEET

Get our handy "Perfect Cover Letter" cheat sheet.

In it you'll get a step-by-step process that will let you craft the perfect cover letter.


how to write a good cover letter writing

Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at

His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

About The Author

Mike simpson.

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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how to write a good cover letter writing

How to Write a Cover Letter That Gets You a Job Interview

Learn to avoid the biggest mistake job seekers make and write a cover letter that truly makes an impact.

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Most job seekers don’t know how to write a proper cover letter. They believe a cover letter is just a “here is my resume” note. This is a wasted opportunity!

In this article, you’ll discover the secret to writing a professional cover letter that’s truly effective. It’s not hard to do and will give you a significant edge over the competition. We’ll walk you through the process in a few straightforward steps and provide examples to help you along the way.

Ready to get started? Let’s dive in and create a cover letter that opens doors to your next opportunity.

What is a cover letter and do you really need one?

A cover letter is a short document (around 300 words) that accompanies your resume. Your cover letter should not simply repeat what your resume says . Instead, it should complement your resume, highlight your personality, and potentially address any weaknesses that could otherwise prevent you from getting an interview.

But do you really need a cover letter in 2024? The short answer is YES.

“Over 80% of hiring managers read a cover letter and 60% of applications require one as part of the application,” says career coach Madelyn Mackie . “Even hiring managers and recruiters who say they never read cover letters may find themselves drawn in by a particularly compelling letter.”

In fact, Jobscan analyzed nearly 1 million job applications and found that including a cover letter with your resume makes you  1.9 times more likely  to be invited for an interview compared to those who left out a cover letter.

How to write a cover letter

What’s the biggest cover letter mistake?

The biggest mistake job seekers make when writing their cover letter is to focus only on themselves .

“It’s not about you,” says career coach Susan Schwartz . “It’s about what you can do for them. Talking to them about what they care about—not about what you want—is what’s going to make them want to read your letter. And to hire you!”

According to Schwartz, this is the best way to write a cover letter:

Paragraph 1. A single sentence (maximum two) stating the PROBLEM that the company faces. What is the issue/need/opportunity that this role will address?

Paragraph 2. what solution do you offer how are you the answer to their need again, keep it to a sentence or two., paragraph 3. explanation: what experience do you have that supports your assertion that you can help this paragraph can be 3-4 sentences, but keep it short., paragraph 4. call to action: suggest next steps. not “thank you” but let’s plan to discuss this next week..

Since hiring managers often spend less than 20 seconds on an application, your cover letter needs to grab their attention and get them to look at your resume. By highlighting how your experience matches the job, you make it easier for them to see you as a great fit for the role.

Now let’s examine each of these steps in more detail.

How to write a strong cover letter step-by-step

Now that you know the basics of what to include in your cover letter, let’s go through the process from start to finish to see how you can write a cover letter that will make you stand out from the rest of the candidates.

1. Do your research

Before writing your cover letter, research the company to understand its current challenges and goals. Visit the company website, read their latest news and press releases, and follow their social media channels.

Don’t skip this step! It’s crucial for writing a cover letter that truly resonates with a potential employer and sets you apart from other candidates.

After you’ve researched the company, carefully read the job description. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What specific problems or challenges is this role designed to address?
  • How do my skills and experiences align with the job requirements?
  • Am I a good fit for the role?
  • What unique value can I bring to the company in this role?
  • Are there any keywords or phrases that I should incorporate into my cover letter?

After researching the company and the role, you’re ready to start writing your cover letter.

2. Write your opening paragraphs

Many job seekers make the mistake of being too wordy in their cover letters. You’re not writing a novel. Use short words in short sentences. Remember, a hiring manager is going to quickly scan your application, so you need to get right to the point.

Here are some examples of how to start a cover letter:

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I’ve noticed that NexGen is working hard to stand out in a crowded digital market, and keeping your brand top-of-mind for customers can be tough.

That’s where I come in—I specialize in creating engaging content and smart SEO strategies that boost online presence and drive customer engagement.

I understand that Weissman is seeking to maintain its innovative edge in the dancewear industry while consistently meeting sales and margin targets.

I am confident that my experience and passion for design can help Weissman continue to create stunning, market-leading dancewear.

I understand that Timmons Company needs motivated individuals to manage sales territories and boost product visibility in retail grocery stores around Quincy, IL.

I am excited to bring my self-motivation and sales-oriented mindset to your team, ensuring your products not only maintain their shelf presence but also thrive.

3. Prove you can do the job

Now you need to provide evidence that you’re the right person for the job. The best way to do this is to highlight your relevant experience and achievements. Here are some things you should focus on:

  • Specific Accomplishments : Share examples of your successes, such as increasing sales, leading projects, or improving processes.
  • Relevant Skills : Highlight the skills that match the job requirements, like planning, organizing, technical proficiencies, or specific industry experience.
  • Problem-Solving : Discuss times when you successfully tackled challenges, such as resolving issues, managing conflicts, or implementing solutions.
  • Industry Knowledge : Demonstrate your understanding of the field and awareness of current trends and standards.
  • Team Collaboration : Mention how you’ve effectively worked in teams, mentored others, or collaborated across departments.

Remember to keep it concise. Your letter isn’t meant to tell your whole story; it’s about making a compelling case that you understand the key aspects of the job.

Your goal is to leave the reader eager to learn more about you. Here are some examples:

“Over the past five years, I’ve led digital marketing campaigns that ramped up organic traffic by 40% and bumped up conversion rates by 25%. I’ve worked with diverse teams to create compelling content that resonates with audiences and used data analytics to refine strategies for maximum impact. My experience with social media management and email marketing also ensures a holistic approach to your digital marketing needs.”

“With over ten years in apparel design, specializing in activewear and dancewear, I have a proven track record of developing designs that resonate with customers and drive sales. My expertise includes conducting global trend research, selecting inspiring materials, and leading teams to transform creative concepts into market-ready products. I am proficient in Adobe Creative Suite and have experience with CLO3D, ensuring that my designs are both innovative and technically sound. My leadership skills have been honed by mentoring junior designers and managing cross-functional teams, fostering a collaborative and efficient design process.”

“With several years of experience in CPG retail sales and merchandising, I have successfully managed sales territories, maintained product placements, and executed promotional strategies. My ability to plan and organize, combined with proficiency in Microsoft Office and familiarity with iPads, positions me well to contribute effectively to your sales team. I am adept at thinking on my feet and delivering results in dynamic environments, ensuring that products are always tagged, rotated, and optimally displayed.”

4. Conclude with a call to action

When wrapping up your cover letter, it’s crucial to include a strong call to action in your closing paragraph. This isn’t just about expressing gratitude—it’s about setting the stage for the next steps in the hiring process.

Instead of a simple “thank you,” aim to propose a specific plan, such as scheduling a meeting or a call to discuss how you can contribute to the company.

Here are some examples of how to end a cover letter :

“Let’s discuss how I can help NexGen Creative Agency achieve its sales goals next week. Please let me know your availability for a meeting.”

“How about we chat next week about how I can help Weissman shine even brighter? Let me know when you’re free.”

“Let’s plan to discuss how my self-motivation and sales-oriented mindset can boost product visibility for Timmons Company next week. Please let me know your availability for a meeting.”

There is no need to add anything more. Time is valuable, so hiring managers won’t spend it on a cover letter that isn’t concise and to the point.

Expert tips for writing a cover letter

We’ve gone over the basics of how to write a good cover letter. Here are some expert tips for formatting and how to make your cover letter even better.

Format your contact information correctly

Before diving into the content of your cover letter, it’s important to format the contact details and header correctly. You’ll need to include your name, full address, phone number, and email address.

Here’s an example:

How to write a cover letter header.

Personalize your greeting

To whom should you address your cover letter to? “For maximum impact, see if you can find the hiring manager or recruiter for the role, and send your letter to them,” says career coach Susan Schwarz . “Addressing your letter to a specific person will significantly increase the likelihood of someone reading it.”

Check the company’s website or LinkedIn profile to find the name of the hiring manager. However, if you can’t find a specific name, “Dear Hiring Manager” will suffice.

To end a cover letter, you can use “best regards” or “kind regards” followed by your full name.

Show your personality

While it’s important to maintain a professional tone in your cover letter, don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through. But remember, you don’t want to overdo it—keep it concise and relevant .

Here are some ways to show your personality in your cover letter:

  • Briefly mention a specific project or experience you enjoyed.
  • Highlight a distinctive skill or trait that sets you apart.
  • Talk about how your values align with the company’s mission or culture.
  • Describe a unique volunteer experience.

Emphasize your adaptability

According to LinkedIn , the top “skill of the moment” is adaptability . This means being open to new ideas, ready to pivot when needed, and always looking for ways to improve. In a world where the only constant is change, being adaptable can set you apart.

Here’s an example of how to incorporate adaptability into your cover letter:

“In my previous role as a CPG retail sales merchandiser, I consistently demonstrated my ability to adjust to changing market conditions, customer preferences, and sales strategies. This adaptability allowed me to increase sales by 25% in a highly competitive market.”

Show enthusiasm

Research shows that 40% of employers would not hire a candidate if they lacked enthusiasm. Remember, you’re much more attractive to employers when you’re on fire .

Here’s an example of how to show enthusiasm for the company you’re applying to:

“I’ve long admired Weissman’s commitment to the dance community and the artistry of your costumes. Your dedication to empowering performances and celebrating creativity is inspiring, and I’m excited about the opportunity to join your passionate team.”

