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5 Teacher Career Change Resume Examples For 2024

Stephen Greet

Teacher Career Change Resume

  • Teacher Career Change Resumes
  • Teacher Career Change Resume Writing 101

Hardly a day passed without Demetri thinking of his favorite programming projects, and his ability to work with a diverse group boosted his confidence: After teaching math for several years, he was ready to switch gears—but was his teacher career change resume equally prepared?

Demetri knew he’d need a standout resume layout to reflect his organized and analytical mindset to get a position at the Academy of Art University. He also planned to take advantage of a free cover letter builder to enhance a career-switch resume, too. So, after researching the academy, he began outlining his most relevant accomplishments.

Are you in a similar position, looking to shift your career path in a fresh direction? If so you might want to look through our selection of resume examples and tips like the ones that helped Demetri switch careers successfully!

or download as PDF

Teacher career change resume example with 8+ years experience

Why this resume works

  • For example, look at Demetri’s resume and how they add Python and SQL to show the employer they know the nitty-gritty of software engineering. Add more finesse by treading the fine line and add a skill that’s important in both teaching and your desired role: problem-solving is a befitting example here.

Teacher Career Change 2 Resume

Teacher career change 2 resume example with event planning experience

Teacher Career Change 3 Resume

Teacher career change 3 resume example journalism experience

Teacher Career Change 4 Resume

Teacher career change 4 resume example with accounting experience

Teacher Career Change 5 Resume

Teacher career change 5 resume example with architecture experience

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What Matters Most: Your Skills & Professional Experience

Your resume skills and work experience

Your skills section might seem a bit confusing at first if you’re switching careers—do you list skills related to your old job, or the new one? Well, it’s a bit of both! You want to prove that you’ve mastered the general essentials of teaching as they apply to the career you’re switching to.

Recruiters want to see skills that relate directly to the role you’re applying for, so avoid including subject-specific points from your previous role unless they overlap with the new job’s description. If you’re aiming to work in software development, don’t emphasize English teaching skills!

And ensure that you’re as specific as possible, especially with your soft skills and software tools. Name your favorite programs, and spell out exactly how you’re good at interacting with others.

Check out these examples:

9 most popular teacher career change skills

  • Problem-solving
  • Project Planning
  • Data Presentation
  • MS Excel/PowerPoint

Sample teacher career change work experience bullet points

Now that you’ve told recruiters how you’ve taught and helped students, it’s time to cite examples of the times you’ve fostered a successful group environment in the past! Think of ways your past teaching accomplishments can suggest future achievements in different settings.

If you use to teach history and are pursuing a career change to become a real estate agent, think of experience examples that feature things like lesson adjustments (which are parallel to customizing lease agreements). Or think of things more technically and share stories about how you helped others overcome obstacles.

No matter what you’ve taught or helped your students achieve, you’ll need to give recruiters some solid metrics for your success! You can make any AI resume unique by using quantifiable data to back your claims—especially if you have satisfaction or engagement rates that would transfer well to other jobs.

Here are some good examples:

  • Created and taught a refresher course for standardized testing to 28 students, 92% of which passed
  • Established an after-school club with honors students to develop apps using Python to enhance students’ learning experience and provide tutoring that resulted in an 11% increase in engagement
  • Worked with physics instructor to develop lesson plans, curriculum, and assignments for a first-year program for 31 students, resulting in a grade average of B+
  • Created tests, quizzes, homework packets, and in-class activities to teach objectives, re-teaching lessons to ensure that a student passing rate of 94% or more

Top 5 Tips for Your Teacher Career Change Resume

  • Remember: Just because your focus should be on the career you’re aiming for doesn’t mean you can’t include great points from previous class experiences! Things that carry over well across fields include test score increases, student engagement percentages, and feedback ratings. These show your ability to foster individual and group success.
  • Any of our templates will help you make your qualifying teaching experiences look good, but pick whichever one makes the big picture look downright great! Make sure each section is clear, with a good hierarchy in your resume layout so that recruiters have an easy time skimming over what qualifies you for your new role.
  • A career switch is a great time to utilize a handy resume objective! Just make sure your objective statement is concise and packed with new, valuable information about your personal selling points. Focus on stepping into your new job, and avoid listing teaching-related points that you’re planning to address later.
  • Even if many of your experience points naturally relate to your previous area of expertise in the classroom, your skills section can include software and interpersonal abilities that speak more to your qualification for the new role. Showcase any instances when you utilized objective, technical skills behind-the-scenes in your previous job, too!
  • Switch up your metrics to keep things interesting and show how well-rounded your abilities are. Whenever possible, tie them in with the new job role you’re applying for through context or relevant backstory, like tutoring classes you led or group projects that involved specific programs.

Letters of recommendation would absolutely be helpful in your situation! A few professional reference letters can help bridge the gap between your history as a teacher and where you hope to work next by testifying to your transferable abilities.

Stick with one page and one page only! Anything on page two is unlikely to get through anyway—recruiters really prefer short resumes that are quick to read through. And concision shows your ability to adapt smoothly during your transition to a totally new career.

You want your resume to look modern, clean, and professional. If you want to use a little bit of color as a highlight here and there, go for it, but avoid anything that distracts from what makes you perfect for the new job. Use sleek fonts for readability, too!

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  • Grades 6-12
  • School Leaders

Teach students checking vs. savings accounts!

Leaving Teaching? How To Make Your Resume Stand Out in the Corporate World

Make the most out of your job search!

Photo of woman interviewing for a teaching position

If you’re a teacher leaving the profession in search of a career that can give you more flexibility, creativity, and autonomy, you’ll need some teacher resume tips to help you stand out from the crowd.

Don’t think of yourself as “just a teacher.” Your experiences and skill set align with many jobs outside of teaching. It’s just a matter of how you present it in your resume. For example, teachers have a level of work ethic and determination that can translate to many different roles.

Here are three resume tips to make teachers more desirable to potential employers:

Resume Tip for Teachers #1: Relate the job description to your experience.

When you apply to teaching positions, you typically think about your experience and outline it on your resume. Usually, it looks something like this:

  • Taught third and fifth grade while serving as a member of the Leadership Team
  • Served as an Instructional Coach
  • Guided district teachers in effective instructional practices
  • Mentored student teachers through the credential process

Unfortunately, this experience might not be relevant to the job you’re applying for. Honestly, recruiting and hiring managers may have no idea what these experiences mean. Instead, identify elements in the job description that relate to your experience and list them out to explain the connection.

Let’s look at this job description for an ed-tech job:

  • Develop new material including courses, lesson plans, challenging problems, and other educational resources for in-person courses
  • Work with Curriculum Team Leads, Senior Curriculum Developers, and other Curriculum Developers to plan new material
  • Review and provide feedback on material created by other team members and incorporate feedback from others into your materials

How can your experience and skills fit the job description? Think about it in terms of your professional planning and lesson plan experience.

Change your wording:

  • Developed lesson plans and other educational resources for in-person and hybrid courses
  • Worked with team members, as part of a Professional Learning Community , to plan and develop new course material, lesson plans, and assessments
  • Reviewed and provided feedback on lessons and assessments created by other team members and received feedback on my materials in order to improve learning for students

This description embeds the key words that are listed in the job description. It also relates to the work you did as a teacher. Change your experiences in your resume for every job you apply for in your job search . It’s important to relate your experiences to the specific requirements listed in the job description. This will help the hiring manager see the connection between your skills and the job they’re hiring for.

Resume Tip for Teachers #2: Be specific with numbers.

Your resume is an opportunity to showcase your skills through data and numbers. Be specific about the work you’ve done, and write it in a way that will show hiring managers you can increase productivity.

Your resume might look like this right now:

  • Led and supported school staff through the process of PBIS implementation
  • Supported teachers in integrating 21st-century skills into their lessons
  • Created and organized an intervention program in grades 3 through 5

Although these experiences are noteworthy, they don’t really paint a picture for hiring managers. So use data and numbers to make your experience more compelling.

Try something like this:

  • Led and supported school staff through the first-ever implementation of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), and decreased student referrals from 37% to 12%
  • Through leadership with PBIS, student attendance across grades 1 and 2 increased from 67% to 89% within three months of structured interventions
  • Supported teachers in integrating 21st-century skills into their lessons and helped 42% of teachers increase their evaluation scores from 3 to 4
  • Created and organized an intervention program in grades 3 through 5 and increased student academic achievement in math from 43% proficiency to 78% proficiency

Including this type of data will show hiring managers that your hard work and skills increased productivity within your organization. ADVERTISEMENT

Resume Tip for Teachers #3: Be specific in your cover letter.

Make your application stand out with a cover letter. It’s your chance to be specific about your experience. You can drive home the relevance of your skills and how they relate to the job you’re applying for.

Instead of starting off with the typical …

Please accept this letter as an application for the position of _ for _. I am passionate about instructional design and have a strong foundation in instructional coaching and assessment design and trends. I have a deep understanding of K-12 education, as well as connecting assessment to instruction through data interpretation.

… be honest with the hiring manager. Start off with something that lets them know you’re changing roles. Your experiences can translate to the new role even though your only experience is teaching.

It can sound something like this:

I am writing to express interest in the position of _ for _. As an experienced educator, I have the skills and disposition to excel in this role.

I am making the change from classroom teacher to a role in _ and feel my abilities and experiences would be an asset to your team.

These are some of the skills I can bring to your company:

  • List out skills that relate to the job description and your skills.
  • Make connections, add data, and be specific.
  • Limit it to three points and use the keywords from the job description.

The most important thing to keep in mind is don’t give up.

Transitioning out of teaching is hard and there is a lot of competition out there, but companies are hiring ( labor shortage , anyone?). Create a LinkedIn profile and use these same tips to showcase your experience. Start connecting with recruiters, hiring managers, and employees at the companies you want to work for.

When it’s interview time, check out some ways AI can help you nail your next interview .

Plus, if you need help with your resignation letter, check out these resignation letter examples .

For more articles like this, be sure to subscribe to our newsletters .

If you're a teacher transitioning out of the classroom, check out these resume tricks that can help you get more interviews.

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How to Craft an Effective Resume for a Teacher Career Change

Crafting an impressive teacher resume when changing careers so that you can land the job you really want.

teacher to customer service resume

A teacher resume for a career change will require emphasis on transferable skills. To write an effective resume for a teacher career change, begin with a summary that outlines your skills and areas of expertise. You can also mention your career objective in relation to the company’s goals and how you can uniquely contribute. In the work experience section, list previous roles, but only describe relevant achievements and tasks. In the education section, add formal qualifications. Lastly, include relevant skills in the skills section—if necessary, categorize them.

A teacher resume for a career change doubles down on transferable skills, not specific teaching subjects (unless relevant to the job description). 

Instead of focusing on lesson plans, highlight any technical and leadership skills that would be valuable in the new role you’re targeting. This could range from classroom management as project leadership to curriculum development as training expertise and student engagement as communication skills.  

As for technical skills, you can mention your proficiency in software tools and data analysis. These skills showcase your ability to lead and communicate, as well as organize information and use technology effectively. All of which are highly sought after qualities in many different fields.

The path you chose in the early years of your career doesn’t have to stick! You could lose interest in your current role or find something more fulfilling along the way.  

If you’re feeling discontented in your teaching career, you don’t have to keep pushing through. There are several career paths you can choose from by leveraging the transferable skills you’ve developed in your career so far. 

Today, we’ll guide you on crafting an impressive teacher resume when changing careers so that you can land the job you really want.

What Are Some Jobs For Former Teachers to Make a Career Change Into?

Here are some common teacher career changes that you could make:

  • EdTech professional
  • Instructional design
  • Writer, author, or editor
  • Corporate trainer

These are some new career paths available to former teachers based on desirable skills requirements. We’ll dive into a bit more detail below.

EdTech Professional

Turning to EdTech is the easiest career transition one could think of, as it allows you to continue impacting education but on a larger scale! Start from an entry-level role and fill the skill gaps by developing other relevant skills such as coding, design, product management, and data analysis. Course designing and content creation are some EdTech domains you could easily tap into as a former teacher.

5 key skills requirements:

  • Strong communication 
  • Problem-solving
  • Web development 
  • Knowledge of programming languages
  • Data Analytics

See this example job listing for a Learning Experience Designer at Columbus State University. It’s a perfect opportunity for experienced university teachers with a passion for course creation.

Instructional Design

Instructional design is a division of EdTech that mainly focuses on creating effective learning experiences, including courses, manuals, learning simulations, and more. Your lesson planning and curriculum development skills will come in handy for this role. 

  • Understanding of learning models
  • Project management 
  • Presentation technology knowledge
  • Visual design and storyboarding
  • Assessment development

See this example job listing for an Instructional Designer to direct adult learning in a workplace. If you’re looking to work in a corporate setting and have deep knowledge about workplace practices, this role could be perfect for you!

The love for reading and learning is second nature to most teachers, which is why a career as a librarian is a good next step for former teachers. They are skilled in creating and delivering course curriculums, which translates well to a librarian’s responsibility of curating collections and resources to meet the needs of diverse readers. 

  • Organizational skills
  • Community engagement
  • Basic computer literacy
  • Research skills
  • Customer service

This example job listing for a Reference Librarian is ideal for someone who is great at research and has a knack for handling software related to library database management.


One of the most important skills a teacher possesses is the ability to articulate their thoughts and words effectively. If you’re great at this, you might want to consider writing or editing as your next career. You could try magazines, newspapers, websites, books, and any other publishing mediums that pay to write.

Additionally, you can tap into copywriting or advertising if consumer psychology and marketing excite you.

  • Excellent writing ability
  • Critical thinking
  • Storytelling

See this example job listing for a copywriter, which is perfect for someone who excels at storytelling and editorial writing.

Assessing and evaluating a person’s skills are a daily part of teaching, and you can translate these skills into recruiting candidates for a company. All you need is an eye for good talent, and you’re gold.

  • Interpersonal skills
  • Negotiation skills
  • Sales and persuasion

This example job listing is for Recruiters in the financial services space, perfect for former teachers with a commerce background.  

Corporate Trainer

How about teaching, but in a different setting and to a different audience? Offering training in a corporate environment allows you to experience a whole new world and expand your horizons. This role also allows for flexibility to set your own schedule—something that is a welcome reprieve from the rigid schedule of most educators.

  • Presentation skills
  • Technical literacy
  • Analytical skills
  • Cultural sensitivity

This example job listing for a Corporate Trainer is ideal for you if you love helping individuals perform better in their roles.

Teacher Career Change Resume Example

Your resume plays a critical role when switching from teaching to a more corporate role—it’s all about how you present your experiences and skills in a manner to make them attractive to any potential employer.  

Here’s one resume example that has the potential to get attention:

Teacher resume

Why does this resume work?

  • Using numbers and percentages to talk about results and transformations. This shows that the candidate is data-driven (which is perfect in the corporate realm) and the ability to drive results and productivity with their work. 
  • Employers love resume keywords such as “goal-setting,” “planning,” “strategy,” and “feedback.” These show the applicant knows the industry skills required and helps form a positive first impression.
  • The work history tells how the applicant has been more than just a teacher and has been involved in the development of their previous institution . This involves other relevant responsibilities such as leading a team of instructors, building partnerships with local schools, collaborating with faculties, designing training programs, and more.

How to Write a Resume When Transitioning from Teaching

Write a teacher resume for career change by highlighting transferable skills in the following sections: 

  • Summary section. Mention your strengths and outline an objective that’s relevant to the job description and company’s goals. 
  • Work experience section. Describe achievements and responsibilities using concrete action verbs. Specify the results using numbers. However, only prioritize details that are related to the job requirements. 
  • Certifications section. List any relevant qualifications that prove your depth of knowledge in the field you’re applying for.
  • Projects section. Showcase your success on a project you worked on that’s relevant to the job requirements. Anything where you have relevant experience can help you improve your chances of getting noticed. 
  • Education section. Include formal academic achievements. 
  • Skills section. List core competencies that are required and desirable for your target job position. When listing lots of different types of skills, categorize them for easier readability. 

Below, we’ll also go through a few tips when writing teacher resumes for a career change. 

1. Make the Most of Transferable Skills

Transferable skills are the experiences and qualities you develop in your teaching career that can also be applied to your new career. 

These skills not only include your hard skills (i.e., your expertise) but also include all soft skills (problem-solving, analytical skills, team-leading abilities, etc) you pick up along the journey. 

How to identify your transferable skills:

  • Reflect on your teaching journey and note all your achievements, milestones, and the skills you demonstrated in those times.
  • Review job descriptions of the roles you’re interested in and translate your skills per the specific job requirements. 
  • Network with people from the industry you wish to join outside of teaching to learn about the potential roles you can apply to with your skills. 
  • Consider all the training and courses you’ve done in your teaching career and use them to create a portfolio. You can create a mock project to showcase your skills in a real-world scenario. 

Suggested reading: Resume templates for various industries

2. Customize Your Resume for a New Field

One resume will not fit every job role. You must adapt the jargon, formats, and language specific to each field. Align your experiences and achievements with the requirements of your new field.

Here’s an example:

“Prepared and curated lesson plans for students.”

This line from a teacher’s resume becomes….

“Oversaw curriculum development to maximize learning for students while collaborating with team members and leadership.”

The updated version shows you’re a team player who likes taking end-to-end initiatives. 

3. Address Career Change Concerns

Transitioning from a teacher to a corporate role may raise objections and concerns from employers. 

Some of these concerns could be:

  • Lack of experience in a corporate setting
  • Being overqualified for entry-level roles
  • Your ability to transfer and translate skills

You can address these concerns using the following strategies:

  • Share instances from your teaching journey where you applied your transferable skills. For example,  instances where you led a team and contributed to the development of your past organization. Or where you navigated a change that increased students’ performance by a significant percentage. 
  • Talk about the technical tools you’ve used in your past role and how they’ve helped you in the job.
  • Prepare a solid answer to the question, “Why should we hire you.” Use your skills like adaptability, team player, problem-solving, critical thinking, etc, to lead the argument.
  • Mention any courses, certifications, workshops, or additional education you have pursued or are pursuing to enhance your skills for the corporate role.

4. Showcase Accomplishments and Impact

Numbers speak louder than words, and quantifying your achievements emphasizes their impact. For starters, it shows the employer you really care about achieving results rather than just getting the work done. Secondly, it makes you look more credible and encourages the employer to trust you.

Here’s how to write a resume that highlights quantitative achievements:

  • Avoid vague statements and be highly specific—always specify who you helped, how you helped, and the results you produced. 
  • Highlight metrics relevant to the job you’re applying for, not just your old job.
  • It doesn’t always have to be a percentage—you can include the number of people impacted or a range of data in case you don’t have the precise figures. 

Here are two examples of showcasing impact: 

  • Led and managed a student mentorship program for senior students and helped 15+ students achieve scholarships to attend prestigious universities in Germany in 2022.
  • Aligned with key stakeholders to manage additional events in the organization to drive student engagement and learning. Raised $20,000 from trustees for this cause. 

5. Include Professional Development and Upskilling

It’s good practice to focus on training and upskilling when transitioning to a different career. It helps you close the skill gaps between your old and new role and make you more qualified for corporate. 

Here are some places you can search for courses and certifications:

  • Udemy: You get a huge library of courses for every field imaginable, at affordable prices.
  • LinkedIn Learning: This comes with your LinkedIn premium subscription. Showcase the course certification as you finish; it’ll act as a huge employer magnet on your profile!
  • Look for courses and certifications available in your local area. 

Don’t forget to highlight ongoing learning and upskilling on the resume. It shows the recruiter how invested you are in adapting to a new career path and the effort you put into making it happen.

Here’s an example of how to highlight it on your resume:

Currently pursuing a certification course, “Email Marketing Fundamentals”, on Udemy after finishing “Digital Marketing 101”, and “Basics of Branding” successfully. 

Let’s recap on how to write a teacher resume for a career change: 

  • Provide an overview of your professional background and strengths. Include an objective statement that clarifies how you intend to uniquely contribute to the company you’re applying for.
  • Use action verbs when writing bullet points to describe previous roles. Prioritize relevant achievements and responsibilities. Use numbers to emphasize your impact. 
  • Consider including an additional section, such as certifications and projects. These should be relevant to the job responsibilities and help position you as a strong match for the position. 
  • Tailor your skills section by including core competencies that show you’re capable of carrying out the main job duties. If necessary, categorize the skills listed. 

Transitioning from teaching into a new role can be a smooth ride if you know where to look and how to apply and position yourself. Your resume is your entry ticket into another role—make sure you create an excellent first impression!

Tailor your resume for the field you’re applying to and show off your transferable skills. Remain calm during the job hunting process and continue upskilling for new roles to complement your existing skills and experience.  

And if you want to fast-track the resume writing process and increase your chances of landing your dream job, consider giving the Rezi resume builder a try!

How do I write a resume for a career change from teaching?

Identify your transferable skills that fit the requirements for the role you’re applying to and follow these resume tips .

What do you put on a resume when leaving teaching?

Mention all your relevant experiences from your teaching background in your resume and tailor these experiences to the new role. 

How do I switch to a career in teaching?

Get clarity about who you want to teach and what should be your subject, and apply for all the necessary certifications to complete the process. 

Rezi is an ai resume builder to help you to create a resume that os sure to check the boxes when it comes to applicant tracking systems : Rezi Review by Ashley

Kels Styles

Kels is a career writer and editor with a background in entertainment, advertising, and startups. Kels aims to provide, reinforce, and organize authentic, digestible content that helps you take the next step in your career. 

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Join over 3 million people who use Rezi to take control of their job search.

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teacher to customer service resume

102 – Megan Wardwell: From Teacher To Customer Success


Megan Wardwell is a former teacher who left the classroom after 13 years to transition into a role as a Customer Success Manager. We learn how she picked this path, what resources she used, and what her role in EdTech Customer Success looks like.

Listen to the episode in the podcast player below, or find it on  Apple Podcast  or  Spotify.

From Teacher to Customer Success Manager

Daphne Gomez: Hey Megan, thank you so much for being here.

Megan Wardwell: Hi. Thanks for having me. I’m excited to be here.

Daphne Gomez: So Megan, you were in the classroom for 13 years. Do you mind sharing a little bit about your experience in the classroom?

Megan Wardwell: Sure. I got my degree in elementary education and I started my career in fourth grade. And then actually I moved up with my kids from fourth grade to fifth grade. I was in fifth grade for two years, and then from there on I was in third grade. When I earned my master’s degree in reading education, I then became a reading specialist or reading interventionist. Depending on where I was they called it different things. But then I was out of the classroom and kind of pulling small groups and working with students who were struggling with reading and helping in push into classroom sometimes. So, when I left teaching, that’s what I was doing. I was a reading interventionist.

Daphne Gomez: How long were you in the classroom before you started thinking about careers outside of the classroom?

Megan Wardwell: I was in the classroom. Well, it’s funny, because I was in the classroom for seven years. And then I decided that I was going to make a switch. I decided to change the district that I was in, and actually I got that from following you, funny enough. Because I used to follow you way back when and one of the things that you had recommended was about changing districts. And trying to find a place that you knew that you fit. So that’s what I did and I made a change and I went to be a reading specialist and then a position opened up in the district where I lived. And I decided to go back into the classroom and take this position in the district that I lived in.

And I loved it. It was a great change for me. It was exactly what I should have done at the time. And I made new friends there and the teachers that I worked with were great. And then I was there for about three years and unfortunately at that point I wasn’t yet tenured. Because I was just there for three years and their funding kind of went down a little bit and they had to let all of their non-tenured teachers go. And so from that point then I kind of was floating around different places trying to find where I would fit. That’s when I was doing reading specialists, reading interventionist and trying to find the right place. And then COVID happened and so that threw a lot of confusion into things. Yeah, that’s kind of how I worked through all those years.

Daphne Gomez: And I feel like there are people who completely check out mentally when I give that suggestion. If I say contemplate if changing grade levels, if you just something about the classroom management of that specific age or the team members don’t really mesh well with you or change schools. If you actually really like your district and your admin is awful, but there’s a good admin somewhere and they might be willing to let you switch, try that out, or change districts. There are people who hear that and they’re like, “That is not the solution for me. I am miserable.” But then if you do feel like there’s a chance that you’re going to love teaching in that different environment, I always say go for that because that truly is going to be the easier switch. Not that I’m discouraging anyone to, you know what my whole thing is, but it also gives you the clarity that you gave it your all.

I feel like once you’ve evaluated a couple of different opportunities than you say, “Now I’ve been in these different environments or now I’ve come to this conclusion that I’m ready to move on from this because I’ve gone to these different environments.” Did you feel after you went to that different school district you were a little bit more with closure ready to move to the next thing?

Megan Wardwell: By the end I was, yes. The one that I had to go from because of the funding issue, like I said, I was happy there. I loved it. I had friends there, the people were great. And from that point on, then I just kind of couldn’t find that home again, if that makes sense. I couldn’t find that same environment to replicate. And then in the meantime, I then had my daughter and then COVID happened, and then in November of 2020 my father had a stroke. And then in December of 2020 my sister-in-law passed away from colon cancer. So, I was kind of teaching online, doing remote teaching when all of this was going on in my family with a newborn then toddler.

And it just kind of all got to be too much. And I realized that my work-life balance was all out of whack and just something had to give. And knowing that I kind of always had in the back of my mind I wasn’t happy with where I was teaching. I was trying to find that place. And I knew that I needed to make some kind of a change, in order for myself to stay sane. Because with everything going on in my life things were kind of turbulent.

Daphne Gomez: I am so sorry to hear all of that. That is such a extreme perfect storm of very stressful, out of control, out of your control situations. And on top of that the uncertainty of a job switch. I cannot imagine going through all of that. Can you tell me how you started to just look for jobs even during that really stressful time?

How Megan found her new career path

Megan Wardwell: Right, yeah. I was lucky that at that time when all of those things were happening that I was kind of doing remote teaching. Because there were times when the schools shut down and I had to be working from home and that was important for what I was dealing with, with my family. And then when we went back to school, but COVID was kind of still in the back burner, if my daughter were to get sick at preschool, she had to then quarantine for this amount of time and all the rules that were going on. I was then helping with my niece and nephew as well. And all of that happening, I really just realized that I needed to find something else that was going to let me be better for my family. I didn’t feel like I was the mom that I wanted to be.

I didn’t feel like I was the daughter that I wanted to be or the aunt that I wanted to be. And I was just pulled in so many different directions. And I remember sitting down with my brother and I was like, I can’t do this anymore. I’m not happy with where I am. I feel like I can’t call out of work if I need to. And I feel like I’m kind of judged if I need to go deal with something with my family. And I really just knew that I needed to stop complaining about it and I needed to stop thinking about it and staring over it and coming to your page and reading stories over and over again, and just make that jump. I needed to make the leap and it was scary. I ended up taking a leave of absence from work so that I could kind of regroup and focus on myself and my family and what I wanted to do.

And it was during that time that I took the leave of absence that I really then put everything in one basket. I joined LinkedIn, I started to network. I purchased your course, I did the course and I really just started to say to myself like, “This is it. I’m going to make this jump and it’s going to be good because this is what I need to do.” I couldn’t at that point see myself getting any better in my situation if I didn’t make a change.

Daphne Gomez: It’s such a hard decision to come to and it’s really hard to hold yourself accountable for something that feels uncertain. You can’t promise when it’s going to happen. And so most people kind of hold back and are filled with fear of, “I’m not going to try because I’m so afraid of failure.” But that step of, “I’m going to move forward, I’m absolutely going to do this.” Keeping that mindset is what ultimately helps you with all of the roadblocks that you’re potentially going to face during a career transition. When you were looking for roles outside the classroom, I know that you were inside my course, did you look for multiple roles outside of Customer Success at first or did you just have one focus?

Megan Wardwell: I did actually, when I started I was kind of thinking about instructional design, and Customer Success wasn’t really on my mind in the beginning. I am very good with the computer, I’m good at graphic design and doing the slideshows and things like that. So I thought I was meant to go in that direction. And then just researching more about instructional design and talking with people on LinkedIn that I met. And I attended different kinds of free workshops and webinars and learned more about it and I just realized that maybe that wasn’t really the avenue I wanted to go.

I didn’t want to just sit at a computer and design things. I still wanted to be able to have those relationships with people and consult about education and things like that. So, that’s kind of where I started hearing about Customer Success. And I was lucky enough to meet with Kristi Faltorusso, who’s one of the Customer Success leaders. And she did a Google meet with me and we talked for a little bit and I just picked her brain and I was like, “What does Customer Success mean?” Because I didn’t even really know what Customer Success was at that point. I’m coming out of 13 years in education, I had a big learning curve. And the more she talked about it, I was just sitting there and I’m like, “I do this, I can do this. This is what I do.”

I feel like everything that I did in the classroom and in education, building those relationships, consulting with people and giving my advice on what I thought curriculum should be like, things like that. I thought that this was the avenue that I should go down. And then so I kind of changed my focus and then I just kind of honed in on Customer Success specifically. Because I think at the beginning when I started my search, it was too broad. I had too many things that I was trying to look for and too many things that I was saying I wanted. And I knew that it wasn’t narrowed down enough, I really needed to take that time and figure out what I wanted to do.

teacher to customer service resume

Daphne Gomez: One mistake that I think that is really common, especially you said it yourself, you didn’t have exposure to roles outside of the classroom. We’re so familiar with the employees that are inside of a school district, but when you’re talking about these big corporations you’re not really sure what everyone’s role is. One mistake that I think a lot of people have is they think that Customer Success and customer support is the same role. And they’re very different. Did you start to find yourself making those distinctions throughout your learning process?

Megan Wardwell: I did, yes. I actually, early on in my process when I had an interview, it was for a Customer Success position. And I kind of treated it like customer service. And I feel like maybe with that interview it kind of was more leaning towards customer service with the way the questions were asked and things like that. But yeah, I mean, it’s definitely not customer service. It’s trying to really first of all get to know my customers and build that relationship and build that trust and that foundation. And then just consulting with them about how I can help make their program successful, their implementation successful. I’m in an EdTech company, so luckily I get to still talk about these educational resources and how they can be used in the classroom and what the best way is for the students to find success.

Megan’s experience applying to Customer Success roles

Daphne Gomez: Let’s go back to the entire application process. Did you apply to a ton of Customer Success positions?

Megan Wardwell: No, but I applied to a ton of positions. I actually had a spreadsheet that I kept. I think I applied to 79 different positions. And I’ll be quite honest, in the beginning my resume was terrible. Terrible in the sense that, not the information that was on it, obviously I had a background in different things and I had different skills, but the way my resume was set up was not the way that it should have been for corporate.

And I also was applying to any position that I read and I thought like, “Oh, I could do that.” I applied, I wasn’t really gearing my cover letter to that position, it was just kind of generic. So I know that those probably first, I’ll say the first 20 or so, they weren’t really the best that they could be. And the more I learned and the more I went through trying to teach myself about the process and teach myself about the different positions and the different roles that the positions have, then I think my resume became better. My cover letter became better and I really, when I narrowed my focus, that’s when I felt like I was making more of an impact with my applications.

Daphne Gomez: Were you able to use the classroom to corporate translations from the teacher career coach course to improve your resume?

Megan Wardwell: Yes, I did. Yes, I did. They were super helpful.

Daphne Gomez: Do you feel when you were looking through the course and you found that you had to go back and look at your resume with a different set of eyes?

Megan Wardwell: Yes, yes, absolutely. And again, like you said, when we’re in education and I was in education for so long, I didn’t know how the words would translate and I didn’t know … Actually reading some of the positions in the beginning of my process, I was reading them and I was intimidated. Because some of the words I didn’t know and I thought, “I can’t do that, or I’m not sure what that means or that’s not something I’ve ever done before.” But then when I really sat down, and again, when I looked at the things in the course and I realized how certain words can translate and how they can be used in the corporate world, then I realized I really did have those skills and they really were skills that I could transfer from teaching into the position I’m in now.

Daphne Gomez: Did you find yourself learning any sort of tech tools? Did you learn Salesforce? I’m not sure if that’s a customer success tool, but I know a lot of people are taking Salesforce for sales roles, the Trailhead. So, did you learn any tech tools like that just to help you stand out on your resume?

Megan Wardwell: I did, yes. I took different courses on LinkedIn and as I would talk to people on LinkedIn from Customer Success, I would ask them what kind of tools did they use. And I would familiarize myself with them. As a Customer Success Manager we use ChurnZero. And actually in my very first interview for the position that I’m in they mentioned that they were going to be using ChurnZero and that it was going to be coming along. So, I purposely went out and kind of taught myself a little bit more about ChurnZero so that if I got called back for a second or third interview that I would know more about it to talk about it. So I definitely, once I focused in on Customer Success and knew that that’s where I wanted to be, then I dove in and try to learn as much about the process and the tools and all the things about Customer Success that I could.

