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Periodic Table of Elements

Periodic Table of Elements introduces students to the way scientists have organized all the known elements in the universe. Students will discover interesting facts about specific elements and learn some history behind the table. They will also be able to explain what various parts of the Periodic Table mean or represent.

There are several suggestions in the “Options for Lesson” section that you can incorporate into the lesson if you have time or want to extend it. One suggestion is to invite a chemist to come speak with the class about how they use the Periodic Table of Elements in their work.


Additional information, what our periodic table of elements lesson plan includes.

Lesson Objectives and Overview: Periodic Table of Elements teaches students all about the way scientists have organized every known element in the universe. Students will discover some of the history behind the table and be able to name some common atoms. They will also learn to explain various parts of each element on the table. This lesson is for students in 5th grade and 6th grade.

Classroom Procedure

Every lesson plan provides you with a classroom procedure page that outlines a step-by-step guide to follow. You do not have to follow the guide exactly. The guide helps you organize the lesson and details when to hand out worksheets. It also lists information in the yellow box that you might find useful. You will find the lesson objectives, state standards, and number of class sessions the lesson should take to complete in this area. In addition, it describes the supplies you will need as well as what and how you need to prepare beforehand. For this lesson, you will need to provide a Periodic Table and ensure students have internet access.

Options for Lesson

The classroom procedure page provides a list of ideas for additional activities or alternate ways to go about certain aspects of the lesson. One suggestion that relates to the activity is to assign students more than one element to research. Students could also use large drawing paper to display how people might use their element(s) and include some of the information they found during research. Another option is to invite a chemist to speak to the class about how they use the Periodic Table of Elements in their work. You could ask students to develop a method to memorize the elements. One last idea is to create a quiz or test using students’ research and activity presentations.

Teacher Notes

The teacher notes page has an extra paragraph of information or guidance on what to expect from the lesson. It suggests possibly having your students memorize some or all of the elements depending on their grade level. It also mentions taking advantage of the many resources online to supplement the lesson. You can use the blank lines on this page to write down your ideas and thoughts as you prepare.


Introduction to the table.

The Periodic Table of Elements lesson plan contains four pages of content, one of which is a periodic table for reference. At this point, students probably know that everything in the universe contains different atoms or elements. An element is a pure substance that comes from a single type of atom. Atoms (or elements) are the building blocks for all matter in the universe.

Examples of elements include hydrogen, oxygen, iron, helium, gold and many others. Individually, or together with other elements, they form all solids, liquids, and gases. Depending on the temperature, elements can be found in the solid, liquid, or gas state.

There are 118 known elements existing in the universe. Scientists have organized them based on their characteristics, and more specifically, by the structure of their atoms. The organization of the elements is the basis of the Periodic Table of Elements. (Note: The word element and atom may be interchanged because an element is an atom and an atom is an element.) Of the 118 elements, only 94 exist naturally on Earth.

The structure of each atom includes the number of protons it has and the number of electrons it has in its outer shell. Every element has an atomic number, which is the same number of the element’s protons. For example, hydrogen (H) is the first element listed on the periodic table because it has just one proton. Then on the same row, we find helium (He), which contains two protons.

The organization of the elements on such a table began in 1869 and was first proposed by a Russian chemist named Dmitri Mendeleev. He first arranged 65 of the known elements in a grid or table. An element with a higher atomic weight would always be listed to the right of one with a lower atomic weight. Helium (He) has a greater atomic weight than hydrogen (H).

In addition, he listed elements with similar chemical properties or reactions in the same column. For example, the first column includes seven elements. Two of those elements, sodium (Na) and potassium (K), are both classified as alkali metals. Though hydrogen (H) is classed as a nonmetal, it can become metallic at high pressures. The vertical columns are called groups. There are 18 of them in total.

Mendeleev believed the table he organized and developed was at the heart of chemistry. He knew the table was incomplete because there were spaces where elements should be, but they were not yet discovered. In fact, he named elements that were yet to be discovered and predicted their existence and properties.

In the coming years, scientists reorganized Mendeleev’s table following the discovery of the electron. Then in 1913, another chemist named Henry Moseley discovered that elements are different from one another because their atoms have different numbers of protons. Mendeleev had arranged the elements based on their atomic weights. Today, the chemical elements are still arranged in order of their increasing atomic number, and horizontal rows are called periods. There are seven periods.