Balance professionalism with friendliness

Try to strike a balance between a professional and friendly tone. Don’t use overly formal language, but make sure your writing is polished and error-free. Use humor sparingly, as it can be easily misinterpreted.

This approach helps you come across as both competent and personable, making you an ideal candidate.

Cover letter do’s and don’ts

  • Do personalize . Address your cover letter to a specific person whenever possible.
  • Do be concise . Keep your cover letter to one page.
  • Do show enthusiasm . Mention specific reasons why you want to work there.
  • Do include measurable accomplishments . These are achievements that can be quantified , such as increasing sales by a percentage.
  • Do show your personality . Share brief anecdotes or unique experiences relevant to the job.
  • Do be professional yet friendly . Avoid overly formal language.
  • Do proofread your cover letter. A single mistake can damage your chances of getting an interview.
  • Do include a call to action. Suggest scheduling a meeting or a call.
  • Don’t be too formal . Strike a balance between professionalism and friendliness.
  • Don’t overuse humor . Humor can be easily misinterpreted or come off as unprofessional.
  • Don’t repeat your resume . Your cover letter should complement your resume, not repeat it.
  • Don’t include irrelevant information. Focus only on what’s most relevant to the job you’re applying for.
  • Don’t use clichés . Phrases like “I am a hard worker” or “I think outside the box” are overused and add little value.
  • Don’t make excuses . Avoid explaining gaps in employment or other potential negatives.
  • Don’t forget to tailor each letter . Customizing each cover letter will help it pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

Cover letter examples

Here are a few cover letter examples that show how to highlight your skills, show your personality, and match your experiences with the job.

Cover letter example for someone with no work experience

Starting your career can be challenging, especially when you don’t have much experience to showcase. But don’t worry—a well-written cover letter can highlight your strengths and potential.

Cover letter example for someone with no experience.

  • Addresses the company’s needs : The letter begins by acknowledging the challenges the company faces, demonstrating an understanding of the industry and the company’s needs.
  • Offers a solution : The candidate clearly states how they can provide value by offering a fresh perspective and innovative ideas.
  • Highlights relevant experience : Even with limited work experience, the letter mentions a successful internship project that aligns with the job’s requirements.
  • Shows enthusiasm and passion : The mention of a passion for sustainability and eagerness to contribute to the company’s efforts showcases the candidate’s genuine interest.
  • Proposes next steps : The call to action is clear and professional, suggesting a meeting to discuss how the candidate can contribute, which shows initiative and confidence.

Cover letter example for someone changing careers

Changing careers can be a bold and exciting move, especially when you have a strong foundation of transferable skills. The following example of a cover letter demonstrates how to effectively highlight your previous experience and enthusiasm for a new industry.

Cover letter example for someone changing careers.

  • Engaging opening : Starts with a bold question that captures attention and sets the tone for the rest of the letter.
  • Clear value proposition : Quickly establishes how the candidate’s project management skills can benefit the finance industry.
  • Relevant experience : Highlights a specific project that showcases the candidate’s ability to improve efficiency and manage complex tasks.
  • Expresses enthusiasm : Shows genuine excitement about the career change and the specific company.
  • Call to action : Concludes with a clear and confident call to action, suggesting a meeting to discuss how the candidate can contribute to the company’s success.

Cover letter example for someone re-entering the workforce

Re-entering the workforce after a significant break can be challenging, but it’s also an opportunity to showcase your resilience and the valuable skills you’ve developed during your time away.

The following cover letter example demonstrates how to effectively address employment gaps while highlighting your strengths and enthusiasm for the role.

Cover letter example for someone returning to work after an employment gap.

  • Strong opening statement : The cover letter begins with a compelling statement about the importance of adaptability and innovation, setting a positive and forward-thinking tone.
  • Addresses employment gap : It acknowledges the employment gap upfront, providing context without dwelling on it, which demonstrates honesty and transparency.
  • Highlights relevant experience : The letter emphasizes past accomplishments and specific projects, showcasing the candidate’s skills and ability to deliver results.
  • Shows enthusiasm for the role : The candidate expresses excitement about re-entering the workforce and aligns their values with the company’s mission.
  • Proposes next steps : It ends with a clear call to action, suggesting a meeting to discuss how the candidate can contribute to the company’s success.

Generate a perfectly crafted cover letter in seconds

If you’re still having trouble writing your cover letter, try Jobscan’s AI cover letter generator . It analyzes both your resume and the job ad to create a completely original cover letter customized for the job you’re applying for.

To learn more about how the cover letter generator works, watch this brief video:

You can try Jobscan’s cover letter generator for free below:

Key takeaways

Follow these key takeaways to write a compelling cover letter that sets you apart from other candidates and opens doors to new career opportunities.

  • Write with the employer’s needs in mind. Explain how you can address their specific challenges and contribute to their goals.
  • Keep it brief . Use short sentences and paragraphs to make it easy for hiring managers to scan quickly.
  • Address your letter to a specific person . If you can’t find a name, “Dear Hiring Manager” will suffice.
  • Showcase your relevant experience. Use specific examples to demonstrate your abilities.
  • Inject your personality. Share brief anecdotes or unique experiences relevant to the job.
  • End with a strong call to action . Suggest a meeting or a call to discuss how you can contribute to the company’s success.
  • Proofread your letter. A single error can torpedo your chances at getting an interview.
  • Show enthusiasm. Showing excitement and a willingness to learn can make you a more attractive candidate.

A cover letter should be one page long, consisting of three to four paragraphs. The total word count should be around 250-400 words.

When you don’t have a specific name, you can use “Dear Hiring Manager.” Avoid using “To Whom It May Concern,” as it is considered old-fashioned.

When emailing a cover letter, use a clear subject line like “Application for Content Developer – [Your Name].” Paste your cover letter into the email body. Attach your resume.

Yes, a cover letter is necessary because good first impressions are important. By highlighting your qualifications and showing enthusiasm for the role, you can gain an advantage over someone who doesn’t send one.

Employers look for personalization in a cover letter, showing that it’s tailored to the specific job and company. Highlight relevant experience and skills that match the job requirements. Include specific achievements that demonstrate your capabilities and contributions.

Yes. Providing specific examples of your achievements helps demonstrate your skills and qualifications, making your application more compelling to employers.

A cover letter starts with your contact information, first and last name, the date, and the employer’s details. Begin with an introduction about your suitability for the role. Include a brief section highlighting relevant experience and skills with examples. Conclude by asking for an interview.

The primary goals of a simple cover letter are to make a good impression, get someone to read your resume, and offer you a job interview. It also shows you have good communication skills, which are highly valuable in today’s workforce.

The opening sentence should state the problem the company faces or pose a thought-provoking question to grab the hiring manager’s attention.

author image

Robert Henderson, CPRW, is a career advice writer and a resume expert at Jobscan.

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Microsoft 365 Life Hacks > Writing > How to write a great cover letter for a job

How to write a great cover letter for a job

Job hunting can be tough—especially when it comes to your cover letter. Writing a unique, eye-catching cover letter for a job application is one of the toughest parts of the entire process.

To help you land your dream job, we’ve created this quick guide to writing a stand-out cover letter. Let’s dive in.

Woman using a digital pen inking to review a resume Word document using HP Spectre X360

What is a cover letter?

Before you can write an outstanding cover letter for a job application, you’ve got to understand what it is.

Your resume lays down the facts about your professional history. Your cover letter puts all of that information in context. A good cover letter will contain:

  • An explanation for why you are applying for a role
  • A description of how your past work history makes you an outstanding candidate
  • A hint of your soft skills and ability to adapt to a new work culture

Cover letter contents vary depending on your industry, work history, and the open job. There is no clear formula for writing one, though there are certain tips you can follow. Because there is no “right” way to craft a cover letter, templates will not be much help. While you can use a template to format your cover letter, you’ll want to write the bulk of it yourself.

The more unique and creative your cover letter is, the more likely a recruiter will contact you for an interview.

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Why is having a good cover letter important?

Cover letters are optional for some applications. In the current tight job market, employers try to make it easier for people to apply for their positions. However, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t write one.

Over half of senior managers say that cover letters are worthwhile. If other applicants don’t include a cover letter for a job and you do, you have already set yourself apart from the pack. If your cover letter is well-written, your initial impression gets more of a boost. Even if a cover letter isn’t requested, it’s a good move to include one anyway. Be sure to go the extra mile.

For jobs that do require cover letters, a well-written cover letter can easily prove your professionalism to recruiters.