Daphne Gomez: Yeah, some of these tools take longer to learn. So Salesforce, like I just said, that one I feel like is pretty intuitive for anybody who’s been putting things into an LMS like student attendance and putting all the data in. You’re going to be able to learn it surface level enough that you kind of understand it within a few hours is my assumption. But if you were trying to become a Salesforce administrator, someone who’s just in charge of managing Salesforce for an entire company, that takes a full certification and a lot of training. With ChurnZero, did you have a long time that it took you to learn it, or was it just a few hours?

Megan Wardwell: No, and we’re actually still learning it. I mean, we still do trainings on it. In my company they still are doing these different trainings with everybody so that everybody learns to use it the way that they think is the best way to use it. So no, it hasn’t taken me long at all. I really feel like all the different platforms and programs that I used as a teacher and a reading specialist when I was out of the classroom too. They all kind of work similarly. So, since I was good with technology, in that aspect I feel like that’s really transferred over and I’m learning things quicker.\

The Customer Success interview process for Megan

Daphne Gomez: So, it sounds like you were upscaling for the very specific position and you may have gone through one or two interviews. Did you interview for a lot of different Customer Success positions before this one?

Megan Wardwell: I think I maybe had, this was probably my third, so there might have been a total of three Customer Success positions that I interviewed for.

Daphne Gomez: Did they all have pretty similar questions that they asked you?

Megan Wardwell: The last two did, yeah. The first one was more customer service type questions, more like, “What would you say to this customer if they called with this problem,” kind of thing. And I could have really geared those questions too, because maybe I knew more the second time around. Those questions were more like, “How would you consult with the customer and what would you recommend for them? And if this was the plan,” things like that.

Daphne Gomez: Not as much as someone needs help clicking here and pointing here and opening this.

Megan Wardwell: Right.

Daphne Gomez: And that’s one of the things, the course really covers all of the basics of what to expect with the job hunt process. Because that’s something that’s so overwhelming and frustrating is, if you have one instructional design position, it doesn’t mean that any of the other instructional design positions are going to have the same job duties.

Daphne Gomez: One learning designer might be completely different. One corporate trainer is going to be completely different. One customer success is more like a customer service role, and that also means all of these different pay scales that happened with it. Were you able to know what the pay scale was for these roles before you were interviewing, or was it something that you talked about after the interview?

Megan Wardwell: I think in the position that I’m in now we talked about it. I think I did three interviews for this one and we talked about it by the second one. So, we didn’t talk about it in the first one. I didn’t bring it up in the first one. They didn’t bring it up in the first one and it wasn’t on the job description. But by the second interview we discussed it a little bit more, so at that point I knew what it was.

Daphne Gomez: And you were in the classroom for 13 years. Do you mind sharing if it was a salary increase or decrease?

Megan Wardwell: It was an increase for me.

Daphne Gomez: Was that something that surprised you?

Megan Wardwell: Yes and no. I mean, I’m in New Jersey so I will say that we’re lucky in New Jersey that teachers get paid a little bit better here than they do in other parts of the country. But also the cost of living in New Jersey is much higher than other parts of the country. Because I was at a couple different districts, my pay fluctuated during my 13 years of teaching. So, some districts were much higher, some were not. But I did, I knew that because I had my master’s degree and because I kind of had that experience that I could make a higher amount of money, if that makes sense. And that was another kind of driving force for me is that I felt like where I was kind of stagnant, I wasn’t going to be making that much more money. And that was something that was a goal of mine. I wanted to be able to find something that I could progress in and I could keep earning more as I went along.

Daphne Gomez: Do you see a natural career trajectory within your company of where you can go beyond the role that you have right now?

Megan Wardwell: Absolutely. Yeah, there’s definitely room for growth in the company, and the team leader that I have is just wonderful. And she really has made this process great. In my interview, even the first interview with her, she and the girl whose position I was taking, they were both former teachers.

Daphne Gomez: Oh wow.

Megan Wardwell: As soon as I started the interview she was like, “Don’t be nervous because we were both teachers too, so just feel free, we’re just going to have a conversation.” And it was like right away I just felt at ease in that interview. And I left the first interview feeling like they were friends of mine and it was just a conversation. It was really great. And so I’m learning a lot from her. And yeah, I mean, she herself has grown through the company, so she’s definitely an inspiration for what I can achieve.

Daphne Gomez: Did they ever give you any feedback about something that you did in the interview that really made you stand out above the rest of the candidates who also potentially were probably teachers who were transitioning?

Megan Wardwell: No, they never gave me any of that kind of feedback. One of the things I was trying to do on LinkedIn was put myself out there. I applied to so many places, as I told you, and for a while it just felt like I wasn’t getting responses. And it’s definitely a rollercoaster ride that you’re high and things are going great and then it’s like, “Oh my gosh, I’m not hearing from anyone.” Or maybe the interviews aren’t going well. So what I did when I applied for this one was, I saw the post on LinkedIn and I messaged her directly on LinkedIn and I said, “I saw that you posted about this position and I did apply through the portal, but I wanted to let you know how interested I am and this is my name.”

And I applied. And I think that was something she did say to me during the interview process. That was something that kind of stood out for her that I messaged her directly and kind of sold myself a little bit. And so she knew to look for my resume in the portal.

Daphne Gomez: Especially when things are competitive, those messages show that you are one step more excited than other people. You are going above and beyond. Because if it’s a role that you aren’t that excited about and then it’s like, “Okay, here’s this three step process in the interview we’re going to ask you to create a project and then upload it.” And if you’re like, “I don’t want to do this.” That’s an indicator you don’t really want that job. They’re trying to weed through the people who are just like, “I’m just applying to any jobs.” And so when they do see that extra effort, does it work every time? Absolutely not. But if it’s a job that you really, really want, does the extra effort hurt? No. When you were going through the course, did you use any of the interview resources to help you?

Megan Wardwell: Yes, I did. I printed out so many of your things, I can’t even remember at this point. It was so long ago I feel like now. But I printed out some of your charts and I had notes on them and I would use it. Yeah, I definitely used all of the resources that you had.

Daphne Gomez: Did they ask you why you were leaving teaching?

Megan Wardwell: They did ask me why I was leaving teaching, yes. And I was honest. I said I’m looking for a better work-life balance. I told them everything that had been going on in my life and that it was really important to me that I found something. I specifically was looking for roles that would allow me to work from home and be remote. So, I told them that that was what I was looking for.

Megan’s experience day-to-day as a Customer Success Manager

Daphne Gomez: Let’s get into that a little bit more. What does your day to day look like, especially in this remote position?

Megan Wardwell: Every day is different. I’m able to be very flexible with my schedule, which is great. So, I am able to pick up my daughter and my niece at school and then I kind of just leave my computer, go do school pickup, come back and I can get back to work again. Or if I have to stop and take my daughter to dance class, I can stop and do that. And then I come back and I can work a little bit more once she is in bed for the night. So, it’s very flexible and I greatly appreciate that.

And then some days are really busy and it’s the afternoon before, I’ve not even gotten up out of my chair yet. And then other days things are quiet and I’m able to continue to learn more about the products that we have and dig into my customers a little bit more and my accounts a little bit more. But every day is different. I have had to kind of learn how to manage my time. It was difficult in the beginning coming from teaching where we constantly have all these different tasks to do, so many things on our plate. And you’re having to navigate and drop things to handle this right away or handle this. And when I first started working, my email would ding and I would think, I have to get right to that and I have to answer right away. And then this would go off and I would’ve to do that.

But I really have had to learn how to chunk out my time and just say, “Okay, I’m setting an hour aside and I’m going to focus on the success plan or something that I’m doing right now.” And not answer my email right away and then come back and say, “Okay, now I can answer a little bit.” I had to train myself out of that teacher mentality where you have to be on all the time and everything has to be quick and kind of learn how to manage that.

Daphne Gomez: Let’s dive a little bit more into Customer Success for those people who have no idea what this is, what is a success plan? So you work directly with districts?

Megan Wardwell: Yes.

Daphne Gomez: The admin, the superintendents, the reading coaches?

Megan Wardwell: The admin.

Daphne Gomez: And what is it that you do to provide them support?

Megan Wardwell: So once the sale is made in the company, then I come in and I kind of work with them to decide, “Okay, what are your goals? Why did you purchase the program? What are you trying to get out of it? What will success look like to your school or district?” And then we have that conversation and then I kind of help them decide how we’re going to get there. So, kind of building a roadmap with them of what we’re going to do, how are we going to deliver professional development, do your teachers need training? When are you going to use the program? And things like that. And we just kind of have those discussions and I’m kind of their partner on the other side, so if they have questions as they’re going through their implementation, they can contact me and I can kind of help them through it.

Daphne Gomez: That’s one of the team members that I worked with the most closely when I was doing my learning consultant position where I was just free professional development, but for targeted accounts that I had basically a Customer Success Manager that said the teachers really need support with productivity using this tool and everything was completely free. But I would just create a learning program specifically for the teachers that were opting in. And then I’d come after school sometime and train them on how to do something, and then we’d team up with the customer success people and say, “Okay, we did this, can you see improvements on their end? Have they given survey feedback?” And we would just have this feedback loop. You work with the learning and development team, you also worked with the schools and you also work with the sales team. You probably get a lot of exposure to all of the different departments with this role. Once you get into a company, you do see it. Are you surprised at how much you’re learning about all of the different roles at the exact same time?

Megan Wardwell: Yes, absolutely. And to be honest, when I was a teacher, I didn’t know that all of this went on in the background. I used so many different programs and platforms as a teacher. I had no idea that there were these sales … I mean, obviously I knew there were sales people, but the sales meetings that go on and the Customer Success meetings and all the ins and outs of how to make the technology work and how to roster and things like that, I’m learning so much, so, so much about all the different roles. And it’s neat, because I didn’t know anything before and I’m a lifelong learner. I mean, that was one of the things that I loved about teaching that I was always learning something new. And so being in this position really is allowing me to learn so many different things.

Work-life balance for Megan in a Customer Success role

Daphne Gomez: I heard you say something at the beginning of the interview that I have to bring back up. You said that you were not feeling like you were the family member that you wanted to be or the mother that you wanted to be. In this new role in this time of your life, do you feel more like yourself, the person that you wanted to be?

Megan Wardwell: Absolutely. I’m so much happier. I feel like my family would tell you the same thing. That I’m more relaxed, I feel like I can accomplish more. And this summer was the first summer that I worked all summer because I usually was, well, I wasn’t always off in the summer. I did have some kind of a side job or tutoring or things like that. But this summer I was working all throughout the summer and as August came around, I was just enjoying the rest of the summer and we just had family time and we just did family events and we spent time down the shore and all these different things that I feel like I wasn’t doing before. Because I was just miserable and I was overwhelmed and I was stressed. And I just feel like now things are so much different and I am proud of the family member that I can be now. Because I feel like my work-life balance has finally straightened out.

Daphne Gomez: And I feel like there’s so many times where just we just see the success story and we just see this transformation and we’re happy, but then very jealous of the people. We’re waiting for that to happen to us too. But you did apply to 79 jobs, you did persevere through this really intense period of your life. And one of the questions that I love to ask people on this podcast is, what did you learn about yourself during this process?

Megan Wardwell: I mean, I learned a lot about myself. When I struggled in the beginning of my teaching career I kind of felt like, “Was I meant to be a teacher? Can I do this?” And then changing districts made me realize, “Yeah, I’m good at what I do. I was meant to be in education.” And then kind of going through everything that I went through, and believe me, I mean what I went through was nothing like what my brother went through.

Obviously I don’t try to say that I was the one that suffered the most or anything like that. But going through what I went through and coming out on the other side with this story of, I made the change. And I put the work in and I made the jump and I’m happy where I’m at now. I know that I’m where I’m supposed to be. I believe that everything happens for a reason. And I’m just so proud of the example that I have set for my daughter, my stepson, my niece and my nephew. You don’t have to be stuck somewhere when you’re unhappy. You can put the work in and you can problem solve and you can make a change and it can make a difference. And that was really important to me that I wanted to be able to set that example to show them that success can happen.

Daphne Gomez: I’m speechless. That was a wonderful answer. I don’t know how to answer you at this point. Honestly, you told me prior to this interview that you were very nervous. You are such a strong, brave, wonderful human being and I am so grateful that you have shared your story-

Megan Wardwell: Thank you.

Daphne Gomez: … on this podcast, and especially that you were nervous and did this. Because so many people are going to hear your story and that’s going to contend you to inspire them and motivate them through what they are going through right now. So, just thank you so much for being here and for everything. It’s just been a really true pleasure to meet you.

Megan Wardwell: Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. And I mean, you’ve been a support to me all along the way without even knowing that you were a support to me. So, thank you for everything that you do. I appreciate it.

Mentioned in the episode:

  • Our career path quiz at www.teachercareercoach.com/quiz
  • Explore the course that has helped thousands of teachers successfully transition out of the classroom and into new careers: The Teacher Career Coach Course

Step out of the classroom and into a new career, The Teacher Career Coach Course

free quiz: what career outside of the classroom is right for you? →

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Daphne Gomez, The Teacher Career Coach

Customer Service Representative resume

Customer Service Resume Examples

Published on September 8th, 2024


In today's highly competitive job market, a customized resume for customer service can make you stand out of the rest. Whether you are beginning your career as a customer service professional or already have years of experience, your resume is your first chance at making an unforgettable impression. This blog will guide you through creating a resume that shows off your skills and experience in customer service.

Role of a Customer Service Representative 

To most business companies in most sectors, customer service representation is very significant. Representing as the faces of a firm, customer service representatives attend to complaints and queries from customers, resolve and assure the satisfaction of customers.

Whether it's a call center role, retail, or one of the more specialized customer support positions, your resume has to tell your story about communication and problem-solving, while demonstrating your relationship-building skills with customers.

Here are the few free templates for customer service representatives. 

customer service resume template 1_3.jpg

Start with a Strong Resume Format

The resume's first impression does count. The format and style of your resume should be clean, readable, and professional. Avoid using complicated fonts such as Arial or Calibri, and keep the theme simple. The most commonly used format for any resume is the reverse chronological format, by which the most recent relevant experience is viewed first.

Here's a typical format for a customer service resume:

  • Contact Information
  • Professional Summary
  • Other Sections (Certificates, Languages, etc.)

Professional Summary Example

A professional summary-professionals often call this a resume objective or resume profile-is a one-line sentence, usually located at the top of your resume. It is intended to outline your needs in terms of a position, which relates to customer service. You want to tailor the professional summary to the customer service job you are seeking.

Check out the free templates for graphic designer resume . 

"Customer focus-driven motivation, with more than 3 years in retail and call center environments with experience in solving customer complaints and setting customer satisfaction targets and handling large volumes of inquiries. Seeking to utilize the competencies and experience in customer service and communication in the dynamic working environment to work effectively for the satisfaction of customers of XYZ Company."

Your summary should be no more than 2-3 lines long and illustrate how you can contribute to the company.

Communicating Customer service jobs are vastly unique when it comes to required skills, and this is where you communicate those. A combination of both hard and soft skills will ideally apply to the position.

Here are some skills that have to be mentioned for a customer service resume. 

  • Effective communication (written and verbal)
  • Problem-Solving/Conflict Resolution
  • Actively Listening
  • Multi-Tasking/Time Management
  • CRM Systems: Zendesk/Salesforce familiarity
  • Empathy and Patience


Irrespective of the nature of skills you possess, it is highly probable that those skills will have to be modified to match the job description of the position for which you're applying. Today, most organizations employ electronic scanning systems (Applicant Tracking Systems, or ATS) when scanning resumes for specific keywords, so make sure to include such relevant terms from the job posting in your resume.

Highlight Your Work Experience

Work experience is the bread and butter of your resume. Here, list all positions you have had in reverse chronology (your latest job first), including position held, company name, location, and dates of work.

The secret to a good work experience area is accomplishment rather than mere description of job. Use bullet points for what you accomplished at each position, with measurable results when appropriate.

Example of the Work Experience Section:

Customer Service Representative – ABC Company

Location – January 2021 to Present

  • Responded to an average of 75+ calls daily, which were efficiently resolved into inquiries and issues.
  • Logged a 98% customer satisfaction score for 6 months in a row
  • Trained 5 new team members on best practices for handling escalations
  • Managed account updates and billing inquiries, which reduced complaints by 20%

Your Education

Unless otherwise indicated, a majority of the customer service jobs do not have an advanced degree as a prerequisite, so mentioning your educational qualifications would be highlighting that you are above the minimum qualifications. On that note, include your highest educational qualification and any relevant certifications or coursework.

If you took courses that have relevance to customer service, communications, or leadership skills, mention it here too.

Add Certifications and More Details

Certifications are resume-enriching additional qualifications that would put you ahead of the other bidders. Give certifications in a separate section, if pertaining to customer service, conflict resolution or communication.

Examples of Relevant Certifications

Certified Customer Service Professional (CCSP)

Conflict Resolution Certification

CRM Software Certification- Such as Salesforce, Zendesk

You can also add the languages you speak, volunteer work, and technical skills, such as Microsoft Office or specific software that would be points of strength for you.

Tailor Your Resume to Each Job

Tailoring your resume to the particular job will make a customer service resume stand out. Even though this process is extremely time-consuming, customizing your resume to fit the description of a specific job will bring you much closer to the hiring manager's attention than an off-the-shelf generic resume

Review the job posting and align your resume with the skills and qualifications called for in the posting. Tighten up your professional summary, key skills, and even work experience to emphasize the very best of your background.

Proofread and Edit for Perfection

Typos and grammatical errors can give a wrong impression to the hiring manager. Before submitting your resume to any place, take a good glance over it so that it does not contain any typos or errors. It could also be asked from a friend of yours or a tool like Grammarly. Which could possibly detect some error that has gone through your eyes?

Final Words

A Strong Customer Service Resume Leads to More Interviews

Writing a star customer service resume is more than just listing past jobs-it really paints a picture of how well you can relate with people and solve problems to keep the customers satisfied. By doing the following, you will be in a much better position to craft your resume to highlight your strengths and earn you that next coveted role.

And if you need a little extra help, tools like Teal's AI Resume Builder can make it all so much easier by providing you with highly customised suggestions and formatting tips.


Tomsy Thomas

An aspiring writer with a desire of crafting lines with powerful words from what she learned and discovered from her surroundings.

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From Teaching to Customer Success

  • by lindsayreno92

teacher to customer service resume

Paige Pollara  is a former High School English teacher who transitioned into Customer Success at  NoRedInk , a startup that builds stronger writers through adaptive practice, writing exercises, and assessment. Paige shares which parts of her career switch came naturally to her and which parts took more effort & patience , and helps you decide if Customer Success is right for you!

What did you love most about teaching? What was hardest for you?

I loved a lot of things about teaching. First and foremost, I loved building relationships with my students. 9th and 10th graders are such interesting little people — they’re trying to figure out who they are and who they want to be, and I really loved being a part of that process and getting to be a resource for them.

As an English teacher, it helps that I’ve always been a huge fan of reading and writing (and young adult fiction in particular). It was fun to be able to recommend something like Percy Jackson and see a student’s eyes light up as they realized reading was fun. That aspect of the job was always super rewarding.

The hardest part for me was work-life balance. I was a perfectionist, and constantly found myself tweaking and improving my lessons the night before. I was also drowning in the amount of grading that I had to do. I worked nights and weekends because I wanted to leave comments on my students’ work, and I had 130 to 150 students! The amount of pressure I put on myself to be an excellent teacher was just too much, and I eventually burned out.

How did you know it was definitely time to leave the classroom?

I had four different principals in four years of teaching. It was really hard to do my job effectively when each year, somebody came in with a new vision of how things should be done.

In addition, I realized I really wanted more feedback and professional development. Because I was doing well and my class wasn’t on fire, I was mostly left alone and no one came to see me. In some respects that was great — I had a lot of autonomy, so I got to try and fail in a pretty safe environment. In other respects, this left me feeling like I didn’t have the resources to go from being a good teacher to being a great teacher.

What other job options did you consider, and how did you narrow them down?

Like a lot of teachers, I believed my first role would be something related to curriculum or instructional design. I applied to a number of those roles and just didn’t hear back. It was a big bummer and really disheartening at first.   I tried to shift my mindset away from looking for the “ideal role” and toward the companies themselves: What companies would I be really excited to work for? What products are making a huge difference in teachers’ lives right now?

That’s such good advice, especially because you can network so much more authentically if you actually feel passion for the company’s mission! How did you find NoRedInk, and what was the interview process like?

I loved NoRedInk and saw they had a Customer Success role open. I didn’t know much about the role (or Customer Success in general), but the job description said something about supporting schools and teachers. That seemed like something I could do, so I applied even though I was a bit skeptical I would meet the qualifications.

However, the first recruiter call went really well. Many of the components of NoRedInk’s interview process were skill-based (for instance, I had to deliver a sample training and send sample emails to customers). I was able to show up and show the team what I was capable of — and in the process, I gained confidence that I would enjoy the role, because I was already doing some of it!

Think about your first few weeks at NoRedInk. Was anything surprising to you?

Building relationships with teachers and administrators came super naturally. At the end of the day, all of us cared about helping students become more confident writers, so we could come into a conversation with the same end goal.   It also helped that I had used NoRedInk in my classroom before joining the team. Because of this, my product onboarding felt relatively smooth and I could focus more on the technical aspects of the job.

One thing that surprised me: I learned my email language needed tweaking! I wasn’t concise enough and showed too much emotion. I had to cut down on the number of exclamation points I used in writing.

Time management was also tricky. As a teacher, you’re so used to being rushed to fit your work into a specific period of a time. In my new job, I had so much more autonomy with my schedule. I wasn’t used to having multiple tasks with ambiguous deadlines, and it was a steep learning curve.

What helped with that over time?

Practice, and not being afraid to ask. That’s what your manager is there for, and why you have dedicated time with them each week. Just asking the question, “What’s the highest priority right now?” can help you direct your energy toward the right things. I still do that!

How did your role evolve at NoRedInk over time?

I joined NoRedInk when we were a small company (about 40 employees). There were a lot of opportunities for growth, and I took as many as I could! I spent a year and a half in Customer Success and moved to a team lead role on this team. I really enjoyed the strategy and process management this required. Eventually, NoRedInk noticed there was a need for a dedicated implementation team to support our larger customers. This seemed like the perfect mix of supporting teachers and project management. I jumped at the chance to be a founding member of that team and was promoted to manager after about a year.

What would you recommend to others who hope to make internal switches in their company?

I see a lot of folks do this at NoRedInk: someone on the Sales team moved to Marketing, two people from Customer Success went to Implementation, and we had a User Researcher move to Product Manager.

If you see opportunities to pair with people on other teams, take them! For instance, I spent time with folks on Product, Curriculum, and Marketing to learn about their goals and how my team could support theirs. This helped me learn more about the company as a whole.

Today, you’re looking for more Implementation Specialists to join your team! What is an Implementation Specialist responsible for at NoRedInk, and what does a typical day look like?

At NoRedInk, customers are assigned a Customer Success Manager who is ultimately responsible for the account. The largest and most complex accounts also have an Implementation Specialist; we are accountable for their training and resources, and we use our ELA instructional expertise to help them integrate our product with their curriculum. Currently, each Implementation Specialist has about ten accounts that we work with and know super well.

It’s hard to say what a typical day looks like because it totally depends on the time of year!

  • In July through October, Implementation Specialists can be found on calls helping clients set expectations, coordinating trainings, and following up with resources that schools need. They also spend time actually conducting virtual trainings so that teachers can use the program effectively.
  • In November through December, we pair closely with our partners in Customer Success to track usage and customer engagement. We develop intervention strategies for our at risk accounts and partner with Product or Marketing to create touchpoints for teachers.
  • In January through March, we help teachers navigate their second semester by providing more training and continuing to check in to make sure they have what they need.
  • In March through June, we’re rounding out the school year by planning for the back-to-school season, managing projects and initiatives to deliver in July, and partnering with Sales to create implementation plans for new clients.

What do you think it takes to be successful in this role? Who might not be a good fit?

You need to have teaching experience. As many teachers will tell you, there is nothing worse than a Professional Development session led by someone who has no experience doing what you do. We need educators with real experience integrating technology into their classrooms so that teachers feel really confident in their implementation.

What makes some teachers’ resumes jump to the top of the stack?

I would highly recommend sitting down with some of the job descriptions you’re interested in and mapping your teaching experience to those bullet points. For instance, in Customer Success, you need experience helping customers along what’s known as the “customer journey.” I remember looking this up when I applied and realizing it’s just backwards planning! You identify an end goal and determine what steps it will take to get the customer there. I had backwards planned hundreds of units; I knew that my students had achieved the goals and outcomes I had designed.

It helps applicants stand out when they can give me core examples of how they’ve already done some of the things we’re hoping they’ll do in the role.

Backwards planning is such a brilliant example! Can you think of any other non-obvious correlations between teaching experience and customer success jobs?

Job descriptions often emphasize the importance of data-driven outcomes, maybe framed in the context of portfolio management (hitting quotas or renewal goals). Still, teachers are all about data-driven instruction, and they have proof of their impact. They can talk about the students who passed end-of-year tests or the interventions and supports that got them there.

Even though this isn’t revenue-driven, it’s still a totally valid example of the same skillset.

Who might not be a good fit for a Customer Success role?

You have to be a people person. You’re “on” a lot of the time when you’re training. If you felt drained and exhausted from the feeling of having to perform as a teacher, it’s good to be aware that Customer Success has some of that, too.

I’d also recommend looking at the specific niche the company is looking for. For instance, do they need someone with Math expertise? Spanish expertise? We see awesome teachers apply to our Implementation Specialist position without English experience, and that’s a bummer because we need you to be an ELA expert.

Anything else you wish someone told you when you were first preparing to leave the classroom?

Two things stick out to me:   first, I didn’t realize how competitive the EdTech world was until I stepped into my first jobs fair and there were hundreds of hopeful people vying for the same few positions. I had to wait in long lines to talk to people, and it was scary — I wasn’t ready for it. Be prepared for that and be patient. Your role will come!

Also… you’ll miss your students. The first, second, even third fall… you’ll hear about your teacher friends preparing their classrooms or doing parent-teacher conferences, or you’ll see your old kids start to graduate and you’ll miss it. And that’s okay.

What helps you feel confident that you made the right decision? Do you ever think about going back?

Someone on our team recently went back into the classroom. She missed her kids, and that was real! For me, though, I love that during trainings I get to watch the lightbulbs happen with teachers. I recently observed a teacher, showed her a new activity, and in the next class she was already excited to apply it.

Maybe I’m not helping the same group of 150 kids, but I’m still able to make an impact and help kids become better writers, to have a voice, and to advocate for themselves. That makes it worthwhile for me.

If you’re sold on Customer Success…

Notice how Paige had a much smoother transition into her role because she already used NoRedInk in her classroom. Make a list of products that you already use with your students — and like! — and push yourself to become a  power user  of those products:

  • Do you work with other teachers who are tech-averse? Offer to give them a short training/PD session about how you incorporate the product into your classroom.  Then add this to your resumé.
  • Is there something you particularly love about the product? Write into the company’s support line with thoughtful feedback about how the product has made a difference for you, and one concrete change you would make to improve it.

If you have companies on your “dream” list whose products you have  not used  before, that’s totally fine — but do what you can to familiarize yourself with the product before applying. This will give you a leg up in interviews  and  help you ensure you’d actually enjoy working for that team. You can:

  • Visit their website and take notes on how they describe themselves.
  • If they have a free version, create an account and poke around to see how teachers & students are expected to engage with the product.
  • Type “[Product Name] Getting Started” into Youtube. Tons of companies have public-facing training videos that give you a sneak peek into how the product works (and the kinds of trainings  you  would deliver in a Customer Success role)!
  • Transitioning Teacher Resume Example

Resume Examples

  • Common Tasks & Responsibilities
  • Top Hard & Soft Skills
  • Action Verbs & Keywords
  • Resume FAQs
  • Similar Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Transitioning Teacher Resumes:

  • Develop and implement lesson plans that meet the needs of all students
  • Create a positive learning environment that encourages student engagement and participation
  • Provide instruction and assessment of student learning
  • Develop and maintain positive relationships with students, parents, and colleagues
  • Collaborate with other teachers to develop and implement curriculum
  • Monitor student progress and provide feedback to students and parents
  • Participate in professional development activities to stay current with best practices
  • Utilize technology to enhance instruction and student learning
  • Maintain accurate records of student performance and attendance
  • Enforce school policies and procedures
  • Participate in extracurricular activities and school events

Speed up your writing process with the AI-Powered Resume Builder . Generate tailored achievements in seconds for every role you apply to. Try it for free.

Transitioning Teacher Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented innovative lesson plans that catered to diverse student needs, resulting in a 10% increase in overall student engagement and participation.
  • Established a positive and inclusive classroom environment, fostering strong relationships with students and parents, leading to a 15% improvement in student satisfaction scores.
  • Collaborated with a team of teachers to design and implement a new curriculum, aligning with educational standards and resulting in a 20% improvement in student performance.
  • Utilized technology tools and resources to enhance instruction and student learning, resulting in a 25% increase in student achievement and academic growth.
  • Monitored and tracked student progress, providing timely and constructive feedback to students and parents, leading to a 10% improvement in student performance and grades.
  • Participated in professional development activities and workshops, staying up-to-date with best practices and instructional strategies, resulting in a 15% improvement in teaching effectiveness.
  • Implemented effective classroom management strategies, enforcing school policies and procedures, resulting in a 20% reduction in disciplinary incidents and disruptions.
  • Participated in extracurricular activities and school events, fostering a sense of community and school spirit, leading to a 10% increase in student involvement and engagement.
  • Maintained accurate records of student performance and attendance, ensuring data integrity and providing valuable insights for student support and intervention, resulting in a 15% improvement in overall student success.
  • Innovative lesson planning
  • Classroom management
  • Curriculum development
  • Student engagement strategies
  • Inclusive education
  • Parent-teacher communication
  • Team collaboration
  • Technology integration in teaching
  • Student progress monitoring
  • Constructive feedback delivery
  • Professional development participation
  • Instructional strategy application
  • School policy enforcement
  • Extracurricular activity coordination
  • Record keeping and data integrity
  • Student support and intervention strategies
  • Community building within school
  • Adaptability to diverse student needs
  • Knowledge of educational standards
  • Ability to increase student performance and satisfaction.

Top Skills & Keywords for Transitioning Teacher Resumes:

Hard skills.

  • Curriculum Development
  • Classroom Management
  • Differentiated Instruction
  • Assessment and Evaluation
  • Lesson Planning
  • Special Education
  • Technology Integration
  • Behavior Management
  • Parent-Teacher Communication
  • Classroom Organization
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation
  • Professional Development

Soft Skills

  • Classroom Management and Discipline
  • Instructional Design and Lesson Planning
  • Differentiated Instruction and Individualized Learning
  • Student Engagement and Motivation
  • Assessment and Data Analysis
  • Collaboration and Teamwork with Colleagues
  • Parent and Guardian Communication
  • Adaptability and Flexibility in Teaching Methods
  • Problem Solving and Critical Thinking in Education
  • Time Management and Organization in the Classroom
  • Empathy and Understanding of Student Needs
  • Communication and Active Listening with Students and Parents

Resume Action Verbs for Transitioning Teachers:

  • Facilitated
  • Collaborated
  • Differentiated
  • Implemented
  • Coordinated
  • Communicated

Build a Transitioning Teacher Resume with AI

teacher to customer service resume

Resume FAQs for Transitioning Teachers:

How long should i make my transitioning teacher resume, what is the best way to format a transitioning teacher resume, which keywords are important to highlight in a transitioning teacher resume, how should i write my resume if i have no experience as a transitioning teacher, compare your transitioning teacher resume to a job description:.

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Transitioning Teacher job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

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Related Resumes for Transitioning Teachers:

Teacher career change, career coach, substitute teacher, experienced teacher, teacher assistant, special education teacher, high school teacher, elementary school teacher.

