Clinical Psychology PhD

Ph.d. in clinical psychology.

Welcome to the doctoral program in Clinical Psychology Program at Teachers College, Columbia University. The Clinical Psychology Program was founded in 1947-1948. It was APA-accredited in the first group of programs that were reviewed for accreditation in 1948 and that status has been uninterrupted. Our most recent site visit from the APA occurred in 2021, and we have been accredited until June 2031.

Our program operates according to a scientist-practitioner model. We are, thus, dedicated to training students to generate empirically-based knowledge in clinical psychology and to perform clinical work that is constantly informed by traditional and emerging scholarship in the field. We expect our students to learn to expertly produce, analyze, and discuss scientific material. We also expect our students to become proficient at providing clinical services to a diverse population. And, most importantly, we expect our students to learn to integrate these two goals. As our mission statement in the TC catalog notes, “The driving goal of our Clinical Psychology Program is to provide rigorous training in both contemporary clinical science and clinical assessment and intervention.”

A good deal of the training, especially that related to research, occurs through intensive participation in a research lab directed by a specific faculty mentor. It is this context, through this lab, that students develop their scientific skills and begin presenting their work at professional conferences and publishing in professional journals. Each student, of course, is also part of a cohort of doctoral students with whom they learn, collaborate, and socialize.

In recent years, graduates of our doctoral program have gained employment in tenure-track academic positions, as research scientists in medical schools, and as clinical researchers in a broad range of treatment settings. In addition, many of our graduates practice independently as well as in community settings for under-served populations.

The list of faculty reviewing and potentially accepting applicants for each cycle is listed on the application itself. Please check the application itself or email the admissions office at 

[email protected] for clarification.

Doug Mennin, Ph.D.

Professor, Director of Clinical Training

Research Centers

Dean Hope Center for Educational and Psychological Services

The Dean Hope Center for Educational and Psychological Services (DHCEPS) is an integral part of the teaching and training programs in Clinical, Counseling, School Psychology, Learning Disability and Reading Specialist. The Center works in a two-folded way; first it offers students the opportunity to integrate theoretical coursework with practicum experience within a multidisciplinary setting. This training is foreseen by highly qualified supervisors. Simultaneously, the DHCEPS offers affordable psychological and educational services to individuals, couples, and families residing in the nearby neighborhood of the New York City area. The emphasis is on respecting and working with clients from diverse, multicultural contexts regardless of age, racial and ethnic background, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, and religious or cultural affiliations. Additionally, DHCEPS is committed to maintaining a liaison with community-based agencies and organizations such as schools, hospitals, and mental health clinics, among others.

Teachers College Resilience Center for Veterans and Families

The Resilience Center for Veterans & Families pairs groundbreaking research on human emotional resilience with clinical training of therapists to assist veterans and their families as they transition back to civilian life.

Dean Hope Center for Psychological Services

The Dean Hope Center for Educational and Psychological Services (DHCEPS) is an integral part of the teaching and training programs in Clinical, Counseling, School Psychology, Learning Disability and Reading Specialist. The Center works in a two-folded way; first it offers students the opportunity to integrate theoretical coursework with practicum experience within a multidisciplinary setting. This training is foreseen by highly qualified supervisors.  Simultaneously, the DHCEPS offers affordable psychological and educational services to individuals, couples, and families residing in the nearby neighborhood of the New York City area. The emphasis is on respecting and working with clients from diverse, multicultural contexts regardless of age, racial and ethnic background, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, and religious or cultural affiliations.  DHCEPS also commits to maintaining a liaison with community-based agencies and organizations such as schools, hospitals and mental health clinics.

A student is engaged in conversation with one her peers at a study group at Teachers College.

Admissions Information

Displaying requirements for the Spring 2025, Summer 2025, and Fall 2025 terms.

Doctor of Philosophy

  • Points/Credits: 95
  • Entry Terms: Fall
  • Enrollment Formats: Full-Time

Application Deadlines

Entry Term AvailablePriority DeadlinesFinal DeadlinesExtended Deadlines
FallDecember 1, 2024December 1, 2024N/A

Select programs remain open beyond our standard application deadlines , such as those with an extended deadline or those that are rolling (open until June or July). If your program is rolling or has an extended deadline indicated above, applications are reviewed as they are received and on a space-available basis. We recommend you complete your application as soon as possible as these programs can close earlier if full capacity has been met.

Application Requirements

  , including Statement of Purpose and Resume
 Results from an accepted (if applicable)
 $75 Application Fee
 Two (2) Letters of Recommendation
 GRE General Test is optional

Requirements from the TC Catalog (AY 2023-2024)

Displaying catalog information for the Fall 2023, Spring 2024 and Summer 2024 terms.

View Full Catalog Listing

The Program requires the following:

The completion of 95 points of academic credit during three to four years of residence at the College.

A full-time, twelve-month clinical internship during the fourth or fifth year of study.

An original piece of empirical research, which also serves as a qualifying paper, to be completed during the second year of study.

A passing grade on the certification examination (on Research Methods) during the third year of study.

A Clinical case presentation as well as a research presentation, during the third year, each demonstrating the student’s ability to integrate theory, research, and practice.

A doctoral dissertation, which must be completed no later than the seventh year after matriculation.

During the first year of study, in addition to participating in a research lab, doctoral students typically take the following didactic courses: Ethical and professional issues in clinical psychology (CCPX 5030); Psychological measurement (HUDM 5059); courses on statistics and modeling; Research methods in social psychology (ORLJ 5040); Child psychopathology (CCPX 5034); Adult psychopathology (CCPX 5032); History and systems of psychology (CCPX 6020); and Dynamic psychotherapies (CCPX 5037). Students also take two semesters of psychological testing and diagnostic assessment (CCPX 5330, CCPX 5333) and a course in clinical interviewing (CCPX 5539).