Ten tips for writing a stand-out cover letter for a job

Cover letters are important, but how do you write one that recruiters and hiring managers won’t stop talking about? Here are ten top tips for crafting a cover letter for a job:

  • Address your recruiter or hiring manager by name. Using your recipient’s name quickly makes your cover letter stand out. Addressing your recipient by name shows them that you’re willing to put that extra work in.
  • Link your history to the job description. Carefully review the job description before you write your cover letter. Pick out a few leading job requirements, and connect your work history examples to those requirements.
  • Show, don’t tell. Don’t just tell your audience about your achievements. Show them. Give examples, and try to include results where you can. Add in numbers where you can, too. Quantified results will stand out.
  • Create a story. In your cover letter, demonstrate how your past work history has raised you to your present level. Then, explain how you will be able to succeed at the specific role you’re applying for. Think of it as a story with a strong narrative arc.
  • Use an appropriate, approachable tone. Formal cover letters can seem off-putting in this day and age. Write in a casual yet professional tone. If your industry skews conservative or otherwise, keep that in mind.
  • Insert your personality. Hiring teams want to know if you’ll be a flexible co-worker. Try to make your cover letter reflect your personality—especially if you’re naturally energetic, positive, or kind.
  • Be honest. Don’t stretch the truth in your cover letter. In fact, this is the place to address any potential issues, like an employment gap or botched project. Honesty can be impressive, showing hiring managers how you would resolve a mistake or problem in your new role.
  • Leave out what you can. Mainly, you don’t want to overwhelm your readers with information. They can ask follow-up questions during the interview. Leave out any history that isn’t necessary or relevant.
  • End with a call of action. Don’t tell the letter recipient that you’d like for him or her to reach out immediately. That’s overstepping boundaries. But you should feel free to let them know that you’re excited to talk with them soon.
  • Coordinate your letter with your resume. Finally, you can coordinate your cover letter with your resume. Ensure both documents use similar language. You can even ensure the design matches for that extra touch with cover letter and resume templates .

Overview: what your cover letter is really about

At the end of the day, the best way to write a good cover letter for a job is to be yourself and show how much you want the job. Ultimately, recruiters and hiring managers are looking for enthusiastic team members who are willing to work hard for good results.

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How to write a great cover letter

A cover letter is your chance to introduce yourself to a potential employer and spark their interest in reading your resume.

When you’re prepping job applications, a cover letter might seem like an afterthought compared to your resume. But your cover letter is worth just as much attention . That doesn’t mean it needs to be overly detailed – in fact, a simple single page is best.

Here are the key points to know about cover letters, plus the steps to follow to write one.

What is a cover letter?

A cover letter is a short letter that accompanies your resume when you apply for a role. It’s often the first point of contact you make with a potential employer, hiring manager or recruiter for a job application.

It’s a way to give the employer a sense of who you are, highlighting your skills and experience, before they read the information in your resume. Just as if you were meeting someone for the first time, you’d introduce yourself first before getting into the detail.

Sometimes, a short email can take the place of a cover letter, but the way you write it is much the same.

Take a look at this article comparing an average cover letter to a great one to help you see how to craft yours well.

How does a cover letter compare to your resume?

Your resume and cover letter complement each other but do slightly different things. Your resume summarises the key details of your skills, work experience and education. Resumes are best formatted with bullet points and broken into sections with subheadings, across about two pages.

A cover letter is shorter and sharper: a single page is best. It’s also more of a conversation opener – you’re speaking to the person responsible for the role you’re applying for, expressing your interest in the job and showing them why you’re a good fit for it.

The language in a cover letter is more personal. For example, a social worker’s resume might include, Redeveloped community youth program, increasing participation by 20 per cent. But in a cover letter you can write in the first person, which might read as, I’m a dedicated and driven social worker, with a strong commitment to supporting disadvantaged youth. It’s a chance to describe your skills and experiences in a way that also gives some insight into you and your career.

How to write your cover letter

  • Start with a brief introduction about yourself and why you’re writing. Mention the job you’re applying for and your interest in it.
  • Give a snapshot of the relevant skills, experience and qualifications you have that relate to the job. Think about the key two or three points in your resume and explaining these in a way that links them to why you’d be great for the role.
  • Give examples of your skills or mention how you’ve used them – you might need to do this in more detail if the job ad requests that you address selection criteria.
  • Note that your resume is attached. To finish, you can say that you’d welcome the opportunity to meet to discuss the role, or that you’re happy to provide more information, before signing off.

How to make your cover letter stand out

A cover letter should be engaging – you want to capture the interest of the person reading it so that they turn to your resume to find out more.

It’s also about showing the employer how your skills and experience are a good match for the role. That’s why you should always create a cover letter especially for the role you’re applying for – it shouldn’t be a generic letter. These tips can help you tailor your cover letter to the job.

A good cover letter can also demonstrate your written communication skills. Write for the environment you’re applying to: if it’s a more informal workplace or a creative type of work, don’t be afraid to inject some personal style into your writing to stand out.

Reading the 5 things employers wish they could say about cover letters and what recruiters look for in cover letters can also help you to write one that will impress.

Quick tips for improving your cover letter

  • Use clear, concise language. It’s best to avoid complicated or flowery wording.
  • Avoid overly long sentences. Try reading it aloud to see if there are any you struggle with.
  • Always tailor your cover letter to the job. An application is all about showing how you’re a good fit for the role on offer, and you don’t want your cover letter to seem reused.
  • Rather than writing ‘To whom it may concern’ or ‘Dear Sir or Madam’, find out who to address your letter to; you could phone the company to ask. It’s more personal that way and shows you’ve taken initiative.
  • Triple check your spelling and grammar. Try printing your letter out then coming back to it fresh, or get someone with a keen eye to look over it for you.
  • Keep your letter to around 250-350 words on a single page.
  • Take a look at these examples of cover letters written by successful job seekers .

Writing your cover letter might feel intimidating at first when you’re facing a blank page. But by following these steps and tips, you can focus on crafting a cover letter that captures what you can bring to the role and makes a winning impression to the employer.

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Cover Letter for a Resume

What is a Cover Letter for a Resume? Everything You Need to Know

Published on July 31st, 2024


When you're applying for a job, one of the most important pieces of your application is the cover letter. But what is a cover letter for a resume? In simple terms, it's a personalized letter that accompanies your resume, offering a deeper insight into your qualifications, personality, and enthusiasm for the role. Understanding what a cover letter for a resume entails and how to craft an effective one can significantly boost your chances of landing the job.

What is a Cover Letter for a Resume?

A cover letter is a one-page document that introduces you to the hiring manager and provides a snapshot of your professional background. Unlike your resume, which lists your qualifications and experience in a structured format, a cover letter allows you to communicate your motivation for applying and explain how your skills align with the job requirements. 

So, what is a cover letter for a resume? It’s your opportunity to create a connection with the employer and make a memorable first impression.

Need help crafting your cover letter? Use our   Professional Cover Letter Generator to create tailored, professional cover letters in minutes.

Why is a Cover Letter Important?

You might wonder, “Why should I bother with a cover letter when my resume already lists my qualifications?” The answer lies in the personal touch that a cover letter offers. A resume can showcase your skills and experiences, but it’s the cover letter that gives you the chance to express your enthusiasm for the role and the company. A well-crafted cover letter can set you apart from other candidates by highlighting your personality, explaining gaps in your employment, or elaborating on your most relevant experiences.

Components of an Effective Cover Letter

Now that we’ve answered "What is a cover letter for a resume?" let's dive into the key components that make it effective:

  • Header : Include your contact information and the date, followed by the employer’s contact details.
  • Introduction : Start with a strong opening that grabs the reader’s attention. Mention the position you’re applying for and where you found the job listing.
  • Body : This is where you make your case. Discuss your relevant skills, experiences, and why you’re a perfect fit for the role. Make sure to align your qualifications with the job description.
  • Closing : Conclude with a call to action, such as expressing your desire for an interview and providing your contact information.

Not sure where to start? Check out our extensive collection of   Cover Letter Examples to find the perfect template that matches your job application.

Tips for Writing a Compelling Cover Letter

Crafting a compelling cover letter isn’t just about what you say, but how you say it. Here are some tips to help you write a standout cover letter:

  • Be Concise : Keep your cover letter to one page and avoid rambling. Focus on the most relevant information.
  • Customize for Each Job : Tailor your cover letter for each application. Mention the company name and specific role to show you’ve done your research.
  • Show Enthusiasm : Let your passion for the role and the company shine through. Employers want to hire someone who genuinely wants the job.
  • Use Action Verbs : Use strong, action-oriented language to describe your achievements and skills.
  • Proofread : Typos and grammatical errors can make a bad impression. Always proofread your cover letter before sending it.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Even the most well-intentioned cover letters can fall flat if you make certain mistakes. Here’s what to avoid:

  • Being Too Generic : A generic cover letter can come across as lazy or indifferent. Avoid using the same cover letter for multiple applications without customization.
  • Rehashing Your Resume : Don’t simply repeat what’s on your resume. Use the cover letter to provide additional insights and context.
  • Overloading with Information : Stick to relevant experiences and qualifications. Overloading your cover letter with too much information can overwhelm the reader.
  • Using Clichés : Phrases like “hard worker” or “team player” are overused and vague. Be specific about your skills and how they relate to the job.

In conclusion, understanding what a cover letter for a resume is and how to write one effectively is crucial in today’s competitive job market. A cover letter complements your resume by offering a glimpse into your personality and your enthusiasm for the role. By carefully crafting each section of your cover letter and avoiding common pitfalls, you can create a compelling narrative that captures the employer’s attention and sets you on the path to securing an interview.

While a strong cover letter is essential, an outstanding resume is just as important. Consider using our AI Resume Builder to craft a professional, tailored resume that stands out to employers. Combined with a well-written cover letter, you’ll be well on your way to landing your dream job.

Frequently Asked Questions - What is a Cover Letter for a Resume

Do you really need a cover letter for a resume.

Yes, a cover letter is still considered a crucial part of the job application process. While some employers may not require one, a cover letter allows you to personalize your application, highlight your most relevant experiences, and demonstrate your enthusiasm for the role. It can give you an edge over other candidates who choose not to include one.