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  • Search Jobs
  • Search for Talent
  • Employer Branding
  • Outplacement
  • Resume Samples

Teacher Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the teacher job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

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Resume Builder

  • Develop or assist in development of schemes of work and lesson plans in line with curriculum objectives
  • Provides ongoing communication with Child Development Center Manager and the treatment team regarding concerns with child or parent behaviors
  • Coach and manage paid detainee workers ensuring compliance and assistance at all times within the educational environment
  • Accept and incorporate feedback on classroom performance given by the Academic Manager to ensure consistent improvement in teaching quality
  • Maintain communication with the Center Director and/or Assistant Director regarding work repairs and necessary classroom maintenance
  • Create and maintain a positive classroom environment that promotes good behavior and adheres to our choice management system
  • Develops and implements a successful classroom management system
  • -- Provide individual casework/case management/counseling to students and parents to alleviate conditions which interfere with the students’ learning
  • -- Develop and review service plans in consultation with students, and perform follow-ups assessing the quantity and quality of services provided
  • --Manage and support vision assistive technology for students and educators
  • -- Manage and support vision assistive technology for students and educators, including GPS systems
  • -- Perform other related duties as assigned or requested
  • -- Responsible for developing, monitoring, and reporting of student Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals
  • -- Provides reports and maintain ongoing records on those students receiving O.T. intervention
  • Provide administrative and clerical support to the leadership team (calendar, mail, copies, file management etc.)
  • Conduct highly engaging training sessions that prepare teachers to make effective home visits according to the HOME WORKS! models
  • Supervise and provide support for a team of Program Directors and Trainers overseeing hiring, training and staff retention efforts
  • Oversee risk management, legal and insurance practices in coordination with 3rd party resources
  • Draft and manage the submission process for grant proposals and associated reports to individual, corporate and family foundations, maintain a grants calendar
  • Provide administrative support for training sessions, assure all training materials are prepared and ready for each session
  • Work with the Data Specialist to support the data collection process
  • Excellent organisational skills and ability to effectively manage and prioritise own workload alongside a flexible and adaptable approach to work
  • Available and approachable with parents
  • Demonstrates ability to establish excellent rapport with students, parents and staff
  • Maintains professional competence through in-service education activities provided by the district and in self-selected professional growth activities
  • Communicating Professional Knowledge
  • Establishes and maintains professional rapport with students, drawing from knowledge about individual student's background and learning styles
  • Ability to present complex information professionally to a variety of audiences
  • Good knowledge of leading career assessment tools and how to use them effectively
  • Analyzes, demonstrates, and explains basic skills, knowledge and strategies of formal sports, games, rhythms, and fundamentals of body movement
  • Strong working knowledge of the teaching/learning process

12 Teacher resume templates

Teacher Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

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  • Maintain current certifications in Infant/Child/Adult First Aid and CPR
  • Must be consistently available 5 days/week
  • Strong desire to work with young children

Infant / Toddler Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • As a member of a Classroom Teaching Team, all Teachers are responsible for
  • Helping to plan and implement an educational program which meets the developmental needs of the whole child (i.e., physical, intellectual, social and emotional)
  • Knowing the developmental level of each child within your group as well as being aware of their family history and family style
  • Making sure your assigned Daily or Weekly Reports (depending on age group) are prepared on time for each child and that the information reported in them is accurate
  • Ensuring that the information being presented to parents on each child’s Evaluation Forms is well thought out and accurate
  • Completing write-ups of all Parent-Teacher Conferences in a timely fashion
  • Contributing to the preparation of your Classroom’s Portfolio
  • Sharing responsibility for the completion of general classroom job assignments (such as taking a turn writing the monthly Classroom Newsletter, helping to clean the kitchen area, washing bedding, etc.)
  • Contributing to the planning and presentation of Quarterly Classroom Parent Meetings

Early Childhood Support Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Willing to complete Infant/Toddler certification with us upon hire
  • Willing to complete Health Exam and TB Test with us upon hire
  • Willing to complete First Aid/CPR Training with us upon hire

Senior Teacher s Aide Resume Examples & Samples

  • Taking a positive approach to conflict resolution (between teacher and parent or between various staff members)
  • An AA, AS or BA degree in Child Development, Early Childhood Education or a related field preferred
  • Infant Studies or Infant Growth and Development

Floater Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Protect the confidentiality of all records and information concerning children, their families, and Center staff members
  • Serve as representatives of the Disney Children’s Center and the Walt Disney Company when out in the community or while attending college classes or Child Development Conferences
  • Maintain current certifications in Infant/Child/Adult First Aid and CPRClassroom Teaching Team
  • Prefer Three – five years’ experience working in an Infant/Toddler SettingHealth
  • All members of the teaching staff must
  • Meet the personnel requirements listed in Title 22 of the General Licensing Requirements of the State of California, including
  • Must be in good health and shall be physically and mentally capable of performing the assigned tasks
  • Minimum AA or AS Degree in Child Development, Early Childhood Education or a related field
  • Completion of 4 core classes Child Growth and Development or Human Growth and Development Child, Family and Community or Child and Family Program/Curriculum Development One additional 3 semester unit child development class
  • Prefer BA Degree in Child Development, Early Childhood Education or a related field
  • Completion of 4 core classes including 3 units in “Infant/Toddler Development” Child Growth and Development or Human Growth and Development Child, Family and Community or Child and Family Program/Curriculum Development One additional 3 semester unit child development class
  • Options:1. An AA, AS or BA degree in Child Development, Early Childhood Education or a related field a. Completion of four core child development classes required by the California Dept. of Social Services including: Child Growth and Development or Human Growth and Development Child, Family and Community or Child and Family Program/Curriculum Development Infant Studies or Infant Growth and Development
  • An AA or AS degree in a field other than Child Development, Early Childhood Education or a related fielda. Completion of four core child development classes required by the California Dept. of Social Services including: Child Growth and Development or Human Growth and Development Child, Family and Community or Child and Family Program/Curriculum Development Infant Studies or Infant Growth and Development b. Minimum of 30 semester units in Early Childhood Education
  • A BA degree in a field other than Child Development, Early Childhood Education or a related field
  • A. Completion of four core child development classes required by the California Dept. of Social Services including: Child Growth and Development or Human Growth and Development Child, Family and Community or Child and Family Program/Curriculum Development Infant Studies or Infant Growth and Development b. Minimum of 36 semester units in Early Childhood Education
  • Support the program you are assigned to by supervising the playgrounds that classrooms are outside
  • Support the program you are assigned to by providing admin time during inside time
  • Ensuring that an interesting and varied program of activities (i.e., art, music, movement, science, language, etc.) is made available to the children in your classroom
  • Interests and helping to adapt that curriculum to meet the individual and/or special needs of the children in your care
  • Helping to maintain a classroom environment that honors cultural diversity
  • Meeting with other team members to re-evaluate programming and classroom routines in an ongoing way
  • Helping to maintain a safe and healthy classroom environment (for children, their families, and staff)
  • Contribute to Daily or Weekly Reports (depending on age group)
  • Preparing Individual Portfolios for the children in your classroom and ensuring that these portfolios meet NAEYC standards
  • Work is closely supervised. Follows specific, detailed instructions and guidelines. Solves problems of limited scope and complexity
  • Work is moderately supervised. Work is reviewed for soundness of judgment and overall adequacy and accuracy. Develops solutions to a variety of problems of moderate scope and complexity
  • Supervisory approval is obtained on situations where practices and procedures do not exist or where deviations to existing procedures occur
  • Work is performed with minimal direction. Participates in determining objectives of assignments. Plans, schedules and arranges own activities in accomplishing objectives. -Work is reviewed upon completion. Problems worked on are of a complex nature
  • Work is not supervised and allows considerable latitude. Develops solutions to unusually complex problems which require the regular use of ingenuity and innovation
  • Work is geared to directing and guiding others. Assignments are relatively complex and allow independent judgment and decision making. Provides considerable input in establishing the objectives for their area of responsibility. Work is reviewed in terms of meeting the organizational objectives and schedules
  • Work is focused on determining organizational objectives and practices. Completed work is reviewed from a relatively long range perspective for desired results. Makes final decisions and provides direction for one or more major segments of the total organization

Infant / Toddler Senior Teacher Aid Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintain communication with the Classroom Lead/Center Director and/or Assistant Director regarding work repairs and necessary classroom maintenance
  • Attend all In-Service Trainings provided by the Center
  • Must be flexible with regard to hours
  • Must be able to take specific direction
  • Must have the ability to act quickly and appropriately in hazardous situations and to provide first aid in emergency situations
  • Completion of four core child development classes required by the California Dept. of Social Services including
  • Child, Family and Community or Child and Family

Teacher Reviewer Resume Examples & Samples

  • At least a Bachelor's degree in education, the subject area (social studies, science, math, etc.), or related field
  • Must hold a valid teaching certificate and be currently teaching in at least one of the 50 U.S. states
  • 2 plus years teaching experience in the grade level covered by the product being reviewed
  • Knowledge of the appropriate content and pedagogy
  • Knowledge of state standards (if applicable)
  • Familiarity with various learning styles and digital instructional methods
  • Experience creating instructional materials
  • Experience on curriculum review panels for districts or states
  • Experience with ELL/ELD instruction
  • Special certifications and credentials (ESL endorsements, Nationally Certified Teachers (NCT); M.S. literacy endorsements)
  • Academic Affiliations: Members of Board of NCSS, Department Chairs, ISTE members
  • Reviewing content for student and teacher materials
  • Evaluating prototypes and/or manuscript for sample lessons or features
  • Reviewing writers' guidelines for manuscript
  • Reviewing a scope and sequence, outline, list of literature, or table of contents
  • Evaluating overall content and structure for appropriate rigor, reading level, level of engagement, scaffolding, and overall pedagogy
  • Reviewing narrative, headings, maps, graphics, and captions for clarity, accuracy, and appropriateness
  • Reviewing materials for adherence to standards
  • Reviewing assessments for variety, depth and quality of questions
  • Commenting on teacher materials and suggested activities for classroom suitability
  • Reviewing manuscript before it is set as pages or authored into online systems

Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Meets educational and experience qualifications established by state law (DEEC)
  • CPR, First Aid, AED certifications and Child Abuse prevention training within 30 days of hire date
  • Previous experience with diverse populations. Ability to develop positive, authentic relationships with people from different backgrounds
  • Passes a CORI, SORI and DCF background record check
  • Meets all other requirement of the Malden YMCA for employment
  • Makes ongoing, systematic observations and evaluations of each child
  • Conducts parent conferences, and maintains positive relationships and effective communication with parents. Engages parents as volunteers
  • Maintains required program records

Lifepower Yoga Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop safe, professional and comprehensive Yoga training programs to ensure clients are satisfied with their workout program and remain motivated to attain their personal fitness goals
  • Monitor and instruct clients during Yoga training sessions
  • 1+ years experience teaching Yoga recommended
  • CPR/AED certification
  • 200 hour level (RYT-200) required
  • Completed the LifePower Yoga 200 hour Teacher Training and/or 16 Hour Retreat and passed the four required teach backs to teach Signature formats
  • BA/BS degree in Early Childhood Education or related field is a plus; Masters preferred
  • Minimum of one year of experience working with youth/children in a group setting
  • Minimum NYS Early Childhood Certification or State equivalent
  • Knowledge of child development
  • UPK experience a plus
  • Bilingual Spanish/Polish a plus
  • Excellent interpersonal, written and verbal communications skills
  • Ensure the health, safety and well-being of children in the program, by providing close supervision of all activities
  • Plan and implement a developmentally appropriate curriculum that supports and stimulates a child’s individual development
  • Provide stimulating lesson plans promoting exploration, creativity and discovery following the NYC Pre-K Foundations for the Common Core learning guidelines that include music, games, trips, and gross motor activities
  • Provide staff support, concerning appropriate early childhood practices, on an informal, formal and on-going basis
  • Provide and implement regular assessment rubrics for student learning. Document and record student learning into ‘Work Sampling’ system
  • Prepare and conduct bi-annual parent teacher conference
  • Relate to parents, as needed, to promote an understanding of the growth and development of their children
  • Effectively communicate with parents, verbally and in writing, throughout the session/year
  • Maintain a clean and safe classroom environment, by reporting and/or removing all dangerous materials
  • Document and maintain student attendance, keeping accurate records of areas of development and growth, and areas of concerns, if applicable
  • Maintain accurate program documentation (incident, accident and behavior reports, and sign-in / sign-out sheets)
  • Actively participate in all training sessions, designated meetings and special events

Certified Teacher s Assistant Resume Examples & Samples

  • NYS Teacher's Assistant certification
  • Experience working with special needs children
  • Ability to safely assist lifting individuals of various weights & 20 lb items

Teacher s Aide Resume Examples & Samples

  • Have limited experience working with children under 13 years of age, preferably in an organized setting
  • Maintain confidentiality of information provided by parents, staff and administration
  • Attend the minimum number of training hours per year as required by State law and/or accrediting agencies, as approved by supervisor
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills are required.Resumes Accepted Until12/30/2015

Teacher, Early Learning Resume Examples & Samples

  • At least 21 years of age
  • CPR, First Aid, AED certifications and Child Abuse prevention training within 30 days of
  • Designs and implements daily lesson/activity plans
  • Supervises the children, classroom, and all activities
  • Conducts parent conferences, and maintains positive relationships and effective communication

Teacher Openings Resume Examples & Samples

  • The Staffing Supervisor will schedule substitute teaching assistants on an as-needed basis and will determine placement within the various classrooms
  • Minimum One year of experience working in an Infant/Toddler or Pre-School Setting
  • Prefer Three – five years’ experience working in an Infant/Toddler or Pre-School Setting
  • Child Growth and Development or Human Growth and Development
  • Program/Curriculum Development
  • An AA or AS degree in a field other than Child Development, Early Childhood Education or a related field
  • Specific program expertise is necessary. (English, Spanish, Science, Math or Elementary. Must have an active teacher license from the Puerto Rico Department of Education)
  • Facilitate learning by establishing a relationship with students
  • Serves as a substitute teacher as needed
  • Work with the lead consultant/coach to support on follow up services as planned
  • Alternate support to meet the need for teacher absence in order to maintain order in the classroom and continue the instruction pursuant to the master planning for contingency plans
  • Collaborate with the development of a study of academic needs, physical and technological infrastructure for each school taking into account the variables of environmental, social and cultural nature that impact student academic achievement
  • Promote the implementation of school plans
  • Analyze the tabulation of the PPAA to identify students lag and also students who are at the upper limit level
  • Establish student intervention plans for individualized and differentiated teaching
  • Promote the use of assessment techniques
  • Participate in the teaching collectively and individually
  • Refer students for academic intervention in extended learning time
  • Submit weekly ordinary and extraordinary reports when required
  • Ensure and document the transfer of knowledge to the classroom
  • Prepare an intervention plan for students to meet the needs of academic achievement
  • Prepare teaching materials, manipulatives and differentiated activities to address students lag with emphasis on the use of technology
  • Teaching plan daily and weekly
  • Inform the lead consultants / coaches tests results of curricular units
  • Attend students in extended learning hours to improve their academic achievement
  • Attend meetings and trainings as needed
  • Teamwork with special education teachers and regular teachers
  • Promote follow-up of a new school culture that promotes academic association activity where predominates the use of data for decision-making, respect for school hours, the parent involvement and increased student achievement
  • Collaborate with teachers in the development of Wall Data for school and the classroom
  • Collect the data needed to analyze the specific needs of students

Teacher s Aide-preschool Resume Examples & Samples

  • Have a minimum of a CDA and currently enrolled in an Associates or Bachelor's degree program in early childhood education, elementary education or a related field
  • Have 6 months experience or more working with children birth to 5 years
  • Have very strong interpersonal and organization skills
  • Possess limited knowledge of various resources for programming ideas and the skills to utilize that information in assisting daily activities
  • Be creative with lots of energy and can inspire children to learn and grow
  • Employment is subject to a background check
  • Assist Teacher in the preparation and delivery of daily activities by completing assigned tasks
  • Report immediately to supervisor any evidence of child abuse including physical, mental, emotional and/or neglect
  • Consistently provide friendly, courteous assistance, exceeding customers' expectations every day, which includes building and maintaining healthy professional relationships with parents, children, host agencies, and staff
  • Have a minimum of a CDA and currently enrolled in an Associates or Bachelor's degree program in early childhood education, elementary education or a related field.Resumes Accepted Until7/16/2016

MS ELA Teacher Trainer, Contractor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Travel to schools regularly to deliver services and build strong relationships
  • Facilitate workshops for groups of up to 30 teachers
  • Discuss student writing and analyze data to drive student achievement
  • Model targeted written feedback and formative assessment with teachers and administrators
  • Coach school leadership teams to provide support for teachers
  • Maintaining current information regarding status of a school’s implementation for internal and external reporting
  • Masters of Education degree
  • 3+ years of ELA teaching experience
  • Instructional leadership experience
  • Ability to manage own time and juggle multiple projects

Lead Toddler Room Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Associates degree in early childhood education
  • OR equivalent Infant experience
  • Effectively developing and carrying out weekly lesson plans that fit children’s needs and interests
  • Effectively communicating verbally and in writing with parents throughout the year and during parent-teacher conferences
  • Attending staff meetings and in-service training programs to meet educational and state requirements
  • Being responsible for the appearance of the classroom and maintaining the quality of supplies, equipment and materials in the classroom
  • Current Infant/Child CPR and First Aid Certification and CT Child Care Certification required with 90 days of hire

Math Setss & Intervention Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Master’s Degree and State certification in Special Education
  • Passion and commitment to teaching scholars in underserved areas and to closing the achievement gap
  • Experience with teaching in underserved areas

Senior Teacher Engagement Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Land a consistent One Microsoft Edu Event engagement strategy across all US Education events
  • Create and execute a scalable event strategy to drive year over year measurable educator engagements that demonstrates activation and usage of Microsoft services and devices
  • Successfully lead a MS virtual team to excite and ignite educator engagement and experiences at approx. ten major US 3rd party annual events, focus on expanding impact beyond walls and time of physical conference
  • Partner with WW Education on approx. 3 global virtual events and maximize US voice of customer and attendance
  • Integrate and develop digital and social educator engagement plan aligned to drive Microsoft Educator Community membership and nurture to continue customer engagement as well as expand opportunity beyond the confines of a stand-alone event
  • Strong understanding of core educational issues and trends
  • Minimum of 2 years’ experience with Event & Program/Marketing Management experience, driving program efficiencies, rhythm of the business
  • Ability to think strategically to bring about successful bold bets for the educator audience and remain competitive in market
  • Demonstrated social and digital marketing experience
  • Strong understanding/experience of working across internal groups at Microsoft. Ability to build strong partnerships across organizational lines
  • Strong presentation, written, and verbal communication skills and working across various geographical and cultural environments as they would serve as spokespeople
  • Demonstrated strategic time management and multi-tasking skills
  • A resourceful problem-solver, leveraging internal and partner resources where and when needed to do what’s right for the customer and for the organization
  • Working effectively within a virtual team, taking strategic direction and considering inputs from team members
  • Passion for education, the customer and driving disruptive change
  • High-energy self-starter with attention to detail and focused on results

Preschool Director / K Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Oversee all YMCA educational programming for preschool aged children, including summer day camp
  • Identify and meet the needs of the children in the programs
  • Work with students on the daily activities, provide child supervision and communicate with parents as necessary
  • Work with the Executive Director regarding budgeting, planning and implementation of the preschool programs
  • Communicate with the parents, children, YMCA andthe Mukwonago Area School District with professionalism and respect
  • Adhere to all YMCA disciplinary policies and communicate with the Executive Director regarding all disciplinary actions with children
  • Follow YMCA emergency procedures and remain in compliance with all Mukwonago Area School District safety standards to insure the safety of all children
  • Maintain clean and well organized work and program spaces at all times
  • Perform other duties as deemed necessary by the Executive Director
  • Uphold and exemplify the policies and guidelines of the YMCA and the Mukwonago Area School District
  • Attend YMCA and Mukwonago Area School District meetings and professional developments that are required

Keystone National High School Art Correspondence & Online Teacher Virtual Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor’s degree and/or professional experience in subject area
  • Experience in Calculus or higher is preferred
  • Flexible schedule The ideal teacher candidates will also have

Iowa Virtual Academy Music Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum of one semester of classroom experience
  • Meets state’s No Child Left Behind’s (NCLB) Highly Qualified Teacher requirements
  • Appropriate state certification for grades 7-12 and highly qualified teacher status in area of instruction
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Excel, Word and Outlook as well as Internet research methods and report writing techniques; Utilizes computer software associated with curriculum
  • Able to adapt learning plans to meet different needs and learning styles; create an instructional and a class environment favorable to learning and personal growth
  • Willingness and ability to obtain additional licensing as required
  • Ability to travel up to 10% of the time within and between assigned geographic areas to support students; attend regularly scheduled meetings and participate in school activities, open houses and orientations
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint; Web proficiency
  • Experience teaching in both online and in a brick-and-mortar environments

Teacher CTE Law Enforcement Resume Examples & Samples

  • Candidates are required to be currently certified in Utah with a CTE Law Enforcement endorsement listed on their teaching license. They are also expected to have HQ status in their state and to maintain this certification for the duration of their employment
  • Experience with online teaching and supporting adults and children in the use of technology
  • Three (3) years of teaching experience

ESL Coordinator / Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assists regular classroom teachers in identifying those students who appear to have special needs; assists school personnel in the screening/assessment processes
  • Communicates regularly with parents, regular classroom teachers, and other specialists regarding students who may have special needs
  • May participate in the Response to Intervention process if asked
  • Attends special in-service training sessions and coordinates in-service sessions or workshops for staff and/or parents for working with special education students
  • Integrity/Ethics: Deals with others in a straightforward and honest manner, is accountable for actions, maintains confidentiality, supports company values, and conveys good news and bad
  • Teamwork: Meets all team deadlines and responsibilities, listens to others and values opinions, helps team leader to meet goals, welcomes newcomers and promotes a team atmosphere
  • Understanding of applicable sections of the State Education Code and other pertinent regulations
  • Ability to obtain a Fingerprint Clearance Card (where applicable)

Middle School Teacher, Grades Resume Examples & Samples

  • One (1) year of experience teaching in grades 6-8 AND
  • Maintains consistent, punctual and regular attendance

Data Manager, Teacher Leadership Resume Examples & Samples

  • Serve as the primary marketing agent and source of information to individuals seeking to become DOE public school teachers, to recruit a large, high-quality and diverse pool of candidates
  • Select a high-quality pool of candidates to become teachers through rigorous, research-driven, screening processes
  • Manage projects related to career ladder positions for teachers, including selection, staffing, and funding
  • Develop and implement policies to support implementation of career ladder roles in schools, such as eligibility, selection criteria, school funding, requalification, transfers, and staffing
  • Support the management of multiple budgets, including the Teacher Incentive Fund ($13M annually) and School Allocation Memos related to teacher leadership. Manage relationships with internal and external partners to build team capacity in developing and implementing new initiatives
  • Manage vendor relationships related to selection, data, and research
  • Support grant reporting at the local, state, and federal level. Act as a strategic thought partner in program evaluation and implementation, to ensure that resources align with strategic objectives
  • Conduct complex analyses and evaluation of career ladder roles, particularly around the preparation and support aspects
  • Support the Associate Director in scaling and communicating regarding current initiatives
  • Liaise with implementation coaches to enhance the success of career ladder roles
  • Manage cross-functional projects in support of internal and external partners
  • Utilize DOE systems to ensure smooth program operations
  • Provide customer service, guidance, support and technical assistance to all internal and external partners

Manager, Teacher Leadership Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Our Program Continuum Teams focus on matriculating, on-boarding, training and supporting a growing corps to become stronger teachers and leaders, and then engage, develop, and support our growing alumni force to become high impact, lifelong leaders in the fight for change. Lastly, our Continuum Team identifies and creates opportunities for our corps members and alumni through partnership with schools, networks, districts, and education organizations. They also set the context of our work by building a broad network of one-on-one relationships and by forging, strengthening, and participating in coalitions that are aligned around transformational education
  • Upload your resume and cover letter through the online application
  • Reflect on Teach For America’s Commitment to Diversity and respond to a series of questions
  • Complete a Observing a Teacher Activity

Director, Teacher Leadership Resume Examples & Samples

  • 4+ years professional work experience demonstrating progressively increasing responsibility, with demonstrated success in all or most of the relevant functional areas (e.g. instructional leadership, program design, etc.)
  • Experience working directly with low income communities
  • Organizing, Planning, and Executing
  • Building Relationships and Networks
  • Defining the Opportunity/ Problem
  • Synthesizing, Integrating, and Developing Strategies
  • Experience either teaching math or science or coaching math/science teachers required
  • Have a deep commitment to Teach For America's mission and core values
  • Build deep relationships and connect with others, including those who are quite different from you
  • Ability to engage in difficult conversations

Assistant Infant / Toddler Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Serve as a role model for college lab students each semester
  • Provide leadership and mentor Classroom Assistant in all listed job responsibilities
  • Build relationships with families in order to assist with family assessments and goal setting for children and families
  • Maintain daily informal interactions with parents as well as assist Lead Teacher with conducting formal interactions as needed. Assist with conducting a minimum of two parent conferences and two home visits per year per Head Start Standards
  • Assist Lead Teacher with weekly lesson plans including information based on observations of children (interests and milestones) and IFSPs
  • Create developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) for children and implement positive guidance strategies
  • Participate in professional development by attending conferences and professional meetings and by reading professional literature
  • Assist Lead Teacher with maintenance of child files including completion of required electronic data entries in ChildPlus and COR

Kindergarten Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Model and teach the values of the KCA and uphold the Commitment to Excellence
  • Maintain high expectations for students’ academic achievement and conduct
  • Develop and administer a variety of assessments to measure students’ growth towards goals and monitor student mastery of the content standards
  • Analyze informal and formal student assessment results and use this information to drive and inform instruction
  • Participate actively in all professional development sessions and reflect on teaching craft to make improvements
  • Adhere to school policies, procedures, and deadlines
  • Possession of either a Bilingual, Cross-cultural, Language and Academic Development (BCLAD) certificate; a Cross-cultural, Language and Academic Development (CLAD) certificate; a Bilingual Certificate of Competence (BCC); or a Language Development Specialist (LDS) certificate is highly desirable
  • Bilingual ability in Spanish is desirable

Middle School Enrichment Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Teaching a rigorous college preparatory curriculum
  • Modeling the school’s values in all communications with students, families and staff
  • California teacher certification in the appropriate content area strongly preferred
  • At least one year of teaching experience strongly preferred

Affective Needs Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Essential Duties
  • Certified to teach Special Education in Colorado, or can be in the process of transferring a license from another state (required)
  • At least 2 years of full-time teaching experience as a Special Education Teacher (required)
  • Commitment to and experience with underserved students in an education setting (highly preferred)
  • Hold a master’s degree in Education or Special Education (preferred)
  • Experience leading other adults (preferred)
  • Relentless focus on results and a commitment to teamwork
  • Communicate students’ progress toward realizing academic and character development goals with families on a regular basis
  • Experience teaching underserved students (preferred)
  • Strong knowledge of subject area

Grade ACT Prep Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • A Bachelor’s degree
  • A minimum of 2 years of teaching experience
  • Experience working with first generation, low income, and/or underrepresented students
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Excellent relationship building skills
  • Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail
  • Ability to juggle competing priorities while meeting and exceeding ambitious goals
  • Ability to track and analyze data strategically and purposefully
  • Ability to think complexly and solve problems
  • A high level of professionalism in communication and presentation
  • A commitment to continuous growth
  • Familiarity and experience teaching SAT and ACT prep
  • Experience teaching high school students
  • Experience in college placement counseling or college admissions
  • Comfortable using Excel and Google Spreadsheets
  • Experience supporting students with special needs

Middle School Technology Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Knowledge of technology and ability to build technology skills among students
  • Experience teaching kids in an urban setting
  • A desire to have fun everyday
  • The ability to be flexible in a high-performing school environment where things change all the time

High School Algebra Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Planning, preparing and delivering appropriate lessons using a variety of presentation methods in order to keep students engaged and meet their individual needs
  • Utilizing current examples that underscore lessons and makes learning relevant to the world the student lives in
  • Communicates higher level thinking strategies and problem solving techniques appropriate for challenging and building skills in learners
  • Creating and maintaining a positive classroom environment that promotes good behavior and commitment to excellence
  • Maintaining records of student attendance
  • Managing pupil behavior in the classroom and on school premises, and applying appropriate and effective measures in cases of misbehavior
  • Exhibit problem-solving skills when social and academic issues arise with students and parents, by counseling and giving advise with honesty and ethical confidence
  • Building relationships with parents by communicating frequently to inform them of student academic and personal growth
  • Supporting and encouraging pupils on an individual basis through academic or personal difficulties
  • Correcting work and giving appropriate and persistent encouraging feedback
  • Assessing student progress to inform students of growth and to modify instruction
  • Recording and posting grades
  • Maintaining records of pupils' progress and development with high integrity
  • Researching new topic areas and maintaining up-to-date subject knowledge
  • Searching and writing of new curriculum materials that will challenge the minds of students to see above and beyond their current grade level
  • Selecting and using a range of various learning resources and equipment to challenge and motivate students to reach their fullest potential
  • Preparing students for state and district mandated testing
  • Participating in and organizing extracurricular activities
  • Working enthusiastically and collaboratively with peers in vertical and horizontal planning configurations
  • Active and positive participation in departmental meetings, parent conferences and whole school training events
  • Enthusiastically seeking regular observation and feedback for continued growth; participating in regular in-service training

Ases Program Enrichment Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • ●Implement after school activities within assigned core program areas, including academic assistance, homework club, fitness/recreation, arts, and enrichment activities
  • ●Use positive behavior and classroom management techniques with children
  • ●Act to ensure the safety of members and others, and ensure facility cleanliness
  • ●Participate in all activities including preparation, set-up, take-down and clean-up
  • ●Assist in documenting program schedules, lesson plans, curriculum, youth participation and outcomes
  • ●Assist with program registration, customer service, and community outreach
  • ●Communicate and work effectively with students, staff, parents, school personnel, and community partners
  • ●Accurately track student attendance (sign-in/sign-out sheets)
  • ●Meet Highly Qualified requirement of No Child Left Behind: A high school diploma, or equivalent AND a) an Associate of Arts degree or higher, or b) 48 or more college units, or 3) a passing score on a test (CBEST, ParaPro or CODESP)
  • ●Strong communication skills, both oral and written
  • ●Ability to deal effectively with youth including discipline problems
  • ●Demonstrated ability working with young people, parents and community leaders
  • ●Unquestioned integrity and commitment to KIPP Bay Area Schools’ mission and values
  • ●A minimum of 1-2 years work experience in a youth development organization planning and supervising activities based on the developmental needs of young people, or equivalent experience
  • ●CPR/First Aid certification
  • ●Spanish fluency is a plus

Middle School Theater Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Demonstrated success in raising the achievement levels of traditionally under-served students (strongly preferred)
  • An incredible work ethic and a passion for being part of a team-oriented, mission-driven school culture
  • Willingness to be flexible and go above and beyond to meet the needs of KIPP New Orleans students

Teacher Development Fellow Resume Examples & Samples

  • Managing Teacher Certification: KIPP DFW aims to recruit, hire, and retain strong, mission-aligned teachers who are Texas certified for their content and subject area and for English as a Second Language (ESL). The KIPP DFW Teacher Development Fellow will work closely with the KIPP DFW Talent Team to ensure the region maintains the accurate, current certification status of each current and incoming teacher or instructional staff member; communicates the pathways, steps and timelines for gaining the appropriate necessary Texas certification(s) to instructional staff; and monitors the progress of teachers as they move through the certification process. Additionally, the Teacher Development Fellow will serve as KIPP DFW’s liaison with teacher certification programs serving the Dallas area including Urban Teachers, Texas Teachers, Teaching Excellence, RELAY Graduate School of Education, Teach for America, and Teaching Trust
  • Providing Direct Coaching to Teachers: KIPP DFW is committed to supporting the growth and development of our teachers and leaders through all possible means. The Teacher Development Fellow will provide direct coaching to a select number of KIPP DFW throughout the school year. This portion of the role will require close cooperation and communication with the School Leaders of the individual KIPP DFW schools. As this portion of the role is currently envisioned, the Teacher Development Fellow will work with five teachers (one teacher per school) in six-week cycles throughout the school year with the goal of accelerating those teachers’ development through additional weekly individualized coaching for the six week cycle
  • Develop a strategy for maintaining accurate documentation of teacher certification across KIPP DFW
  • Develop a strategy for communicating certification pathways, steps, and timelines to teachers who need certification and for motivating current non-certified staff to gain certification; provide targeted support to teachers who have taken but not yet passed the Texas certification test(s) required
  • Build effective systems to ensure that select, individual teachers receive rigorous support, coaching, and/or professional development to steadily increase their impact on student achievement
  • Research and identify best practices for developing a highly qualified teaching staff among our schools, partner organizations, as well as both the non- and for-profit marketplaces to ensure that KIPP DFW consistently practices the best models and approaches to teacher talent development
  • Communicate with regional and school leaders about the current status of teacher certification and progress toward certification for teachers across KIPP DFW on an ongoing basis
  • Collaborate with school leaders to support and/or adjust teachers’ developmental goals as needed
  • The ideal candidate will have experience and proven success as a classroom teacher, and experience supporting the development of teachers; individuals with experience in both teaching and coaching teachers are strongly preferred
  • Bachelor’s degree (required), Master’s degree (preferred)
  • At least 3 years of successful teaching experience (required)
  • At least 2 years in a role related to instructional leadership and/or supervision (preferred)
  • Demonstrated track record of exemplary performance in a team-based environment with multiple stakeholders
  • Focus on results: able to clearly sell and articulate a vision, outline and detail a project plan, engage stakeholders, and execute against it
  • The ability to function as a catalyst, coach, thought leader, and doer, guiding people at all levels of the organization by utilizing a facilitative approach and advancing the learning and development of others
  • A strong work ethic coupled with an enthusiastic and passionate approach to one’s work; the successful candidate will be a highly energetic, hands-on individual with a depth of intellect
  • Relentless achiever: sets high goals and meets or exceeds them using excellence as his/her guide
  • Ability to work in a dynamic, fast paced environment and adept at developing relationships with various constituencies within the KIPP DFW network
  • Possess an entrepreneurial spirit, be flexible, willing and able to play different roles at the region or schools, and to go above and beyond to meet the varied and constant needs of the students of KIPP DFW
  • Unquestioned integrity and commitment to the KIPP DFW mission and willingness to serve the KIPP DFW community
  • Committed to the belief that all students can learn