Using the Periodic Table of Elements

The Periodic Table of Elements contains several parts that we can easily identify. Each element has a name and a chemical symbol, or abbreviation. Most of the abbreviations begin with the same letter as the element’s name, but others use a different letter. For example, element number 79 (gold) uses Au as its chemical symbol because its origin is from the Latin word aurum meaning gold. Element number 19 is potassium and uses K as its chemical symbol. Its origin is also from an old Latin word, kalium.

Students will discover that some periodic tables contain more information than others. For example, some tables may only include the atomic number and symbol. Others will include the name, atomic weight or mass, electron information, and other facts about the element.

As an example, the lesson provides information for both calcium and oxygen. Calcium’s atomic number is 20, its chemical symbol is Ca, and 40.08 is its atomic weight. Oxygen’s atomic number is 8, its chemical symbol is O, and 16.00 is its atomic weight. The numbers 20 and 8 respectively indicate the number of protons in their atoms.

Each element on the periodic table has its own characteristics and structure. They can be found throughout the universe. For example, carbon (C) is unique and forms nearly 10 million different compounds. Not to mention, it is vital to the existence of life. The rarest element on Earth is astatine (At), sometimes used for cancer treatments. The amount of astatine available is equal to the weight of about five nickels.


The Periodic Table of Elements lesson plan includes three worksheets: an activity worksheet, a practice worksheet, and a homework assignment. Each one will reinforce the concepts of the lesson and help students demonstrate their grasp of the material. Use the guide on the classroom procedure page to determine when to hand out each worksheet to your students.


Students will conduct online research on an element you assign them. They must draw a picture that represents how people use that element and summarize its history. The worksheet then lists a number of questions or prompts that students must respond to as they conduct their research. For instance, they will need to find out if their element has harmful effects or determine how rare it is on Earth and in the solar system in general.


The practice worksheet splits into two sections. For the first section, students will review 30 chemical symbols and identify which element they correspond to. There is no list of elements; students will have to use their memory or refer to the Periodic Table. (You can choose whether or not to allow students to refer to the table to complete the assignment.) The second section requires students to identify the atomic number of 12 elements.


Similar to the practice worksheet, the homework assignment has three sections. The first section requires students to answer 10 prompts based on content from the lesson. For the second section, they must determine whether five statements are true (T) or false (F). Finally, they will order 10 elements from lightest (1) to heaviest (10) based on atomic weight.

Worksheet Answer Keys

The last two pages of the document are answer keys for the practice and homework worksheets. The correct answers are in red to make it easy to compare them to students’ responses. Apart from a couple questions on the homework assignment, students’ answers should exactly match those on the answer keys. If you choose to administer the lesson pages to your students via PDF, you will need to save a new file that omits these pages. Otherwise, you can simply print out the applicable pages and keep these as reference for yourself when grading assignments.


5th Grade, 6th Grade



State Educational Standards


Lessons are aligned to meet the education objectives and goals of most states. For more information on your state objectives, contact your local Board of Education or Department of Education in your state.

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Periodic table of elements

Suitable for 8th grade, lots of repetition, good practice, saved me time

I like the information provided. It just wasn't what I was looking for. It would be good as a review for someone teaching the Periodic Table.

Really appreciate the resources

There is a great variety of resources for a large range of students. The resources are attractively presented and generally provide a good amount of information for a one-off class on the topic complete with an activity or two. They middle school resources are geared to a student who is a stronger reader, I have found. Nevertheless, I think we’ll be able to use these as a good introduction to our various topics. I’m looking forward to starting one of them soon!

Good book. It was very helpful. I would definitely use Clarendon Learning again. Thanks for the help

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1-7 The Periodic Table of Elements

Here is your free content for your lesson on the periodic table of elements.

The Periodic Table of Elements Worksheet - Word Docs, PowerPoint, & PDF's

Please note this lesson will cover multiple days.