Is a cover letter important in a CV?

Yes, a cover letter is important when submitting a CV. It provides context to the information presented in your CV, allowing you to explain how your experience and skills align with the job you're applying for. A well-crafted cover letter can also address any gaps in your employment history or specific qualifications, making your application stronger.

What is more important, a resume or cover letter?

Both the resume and cover letter are important, but they serve different purposes. Your resume provides a structured overview of your work experience, skills, and qualifications, while the cover letter offers a narrative that connects your background to the specific job. In most cases, the resume will be the primary focus, but a strong cover letter can complement it by adding depth and personality to your application.

Are cover letters still necessary in 2024?

Yes, cover letters are still necessary in 2024. Despite the rise of digital applications and automated hiring processes, a cover letter remains a valuable tool for differentiating yourself from other candidates. It allows you to showcase your communication skills, explain your motivations, and make a strong case for why you’re the best fit for the role.


Soujanya Varada

As a technical content writer and social media strategist, Soujanya develops and manages strategies at HireQuotient. With strong technical background and years of experience in content management, she looks for opportunities to flourish in the digital space. Soujanya is also a dance fanatic and believes in spreading light!

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How to Write a Cover Letter for an Internal Position (With Examples and a Template!)

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Applying for an internal position isn’t just a matter of submitting a resume and hoping for the best. It’s about strategically positioning yourself as the perfect candidate for a role within a company that already knows you.

The prospect of new challenges, career growth, and the chance to contribute in different ways can be highly motivating. But with that comes the need to navigate office politics , manage relationships, and ensure that your application stands out.

We’ll explore what makes a cover letter for an internal position different from a traditional cover letter , why it’s crucial to write a good one, and how to do it effectively. We’ll also include examples and a template to help you get started.

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Is a cover letter for an internal position different from a traditional cover letter?

Yes! When you're applying for a job within the same company, you're not starting from scratch. The hiring manager already knows you and has very easy access to a reference check, so your cover letter must reflect proximity. Balancing familiarity with professionalism is key.

Unlike a traditional cover letter, where you introduce yourself and explain your interest in the company, a cover letter for an internal position should focus on your achievements , your understanding of the company culture, and your vision for how you can contribute to this new role.

“The process might be less formal but is often more competitive because you’re up against colleagues,” says Kenan Acieklly, CEO of Workhy , who has nearly a decade of experience in HR and business management. “Decisions may weigh heavily on your internal reputation, past performance, and ability to articulate your future potential within the company.”

Why should I write a cover letter for an internal position?

Writing a cover letter for an internal position is crucial for several reasons. You might think that since you're already an employee, a cover letter is just a formality. However, skipping it or writing a generic one could really hurt your chances.

This cover letter should highlight why you’re the best candidate for this different role, even if your managers and colleagues already know your work ethic and contributions. You’re making the case that you're not just a good employee, but the right person for this specific job.

Writing a cover letter underscores your seriousness about the role. “It’s an opportunity to articulate your vision and demonstrate continued commitment to the company’s success,” Acikelli says. And it serves many important functions:

  • It reaffirms your interest in the company: Even though you already work there, this shows that you're still committed to the company's mission and values.
  • It highlights your achievements: This is your chance to remind the hiring manager of your successes within the company—things they might not remember or know about if they weren’t directly supervising you.
  • It shows your initiative: Applying internally demonstrates that you’re eager to grow and take on new challenges. A well-crafted cover letter underlines your proactive approach to your career.
  • It provides a tailored narrative: This letter allows you to connect your current role with the new one, explaining how your skills, experience, and knowledge of the company make you the ideal candidate.

How to apply for an internal role

Let's go over some of the most common questions about applying for an internal position:

Is it OK to apply for an internal position?

Yes, it is absolutely OK to apply for an internal position. Companies generally encourage internal mobility as it allows them to retain talent and leverage existing employees’ skills and institutional knowledge. Applying for an internal position shows that you are committed to the company and interested in furthering your career within the organization.

How to express interest in an internal position?

It's important to be both professional and enthusiastic. Start by scheduling a meeting with your current supervisor to discuss your career goals and explain why you're interested in the new role. During the conversation, emphasize your desire to continue growing within the company and explain how the new position aligns with your career aspirations. Make sure to follow any formal application procedures, such as submitting an updated resume and a strong cover letter.

How do you tell your boss you are applying for an internal position?

Schedule a private meeting with your boss to discuss your plans. Be upfront about your intentions, explaining why you’re interested in the new role and how it aligns with your long-term career goals . Emphasize that this move isn’t a reflection of dissatisfaction with your current position, but rather a desire to grow and take on new challenges within the company. It’s important to assure your boss that you remain committed to your current responsibilities and that you will help ensure a smooth transition if you’re selected for the new role.

Do I need a CV for an internal job?

Yes, you typically need a curriculum vitae (CV) or resume when applying for an internal job. While the hiring managers might already know you, a CV provides a formal document that highlights your relevant experience, skills, and accomplishments. It also helps you present your qualifications in a structured way that aligns with the job requirements. Make sure to tailor your CV to the specific role you’re applying for, emphasizing the experience and achievements that are most relevant to the new position.

How do you message a hiring manager for an internal position?

Keep the tone professional and concise. Start by introducing yourself and expressing your interest in the position. Mention that you are currently working in the company and explain why you believe you are a good fit for the role. Offer to provide more information or discuss your qualifications in detail at their convenience. Close the message by thanking them for considering your application and expressing your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

“Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position that was recently posted. I have been with [Company Name] for [X years] as [Your Current Position], and I believe that my experience and skills align well with the requirements of this role. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to the team in this new capacity. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of working together.

Best regards, [Your Name]”

How to write a cover letter for an internal position (examples included!)

Now that you already know the basics of how to apply for a role within your current company, let's focus on how to write an impressive cover letter for an internal position.

Think of it as a way to remind decision-makers why you're the right person for the job—because of your qualifications, your understanding of the company’s goals, and how you can contribute to its success in a new capacity. Your cover letter for an internal position should convey your enthusiasm for the position, reflect on what you've achieved so far, and outline how you plan to make an even bigger impact if given the opportunity.

Follow this structure to make an impressive cover letter for an internal position:

1. Start with a strong opening

Begin by expressing your excitement about the new role and your commitment to the company. Mention how long you’ve been with the company and briefly describe your current position.

“I am thrilled to apply for the [Job Title] position. Having been with [Company Name] for [X years], I have developed a deep understanding of our operations and have consistently strived to contribute to our success in meaningful ways.”

2. Highlight your accomplishments

This is where you shine a light on what you've achieved in your current role. “Start with your accomplishments in your current role, then connect those successes to the value you’ll bring to the new position,” Acikelli says.

“In my current role as [Your Current Job Title], I successfully led [Project Name], which resulted in [specific achievement, e.g., a 20% increase in sales]. This experience has given me invaluable insights that I am eager to apply in the [New Job Title] role.”

3. Showcase your knowledge of the company

Use your insider knowledge to your advantage. “Mention any cross-departmental collaborations to show your versatility and readiness for broader responsibilities,” Acikelli says. Discuss how your understanding of the company’s culture, goals, and challenges makes you a good fit for the new role.

“Having worked closely with [Department/Team], I am well-versed in the challenges we face in [specific area]. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to contribute to [specific initiative or project related to the new role], as I believe my experience and knowledge could greatly benefit our efforts.”

4. Align your skills with the new role

Clearly explain how your skills and experience align with the requirements of the new position. Be specific about what you bring to the table that will help you succeed in this role.

“My experience in [specific skill or area] has equipped me with the [specific abilities] needed to excel in the [New Job Title] role. I am confident that my background in [relevant experience] will allow me to [specific contribution].”

5. Express your commitment to growth

Demonstrate that you're eager to learn and grow within the company. Mention any relevant training or development you’ve pursued and how you plan to continue growing in the new role.

“I am committed to continuous professional development, as evidenced by my completion of [relevant training or certification]. I am eager to further develop my skills in [specific area] and contribute to [Company Name] in new and impactful ways.”

Cover letter template for internal position

Use the following cover letter template for internal position as a guide. This structure will help you effectively communicate your enthusiasm for the position while leveraging your internal experience to stand out as the ideal candidate.

[Your Name] [Your Current Job Title] [Company Name] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Hiring Manager’s Name] [Hiring Manager’s Job Title] [Company Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position that recently opened up in [Department Name]. Having been with [Company Name] for [X years], I have gained a deep appreciation for our company’s mission and values, and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [specific department or project related to the new role] in this new capacity.

In my current role as [Your Current Job Title], I have had the privilege of [mention your key achievements]. This experience deepened my understanding of [specific area or department] and inspired me to seek new challenges within [Company Name]. I am particularly drawn to the [Job Title] position because [specific reason related to the new role].

One of the aspects of [Company Name] that I value most is our commitment to [specific company value or mission], and I am eager to contribute to [specific project or initiative related to the new role] in a more direct way. I believe that my background in [relevant experience or skill] aligns perfectly with the needs of the [Job Title] position, and I am confident in my ability to [specific contribution or goal].

I am also committed to continuous growth and development, as evidenced by [mention any relevant training or certifications]. I am excited about the opportunity to bring my skills and experience to the [Job Title] role, and I look forward to the possibility of continuing to grow with [Company Name].