Teacher Fellow Resume Examples & Samples

  • Under the direction of the Education Specialist, work with students in small groups or in one-to-one assignments to tutor, reinforce, or follow up learning activities in core academic, language, and/or specialized subject areas
  • Assist in establishing and maintaining a clean, safe, and cooperative classroom and learning environment
  • Prepare and set up instructional materials and/or equipment for use in classroom activities; maintain instructional material and equipment
  • Review and correct student work assignments
  • Support students to be active participants on field trips and school assemblies or productions
  • Support students in community- based life skills activities such as using public transportation, shopping, and ordering food as directed by Education Specialist
  • Set up and maintain files on students referred to the Special Education program
  • Obtained a bachelors' degree
  • Paid or volunteer experience working with or serving individuals with exceptional needs or behavioral deficits is preferred
  • Bilingual in Spanish preferred
  • Successfully complete training within two weeks of hiring
  • Participate in monthly data analysis meetings
  • Provide students with rich and targeted feedback
  • Adhere to state specific requirements as specified by manager
  • Learn curriculum of assigned course/s
  • Welcome students to course, communicate requirements, encourage participation, maintain synchronous office hours, monitor student pacing/progress through course

Correctional Education Program Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Laws, rules, regulations, and policies governing education and teaching
  • Current instructional methodologies and counseling techniques
  • Appropriate testing procedures and interpretation of specific tests
  • Personal computer and software sufficient to perform daily tasks
  • Establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships
  • Multi-tasking and organization
  • Time management
  • Work in a prison environment
  • Provide academic instruction and counseling to inmates
  • Provide individual and group instruction and education counseling
  • Work cooperatively with other education staff
  • Learn and adhere to departmental rules, regulations, policies, and procedures
  • We are committed to providing a drug and alcohol free workplace. ADC conducts statewide random drug testing for all employees in a safety-sensitive positions

Education Program Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Instructs youth in the development of academic, vocational, and social skills in groups and individually in assigned area
  • Assigns pertinent school work to youth
  • Maintains daily/weekly classroom attendance records
  • Ensures that students complete daily work assignments
  • Plans and prepares instruction/learning activities in accordance with state and local performance measures, and administers tests to evaluate student achievement
  • Concepts and curriculum of assigned subject(s)
  • State Academic Standards
  • Differentiated classroom instruction
  • Data Collecting
  • Learn and use standard departmental software
  • Work closely with adjudicated youth in a institutional or community setting
  • 13 paid vacation days per year - 12 sick leave days per year
  • Deferred compensation plan - 10 paid holidays per year
  • 25 year retirement system

Teacher Training Coordinator, Cesl Resume Examples & Samples

  • Update and revise curriculum for Advanced, Basic, and Intensive TEFL and other elective TEFL courses
  • Maintain and update online TEFL course materials
  • Hire, supervise, and evaluate TT faculty
  • Match and supervise TEFL practicum students with CESL supervising faculty
  • Oversees marketing strategies for the TTP
  • Maintain content for TT web pages
  • Maintain TEFL listservs (prospects, current students, alumni)
  • Meet with and advise potential new students
  • Check [email protected] for new leads
  • Research competing markets and courses
  • Monitor any Commision on English Language Accreditation (CEA) reporting issues
  • Doctorate or Doctoral Candidacy in TESOL or related field
  • Demonstrated administrative record in a post-secondary setting
  • Experience living abroad
  • Experience in teacher training
  • Experience supervising teachers
  • Experience teaching and/or developing ESP curricula
  • Experience with program coordination

Elementary School Guided Reading Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Create, implement and assess reading and writing small group lessons
  • Collaborate with a team of teachers to create, implement and assess academically rigorous lessons
  • Work with a team in a dual language educational program that promotes English and Spanish biliteracy and bilingualism
  • Assess individual student’s progress and learning needs; demonstrate a relentless focus on helping students achieve
  • Facilitate the development of character and community in the classroom and as a school community
  • 2 years teaching experience with student results in reading and writing (preferred)
  • Highly fluent/near-native level Spanish fluency; this includes complete mastery of the vocabulary necessary to teach elementary content in Spanish (preferred)
  • Willingness to become Highly Qualified and ELL compliant, which can include obtaining ESL or Bilingual certification in Texas

Teacher Training Specialist EU Education Programme Resume Examples & Samples

  • Post-graduate university degree in Education or any related fields and experience in institutional/organizational development
  • Good leadership and coordination skills,
  • Ability to operate within multi-sectoral, multi-cultural teams and flexibility in working style
  • Ability to write clear technical reports in English and excellent command of spoken English and associated writing skills
  • Must be fully computer literate and able to use relevant software
  • A minimum of 8 years professional experience
  • At least 6 years working experience in designing and implementing teacher training activities and professional development
  • Experience in programme implementation and monitoring
  • Preferably experience in working with EU development cooperation and familiarity with EDF procedures

Playschool Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintains a one caregiver to seven children ratio outside and one caregiver to 10 children inside, with a max group size of 20
  • Responsible for helping children to adjust to a new environment and relating to them on their level
  • Supervises and helps children during playtime, mealtime, dressing and undressing, potty/diaper time and rest time
  • Supervising kids during outdoor time
  • Works as part of a team, productively communicating with and supporting coworkers in the program and throughout the center
  • Interacts positively and professionally with parents during drop-off and pick-up
  • Responsible for helping to clean and reorganize the room at the end of each day
  • Additionally is responsible for inventory of classroom, training and coaching other staff members and providing feedback to managers
  • At least 1 years experience with Pre-School ages in daycare setting - preferred
  • Excellent communication skills in English
  • CPR certified (must be willing to obtain within 14 days of start date) - required

Infant Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Contribute to a safe, individualized, stimulating and caring age appropriate environment
  • Responsible for helping children to adjust to a new environment
  • Responsible for children’s individual physical and emotional needs
  • Work as part of a team, productively communicating with and supporting co-workers in the program and throughout the center
  • Interact positively and professionally with parents during drop-off and pick-up
  • Responsible for helping to clean and reorganize the room at end of each day
  • At least 1 years experience with children ages 2 months to 15 months, in group setting - required, daycare setting - preferred
  • CPR certified ( must be willing to obtain within 14 days of start date) -required

Toddler Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintains a one caregiver to four children ratio, with a maximun group size of 12
  • At least 1 years experience with ages 16 months to 6 years in a group setting, daycare experience - preferred
  • CPR certified - preferred

Technology Teacher, Kipp Bridge Resume Examples & Samples

  • · Student instruction. Work directly with students to improve their digital literacy and fluency with technology. Introduce students to digital citizenship and smart use of web-based resources to support their overall learning. Enable students to explore and create using technology as a tool (e.g., typing, coding, hands-on projects)
  • · Currriculum design. Develop vision and curriculum for technology courses that boost digital literacy and foster innovative thinking. Develop lessons plans and materials. Pilot new solutions and resources to support instruction
  • · Collaboration.Proactively communicate with teachers to identify opportunities for and plan for interdisciplinary use of technology
  • · Participate in regional technology community of practice
  • ​ · Thought partner with staff on evaluating new technology and implementing new blended instructional models
  • · Serve as a primary contact to the Innovation Managers and RSO
  • · Help disseminate technology resources and tools within the school
  • · Schedule and coordinate vendor-led digital content professional development at your school
  • · Lead school level professional development with support of Innovation Managers
  • · Participate in tech community of practice and regional PD events

ELL Literacy Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Teaching 1-2 classes of ELL Literacy per day (grades 4th, 1st, Kindergarten)
  • Supporting teachers and students through push-in service in other content areas
  • Monitoring student progress through standards-based literacy assessments
  • Participating in weekly grade level team meetings to collaboratively plan with grade level literacy teachers, and to monitor student progress
  • Participating in bi-monthly professional development sessions
  • Working with other members of the ELL department to administer ACCESS for ELLs testing during the state testing window
  • Communicating regularly with families about any academic or social issues, and participating in Parent/Teacher Conferences in the fall and spring
  • Support school procedures daily during arrival and/or dismissal
  • Building and maintaining strong school culture centered on achievement, kindness, and hard work and working collaboratively with colleagues to ensure the success of the school mission

HS Physics Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Teaching 4 classes per day
  • Inputting academic and behavioral data on the school data management system
  • Hosting Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences three times per year and communicating regularly with families about academic and social issues
  • Working collaboratively with colleagues to ensure the success of the school mission
  • Participating in weekly Form Meetings (e.g., grade level teams)

Middle & High School Physics Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor’s degree in Physics education or relevant academic field is required; Master’s degree is preferred
  • Experience in teaching physics courses preferred
  • Certification in Physics (grades 8-12) by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education by August 2017

Middle & High School Latin Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor’s degree in Latin is required; Master’s degree is preferred
  • Latin 5-12 MA certification by August 2016
  • Experience teaching Latin is preferred

High School History & AP Psychology Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ability to collaborate, work well under pressure, and maintain a sense of humor and humility
  • Bachelor’s degree in history is required; Master’s degree is preferred
  • Experience in teaching history and psychology is preferred
  • Certification in history (grades 8-12) by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education by August 2017 (successfully complete the MTEL for History 9-12)

History Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Excel in facilitating mixed-ability learning environments
  • Believe in creating a consistent environment throughout the school for discipline, classroom management and classroom routines
  • Advisory:lead an advisory course with 12-15 students daily; participate in community meetings and facilitate advisory circles
  • Team Meetings: participate in regularly scheduled grade level and discipline-based team meetings to identify students who may be struggling, improve school culture, work as a cross-disciplinary team to integrate curriculum, and build / improve curriculum across grade levels
  • Student Meetings: Attend IEP, 504 and other family meetings as needed
  • Instruction (Late August – June): school year runs from the end of August until the end of June, following the local district’s holiday schedule
  • BA required, MA preferred; teachers must be highly qualified by passing the MTEL test for the subject that they teach

Math Intervention Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Instruction: Teach 5-7 small group classes daily
  • Planning & Development (approximately 1/2 hour planning for every hour teaching): plan lessons and instruction; assess student work; collaborate with team teachers on curriculum and assessment; participate in reflective practice and professional development
  • Team Meetings: participate in regularly scheduled grade level and discipline-based team meetings to identify students who may be struggling, improve school culture, integrate curriculum, and build / improve curriculum across grade levels
  • Best Practices Sharing: Support the school in developing best practices and sharing them with the broader education community
  • Commitment to the success of all children

High School ELA Teacher & Academic Interventionist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Demonstrate depth of content knowledge and pedagogical skills in their field
  • Morning Meeting (5 minutes): attend morning meeting for school faculty
  • Discipline / Classroom Management: follow the school’s prescribed discipline, classroom management and classroom routines to ensure a consistent environment across the school for all students
  • Additional Coverage and Other Duties (as needed): monitor breakfast, lunch, hallways, and the student support classroom; provide substitute coverage for other teachers
  • Preferably have at least two years of classroom teaching experience or equivalent

Health & Wellness Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Collaborate effectively with others on curriculum, instruction and assessment
  • Instruction: Teach 3-5 classes daily in a rotating schedule (depending on subject area; class lengths may vary)
  • Advisory:serve as a faculty advisor, which includes leading an advisory circle with 12-15 students once per week; participate in community meetings; and serve as a point-person for parent-school engagement
  • Supported Study / Silent Reading: depending on teaching load, be available to help students with organization and homework in a supported study or facilitate a silent reading period
  • Online Gradebook: Maintain an up-to-date online gradebook with information on class syllabus, homework, unit plans, etc. to facilitate communication with students and their families
  • Teacher Residency (August): participate in training and professional development; refine curriculum scope and sequence; participate in preparing to address school-wide annual goals
  • Professional Development Days (monthly): participate in full and half-day professional development activities
  • Proctor PARCC, MCAS, PSAT, AP, and Other Exams: Follow all instructions to maintain the integrity of accountability exams
  • Demonstrated success in collaborative teaching, managing a mixed-ability classroom and facilitating performance-based learning
  • BA required, MA preferred; teachers must be highly qualified by passing the MTEL test for the subject which they teach
  • A team player with a sense of humor

5th Grade Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Developing and implementing curriculum and daily lesson plans
  • Delivering dynamic and creative instruction
  • Identifying students who are not meeting benchmarks and planning appropriate interventions
  • Administering frequent assessments and addressing findings
  • Mentoring a teaching fellow
  • Meeting and communicating with parents/guardians
  • Serving as an advisor for a group of students
  • Collaborating with other teachers and the principal
  • A master’s degree in early or elementary education
  • At least 3 to 4 years of experience teaching in an elementary school
  • MA teachers licensure required, ELL licensure preferred
  • Excellent organizational skills, personal skills and the willingness to be a team player
  • CPR and First-aid certification or a willingness to obtain them
  • Facility in a second language beyond English
  • Superior written and verbal communication skills

Music Teacher With Emphasis on String Orchestra Instruction Resume Examples & Samples

  • Developing and implementing a string orchestra-centered music curriculum and musical repertoire
  • Assisting in planning three school-wide music concerts
  • Representing Bridge Boston in the local and national El Sistema network
  • Proficiency in a string instrument and a master’s degree in music education strongly preferred
  • At least 3 to 4 years’ experience teaching music in an elementary or middle school
  • CPR and First-Aid certification or a willingness to obtain them
  • Plan, prepare and deliver instructional activities that facilitate active learning experiences
  • Develop schemes of work and lesson plans
  • Prepare classroom for class activities
  • Provide a variety of learning materials and resources for use in educational activities
  • Identify and select different instructional resources and methods to meet students' varying needs
  • Instruct and monitor students in the use of learning materials and equipment
  • Use relevant technology to support instruction
  • Observe and evaluate student's performance and development
  • Assign and grade class work, homework, tests and assignments
  • Provide appropriate feedback on work
  • Encourage and monitor the progress of individual students
  • Maintain accurate and complete records of students' progress and development
  • Update all necessary records accurately and completely as required by laws, district policies and school regulations
  • Prepare required reports on students and activities
  • Manage student behaviour in the classroom by establishing and enforcing rules and procedures
  • Maintain discipline in accordance with the rules and disciplinary systems of the school
  • Apply appropriate disciplinary measures where necessary
  • Perform certain pastoral duties including but not limited to student support, counselling students with academic problems and providing student encouragement
  • Participate in extracurricular activities such as social activities, sporting activities, clubs and student organizations
  • Participate in department and school meetings, parent meetings
  • Communicate necessary information regularly to students, colleagues and parents regarding student progress and student needs
  • Keep up to date with developments in subject area, teaching resources and methods and make relevant changes to instructional plans and activities
  • Bachelors degree or higher from an accredited institution
  • PGCE, Teaching Certificate or QTS status
  • Knowledge of relevant ICT equipment in order to facilitate learning within the classroom
  • Experience of working in a primary school environment

Home Works The Teacher Home Visit Program Resume Examples & Samples

  • Build strong relationships between HOME WORKS! and the schools we serve, engage with all relevant parties to monitor and promote fidelity to the models
  • Ensure the integrity of HOME WORKS! program implementation and operations
  • Collaborate with Program Directors (school liaisons) to develop training schedules for schools
  • Coordinate with program staff to prepare for training sessions and assure the proper training materials are ready for each session
  • Create new and modify existing training materials to be used to ensure program effectiveness and enhance learning
  • Continually assess the needs of participating school staff to improve training content. Collect and share feedback from training sessions to inform and improve implementation of the program
  • Research, stay current on, and apply best practices in adult learning theory, parent engagement strategies and the use of technology in training
  • Collaborate with other Trainers and Program Staff. Attend and actively participate in team meetings

Spanish / ESL Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • State teaching credential (preferred)
  • Reflective, hard-working, dedicated, strategic thinker, organized
  • A strong desire to continuously learn and increase effectiveness as a teacher and professional
  • Teach students in a high quality, engaging way

Pre-school Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • AA in Early Childhood Education or related field
  • 3 years teaching preschool children
  • Intent to further education to Bachelor Degree
  • To complete observations, recordings, and documentation of the growth and development of children through the established evaluation tool, through anecdotal observations, and portfolio development
  • To develop a working understanding of the School Readiness and NAEYC standards to ensure that the standards are being applied
  • To assist with co-teacher in maintaining Transition Plans, Individual Education Plans, and Individual Behavioral Plans as needed
  • To establish and maintain ongoing communication with parents that includes day sheets, bi-annual parent conferences or as needed, monthly updates on curriculum and special classroom events. To keep updated family information on each child's emergency card
  • To work in partnership with community based agencies, program consultants and the Public School System to ensure that the children and families receive the support and resources necessary to address their needs
  • Maintain program supplies and classroom equipment providing regular inventories, implementing a system for regular maintenance checks and disinfecting of toys and equipment
  • To maintain open communication with the Director and other staff members regarding issues that pertain to the well-being of children and families
  • Participates in family style meals, appropriately modeling to ensure a quality food service and nutritional experience, according to NAEYC and the USDA Child and Adult Food Program guidelines
  • Participate with co-teacher in keeping NAEYC Portfolio documentation current throughout the year
  • Conduct other duties as assigned by Director
  • A commitment to work in partnership with other staff members to determine curriculum themes and implement program goals
  • Attendance at monthly parenting events when needed
  • Demonstrate the mental, emotional, and physical ability to work with children ages 6 weeks to 3 years and families from various ethnic and socio-economic groups
  • Knowledge, skills, and abilities to work with children with disabilities
  • CDA (Child Development Associate Certification) or Associate's degree in Early Childhood Education, Child Development or Human Development with a specialization in Child Development and coursework relevant to infants and toddlers
  • Experience working with infants and toddlers in a group setting

Teacher Temp-ny Resume Examples & Samples

  • Prepare lesson plans according to established syllabus and submit to the Academic Manager upon request
  • Attend instructor's meetings and in-house workshops to consistently improve teaching skills
  • Work to incorporate new teaching technology (e.g Smartboards) into lessons in order to offer a dynamic, engaging, and enjoyable student experience
  • Degree or certificate in TESL (or equivalent) or 1+ year of overseas teaching experience
  • Must be authorized to work in the United States
  • Experience with industry, international students and/ or 2+ years international teaching experience

Art Teacher & Enrollment Coordinator Minnesota Flex Academy Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor's degree in art education OR
  • One (1) year of experience or more teaching art Certificates and Licenses: Single subject teaching credential in respective course of instruction
  • Strong interpersonal skills emphasizing tact, patience and courtesy; ability to establish a professional, effective rapport with students
  • Great organizational and time management skills
  • Certified to teach art to students in grades 5th to 8th

Immediate Statistics Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Mastery of and enthusiasm for subject/content area
  • Create and teach challenging, engaging and differentiated lessons linked to state standards, ensuring all students learn
  • Continually improve teaching skills by seeking out constructive feedback and professional development opportunities
  • Special Education 5-8
  • Grades 5 and 6 Co-Teacher
  • History 9-12

Band Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Participate in collaborative curriculum development, grade-level activities, and school-wide functions
  • Maintain an open-door policy for observations
  • Degree in related field (i.e. music education) (preferred)
  • Experience with HBCU Marching band style (preferred)
  • Must be knowledgeable in Online Teaching Strategies. Must be knowledgeable of subject (subject matter expert). Computer literate in Word and Moodle (learning management system). Excellent and effective written and oral communication skills
  • Facilitate the learning of facts and principles in the subject area taught. Provide assistance, info, or tutoring as needed. Manage and monitor student learning. Foster student success. Encourage students to complete their coursework
  • Grade lessons, finals, cbe's in a timely manner. (within 5 calendar days) Provide positive feedback in a timely manner. Maintain accurate grade sheets for reporting student progress
  • Recommend and provide remediation or re-teaching as needed by the student
  • Work cooperatively with TTUISD staff to meet student needs. Read and respond to communications from TTUISD in a timely manner. Return and pick up lessons/faculty grade sheets regularly
  • Participate in training in the areas or online interactive instruction, student interactive communication, and other online safety issues as assigned. Satisfactory completion of assigned trainings as well as accurate application of the concepts learned

Middle School Chess Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Experience teaching, preferably in an urban or low-income setting
  • A track record of success with students
  • Expertise in Chess
  • Desire to be part of a team of committed educators

Baltimore Emerging Scholar s Teacher Astronomy Resume Examples & Samples

  • Teach Space and Astronomy curriculum for 4th and 5th graders developed by CTY
  • Monitor student performance and progress
  • Differentiate instruction for individual students as appropriate
  • Provide regular feedback to CTY supervisor on how students are doing. Evaluate the curriculum’s effectiveness and assist in refining the curriculum after students complete the course
  • Practice positive and effective classroom management
  • Handle student conduct issues according to protocols
  • Communicate with students, parents, host school administrators and supervisor to resolve any issues with students or the course/program implementation
  • Cooperate with and help facilitate CTY research efforts related to CTY Emerging Scholars (e.g. administration of tests, surveys, interviews, etc.)
  • Supervise and mentor a classroom assistant, if one is assigned

Elementary School Partner Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work collaboratively with lead teacher to design, plan, and implement academically rigorous lessons
  • Plan and supervise purposeful special projects
  • May teach an “Excellence Class” such as physical education or technology
  • At least 1 year teaching experience or experience working with children in an educational setting (i.e. small group tutoring)
  • A desire to become a Lead Teacher in a KIPP Austin dual language elementary school
  • Willingness to become highly qualified if transitioning to lead teacher role

Elementary Associate Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Commitment to working with under-served students
  • Graduate of/currently enrolled in traditional or alternative teacher preparation program (Highly Preferred)
  • Experience working with historically under-served students (Preferred)

Founding High School Music Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Create a culture of high expectations in your classroom and throughout the school
  • Revise and implement a rigorous curriculum aligned with state and national standards for college-readiness
  • Collaborate with school team in planning meetings, grade-level activities, and school-wide functions
  • Involve and enlist parents and guardians as partners in their students’ education
  • Proven record of high achievement with historically under-served students
  • Superb personal organization skills

Teacher Training Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Design and manage recruitment initiatives, programs, and pathways for individuals to become DOE teachers, especially to address subject and geographic shortage areas
  • Provide strategic assistance to schools to help them make optimal, local hiring decisions
  • Lead teacher portfolio initiatives, including incentives to promote an equitable distribution of teachers across all schools, and especially to ensure that students with the greatest need are served by highly effective educators
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college and four (4) years of satisfactory full-time professional experience as described in "1" above, including the 18 months of executive, managerial, administrative or supervisory experience described in "1" above

Teacher for the Visually Impaired Resume Examples & Samples

  • NYS license or NYSED certification in the appropriate discipline
  • Fingerprint clearance through the State Education Department
  • Experience working with students affected by various disabilities
  • Experience working in school settings
  • Knowledge of IEPs
  • Implement curricula and activities to meet academic standards
  • Participate in an annual three-week staff orientation and training
  • Drive to improve the minds and lives of students in and out of the classroom
  • Mastery of and enthusiasm for academic subjects
  • Bachelor’s degree is required; Master’s degree is preferred; and
  • Minimum of two years teaching experience in an urban public school or charter school setting

Co-teacher / Resident Resume Examples & Samples

  • Use best practices in alignment with school-wide systems to manage student behavior and create a safe, warm, demanding, and joyful classroom environment
  • Assess students daily, weekly, and on the unit level and analyze and share assessment data through school-wide systems
  • High quality applicants for the co-teacher/resident position, might me recommended for entrance into the alternative certification program with Relay Graduate School of Education to obtain additional training and support. Sucessful completion of this program will result in your teacher certification
  • Experience working with students in an urban school (Preferred)

Teacher Resident Resume Examples & Samples

  • Developing teaching skills through regular feedback and coaching
  • Actively participating in professional development activities, including: training sessions and working with lead teacher, principal, instructional coaches
  • Perform other school related duties as required and assigned (such as assisting with lunch, recess, dismissal, etc)
  • Demonstrated interest in education and a strong desire to pursue teaching as a career
  • Proficiency in Spanish a plus
  • Experience working with children is preferred

Substitute Children s Teacher Aide-blind School Resume Examples & Samples

  • Completes inventory, orders materials, distributes materials and supplies and delivers on campus mail
  • Assembles materials, copies and collates, files, organizes materials
  • Prepares classrooms, sets up technology and/or maintains electronic files
  • Participates in school-wide professional development activities or specific development as required on Performance Evaluation Plan
  • Provides adequate supervision to children at all times
  • Maintains a safe, orderly, nurturing and developmentally appropriate environment consistent with ITERS, ECERS, SACERS, and NAEYC criteria
  • Provides for the basic needs of children through daily routines that are respectful of each child’s developmental and cultural needs. (i.e., feeding, diapering, etc.)
  • Promotes healthy eating and mealtime practices consistent with CACFP guidelines and recommendations
  • Creates and implements weekly developmentally appropriate lesson plans, activities, and projects to meet the identified physical, social, emotional, and cognitive needs of each child consistent with Creative Curriculum and NAEYC criteria
  • Assesses and measures the developmental level of assigned children in the areas of physical, social, emotional, and cognitive functioning utilizing on-line and written assessment tools endorsed by the center
  • Documents daily observations of children for use in the assessment and planning process
  • Consistently and respectfully communicates with parents and House of Mercy staff both formally and informally as needed/appropriate
  • Facilitates and provides ongoing mentoring and coaching for parents to enhance parenting skills and understanding of fundamental child development issues, focusing on the special needs of at-risk children
  • Documents all significant issues in an accurate, objective, timely manner consistently following prescribed policies and procedures for reporting
  • Promotes communication with parents through weekly notes, monthly newsletter, and quarterly parent conferences
  • Respectfully communicates to volunteers and guides their interactions with the children
  • Attends and participates in all House of Mercy mandated staff meetings and training sessions
  • Supervises children on outings away from the center
  • Participates in House of Mercy’s Performance Quality Improvement Process
  • Completes general housekeeping tasks in the Child Development Center, including clean up and organization of equipment and child areas everyday (e.g., laundry, sanitation of toys, etc.)
  • Administers medication to children following House of Mercy’s medication policies and procedures
  • Prepares materials and equipment for classroom learning
  • May be selected to operate a motor vehicle
  • Bachelor’s or Associate’s degree in Early Childhood/Child Development (or related field), OR a CDA Credential is required
  • Prior work experience within an early childhood center-based program (N.A.E.Y.C. accredited) preferred
  • Possesses the appropriate knowledge and skills necessary to implement N.A.E.Y.C. guidelines and procedures
  • Holds knowledge and skills necessary to identify and relate to children with special needs, children at risk and children who exhibit behavioral disorders
  • Heartsaver AED (Infant, child and adult CPR) certified through American Heart Association within three (3) months of hire
  • First Aid certification (Infant, child and adult) through American Heart Association or Red Cross within three (3) months of hire
  • Medication Manager certification, preferred
  • Valid Driver’s/Chauffeurs License required, must meet Mercy’s Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, must be at least 18 years of age and be eligible to drive per Iowa state law
  • Mandatory Child Abuse Reporting training to be completed within first 30 days of employment
  • Demonstrates a commitment to service, organization values and professionalism through appropriate conduct and demeanor at all times

Teacher, Substitute Resume Examples & Samples

  • Delivers the daily instructional and non-instructional activities of the academic program in the absence of the regular teacher to students with social, behavioral difficulties
  • Provides classroom instruction in any core subject area, physical education, and/or electives. This includes taking attendance, delivery of daily lesson plans, and classroom management
  • Responsible for leaving a written report to the teacher regarding work completed and pertinent information regarding students progress and behaviors
  • Responsible for Company and personal Service Excellence Standards
  • Completion of at least 1 year of college or equivalent post-secondary training preferred
  • Prefer a valid teaching certificate and/or the ability to obtain a teaching certificate in secondary education
  • Current CPR/First Aid and crisis prevention training upon hire or within 90 days of hire

Demonstration Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • A Master’s Degree
  • Current Pennsylvania state instructional certification or equivalent is preferred
  • Either middle or high school teaching experience or equivalent coursework are required
  • Broad experience is advantageous, as collaboration across disciplines and grade levels is valued at our school
  • Highly creative work experience in the field of Language Arts is an asset
  • An educational philosophy that includes ideal classroom experiences in language arts
  • Official transcripts
  • PA instructional certificate or equivalent
  • If hired, Health Exam and TB Test required, (covered by company)
  • Educational background in Early Childhood
  • Infant/Toddler Certified
  • Shaken Baby Certified

CYC Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assist with the overall operation of the Center in the absence of administrators in order to be in compliance with licensing guidelines
  • Mentor university students in their professional development
  • Provide a positive environment for faculty/students collecting data
  • Supervise student aides and model appropriate behavior to insure a positive experience for children
  • Supervise indoor activities to ensure the safety of children
  • Supervise outdoor playground space and direct aides to supervise the playground to ensure children’s safety
  • Using a “Here and Now” approach, plan and implement a developmentally appropriate preschool program. Take cues from the children’s interests, skills, and needs to plan developmentally appropriate studies and to provide an exemplary program
  • Develop classroom experiences that promote the healthy emotional, social, intellectual, and physical development of each child
  • Provide and maintain a neat, safe, and organized classroom to provide a model for children to develop respect for their classroom space

Experienced Assessment Expert With Passion for Teacher Training Resume Examples & Samples

  • Didactic and educational training, supervising and advising of teachers (teams) and directors of education
  • (co-)design and realisation of stimulating (blended) learning environments
  • Supervising and executing educational (policy) projects
  • Disseminating expertise and experiences with educational innovations within the TU Delft. Important areas of attention within OC Focus are stimulating education, online and blended learning, curriculum development, digital and formative assessment and the didactics of design education
  • Designing and providing for didactic trainings in the area of assessment and test design, including digital assessment
  • Providing advice and support to teachers and educational programmes in the area of test quality, assessment for learning and digital testing

Barre Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide an exceptional guest experience by teaching consistently high quality Barre classes of all levels
  • Assess guest level, abilities and injuries to address specific needs within class, offering one-on-one assistance within class as required
  • Achieve class participation levels as set by Spa Director
  • Assist in classroom and substitute teach as required
  • Follow and ensure compliance with all corporate, hotel, departmental and safety policies and procedures
  • Participate in hotel committees
  • Participate in special projects, events and promotions as required
  • Perform other function related duties and projects as assigned
  • Current ACSM, NASM, NSCA or ACE certification is required
  • At least 2 years’ professional experience in exercise and/or dance instruction in a luxury hotel environment is preferred
  • An undergraduate degree in exercise physiology or a relevant area is strongly preferred
  • Energetic with excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Proven ability to work in a demanding fast paced environment
  • Strong work ethic, highly responsible, reliable and the ability to work extended hours including evenings, public holidays and weekends is required

Grade Writing Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • All children can and will learn
  • Accountability starts and ends with me
  • When there are problems, I find solutions
  • When there is a better way, I find it. When a teammate needs help, I give. When I need help, I ask
  • With deliberate practice, I can constantly become a better teacher
  • I am a constant learner
  • We are stronger as a team. I have a responsibility to my colleagues to be a contributor, not a contaminator
  • Develop measurable instructional goals and systems to track progress for all scholars relative to academic goals
  • Create, utilize and revise (with data) upon long-term plans, unit plans, unit assessments, and weekly lesson plans in instructional practice
  • Plan, prepare, and deliver appropriate lessons using a variety of presentation methods in order to keep scholars engaged and meet their individual needs
  • Use multiple forms of data to inform daily instructional decisions—including targeted intervention and acceleration
  • Build and maintain positive relationships with parents by communicating frequently to inform them of scholar academic and personal growth
  • Maintain records of scholars' progress and development; as well as steps taken to enhance their development
  • Research and apply research-based practices to content area
  • Plan for and participate in extracurricular activities designed as opportunities to support scholars academic and character development
  • Seek regular observation and instructional feedback for continued growth
  • Actively participate in regular professional development
  • Other activities assigned at the School Leaders’ discretion to achieve our mission
  • Bachelor’s degree, required
  • Two years or more of teaching experience, required
  • Demonstrated strong achievement results and documented growth with scholars on formative assessments (norm-referenced and state)
  • Meet the State of Texas’s qualifications for highly qualified teacher, required
  • State of Texas teaching certification or equivalent
  • At least two years’ experience as an educator in middle school classrooms in a traditionally underserved community
  • Spanish-speaking proficiency, preferred
  • Bilingual and/or ESL certified strongly preferred
  • Texas and Texas ESL certification will be required by the start of the 2017-18 school year
  • Weekday hours are from 7:00am to 5:00pm
  • Professional Development: 3 ½ weeks from mid-July through mid-August
  • Long periods of standing and sitting and have the ability to lift items up to 25lbs. is required
  • Requires normal/corrected vision and hearing
  • Position will require travel
  • Periodic participation in activities to support the KIPP Team and Family is required
  • Position will have periods of extended work week hours, which is required to support both the ongoing development of the region and the delivery of high quality education for all students

2017-7th Grade ELA Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Establishing an exemplary classroom culture that balances high expectations with love and support
  • Ensuring all students meet their goals by delivering rigorous and well-organized lessons, closely monitoring student progress, and differentiating in the face of confusion
  • Building trust and community via clear and timely communication with students and families
  • Acting upon a commitment to do “whatever it takes” to ensure each student has a positive and safe school experience every day
  • A Bachelor’s degree required; Master’s degree preferred
  • Candidates must possess passing scores on the PRAXIS I and PRAXIS II exams in the content area hired for or commit to completing both tests within two months of hiring date
  • Minimum of two years of teaching experience strongly preferred
  • Demonstrated success in raising the achievement levels of traditionally underserved students

Teacher Math High School Virtual Resume Examples & Samples

  • Devote weekly hours to live synchronous sessions (hours are determined by state/client needs)
  • Complete additional trainings as required
  • Adhere to state and client specific prescribed policies and procedures using appropriate asynchronous and synchronous tools
  • Take ownership for student academic progress and show an active interest in student achievement
  • Grade student work offering constructive feedback and maintain grade book

2017-8th Grade ELA Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

2017-6th grade ela teacher resume examples & samples, reading teacher rcs resume examples & samples.

