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Resources for Students and Educators

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) offers a variety of learning resources for students and teachers about mental health and the brain. Whether you want to understand mental health challenges, promote emotional well-being in the classroom, or simply learn how to take care of your own mental health, our resources cover a wide range of topics to foster a supportive and informed learning environment. Explore videos, coloring books, and hands-on quizzes and activities to empower yourself and others on the journey to mental well-being.

You can also find additional educational resources about mental health and other topics on NIH’s STEM Teaching Resources website  .

A cartoon brain with a face, arms, and legs, named

Video series: Jane the Brain

Hello kids, meet Jane the Brain! This colorful new video series from NIMH introduces kids to Jane, our super-smart and friendly animated character, who helps kids understand and cope with big feelings like stress, frustration, and sadness. 

Childhood Irritability : Learn about symptoms of irritability, why it's important to study irritability, NIMH-supported research in this area, and new treatments for severe irritability in youth.

Get to Know Your Brain: Your brain is an incredible and complex organ! It helps you think, learn, create, and feel emotions, and it controls every blink, breath, and heartbeat. Learn more about the parts of the brain and what each area helps control.

NIMH Deputy Director Dr. Shelli Avenevoli Discusses the Youth Mental Health Crisis: Learn about youth suicide, the effects of technology and the pandemic on the developing brain, and tips for supporting the mental health of youth.

Getting to Know Your Brain: Dealing with Stress: Test your knowledge about stress and the brain. Also learn how to create and use a “ stress catcher ” to practice strategies to deal with stress.

Coloring and activity books

Print or order these coloring and activity books to help teach kids about mental health, stress, and the brain. These are available in English and Spanish. 

Get Excited About Mental Health Research book cover

Get Excited About Mental Health Research!

This free coloring and activity book introduces kids to the exciting world of mental health research.

Stand Up to Stress! Coloring and Activity Book cover image

Stand Up to Stress!

This free coloring and activity book teaches children about stress and anxiety and offers tips for coping in a healthy way.

Get Excited About The Brain! A Coloring and Activity Book for Kids Ages 8-12

Get Excited About the Brain!

This free coloring and activity book for children ages 8-12 features exciting facts about the human brain and mental health.

Quizzes and activities

Use these fun, hands-on activities in the classroom or at home to teach kids about mental health.

 Teen Depression. Being a teenager can be tough, but it shouldn’t feel hopeless. You’re not alone, and help is available. NIMH logo. Illustrated figure with head in hands.

Teen Depression Kahoot! Quiz  

Engage students in fun and interactive competition as they learn about depression, stress and anxiety, self-care, and how to get help for themselves or others.

Cover image of NIMH foldable stress catcher for kids

Stress Catcher

Life can get challenging sometimes, and it’s important for kids (and adults!) to develop strategies for coping with stress or anxiety. This printable stress catcher “fortune teller” offers some strategies children can practice and use to help manage stress and other difficult emotions.

Brochures and fact sheets

Below is a selection of NIMH brochures and fact sheets to help teach kids and parents about mental health and the brain. Additional publications are available for download or ordering in English and Spanish.

Cover image of Children and Mental Health

Children and Mental Health: Is This Just a Stage?

This fact sheet presents information on children’s mental health including assessing your child’s behavior, when to seek help, first steps for parents, treatment options, and factors to consider when choosing a mental health professional.

The Teen Brain: 7 Things to Know

The Teen Brain: 7 Things to Know

Learn about how the teen brain grows, matures, and adapts to the world.