Thank you for considering my application. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to further discuss how I can contribute to the success of [Company Name] in this new role.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Bottom line

By carefully crafting your cover letter, you can position yourself as the ideal candidate for the role. Remember, your cover letter for an internal position is your chance to highlight your achievements, showcase your understanding of the company, and demonstrate your commitment to growth. With the right approach, you can successfully transition into a new role within the same company, taking your career to the next level. Good luck!

how to write a good cover letter writing

how to write a good cover letter writing

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Should You Use AI to Write Your Cover Letter?

Selective focus shot of diverse group of business people sitting in line against the wall, chatting, preparing and reading their resumes and cover letters when waiting for a job interview meeting.

It’s more common than ever to use AI tools in everyday life to streamline complicated or time-consuming tasks. Whether you’re pivoting careers, stepping back into the professional world after a break or searching for a job after a layoff, writing dozens of cover letters can be daunting. So, you may be asking yourself: Should you use AI to write your cover letter for you?  

USC Online spoke to USC Career Center expert Lori Shreve Blake to find out when it’s appropriate to use AI in a cover letter — and when this tool should take a backseat.  

Do: Use AI to Understand the Job Description  

Writing a great cover letter takes time, especially if you’re out of practice. While it’s important that your cover letter is written in your authentic voice, Shreve Blake said AI assistants can help you tailor it to the job you want.   

Shreve Blake suggests using an AI assistant like ChatGPT to generate keywords from a job description, which you can incorporate into your cover letter. You can also save time by asking AI to read a job description and summarize the key functions of the role.   

You can also ask AI tools like ChatGPT to write a first draft of the cover letter. But there are some important details that AI won’t be able to add.  

“You’re not going to state day-to-day duties in [your] cover letter,” Shreve Blake said. “You should emphasize your best accomplishments, share your unique qualifications, and demonstrate your professional fit for the role, your values and the organization’s alignment. Should you add quantifiers? Add numbers, percentages, [things] like that.”  

Job seekers might be tempted to cut corners with AI to save time, but Shreve Blake emphasized that there are other ways to speed up the process of writing a cover letter. Once you have a template of your cover letter with an introduction, middle paragraph and summary paragraph, you can customize sentences, interchange keywords, and add examples based on the job you’re applying to. You can also customize the formatting of the document.  

“I give an analogy of a house: Once you have that foundation of the cover letter completed with AI, then you can incorporate job-specific sentence s as you see fit,” Shreve Blake said.   

Many people also find writing a cover letter becomes quicker and easier over time.  

“Writing cover letters is a skill, like other skills in life,” Shreve Blake said. “So, the more you do it, the faster and more confident you’re going to get.”  

Don’t: Neglect Your Research  

Researching your target employer is an integral step in the cover letter writing process. Applicants should visit the company’s website, read the mission statement and consider which of the company’s values resonates with them most. This research will help you put together an argument about why you’d make a great candidate — something an AI-generated cover letter can’t do, Shreve Blake said.  

“The cover letter is also a persuasive piece,” Shreve Blake said. “So, it’s almost like that interview question[s]: ‘Tell me about yourself. Why are you interested in this job? What unique skills and experience makes you the best person for the job?’”

Making these connections early in the application process prepares you for interviews later. This “process of self-reflection” helps you identify what the organization is looking for and which key achievements make you stand out, Shreve Blake said.  

Don’t: Forego Your Authentic Voice  

Although recruiters can’t always tell whether a cover letter was written by AI or a human, there are sophisticated tools that can detect it, Shreve Blake said. Recruiters have also told her that they don’t like the generic cover letters they see when reviewing applications and Shreve Blake challenges job seekers to ask the question: “What do you want your first impression to be with a potential employer?”  

“[If] the recruiter receives [a] generic, AI-written cover letter [and] one that is more custom to the job, which one do you think the recruiter is going to pick?” Shreve Blake said. “You must show integrity, you must show thought and care … It’s a test to see how you’ll be as an employee.”  

Whether or not you choose to use AI, be sure to inject your authentic voice into your cover letter and use it to showcase your writing skills. (If you’re at a loss for verbs, check out the USC Career Center’s resume and cover letter booklet for a helpful list of action words to incorporate.) Employers use cover letters to judge whether applicants will be the right fit for email- and communication-heavy jobs, Shreve Blake said.  

“I would say … [your] cover letter can be seen as a form of a work sample,” Shreve Blake said. “And it shows your future employer that you have skills in writing, that you possess attention to detail in submitting a cover letter that is grammatically correct and free of typos, that you have skills in communication, that you have skills in persuasion and strategic thinking.”  

Do: Use AI to Check Your Grammar  

Although you can speed up the process, writing a good cover letter takes time. So, you want to make sure your finished product is concise and easy to read.  

“[Recruiters] spend about 15–30  seconds [reading] the resume. They may spend even less time on the cover letter and many employers do not require a cover letter ,” Shreve Blake said.  

This is where AI comes in. Shreve Blake recommended using Grammarly or a similar AI-powered writing assistant to give your cover letter a once-over after you are finished writing it. This ensures that your spelling and grammar are up to par and that there are no filler words clogging up your precious cover letter real estate.   

“ Grammarly is a good tool to use to edit your cover letter ,” Shreve Blake said. “Twenty years ago, it was common to write a cover letter and then let a friend or family member double-check it for meaning and typos before submitting it to a potential employer. … Well, now you don’t have to ask a friend or family member. … [You] can use Grammarly and do that.”  

Just remember to double-check your cover letter one more time after using a tool like Grammarly. Sometimes, AI takes your writing out of context, Shreve Blake warned.  

Don’t: Limit Your Focus to Just the Cover Letter  

Unfortunately, even writing a perfect cover letter sometimes won’t land you the job you want. Shreve Blake advised that people find additional ways to express their interest in a role or company, including networking and conducting informational interviews.  

“At the end of the day, AI doesn’t hire people. Humans hire humans. People hire people,” Shreve Blake said.  

Similarly, if someone at the company you are applying to is vouching for you, make sure not to make them look bad by submitting a generic, AI-written cover letter. After all, they are putting their reputations on the line for you, Shreve Blake said.  

In the end, securing your dream job is all about going the extra mile . No matter what balance you choose to strike between using AI and writing the old-fashioned way, the goal remains the same: to create a cover letter that is tailored to the position you want and sells you well to your future employer.    

“ And, let’s face it, cover letter writing is not easy. ” Shreve Blake said. “So, not taking the easy way out and doing your research on the organization, addressing the right person, and going through the process of customizing the cover letter after using AI gives you a competitive edge.”  

Access more career advice from USC Online today.  

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Two Weeks Notice Letter: What Is It & How to Write One (+2 Week Notice Letter Templates)

  • Júlia Mlčúchova , 
  • Updated August 28, 2024 9 min read

When you're ready to leave your job, giving a two weeks notice letter is a polite and professional way to let your employer know.

While you might not always have to write a two weeks notice letter, it's become a bit of a tradition in many workplaces. Most people do it as a way to show respect and keep things on good terms with their boss.

The best part? Writing one is super easy. In this article, we'll walk you through how to do it and even throw in some templates to make it a breeze.

So, if you want to know how to move on with respect and grace, continue reading this article and find out : 

  • What is a 2 week notice letter;
  • Why you shouldn't forget to hand it in;
  • How to write 2 weeks notice letter in 7 steps;
  • And, 4 neat two weeks notice letter templates to download.

Table of Contents

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What is a 2 week notice letter?

Why a two weeks notice letter is a must, is a two weeks notice legally binding, how to write two weeks notice letter in 7 steps, two weeks notice letter templates, key takeaways.

A two weeks notice letter is a formal notification (in the form of a letter or even an email) you give to your employer to let them know you plan to leave your job in two weeks.

It’s a simple, straightforward notification that lets your boss and HR know you’re on your way out, usually giving them a two-week heads-up before you officially leave.

Even though the name itself contains the word “letter” , you're most likely going to hand the document in as an email . 

Two week notice letter vs. resignation letter

Additionally, your two week notice letter can also include a resignation letter . Although these two terms are often used interchangeably, there are slight differences: 

  • Amount of detail. Basically, the resignation letter talks more about your reasons for leaving and the circumstance of the departure. On the other hand, the two weeks notice letter is all about the timeframe .
  • Length. As a consequence, a resignation letter might be longer, while a two weeks notice letter is usually brief and to the point.

In a nutshell: All two weeks notice letters are resignation letters, but not all resignation letters are two weeks notice letters. The two weeks notice letter is a specific type of resignation letter that gives a two-week advance notice before you leave.

Honestly, these two documents are so similar that they simply merge into one . Because, when you submit your two weeks notice letter, you're essentially doing both — formally announcing your resignation and giving your employer a heads-up about your departure date.

Leaving your job got you tongue tied?

No need to panic! Our AI Resignation Letter Generator will help you say goodbye professionally.

Despite what it may look like, handing in your 2 week notice letter isn't just a convention. There are actually pretty good practical reasons why you should always write one.