  • Structure the classroom environment to conducive to learning and appropriate to the needs and interest of the students
  • Establish clear procedures for the teaching of all objectives communicate these objectives and procedures to all students
  • Participate in approved activities leading to professional growth and assist in the maintenance of a professional growth record

Teacher Assistant FPS Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide the Brevard County School Board Transportation Department assistance for supervising students as they ride to and from the school. n bsp n bsp n bsp n bsp n bsp n bsp n bsp n bsp2. Provide active supervision to ensure students are sitting appropriately on the bus and following directions
  • Communicate and consult with the School Nurse and other staff members regarding student medication and supervision issues
  • Demonstrate responsibility and sound judgment regarding student safety
  • Address students, visitors, and co-workers in a pleasant and respectful manner
  • Attend all mandatory school in-services and staff development activities as scheduled
  • Support school-wide quality/performance improvement goals and objectives
  • Maintain confidentiality of school employees and student information at all times
  • Immediately notify supervisor if one of the students in your supervision is missing
  • Immediately notify supervisor and Director if you are unable to ride the bus as per school policy
  • Staff will only show videos that are related to the curriculum and have been approved by the Director/Assistant Director
  • Properly follow approved Crisis Prevention Intervention techniques

Teacher s Assistant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Organize and keep the work environment and Kids Ski & Ride School area neat and tidy
  • Chair riding support to kids in group lessons according to company policies
  • Skiing & Snowboarding on hill supporting classes

Enrichment Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Must be fluent in English and Spanish
  • Independent, self-starter with a strong focus on student development and a passion for working with underserved student populations and their families
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook)

Children s Teacher Aide-blind School Resume Examples & Samples

  • Takes attendance and keeps student records, as assigned by the principal
  • Inventories, orders and distributes educational materials and supplies as directed
  • Assembles, copies and distributes classroom materials
  • Prepares classrooms and secures and/or operating appropriate visual aid equipment

Learning Links Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Implement a standards-based, college preparatory curriculum
  • Seek to constantly refine one’s instructional and management techniques
  • Minimum of two years of successful, full-time, lead teaching experience in low-income communities and a Bachelor degree

Support Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Serve as a substitute in K and 1 classrooms
  • Assist the school team in maintaining a calm and efficient arrival, dismissal, lunch and recess process
  • Assisting teachers with maintaining a learning-centered supportive environment
  • Planning, leading or executing special projects as determined the School Leadership team
  • Meeting standards of professional or ethical conduct
  • Bachelor degree
  • Experience in low-income communities

University Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Evidence of excellent teaching skills (in particular course and lesson planning, group management, methods of assessment, and the use of technology in learning and teaching)
  • Evidence of appropriate knowledge and research in relation to the module and this area of teaching
  • A flexible and adaptable approach to work
  • A teaching qualification, preferably in adult or post-compulsory education
  • A postgraduate qualification in a relevant subject
  • 9 meetings, Thursdays from 7pm to 9pm, starting 26 January 2017

Clinical Skills Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Expertise in a health care related discipline. Recent/current clinical experience as a nurse, paramedic or similar
  • Experience of teaching others, such as through mentoring, bedside teaching, or in a more formal capacity
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills with the ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of people
  • Proven ability to work on own initiative, planning, organising and setting priorities for own work appropriately and to plan and manage small projects
  • Evidence of ability to work as an active and effective team member
  • Educated in appropriate Higher Level Degree in health care (eg: Nursing, Paramedic, ODP (BSc or MSc standard)
  • Knowledge of relevant Health and Safety requirements
  • Teaching qualification or working towards qualification (PGCE or equivalent)
  • Experience of working in a higher education environment
  • Experience in Clinical Skills Teaching/Simulation environment
  • Ability to develop teaching programmes and lead project work
  • Experience of the evaluation of teaching programmes
  • Ability to speak welsh

Yoga Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Consistently offer professional, engaging and proactive guest service while supporting fellow Colleagues
  • Demonstrate Fairmont core values in all interactions
  • Provide an exceptional guest experience by teaching consistently safe, high quality yoga classes at all levels
  • Achieve class participation levels as set by the Spa Director
  • Assess guest level, abilities and injuries and provide targeted support by offering one-on-one assistance within class as required
  • Generate sales by recommending and/or up-selling products and services
  • Resolve guest concerns in a prompt and efficient manner and ensure managers and relevant departments are notified in a timely manner
  • Perform other function related duties, projects and promotions as assigned
  • A 200 hour Yoga Instructor Certification is required
  • At least 2 years’ professional experience in yoga, dance and/or exercise instruction in a luxury hotel environment
  • A degree in exercise physiology or a related area is strongly preferred
  • Current First Aid and CPR certification is strongly preferred
  • Demonstrated strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Excellent organizational skills with ability to prioritize and multi-task
  • Proven ability to work cohesively as part of a team in a multi cultural, diverse environment

Kindergarten Co-teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Meet federal guidelines to be “highly qualified” (required)
  • Illinois teacher license (strongly preferred)
  • Communicate frequently and consistently with students and families, including after school via phone, regarding academics, behavior, logistics, and homework help
  • Assess students daily, weekly, and at the ends of units and analyze and share assessment data through school-wide systems

Teacher Candidate Supervisor Resume Examples & Samples

  • A minimum of 5 years teaching experience in Special Education
  • Experience mentoring teachers and/or teacher candidates
  • Familiarity with MA Educator Evaluation Framework and/or Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP)
  • A license in Moderate Disabilities and/or Severe Disabilities
  • Establishing and maintaining professional working relationships with supervising practitioners, teacher candidates, fieldwork coordinator and student teaching seminar leader
  • Conducting a minimum of 4 observations of teacher candidates and additional observations as needed
  • Providing written feedback to teacher candidates for each observation
  • Conducting a minimum of 3 formal meetings with teacher candidates and supervising practitioners
  • Communicating frequently with supervising practitioners on teacher candidates’ progress and developing action plan(s) with supervising practitioners and/or fieldwork coordinator to support teacher candidate in student teaching as needed
  • Participating in student teaching orientations and five on-campus seminars
  • Rating, in conjunction with supervising practitioners, teacher candidates using the Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP)

Traveling Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • OR An officially recognized one year certification in Early Childhood Education or Child Care or other recognized child development credential
  • Incumbent must obtain and successfully complete the required background checks per the Code of Virginia
  • Work requires minimum of one year experience in providing group care
  • Must hold a valid driver’s license or have reliable means of transportation
  • Office management (phone system, copiers, etc.)
  • Order and monitor the use of office supplies and program/training supplies, assure all supplies are organized and sufficient quantities are available at all times
  • Coordinate Board and other meetings - schedule, track attendance, manage and file board materials including agendas and minutes
  • Maintain, update, and coordinate the printing and distribution of organizational documents and manuals
  • Maintain and manage cloud based and paper files for the organization
  • Conduct research and stay current on topics related to our mission
  • Maintain a program calendar
  • Sort and manage books and other program supplies
  • Maintain directory of resources and community partners
  • Manage and update the HW! website and social media presence
  • Serve as a backup for other HOME WORKS! support positions

Lead Infant / Toddler Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide for the safety and supervision of children according to DFPS (Texas Department of Family and Protective Services), NAEYC accreditation standards (National Association for the Education for Young Children), and Early Head Start Performance Standards
  • Familiarity with and willingness to abide by the Texas Family Code 261.001 as it pertains to the abuse and neglect of young children
  • Help plan, attend, and participate in regular team planning meetings, center staff meetings, and special events
  • Serve as a role model for college lab students each semester including mentoring them in the classroom on COR (Child Observation Record) and a play environment
  • Read, evaluate, and provide feedback on college students’ assignments
  • Observe and record behavior of children to determine needs and interests as a basis of planning. Record formal assessments based on school readiness goals
  • Demonstrate the mental, emotional, and physical ability to work with children ages 6 weeks to 3 years and families from various ethnic and socio-economic groups. Knowledge, skills, and abilities to work with children with disabilities
  • Maintain professional ethics and positive working relationships with co-workers, supervisors, students, and parents
  • Submit weekly lesson plans including information based on observations of children (interests and milestones) and IFSPs
  • Maintain daily informal interactions with parents as well as conduct formal interactions as needed. Conduct a minimum of two parent conferences and two home visits per year per Head Start Standards
  • Build relationships with families in order to conduct family assessments and set goals for children and families
  • Maintain child files including completion of required electronic data entries in ChildPlus and COR
  • Provide leadership and mentor Assistant Teacher and Classroom Assistant in all listed job responsibilities
  • Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education, Child Development or Human Development with a specialization in Child Development and coursework relevant to infants and toddlers

Primary School Partner Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Up to two years teaching experience
  • Experience in Urban Education (Preferred)
  • Demonstrated success in raising the achievement levels of traditionally under-served students (Preferred)
  • Excited to learn and develop instructional craft in the classroom with a lead teacher
  • Maintains a strong desire to become a better teacher by joining the KIPP Metro Atlanta team and family
  • Belief that success is driven by: High Expectations; KIPP Through College; Strength of Character; Safe, Structured and Nurturing Environments; Highly Effective Teachers and Leaders

Coordinating Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assists in design, implementation and oversight of Individual Education Plans
  • Oversees daily flow of student programs and classroom data collection
  • Organizes and schedules group activities and community based outings
  • Acquires baseline data and implements programs using behavioral model
  • Monitors and makes appropriate adjustments
  • Prepares and maintains needed educational materials and environment
  • Provides training and feedback for evaluations
  • Presents on assigned topics at workshops and in-services
  • One year experience working with children with autism

High School Band Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Expereince with jazz or concert
  • Strong desire and commitment to teach in an academically intense curriculum and extended school day
  • Prepare and participate in school-wide musical showcase events and community events
  • Experience with brass, wood wind instruments
  • Experience with HBCU style music program a plus

Elementary School Co-teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Impact two classrooms of students, focused specifically on teaching small group literacy and math
  • Lead classroom instruction in specific subject areas
  • Create lesson plans in specific subject areas for grade level
  • Internalize lesson plans to execute at a high level
  • Arrive at school by 7:30 a.m
  • Build relationships with paired lead teachers and identify opportunities to take ownership based on needs of each classroom
  • Be open to feedback and learn from lead teachers
  • Pass a criminal background check (Required)

Manager, Teacher Effectiveness Design Resume Examples & Samples

  • Leads strategic initiatives as assigned by the Director, Teacher Effectiveness Design
  • Oversees special functions and activities, and assigns projects to various staff for research, analyses, and implementation
  • Prepares internal data analysis reports for senior leadership which may be confidential in nature
  • Interprets data analyses, in order to identify actionable policy recommendations
  • Provides training and knowledge/skills assessment on program topics, including
  • A master’s degree from an accredited college in a field related to the position andthree (3) years of full-time progressively responsible professional experience in education administration in one or more education-related areas, at least eighteen (18) months of which must have been in a managerial capacity; or

Swimming Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Facilitate the certification process with the swim lesson supervisors
  • Promote good public relations by talking with parents before and after class, not
  • Knowledge of swimming strokes and teaching levels
  • Experience in public facility management
  • Self-motivated with the ability to work without supervision
  • Ability to lead and motivate staffs who works with the same company
  • Available to work weekends/holidays
  • Previous swim instruction experience required
  • Knowledge of and ability to demonstrate skills in lessons instruction and use teaching aids
  • Able to work a variable work schedule that may include early mornings, evenings and Weekends
  • Strong communication and customer service skills

Short Course Teacher of the Visually Impaired Resume Examples & Samples

  • Graduation from a recognized university program specializing in teaching students with blindness/visual impairment and Orientation and Mobility (Applicant selected for hire will be required to submit college or university transcripts)
  • A Current Washington State Teaching Certification, or can obtain a Washington State Teaching certicate
  • Must pass the Braille Competency examination
  • Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist certification
  • Three (3) year of teaching experience
  • Masters in education or related field
  • Proficiency in use of Braille
  • Proficiency in use of low vision devices
  • Proficiency in use of Microsoft Office software and Google Suite
  • Proficiency in assistive technology software and products
  • Knowledge of all applicable rules, regulations, laws and policies
  • A letter of interest describing how you meet the qualifications for this position
  • A detailed chronological resume or a completed on-line application profile that includes education and employment history; and,
  • Must be at least 21 years of age with at least an BA in Early Childhood Education or related field, have at least two years of experience teaching preschool children or
  • A CDA and three years of experience teaching preschool children and the intent to further education would be acceptable
  • Certification in Child Care First Aid including CPR
  • Administration of Medication Training
  • State of Connecticut Head Teacher Certification for Preschool Age (3-5 years old)
  • Ability to bend and lift 40 pounds
  • No additional experience required
  • 9 months (1365 hours) of verified experience as noted in D
  • 24 months (3640 hours) of verified experience as noted in D

DJC Educ PRG Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Attends teacher meetings
  • Federal and state education laws, rules, and regulations
  • Classroom management
  • Modification of academic work as appropriate
  • Assessing students in academic and behavioral skills and progress
  • Counsel students in relation to their educational goals and objectives
  • Analyze and evaluate academic and vocational growth of the students
  • Learn and follow agency policies and procedures
  • Develops and implements individualized academic programs by performing formal and informal assessments of academic achievement, social-emotional development, and vocational skills according to governmental and organizational guidelines.Prepares materials, individualized lesson plans, and activities according to assessment goals
  • Develops and implements behavioral objectives by reviewing referral and assessment data
  • Establishes, monitors, and documents goals and objectives for individual student needs with assistance of treatment team
  • Implements expectations and consequences as appropriate for each student as outlined in behavior management plan
  • Administers standard classroom procedures by maintaining current school records and maintains confidentiality of all student records per program guidelines
  • Ensures line-of-sight supervision of assigned students, maintains structured environment to ensure student involvement as appropriate
  • Participates as a team member by cooperating with staff and demonstrates compromise and expression of opinions as appropriate
  • Attends staff meetings as required and performs duties as a positive role model for students and colleagues
  • Ensures compliance with all company policies and procedures and other regulatory requirements
  • PHYSICAL RESTRAINTThis position could require use of "Handle With Care" restraint

Middle School Special Education / EC Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Be present and willing to do whatever it takes for our students, who are in school from 7:00 am to 4:15 pm, Monday through Thursday, 7:00 am to 3:00 pm on Fridays, one Saturday a month from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm, and 2-4 weeks during the summer
  • Assume responsibilities for demonstrating achievement of individualized education program (IEP) goals and improved academic performance of students with disabilities
  • Develop and execute daily/weekly lesson plans to ensure student learning against the North Carolina Performance Standards
  • Ensure all students meet their goals by delivering rigorous and well-organized lessons, closely monitoring student progress, and differentiating in the face of confusion
  • Provide a wide-range of special education instructional opportunities for students to work one-on-one, in small groups, and as a class within push in or pull out settings, in support of the general education curriculum
  • Employ multisensory teaching strategies and specialized instruction based on an understanding of student strengths, weaknesses, disability and learning styles
  • Collaborate with general education teachers to develop effective whole group practices, small group interventions, and individualized learning activities
  • Monitor and track student progress towards goals in the inclusive setting, collaborates with related service providers, and monitors behavior intervention plans (BIPs) and provides accommodation / modification support
  • Assume responsibility for writing both initial and updated IEPs based on present levels of performance and developing goals that related to curriculum standards and content
  • Track student progress towards IEP goals on a weekly and quarterly basis
  • Use tracking of student progress to determine changes in student programming
  • Report achievement of goals and objectives at the end of every advisory period and issues quarterly progress reports
  • Maintain a portfolio of student grades, work samples, anecdotal data, and classroom observation information
  • Develop an IEP at a Glance for each student that profiles existing assessment data [CST testing, district and state assessments], identified disability, classroom implications and IEP goals, accommodations and modifications and distributes to GL team
  • Start the referral process when a student is referred to the Student Support Services team to determine interventions for students demonstrating disciplinary concerns, truancy, and/or academic failure or to further assess struggling students in all areas of suspected disabilities
  • Assume responsibility for case compliance and student academic progress as documented through both academic and compliance tracking tools
  • Assume responsibility for reviewing and analyzing all student information and developing a corrective action plan for students who need additional testing and/or a change in service
  • Maintain special education files, in collaboration with Director of Student Support Services, and ensures that all evaluation recommendations are followed up and completed
  • Help coordinate all IEP meetings (Initial, Eligibility, IEP, Re-eligibility, Triennial), providing all academic data
  • Communicate IEP notes and updates to GL teams/teachers
  • Ensure that related services are represented in the IEPs and are being delivered in an integrated way and practically applied in the classroom
  • A BA or BS required
  • Valid NC teacher certification in Special Education or a willingness to become certified ASAP
  • Knowledge of special education and effective interventions
  • Experience writing and managing IEPs and 504s
  • A desire to continuously learn and increase effectiveness as a teacher and professional; offer and receive constructive feedback
  • Teaches and cares using techniques in accordance with National Association for the Education of Young Children Developmentally Appropriate Practice
  • Exchanges daily information with families concerning the needs and progress of each child as well as biannual family conferences
  • Uses appropriate tools to assess individual development and creates lesson plans accordingly
  • Provides a variety of developmentally appropriate activities and materials with increasing difficulty, complexity, and challenge as the children develop
  • Provides nurturance, care and emotional support while complying with Health Department, Department of Human Services and USDA-CACFP
  • 18 years of age and a High School diploma or equivalent
  • Vocational Certification, CDA or higher education degree preferred
  • Minimum of 6 months experience of formal or DHS licensed group care with ages 0-5 years
  • Must complete 6 credit hours per year towards Associate's or Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education or Childhood Development

Head Start Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Less than 3 months
  • 3 months to less than 6 months
  • 6 months to less than 9 months
  • 9 months to less than 1 year
  • 5 years or more

Teacher Mathematics / Physics Resume Examples & Samples

  • To teach mathematics, physics and basic electrical subjects up to Saudi High School Science equivalence
  • To deliver the practical components of the course by means of demonstration and direction of students in practical laboratory exercises
  • To utilize such training aids as are available to maximise efficiency of training
  • Produce training support materials – including curriculum, training objectives, syllabuses, course plans, and assessment and evaluation methods - to satisfy customers’ training requirements
  • Conduct cadet assessment and evaluation exercises and implement remedial action as required
  • Plan, control and deliver assigned courses, and contribute support to cross-discipline courses/investigations, ensuring requirements are delivered to plan
  • To counsel students with regard to their academic performance or behaviour as required
  • To maintain classroom procedures as published in the TSI. Such procedures will include the maintenance of discipline
  • Well motivated, adaptable and flexible to enable the job holder to operate in a highly complex technical environment, where the integration of a wide range of skills is necessary to ensure the prime objectives are met, with the minimum of supervision
  • To keep abreast of developments in his subject and be willing to attend staff development courses as required by the RSAF or Company
  • Ensure the general welfare of students in assigned areas during training activities and monitor their performance so that each individual achieves maximum progress towards the training objectives
  • Understands what is required to meet internal and external customer requirements
  • Strong analytical skills; good knowledge of relevant analytical techniques
  • Able to apply relevant internal and external processes and procedures for self and others
  • Detailed knowledge in the operation and use of IT systems to support relevant systems (computer aided instruction, desktop publishing, databases, training development software)
  • Well developed planning and organising skills to meet the precise timings required by training programmes and programme plans
  • Identify and work to achieve meaningful and practical objectives in the course of duties that reflect and satisfy the overall needs of the section and wider business
  • Understand and strive to exceed the expectations of internal/external Customers and stakeholders
  • Understand how the business performs, its operating procedures and deliverables, in order to achieve objectives associated with the role
  • Two-way communication through sharing of information as appropriate and listening to other parties views and expectations
  • Support, co-operate with, and work with others in order to achieve common goals and objectives
  • Adopt a flexible and creative approach to problem solving, applying this to achieve practical solutions in the course of duties
  • Undertake all mandatory and developmental training as deemed appropriate by the business
  • Subscribe to and actively participate in the PDR process
  • Strive to adhere to acceptable standards of behaviour and performance as expected by the business and defined in Company policy
  • Any other duties as deemed reasonable and appropriate by the business
  • The job-holder will take direction and support from the Senior Teacher Maths/Physics in discharging the above responsibilities to satisfy project timescales and customer expectations
  • Examiners will assist TL Examinations in the timing and administration of exam schedules
  • Teachers are required to maintain class and individual student records. Such records may include, but are not limited to, academic progress, conduct and attendance
  • Weekly and end-of-phase training reports are routinely prepared for each class
  • Other training reports as required by the Customer
  • Effectively counsel and advise students regarding their academic performance and goals
  • Accurately record attendance and submit attendance rosters to the Academic Manager as directed within required deadlines
  • Attend teacher's meetings and in-house workshops to consistently improve teaching skills
  • Degree or certificate in TESL (or equivalent) or one year of international teaching experience
  • Superior skills in creating a dynamic, interactive classroom experience

Probationary Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Teach classes using Kaplan curriculum, across multiple levels, as assigned
  • Maintain a classroom atmosphere conducive to learning, including maintaining classroom facilities
  • Maintain accurate record keeping for daily attendance and student performance
  • Attend staff meetings and in-house workshops; participate in ongoing teacher training programs
  • Accept and incorporate feedback on classroom performance to ensure positive and meaningful student experience
  • Effectively communicate with school administrative staff regarding planned and unplanned absences; provide clear instructions and materials for substitutes
  • 1+ years of experience teaching ESL in a group setting

Middle School Humanities Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Must share Codman’s mission and EL Education philosophy, which focus on experiential learning and social justice
  • Successful urban teaching experience
  • Ability to collaborate with colleagues to build curricula and plan Expeditions
  • Successful experience implementing school wide procedures and processes to maintain a school culture of high academic achievement and behavioral expectations

Generalist Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Teaching Techniques: Plans strategies and objectives to meet curriculum requirements, which includes developing and preparing lesson plans for effective instruction of the curriculum
  • Motivation of Students: Engages students in the learning process and set expectations. Conducts effective instruction based on the school standards and requirements
  • Develops and administers an effective assessment to evaluate the students’ achievements based on the curriculum, school standards, and established requirements
  • Communicates effectively with students, parents, teachers, and head teacher/administrators
  • Provides and delivers effective reporting to parents of students’ development to ensure parents are adequately informed
  • Classroom Management: Manages student behavior effectively to allow learning process
  • Support for and Co-operation with Colleagues: Commits to assisting coworkers in improving learning and teaching techniques
  • Contribution to Wider School Activities: Helps foster school’s relationship with community and parents
  • Implements and contributes the implementation of safety and environmental procedures during the learning process
  • BA from an accredited university with course work relevant to the subject matter to be taught
  • At least three years teaching experience (Grades K-12)
  • Highly competent in knowledge relevant to the approved curriculum
  • MA degree from an accredited university and/or complemented with a current teaching certificate
  • Some overseas teaching experience
  • Working knowledge of Spanish and an awareness of Latin American Culture
  • Current K-8 Multiple Subject teaching certificate
  • Positions within COSCO which are held by employees who receive Safety Training; or

University Teacher Business & Management Resume Examples & Samples

  • An understanding and an appreciation of the complexity of teaching adults
  • Excellent organisational skills and ability to effectively manage and prioritise own workload
  • Ability to work collaboratively
  • Evidence of competence in standard office IT: word processing, presentations and email
  • Evidence of appropriate knowledge in relation to the module and this area of teaching
  • A first degree, or equivalent, in a relevant subject
  • Previous teaching experience (preferably with adults in an HE context) relevant to this subject area of expertise
  • Experience of teaching adults in higher education
  • Provide a safe, healthy learning environment for children birth to twelve years
  • CDA, Associate or Bachelor Degree in the field of education, psychology or social work
  • Bachelor Degree or higher in early childhood or education with at least two years of experience teaching at the infant, toddler, preschool or early primary level
  • Provide services for Title I students in Reading and Math twice a week for each subject in small group setting (no more than 8 students per group)
  • Provide a safe and orderly environment in which our academic objectives will be achieved
  • Assess the academic needs of the Tite I students serviced and document these in an official District form
  • Administer the Map test for each student in order to gauge academic progress and document progress in the official District form
  • Provide academic instruction in accordance with district guidelines, our program guidelines and based on the teachers professional understanding of particular students’ instructional needs
  • Document student attendance using official District forms
  • Report student progress using CPS Title I’s quarterly progress reports and secur the signatures required to complete these forms (if applicable). Progress reports are submitted quarterly for each approved Title I student by no later than the last program session of the month
  • Attend staff meetings to ensure that the program is running optimally
  • Communicate with parents to inform them of their child’s progress. Parent Contact logs must be kept updated and on site for Program Managers to review
  • Meet with students’ classroom teachers to complete 2-way communication forms and ensure full collaboration
  • Work with your Program Manager to maximize student hours, enroll new eligible students, and identify new partnership opportunities within assigned school
  • Experience working with English Language Learners and/or Special Education students
  • Bachelor’s degree and one year of teaching and/or tutoring experience
  • Must pass the district-required background check
  • Take a leadership role in working and planning the curriculum of the Project Classroom
  • Identify annual Reggio training needs and goals and formulate training plans and models for the center
  • Implement and enhance World at Their Fingertips program for learning and the Reggio Emilia approach
  • Assist in organization and participate as trainer for center based annual training days
  • Support the achievement of NAEYC accreditation
  • Cover in classrooms to meet ratios as needed
  • Support parent/guardian partnerships

Adjunct Student Teacher Supervision Special Education College of Education Resume Examples & Samples

  • Act as a resource person to the Teacher Candidate by providing additional sources of information and by being available through phone or mandatory weekly email personal contact, and cooperatively deriving workable solutions if difficulties arise
  • Provide knowledge about evaluation procedures
  • Minimum 3 years teaching students grades K-12

Adjunct Student Teacher Supervision Secondary Education College of Education Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ability to travel to a site location in Ottawa, OH
  • Keep adequate records on the Teacher Candidate
  • Create and maintain a professional, friendly relationship with the Teacher Candidate and the Cooperating Teacher

Immediate English Composition Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • All required criminal and child abuse background checks
  • Create and foster a positive, safe learning environment that incorporates the school's core values, high expectations and code of conduct
  • Perform clerical duties, as required, relating to textbooks, instructional supplies, student reports and records, attendance reports, etc
  • Grades 5 and 6 Elementary
  • 7-8 Science
  • Middle School Specials (PE, Art, Foreign Language, Music)

Civics Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Understanding of NC Civics standards and can create lessons and objectives supporting these standards
  • Uphold all school policies within the classroo
  • View feedback as a tool to improve and grow in all teacher responsibilities, and use it in this capacit
  • Unquestioned integrity and commitment to KIPP ENC's mission and community

K-teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Teach engaging cultural programs to a wide range of audiences applying cultural and geographic literacy, adapting instructional methods as needed, and utilizing technology to effectively deliver instruction
  • Collaborate with colleagues to research, develop, and implement standards-based cultural programming and resources for K-12 audiences
  • Collaborate with colleagues to research, design, and present professional development workshops that foster cultural knowledge for teachers
  • Oversee inventory and maintain strategic planning records for K-12 programs
  • Prepare, transport, set-up, display, and proper storage of all program materials for the K-12 unit
  • Collaborate with the Facilities & Operations Manager/Lead K-12 Teacher to plan and implement effective scheduling and implementation of room sets and displays for all International Outreach and Operations events at the International Cultural Center
  • Bachelors degree in History or Geography with teacher certification
  • Additional Computer Skills: PowerPoint, Prezi, SMART technologies, Adobe, Dropbox, Publisher, Website Design,
  • 5 years teaching experience

Specials Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Embody, advocate and operationalize the mission, vision, and strategic direction of KJE
  • Implement a research-based curriculum to meet or exceed academic standards
  • Plan and deliver instruction for assigned arts or music courses. This includes preparing lesson plans, unit plans, etc
  • Evaluate students’ work in music/art theory and provide feedback on their performance level
  • Assume responsibility for the academic progress of students with a high sense of urgency and ownership towards quantifiable results
  • Plan and execute lessons aligned to the state standards and infused with culture
  • Hold at least one performance/show per year
  • Communicate effectively and regularly with classroom teachers, students, and parents about student behavior and progress
  • Maintain strong, professional relationships with colleagues in an environment where listening, critical thought, respectful debate, and compromise is welcomed and essential
  • Commit to continued professional growth and active participation in KJE professional development
  • Complete all lesson plans, progress reports, report cards, and administrative functions with care and timeliness
  • Perform small group intervention as needed
  • Perform duties as assigned
  • To support teacher practice and their growth, all teachers receive individualize coaching and professional development

ESL Teacher & Program Coordinator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Managing the ESL program including, but not limited to: completing of necessary paperwork, training of teachers, managing parent and student communications, executing student testing/screening and upholding
  • Ensuring compliance with state and federal regulations for ESL programming
  • Meeting weekly with history teachers to support lesson planning and instructional delivery
  • Analyzing data on student achievement and using it to inform instructional conversations and observations
  • Massachusetts Certification for a teacher or administrator of English as a Second Language
  • Prior experience facilitating the high achievement of ESL students

Multi Skills Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • To teach, train and supervise young people allocated to your workshop and training area in a number of skills within the construction industry with a particular emphasis on carpentry, painting and decorating, tiling and basic plumbing
  • Meet the Awarding Body standards and ensuring learners develop suitable skills to help them find sustainable employment upon release
  • To deliver assessment and accreditation relevant to the requirements of the awarding body and young person
  • To contribute to course reviews and the setting, implementation and monitoring of action plans
  • Ensure the Security tool check sheet is completed after every work session AM and PM and keep records for audit purposes
  • Relevant professional experience and subject specific qualifications
  • PGCE or equivalent required
  • Experience of working in the construction disciplines
  • Plan, develop and deliver allocated education in accordance with the timetable and national curriculum so that young people’s needs are met
  • Prepare, implement and monitor individual education plans so that the young person’s needs are met
  • Liaise with relevant key stakeholders to ensure an integrated approach to the young people’s care and education
  • Monitor young people’s progress and undertake assessments so that they receive appropriate support and have the opportunity to achieve recognised qualifications
  • Assist in the development of educational materials ensuring quality and consistency of approach
  • Complete all documentation as required to meet the needs of the Company, the contract and relevant external bodies
  • Manage the teaching environment ensuring security of equipment and welfare of the young people in line with contractual requirements
  • Assist as required with the overall education provision to optimise services delivered

General Studies Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develops daily lesson plans and completes all required educational paperwork
  • Participate as an educational team member in coordination with the clients, staff, and school and represents the program in professional meetings, family meetings, educational conferences, and teacher training workshops
  • Supports the Abraxas philosophy and mission and promotes the Seven Key Principles of care

Teacher Aide-miami Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assist with classroom and playground activities when needed
  • Maintain schedules and procedures as posted in each room and to help the children with self-control and to behave appropriately by using good classroom management, positive discipline and role modeling techniques
  • Provide daily feedback to assistant teacher or head teacher regarding special requests/instructions from parents, and all behavioral, developmental or health changes observed in the children
  • Completion of 45-hour DCF certificate within 90 days of employment
  • Complete a minimum of ten hours of yearly in-service training
  • First aid and CPR training