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Mental Health in the Schools

Published by Alan Fleming Modified over 9 years ago

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Mental Health in Schools

Sep 25, 2014

530 likes | 932 Views

Dr. Alan Brown, Chief Department of Psychiatry (HHS and JBMH) Medical Director Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient Services (HHS). Mental Health in Schools. Overview . 1) Mental Health – Definition 2) Mental Illness – Inseparable from physical illness 3) Prevalence Rates

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Presentation Transcript

Dr. Alan Brown, Chief Department of Psychiatry (HHS and JBMH) Medical Director Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient Services (HHS) Mental Health in Schools

Overview 1) Mental Health – Definition 2) Mental Illness – Inseparable from physical illness 3) Prevalence Rates 4) Most Common – Anxiety, Depression, ADHD 5) Resilience 6) Treatment Resources

Mental Health Exists on a Continuum

Mental Disorder/Illness Mental Health Problem Mental Distress No Distress, Problem or Disorder The Inter-Relationship of Mental Health States

1 in 5 students will experience a mental health problem…. ONE in FIVE Every School…..Every Classroom

Mental Health is…. The ability to think, feel and act in ways that help us cope with life’s ups and downs, make good decisions and have meaningful relationships Balancing all parts of life is important to maintaining positive mental health and well-being

What are Mental Health Problems? Emotional, behavioural and brain-related disturbances that interfere with development, personal relationships, and functioning Disturbances that are severe and persistent enough to cause significant symptoms, distress, and impairment in one or more areas of daily life are termed mental health disorders/mental illness

Mental Health Problems include a Range of Difficulties Mental Health problems are characterized by many different signs and symptoms and present in various forms Some mental health problems manifest outwardly (externalizing) Students appear aggressive, impulsive, non-compliant Some mental health problems manifest inwardly (internalizing) Students appear withdrawn, lonely, anxious, depressed

Mental Illness is…. A medical condition that impacts functioning over a period of time Not result of a personal failure or weakness, but is caused by a social, psychological, genetic, physical, chemical or biological disturbance (often in combination)

What’s the Difference? Physiological differences in people who struggle with a mental health disorder Brain differences Driven by genetic, epigenetic effect (hereditability components to these disorders) Underlying genetic structure can be changed by environmental impacts suppressing or expressing genes Similar to other disorders i.e. diabetes

Mental Health Disorders are Physical Disorders Research (genetic, imaging, immunological) all show that mental health disorders are inflammatory disorders (redness, swelling, increased fluid secretion and diminished function in the brain) Not a choice or character flaw

The Good News Proven strategies and supports Psychosocial (talk therapy) and pharmacological (medications) treatments are most common, and are often used together While many mental disorders are chronic, we can help with coping Early identification and intervention improves prognosis

But Most Do Not Receive the Help They Need Up to 80% of children and youth who experience a mental health problem will not receive treatment Major barriers include: Lack of, difficulty accessing, or long waitlists for local services Stigma Misidentification or lack of identification of symptoms

Facts and Figures Causes – multiply determined (biological, life experiences, individual factors, early trauma) Onset – In 70% of cases, the onset of problems begins before age 18; with 50% of cases starting before age 14 Co morbidity – If have one disorder, other problems are also likely (75% have more than one mental health problem) Impact – disturbances to academic and social well-being, isolation, despair, anger; heightened risk of suicide Stage 1 versus stage 4 treatment: minimizing secondary impacts (reduce academic impact, social impact, identify formation in adolescence, sense of self)

Safe and Inclusive SchoolsHDSB Mental Health and Addiction Strategy Launched September 2013 Developed based on Resource Mapping and Needs Assessment Data Mental Health is the presence of physical, emotional, intellectual and social well-being. Our Mission: The Halton District School Board is committed to the mental health and well-being of every student. The Halton District School Board will inspire and support learning; create safe, health inclusive and engaging environments, provide opportunities for challenge and choice; and prepare students for success.