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES 1-7 Additional Resources - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7 Additional Resources - Periodic Table (PDF) GUIDED NOTES 1-7 Guided Notes SE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7 Guided Notes SE - Periodic Table (PDF) 1-7 Guided Notes TE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7 Guided Notes TE - Periodic Table (PDF) POWERPOINT PRESENTATION 1-7 Slide Show - Periodic Table (PDF) 1-7 Slide Show - Periodic Table (PPT) VOCABULARY 1-7 Vocabulary Worksheet SE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7 Vocabulary Worksheet SE - Periodic Table (PDF) 1-7 Vocabulary Worksheet TE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7 Vocabulary Worksheet TE - Periodic Table (PDF)
BELL RINGER 1-7a Bell Ringer SE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7a Bell Ringer SE - Periodic Table (PDF) 1-7a Bell Ringer TE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7a Bell Ringer TE - Periodic Table (PDF) EXIT QUIZ 1-7a Exit Quiz SE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7a Exit Quiz SE - Periodic Table (PDF) 1-7a Exit Quiz TE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7a Exit Quiz TE - Periodic Table (PDF) HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT 1-7a Homework SE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7a Homework SE - Periodic Table (PDF) 1-7a Homework TE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7a Homework TE - Periodic Table (PDF) LESSON PLAN 1-7a Lesson Plan - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7a Lesson Plan - Periodic Table (PDF)
BELL RINGER 1-7b Bell Ringer SE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7b Bell Ringer SE - Periodic Table (PDF) 1-7b Bell Ringer TE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7b Bell Ringer TE - Periodic Table (PDF) EXIT QUIZ 1-7b Exit Quiz SE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7b Exit Quiz SE - Periodic Table (PDF) 1-7b Exit Quiz TE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7b Exit Quiz TE - Periodic Table (PDF) HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT 1-7b Homework SE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7b Homework SE - Periodic Table (PDF) 1-7b Homework TE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7b Homework TE - Periodic Table (PDF) LESSON PLAN 1-7b Lesson Plan - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7b Lesson Plan - Periodic Table (PDF)
BELL RINGER 1-7c Bell Ringer SE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7c Bell Ringer SE - Periodic Table (PDF) 1-7c Bell Ringer TE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7c Bell Ringer TE - Periodic Table (PDF) DOODLE NOTES 1-7c Doodle Notes - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7c Doodle Notes - Periodic Table (PDF) EXIT QUIZ 1-7c Exit Quiz SE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7c Exit Quiz SE - Periodic Table (PDF) 1-7c Exit Quiz TE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7c Exit Quiz TE - Periodic Table (PDF) HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT 1-7c Homework SE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7c Homework SE - Periodic Table (PDF) 1-7c Homework TE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7c Homework TE - Periodic Table (PDF) LESSON PLAN 1-7c Lesson Plan - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7c Lesson Plan - Periodic Table (PDF)
BELL RINGER 1-7d Bell Ringer SE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7d Bell Ringer SE - Periodic Table (PDF) 1-7d Bell Ringer TE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7d Bell Ringer TE - Periodic Table (PDF) EXIT QUIZ 1-7d Exit Quiz SE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7d Exit Quiz SE - Periodic Table (PDF) 1-7d Exit Quiz TE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7d Exit Quiz TE - Periodic Table (PDF) HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT 1-7d Homework SE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7d Homework SE - Periodic Table (PDF) 1-7d Homework TE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7d Homework TE - Periodic Table (PDF) LESSON PLAN 1-7d Lesson Plan - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7c Lesson Plan - Periodic Table (PDF) DOODLE NOTES 1-7d Vocabulary Doodle Notes SE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7d Vocabulary Doodle Notes SE - Periodic Table (PDF)
BELL RINGER 1-7e Bell Ringer SE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7e Bell Ringer TE - Periodic Table (PDF) 1-7e Bell Ringer TE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7e Bell Ringer SE - Periodic Table (PDF) LESSON PLAN 1-7e Lesson Plan - Periodic Table (PDF) 1-7e Lesson Plan - Periodic Table (Doc) HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT 1-7e Homework TE - Periodic Table (PDF) 1-7e Homework TE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7e Homework SE - Periodic Table (PDF) 1-7e Homework SE - Periodic Table (Doc) EXIT QUIZ 1-7e Exit Quiz TE - Periodic Table (PDF) 1-7e Exit Quiz TE - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7e Exit Quiz SE - Periodic Table (PDF) 1-7e Exit Quiz SE - Periodic Table (Doc) DOODLE NOTES 1-7e Doodle Notes - Periodic Table (PDF) 1-7e Doodle Notes - Periodic Table (Doc)

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FREE Printable Periodic Table of Elements Science Worksheets

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Children will love learning about the periodic table and the elements that are listed on it with these free printable periodic table worksheet pages! Using these periodic table of elements worksheets studnets in 3rd grade, 4th grade, 4th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, and 12 grade will enjoy learning about different elements and their symbols.  Simply print the  periodic table activity worksheet pdf and you are ready to play and learn.