Sport & PE Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • To contribute proactively to the current PE curriculum development setting new initiatives and an exciting new programme of delivery
  • To take responsibility for the management of the work area, paying particular regard to the security of equipment, tools and stock items
  • Demonstrate commitment to equality of opportunity and treatment and comply with company policy and procedures and relevant legislation relating to equality and diversity
  • Ensure that all Health & Safety legislation pertinent to your area is implemented and adhered to at all time.​
  • Experience of working with young people experiencing behavioural problems
  • Experience of instructing/supporting people with challenging behaviour
  • Experience in a prison environment
  • PGCE desirable but opportunity to train in this area is available

Mathematics Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assume personal responsibility for the academic progress of all students
  • Sustain a school-wide culture of respect and actively use the school’s PBIS system
  • Design and implement lessons that balance procedural fluency, conceptual understanding and application, and that develop reasoning and critical thinking skills in mathematics
  • Serve as an Advisor to a small group of students
  • Participate in myriad forms of professional development as scheduled for all faculty

Local ESL Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Teach three-to-four half days per week by following the EF curriculum and methodology
  • Facilitate testing during the course, including marking tests and grading assignments
  • 1+ year of experience teaching ESL in a classroom setting with 15+ students
  • Able to attend local teacher training session prior to contract commencing

International Teacher Recruiter Resume Examples & Samples

  • Teaching experience with EF
  • Demonstrate ability to work independently and manage multiple responsibilities simultaneously
  • Embody the spirit of EF with positive energy, enthusiasm and motivation
  • Good understanding of database administration
  • Independent, ability to self-manage

Online Demo Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Delivering lessons to students through our online learning platform
  • Evaluating potential student’s English level and providing guidance for improvement
  • A TEFL Certification (EF TEFL sponsorship available)

Online English Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Planning and delivering lessons to students through our online learning platform
  • Using electronic media and EF-developed courseware to teach English efficiently and effectively
  • Evaluating student progress and providing on-going guidance for improvement
  • Teach classes following the EF methodology
  • Lesson planning and preparation before each class
  • Facilitate and mark tests
  • Attend all teacher meetings
  • Work effectively within a team to deliver excellence in customer experience
  • Ensuring the safety and well-being of students at all times
  • Fluency in English – spoken and written
  • Visa or passport permitting work in the advertised location
  • Have the ability to create a positive learning environment
  • Enthusiastic, confident and energetic
  • A natural leader with excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Able to attend 2-day training prior to contract commencing
  • One of the following MINIMUM qualifications (All certification and online training must be completed before face to face EF training)

ESL Teacher, San Diego Resume Examples & Samples

  • Teach scheduled contact hours as requested by the academic office
  • Provide high quality classes using our Efekta blended learning program
  • Help students with queries they may have and communicate this with the appropriate department
  • Actively participate in teacher meetings and all staff development activities
  • Be involved in the development and running of extra-curricular activities and school activities, as requested by the academic office or the School Director – this may include students and faculty orientations, testing (proctoring, (oral) testing, correcting), Academic Year graduation ceremonies
  • Deliver courses to a high pedagogical standard
  • Evaluate student progress, give accurate assessments, and provide guidance for improvement
  • Maintain healthy working environment and comply with university standards
  • Develop, update, and maintain materials for current or future courses
  • 2 years’ experience in an English teaching role (experience teaching in university setting preferred)
  • CELTA or CertTESOL certification (DELTA or DipTESOL certification preferred)
  • Bachelor’s degree (Master’s in TESOL, Linguistics, Education, Literature or Foreign Languages preferred)
  • Has a desire to work with foreign teenagers
  • Has the ability to relate to one’s peer group
  • Is willing to complete trainings to understand the EF program
  • Has experience working with exchange students, including, hosting, supervising, or being an exchange student
  • Is able to physically participate in student activities & field trips
  • Is enthusiastic with a sense of humor, positive attitude, patience, and is flexible

Wp-early Childhood Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • To provide a safe, pleasant environment and attentive child care with an emphasis on the children’s emotional, physical, and social needs
  • To effectively deal with children who have a particularly difficult time adjusting to their new surroundings
  • To maintain safety and supervision of all children
  • To assure compliance of all EEC, Winter Park Resort, and The Colorado Office of Early Childhood policies and procedures
  • To perform daily child care duties as set forth by the Director, including but not limited to feeding, changing diapers and all other basic needs of the children
  • To formulate and implement daily, weekly and monthly educational activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers
  • Assisting the Director/ Supervisor in keeping accurate attendance records for each child
  • Train and help orient attendants in child care
  • Maintain the EEC in a clean, orderly, and safe condition
  • Maintain professional communication with parents and staff
  • Early childhood education
  • Elementary education
  • Special education
  • Family and child development
  • Child Psychology
  • First Aid Certification
  • Infant/Child CPR certification
  • Record of immunizations
  • Physical examination
  • Fingerprints
  • Central Registry Background check
  • Three written references
  • Emergency contact information
  • Able to lift, carry, or otherwise move and position a minimum of 40 pounds on an occasional basis
  • Manual dexterity to operate a computer on an occasional basis
  • Auditory and visual acuity to operate computers, phones, mobile devices and basic office equipment on an occasional basis
  • Ability to work for extended periods of time sitting, bending, reaching, and speaking on a constant basis
  • Talking and hearing occur continuously in the process of communicating with children, supervisors and other employees
  • Ability to work for extended periods of time standing, walking, kneeling, pushing and pulling on a regular basis
  • Vision occurs continuously with the most common visual functions being those of near vision and depth perception

K International Academy High School Online Calculus & AP Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Planning and Preparation
  • Certification should include Grades 9-12 (required) or 6-12 (preferred) subject areas; High School Math, specifically Calculus (required) and Statistics (preferred) and AP Calculus (required) and Statistics
  • An ability to support and guide adults as well as students

VP, Teacher Leadership Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Participate in selection, matriculation, recruitment responsibilities
  • Attend and participate in staff meetings and retreats
  • Attend regional events, including corps member and donor events
  • 8+ years professional experience
  • Strong instructional background, with understanding of latest best practices in education and successful experience as a teacher
  • Demonstrated success in large-scale team management through multiple layers
  • Establishing a vision of excellence and managing a team towards that vision, while building a culture of achievement
  • Vision-centered, with ability to balance strong outcomes-orientation
  • Operate with urgency and sense of possibility
  • Strong orientation towards building deep relationships across various contexts

Ttuisd Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Must be knowledgeable in Online Teaching Strategies. Must be knowledgeable of subject (subject matter expert). Computer literate in Word, Moodle and Blackboard (learning management systems). Excellent and effective written and oral communication skills
  • Facilitate the learning of facts and principles in the subject area taught. Provide assistance, information, or tutoring as needed. Manage and monitor student learning. Foster student success. Encourage students to complete their coursework
  • Grade lessons, finals, Credit by Exams (CBEs) in a timely manner. (within 2 calendar days) Provide positive feedback in a timely manner. Maintain accurate grade sheets for reporting student progress
  • Facilitate positive interaction with students and parents. Respond to student/parent inquiries in a timely manner
  • Publish and maintain virtual office hours
  • Work cooperatively with TTUISD staff to meet student needs. Read and respond to communications from TTUISD daily. Return and pick up lessons/faculty grade sheets regularly
  • Attend all faculty meetings
  • Adhere to all TTUISD policies and procedures as noted in the TTUISD Faculty Handbook
  • Must be organized, helpful, disciplined, and detail-oriented

Teacher, Lsd Resume Examples & Samples

  • Must possess Louisiana Teacher certification as set forth in Louisiana Standards for State Certification of School Personnel (Bulletin 746), including hearing impaired endorsement or be willing to obtain hearing impaired endorsement within 3 years of hire. Possession and presentation of Conference of Executives of American Schools for the Deaf/Council on Education of the Deaf (CEASD/CED) certification will satisfy the Louisiana requirements for hearing impaired endorsement
  • Must possess, or be willing to acquire, expressive and receptive sign language skills. The minimum acceptable Sign Language Proficiency Interview (SLPI) level for effective job performance is Advanced

Italian Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Plan and deliver lessons according to the EAQUALS high-quality
  • Using electronic media to teach Italian efficiently and effectively
  • Participating in social activities with students organized by the school to encourage oral Italian proficiency

Children s Teacher Aide-deaf School Resume Examples & Samples

  • Takes attendance and maintains other records as assigned
  • Assembles materials, copies and collates, files and organizes materials
  • Assists with summer child care duties and assignments
  • Assists with classroom preparation, sets up technology and/or maintains electronic files
  • Completes requirements for educational license as required

Substitute Associate Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Support planning and implementation of developmentally appropriate activities across all developmental domains to meets the needs of each child
  • Encourage children to solve conflicts on their own
  • Interact with children and parents to create a welcoming environment
  • Collaborate with colleagues to develop a "child-centered" program that addresses the social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs of young children
  • Remain current on issues and trends in the early childhood education field
  • Perform other related duties, as assigned

Float Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • 1-3 years experience with children ages 2 months to 6 years in group setting -required daycare experience -preferred
  • Guest relations and customer service skills
  • Computer literacy and money handling experience -required
  • CPR certification (must be willing to obtain within 14 days of start date) -required

Teacher of English for Academic Purposes Resume Examples & Samples

  • Excellent organisational ability including proven ability to set student targets and personal targets, and meet deadlines
  • Demonstrable communication skills with a proven ability to work both independently and collaboratively
  • Native speaker of English (or IELTS 9.0), qualified to degree level. Candidates should also have a DELTA or Trinity Diploma in TEFL/TESOL OR equivalent qualification, OR a CELTA or Trinity Cert. accompanied by EAP/ESP experience
  • Significant, recent, classroom teaching eperience (groups) in English as a foreign language
  • Proven administrative, and IT competence and experience
  • Recent EAP/ESP experience (for example, In-sessional and /or Pre-sessional experience) and experience of EFL materials development
  • Experience of the workload and academic standards required to study at a higher education level with an understanding of issues facing international students entering UK universities
  • Experience in the use of Microsoft Word, Access and PowerPoint. Understanding and experience of using VLEs

Elementary Spanish Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Perform daily teaching tasks such as: conducting morning meetings, monitoring lunch, and any of the other things that make you awesome at your job
  • Passionate about building strong literacy skills in English and Spanish in K-4
  • Collaborate with Spanish teachers across regional and national KIPP schools
  • Coordinate with regional Spanish teachers to ensure alignment
  • Give feedback to a teaching fellow with the school leader and instructional coach

Intervention & Elective Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor's degree (required)
  • Expertise in your chosen elective. Past electives include speech and debate, entrepreneurship, creative writing, concert orchestra, French immersion, etc
  • Prior leadership experience
  • At least two years of teaching experience (required)
  • State teaching credentials (preferred)
  • Four days a week serve as a reading and/or math interventionist. One day a week serve as an elective teacher
  • Collaborate with teachers and staff to ensure students receive high quality, engaging instruction that meets their academic needs
  • Support and teach students in a high-quality and engaging way
  • Create and foster a positive learning environment and exhibit positive rapport with students
  • Hold high expectations for each student while implementing the school wide student management policies within classrooms and everywhere on campus
  • Constantly assess student progress, and communicate results to families and colleagues
  • Provide individual or small group instruction for students who need additional assistance
  • Establish and maintain strong lines of communication with parents
  • Remain on-call in the evenings (via school cell phone) to provide student support
  • Model the school’s values in all communications with students, families, and staff
  • Create elective curriculum standards and mapping for your chosen elective
  • Be prepared to do whatever it takes for students to excel
  • Commit to constant professional and personal growth through working closely as part of a team of teachers
  • Work well on a team faced with the challenge of building and maintaining a school collaboratively

High School Reading Interventionist Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide initial and ongoing training and consultation to general-education teachers for implementation of Tier I and Tier II supports
  • Develop and maintain a calendar to ensure timely data analysis and student reviews
  • Secure and share resources necessary for Student Intervention Plan development and direct student supports
  • Collaborate with campus and district Special Education teams as needed for student referrals. Attend multi-disciplinary team meetings as needed
  • Communicate students' progress toward realizing academic and character development goals with families on a regular basis
  • Teach 3 periods of a Reading Intervention Course
  • Familiarity with a wide variety of research-based interventions and resources
  • Current valid Texas Teaching Certification (or willingeness to achieve certification)
  • ESL and Special Education preferred

College Readiness Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Planning and instructing lessons primarily focused on SAT instruction in Math and Evidence-Based Reading & Writing (EBRW)
  • Differentiating and aligning daily instruction based on data
  • Infusing joy and a passion for excellence into the junior College and Career Readiness course
  • Motivating and investing students in the College and Career Readiness Course and college entrance exams through relationship building, with the belief that with hard work they can reach their highest potential
  • Maintaining grades and attendance in PowerSchool for your students
  • Assisting with mock and official exams on six Saturdays throughout the school year
  • Planning and chaperoning a junior college trip
  • Supporting your team of college counselors as they begin to work with the juniors by monitoring the classroom and providing additional assistance as needed
  • Fully engaging in weekly team meetings, including adding to the agenda, analyzing data, and actively brainstorming and action planning for solutions
  • Committing to constant professional and personal growth through working closely with the Manager of College and Career Readiness and attending suitable professional development trainings and conferences
  • Constantly assessing student progress and communicating results to families and colleagues
  • Assisting the Manager of College and Career Readiness with projects as they arise
  • Modeling the school’s values in all communications with students, families, staff, and outside organizations

Early Learning Center Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Strong commitment to providing an excellent, nurturing environment for all children
  • Ability to relate sensitively to children and their families
  • Ability to exercise excellent judgment in decision making

On-call Teacher s Assistant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work with blind and visually impaired children
  • Independently perform duties with frequent interruptions
  • Assist children with mobility activities
  • Assist children with toileting and other personal needs
  • Apply problem solving skills to issues as they arise
  • Maintain a positive attitude and be receptive to change in processes and procedures
  • Assist supervisor/instructor in classroom work, field trips, and lecture periods
  • Assist in the classroom with self-help needs
  • Prepare materials for use in classrooms, laboratories or instructional shops; set up assignments, equipment or demonstration apparatus for classes; confer with instructor in establishing and developing assignments
  • Ability and willingness to obtain Braille certification
  • Lift up to 45 lbs
  • Stand and walk for long periods of time; and,
  • Pass Federal and State background checks
  • Two or more completed years of college with emphasis in education or child development
  • Two or more years working experience in educational setting
  • Experience with preparing and writing Individual Education Plan (IEP) goals
  • Current Braille certification
  • Experience with Daily Living Skills instruction for the blind and visually impaired; and,
  • Training and/or experience working with children with behavioral disorders
  • A letter of interest, describing how you meet the specific qualifications for this position; and,
  • A resume will not substitute for completing the "work experience" section of the application. Responses to the supplemental questionnaire regarding work experience must be reflected in the "work experience" section of the application
  • All information may be verified and documentation may be required
  • A background check must be conducted prior to employment

Cookery & Catering Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • To use culinary expertise and knowledge to inspire, teach and coach young people through creating recipes. Also research, adapt and test recipes (if required) to make them appropriate for the age groups (include adaptations for meeting allergen requirements)
  • Organise, plan and use culinary skills to execute recipe demonstrations
  • Clearly demonstrate versatility in promoting recipes, ingredients, and equipment use to all young people
  • To help them to plan, implement and promote a healthy eating calendar which will become a way of life to them
  • Use cookery knowledge and skills to teach each workshop / lesson safely and within food safety guidelines. Adhering to health & safety / hygiene policies at all times
  • To plan and teach each session to include suitable information in relation to the national curriculum, healthy eating and nutrition
  • Young People Enrichment cookery classes
  • To contribute proactively to the catering curriculum development setting new initiatives and an exciting new programme of delivery
  • To work closely with the Princess Trust and other colleagues to continuously develop and improve the provision. Teach the teacher; use your knowledge of working with school groups to teach non-food teachers how to promote food and nutrition effectively
  • To ensure that the programme of learning is appropriate for the needs of the learner and to keep an individual learning plan for each learner
  • To ensure schemes of work and lesson plans appropriate for the needs of the learner
  • To monitor and track prisoners progress according to the requirements of awarding bodies and the prison
  • To operate effective arrangements for monitoring attendance and non-attendance, including necessary follow-up actions
  • To be responsible for monitoring the performance of the young people in your curriculum area
  • To monitor quality control of work produced by young people to maintain the standards required
  • To undertake all administrative duties related to the monitoring and review systems of the Learning and Skills programme and the prison regime
  • To prepare, review and update regularly, curricular and associated training schemes and materials and also have them available for observations as required
  • To liaise with the ESW teachers for the on-going development of schemes of work and curriculum plans that fulfil the requirements of the essential/functional skills standards and meet the needs of potential employers
  • To produce high quality portfolios and files for assessment and accreditation relevant to the requirements of the awarding body and young person
  • To prepare, review and update regularly, curricular and associated training schemes and materials and to have them available for observations as required

For Kid s Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assist lead teacher in implementing all class curriculum
  • Review the reservations sheet in order to prepare for the children
  • Greet members and children by name
  • Understand and support the children in their separation from the parent
  • Assist children with personal hygiene
  • Set-up and clean-up of projects in the classroom
  • Demonstrate understanding of For Kids Only philosophy
  • Respond to member concerns, suggestions and complaints in a timely, professional and consistent manner
  • Demonstrate awareness of the importance of membership sales and member retention; work to promote the Club in all areas
  • Make equipment and supply recommendations and report low inventory levels to the Manager on a timely basis
  • Demonstrate understanding of For Kids Only operations including reservation policy, enrollment procedures, series cards and policies
  • Assist with special projects, events and promotions as needed
  • College units in Child Development strongly preferred
  • Current CPR Certification
  • Current TB immunization
  • CPR certification preferred
  • Excellent human relations, communications, and member service skills
  • Cooperative and friendly attitude
  • Continuous interaction with members, employees, and managers

Catering & Hospitality Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Plan, develop and deliver a range of educational activities, using a variety of teaching methods and techniques, so that the education offered is varied and interesting and meets standards specified within the contract
  • Provide advice and control stock to ensure availability of relevant learning materials in line with budgetary parameters
  • Promote the availability of relevant activities to all detainees to ensure sessions are fully utilised
  • Evaluate and review sessions to ensure consistency and quality of learning offered and delivered
  • Manage the education environment in line with security instructions ensuring security of equipment and contractual adherence
  • Experience of Teaching Catering and Hospitality
  • English Teacher

Attorney Teacher Performance Unit Resume Examples & Samples

  • Handles legal issues and cases including recommendations concerning determining the soundness of charges, preparing specification of charges, coordinating the gathering of evidence, and briefing witnesses
  • Manages legal cases that are complex and high-profile in nature
  • Represents the New York City Department in Education on Law 3020-A proceedings and hearings pursuant to Section 75 of the Civil Service Law
  • As part of a team of attorneys, helps devise strategies for providing improved support and training to school leaders around evaluation and discipline, and for spurring the improvement or removal of poor performers
  • Provides support, counsel and training to Superintendents, Principals, and their designees on disciplinary procedures, with an emphasis on documenting incompetence and poor performance

Voxy Teacher Administrator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bilingual in English and Portuguese required
  • Excellent communication and instructional skills
  • Expert in Excel and Google Sheets
  • Tech savvy and knowledgeable in online learning programs
  • Located in Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • Please submit resume/CV and cover letter in English

Manager of Teacher Leadership Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Must be available to work 25hrs/week
  • Minimum of three to four years of experience achieving ambitious outcomes as a classroom teacher in a low-income community
  • Experience in coaching adults highly preferred
  • Deep knowledge of effective teaching practices
  • Teach For America corps member experience preferred, but not required

Student Teacher Supervision Special Education College of Education Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ability to travel to a site location in Cincinnati, OH
  • Establish and maintain a professional working relationship with the cooperating school and/or district. Maintain effective communication with the Cooperating Teacher and Office of Field Experience
  • Provide information on the development and implementation of future professional plans

Student Teacher Supervision Education Administration College of Education Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ability to travel to Wilmington, NC
  • Establish and maintain a professional working relationship with the cooperating school
  • Verify attendance and placement of Principal Candidate in appropriate setting
  • Complete (2) formal observations of the Principal Candidate. One at the end of the first 8 weeks and another at that end of the 16 weeks
  • Analyze and critique immediately after each observation, identifying specific strengths and refinements, utilizing professional oral and written expression
  • Collaborate with Cooperating Principal to complete Principal Candidate Midterm and Final Evaluation form
  • Act as a counselor to the Principal Candidate by providing adequate individual conference time after each observation
  • Provide effective communication with the Cooperating Principal, Principal Candidate, and Office of Field Experience
  • Act as a resource person to the Principal Candidate by providing additional sources of information and by being available through phone or e-mail contact, cooperatively deriving workable solutions if difficulties arise
  • Keep adequate records on the Principal Candidate
  • Be knowledgeable about the assessment instrument and accurate evaluation procedures, allowing ample time for observation and assessment
  • Master’s Degree or Doctoral Degree in Educational Administration
  • A valid Administrator certification or evidence of an advanced degree in Educational Administration
  • Expertise in Educational Leadership, Data Driven Decisions for School Improvement, Legal Issues in Education, Public School Finance, Supervision and Instructional Leadership, and Curriculum and Development for School Improvement
  • Minimum of 2-3 years of administrative experience

Senior Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Demonstrate the mental, emotional, and physical ability to work with young children and parents. Knowledge, skills and abilities to work with children with disabilities and from culturally diverse backgrounds
  • Ability to plan and facilitate developmentally appropriate experiences and environments utilizing knowledge of Developmentally Appropriate Practice, NAEYC Accreditation Standards and DFPS Minimum Standards
  • Maintains daily and routine communication both formally and informally with parents and students
  • Shares responsibility with co-teacher to supervise and evaluate 10-15 student assistant staff and assign tasks. Plan and conduct monthly student staff meetings
  • Provide student staff with information about individual children, child development principles and guidance issues
  • Assist with planning and conducting parent meetings/conferences, and special center functions. Conduct one formally scheduled teacher/parent conference per semester
  • Ability to model for and communicate with college students how to interact with, discipline, assess and plan appropriate experiences and environments for young children while also focusing on the children in the classroom
  • Read, evaluate and provide feedback on college students’ assignments
  • Provide for the health, safety and supervision of children at all times
  • Maintain professional ethics and positive working relationships with co-workers, supervisors, students and parents. Ability to work as a member of a professional team. Attend and participate in weekly team planning meetings and center staff meetings
  • Maintain CPR and First Aid certification for infants, children, and adults. Adhere to the Texas Family Code 231.001 as it pertains to the abuse and neglect of young children
  • Observe and record behavior of children in the classroom to determine needs and interests as a basis for planning and intervention. Record one formal assessment per child per semester
  • Participate in professional development by attending conferences and professional meetings and by reading professional literature. Provide in service training for local early childhood programs
  • Start date: March 20, 2017
  • Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education, Child Development or Human Development with a focus in young children’s development is required
  • Experience with young children required (preferably with age group applying/assigned)
  • Theoretical and working knowledge of Developmentally Appropriate Practice and the principals of Active Learning
  • Experience working in an NAEYC accredited program
  • Ability to work with others closely as a team
  • Experience supervising other adults
  • Bachelor's degree in related field or equivalent. Must meet Teacher-level licensing requirements
  • Completion of YMCA program-specific training &/or certifications
  • Cultivates positive relationships, conducts parent conferences, and maintains effective communication with parents. Engages parents as volunteers and connects them to the YMCA

Grade Summer Program Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Plan and execute KTC lesson plans from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday June 26 through July 28 on the University of Baltimore campus
  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Certified to teach (Secondary)
  • At least one year teaching experience to middle and/or high school students
  • Experience working with educationally underserved students and their families
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Knowledge of the Baltimore City educational landscape
  • Ability to research and effectively communicate information in various forms
  • Self-starter and ability to work independently as well as collaboratively
  • Excellent organization skills including a comprehensive organizational system
  • Proficient in MS Office, particularly Word, Excel and PowerPoint as well as the Google Docs platform

High School Spanish, Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • At least 2 year of teaching experience (preferred)
  • Native-Level Spanish Fluency Required
  • Experience teaching under-served students

High School AP Spanish Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Create and implement academically rigorous lessons and assessments
  • Facilitate the development of character and community in the classroom
  • Experience teaching AP Spanish courses (preferred)

PE Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • A belief that all students can and will be successful at our schools, including students who present challenges
  • Practice a growth mindset about oneself and all others at the school, including seeking help and engaging in self-reflection in order to constantly refine one’s own teaching
  • Collaborate throughout each day with grade level teams, sharing responsibility for all students at all times
  • Set clear short-term and long term-goals to drive development of athletic program and support high rigor in instruction
  • Serve as a champion for developing health and wellness in our school and larger community
  • Assist with organization of athletic program
  • Work as part of an interdisciplinary team to to collaborate regularly and implement curricula and activities to meet and monitor academic standards
  • Provide consistent rewards and/or consequences for student behavior
  • Receive and respond appropriately to formal and informal feedback from teammates, principal, students and parents and view this as a tool to improve and grow
  • Uphold all school policies within the classroom and with athletic program
  • Experience and success with historically under-served populations of students
  • Ability to work with young individuals and adults
  • A "do whatever it takes attitude" to help our students reach academic excellence;​

Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ensure that lessons are aligned and executed with school values and a commitment to academic rigor; Creating participatory and experiential learning environments
  • Develop curricula and activities aligned mission and school values, relating to culturally relevant pieces of students’ lives
  • Incorporate direct instruction, discussion, and cooperative learning to build a love of learning and high engagement in the classroom
  • Build a sense of urgency in the classroom to cultivate learning-readiness
  • Fostering student voice and creating culture of learning as “academic siblings”
  • Develop instructional goals and systems to track progress for all scholars relative to goals, when applicable around cultural competence, social growth, and character development
  • Create, utilize and revise upon lesson plans based on instructional practice and feedback. The lessons should be planned appropriately and reviewed with the School Leader on a schedule that intermingles the mindfulness teaching and social justice/character development
  • Create and maintain a positive classroom environment that promotes good behavior and adheres to our management system
  • Other activities assigned at the School Leader's discretion to achieve our mission
  • Build quality relationships with students
  • Engage and support all students in learning by using a variety of strategies and resources
  • To plan and carry out an effective educational program that will maximize learning for all students and contribute to their development into confident, competent and creative learners
  • Dedication and commitment to fighting toxic stress through mindfulness, yoga and character education integration
  • Bachelor’s degree with at least 2+ years of teaching experience, preferred
  • Highest commitment to professionalism and innovation in an urban K-12 environment
  • Spanish-speaking proficiency, not required but preferred
  • Bilingual and/or ESL certified, not required but preferred
  • Ability to communicate and interact effectively with multiple constituencies while maintaining professionalism at all times

Summer Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Prepare or modify curriculum and course outlines
  • Prepare daily or weekly lesson plans and conduct a schedule of formal instruction for residents of an Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) facility
  • Additional duties will be discussed in detail during the interview

Primary Infant Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Early Childhood I & II completed
  • 80 days experience working in a licensed childcare facility
  • Shaken Baby Syndrome Certified

Teacher Assistant RCS Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide active supervision to ensure students are sitting appropriately on the bus and following directions
  • Maintain current bus log with student addresses, phone numbers, pick up and drop off times, and parent/guardian information
  • Maintain a clean environment for students at all times
  • Participate in engaging and appropriate conversation with students as they ride the bus and participate in class to keep them on task and following directions
  • Adhere to school, department, corporate, personnel and standard policies and procedures
  • Adhere to school standards concerning conduct, dress, attendance and punctuality
  • Maintain safe driver record and report any driver violations within the last year to the Director
  • Provide active supervision in the classroom and notify teacher of any safety concerns immediately
  • Actively participate in instruction in the classroom to challenge students to complete their assignments and reach their potential
  • Properly fill out employee timesheet with correct times and dates of work performed
  • Follow Critical Response Manual procedures in case of a bus accident
  • Any employee engaging in a one on one extra curricular activity must get in writing, prior approval from the Director/Assistant Director. Employees are to never have students visit their personal residences
  • Properly fill out Company Incident Reports immediately after an issue arises and alert supervisor
  • Immediately notify supervisor if you receive an injury on the job and properly fill out incident report immediately afterward

Clinical Assistant Professor of Teacher Education Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage and work collegially with student teaching supervisors
  • Develop relationships with area school districts in order to facilitate placement of student teachers and practicum students in schools
  • Teach seminars for undergraduate and graduate student teachers, with opportunities to teach additional graduate courses in the MIT Program
  • Limited advising of graduate students as needed
  • Work to develop innovative program delivery to increase the number of students in the program
  • Work closely with the Field Services Director, Certification Officer, and Graduate Studies Office on the Pullman campus, as well as with faculty within and across the campuses
  • Serve on department and college committees as assigned
  • Develop and maintain collaborative partnerships with professionals in K-12 schools, regional universities, and community agencies
  • Contribute to the scholarship and outreach mission of the College of Education
  • Earned doctorate in education with a specialization related to teacher education or closely related field by date of hire
  • Demonstrated record of successful K-12 work experience
  • Demonstrated record of effective instruction
  • Experience working with teacher candidates in college or field courses
  • Demonstrated record of teaching and mentoring college students
  • Interest in or record of teaching via distance learning methods
  • Demonstrated ability to work successfully with diverse populations and incorporate issues of diversity and cultural competency into teaching and service
  • Interest in carrying out a line of research related to teacher education

Study Hall Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Consistently manage a classroom of up to 28 students (most are in the 18-25 range), ensuring that they use study hall time productively and holding them accountable for work completion
  • Effectively support students in study halls who require help with various core subjects
  • Sustain a school-wide culture of respect and actively use the school’s demerit, merit and behavior reflection system
  • Furnish resources and actively work to support students (print assignments, arrange for school laptops to be provided, help with homework or guide students toward relevant resources, etc.)
  • Participate in myriad forms of professional development as scheduled for all faculty and staff

Pre School Head Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assume responsibility for the health and safety of all children in the program
  • Plan and teach lesson plans based on an emergent curriculum connected with the Early Learning and Development Standards (ELDS)
  • Conduct daily observations based on Preschool Assessment Framework (PAF’s) and place weekly in child’s portfolio. Collect samples of work and document weekly in child’s individual portfolio
  • Evaluate each student and discuss problem or progress with parents daily
  • Coordinate special events in connection with weekly lesson plans
  • Promote and develop the 40 developmental assets into your classroom curriculum and daily activities
  • Implement YMCA Character Development program into weekly plans
  • Maintain standards of quality for our children and families
  • Attend staff orientation and staff meetings as required
  • Maintain a positive rapport with parents and communicate with them daily
  • Make referrals for support services as needed
  • Keep room clean, orderly, and attractive
  • Organize the classroom environment to support children’s socio-emotional development, promote learning through play and promote physical development
  • Use transition time as opportunities for learning
  • Promote learning in all areas of the classroom: Block Area; Dramatic Play, Manipulative Area; Literacy center, Computer, Sand and Water Area; Science Area, Art area and woodworking
  • Provide Child Development Director with weekly classroom checklists
  • Must follow all policies and procedures regarding abuse and neglect mandated reporting
  • Maintains a positive, structured and therapeutic classroom environment, incorporating a variety of behavioral interventions. Provides individual instructional services using a variety of methodology for children and adolescents
  • Contacts public/private school for each assigned child or adolescent to obtain information regarding education level, and coordinates lesson plans and assignments
  • Fosters and supports the development of appropriate behavioral interactions which correspond with public/private school standards of conduct and responsibility
  • Provides academic/ behavioral data for treatment team meeting and attends meetings if requested
  • Completes comprehensive educational/behavioral progress and significant clinical documentation in the assigned patient's medical record every 6 weeks at the end of report card period and as requested by reviewers, as well as additional significant data as requested
  • An IEP, individualized education plan, must be maintained on each person and must be kept up to date
  • IEP's are completed in a timely fashion as instructed and per state guidelines
  • Monitors students assignment, completion and attendance daily
  • Accurately corrects and grades all completed assignments for assigned patients
  • Maintains accurate and well organized files
  • Participates in ongoing continuing education activities
  • Administers achievement tests as ordered by MD
  • Completes appropriate consent forms
  • Communicates clearly with the teaching assistants and follow-up for completion to assignments
  • Consistently demonstrates competence in day to day scheduling of duties by completing tasks on time with little assistance from others as required
  • Always exhibits a positive attitude when dealing with others in day-to-day work situations
  • Is familiar with stages of development of the adolescent and adjusts patient care accordingly
  • Master's degree in education and certification in Special Education required
  • Teaching certification or eligibility in the State of Alabama is required
  • Ability to work flexible schedule
  • Take a leadership role in working and planning the curriculum of the Art Classroom
  • Attend monthly staff meetings and trainings
  • Assist and support in the Infant/Toddler, Young Preschool/Preschool and Pre-K classrooms as needed