When Should I Be Concerned? Notice changes in behaviour See behaviour that are not age-appropriate Behaviours continue over a period of time Then: seek assistance from school supports (Teacher, Administration, SERT, PSSP)

Signs… Emotional/Behavioural Signs Academic Signs Communication/Social Skills Signs

Prevalence of Mental Disorders in Young People: Who is in your Classroom? Population Prevalence • Depression (4-6%) • Psychosis (0.5 – 1.0%) • Anxiety Disorders (6-10%) • ADHD (2-4%) • Anorexia Nervosa (0.1 -0.2 %) • Total (15-20%) • SUICIDE: 4-5/100,000 • ASD (1-4%) • Substance Abuse (10%) Translation to the “average” Classroom • Depression (1-2) • Psychosis (rare) • Anxiety Disorders (1-3) • ADHD (1) • Anorexia Nervosa (rare) • Total (3-5) • SUICIDE: 4-5/100,000 • ASD (1) • Substance Abuse (2-3)

Why Talk About It? Between 15%-25% of children/youth report at least one mental health problem or illness Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among Canadian adolescents Untreated youth mental health problems become adult mental health problems, 70% of adults with mental health issues reported problems started in childhood School difficulties may be a sign of emerging or unrecognized mental illness; these can impact a youth’s ability to be successful at school

What is an Anxiety Disorder? Feelings of excessive stress, fear, worry or nervousness over a prolonged period of time during situations where this response is not justified Interferes with daily activities and relationships Signs may include: school or task avoidance, worrying, frequent crying, isolation, easily frustrated, shyness, aggression, perfectionist behaviours

Types of Anxiety Disorders Generalized (over worry) Social (fear of negative judgement of others) Performance (pressure of situations) Anticipatory (too nervous before changes or transitions) Panic Attacks (provoked and unprovoked) Obsessive Compulsive Disorders

Normal Anxiety versus Anxiety Disorder ANXIETY BEHAVIOUR THOUGHTS PHYSICAL FEELINGS Anxiety is a normal emotion, it exists to help us survive, keep safe and perform better… It is time limited!

What is Depression? Normal to have feelings of sadness and disappointment Not simply having “the blues” A mood disorder causing a disruption in the way a person feels and experiences emotion and impacts daily functioning Clinical depression: low mood persists for at least 2 weeks and is accompanied by changes in physical, emotional and cognitive state


What Anxiety/Depression can look like at School Academic: poor concentration, forgetful, declining motivation, incomplete/late work, declining grades Emotional/Behavioural withdrawn, negative self talk, harmful coping styles, struggling with peers, teacher and family relationships, avoiding tests, school refusal, Day/Night reversal, nothing makes them happy

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Attentional: Difficulty focusing Sitting quietly, off task Hyperactive/Impulsive: Poor social behaviour and can impact peer relationships Impulsivity Taking turns may be challenging Completing tasks or attending to details

Dual Diagnosis Two or more diagnosed disorders ASD, MID, DD: May or may not have mental illness symptoms presenting as part of ASD diagnosis e.g. ASD and OCD, anxiety (social, performance, anticipatory, panic attacks) Students with ASD may have significant psychiatric challenges that can be treated to help these students function

Other Bi-Polar Mood Disorders 4% Schizophrenia 1% Schizo-Affective Disorder 0.5% Psychosis 1-2% Reactive-Attachment Disorder vs. Attachment Disorders Post Traumatic Stress Disorders

Factors Associated with Effective Mental Health Promotion (Resilience) Programs that focus on applying physical social emotional learning skills in daily life Using interactive classroom instruction with frequent opportunities to practice Culture of respectful supportive relationship among students, school staff, and families Multi-year, multi-component approaches Whole school, community-involved approaches Support physical fitness development Greenberg et al., 2003 Stewart-Brown, 2006

What Do All Child/Youth Students Need? A warm welcome A smile A connection to a caring adult, every day A chance to learn A safe place to risk Someone who notices when something is wrong Someone who reaches out when they notice Someone who listens, and tries to find help for them Someone who believes in them, and instils hope

Caring Adults… Know their children students Notice changes Listen attentively Don’t promise to keep secrets Reframe negative thinking and find ways to build hope Use humour Nurture strength as a lever to hope Know where to get help when problems are too big to manage alone