Children will love learning about the periodic table and the elements that are listed on it with these free printable periodic table worksheet pages! Using these periodic table of elements worksheets studnets in 3rd grade, 4th grade, 4th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, and 12 grade will enjoy learning about different elements and their symbols.  Simply print the periodic table activity worksheet pdf and you are ready to play and learn.

Periodic Table Worksheet

Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler – you will love these periodic table worksheets for helping students work on science skills, learning about different elements that are in our world. This free pack is perfect for grade 3, grade 4, grade 5, grade 6, grade 7, grade 8, grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, and grade 12 students. Use these in science centers, for extra practice, at school or at home, or as part of a Periodic Table study. With this pack, children will learn about different elements on the Periodic Table and more.

Periodic table of elements worksheets

Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> ________<<. The pdf file will open in a new window for you to save freebie. Answers are provided for most of the activities in this pack. This pack comes mainly in black and white with a few color pages thrown in.

Periodic table worksheet pdf

Periodic table trends worksheet

There are lots of activities in this pack:

  • A color periodic table poster
  • All about the origins of the periodic table reading page and activity page
  • Complete the periodic table by writing the symbols on it. Identify the gases, solids and liquids and color them in the appropriate colors.

Periodic table trends worksheet

Periodic table worksheet answer key

  • Cut and paste the parts of the periodic table
  • Complete the missing parts of each of the elements
  • Complete the missing parts of each of the elements table

Periodic table of elements worksheets

Periodic table worksheet pdf

  • Match the elements and their symbols – the first 20 elements on the table
  • Small research cards, one for each element – answers not supplied for these

This outrageously fun and EASY idea for making your own periodic table is a great way to introduce kids to the periodic table. In this periodic table activity you will make an edible science project to see how the elements fit together as well as becoming familiar with their names and numbers. Using periodic table fun activities like this chemistry activities is perfect for upper elementary age junior high, and high school students too!

Periodic table activity

You may also enjoy these other free printable periodic table activity ideas for kids of all ages!

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  • Fun Periodic Table Board Game Ideas or Kids (free printable)
  • Periodic Table Bingo
  • Printable Periodic Table Worksheet s (freebie)
  • Free Periodic Table Flashcards – cute with picture, abbreviation, mass, and number
  • FREE Printable Create Your Own Periodic Table Worksheets Activity
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Periodic table activity worksheet pdf

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Beth Gorden

Beth Gorden is the creative multi-tasking creator of 123 Homeschool 4 Me. As a busy homeschooling mother of six, she strives to create hands-on learning activities and worksheets that kids will love to make learning FUN! She has created over 1 million pages of printables to help teach kids ABCs, science, English grammar, history, math, and so much more! Beth is also the creator of 2 additional sites with even more educational activities and FREE printables – www.kindergartenworksheetsandgames.com and www.preschoolplayandlearn.com. Beth studied at the University of Northwestern where she got a double major to make her effective at teaching children while making education FUN!

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Color Periodic Table For Kids - 2017 Edition

A printable periodic table is an essential tool for students and chemists. The periodic table lists the elements in order of increasing atomic number and includes other key facts, like atomic weight. You can place it where you need it while solving problems, mark it up, and print a new one whenever you like. This is a collection of free printable periodic tables in PDF file or PNG image format to save, print, and use. Some tables are available as slides in Google Apps. These periodic tables use accurate data for name, atomic number , element symbol , atomic weight, and electron configuration , obtained from the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry or IUPAC.

What we’ve done is list the tables, along with links, so you can get detailed info about each one. The HD periodic tables make great screen savers or reference tables on mobile devices. They are sized to fit on a sheet of paper and you don’t need to worry about marking them up because you can always print more for working homework problems or performing lab calculations. The tables re-size cleanly, so you can view or print at any size or aspect ratio, from tiny to poster-sized.

To download a table, click the image to right-click and save or use the provided links for image or PDF downloads.

118 Element Muted Color Printable Periodic Table

Periodic Table Muted 2018

This is our most popular color printable periodic table. It has each element’s number, symbol, name, and atomic mass. The colors identify element groups and are intentionally pale so you can read the numbers after printing. This is the periodic table we recommend you use for calculations and homework. Download Links: Image | PDF | Google Apps

118 Element Vibrant Periodic Table

Vibrant Periodic Table With 118 Elements

This 118 element periodic table is a 1920×1080 HD wallpaper. It features our favorite color scheme of all the tables we’ve made. It includes element names, symbols, groups, atomic numbers, and atomic masses. This is also the featured periodic table on the cover of our Periodic Table Journal available at Amazon . Download Links: Image (White Background) | Image (Black Background ) | Google Apps