Elementary School Special Education Life Skills Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • At least 2 years of experience working as a special education teacher in an urban school (preferred)
  • Current valid Texas Special Education Teaching Certification (standard or probationary)
  • Valid Texas Teacher’s Certification: Generalist 4-8 (111) or Core Subjects 4-8 (211)
  • ESL certification or willingness to obtain
  • Experience working in a life skills classroom setting (preferred)
  • Serve as case manager to a cohort of students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs)
  • Provide direct academic and behavioral student support in individual, small group and inclusion settings
  • Select and employ appropriate curricula, materials, supports and supplies to serve a diverse group of learners
  • Support teachers in providing classroom accommodations and modifications, as well as in implementing other requirements of the IEP
  • Disseminate special education-related paperwork to required teachers and administrators, equipping each with the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out the responsibilities related to their roles, as specified in the IEP
  • Ensure confidentiality in reporting and assist teachers in maintaining confidential records
  • Meet regularly with classroom teachers to support monitoring and collection of IEP-related data
  • Collaborate with other special education staff to develop and deliver staff development presentations
  • Monitor and meet all applicable timelines
  • May be required to lift and position students with physical disabilities or assist students with personal hygiene routines such as toileting, hand washing, feeding, etc
  • Serves as communication (ASL) role model
  • Shares books with children using ASL
  • Engages in play/learn activities (e.g., counting, labeling, classifying, role-playing, reading)
  • Assists children in art activities (e.g., cutting, pasting, matching, finger painting, coloring)
  • Guides children in gross motor play (e.g., climbing, running, jumping, swinging, sliding)
  • Establishes routine and cultural expectations
  • One-year Technical College Diploma in Early Childhood Education or Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education or Bachelor of Science Degree in Early Childhood Education, Human Development and Family Studies, Elementary Education or closely related bachelor degree
  • Early childhood classroom experience preferred
  • Ability to read and communicate effectively in English
  • Demonstrate knowledge and skills consistent with developmentally appropriate practices in early childhood education
  • Has an understanding and knowledge of state licensing regulations and NAC (National Accreditation Commission) Accreditation standards
  • Ability to plan and implement daily routines and activities for the children
  • Demonstrate the ability to document children's development and to hold parent teacher conferences upon each classroom transition
  • You would maintain accurate and complete records of students' progress and development preparing required reports on students and activities
  • Teachers are responsible for managing student behavior in the classroom by establishing and enforcing rules and procedures, maintain discipline in accordance with the rules and disciplinary systems of the school, and applying appropriate disciplinary measures where necessary
  • Our teachers are integral parts of their school and the school community, performing certain duties including but not limited to student support, counseling students with academic problems and supporting certain extracurricular activities such as social activities, sporting activities, clubs and student organizations, participating in department and school meetings, and parent meetings
  • As a teacher you would be expected to plan, organize and implement an appropriate instructional program in a learning environment that guides and encourages students to develop and fulfill their academic potential
  • You are challenged with new teaching methods and educational tools in an ever changing and strategic environment. You would plan, prepare and deliver instructional activities that facilitate active learning experiences and establish and communicate clear objectives for all learning activities
  • You would utilize technology and integrate the use of technology to provide a variety of learning materials and resources for use in educational activities, instruct and monitor students in the use of learning materials and equipment, observe, evaluate, encourage and provide feedback on student's performance and development
  • Demonstrates mastery of and enthusiasm for content area and the pedagogy it requires
  • Demonstrates understanding for how the subject matter applies in real-world settings and connects to other content areas and relevant standards
  • Can convey content in creative and engaging ways
  • Sets ambitious learning goals for all students, creates cognitively demanding tasks and models the belief that that all students can master challenging material through effective effort
  • Assesses students’ understanding regularly
  • Scaffolds and differentiates instruction in order for all students to do complex thinking and rigorous academic work
  • Builds a productive learning environment where every student participates and is valued as part of the class community
  • Passionate and optimistic about their students, their content and the teaching profession
  • Engages with families and builds collaborative, respectful relationships with them in service of student learning
  • Regularly reflects on practice, seeks and responds to feedback, and demonstrates self-awareness and commitment to continuous learning and development
  • Seeks to participate in and contribute to a collaborative adult learning community
  • Administer i-Ready (an in-house assessment program) and be able to use data to drive instruction
  • Align engaging, experiential based lessons with state standards
  • Be willing to work cohesively with both vertical and horizontal teaching teams
  • Differentiate lessons for students with learning plans
  • Integrate technology in instruction strategies
  • Colorado Initial or Professional Colorado Teaching License; B.A. or higher degree, be qualified to teach middle school Language Arts
  • Fill out application under the Work with C2E tab at: challengetoexcellence.org
  • One page resume
  • One page letter outlining basic philosophy of teaching and learning
  • Proof of U.S. Citizenship or legal residency

Sped Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintain student special education records
  • Oversee building level Enrich reports to monitor compliance
  • Responsible for all IEP related tasks and paperwork for compliance (except for progress monitoring and reporting)
  • Coordinate and manage scheduling of all Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings including initials, reevaluations, annual reviews, special evaluations, amendments, transfer and matriculation meetings
  • May be required to travel within district boundaries
  • Collaborate with Moderate Needs Interventionist in development of IEP
  • Identify, coordinate, schedule, administer appropriate academic assessments and communicate and summarize results
  • Facilitate manifestation determination meetings and complete manifestation determination paperwork
  • Attend and facilitate IEP meetings to act as the IEP recorder/writer
  • Collaborate with IEP and Assessment Specialist in development of the IEP
  • Prepare for, attend and communicate student progress during IEP meetings
  • Coordinate and monitor student specific and/or program Educational Assistants as assigned
  • May play an active role in manifestation determination meetings
  • May co-teach (per chosen model)
  • Collaborate, communicate, and consult with general education staff regarding modifications, accommodations and curriculum/interventions
  • Case manager of student needs and parent communication
  • Collaborate with multidisciplinary team to determine Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) programming
  • Identify, coordinate, and deliver intervention services as outlined in IEPs
  • Responsible for developing, monitoring, and reporting of student Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals
  • Provides instructional technology leadership and support to school staffs and district personnel in their effective use and implementation of instructional technology
  • Collaborates with building administrators and steering committees to develop technology plans that align with district expectations
  • Attends conferences and/or trainings to remain current on educational technology innovations and advancements
  • Performs other related duties as assigned or requested
  • Plans and delivers professional development in the area of instructional technology. Supporting the Digital Educator Program, the i-CRT program and the Douglas County ET/IL plan
  • Fosters coaching relationships with site administrators and classroom personnel to increase their effective use of instructional technology to enhance student achievement
  • Supports schools with setting educational technology/informational literacy action plans to enhance student achievement
  • Researches, collects, develops and disseminates resources to increase the effective use of instructional technology to i-CRTs and digital educators
  • Endorsement in Linguistically Diverse Education (LDE) or Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) learners
  • Elementary teaching license - for Elementary
  • Highly Qualified in Language Arts or related content area - for Secondary (preferred)
  • Refer clients to community resources for services such as assessment services to go and how to apply
  • Counsel parents with concerns or problems, interviewing the child and family to determine whether further action is required
  • Create, organize and update case history records and prepare reports, according to deadlines
  • Serve as a liaison between students, homes, schools, family services, child guidance clinics, courts, protective services, doctors, and other contacts, to help children who face problems such as disabilities, abuse or poverty
  • Gather information, investigate and interview clients individually, in families, or in groups, assessing their situations, capabilities, and problems, to determine what services are required to meet their needs
  • Provide assistance and or referrals for students, families, or staff regarding issues including mental health, poverty, unemployment, substance abuse, physical abuse, rehabilitation, social adjustment, child care or medical care
  • Provide individual casework/case management/counseling to students and parents to alleviate conditions which interfere with the students’ learning
  • Respond to referrals and or reported cases from teachers, administrators, other school personnel, parents, students and community agencies (Department of Human Services)
  • Develop and review service plans in consultation with students, and perform follow-ups assessing the quantity and quality of services provided
  • Consult with parents, teachers, and other school personnel to determine causes of problems such as truancy and misbehavior, and to implement solutions
  • Ability to establish and maintain effective collaborative relationships with school personnel, students and parents
  • Effective case management skills
  • Effectively implement crisis prevention, intervention, response and recovery efforts
  • Demonstrate expertise in assessment, data based decision-making skills and psycho-educational practices, in order to plan, consult, collaborate and/or provide direct services to students
  • Support and establish a safe, inclusive and respectful learning environment for a diverse population of students in order to: alleviate barriers to learning, engage students as individuals with unique interests and strengths, and promote student success at the student’s developmental level
  • Registered or willing to be registered with Reading Recovery Council of North America (at the teacher’s own expense) in Reading Recovery
  • Colorado Teachers License
  • Current minimum 3 years elementary classroom teacher experience
  • Computer and technology experience
  • Strong literacy training and experience in the application of best practices in reading and writing
  • Strong background in administrating and analyzing early literacy assessments
  • Good communication, collaboration and leadership skills
  • Primary classroom teacher experience in K-2
  • Masters of Literacy or Endorsement in elementary reading or in the process of receiving a masters in literacy
  • Experience in individualizing instruction based on academic, cognitive, social, emotional and adaptive functioning
  • Experience in developing, assessing and maintaining IEP’s
  • Experience in facilitating IEP meetings
  • Experience in administering, interpreting, and communicating the results of academic assessments
  • Ability to case manage IEP caseloads of 1:100-150 staff to student/IEP ratio

Student Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ability to establish and maintain effective, collaborative relationships with school personnel, students, and parents
  • Understanding and empathy necessary for working with students and their families
  • Ability and desire to function as a team member
  • Shares information about agencies and services available in the community as appropriate. Collaborate with outside agencies/service providers when relevant
  • Guides teachers and other involved personnel in observing fine and gross motor, visual-motor, sensory motor, and visual perceptual deficits which may be interfering in the educational process of a student. Serves as a resource to school staff members on these topics and may include increasing staff awareness and in servicing staff members
  • Provides reports and maintain ongoing records on those students receiving O.T. intervention
  • Performs screenings and evaluations to assist in the identification of physical/motor deficits that may be impacting the child’s ability to function in a school environment. Provides information from assessments that will assist the parents and the educational staff in the development of programs for individuals who have identified needs in the motor area
  • Serves as a member of a multidisciplinary team working in cooperation with parents, other support services, educational staff and administration personnel. Participates in the development of the IEP evaluation, goals and objectives, and accommodations/modifications which are relevant to a child’s needs in the educational environment
  • Provides direct and indirect O.T. intervention where appropriate in the educational setting
  • Collaborate with families, community agencies, and other district departments to determine eligibility of students for Early Intervention or Special Education services
  • Generate comprehensive evaluation reports
  • Demonstrate knowledge and skill regarding the components of effective instruction, assessment of cognitive, social, emotional, adaptive function, child development, behavior management, Response to Intervention, RTI, counseling, and consultation; demonstrated knowledge of developmental needs of early childhood, school aged children
  • Facilitate successful transitions into programming
  • Communicate assessment results effectively to all stakeholders
  • Collaborate with team members to create and implement Behavior Intervention Plans as needed
  • Attend and facilitate IEP meetings
  • Collaborate with families, community agencies, and other district departments to develop IEPs
  • You will be expected to deliver Literacy and Numeracy tuition at all levels of the curriculum including GCSE learners
  • To contribute to the oversight of the embedded Lit and Num and increasing student knowledge where required
  • To monitor and track the progress of the learner according to the requirements of the awarding body and the prison
  • To contribute to the curriculum development in the area of Literacy & Numeracy, and GCSE this will include the planning, development, implementation and evaluation of courses
  • To prepare, review and update regularly, curricular and associated training schemes and materials within you curriculum areas and to have them available for observations as required
  • You will be expected to update your skills on a regular basis and participate in staff development activities and relevant internal and external training events
  • To ensure that all preparation, marking, assessment and moderation is completed promptly and efficiently within agreed timescales
  • To operate effective arrangements for monitoring attendance and retention, including necessary follow-up actions
  • To assist students in reaching their long term aims, employability, career progression, further education and training and / or to live as independently as possible
  • Train on a range of programmes in relevant subject areas
  • Assess students’ progress regularly including the timely marking of work and giving feedback both written and oral
  • Carry out student questionnaires and elicit feedback on the quality of training and learning
  • The ability to relate and motivate students from a variety of backgrounds and employ effective training strategies
  • To undertake other reasonable duties from time to time, as required by the Head of Learning and Skills and YPU Curriculum Manager
  • Experience of working with young people and adults experiencing behavioural problems
  • Experience in a Prison environment - desirable

EFL Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Teaching an average of 24 contact hours per week to adults, on a Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Saturday schedule
  • Keeping a detailed and comprehensive record of students’ attendance, grades and records of work
  • Helping with the intake of new students if required
  • An initial TEFL qualification (e.g. CELTA or TESOL minimum) essential
  • A thorough approach to planning and administrative duties
  • A strong team player
  • Enjoys working with students 13 to 18 years old
  • Has at least a Bachelor's degree in Theatre, Theatre Education, or a closely related field
  • Has a Colorado teaching license in Theatre
  • Is experienced in, and enthusiastic about, all aspects of theatre
  • Is well organized and can administer a busy and active program
  • Is willing to work long days to accomplish the goals of the program

Multi Skills Construction Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • To teach, train and supervise young people allocated to your workshop and training area in a number of skills within the construction industry with a particular emphasis on painting and decorating, tiling and basic plumbing
  • Meeting the Awarding Body standards and ensuring learners develop suitable skills to help them find sustainable employment upon release
  • To ensure that the programme of learning is appropriate for the needs of the learner
  • To keep an individual learning plan for each learner
  • To contribute to the curriculum development in the area of vocational courses, this will include the planning, development, implementation and evaluation of courses
  • To monitor and track the progress of the learner according to the requirements of the awarding body and the prison KPI
  • To update your skills on a regular basis and participate in staff development activities
  • To attend meetings and working groups as required
  • To assist students in reaching their long term aims, career progression, further education and training and / or to live as independently as possible
  • To train on a range of programmes in relevant subject areas
  • To assess students’ progress regularly, including the timely marking of work and giving feedback both written and oral
  • To carry out student questionnaires and elicit feedback on the quality of training and learning
  • To undertake other reasonable duties from time to time, as required by the HoLS and YP Curriculum Manager
  • Maintain the security of your workshop/area at all times reporting any concerns immediately to your line manager and the Security Department
  • Be accountable for and manage all tools used in your workshop/area using correct procedures for tool cabinets, tally systems, tool allocation, disposal and inventories, etc, following set procedures as per the Local Security Strategy
  • Maintain an accurate roll at all times
  • Ensure all new prisoners allocated to your workshop/area receive the workshop induction and that they understand and comply with it at all times
  • Ensure all Health and Safety signage is displayed as required
  • Ensure prisoners wear correct PPE as required and inspect regularly for wear and tear and damage, replacing as necessary
  • Review and update the workshop risk assessments, Safe Systems of work and COSHH assessments annually (once trained in carrying out these procedures)
  • Ensure your workshop/work area is clean and tidy at all times, keeping walkways and fire exits free from obstructions
  • Ensure colour coded cleaning equipment is used and the workshop cleaning schedule is completed daily and kept for audit purposes

German Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Current German language educator
  • Some K-16 teaching experience is required
  • A minimum of three years German teaching experience at the secondary level strongly preferred
  • Native or near-native mastery of the German language and culture

French Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Current French language educator
  • A minimum of three years French language teaching experience at the secondary level strongly preferred
  • Native or near-native mastery of the French language and culture

Chinese Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Current Chinese language educator
  • A minimum of three years Chinese language teaching experience at the secondary level strongly preferred
  • Native or near-native mastery of the Chinese language and culture
  • Ability to handle difficult moments/situations with patience and professionalism at all times
  • Demonstrated interest in professional development

Arabic Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Current Arabic language educator
  • A minimum of three years Arabic language teaching experience at the secondary level strongly preferred
  • Native or near-native mastery of the Arabic language and culture
  • Ability to work as a team and maintain open-minded and positive attitude
  • Assist Head Teacher in planning, coordinating and carrying out a program to meet the physical, emotional, social and educational needs of a family grouping of children aged three(3) months to thirty six (36) months, or three (3) to five (5) years in accordance with Center policy. CT Department of Public Health Regulations and National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation standards
  • Works closely with other staff to provide an integrated, harmonious environment for the children
  • Supports Head Teacher by maintaining close contacts with parents for daily communication as well as written reports. Participates in periodic parent conferences. Must attend parent meetings and other Center functions when possible
  • Participates in the training of volunteers and students in field placement
  • Assists Head Teacher in maintaining daily records and curriculum plans and providing periodic evaluations of children, interns and volunteers
  • Participates regularly in staff and professional projects and meetings. Attends a minimum of twenty-one (21) hours of early childhood workshops
  • Maintains complete awareness of all children's needs and responds in an effective timely manner
  • Observes, supervises groups of children throughout the day and communicates appropriate information to supervisors, children, parents, and co-workers
  • Maintains health and safety standards in the program in accordance with Hospital Infection Control, Ct. State Licensing Regulation and NAEYC Accreditation standards

Teacher of the Deaf & Hard of Hearing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide functional classroom instruction to include at least one class in American Sign Language
  • Coordination and management of Work Based Learning Program
  • Instructional implementation
  • Collaborate in the scheduling of the work based training program
  • Monitor Student Progress through data collection
  • Modify instruction based on analysis of student data and performance
  • Hold or be eligible for a valid Virginia teaching license issued by the Board of Education with an endorsement in Foreign Language preK-12 – American Sign Language. An additional endorsement in Special Education – Hearing Impairment is preferred. Otherwise qualified candidates, who do not hold an endorsement in special education-hearing impairments, may teach with a Provisional (Special Education) License while completing the coursework to add this endorsement
  • Must meet the “highly qualified” criteria established by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement
  • Experience in teaching in a classroom setting with special needs students who have cognitive impairments and sensory-impairments including deaf/blindness

Teacher of the Visually Impaired Resume Examples & Samples

  • Classroom organization and management -Evaluation, reporting and recordkeeping -Communication and professional/community relations -Participation in staff development -Development of Individualized Educational Programs (IEP)
  • Improving the self care and personal environment of individual students by working with dressing, clothing management, hygiene, eating, housekeeping, money and time concepts
  • Improving social competence skills by working in the areas of social interactions, behavior, problem solving, and organizational skills and routines that promote academic success
  • A minimum of a Baccalaureate Degree from a regionally accredited college or university
  • Hold or be eligible for a valid Virginia teaching license issued by the Board of Education with endorsement in Special Education – Visual Impairments preK-12. The selected candidate must also hold or be eligible for an additional endorsement in English. Otherwise qualified candidates without an endorsement in Special Education – Visual Impairments may teach under a Provisional (Special Education) License for a three year period while completing the coursework to add this endorsement
  • Current CPR and First Aid certification required or must be obtained per school policies
  • Ability to design and implement appropriate instruction for students with visual impairment including blindness and other disabilities
  • Ability to conduct Learning Media and Functional Vision assessments
  • Ability to read and teach Braille or agreement to acquire this skill within three years
  • Knowledge of technology to enhance communication and learning
  • Proficiency level of “Survival” in American Sign Language as measured by the Sign Language Proficiency Interview or agreement to acquire the specified level within three years
  • Curriculum/SOL Management and Planning
  • Hold or be eligible for a valid Virginia teaching license issued by the Board of Education with endorsement inSpecial Education – Hearing Impairments preK-12. The selected candidate must also hold or be eligible for an additional endorsement in English. Otherwise qualified candidates without an endorsement in Special Education – Hearing Impairments may teach under a Provisional (Special Education) License for a three year period while completing the coursework to add this endorsement
  • Ability to design and implement appropriate instruction for students who are deaf or hard of hearing
  • Knowledge of child growth and development, and special needs of children with disabilities
  • Ability to develop effective instructional strategies and methods and the ability to differentiate instruction to meet diverse student needs
  • Proficiency level of “Advanced” in American Sign Language as measured by the Sign Language Proficiency Interview or agreement to acquire the specified level within three years
  • Prefer experience in teaching in a classroom setting with special needs students who have sensory impairments is preferred
  • Curriculum/SOL management and planning
  • Classroom organization and management
  • Evaluation, reporting and recordkeeping
  • Communication and professional/community relations
  • Participation in staff development
  • Development of Individualized Educational Programs (IEP)
  • Occasional translation of documents from Spanish to English
  • Hold or be eligible for a valid Virginia teaching license issued by the Board of Education with endorsements in Spanish preK-12 and Special Education – Visual Impairments preK-12. Otherwise qualified candidates without the endorsement in Special Education – Visual Impairments may teach with a Provisional (Special Education) License for three years while completing the coursework to add this endorsement
  • Ability to design and implement appropriate instruction for students who are blind or visually impaired; and who may also have other disabilities
  • Knowledge of child growth and development, and special needs children with mild to moderate mental retardation and/or other disabilities
  • Proficiency level of “Survival” in American Sign Language as measured by the Sign Communication Proficiency Interview or agreement to acquire the specified level within three years
  • Ability to follow school policies and procedures and work using a team approach
  • Experience in teaching in a classroom setting with special needs students who have cognitive impairments and sensory-impairments including deaf/blindness is preferred
  • Hold or be eligible for a valid Virginia teaching license issued by the Board of Education with an endorsement in visual impairments. Otherwise qualified candidates, who hold an endorsement in another special education area, may teach with a Provisional (Special Education) License for three years while completing the coursework to add the necessary endorsement. An additional endorsement in special education –adapted curriculum, mental retardation , or severe disabilities is preferred
  • Experience in teaching in a classroom setting with special needs students who have significant cognitive impairments and sensory-impairments including deaf/blindness, preferred
  • Ability to design and implement appropriate instruction for children with significant cognitive impairment, deafness or hearing impairment and/or visual impairment including blindness
  • Knowledge of child growth and development, and special needs of children with moderate to severe mental retardation or severe disabilities
  • Proficiency level of “Survival” in American Sign Language as measured by the Sign Communication Proficiency Interview is preferred
  • Hold or be eligible for a valid Virginia teaching license issued by the Board of Education with an endorsement in special education – hearing impairments. An additional endorsement in special education-adapted curriculum is preferred. Otherwise qualified candidates, who do not hold an endorsement in special education-hearing impairments, may teach with a Provisional (Special Education) License while completing the coursework to add this endorsement
  • Ability to design and implement appropriate instruction for deaf/hard of hearing children
  • Knowledge of child growth and development, and special needs of deaf/hard of hearing children with mild to moderate developmental delays and/or other disabilities
  • Knowledge of assistive technology to enhance communication and learning
  • Proficiency level of “Advanced” in American Sign Language as measured by the Sign Communication Proficiency Interview or agreement to acquire the specified level within three years
  • Ability to plan and organize work
  • Experience in teaching in a classroom setting with special needs students who have cognitive impairments and sensory-impairments including deaf/blindness, preferred
  • Instructional implementation of Science content courses and/or functional academic skills based on student need
  • Student progress monitoring through data collection
  • Ability to analyze data to make instructional decisions
  • Hold or be eligible for a valid Virginia teaching license issued by the Board of Education with endorsement in Special Education – Hearing Impairments preK-12. The selected candidate must also hold or be eligible for an additional endorsement in one of the following areas: Biology, Chemistry, or Earth Science. Candidates must be willing to add additional endorsements in order to be able to teach all secondary science courses. Candidates who are otherwise qualified, with the exception of the endorsement in Special Education – Hearing Impairments, may teach with a Provisional (Special Education) License for three years while completing the coursework to add this endorsement
  • Ability to design and implement appropriate instruction for students with hearing impairments including deafness and other disabilities
  • Knowledge of child growth and development, and the special needs of children with disabilities
  • Ability to plan and organize work as an IEP case manager and to monitor the plan and to ensure program compliance: that required timelines are being observed; that direct services, accommodations, modifications and other services indicated on the plan are being implemented in all school settings; and that the student is benefitting from the services provided
  • Ability to assess and document student progress according to best practice, including but not limited to pre-test and post-test assessments, and to use assessment data to guide instruction
  • Experience in teaching in a classroom setting with students who have sensory-impairments
  • Provide direct Vision services to students in a residential and public school setting
  • Instructional implementation related to Virginia Standards of Learning and student specific IEP goals
  • Assist in the development of Individualized Educational Programs (IEP)
  • Address skill related to the Expanded Core Curriculum (compensatory skills, orientation and mobility, social interaction skills, independent living skills, recreation and leisure skills, career education, use of assistive technology, sensory efficiency skills and self-determination)
  • Hold or be eligible for a valid Virginia teaching license issued by the Board of Education with endorsement in Special Education – Visual Impairments preK-12
  • Ability to read and teach Braille or agreement to acquire this skill within three years including new UEB code
  • Ability to plan and organize work with an IEP case manager and to monitor the plan and to ensure program compliance: that required timelines are being observed; that direct services, accommodations, modifications and other services indicated on the plan are being implemented in all school settings; and that the student is benefitting from the services provided
  • Experience in teaching in a classroom setting with special needs students who have sensory-impairments
  • A minimum of a Baccalaureate Degree from a regionally accredited college or university; Masters Degree preferred
  • Hold or be eligible for a valid Virginia teaching license issued by the Board of Education with endorsement in Special Education – Visual Impairments preK-12. Teachers who do not currently hold an endorsement in Visual Impairment may teach under a Provisional (Special Education) License for three years while completing the coursework to add this endorsement. The selected candidate must also hold an additional endorsement in Elementary Education or otherwise demonstrate competence to teach special education students by meeting the “highly qualified” criteria established by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004
  • Experience in teaching in a classroom setting with special needs students who have sensory-impairments is preferred
  • Ability to plan and organize work as an IEP case manager, to monitor the plan and ensure program compliance: that required timelines are being observed; that direct services, accommodations, modifications and other services indicated on the plan are being implemented in all school settings; and that the student is benefitting from the services provided
  • Experience in developing and maintaining IEPs
  • Experience in monitoring, recording, and communicating student progress
  • Ability to instruct and manage caseloads of 1:30-45 staff to student/IEP ratio

Student Teacher Supervision Elementary Education College of Education Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ability to travel to a site location in Marquette, MI
  • Current and Valid State Teacher Certification
  • Minimum 3 years teaching special education students grades K-8

Director, Teacher Engagement Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum three years of highly effective teaching experience
  • Some experience coaching teachers and / or leading teacher development required
  • Teaching experience in a school in Oakland preferred
  • BA Degree in Child Development or related field
  • A must (3 units minimum) Infant/Toddler development class
  • CTC Teacher’s Permit
  • Current Infant/Child CPR and Current First Aid Card
  • 3-5 Years of Experience working with infants and toddlers
  • Knowledge of infant/toddler development, attachment theory and milestones
  • A passion for working with infants Able to work in a supportive team teaching environment
  • Assist children with their play as directed by teacher or assistant teacher
  • Assist to maintain a center-wide environment that is clean, orderly, safe and attractive
  • Complete job tasks for assigned shift as designated by teachers or assistant teachers
  • Independently earns on-going training hours, as dictated by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
  • Maintain confidentiality about children and their families at all times
  • Promote children's hygiene by attending to their personal needs such as toileting, diapering and hand washing
  • Works between centers as needed to meet staffing needs; works in other rooms or shifts as needed to keep center in compliance with Department of Public Welfare licensing regulations
  • High School diploma is required
  • Experience with children through volunteer work, babysitting or training programs is required
  • Good time management and organizational skills to complete job tasks within assigned timeframe
  • Must be able to interact in a supportive, loving and consistent manner with children
  • Must be able to accept supervision and guidance from multiple professionals
  • Must be able to collaborate and communicate effectively with a wide range of personnel
  • Good oral and written communication skills are required
  • Ability to demonstrate flexibility and maintain composure is required

Teacher, Math Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide classroom instruction to students in core subject areas of Geometry, Calculus, Math Analysis and assigned electives
  • Develops and implements daily lessons to students in the assigned subject area
  • Experience teaching in special education environment preferred
  • Provides for the instructional and educational needs of students with social, behavioral, emotional or cognitive difficulties
  • Coordinate behavioral plans with other teachers and counselors
  • Actively involved in counseling component of students daily lives
  • Participates in non-classroom experiential learning activities
  • Assists in the development of Individual Learning Plans for students
  • Maintains records and reports regarding each students' attendance and educational development
  • Participates in faculty meetings, parent or family meetings, special school events and graduation activities
  • Academic member of interdisciplinary team responsible for coordinating all student programs
  • This is a full-time, salaried, exempt position, based on a year-round block academic schedule
  • Academic supervision is provided by the Academic Director
  • Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor's Degree in the area of redemption and completion of a valid teacher education program
  • Idaho teaching certification in Math 9-12 required or ability to obtain within one year
  • Thorough knowledge of the practices, methods and techniques in teaching students with social and behavioral difficulties
  • Considerable skills in the redemption of classroom behaviors, and the ability to present an appropriate adult role model conducive to the effective teaching and emotional growth of at-risk students
  • Expertise in designing and implementing lesson plans
  • Personal strength, stability and a commitment toward quality education
  • The ability to communicate with students, faculty and parents, both verbally and in writing
  • Annual salary determined from approved teacher salary scale rating degree and year's of validated teaching experience
  • Small classroom sizes with opportunities for individual curriculum design
  • Comprehensive benefits package available after 30 days employment which includes, Vacation, sick leave, medical, dental, vision, life and disability insurance, 401(k), stock purchase program, wellness program and educational assistance

Local Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Plan and prepare lessons before each class – add “sparkle” to the existing curriculum
  • Manage the classroom and administer student discipline as needed
  • Highly organized, detail-oriented and punctual
  • One of the following qualifications
  • ESL or TEFL certified (Ma in TESOL preferred, TEFL Certification a minimum)
  • Minimum 60 hours online TEFL blended with a two day practical
  • Minimum 60 hours TEFL (not online)

Medscience Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills with exceptional attention to details
  • Experience having worked with a high-performance, collaborative, constructive peer group
  • Proficient in using technology as a management reporting tool and experience working with information technology staff to develop and implement program evaluation systems
  • Mastery of MS-Office applications, especially Excel as an analytic tool and willingness to learn REDcap and website development

International Bacl Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Commitment to complete 18 hours of training in International Baccalaureate and related topics
  • Commitment to coordinate, participate in and sponsor after-school activities involving students, parents, colleagues and/or community stakeholders
  • Type 03 or Type 09 or alternative certification issued by the Illinois State Board of Education, as required for the position
  • National Board Certification
  • Golden Apple Award recipient
  • Knowledge and experience in curriculum mapping
  • Experience teaching in an International Baccalaureate program
  • Demonstrated ability and/or experience in diversifying instructional strategies and employing a variety of assessment tools to inform instruction
  • Demonstrated excellence in oral and written communication

Temporary Assigned International Bacl Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Commitment to actively promote the program to the community
  • Four years teaching experience
  • Excellent direct instructional skills and experience and/or ability to employ student-centered learning instructional techniques
  • Experience, ability and/or willingness to create MYP assessments in line with IB’s assessment philosophy

FY / CTE Medical & Health Career Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Supporting students in industry relevant competitions, industry exploration activities, professional organizations and postsecondary initiatives
  • Collaborating with core content teachers on common course planning, integration and alignment
  • Collaborating with school-based staff (college and career coach, counselor, etc.) and CTE

Citywide Teacher of Students With Visual Disabilities Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide direct instruction and consultative services for caseload of students who have been identified as having visual disabilities
  • Collaborate with classroom teachers on implementation of strategies, accommodations, and/or modifications that will facilitate access to the common core state standards for students with visual disabilities
  • Teach and assess students in the nine areas of the expanded core curriculum for students with visual disabilities
  • Collect data toward mastery of IEP goals as outlined in student IEPs
  • Conduct functional vision assessments and learning media assessments to prepare for three-year re-evaluation meetings
  • Participate in annual IEP meetings and three-year re-evaluation eligibility conferences for students on caseload
  • Consult with parents of students with visual disabilities on student progress and how they can reinforce skills learned at school
  • Provide direct instruction on using high tech and low tech equipment specially designed for the use of students with visual disabilities
  • Participate in ongoing CPS and/or outside professional development opportunities and be able to impart knowledge acquired to fellow team members
  • Comply with all central office requests for data collection regarding student achievement and teacher accountability
  • Proficiency in teaching students to use screen reading software, screen enlarging software, braille note takers, magnifiers, monocular telescopes, and other low and high tech devices or apps specifically designed to provide access for people who are blind or have visual disabilities
  • Proficiency in the use of key commands and teaching of keyboarding skills
  • Knowledge of and ability to design lessons on the nine areas of the expanded core curriculum for students who are blind or have visual disabilities
  • Ability to work as a member of several teams in several schools throughout a designated area of the city

CTE Allied Health Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Supporting students in industry relevant competitions, industry exploration activities, professional organizations and post-secondary initiatives
  • Collaborating with school-based staff (college and career coach, counselor, etc.) and CTE Partnership Development Liaisons and Program Coordinators to identify and recommend work- ready students
  • Attending all relevant professional development set by the Department of Early College and Career Education in order to provide the best educational experience possible for students

CTE Machine Technology Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Eligible to receive an ISBE Professional Education License (PEL) in Technology Education with coursework in Machine Technology/Manufacturing, or
  • Eligible to receive an ISBE Educator License with Stipulations (ELS(CTE)) in Machine Technology (certificate must be in place prior to teaching)
  • Minimum Associate's Degree in Related Field or related Trade School Equivalent plus 60 semester hours

CTE Carpentry Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Industry advisory council meetings
  • Summer Institute sessions
  • Attend CPS CTE professional development sessions if working under a provisional certificate or a newly hired teacher
  • Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) Professional Educator License (PEL) in Technology Education with coursework in Carpentry/Construction, or an ISBE Educator License with Stipulations–Career and Technical Educator ELS(CTE) in Carpentry/Construction (certificate must be in place prior to teaching)
  • OSHA 10-Hour Construction Certification or must be obtained within 12 months from hire date
  • Minimum 4,000 hours (2 years full-time) of industry experience in carpentry
  • Attend all relevant professional development set by the Department of Early College and Career Education in order to provide the best educational experience possible for students. Examples include
  • Instructional PD sessions
  • Maintain and update industry certifications as required by Illinois State Board of Education and Chicago Public Schools
  • Eligible to receive an ISBE Professional Education License (PEL) in Health Careers, or
  • Eligible to receive an ISBE Educator License with Stipulations (ELS(CTE)) license in Health Careers (license must be in place prior to teaching)
  • Minimum of an Associate’s Degree in Health Science from an accredited college or university
  • Current licensure as a registered health professional in the State of Illinois
  • Minimum 4,000 hours (2 years full-time) of industry experience with clinical applications in health care field, e.g. medical assistant, registered nurse or emergency medical technician
  • CPR/AED Instructor certification or must be obtained within 12 months from hire date
  • Bloodborne Pathogen Instructor certification or must be obtained within 12 months from hire date

CTE Pre-engineering Teacher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Attend all relevant professional development set by the Office of College and Career Success in order to provide the best educational experience possible for students. Examples include
  • Eligible to receive an ISBE Professional Education License (PEL) in Technology Education with coursework in Engineering, Electronics/Electricity, Manufacturing, and/or Drafting (certificate must be in place prior to teaching), or
  • Minimum Bachelor's Degree in Technology Education, Engineering, Science, and/or Mathematics from an accredited college or university
  • Successfully complete the two week training from U of I associated with each Pre-Engineering (PTLW) course prior to teaching the course

Related Job Titles

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Does teaching experience count as customer service experience?