Here they come: 

  • It's a polite thing to do. Giving a two weeks notice shows respect for your employer and colleagues alike. It shows that you value your professional relationships and are considerate of how your departure might impact the team/employer. 
  • It can impact your professional reputation. Quitting your job cold turkey without letting anyone know can seriously damage your reputation. Plus, it can cause you troubles during your subsequent job search — vetting potential job candidates before inviting them to an interview is not uncommon. 
  • It gives your employer time to deal with the situation. Two weeks' notice gives your employer time to plan for your departure. For example, they can start looking for a replacement or redistribute your tasks.
  • It creates an opportunity for feedback. Also, submitting a formal notice often leads to an exit interview . Here, you can receive feedback (constructive, hopefully) about your own performance.
  • It can help you secure positive references. Finally, leaving on a good note can provide you with valuable references for your future employer. After all, you want someone to vouch for your work ethic and reliability, don't you?

How you leave a job can be just as important as how you performed while there. So, before you empty your cubicle and slam the door behind you dramatically, think twice about the potential consequences of not handing in your notice.

Sure, it's tempting to just pack your stuff one day and leave — especially when you've had a terrible boss . But would that even be legal? 

Well, it would. And it wouldn't — depending on your company's policies and state laws . 

For example, in the U.S. , employment is " at-will. " This means that either you or your employer can end the employment relationship at any time, for any reason (or even no reason at all), without legal consequences . So technically, you could leave without giving any notice , and your employer could let you go without notice too.

However, some companies may have policies that request or require you to give a two weeks notice. Still, these aren't enforceable by law . So, while ignoring these policies could definitively burn bridges, it won't land you in legal trouble.

On the other hand, if you’re part of a union, there might be specific rules about notice periods in your collective bargaining agreement . And these rules can be more binding than typical company policies! 

So, as you can see, it's always better to sit down and dedicate a few minutes of your time to write a polite 2 weeks notice letter. Because, whatever your situation may be, the benefits will far outweigh any minor inconvenience.

Before handing in your two week notice letter, talk about your resignation face-to-face with your employer. It shows respect and allows for an open, honest conversation. 

Now that we've covered the basics, let's have a closer look at how you can craft a two week notice letter that is both courteous and professional in just 7 easy steps :

Apart from the usual — your contact information (name, email address, phone number) and the contact information of your boss/HR department — you'll also need to add a date when you're submitting your notice.

If you're sending your notice to a single person, go with the classic “Dear Mr./Mrs [Last Name].” And if you're sending a copy to the HR department as a whole, you can start with “Dear HR Team .”

In the first paragraph, state your intention to resign from your position at the company. And don't forget to also state the date of your departure (2 business weeks from the day you send the notice).

If you choose to wrap your two weeks notice into a resignation letter, this is the place where you justify your decision. But it's not necessary to go into too much detail. Besides, it's better to discuss the reason of your resignation with your boss in-person.

Next, you can briefly touch on the positive experiences and opportunities you’ve had at the company. You can either keep it general, or mention specific projects or learning experiences that were particularly meaningful to you.

Before you sign off for good, let them know that you intend to complete all your tasks and duties as usual. As a sign of goodwill and professionalism, you can also say that you're willing to train a new hire or another employee to make the transition as smooth as possible.

And lastly, it's time to put down your signature. If it's a printed letter, sign right above your typed name. And for an email, simply type your name below the sign-off ( "Sincerely," "Best regards," or "Thank you." ).

Let’s face it, not everyone finds it easy to write formal documents, especially something like a two weeks notice letter.

But don’t worry, we’ve got your back!

To make things easier for you, we've prepared these 4 templates you can copy and paste to your word processor of choice. All you need to do next is fill in your information.

Two weeks notice letter template (simple)

In case you want to submit a 2 week notice letter only — a.k.a. not providing reasons for your resignation in this particular document, here's a simple template for you:

#1 Two weeks notice letter template

[Your Name] [Email Address] [Phone Number]

[Recipient’s Name] [Company Name] [Company Address]

Dear Mr./Mrs. [Last Name],

I am writing to formally resign from my position at [Company Name], effective two weeks from today. My last working day will be [Last Working Day] .

I have appreciated the opportunity to work with such a talented team and have enjoyed my time at [Company Name] . I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition and am available to assist with the handover of my responsibilities during this period. Please let me know how I can be of help during this time.

Thank you for your support and understanding. I look forward to staying in touch and hope our paths cross again in the future.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Two weeks notice letter template (warm and personal)

Sometimes, leaving your old job feels like relief. But other times, it’s genuinely hard to say goodbye. Whether it's because of an exceptional team or a great boss, those connections make it tough to leave.

In cases like these, you want to give your two weeks notice letter a bit more warmth:

#2 Two weeks notice letter template

I am writing to formally resign from my position at [Company Name] , effective two weeks from today. My last working day will be [Last Working Day] .

This decision was not made lightly, as my time at [Company Name] has been incredibly fulfilling. I have thoroughly enjoyed working on projects like [Specific Project 1] and [Specific Project 2] , which have been some of the highlights of my career. The collaboration and support from you and the team have made these experiences truly memorable.

I am deeply grateful for the opportunities and experiences I’ve had here. The skills and knowledge I’ve gained will undoubtedly benefit me in my future endeavors. It has been a pleasure working alongside such talented and dedicated individuals.

During this transition period, I am committed to ensuring a smooth handover of my responsibilities. Please let me know how I can best assist in this process to make it as seamless as possible.

Thank you for your understanding and support throughout my time at [Company Name] . I look forward to staying in touch and hope our paths cross again in the future.

Best regards, [Your Name]

2 week notice letter template (part of a resignation letter)

Alternatively, if you decide to combine your 2 weeks notice letter with a resignation letter, your final document can look something like this:

#3 Two weeks notice letter template

After careful consideration, I have decided to accept a new opportunity that aligns more closely with my career goals and personal aspirations. This decision was not easy, as I have greatly enjoyed my time at [Company Name] and have learned a tremendous amount from my colleagues and the work we’ve done together.

I have appreciated the opportunity to work with such a talented team and am grateful for the support and encouragement I have received during my tenure here. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition and am available to assist with the handover of my responsibilities during this period. Please let me know how I can be of help during this time.

2 weeks notice letter template (email)

Of course, any of the previous notices can be submitted either printed or via email. But if you choose the electronic version, don't forget to create a relevant subject line . 

This makes it easier for the recipient to see what the email is all about as soon as it lands in their inbox. 

#4 Two weeks notice letter template (email)

Subject: Resignation Notice – [Your Name]

I hope this email finds you well.

I want to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunities I’ve had during my time here. Working with you and the team has been a valuable experience, and I’ve appreciated the support and guidance throughout my tenure. The skills and knowledge I’ve gained will undoubtedly benefit me in my future career.

To ensure a smooth transition, I am more than willing to assist in any way I can. Whether it’s helping to train my replacement, finalizing projects, or documenting processes, please let me know how I can make this period as seamless as possible.

I’ve enjoyed being part of [Company Name] and am grateful for the professional growth and personal development I’ve experienced here. I look forward to staying in touch and hope our paths cross again in the future.

Thank you once again for the opportunity and understanding.

A two weeks notice letter is simply your formal way of saying you're resigning and specifying your departure date. It’s a straightforward notification to let your boss and HR know you’re leaving, typically with a two-week advance notice.

Here are 5 main reasons why you should always consider handing in your 2 week notice letter:

  • It's a polite thing to do. 
  • It can impact your professional reputation. 
  • It gives your employer time to deal with the situation. 
  • It creates an opportunity for feedback.
  • It can help you secure positive references. 

Additionally, your two weeks notice letter can include elements of a resignation letter . The main difference is that a resignation letter also provides the reasons for your departure, while the notice letter focuses on your departure timeline only. 

More often than not, these two documents merge into one. Here's how to craft yours in 7 steps:

  • Start by stating your credentials in a header. 
  • Greet the recipient politely. 
  • Clearly state your intention to resign.
  • (Optional) Provide reasons for your departure.
  • Express your gratitude. 
  • Offer to help with the transition.
  • Close with an appropriate sign-off.
Julia has recently joined Kickresume as a career writer. From helping people with their English to get admitted to the uni of their dreams to advising them on how to succeed in the job market. It would seem that her career is on a steadfast trajectory. Julia holds a degree in Anglophone studies from Metropolitan University in Prague, where she also resides. Apart from creative writing and languages, she takes a keen interest in literature and theatre.

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Most employers will require a cover or covering letter as part of your application. It is typically sent alongside your CV.

Your cover letter should complement and build on the content in your CV, rather than simply repeating the same content in more detail.

This page provides all the information you'll need to build a strong cover letter ready for your next application.

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Format of a cover letter

Your cover letter is an opportunity to expand on your experiences and skills beyond what you can include in a CV, as well as conveying your personal motivations and suitability for working in the role you're applying for.

Length and style

The letter is usually short, not exceeding one A4 page, although this can be two pages if applying for some academic jobs. It is typically expected that cover letters will be written in a business-style format, however some employers will specify an alternative format such as a supporting statement or similar.  Make sure you have checked all requirements before getting started.

The tone of writing

Your tone should be professional, clear and a true reflection of you. Make sure you check your grammar and spelling, and ask a colleague or careers adviser to provide you with feedback before you apply. It's important to be concise, otherwise you risk losing the employer's attention.

Which fonts to use

It's widely advised to use a clear font such as Calibri, with a font size of 11 or 12. You should use the same font for both your CV and your cover letter, to make sure your application looks professional and consistent.

Being clear

It's important to be clear about your motivations and suitability for the role, and avoid being vague or using clichés.