Colored Border Printable Periodic Table

2019 Periodic Table of the Elements - 118 Elements IUPAC Standard Atomic Weights

This printable periodic table cites the IUPAC standard atomic mass values. This is an accurate up-to-date table for calculations and homework. Because only the borders of the element tiles are colored, the table is easy to read and kind to toner cartridges. So, you can have your color and still read tiny numbers. Download Links: Image | PDF

Periodic Table with Charges

Periodic Table of the Elements

This black and white printable periodic table is specially designed for middle school or high school use. It includes electron configurations , oxidation states , groups, periods, and more. Please do keep in mind the transition metals, including the lanthanides and actinides, display a wide range of oxidation states. The table lists the most common ones. Download Links: Image | PDF

Periodic Table For Kids

Color Periodic Table For Kids

This 118 element printable periodic table is perfect for kids or anyone who wants a clean-looking chart with atomic weights rounded to the usual two decimal points. It’s a lot less confusing for homework! We have a full-color periodic table for kids that has colored element tiles, too. Colored Border Download Links: Image | PDF Full Color Download Links : Image | PDF Black and White Download Links: Image | PDF

Colorful Periodic Table

Periodic Table with 118 Elements

This periodic table has the names and symbols of all 118 elements. Oh, and it’s also gigantic so you could cover your wall with it if you wanted. Download Links: Image | PDF

Colored Periodic Table

periodic table assignment pdf

This color periodic table is brightly colored and optimized to fit on a single sheet of paper. It has, along with the usual information, a legend square and numbered columns, and family names recommended by the IUPAC. Download Links: Image | PDF

Carina Nebula Periodic Table

Mystic Periodic Table

This periodic table is available as a poster , with the Carina Nebula (a photograph taken by the Hubble Space Telescope). Download Link: Image

Black and White Periodic Table

Periodic Table 2017 - Black and White

This is your go-to free black and white printable periodic table for facts and figures. It’s a periodic table with names, element symbols, atomic numbers, atomic weights, and groups. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) significant figures are listed for atomic weights (accepted single value, not the range of atomic masses). This chart is ideal if you have a black and white printer or you simply want to practice coloring in element groups yourself. Download Links: Image | PDF

Blank Periodic Table

Blank Periodic Table

Fill in the blanks of this printable periodic table with the element symbols, groups, or whatever you’re trying to learn. You can get the blank table as an image file or a PDF, so you can save it to print as many copies as you need. It re-sizes cleanly to meet your needs. The zig-zag line separates the metals from the nonmetals. Numbers of groups and periods are provided for your convenience. Download Links: Image | PDF

Electronegativity Periodic Table

Periodic Table of Electronegativity

This free periodic table is color-coded to indicate the electronegativity of an atom of an element. Electronegativity is a trend naturally exhibited in the periodic table, but as you can see, it’s not a hard-and-fast trend. Use the table to write the names of compounds and to predict chemical reactions. It’s also interesting to see where the elements deviate from periodicity . This printable periodic table also contains the essential element facts needed for common calculations. Download Links: Image | PDF

Element Charges Periodic Table

Color Periodic Table with 118 Elements and Charges

This printable table lists the most common charges or oxidation states carried by atoms of each element. It contains the essential element facts, so you can use it as a standard periodic table just fine. Color Download Links: Image | PDF Black and White Download Links: Image | PDF

Atomic Radius Periodic Table

periodic table assignment pdf

This color periodic table shows the relative sizes of each atom. The diameter of each atom is scaled relative to the largest element atom: cesium. This is a fun table to use when you’re considering periodic table trends because it shows how atomic radius decreases as you move across a period, even though the atoms gain more mass. The size trend goes along with the rainbow colors Download Link: Image | PDF

Element Discovery Periodic Table

When the elements were discovered (periodic table).