Second Year

During their second year, students’ didactic courses include Brain and behavior (BBS 5068, 5069); Cognition, emotion, and culture (CCPX 5020); Psychotherapy with children (CCPX 5531); Cognitive, behavioral, and interpersonal therapies (CCPX 5038); Clinical work with diverse populations (CCPX 5036); and Seminar on life course development (HUDK 6520). In addition, students sign up for a full year of research practicum with a faculty member (culminating in an empirical second- year project), a full-year adult psychodynamic psychotherapy practicum (CCPX 6335), and an additional elective full-year clinical rotation (e.g., on child and adolescent psychotherapy; on neuropsychological assessment).

Third-year didactic courses include Group dynamics: A systems perspective (ORL 5362); and Dissertation seminar (CCPX 7500). There is also a full-year advanced psychodynamic clinical practicum (CCPX 6336) and a one-semester supervision and consultation practicum (CCPX 6333). Most students also elect a full-year family therapy practicum (CCPJ 6363).

Fourth and Fifth Year

The fourth year is typically focused on clinical externship (CCPX 5230) and extensive work on the dissertation. A full-year fourth year psychotherapy practicum (CCPX 6338) is recommended, though not required. Year five is usually spent on a full- year clinical internship (CCPX 6430).

The program allows only 12 points of graduate work from another institution to be transferred. No transfer credits are awarded for practica, workshops, or independent study.

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Department of Psychology

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  • Clinical Psychology

The Clinical Psychology Program adheres to a clinical science model of training, and is a member of the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science.  We are committed to training clinical psychologists whose research advances scientific knowledge of psychopathology and its treatment, and who are capable of applying evidence-based methods of assessment and clinical intervention. The main emphasis of the program is research, especially on severe psychopathology. The program includes research, course work, and clinical practica, and usually takes five years to complete. Students typically complete assessment and treatment practica during their second and third years in the program, and they must fulfill all departmental requirements prior to beginning their one-year internship. The curriculum meets the requirements for licensure in Massachusetts, accreditation requirements of the American Psychological Association (APA; Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation, American Psychological Association, 750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242, , Tel. [202] 336-5979), and accreditation requirements of the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS). PCSAS accredited the program on December 15, 2022 for a 10-year term. APA accredited the program on April 28, 2015 for a seven-year term, which was extended due to COVID-related delays.


Required courses and training experiences fulfill requirements for clinical psychology licensure in Massachusetts as well as meet APA criteria for the accreditation of clinical psychology programs.  In addition to these courses, further training experiences are required in accordance with the American Psychological Association’s guidelines for the accreditation of clinical psychology programs (e.g., clinical practica [e.g., PSY 3050 Clinical Practicum, PSY 3080 Practicum in Neuropsychological Assessment]; clinical internship).

Students in the clinical psychology program are required to take the following courses:

  • PSY 2900 Professional Ethics
  • PSY 2445 Psychotherapy Research
  • PSY  2070 Psychometric Theory and Method Using R
  • PSY 2430 Cultural, Racial, and Ethnic Bases of Behavior
  • PSY 3250 Psychological Testing
  • PSY 2050 History of Psychology
  • PSY 1950 Applied Statistical Data Analysis in Psychology I
  • PSY 1952 Applied Statistical Data Analysis in Psychology II
  • PSY 2040 Contemporary Topics in Psychopathology
  • PSY 2460 Diagnostic Interviewing
  • PSY 2420 Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Psychological Disorders

Students must take at least one course in each of the following areas. 

Biological Bases of Behavior PSY 1202 Modern Neuroanatomy PSY 1325 The Emotional, Social Brain PSY 1355 The Adolescent Brain PSY 1702 The Emotional Mind Neurobio 315QC Human Neuroanatomy and Neuropathology Cognitive-Affective Bases of Behavior PSY 2400 Cognitive Psychology and Emotional Disorders Social Bases of Behavior PSY 2500 Proseminar in Social Psychology PSY 3515 Graduate Seminar in Social Psychology

In accordance with American Psychological Association guidelines for the accreditation of clinical psychology programs, clinical students also receive consultation and supervision within the context of clinical practica in psychological assessment and treatment beginning in their second semester of their first year and running through their third year. They receive further exposure to additional topics (e.g., human development) in the Developmental Psychopathology seminar and in the twice-monthly clinical psychology “brown bag” speaker series. Finally, students complete a year-long clinical internship. Students are responsible for making sure that they take courses in all the relevant and required areas listed above. Students wishing to substitute one required course for another should seek advice from their advisor and from the director of clinical training prior to registering. During the first year, students are advised to get in as many requirements as possible. Many requirements can be completed before the deadlines stated below. First-year project: Under the guidance of a faculty member who serves as a mentor, students participate in a research project and write a formal report on their research progress. Due by May of first year. Second-year project: Original research project leading to a written report in the style of an APA journal article. A ten-minute oral presentation is also required. Due by May of second year. General exam: A six-hour exam covering the literature of the field. To be taken in September before the start of the third year. Thesis prospectus: A written description of the research proposed must be approved by a prospectus committee appointed by the CHD. Due at the beginning of the fourth year. Thesis and oral defense: Ordinarily this would be completed by the end of the fourth year. Clinical internship: Ordinarily this would occur in the fifth year. Students must have completed their thesis research prior to going on internship.

Credit for Prior Graduate Work

 A PhD student who has completed at least one full term of satisfactory work in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences may file an application at the Registrar’s Office requesting that work done in a graduate program elsewhere be counted toward the academic residence requirement. Forms are available  online .

No more than the equivalent of eight half-courses may be so counted for the PhD.