Your skills and abilities are unique to you, so your cover letter needs to reflect this. Consider your cover letter to be the equivalent of an 'elevator pitch' where you have a short amount of time to explain why they should hire you.

Matching your values

You should use your cover letter to demonstrate how your personal motivations and career values align with the role and the employer, and be specific about the reasons you are a good match.

If there's something in particular about the employer values or activities that you resonate with, make it clear in your application. This will demonstrate to the employer that you have taken the time to understand the role, and that you haven't just sent the same application to multiple companies.

Sending your cover letter

When you've finished your CV and cover letter, you are usually required to send your application by email. Ensure that you have saved each file as a PDF document so that the formatting won't change when the employer opens the files.

The job advert should provide an email address to submit your application to. You should address your email to that person, write a very concise email stating that you have attached your CV and cover letter for consideration for the advertised job vacancy.

If the job advert provides a job reference number, include this in the email so that the employer can easily locate your application. If this has not been provided, use the title of the role instead.

What to include in your cover letter

The purpose of a cover letter is to briefly introduce yourself and express your motivation and suitability for the role in three or four short paragraphs. It is therefore important to make sure you carefully consider the information you include in each paragraph striking the right balance between being concise and being thorough.

Consider the guidance in this section to help you decide what to write about in each paragraph.

The start of the letter

Your details.

At the start of the letter, include your personal contact details and include the date, in the same way you might start a business letter. If you have the employer's name and contact details, you should address them at the beginning of the letter.

Addressing the letter

If you have not been provided with the name of the contact information or if the application is speculative, you can use LinkedIn or the company's website to find a suitable addressee. This could be the head of the department you are applying to, or the head of human resources.

If you have the job reference number, it can be good practice to include this at the beginning of the letter so that it reaches the right person within the organisation more quickly.

The opening paragraph

Begin the letter with a polite introduction to yourself and the purpose of the letter. You should be clear about the role you are making an application for, and if appropriate, let them know where you found the role advertised, for example, on their website or a job vacancy listing website.

The suitability paragraph

This paragraph is where you should describe the reasons why you are a suitable candidate for the job.

Try not to duplicate the information you've included in your CV but expand on the key skills, experiences or activities in more detail.

It's important to make sure that you choose examples which align with the requirements of the role, to demonstrate that you have a relevant skillset, even if these examples are not from your most recent experience.

It is within this paragraph that you demonstrate to the employer the ways in which you would be an asset to their team rather than explaining what attracts you to the role.

The company or organisation paragraph

You should use this paragraph to explain what attracts you to the company or organisation that you are applying to. It's important that you take the time to research the company or organisation and understand their core values, their main competitors, their most recent projects, their position in the market, and so on.

Be specific about your reasons

You should be so specific that the application would not make sense if it was sent to a similar company, otherwise they might assume that you have been vague due to a lack of research.

If you're not sure where to find information about them, start by looking through their website, as well as exploring their social media presence and checking if they've been in the news.

Find out more about researching a company or organisation .

The concluding paragraph

In this paragraph you will need to concisely summarise the above information and emphasise your suitability to the role and the employer.

Complete the letter by thanking the employer for considering your application, and mentioning that you look forward from hearing back from them. Avoid clichés, and keep this section concise.

Cover letters for academic jobs

Much of the advice for cover letters is the same regardless of the role you're applying for, but there are a few differences if you're applying for an academic job rather than a role outside academia.

Academic cover letters are usually allowed to be longer than for those outside academia. You should always check the application requirements on the job advert in case they've set their own requirements, but it is standard to require two sides of A4 for academic jobs.

Shifting the focus

For academic job applications, it's usually more important to focus on what you have to offer the institution you're applying to, rather than what you would like to gain from working there.

You should still describe what draws you to the institution or department, but there should be a greater emphasis on your skillset and what makes you an ideal candidate.

Being specific

When applying to academic jobs, you can be more specific about your research skills than when you're applying to jobs outside academia.

If there's a particular methodology or skillset that is required for the role and you have experience with this, make sure to provide detail so that the employer can see that you are a suitable candidate.

Teaching and research

You should try to mirror the job description in terms of the ratio of teaching to research. For example, if the job description seems to be 50:50 teaching and research, you should aim to have half of your cover letter focusing on teaching and half on research.

If the role is heavily focused on research or on research, make sure that the majority of your cover letter mirrors this.

The teaching and research statements

Additionally, you will usually be required to submit teaching and research statements as part of your application to an academic job. Read through our advice on teaching and research statements  under the section: specific application advice for academic jobs.

Cover letters for jobs outside academia

Most advice on this page applies to both academic and non-academic jobs, but there are a few specific things to keep in mind if you're making an application outside of academia.

Transferable skills

When writing about your skills it's important to focus on transferable skills rather than going into too much detail about your methodology, or using jargon which is specific to your research area.

Unless your role has been advertised to require those specific research techniques, the employer will be more interested in how your skills can be translated to match their requirements.

Making sure you value your experience

It's important to remember that your postgraduate research degree is a job, and you will have gained experience throughout your research which will be highly valuable to an employer.

Make sure you don't downplay your experience and your abilities by viewing it only as a course.

The employer

For jobs outside academia, the process of researching your employer and explaining why you're interested in working for them is more important than it would be for academic jobs.

The employer will want to make sure you understand how their organisation operates within the industry they're in, and what challenges they have faced and the achievements they have made.

Find out more about researching the employer and sector thoroughly.

Covering letters for roles outside the UK with FREE access to GoinGlobal

If you are considering or are in the process of applying to a job abroad, the format of the covering letter could be different to the above advice. GoinGlobal is an international careers information resource providing advice on applying for jobs including covering letters in 42 countries.

UoN students and graduates can access GoinGlobal free of charge by logging into MyCareer

Go to GoinGlobal for advice on applying for jobs abroad

Frequently asked questions

Cover letters can be difficult to write, so it can be tempting to use AI to help out. However, your cover letter should be a true reflection of you as a professional, and the information included should be specific to you.

Additionally, many employers now use AI checkers to filter through applications. It is therefore not advised to rely on AI for your cover letter.

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Should You Use AI to Write Your Cover Letter?

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You may be tempted to have ChatGPT or another AI tool write your cover letter for you. Here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind.

Article originally written by Molly M. Kruse and published by USC Online

Selective focus shot of diverse group of business people sitting in line against the wall, chatting, preparing and reading their resumes and cover letters when waiting for a job interview meeting.

It’s more common than ever to use AI tools in everyday life to streamline complicated or time-consuming tasks. Whether you’re pivoting careers,  stepping back into the professional world after a break  or searching for a job after a layoff, writing dozens of cover letters can be daunting. So, you may be asking yourself: Should you use AI to write your cover letter for you? 

USC Online spoke to USC Career Center expert  Lori Shreve Blake  to find out when it’s appropriate to use AI in a cover letter — and when this tool should take a backseat. 

Do: Use AI to Understand the Job Description  

Writing a great cover letter  takes time, especially if you’re out of practice. While it’s important that your cover letter is written in your authentic voice, Shreve Blake said AI assistants can help you tailor it to the job you want.  

Shreve Blake suggests using an AI assistant like ChatGPT to generate keywords from a job description, which you can incorporate into your cover letter. You can also save time by asking AI to read a job description and summarize the key functions of the role.  

You can also ask AI tools like ChatGPT to write a first draft of the cover letter. But there are some important details that AI won’t be able to add. 

“You’re not going to state day-to-day duties in [your] cover letter,” Shreve Blake said. “You should emphasize your best accomplishments, share your unique qualifications, and demonstrate your professional fit for the role, your values and the organization’s alignment. Should you add quantifiers? Add numbers, percentages, [things] like that.” 

Job seekers might be tempted to cut corners with AI to save time, but Shreve Blake emphasized that there are other ways to speed up the process of writing a cover letter. Once you have a template of your cover letter with an introduction, middle paragraph and summary paragraph, you can customize sentences, interchange keywords, and add examples based on the job you’re applying to. You can also customize the formatting of the document.  

“I give an analogy of a house: Once you have that foundation of the cover letter completed with AI, then you can incorporate job-specific sentences as you see fit,” Shreve Blake said.  

Many people also find writing a cover letter becomes quicker and easier over time. 

“Writing cover letters is a skill, like other skills in life,” Shreve Blake said. “So, the more you do it, the faster and more confident you’re going to get.” 

Don’t: Neglect Your Research  

Researching your target employer is an integral step in the cover letter writing process. Applicants should visit the company’s website, read the mission statement and consider which of the company’s values resonates with them most. This research will help you put together an argument about why you’d make a great candidate — something an AI-generated cover letter can’t do, Shreve Blake said. 

“The cover letter is also a persuasive piece,” Shreve Blake said. “So, it’s almost like that interview question[s]: ‘Tell me about yourself. Why are you interested in this job? What unique skills and experience makes you the best person for the job?’”

Making these connections early in the application process prepares you for interviews later. This “process of self-reflection” helps you identify what the organization is looking for and which key achievements make you stand out, Shreve Blake said. 

Don’t: Forego Your Authentic Voice  

Although recruiters can’t always tell whether a cover letter was written by AI or a human, there are sophisticated tools that can detect it, Shreve Blake said. Recruiters have also told her that they don’t like the generic cover letters they see when reviewing applications and Shreve Blake challenges job seekers to ask the question: “What do you want your first impression to be with a potential employer?” 