Each element cell of this table cites the year in which that element was discovered. The coloring of the tiles groups elements according to the time period of their discovery. See if you can spot the first manmade element. Here’s a hint: the element symbol starts with a “T”. Download Link: Image

Periodic Table with Electron Shells

periodic table assignment pdf

Tired of figuring out electron configurations or just want to check your work? This printable table shows the element name, symbol, number, group, and also the filling of the electron shells. It’s one of the most comprehensive periodic tables on the site. Color Download Links: Image | PDF Black and White Download Links: Image | PDF White on Black Download Links: Image | PDF

Density Periodic Table

Density Periodic Table - 2017

Each element cell contains a bar that shows the element’s density relative to osmium, the densest element . The state of matter, group, period, element name, element atomic number, and atomic mass are also given on this colorful table. Download Links: Image | PDF Black and White Download Links: Image | PDF

Element Abundance in Seawater

Seawater Element Abundance

This 118-element periodic table cites the average abundance of each chemical element in Earth’s seawater. Download Links: Image | PDF

Element Abundance in the Earth’s Crust

Abundance of Elements Earth Crust Periodic Table

Look up the relative abundance of the elements in the Earth’s crust with this 118-element printable periodic table. Download Links: Image | PDF

Melting Point Periodic Table

Color Periodic Table Wallpaper with Melting Points

This brightly-colored periodic table contains the melting points of the elements. Usually, these values are cited at STP , so if you’re using a different temperature or pressure, expect some deviation from the value. It’s mostly a guide to help illustrate periodic table trends. Download Links: Image | PDF

Boiling Point Periodic Table

periodic table assignment pdf

This colorful periodic table contains the boiling points of each element. Of course, the boiling point depends on atmospheric pressure. Notations indicate whether the value is at sea level or not. Download Links: Image | PDF

Electron Orbital Periodic Table

Outer Orbital Block Periodic Table

The printable periodic table is organized according to the outermost electron shell or electron orbitals. This table makes the trend obvious and highlights why the table has the shape we are familiar with. Download Link: Image

Metals, Metalloids, and Nonmetals Periodic Tables

Periodic Table-Metals 2017

This is a collection of printable periodic tables that show the metals, metalloids (semimetals), and nonmetals as well as the properties of these important element groups. The properties of these element groups are listed, too.

Metals, Metalloids, Nonmetals Table [ Image ] Metals Table (and list of metals) [ Image ] Metalloids Table (and list) [ Image ] Nonmetals Table (and list) [ Image ]

Circle Tiles Periodic Table

Circle Periodic Table With 118 Elements

Who says the element tiles have to be squares or rectangles? Here is a mod printable periodic table made using round tiles. Don’t worry — all the usual facts and figures are still there. The element tiles contain element symbol, name, atomic number, and atomic mass. Mix it up a little. Think outside the box. Download Links: Image | PDF

Periodic Table with Everything

Periodic Table Works 2017

This is our most comprehensive periodic table. This chart contains all the information you could want from a printable periodic table, including element symbols, names, atomic numbers, atomic masses, electron shells, periods, groups, state of matter, and more. This table is particularly nice on a monitor because you can zoom in to view essential facts. Download Links: Image | PDF

Periodic Table without Names

Color Periodic Table without Names - 118 Elements

This chart features the element symbols, atomic numbers, and atomic weights, but does not list the element names. You can use it to help learn to associate the names and symbols, like for quizzes and such. The color version of the table includes the element groups and a key, while the black and white version omits the groups, so you can learn those or color them in. Color Download Links: Image | PDF Black and White Download Links: Image | PDF

Foreign Language Periodic Tables

genso shuuki-hyou

This is a collection of periodic tables in languages other than English.

  • Imprimible Tabla Periódica de los Elementos (Spanish)
  • Tableau Périodique des Éléments (French)
  • Periodensystem der Elemente (German)
  • Periodicheskaya Tablitsa Elementov (Russian)
  • Tabela Periódica Portuguesa (Portuguese)
  • Yuánsù zhouqí biao (Chinese)
  • Genso no Shuuki-hyou (Japanese)

How to Use a Periodic Table

Learn how to read a periodic table. Now you have a periodic table, are you sure you know how to use it? Here’s a look at the type of information you’ll find on a typical periodic table and how to use it to answer questions about the elements.

Periodic Table Element Cells

Hydrogen Element Card

This is a collection of individual element cells that you can save and print. Individual element cells are supplied as PNG files, You may also download the entire collection of elements as a PDF file. A few color variations are available, including a black and white set of tiles.

  • Original Element Tiles
  • Styled Color Element Cells
  • Bold Color Element Tiles Set
  • Black and White Element Tiles Set

Printing Instructions for the Printable Periodic Tables

You can either print the HD image file (PNG) or else you can open and print the PDF files. It’s a simple matter to spread out the image over several pages to make a large wall poster, too. We recommend you print the PDF files because they are made for that purpose!

Special Requests

Would you like to see a different color scheme, the periodic table in a different language, a periodic table for a particular holiday, or the element groups assigned differently? Let us know and we’ll make up a table for you!