An application for academic credit for work done elsewhere must contain a list of the courses, with grades, for which the student is seeking credit, and must be approved by the student’s department. In order for credit to be granted, official transcripts showing the courses for which credit is sought must be submitted to the registrar, unless they are already on file with the Graduate School. No guarantee is given in advance that such an application will be granted. 

Only courses taken in a Harvard AB-AM or AB-SM program, in Harvard Summer School, as a GSAS Special Student or FAS courses taken as an employee under the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) may be counted toward the minimum academic residence requirements for a Master’s degree.

Academic and financial credit for courses taken as a GSAS Special Student or FAS courses taken as a Harvard employee prior to admission to a degree program may be granted for a maximum of four half-courses toward a one-year Master’s and eight half-courses toward a two-year Master’s or the PhD degree.

Applications for academic and financial credit must be approved by the student’s department and should then be submitted to the Registrar’s Office.

Student Admissions, Outcomes, and other data

  • Time to Completion

Time to Completion 2023

Students can petition the program faculty to receive credit for prior graduate coursework, but it does not markedly reduce their expected time to complete the program.

2. Program Costs

Program costs 2023

3. Internships

Internship placement Table 1 2023

4. Attrition

Attrition 2023

5. Licensure

Licensure 2023

Standard Financial Aid Award, Students Entering 2023

The financial aid package for Ph.D. students entering in 2023 will include tuition and health fees support for years one through four, or five, if needed; stipend support in years one and two; a summer research grant equal to two months stipend at the end of years one through four; teaching fellowship support in years three and four guaranteed by the Psychology Department; and a dissertation completion grant consisting of tuition and stipend support in the appropriate year. Typically students will not be allowed to teach while receiving a stipend in years one and two or during the dissertation completion year.

  Year 1 (2023-24) and Year 2 (2024- 25)

Tuition & Health Fees: Paid in Full Academic Year Stipend: $35,700 (10 months) Summer Research Award: $7,140 (2 months)

Year 3 (2025-26) & Year 4 (2026- 27) Tuition & Health Fees: Paid in Full Living Expenses: $35,700 (Teaching Fellowship plus supplement, if eligible) Summer Research Award: $7,140 (2 months)

Year 5 (2027-28) - if needed; may not be taken after the Dissertation Completion year

Tuition & Health Fees: Paid in Full

Dissertation Completion Year (normally year 5, occasionally year 6)

Tuition & Health Fees: Paid in Full Stipend for Living Expenses: $35,700

The academic year stipend is for the ten-month period September through June. The first stipend payment will be made available at the start of the fall term with subsequent disbursements on the first of each month. The summer research award is intended for use in July and August following the first four academic years.

In the third and fourth years, the guaranteed income of $35,700 includes four sections of teaching and, if necessary, a small supplement from the Graduate School. Your teaching fellowship is guaranteed by the Department provided you have passed the General Examination or equivalent and met any other department criteria. Students are required to take a teacher training course in the first year of teaching.

The dissertation completion year fellowship will be available as soon as you are prepared to finish your dissertation, ordinarily in the fifth year. Applications for the completion fellowship must be submitted in February of the year prior to utilizing the award. Dissertation completion fellowships are not guaranteed after the seventh year. Please note that registration in the Graduate School is always subject to your maintaining satisfactory progress toward the degree.

GSAS students are strongly encouraged to apply for appropriate Harvard and outside fellowships throughout their  enrollment. All students who receive funds from an outside source are expected to accept the award in place of the above Harvard award. In such cases, students may be eligible to receive a GSAS award of up to $4,000 for each academic year of external funding secured or defer up to one year of GSAS stipend support.

For additional information, please refer to the Financial Support section of the GSAS website ( ).

Registration and Financial Aid in the Graduate School are always subject to maintaining satisfactory progress toward the degree.

Psychology students are eligible to apply for generous research and travel grants from the Department.

The figures quoted above are estimates provided by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and are subject to change.

Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation American Psychological Association 750 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20002 Phone: (202) 336-5979 E-mail:  [email protected]

The Director of Clinical Training is Prof. Richard J. McNally who can be reached by telephone at (617) 495-3853 or via email at:  [email protected] .

Harvard Clinical Psychology Student Handbook

The purpose of the Psychology Clinical Handbook is to outline and describe the philosophy and structure of Harvard University’s Clinical Psychology Program and to provide students with information about the courses, research, and clinical training required to earn a Ph.D. degree in clinical psychology.

Clinical Science Faculty

  • Matthew K. Nock
  • Mark L. Hatzenbuehler
  • Jill M. Hooley
  • Richard J. McNally
  • Rebecca Shingleton
  • John R. Weisz
  • Undergraduate Program
  • Postdoctoral Program
  • Doctoral Alumni

Warning icon

Clinical Psychology PhD/MA

The Division of Psychology within the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences offers a doctoral degree (PhD) in clinical psychology that has been continuously accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA) since 1972.

Our program has the advantage of our interdepartmental and interdisciplinary placement within Northwestern University to offer students a true balance of research and clinical training.”

Jason Washburn, PhD, ABPP Director of Graduate Studies

Jason Washburn, PhD, ABPP

Founded on a scientist-practitioner model, the overall goal of the Clinical Psychology PhD Program is to graduate academic psychologists who are competent, ethical and productive in the science and practice of clinical psychology. Our program emphasizes the integration of science and clinical practice.

Program Length: 5-6 years

Program Size: 4-6 students per year

An MA program is embedded in the Clinical Psychology PhD Program, with coursework and lab work completed alongside PhD students. Although students in the MA program are welcome to apply to the PhD program, the MA program is not intended to be a "gateway" into the PhD program. 