Caring Classrooms Build Skills We can be proactive by teaching students social emotional learning skills so they are prepared for life’s challenges Research suggests that social emotional skill building helps students both emotionally AND academically Five core skill areas have been identified: Self Awareness Social Awareness Self-Regulation Relationships Decision-making

Relationships are Key Empathy Positive Regard Respect Genuineness Specificity of Response Concrete

New release from the Ministry of Education – An Educator’s Guide to Promoting Students’ Mental Health and Well-Being

Resources School teachers, counsellors, social workers, CYC’s, administration Primary physicians and paediatricians ROCK – behavioural difficulties Woodview – behavioural difficulties Nelson Youth Centre – social skills Hospital Outpatient Services, Clinical Day treatment Services (HHS, JBMH) Emergency Department CAPIS (Child/Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient Services) ADAPT (Alcohol and Drug Assessment Prevention and Treatment Services) Halton Support Services – Autism and Developmental Delay CAS (Children’s Aid Society) Websites e.g. CAMH, Private therapists/psychologist Bibliotherapy

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Mental Health Awareness in School - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

mental health presentation for high school students ppt

Mental Health Awareness in School

Addressing mental health issues in school is very important because 1 in every five children have a diagnosable behavioral, emotional, or mental health disorder, and 1 in every ten young people have a mental health issue that is severe enough to impair how they function at school, home or in the community. so, it is vital to keep kids aware of mental health issues in their early school days. being one of the top schools of jodhpur, we encourage our students to recognize mental health issues, fight with them, and spread the information. for more details to get your child enrolled with us, call us on 9460251976. – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • Health awareness
  • Promote positive self-esteem. Provide students with the tools and skills necessary to resolve conflict
  • Encourage students to eat healthy and provide healthy eating options Provide outlets to relieve anxiety and stress. Physical activity.
  • Promote school policies that support mental health such as bullying prevention is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.

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This fully customizable Google Slides and powerPoint template, designed in pleasing earth tones, adorned with boho leaf motifs and vivid images, intersperses style with substance. Use it to inform your audience of the importance of mental well-being and how to spot mental distress in children and teenagers early on. Detail the options available for helping them, be it through talk therapy or medication. This design is a one-stop solution for sharing invaluable insights on this critical subject matter!

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    Download ppt "Mental Health in the Schools". Goals of Presentation How to recognize the need for counseling support and who to talk to for assistance. Understand types of mental health disorders found in school settings. Learn about types of medications prescribed for common mental health disorders.

  13. PPT

    The promotion of positive mental, social, emotional, and physical development • Identifying and addressing mental health problems that present as "barriers to learning" • Provide resources and links to community services • The provision of mental health/substance abuse services delivered in the school or linked to the school in some way.

  14. PDF Microsoft PowerPoint

    Consider the mental health needs of students, staff, and families in any COVID‐19 relief packages as schools begin the process of reopening, including additional costs to school districts and early intervention programs of providing those services.

  15. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. Dr. Alan Brown, Chief Department of Psychiatry (HHS and JBMH) Medical Director Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient Services (HHS) Mental Health in Schools. Overview 1) Mental Health - Definition 2) Mental Illness - Inseparable from physical illness 3) Prevalence Rates 4) Most Common - Anxiety, Depression ...

  16. Free templates on Mental Health for Google Slides & PPT

    Mental Health Tips Minitheme. Download the Mental Health Tips Minitheme presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic...

  17. Mental Health Awareness in School

    Addressing mental health issues in school is very important because 1 in every five children have a diagnosable behavioral, emotional, or mental health disorder, and 1 in every ten young people have a mental health issue that is severe enough to impair how they function at school, home or in the community. So, it is vital to keep kids aware of mental health issues in their early school days ...

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  19. Child and Teenager Mental Health

    Child and Teenager Mental Health Presentation Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template This fully customizable Google Slides and powerPoint template, designed in pleasing earth tones, adorned with boho leaf motifs and vivid images, intersperses style with substance.