Printable Periodic Tables Terms of Use

Please feel free to print the printable periodic tables for personal use and to hand out to students. You can post them in your classroom, lab, kitchen, etc. and display them on your phone and computer. Please do not copy and post the periodic tables on your own website. You may not sell them or adapt them to sell.

If you wish to use the printable periodic tables (or any graphics) from the site for a printed publication or video, contact us so we can given written permission to the publisher.

  • Meija, J.; Coplen, T.B.; et al. (2016). “Isotopic compositions of the elements 2013 (IUPAC Technical Report)”. J. Pure Appl. Chem . 88(3): 293-306. doi: 10.1515/pac-2015-0503
  • Prohaska, T.; Irrgeher, J.; et al. (2022). “Standard atomic weights of the elements 2021 (IUPAC Technical Report)”. J. Pure Appl. Chem . 9(5): 573-600 doi: 10.1515/pac-2019-0603
  • Zhu, X.-K.; Benefield, J.; et al. (2020). “Variation of lead isotopic composition and atomic weight in terrestrial materials (IUPAC Technical Report)”. J. Pure Appl. Chem . doi: 10.1515/pac-2018-0916

Periodic Table Lesson Plans


  1. Chemistry Worksheets and Handouts (PDF for Printing)

    Print free chemistry worksheets and handouts to enhance student learning. This is a collection of free chemistry worksheets and handouts to print. Most of the printables are PDF files, although some are available as JPG or PNG files. All of these worksheets print cleanly on normal printer paper, plus you can resize them to fit your needs.

  2. PDF Periodic Table worksheet

    6.4 c Periodic Table of Elements Directions: Use the periodic table to fill in the below chart. Element. Atomic Symbol Number. # of protons. # of electrons. Atomic Mass. Rounded Atomic Mass. (show work) # of Neutrons.

  3. PDF The Periodic Table

    Reading the Periodic Table 1. Label the sample square from the periodic table below. Use the labels element name, element symbol, atomic number, and average atomic mass. 12 Mg Magnesium 24.305 2. List three things, other than the name, symbol, atomic number, and average atomic mass, you can discover about an element using the periodic table in ...

  4. PDF of the Periodic Table

    The nitrogen group elements are members of Group 15 on the periodic table and they are sometimes collectively called the Pnictogens. This group includes nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), arsenic (As), antimony (Sb), and bismuth (Bi). Like the carbon group, the nitrogen group includes nonmetals, metalloids, and a metal.

  5. PDF Periodic Table Basics

    Periodic Table Basics. Step 1: Complete the card for each element. atomic mass. in each element. (S), liquid (L), or gas (G) at room temperature. Create a Bohr diagram for each element. Draw the Lewis Structure for each element. Step 2: Use colored pencils to shade in the card for each element.

  6. PDF Practice Packet Unit: 5 Periodic Table

    The Periodic Table is a list of all the known elements. It is organized by increasing atomic number. There are two main groups on the periodic table: metals and nonmetals. The left side of the table contains elements with the ... assignment. Practice Packet: Unit 5 Periodic Table www.mrpalermo.com 10 INQUIRY ACTIVITY 2: PROPERTIES OF METALS ...

  7. PDF Periodic Table Basics

    Periodic Table Basics. Step 1: Complete the squares for each element by adding the atomic number, name, and atomic mass. Write the atomic number at the top of the square. Write the element's name under the symbol. Write the atomic mass at the bottom of the square. Step 2: Determine the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in each element.

  8. PDF Periodic Table of Elements Research Project

    STEP ONE: RESEARCH (DAY 1-2) • Use a Chromebook to look for more information about your chosen element. Here are some helpful websites: • Or, borrow one of Ms. Chu's books about the periodic table • Fill out the graphic organizer below with information about your element. ALL this information will need to appear on your research poster. Element Graphic Organizer

  9. PDF Periodic Table Assignment

    Notice that each group (column) in the periodic table is identified at the top with a number and/or letter. There are two conventions used in the textbook. Label the groups that end in A (e.g. IA, IIA, IIIA, etc). Frame and colour the following groups (note: H is not an IA metal): Alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, noble gasses ...