Visit PhD Program Site   Apply Visit MA Program Site Give to the Program

Eligibility and Program Requirements

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PhD in Clinical Psychology

  • Clinical Concentrations
  • PhD in Psychology
  • PhD in Psychology with an emphasis in Media & Technology
  • PhD in Infant and Early Childhood Development
  • Media Psychology
  • Master’s in Media Psychology
  • Media Psychology Certificate
  • Postbaccalaureate Certificate in Clinical Psychology
  • Postdoctoral Certificate in Respecialization in Clinical Psychology
  • Neuropsychology Specialization Training Program
  • PhD Degree Completion Program
  • PhD in Human Development
  • PhD in Organizational Development and Change
  • EdD Leadership for Change
  • Doctoral Concentrations
  • Master’s in Organization Development and Leadership
  • Evidence Based Coaching Certificate
  • Request for Information
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Clinical Psychology

pictured alum: Dr. Emily Eccles, Class of 2020

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American Psychological Association

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$10,180 per term

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so you can remain in your local community

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Program Director

Connie Veazey, PhD

APA logo

Fielding’s doctoral program in Clinical Psychology is accredited by the American Psychological Association. It is the only distributed learning program accredited by the APA. The Psychology PhD serves adults, many of whom who have trained or worked in the mental health field. Our unique distributed learning model blends the best of in-person learning opportunities with digital formats.

Questions related to the program’s accredited status should be directed to the Commission on Accreditation: Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation American Psychological Association 750 1st Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 Phone: (202) 336-5979 / E-mail: [email protected] Web:

For questions regarding the Clinical Psychology PhD Program contact [email protected].

About the Clinical Psychology Program

Application requirements.

Earning your doctorate in Clinical Psychology includes online and in-person seminars, meetings with faculty and other students in your region, weeklong residential sessions, as well as research and clinical training experiences.

The unique mix of online and residential learning provides flexible opportunities for individuals with career, family, and community responsibilities to achieve their advanced educational goals. Faculty are active scholars and practitioners with a wide variety of expertise, making it possible to offer training in a variety of therapeutic orientations and specialized concentrations in some of the most exciting growth areas of psychology.

  • Conferred Bachelor’s Degree
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Online Application Form
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Critical Thinking Writing Sample
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation
  • Official Transcript
  • No GRE Required

Start your application NOW!  

Apply now for fall 2025, student admissions, outcomes, and other data.

In accordance with requirements of the American Psychological Association (APA), Fielding Graduate University provides Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data pertaining to the education of our graduate students.

The Fielding Experience

  • Become a member of a dynamic and diverse community of colleagues
  • Interact with and learn from our expert faculty located all across the country
  • Attend monthly professional development seminar in your geographic area
  • Engage with alumni, faculty, and other students at sessions

Mission & Aims of the Program

Fielding’s APA accredited Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program is strongly aligned with the university’s mission to create a more humane, just, and sustainable world, and the university’s values that include academic excellence, community, diversity, and social justice.

Consistent with these values, a core mission of our program is to foster the inclusion of students from under-represented populations. These populations include students living in small communities, rural, or remote locations of the United States, students currently in the military or spouses of military members, adult learners with families, and students whose ongoing participation in their current communities cannot be halted for doctoral study elsewhere. These are student populations who are often unable to enter the field through preparation at a traditional university campus, yet these are the future psychologists for which the discipline and profession have expressed an urgent need.

In addition, our program aims to graduate entry-level scholar-practitioner psychologists who bring social justice values to their work as licensed health service professionals. Consistent with this overarching aim, we have four specific aims for our students, which must be achieved by the time of graduation.

  • Students will demonstrate doctoral-level discipline-specific knowledge that represents the scientific and theoretical knowledge areas of the discipline of psychology (i.e., history and systems of psychology and the affective, biological, cognitive, developmental, and social bases of behavior).
  • Students will demonstrate doctoral-level conceptualization, evaluation, analysis, and integration of discipline-specific knowledge across the curriculum.
  • Students will demonstrate doctoral-level ability to understand and critique research; design, conduct, analyze, and communicate theoretically informed research; and conduct research in a manner that is culturally sensitive and consistent with legal code and ethical standards, including the APA ethics code.
  • Students will demonstrate doctoral-level competence in the profession-wide competencies, including conducting an evidence-based diagnosis, assessment, and psychotherapy; and applying theory and research to develop case conceptualizations, treatment plans, and interventions that are consistent with legal and ethical standards and individual and cultural diversity factors.

Serving adults, many of whom have trained or worked in the mental health field, our unique distributed learning model blends the best of face-to-face learning opportunities with digital formats.

Faculty are active scholars and practitioners with a wide variety of expertise, which allows us to offer specialized concentrations and training in a variety of therapeutic orientations.

Geographic Eligibility

The program only considers applicants who reside in the contiguous United States and Canada. The program is not available to those residing internationally (except Canada). Applicants from Alaska and Hawaii may be considered pending confirmation of their ability and resources to attend local professional development seminars in contiguous U.S. on a regular basis, access to acceptable practicum training sites, and ability to relocate for internship. (Contact [email protected] to be put in touch with the Program Director for consideration prior to applying.)

Due to state licensing requirements, graduates of the program are not eligible for licensure in Oklahoma. For licensure information on your particular state of interest, please visit our Professional Licensure page [CLICK HERE].

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School of Psychology News

The latest news, announcements, and special events from Fielding’s School of Psychology.

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Alums Celebrate the Retirement of Clinical Psychology Faculty Member Ray Hawkins, Ph.D.

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Dr. Lauren Mizock speaks to a group of people at a Fielding Graduate University Event.

Dr. Lauren Mizock Appointed 2024-25 Ruthellen Josselson Chair in Qualitative Inquiry

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Why Choose Fielding for Your Psychology Degree?

A conventional APA-accredited doctoral program delivered in an unconventional way

Join Over 7,500 Fielding Alumni Located Around The World!