I have recently moved to Australia. English is not my first language but people can more or less understand what I say. I plan to study further after the pandemic ends. I am now applying for retail / hospitality jobs to cover my cost of living.

My only work experience was working as a tutor. I also did some FOSS development when I was bored. So obviously, I put X years of teaching experience in my resume.

When applying for jobs online, sometimes they ask for my customer service experience . It is often a multiple choice question so I can only choose none or X months . Does teaching experience count as customer service experience ?

It is weird to call students "customers", but it is actually true in a certain way from my experience. If you don't entertain your "customers" well enough, they won't come to your class :)

  • work-experience
  • customer-service
  • 3 You might have slightly more justification if you dealt with their parents. If you were a private tutor and they were your paying customers. Things like a parent/teacher meeting could be similar. –  Dustybin80 Commented Jan 20, 2022 at 12:06
  • If you've worked as a tutor commercially, then I would say it inevitably involves customer service. –  Steve Commented Jan 20, 2022 at 13:27
  • @Steve But I wouldn't say it's "customer service experience". –  Gregory Currie Commented Jan 20, 2022 at 15:45
  • Depending where you taught you might claim front line battle experience :) –  Solar Mike Commented Jan 20, 2022 at 18:46
  • @GregoryCurrie Why not? If I hire a tutor for myself, then I would be a customer, but if someone else pays for on my behalf, I'm not a customer? –  zmike Commented Jan 20, 2022 at 21:48

4 Answers 4

No, you can't say you have customer service experience. You are comparing apples to oranges since those are your pupils and not your customers and can't be compared in terms of authority-relation, communication-style, behaviour etc. and hence you should not mention to have customer service experience.

Just imagine speaking to or treating a customer like your pupils or the other way around - it's a completely different ball-game.

There might be marginal similarities or intersections - but that doesn't rectify calling teaching to be some sort of customer service experience.

iLuvLogix's user avatar

No. At least not in the context of the online job application.

During an interview, you could explain why you feel they are similar and how experience in one would contribute to success in the other.

Joe Strazzere's user avatar

Good answers already, my addition is:

but it is actually true in a certain way from my experience

Sure it is, but not in the way they mean it. So listing it as such makes you look out of touch or desperate to put anything down.

Kilisi's user avatar

When applying for jobs online, sometimes they ask for my customer service experience. It is often a multiple choice question so I can only choose none or X months. Does teaching experience count as customer service experience?

Yes, it can. As a tutor you have customers. You have to interact with those customers. You have to maintain a level of professionalism. They can complain if you are rude, or don't meet the customers expectations.

While it is easier to explain in an interview or if they give you a text block to explain, the goal of the online application is to get to the next stage. If you check none then your application will be rejected if that customer experience is a hard requirement.

You could also use this as an opportunity to tweak your resume to highlight the customer service parts of your previous jobs. Remember you can tailor your resume for every job application.

mhoran_psprep's user avatar

  • 1 Customer service refers to communication that happens around a product or service. Tutoring IS the service. You can try to reason about it how you like, but it's misleading to treat tutoring experience as customer service. –  Gregory Currie Commented Jan 20, 2022 at 15:16
  • 1 Customer service can be HVAC repair, a cashier at a store, a help desk person, front desk at a hotel, wait staff, or a person that helps students study for a test. They deal with customers. –  mhoran_psprep Commented Jan 20, 2022 at 15:30
  • 2 You can say what you want, but here in Australia "customer service experience" means more that "did you interact with a customer". –  Gregory Currie Commented Jan 20, 2022 at 15:44
  • 1 "Customer Service" is typically a defined role. It's a lore more than just the baseline interaction with a customer which is incidental to the actual job function. –  brhans Commented Jan 20, 2022 at 18:07

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teacher to customer service resume

  • • Led a team of 30 customer service agents, improving team efficiency by 25% through targeted coaching and process optimization.
  • • Implemented a customer feedback loop that led to a 15% increase in customer satisfaction scores over a 6-month period.
  • • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to streamline gate operations, resulting in a 10% increase in on-time departures.
  • • Spearheaded the adoption of a new ticketing system, reducing check-in times by 5 minutes per passenger.
  • • Orchestrated employee participation in safety training programs, achieving a 20% reduction in workplace incidents.
  • • Championed an initiative to enhance the lost luggage claim process, recovering 500+ items for customers within the first quarter of implementation.
  • • Trained and mentored a team of 20 agents, increasing team performance metrics by 30%.
  • • Facilitated a seamless introduction of new self-service kiosks, cutting average wait times by 7 minutes.
  • • Managed crisis situations, ensuring 90% customer retention rate following resolution of travel disruptions.
  • • Negotiated with service providers to enhance lounge amenities, improving customer ratings by 20%.
  • • Implemented a recognition program that boosted employee morale and reduced staff turnover by 15%.
  • • Resolved 200+ customer inquiries per week, maintaining a resolution success rate of 95%.
  • • Contributed to a 10% improvement in loyalty program enrollment by driving awareness through excellent service.
  • • Pitched and executed a project to improve signage at check-in areas, enhancing navigation for travelers.
  • • Assisted with the training of new hires, helping to shorten the average training period by 2 days.

25 Customer Service Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Craft the Perfect Customer Service Resume with Our Expert Tips and 25 Ready-to-Use Templates.

All resume examples in this guide

teacher to customer service resume

Entry-Level Customer Service

teacher to customer service resume

Client Engagement Manager

teacher to customer service resume

Client Service Manager

teacher to customer service resume

Customer Account Manager

teacher to customer service resume

Customer Care Manager

teacher to customer service resume

Customer Experience Manager

teacher to customer service resume

Customer Relations Manager

teacher to customer service resume

Customer Sales Representative

teacher to customer service resume

Customer Service Manager

teacher to customer service resume

Customer Service Retail

teacher to customer service resume

Field Service Manager

teacher to customer service resume

Service Advisor

teacher to customer service resume

Customer Service Associate

teacher to customer service resume

Customer Service Specialist

teacher to customer service resume

Retail Customer Service Clerk

teacher to customer service resume

Bilingual Customer Support

teacher to customer service resume

Customer Service Success Specialist

teacher to customer service resume

Customer Service Coordinator

teacher to customer service resume

Customer Service Technician

teacher to customer service resume

Call Center Customer Service

teacher to customer service resume

Customer Service Supervisor

teacher to customer service resume

Remote Customer Service

teacher to customer service resume

Customer Service Agent

teacher to customer service resume

Customer Service Consultant

Resume Guide

Customer service resume sample, how to format a customer service resume, how to write your customer service resume experience, how do i write a customer service resume with no experience, how to list your hard and soft skills on your resume, how to list your certifications and education on your resume, how to write your customer service resume summary, additional sections for a customer service resume, in conclusion.

Customer Service resume example

Crafting a customer service resume is like delivering excellent support—it requires precision, clear communication, and an understanding of what is a resume . Your resume serves as the first impression a potential employer has of you, making it crucial to convey your skills and experience effectively.

In an industry where 78% of customers abandon purchases due to poor service , knowing how to write a resume  that reflects your dedication to quality is essential. This guide will help you learn the best strategies for presenting your ability to resolve issues, stay composed under pressure, and create positive experiences—ensuring your application makes the impact you intend.

Key takeaways

  • Use a reverse chronological format to highlight your most recent and relevant experience.
  • Ensure ATS compatibility by matching resume language to the job description and maintaining a clear format.
  • List work experience with job titles, locations, and dates, emphasizing customer service skills.
  • Quantify achievements, like improved satisfaction ratings or reduced response times, to show impact.
  • Include a skills section with both technical skills and soft skills essential for customer service.
  • Detail education with relevant coursework and honors to demonstrate formal training in customer service.
  • Craft a resume summary that underlines your customer service experience, skills, and achievements.

First things first. Let’s have a look at what a classically good resume looks like in regards to a customer service candidate.

Below is a great example of a resume written by a customer service applicant. Feel free to copy and adapt it to your needs.

Richard Blake

Customer Service Representative

[email protected] | LinkedIn Profile | Yakima, WA

Dedicated Customer Service Representative with over a year of experience in sales and customer service, specializing in providing solutions for critical electrical infrastructure and power systems. Strong communicator with a proven ability to manage orders, quotes, and resolve customer issues effectively. Seeking to leverage technical knowledge and customer service skills to enhance customer satisfaction and drive success in a team-oriented environment.

Ritz Company, Yakima, WA

June 2023 – Present

  • Delivered exceptional customer care to both internal and external clients, consistently meeting service-level agreements.
  • Managed regional customer support, including accurate order entry, quotes, and RMAs, ensuring timely and precise processing.
  • Communicated with customers and representatives to provide updates on deliverables and resolve issues with minimal supervision.
  • Collaborated with the team to track customer feedback and implement solutions to drive customer satisfaction.

Sales Associate

Johnson’s Retail, Yakima, WA

June 2022 – May 2023

  • Provided excellent customer service, assisting customers with product selection and inquiries.
  • Managed cash register operations, such as handling transactions and maintaining accurate records.
  • Assisted in inventory management and restocking to ensure product availability and organization.

Associate of Business

Yakima Valley College, Yakima, WA

Graduated: May 2022

  • Relevant courses:  Business Communication, Customer Service Management, Technical Writing, Principles of Marketing
  • Honors:  Dean's List, Spring 2021
  • Certifications
  • Certified Customer Service Professional (CCSP)
  • Customer Service Manager Certification (CSMC)
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems
  • Order Processing and Documentation
  • Technical Product Knowledge Acquisition
  • English (Fluent)
  • Spanish (Conversational)

Having seen a proper resume, let’s get into the details of what goes into creating one yourself.

Think of your resume as the first impression you make on potential employers, much like a well-designed storefront invites customers in. Just as every detail in a store’s layout is carefully considered to enhance customer experience, understanding what makes a good resume  is crucial.

Your resume format  should be clear, organized, and tailored to impress recruiters, reflecting your professionalism and attention to detail. Here’s how to format a polished resume layout  for a customer service representative.

The most effective resume format  for a customer service role is the reverse chronological order . This format highlights your most recent and relevant experience first, showcasing your current skills and expertise, which is vital in a dynamic, customer-centric industry.

The order of the resume sections  should flow as follows (we’ll go over each of these in detail later):

  • Resume summary
  • Work experience
  • Additional sections (e.g. languages, hobbies and interests, etc.)

This structure is favored by recruiters because it presents your qualifications in the most organized and appealing way.

Resume design tips

  • Keep resume margins  between 0.5 to 1 inch to maintain a professional and readable layout.
  • Use business colors on your resume , primarily black and white, with minimal accent colors for resume headings  to create a polished and clean appearance.
  • Choose clean, professional fonts  like Arial, Lato, or Rubik, sized 10 to 12 points for readability.
  • Consider a double-column resume layout  to clearly organize your customer service skills, technologies, and achievements.
  • Aim for a one-page resume , though two pages are acceptable  if you have extensive experience directly relevant to customer service.

Resume header

  • In your resume header , include your contact information , such as your city and state, but omit your full address , as it's less crucial for customer service roles, especially if remote.
  • Provide a professional email address  and relevant links, such as your LinkedIn profile .
  • Generally, avoid adding a photo  unless specifically requested or customary in your job market.
  • Craft a clear resume headline  that summarizes your customer service expertise and emphasizes your adaptability and success in various service environments.

File format:

  • Save your resume as a PDF  to maintain consistent formatting.
  • Use “FirstName LastName CustomerService_Resume.pdf” as a naming convention  for clarity.

ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems)  often cause unnecessary concern. Despite common misconceptions , our tests revealed that elements like fonts, colors, columns, and resume length  generally don’t hinder parsing. Instead, prioritize aligning your resume’s language with the job description and paying attention to formatting details like dates and bullet points, as these can impact your application.

Remember, not all companies rely on ATS, so avoid overloading your resume with keywords—clarity and readability should remain your focus.

Unsure if your current resume meets ATS standards? Try Enhancv’s free ATS checker  to see how it measures up!

Is your resume good enough?

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

With your resume format set, the next step is to focus on your work experience, a crucial element in writing a standout resume  that focuses on your strengths in customer service.

Listing work experience  on a customer service resume is essential as it demonstrates your ability to handle real-world customer interactions, establishes your credibility, and highlights your capacity to resolve issues effectively. It shows potential employers your expertise in managing customer needs and your proficiency in working within a team-oriented environment.

How to write work experience entries

  • Job title, company (optional, company description), location, and dates:  This information sets the context of your experience, providing a clear timeline and background.
  • Concise bullet points :  Clearly describe your key responsibilities and achievements in each role, focusing on your ability to assist customers, manage inquiries, and resolve complaints.
  • Relevant skills and tools:  Mention specific customer service software, CRM systems, and methodologies you’ve used, such as Zendesk, Salesforce, or problem-solving techniques.
  • Impact underlined:  Quantify your results when possible, such as the number of customer issues resolved, customer satisfaction ratings improved, or efficiency enhancements you implemented.
  • Action verbs and strong adjectives : Use powerful action verbs  and descriptive resume adjectives  to convey your contributions and emphasize your proactive approach.

Customizing your resume  is essential because it makes your skills and experiences more relevant to the job, proving that you’re a strong match for the position. It also meets the employer's expectations by showcasing your awareness of the role and the company’s challenges—especially vital in customer service, where knowing client needs and giving effective solutions is crucial.

How to tailor your work experience effectively

  • Carefully read the job posting:  Identify the specific skills and qualifications required, and incorporate these keywords and phrases  into your work experience descriptions.
  • Illustrate relevant experience:  Focus on aspects of your past roles that closely align with the new position’s requirements, such as customer engagement, conflict resolution, or teamwork.
  • Highlight relevant roles:  If you’ve held a variety of positions, prioritize those that align most closely with the job you’re applying for, displaying the responsibilities that demonstrate your suitability for the role. This may involve placing greater emphasis on certain aspects of your past positions.

Let’s have a look at an actual job ad for a Customer Sales Representative and use it as the basis for tailoring your resume sections .

As a Customer Service Representative in Sales and Customer Service, you’ll provide solutions and services that help our customers protect and control critical electrical infrastructure and power systems worldwide.

As a Customer Service Representative, a typical day might include the following:

  • Providing world-class customer care to both internal and external customers.
  • Engaging in regional customer support activities including accurate entry of orders, quotes, and RMA's, and creation and maintenance of special specifications.
  • Communicating to customers and reps on deliverables and resolving additional customer service issues with some work direction from supervisor and peers.
  • Completing and passing required customer service certifications.
  • Using judgment skills, prior experience, and company policies and procedures to resolve standard and in-region problems .
  • Assisting with customer feedback tracking and driving to customer satisfaction.

This job might be for you if you have:

  • A minimum of one year of customer service experience.
  • An Associate's degree or related business experience.
  • Strong computer skills.
  • The ability to learn concepts and technical details of products.
  • Strong writing, proofreading, documentation, and communication skills.
  • The ability to learn new skills and assume new responsibilities.
  • The ability to work cooperatively in a team environment.

Below is a tailored work history section. The highlighted texts in the job ad have been targeted in the entries.

  • • Provided exceptional customer support, enhancing customer satisfaction ratings by 15% through effective communication and problem resolution.
  • • Managed regional order entries, quotes, and RMAs, reducing processing errors by 20% using Salesforce and Zendesk CRM systems.
  • • Resolved customer issues promptly, improving average response times by 30% and contributing to higher service standards.
  • • Assisted in tracking and analyzing customer feedback, driving a 10% increase in repeat business and loyalty.
  • • Delivered high-quality customer service, achieving a 90% satisfaction score by accurately addressing customer inquiries and concerns.
  • • Processed orders and returns with precision, reducing order cycle times by 15% and minimizing errors.
  • • Utilized problem-solving skills and CRM software to handle standard and complex customer service issues, achieving a 25% improvement in first-contact resolution rates.
  • • Collaborated with team members to streamline customer feedback processes, resulting in a 20% enhancement in service efficiency.

Targeting explanation :

  • Highlighted customer service and support skills, directly aligning with the job's requirement for world-class customer care.
  • Emphasized experience with CRM systems like Salesforce and Zendesk, matching the job's need for handling orders, quotes, and RMAs.
  • Demonstrated quantifiable achievements in improving customer satisfaction and operational efficiency, aligning with the job's focus on enhancing customer satisfaction and service quality.

Now that you’ve seen the best way to customize your customer service experience, let’s explore the element of quantifying your achievements.

How to quantify your experience on a resume

Including numbers and results  on a customer service resume is crucial because they clearly show the impact of your work, such as improving customer satisfaction or reducing response times. To quantify these effectively, use specific metrics like the percentage increase in customer satisfaction, the number of customer issues resolved, or the reduction in average call handling time. To better help you, here are some examples of using metrics in the context of customer service:

  • Quantify the percentage increase in customer satisfaction scores  after implementing the feedback you provided.
  • Specify the average response time reduction in handling customer inquiries  after you optimized a specific process.
  • Detail the number of customer issues resolved per day or week  and the impact this had on customer retention.
  • Indicate the percentage of calls or emails successfully converted into repeat customers  through your service efforts.
  • Mention the percentage improvement in first-contact resolution rates  after you developed or refined customer service strategies.

Now with that understood, let’s go through what you can do to create a successful resume even if you lack professional experience.

If you're applying for an entry-level  customer service job, don't be discouraged—many people start their careers in customer service, and you can still secure a position even without prior experience. Crafting a successful resume without work experience  is achievable by emphasizing other parts of your application to prove your potential and skills.

Here is a list of things you can do:

Use a functional resume format :   Focus on skills rather than work history to highlight your abilities in customer service-related tasks.

Consider a hybrid resume format : Combine elements of functional and chronological resumes to balance skills and limited work experience. It’s also a great format if you’re transitioning fields.

  • Display transferable skills : Skills gained from other experiences, such as communication, problem-solving, empathy, and teamwork, are crucial for customer service.
  • Show relevant coursework or certifications : List any courses or certifications, such as LinkedIn Learning customer service courses, that demonstrate your knowledge and commitment to the field.
  • Add a volunteer or internship experience section : This means any unpaid work or internships where you developed customer service skills, detailing specific tasks and accomplishments.
  • Incorporate an achievements or awards section : Mention any academic achievements, awards, or recognition that underlines qualities valuable in customer service, like leadership or excellence in communication.
  • Leverage personal projects : Describe any personal projects  or initiatives where you showed customer service skills, such as managing a community event or volunteering for a local organization.
  • Add a cover letter : Accompany your resume with a cover letter  that explains your passion for customer service and how your background makes you a strong candidate despite lacking formal experience.

Include a strong objective statement

Start with a concise resume objective statement  that reflects your enthusiasm for customer service and outlines your key strengths and attributes relevant to the role.

  • Shine a light on relevant skills and qualities : Focus on key customer service skills such as communication, problem-solving, and empathy, and mention how you plan to use these abilities to contribute to the company’s success.
  • Tailor the objective to the specific job : Customize your statement to reflect the company's values and the role's requirements, demonstrating that you understand their needs and are committed to delivering exceptional customer service.

Below is an ideal example of such a statement.

With your work experience outlined, it’s time to examine how to properly illustrate your hard and soft skills on your next resume.

Providing a skills section  on your customer service resume quickly displays your core competencies , allowing employers to easily evaluate how well you match the role. This section ensures that your customer service skills, both technical and interpersonal, are prominently featured.

Let’s take a look at the two types separately.

Hard skills

Hard skills on your resume  demonstrate your technical abilities in customer service. List these in a Skills or  Technical Skills  s ection , aligning them with the job description to ensure they’re relevant and easily noticed by hiring managers and applicant tracking systems.

Here’s a comprehensive list of the most sought-after hard skills for customer service professionals.

Best hard skills for your customer service resume

  • CRM software (e.g., Salesforce)
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365
  • HubSpot Service Hub
  • RingCentral
  • VoIP systems
  • Genesys Cloud
  • JIRA Service Desk
  • Chatbots/AI
  • Google Workspace
  • Microsoft Office Suite

Soft skills

These are crucial for customer service roles as they showcase your ability to interact effectively with customers. Soft skills  should be woven throughout your resume—in the summary, objective, work experience, and education sections—to highlight how you’ve applied them in real situations, rather than listing them separately.

Here are the essential people skills to feature in your next customer service application.

Best soft skills for your customer service resume

  • Active listening
  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Adaptability
  • Conflict resolution
  • Time management
  • Attention to detail
  • Multitasking
  • Team collaboration
  • Critical thinking
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Decision-making
  • Cultural awareness
  • Negotiation skills

The next step is to showcase your educational background to further demonstrate your qualifications and knowledge.

Detailing your education on your resume , along with any relevant certifications, reinforces your qualifications and expertise as a customer service professional. This enhances your credibility and shows your dedication to ongoing professional growth.

Education section

Elements of an education entry:

  • Specify your major and minor  to show formal training in skills relating to customer service.
  • List the name of where you studied . This adds credibility to your resume and can help establish connections if the employer has ties to the institution.
  • Include the year you completed your studies  to provide a clear timeline of your educational background. Consider adding the month if you’re a recent graduate.
  • Mention relevant coursework  that directly aligns with customer service, like conflict resolution, psychology, or communications, to highlight specific skills that apply to the role.
  • Detail any academic honors , such as Dean’s List  or Cum Laude —this will illustrate your diligence, commitment, and excellence in your studies.
  • Display any customer service certifications or additional training programs , to emphasize your expertise and dedication to the field.
  • Provide your GPA  if it’s above 3.5.

Next, let’s look at an example of a candidate successfully listing their associate’s degree  on an education entry. They’ve specifically tailored to the customer service job shown earlier.

  • • Relevant coursework: Business Communication, Conflict Resolution, Customer Relationship Management, and Intro to Business Analytics
  • • Honors: Dean’s List (2022, 2023)
  • • Certifications: Completed Customer Service Fundamentals Certification and CRM Software Training

This entry effectively targets the job ad by emphasizing relevant coursework such as Business Communication and Customer Relationship Management, directly aligning with the skills needed for a Customer Service Representative. It also brings attention to certifications and honors, showcasing the candidate's commitment to professional development and excellence in customer service.

Certification section

Sometimes, it's better to list certifications on your resume  in a separate section to ensure they stand out and highlight your commitment to professional development (especially if you have several to display).

Elements of a certification entry:

  • Certification name
  • Issuing organization
  • Date of completion or expiration (if applicable)
  • Brief description of skills or knowledge gained (optional)

Here are the most popular certificate programs now available.

Best certifications for your customer service resume

  • Certified Call Center Manager (CCCM)
  • Customer Experience Management Certification (CEMC)
  • Certified Contact Center Supervisor (CCCS)

With your education section complete, focus next on creating a strong resume summary that captures your essential skills and customer service expertise.

The resume summary  is a critical component of a customer service resume, serving as a concise introduction that highlights your key skills, relevant experience, and significant achievements in customer care. It’s designed to capture the attention of hiring managers by quickly showcasing the most impactful aspects of your background and demonstrating your suitability for the role.

Elements to include:

  • Mention how many years you’ve worked in customer service to establish your experience and reliability.
  • Underline essential skills relevant to customer service, such as communication, problem-solving, and familiarity with CRM systems.
  • Quantify your achievements when possible, like improving customer satisfaction ratings or reducing response times, to provide concrete evidence of your impact.
  • Briefly touch on your approach to customer service, such as a commitment to empathy and proactive problem-solving, to give a sense of your style and dedication.
  • Tailor your summary to reflect the language and specific needs of the job posting, emphasizing how your background aligns with the company’s customer service goals.
  • Avoid using the personal pronoun "I"  to maintain a professional tone.

By crafting a focused and engaging resume summary, you position yourself as a unique candidate from the very beginning.

This summary is effective because it displays relevant experience and skills that directly align with the job requirements, involving a specific metric (95% customer satisfaction rating) to demonstrate proven success. It also underlines key attributes like problem-solving, communication skills, and familiarity with industry-specific procedures.

Let’s move on and consider some additional sections to further support your qualifications and make your application shine.

Optional sections on a customer service resume can provide a more comprehensive view of your qualifications and help differentiate you from other candidates by illustrating unique skills, achievements, and experiences.

  • Volunteer experience : Showcase volunteer roles that require customer service skills to show your dedication to helping others and your ability to engage with diverse groups.
  • Awards and honors : List any awards or recognition you've received for outstanding customer service or related achievements to prove your excellence in the field.
  • Languages skills : Mention any languages you speak fluently to highlight your ability to communicate with a broader range of customers.
  • Professional affiliations : Include memberships in customer service or industry-related organizations to describe your engagement with the field and commitment to staying informed about industry trends.
  • Hobbies and interests : Add hobbies and interests that demonstrate interpersonal skills or empathy to show your ability to connect with others and enhance your customer service capabilities.

Customer service is not about doing what is required, it’s about doing what is right.

Bob Farrell, American entrepreneur and motivational speaker

By carefully structuring your resume and emphasizing relevant skills, experience, and achievements, you can effectively shine a light on your suitability for a customer service role. Remember to tailor each section to the job description to maximize your chances of getting noticed by potential employers.

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How long should i make my customer service resume, what is the best format for a customer service resume, which customer service skills are most important to add to your resume, how can i make my customer service resume stand out, should i include a cover letter with my customer service resume, how do i showcase my career progression on a customer service resume, what game of thrones needs: an hr department, solutions architect interview questions, how to sell yourself in a cover letter, the best ats-friendly cv examples (+ ats-compliant template), resume headings to stand out in 2024, driver's licence on resume.

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Representative II, Customer Service Ops

  • Job Number: 20148773
  • Country: United States
  • Date Posted: 9/18/2024
  • Type: Full time
  • Employment Type: Regular

What Customer Service Operations contributes to Cardinal Health

Customer Service is responsible for establishing, maintaining and enhancing customer business through contract administration, customer orders, and problem resolution.

Shift: Hours: Monday-Friday 10:00 am - 6:30 pm EST

REMOTE DETAILS: You will work from home, full-time.

As a work from home employee, the expectation is that you have your camera on when participating in your onboarding/training activities.  Please note that work from home is not a substitute for childcare or eldercare, arrangements must be made ahead of your start date.  You will be required to have a dedicated, quiet, private, distraction free environment with access to high-speed internet.


  • Offer professional and timely service as a representative of Cardinal Health at-Home
  • Support an inbound call queue, providing assistance in placing orders, searching products, processing returns, responding to order inquiries, providing delivery updates, and answering questions
  • Process orders for distribution centers and internal customers in accordance to scheduling, demand planning and inventory
  • Provide problem resolution for order issues in a timely manner including delays
  • Process non-routine orders such as product samples that have special requirements
  • Demonstrate excellent communication skills
  • Multitask in a fast paced environment
  • Team-oriented mindset
  • Demonstrate a passion for healthcare
  • Strong organizational skills and attention to detail


  • High school diploma preferred
  • 2-4 years experience in Customer Service preferred
  • Prior computer experience using Microsoft Office systems required

What is expected of you and others at this level

  • Applies acquired job skills and company policies and procedures to complete standard tasks
  • Works on routine assignments that require basic problem resolution
  • Refers to policies and past practices for guidance
  • Receives general direction on standard work; receives detailed instruction on new assignments
  • Consults with supervisor or senior peers on complex and unusual problems

Anticipated hourly range: $15.00-$22.57 per hour

Bonus eligible : No

Benefits : Ca rdinal Health offers a wide variety of benefits and programs to support health and well-being.

  • Medical, dental and vision coverage
  • Paid time off plan
  • Health savings account (HSA)
  • 401k savings plan
  • Access to wages before pay day with myFlexPay
  • Flexible spending accounts (FSAs)
  • Short- and long-term disability coverage
  • Work-Life resources
  • Paid parental leave
  • Healthy lifestyle programs

Application window anticipated to close:  10 /18/2024 *if interested in opportunity, please submit application as soon as possible.

The hourly range listed is an estimate. Pay at Cardinal Health is determined by multiple factors including, but not limited to, a candidate’s geographical location, relevant education, experience and skills and an evaluation of internal pay equity.

Candidates who are back-to-work, people with disabilities, without a college degree, and Veterans are encouraged to apply.

Cardinal Health supports an inclusive workplace that values diversity of thought, experience and background. We celebrate the power of our differences to create better solutions for our customers by ensuring employees can be their authentic selves each day. Cardinal Health is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, age, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, pregnancy, veteran status, marital status, creed, status with regard to public assistance, genetic status or any other status protected by federal, state or local law.

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Leung, ex-Concord teacher convicted of rape in Mass., now faces NH charges

Primo “Howie” Leung, 36, of Concord

Primo “Howie” Leung, 36, of Concord

Published: 09-19-2024 4:22 PM

Modified: 09-19-2024 4:42 PM

A Merrimack County grand jury has returned indictments against Primo “Howie” Leung, the former Concord resident and teacher sentenced to a maximum of seven years in prison in Massachusetts last year after he was convicted of raping a teenager.

Merrimack County Attorney Paul Halvorsen, along with Concord Police Chief Bradley Osgood, announced the new indictments Thursday afternoon.

While the charges weren’t specifically listed, Leung, 41, faces “multiple felony and misdemeanor offenses alleging conduct from 2014 to 2019,” a press release said.

In the  Massachusetts case , Leung initially pleaded not guilty to multiple charges, including aggravated rape of a child with a 10-year age difference, aggravated indecent assault and battery on a child under age 14 and two counts of aggravated indecent assault and battery on a person age 14 or older. The victim was 13 and 14 years old when the incidents occurred.

In May 2023, Leung accepted a plea deal, pleading guilty to lesser charges, though still felonious sexual assault. 

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  21. Representative II, Customer Service Ops

    What Customer Service Operations contributes to Cardinal Health. Customer Service is responsible for establishing, maintaining and enhancing customer business through contract administration, customer orders, and problem resolution. Shift: Hours: Monday-Friday 10:00 am - 6:30 pm EST . REMOTE DETAILS: You will work from home, full-time.

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    A Merrimack County grand jury has returned indictments against Primo "Howie" Leung, the former ...