“[If] the recruiter receives [a] generic, AI-written cover letter [and] one that is more custom to the job, which one do you think the recruiter is going to pick?” Shreve Blake said. “You must show integrity, you must show thought and care … It’s a test to see how you’ll be as an employee.” 

Whether or not you choose to use AI, be sure to inject your authentic voice into your cover letter and use it to showcase your writing skills. (If you’re at a loss for verbs, check out the USC Career Center’s  resume and cover letter booklet  for a helpful list of action words to incorporate.) Employers use cover letters to judge whether applicants will be the right fit for email- and communication-heavy jobs, Shreve Blake said. 

“I would say … [your] cover letter can be seen as a form of a work sample,” Shreve Blake said. “And it shows your future employer that you have skills in writing, that you possess attention to detail in submitting a cover letter that is grammatically correct and free of typos, that you have skills in communication, that you have skills in persuasion and strategic thinking.” 

Do: Use AI to Check Your Grammar  

Although you can speed up the process, writing a good cover letter takes time. So, you want to make sure your finished product is concise and easy to read. 

“[Recruiters] spend about 15–30 seconds [reading] the resume. They may spend even less time on the cover letter and many employers do not require a cover letter,” Shreve Blake said. 

This is where AI comes in. Shreve Blake  recommended using Grammarly  or a similar AI-powered writing assistant to give your cover letter a once-over after you are finished writing it. This ensures that your spelling and grammar are up to par and that there are no filler words clogging up your precious cover letter real estate.  

“Grammarly is a good tool to use to edit your cover letter,” Shreve Blake said. “Twenty years ago, it was common to write a cover letter and then let a friend or family member double-check it for meaning and typos before submitting it to a potential employer. … Well, now you don’t have to ask a friend or family member. … [You] can use Grammarly and do that.” 

Just remember to double-check your cover letter one more time after using a tool like Grammarly. Sometimes, AI takes your writing out of context, Shreve Blake warned. 

Don’t: Limit Your Focus to Just the Cover Letter  

Unfortunately, even writing a perfect cover letter sometimes won’t land you the job you want. Shreve Blake advised that people find additional ways to express their interest in a role or company, including  networking  and conducting informational interviews. 

“At the end of the day, AI doesn’t hire people. Humans hire humans. People hire people,” Shreve Blake said. 

Similarly, if someone at the company you are applying to is vouching for you, make sure not to make them look bad by submitting a generic, AI-written cover letter. After all, they are putting their reputations on the line for you, Shreve Blake said. 

In the end, securing your dream job is  all about going the extra mile . No matter what balance you choose to strike between using AI and writing the old-fashioned way, the goal remains the same: to create a cover letter that is tailored to the position you want and sells you well to your future employer.  

“And, let’s face it, cover letter writing is not easy.” Shreve Blake said. “So, not taking the easy way out and doing your research on the organization, addressing the right person, and going through the process of customizing the cover letter after using AI gives you a competitive edge.” 

Access more  career advice  from USC Online today.  


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    Middle paragraph (s) This is the main body of your cover letter. Use one or two paragraphs to highlight your qualifications, skills, and experiences that make you a strong fit for the job. Be specific and provide examples of your relevant wins. Explain how your background aligns with the company's needs and values.

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    If you're ready to jump in, follow these seven simple steps to make a cover letter that leaves a lasting impression on employers: 2. List your contact details. Underneath your name in your cover letter header, list the following contact information: Email address. Phone number. Mailing address (optional)

  5. How To Write the Perfect Cover Letter (With Template and Example)

    Include the name of the person to whom you are writing as well as the company name and address just above the salutation. In the salutation, greet the hiring manager by name. If you don't know the name of the person, consider greeting the hiring department or the department with which you would be working if hired. 3.

  6. How to Write A Cover Letter in 2022 (6 Tips

    Visually Match Your Resumé. The heading of your letter should correlate with your resumé, the font should be the same and the paper (if you're printing it) should also be the same. Along with your resume, your cover letter is part of a pair, and this pair should be visually consistent.

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    Before you start writing, find out more about the company and the specific job you want. Next, catch the attention of the hiring manager or recruiter with a strong opening line. If you have a ...

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    How to Write a Cover Letter That Sounds Like You (and Gets Noticed) by. Elainy Mata. May 10, 2022. EM. Elainy Mata is a Multimedia Producer at Harvard Business Review. ElainyMata. Subscribe.

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    It consists of contact details, a greeting, three to four paragraphs and a formal signature. Your cover letter should: Include two to three examples of your top achievements. Tell a story of your skill level and career path. Explain why you're a good fit for the role and company. Include any relevant details you can't fit in your resume or CV.

  11. How to write the perfect cover letter (With examples)

    To start your cover letter, introduce yourself. This means including your full name, your specific interest in the position and the reasons you've chosen to apply. If you got a referral to the job from another party, ensure to mention this in the first paragraph. 2. Mention your skills and qualifications.

  12. The Ultimate Cover Letter Writing Guide

    There are 3 types of cover letters that you can send to a hiring manager. The 3 types are: Application cover letters. Letters of Interest. Email Cover letters. The letter you write is influenced by whether you are going to apply for a job directly, citing a referral, or asking about vacancies that are not advertised.

  13. How To Write A Cover Letter (Definitive Guide + Template)

    Follow that by the date you are writing the letter and then the company contact information. Be sure to separate each section with a space…it makes your letter easier to read. If you are mailing a hard copy of your letter, make sure when you get to the bottom and your salutation to double space. It will give you room to sign your letter.

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    1. Avoid boring or overused openers. Recruiters have read cover letters that start with lines like "I'm excited to apply for the front-end engineering position," or "Your job posting on The Muse prompted me to…" so often they could wallpaper their homes with them. While those are OK and still acceptable, you'll have a better shot at ...

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    Use double cover letter spacing between paragraphs and 1-1.15 between lines. Title your cover letter by JobTitle—CoverLetter—YourName. Let your cover letter layout stay intact en route to the recruiter by saving the file in PDF. Fit all the information included in the letter on one page.

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    1. The professional cover letter. In this great cover letter example, the applicant landed an IT project management job by proving they had the required project management skills and experience while providing highlights from their career: Include hard numbers in your cover letter to impress the employer.

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    A cover letter starts with your contact information, first and last name, the date, and the employer's details. Begin with an introduction about your suitability for the role. Include a brief section highlighting relevant experience and skills with examples. Conclude by asking for an interview.

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    A good cover letter will contain: An explanation for why you are applying for a role. A description of how your past work history makes you an outstanding candidate. A hint of your soft skills and ability to adapt to a new work culture. Cover letter contents vary depending on your industry, work history, and the open job.

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    If you think you need to open the letter with something creative or catchy, I am here to tell you that you don't. Just be simple and straightforward: • "I'm writing to apply for your X position.". • "I'd love to be considered for your X position.". • "I'm interested in your X position because …".

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    4. Mention something newsworthy. Start your cover letter with evidence that you've done your research. If the company you're applying for was recently in the news, mention it in the opening line and explain why you admire the company. Mention a specific event, fact, notable statistic or award the company recently won.

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    Here's how to write a successful cover letter: 1. Stick to the Proper Cover Letter Format. Your cover letter should follow the best practices for writing business letters. Keep your cover letter short and to the point—in fact, your entire cover letter shouldn't be longer than 350 words.

  22. How to write a cover letter

    How to write your cover letter. Start with a brief introduction about yourself and why you're writing. Mention the job you're applying for and your interest in it. Give a snapshot of the relevant skills, experience and qualifications you have that relate to the job. Think about the key two or three points in your resume and explaining these ...

  23. How to Write a Cover Letter

    3. Know the Company . Take the time to research the company you are applying to so that you can express how your experience can help. Plus, having knowledge of the company is ideal for when you ...

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    Tips for Writing a Compelling Cover Letter. Crafting a compelling cover letter isn't just about what you say, but how you say it. Here are some tips to help you write a standout cover letter: Be Concise: Keep your cover letter to one page and avoid rambling. Focus on the most relevant information.

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    Schedule a private meeting with your boss to discuss your plans. Be upfront about your intentions, explaining why you're interested in the new role and how it aligns with your long-term career goals.Emphasize that this move isn't a reflection of dissatisfaction with your current position, but rather a desire to grow and take on new challenges within the company.

  26. How to write a cover letter

    A cover letter is a single-page letter that you include with your job application. You should always include a cover letter, unless the job advertisement clearly says not to. The purpose of a cover letter. When writing a cover letter, you should: introduce yourself; mention the job (or type of job) you're applying for (or looking for)

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    Although you can speed up the process, writing a good cover letter takes time. So, you want to make sure your finished product is concise and easy to read. "[Recruiters] spend about 15-30 seconds [reading] the resume. They may spend even less time on the cover letter and many employers do not require a cover letter," Shreve Blake said.

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    The tone of writing. Your tone should be professional, clear and a true reflection of you. ... and be specific about the reasons you are a good match. ... Cover letters can be difficult to write, so it can be tempting to use AI to help out. However, your cover letter should be a true reflection of you as a professional, and the information ...

  30. Should You Use AI to Write Your Cover Letter?

    Although you can speed up the process, writing a good cover letter takes time. So, you want to make sure your finished product is concise and easy to read. "[Recruiters] spend about 15-30 seconds [reading] the resume.