Change the world. Start with yours.™

  • First Name *
  • Last Name *
  • Your Location * Your Location USA Canada International
  • Program of Interest * Program of Interest PhD in Clinical Psychology PhD in Psychology with an Emphasis in Media & Technology PhD in Psychology PhD in Infant and Early Childhood Development PhD in Human Development PhD in Organizational Development and Change EdD in Leadership for Change MA in Organization Development and Leadership MA in Infant, Child, Family Mental Health and Development MA in Applied Media Psychology Certificate in Evidence Based Coaching Certificate in Media Psychology Neuropsychology Specialization Training Program Postbaccalaureate Certificate in Clinical Psychology Postdoctoral Certificate of Respecialization in Clinical Psychology

Contact Info

Fielding Graduate University 2020 De la Vina Street Santa Barbara, California 93105

Phone: 1-800-340-1099 Admissions: 805-898-4026

Email: [email protected]


Recent Posts

  • Clinical Psychology Faculty-Student Duo Receive the Dr. Sally Peterson Research Excellence Award 
  • Are Our Kids Anxious or Just Unprepared?
  • Dr. Okokon Udo Appointed Program Director for EBC Certificate and ODL Master’s

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Psychology, PhD (Clinical)

On this page:.

Clinical psychology is the psychological specialty that provides continuing and comprehensive mental and behavioral health care for individuals and families; consultation to agencies and communities; training, education and supervision; and research-based practice.

Program Description

Degree Awarded: Psychology, PhD

There are multiple training models in Clinical Psychology (Scientist-Practitioner, Practitioner-Scholar, Clinical Science) and these models reflect the relative focus on research and clinical training. The Clinical Psychology Program at ASU adheres to the Clinical Science training model, which is the most research focused. Thus, although students in our program receive excellent clinical training, the focus is on producing Clinical Scientists who will work in setting that take full advantage of their research as well as clinical skills (e.g., Academia, Medical Centers, VA Hospitals). 

Our mission is to prepare students for professional careers in a variety of settings where they engage in research, teaching, or clinical supervision; and who make contributions to clinical science by disseminating research findings and scholarship. Within this general mission of providing high-quality, science-based training, we strive to prepare a significant number of graduates who establish careers in academia and research institutes where they have primary responsibilities for conducting research that advances clinical science and for teaching new generations of clinical scientists. 

The success of our students in meeting program goals is evident based on a) the high rate of students matching in APA accredited internships (40 of 40; 100% in the past 7 years), b) our recent graduates’ success in passing the national licensing exam (100% based on publicly available data from ASPPB), and the high percentage of our recent graduates who have obtained licensure (39 of 44; 88.6% of our recent graduates who are 5 or more years beyond graduation). Although we continue to emphasize high quality clinical training and strongly believe in the reciprocal nature of research and clinical training, we identify with the “Clinical Science” training model based on the long-term goals of our program which are primarily to train clinical scientists rather than individuals who elect to work as full-time practitioners. Outcomes of our alumni survey (students at least five years post-graduation) provide support for our success in achieving Clinical Science outcomes, with 40 of 44 (90.9%) making scholarly/research contributions since graduation from our program.

Our data on graduates from the past 10 years show diversity in their professional activities that is consistent with our clinical science training and special emphases that can be acquired at ASU.  Among those beyond postdoctoral training (n = 54), 40.7% are in academic settings, 33.3% are in clinical or combined research and clinical positions in medical schools/centers, VA hospitals, or other hospital settings, 22.2% are in other practice environments such as mental health centers or private practices, and 3.7% are in government settings (e.g., public health, DoD). These data suggest that our training leads to career trajectories that are consistent with the program’s philosophy and goals.

The Psychology PhD program in the clinical psychology training area is:

  • based upon a clinical science model of training;
  • fully accredited  by the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS);
  • a member of the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science;
  • a PhD (doctoral) program only;
  • designed so that students who were admitted with a bachelor’s degree can finish the requirements in six years including a one-year, full-time internship;
  • organized to allow students to begin practicum training in the program’s second year;
  • best able to serve the educational needs of students with deep interests in empirical research; and
  • highly competitive — in the last several years we have admitted between 3 and 10 new students per year from a pool of 200 to 300 applicants.

IMPORTANT: To be considered for this PhD program, you must complete the application through ASU's online portal AND submit your material through  Slideroom

Important links:

Faculty   Data and Resources   Financial Support   Research Labs

Student Handbook


Focus Areas

The Clinical Training Program has three areas of emphases in which students may elect to participate:  health psychology ,  child clinical psychology,  and  community/prevention .

Thus, the descriptions that follow are designed to give you an idea of the available curricular choices.

Child Clinical Area of Emphasis

The child clinical area of emphasis provides training in the etiology, assessment, treatment and prevention of childhood disorders. A major focus is on the prevention of child mental health problems among children and families under stress. Thus, most of our child clinical faculty also participate in our community-prevention area of emphasis. Table of Child Clinical Faculty. 

Health Psychology Area of Emphasis

Clinical students with interests centering on the interface of psychology and medicine may select Health Psychology as an area of emphasis. In our program, health psychology is broadly interpreted to encompass the theoretical, methodological, and/or procedural (treatment and prevention) contributions from contemporary psychology that bear upon the existing and emerging problems of modern medicine.  Table of Health Psychology Faculty.

Community/Prevention Area of Emphasis

We define the Community/Preventive area of emphasis to include theory, research methods, and interventions that are designed to prevent the occurrence of mental health, substance use or other problems, and to promote healthy adaptation in a range of social environments. Students study theoretical issues such as the influence of stress and coping, family processes, acculturation and cross-cultural issues, neighborhood influences, and economic hardship on the development of mental health or substance abuse problems. Students also become involved in the development, implementation, and evaluation of preventive interventions to promote healthy adaptation for children in a range of high-risk situations. Foci of preventive interventions include children of divorce, inner-city ethnic minority children, bereaved children, and school-based programs.  Table of Community/Prevention Clinical Faculty. 