  10. PDF Chapter 4, Lesson 2: The Periodic Table

    %PDF-1.7 %âãÏÓ 302 0 obj > endobj xref 302 42 0000000016 00000 n 0000001809 00000 n 0000001958 00000 n 0000002001 00000 n 0000002412 00000 n 0000002585 00000 n 0000002608 00000 n 0000002831 00000 n 0000003329 00000 n 0000003356 00000 n 0000003633 00000 n 0000003883 00000 n 0000004180 00000 n 0000004422 00000 n 0000004445 00000 n 0000004686 ...

  11. PDF Periodic Table Worksheet 2

    Periodic Table Worksheets 1. Periodic Table Worksheet 2. A. On the line to the left classify each of the following elements as : metal, nonmetal or metalloid. B. On the line to the right identify the element's family if it belongs to one of the families listed below, otherwise leave the line blank. 1st line. M - Metals.

  12. Periodic Table Worksheet

    Students use a periodic table to complete the missing information on 20 element cells. The PDF of this worksheet includes a copy of a printable black and white periodic table. The included periodic table can be downloaded separately here.. The answer key can be found on the next page.. For more practice, check out Periodic Table Worksheet #2.It has the same format, just different element cells.

  13. PDF CHEM1001 Worksheet 1: Matter and the Periodic Table

    CHEM1001 Worksheet 1: Matter and the Periodic Table Model 1: Matter Matter is anything which has mass and occupies space. A substance is matter which has uniform and constant composition. An Element is a substance that cannot be decomposed into two or more other substances by either chemical or physical means. An Atom is the smallest part of an element that can exist alone.

  14. Periodic Table of Elements, Free PDF Download

    The Periodic Table of Elements lesson plan includes three worksheets: an activity worksheet, a practice worksheet, and a homework assignment. Each one will reinforce the concepts of the lesson and help students demonstrate their grasp of the material.

  15. PDF Ptable.com Periodic Table

    PERIODIC TABLE OF ELEMENTS. Title: Ptable.com Periodic Table Author: Michael Dayah Created Date: 2/6/2017 12:38:25 AM ...

  16. Blank Periodic Table PDF

    Right-click and save the image file or else download the PDF and print as many copies as you need. This blank periodic table PDF is optimized to fit on a standard 8½×11 sheet of paper. Test your knowledge of the elements by filling this blank periodic table in by memory. Another idea is to copy a periodic table to help memorize the order of ...

  17. 1-7 The Periodic Table of Elements

    The Periodic Table of Elements Worksheet - Word Docs, PowerPoint, & PDF's. Please note this lesson will cover multiple days. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES. 1-7 Additional Resources - Periodic Table (Doc) 1-7 Additional Resources - Periodic Table (PDF) GUIDED NOTES. 1-7 Guided Notes SE - Periodic Table (Doc)

  18. PDF Color Coding the Periodic Table

    Student Worksheet. This worksheet will help you understand how the periodic table is arranged. Your teacher will give you a copy of the periodic table to color. Using map pencils, color each group on the table as follows: Color the square for Hydrogen sky blue. Lightly color all metals yellow. Place black dots in the squares of all alkali metals.

  19. FREE Printable Periodic Table of Elements Science Worksheets

    Using these periodic table of elements worksheets studnets in 3rd grade, 4th grade, 4th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, and 12 grade will enjoy learning about different elements and their symbols. Simply print the periodic table activity worksheet pdf and you are ready to play and learn.

  20. Free Printable Periodic Tables (PDF and PNG)

    This is a collection of free printable periodic tables in PDF file or PNG image format to save, print, and use. Some tables are available as slides in Google Apps. These periodic tables use accurate data for name, atomic number, element symbol, atomic weight, and electron configuration, obtained from the International Union of Pure and Applied ...

  21. Free Periodic Table Lesson Plans

    Periodic Table Lesson Plans. With help from the American Assocation of Chemistry Teachers and American Chemical Society, Ptable has sponsored the creation of exciting new lesson plans developed by chemistry teachers which take advantage of the site's in-depth interactivity.Using these free lesson plans, you can engage with the periodic table in ways which were previously impossible.

  22. PDF Periodic Table worksheet

    6.4 c Periodic Table of Elements Directions: Use the periodic table to fill in the below chart. Element. Atomic Symbol Number. # of protons. # of electrons. Atomic Mass. Rounded Atomic Mass. (show work) # of Neutrons.

  23. Periodic Table

    Periodic Table. P.12.A.2 - Students know elements in the periodic table are arranged into groups and periods by repeating patterns and relationships. Able to identify the positions of and explain why elements in the main groups of metals, non-metals, alkali metals, alkalinie earth metals, halogens and noble gases in the periodic table have ...