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

The Psychology Doctoral Program at Arizona State University embraces the University’s charter encouraging diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of our program.  We strive to create a community that reflects and celebrates the diversity of society-at-large because we believe it is essential to attaining academic excellence, professional development, and personal growth. To that end, we are dedicated to training early career scientists from diverse backgrounds, and we encourage applications from students from backgrounds historically underrepresented in the sciences, including but not limited to BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, first generation college students, and those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.

Coursework for the doctoral program is to some extent, determined by APA requirements. For more detailed information about the program's curriculum and milestones or to see a sample schedule, students should view the current Clinical Student Handbook. Once admitted, we require students to be continuously enrolled full-time, excluding summer sessions, until all degree requirements have been met.

A minimum of 84 hours is required. 

Core courses




Substantive coursework


Milestone courses


Dissertation and Research


Total hours required


Courses and electives

The coursework for each student is individualized and based upon the student's previous training, research goals and mentor. All students are required to complete 27 credit hours of core courses that cover the scientific and technical foundations of clinical psychology. Students will also choose elective courses that more closely align to their specific focus area. In order to satisfy program accreditation, students will take one course in biological bases of behavior, social bases of behavior, cognitive bases of behavior, affective bases of behavior and in human development. Additional requirements include two ATM courses are required which involve integrated science-professional training and are taught by departmental faculty in timely and specific clinical and community modalities.

At a Glance

  • Location:  Tempe campus
  • Second Language Requirement:  No

Degree Requirements

The 84-hour program of study includes a written comprehensive exam, an oral comprehensive, a prospectus and a dissertation. Prospective doctoral candidates should have a passion and interest in clinical psychology, have demonstrated research skills in a senior thesis, have a minimum of a 3.00 cumulative GPA.

Student Admissions, Outcomes & Other Data  

Accreditation Status

ASU's Public Disclosure on Licensure Statement

Admission Requirements

Our selection of new doctoral students is based on several factors:

  • academic excellence;
  • strong undergraduate preparation in psychology;
  • experience in conducting psychological research;
  • compatibility with research interests of our faculty;
  • evidence of strong research skills; and
  • personal characteristics that are suitable for teaching and the provision of psychological services to the public.

In addition to significant research experience, successful applicants should have an undergraduate grade point average of B+ or better and compelling letters of recommendation. Specific information about application procedures can be found on the  doctoral admissions  pages.

We also seek a balance of students who have interests in our three research emphases: child clinical, health, and community/prevention. It has been our experience that most of our students will choose one of the three specialty areas which represent domains of faculty interest as well as clinical or preventive specialties for which an employment demand now exists. However, specialization is not a program requirement. Some students might begin a particular emphasis but later decide to move in a different direction. 

Required Core Content (27 units)

Required Core Courses:  Courses covering the scientific and technical foundations of clinical psychology, as well as clinical practica include:

  • PSY 530 Analysis of Variance (Intermediate Statistics)
  • PSY 531 Multiple Regression
  • PSY 573 Psychopathology
  • PSY 578 Developmental Psychopathology (required for child emphasis only)
  • PSY 600 Clinical Research Methods
  • PSY 574/591  Psychotherapy or Child and Family Therapy
  • PSY 780  Psychological Assessment or Assessment Advanced Treatment Methods (ATM)
  • PSY 591 Clinical Interviewing and Ethics
  • Practicum I and II 

Electives (6-27 units)

Electives:  Various courses, seminars, and practica of the students’ choosing are included in this category and are used to satisfy additional program requirements.

Required Accreditation Courses (6-27 credit hours)

In order to satisfy requirements for program accreditation, students are also required to take at least one course each in:

  • Biological Bases of Behavior:  PSY 591 Psychopharmacology  or  PSY 591 Biological Bases of Behavior  or  PSY 591 Advanced Neurobiology of Cognition
  • Social Bases of Behavior:   PSY 550 Advanced Social Psychology: Interpersonal Processes  or  PSY 551 Advanced Social Psychology: Intrapersonal Processes
  • Cognitive Bases of Behavior:   PSY 535 Cognitive Processes  or  PSY 591 Embodied Cognition  or  PSY 541 Research in Cognitive Development.*
  • Affective Bases of Behavior:   PSY 591 Emotions  or  PSY 542 Social Emotional Development*  or  PSY 591 Emotional Development*  or  PSY 591 Emotions, Stress and Health  or  PSY 598 Socio-emotional Development
  • Human Development:  PSY 541 Research in Cognitive Development*  or  PSY 542 Social Emotional Development*  or  PSY 591 Emotional Development*  or  PSY 591 Children’s Peer Relationships  or  PSY 591Resilience Processes in Development  or  PSY 598 Developmental Transitions.

*PSY 542 and PSY 591 can only be used to either fulfill the Affective Bases of behavior requirement OR to fulfill the Human Development requirement. PSY 541 can only be used to fulfill the Cognitive Bases of behavior requirement OR the Human Development requirement.

  • History and Systems:  PSY 591 History of Psychology  or  PSY 591 Clinical Issues Seminar: History and Systems of Psychology

Substantive Curriculum (6-27 credit hours)

Other Course Requirements:  Two ATM courses are required which involve integrated science-professional training and are taught by departmental faculty in timely and specific clinical and community modalities.

  • PSY 780  All topics listed as ATMs in Psychology.  The Assessment ATM also meets the requirement for Psychological Assessment
  • PSY 501  Supervised Teaching (can count for 1 of 2 ATMs)

Master's Thesis and Research (12 credit hours) - For Master's in passing

  • PSY 592 - Master's Research (6 credit hours) Independent study in which a student, under the supervision of a faculty member, conducts research that is expected to lead to a specific project such as a thesis or dissertation, report, or publication. Assignments might include data collection, experimental work, data analysis, or preparation of a manuscript
  • PSY 599 - Master's Thesis (6 credit hours) Supervised research focused on preparation of thesis, including literature review, research, data collection and analysis, and writing.

Dissertation and Research (18 credit hours)

  • PSY 792 Dissertation Research (6 credit hours) Independent study in which a student, under the supervision of a faculty member, conducts research that is expected to lead to a specific project such as a dissertation, report, or publication. Assignments might include data collection, experimental work, data analysis, or preparation of a manuscript.
  • PSY 799 Dissertation (12 Credit Hours) Supervised research focused on preparation of dissertation, including literature review, research, data collection and analysis, and writing.

Sample Schedule: General

Listed below is a sample schedule. Note that, although we outline a five-year sequence in which the degree can be completed, most students finish the degree in six years including internship.


 Fall (12 credits)

 + Analysis of Variance

+ Psychotherapy (if offered)

+ History and Systems (if no Psychotherapy)

+ Psychopathology

+ Research (3)

Spring (12 credits)

 + Multiple Regression

+ Clinical Interviewing and Ethics

+ Clinical Research Methods

+ Research (3)


 Fall (12 credits)

 + MA Thesis (3)

+ Clinical Practicum I

+ Multivariate Statistics

+ Assessment ATM or Psychological Assessment

Spring (12 credits)

+ MA Thesis (3)

+ Clinical Practicum II

+ Psychotherapy (if not offered in Year 1)

+ History & Systems (if Psychotherapy in Year 1)

+ Elective (Biological Bases of Behavior)


Fall (12 credits)

+ Elective (Cognitive Bases of Behavior)

+ Elective (Affective Bases of Behavior)

+ Research (3)

+ Dissertation Research (3)

(1/4 time clinical placement)

Spring (12 credits)

+ Elective (Human Development)


+ Research (3)

+ Dissertation Research (3)

(1/4 time clinical placement)


Fall (9 credits)

+ Elective (Social Bases of Behavior)

+ Dissertation Research (3)

+ Elective

(1/4 time clinical placement)

Spring (9 credits)


+ Dissertation Research (3)

+ Elective

(1/4 time clinical placement)


 Fall (1 credit)

 + Internship

Spring (1 credit)

 + Internship

Sample Schedule: Clinical Child Emphasis


Listed below is a sample schedule for students who chose a child clinical emphasis. Note that, although we outline a five-year sequence in which the degree can be completed, most students finish the degree in six years including internship.


 Fall (12 credits)

 + Analysis of Variance

+ Developmental Psychopathology

+ Psychopathology

+ Research (3)

Spring (12 credits)

+ Multiple Regression

+ Clinical Interviewing and Ethics

+ Clinical Research Methods

+ Child and Family Therapy (if offered)

+ Research (3) if C&F Therapy not offered


 Fall (12 credits)

+ MA Thesis (3)

+ Clinical Practicum I

+ Multivariate Statistics

+ Assessment ATM or Psychological Assessment

Spring (12 credits)

+ MA Thesis (3)

+ Clinical Practicum II

+ Child and Family Therapy (if not offered Year 1)

+ Research (3) (if C&F Therapy in Year 1)

+ Elective (History and Systems)


Fall (12 credits)

+ Elective (Biological Bases of Behavior)

+ Elective (Affective Bases of Behavior)

+ Research (3)

+ Dissertation Research (3)

(1/4 time clinical placement)

Spring (12 credits)

+ Elective (Human Development)


+ Research (3)

+ Dissertation Research (3)

(1/4 time clinical placement)


Fall (9 credits)

+ Elective (Social Bases of Behavior)

+ Elective (Cognitive Bases of Behavior)

+ Dissertation Research (3)

(1/4 time clinical placement)

 Spring (9 credits)


+ Dissertation Research (3)

+ Elective

(1/4 time clinical placement)


 Fall (1 credit)

 + Internship

 Spring (1 credit)

 + Internship

Financial Support

The Department of Psychology typically pays ASU tuition for full-time doctoral students with 20 hour-per-week graduate teaching or research assistantships. Tuition and fee information can be found on the ASU's  general tuition webpage .

An appointment as a 50% Graduate Teaching Assistant (TA) for the 2024-2025 academic year (9-month TA) provides financial support in the form of a stipend in the amount of $24,586 for the academic year.

Fellowships and awards

Doctoral students are encouraged to apply for fellowships through the National Institutes of Health  National Research Service Award  program and through the National Science Foundation's  Graduate Research Fellowship Program . Other funding opportunities exist within specific areas of study and doctoral students should explore these possibilities with their faculty advisor/mentor.

In addition to government and external organizational fellowships, the Department of Psychology currently offers  graduate scholar awards  of $1,500 each to two students in any psychology doctoral program area in any year of study. Made possible by the generous donations of department faculty and others, these awards are intended to recognize the accomplishments of students who are demonstrating overall excellence in the psychology doctoral program. Excellence will be judged with respect to contributions to psychological science; and/or the teaching of psychology; and/or community involvement reflecting application of psychological knowledge. The deadline for all application materials, including a letter of support from a psychology faculty member, is typically mid-March.

Two other fellowship awards are also available to the department's doctoral students through endowed scholarships: The Robert B. Cialdini Dissertation Project Prize and the Martha E. Bernal Memorial Scholarship Award Endowment. Doctoral students in the developmental psychology and social psychology may similarly apply for endowed fellowships within their program areas.

Financial aid

There is no financial aid available through the department although such aid is available through the ASU Financial Aid and Scholarship Services; visit their  site  to explore financial aid opportunities.

Next Steps to Attend ASU

Learn about our programs.

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Global Opportunities

With over 250 programs in more than 65 countries (ranging from one week to one year), study abroad is possible for all ASU students wishing to gain global skills and knowledge in preparation for a 21st-century career. Students earn ASU credit for completed courses, while staying on track for graduation, and may apply financial aid and scholarships toward program costs.

Request Information

If you have questions related to admission, please  click here  to request information and an admission specialist will reach out to you directly.

UCLA Department of Psychology

Prospective Clinical Area Applicants

Note to Prospective Clinical Area Applicants:

In the UCLA clinical psychology program, admissions decisions are made by an admissions committee, not by individual faculty members. However, admissions decisions do take into consideration the match between the interests of those faculty and the relevant interests and experience of applicants and which faculty have openings for new students.  It is strongly recommended that applicants visit the  Faculty  page to learn more about faculty interests as well as the  Student Admissions, Outcomes and Other Data  page to review GRE and GPA statistics for students who successfully entered our program in recent years.

Interview dates for the upcoming 2024 admissions cycle are January 16, 2024 through January 19, 2024. Department Recruitment Day: February 23, 2024

The following Clinical Area faculty anticipate having an opening for new students in their labs for Fall 2024 Admission:

Denise Chavira, Ph.D. Bruce Chorpita, Ph.D. Michelle Craske, Ph.D. Tiffany Ho, Ph.D. Katherine Karlsgodt, Ph.D. Anna Lau, Ph.D. Lara Ray, Ph.D.

Clinical Area Application Requirements

Consistent with the policy of the UCLA Department of Psychology, applicants to the clinical psychology doctoral program at UCLA will not be required to take the GRE.

  • GRE General Test:  Applicants for admission to our graduate program are not required to submit a GRE score report as part of their application package. Applicants may voluntarily submit GRE test scores and they will be reviewed as one part of the holistic application consideration. The applications with GRE scores will not be given greater weight than those that do not include scores. During the 2020 and 2021 admission cycles combined, 25% of applicants to the UCLA Psychology graduate program submitted GRE General Test scores. The number of applicants that applied, submitted GRE scores, and the percentage of applicants that submitted GRE scores, organized by Area, can be found in the table below.

phd clinical psychology linkedin

  • GRE Psychology Subject Test:  The GRE Psychology Subject Test is not required and will not be used to make admissions decisions. However, students who score above the 70 th  percentile can use the GRE Subject Test to partially fulfill Discipline-Specific Knowledge requirements (e.g., cognitive, social) that are part of accreditation by the American Psychological Association. In this way, admitted students may be able to reduce the amount of, or more flexibly select, coursework needed to complete program requirements. Students may elect to take the GRE Subject Test after their admission into our program and all program requirements can be fulfilled without taking the test.
  • Please note that your admission to the program is conditional on your passing  Live Scan background check , which is required for your participation in clinical practica and internship. We can help facilitate the process when you arrive at UCLA.


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  1. Clinical Psychology • UCLA Department of Psychology

    The Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology at UCLA has been accredited by the American Psychological Association Commission on Accreditation since 1949. (Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation, American Psychological Association, 750 First Street NE. Washington, DC 20002-4242. Telephone: 202-336-5979.)

  2. Scott Wallace, PhD (Clinical Psychology)

    View Scott Wallace, PhD (Clinical Psychology)'s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. I am a seasoned professional with a PhD in Clinical Psychology, expertise in neuropsychology, and a unique blend of skills in technology, iOS engineering, marketing analytics, and digital graphic design. Over my 35-year career ...

  3. Clinical Psychology PhD

    Welcome to the doctoral program in Clinical Psychology Program at Teachers College, Columbia University. The Clinical Psychology Program was founded in 1947-1948. It was APA-accredited in the first group of programs that were reviewed for accreditation in 1948 and that status has been uninterrupted.

  4. Clinical Psychology

    Clinical Psychology. The Clinical Psychology Program adheres to a clinical science model of training, and is a member of the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science. We are committed to training clinical psychologists whose research advances scientific knowledge of psychopathology and its treatment, and who are capable of applying evidence ...

  5. Clinical Psychology PhD/MA

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  6. Meghna Gupta

    PhD Clinical Psychology Scholar (CIP, Ranchi)| Clinical Psychologist (MPhil CP- IHBAS, Delhi; Gold Medalist)| University Gold Medalist (Bachelors and Masters CP)| UGC NET Qualified| CBT Practitioner (Beck's Institute) · Miss Meghna Gupta is a PhD Clinical Psychology Scholar at CIP, Ranchi. She is a Clinical Psychologist, has completed her MPhil Clinical Psychology from IHBAS, Delhi and is ...

  7. PhD in Clinical Psychology

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  10. Kerry L Gruber Vella PhD (Clinical Psychology)

    Welcome back. Registered (Australia) and licensed (USA) doctoral-level psychologist (Clinical Psychology PhD) with 35+ years of international and domestic experience in a wide variety of settings, including clinical, academic and leadership roles. Expertise with multiple clinical populations and formal specialties in trauma and geriatrics.

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  14. Prospective Clinical Area Applicants • UCLA Department of Psychology

    Anna Lau, Ph.D. Lara Ray, Ph.D. Clinical Area Application Requirements. Consistent with the policy of the UCLA Department of Psychology, applicants to the clinical psychology doctoral program at UCLA will not be required to take the GRE. GRE General Test: Applicants for admission to our graduate program are not required to submit a GRE score ...

  15. Anagha A.U

    Work harder till your good get better and better becomes best · I am a licensed clinical psychologist under Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) who completed my Mphil in Clinical Psychology from NIMHANS.I am currently pursuing my PhD in Clinical Psychology from NIMHANS and working in Child And Adolescent Psychiatry (CAP)department · Experience: NIMHANS · Education: NIMHANS · Location ...